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Ayu Sukma Wididyardya


According to the author of Political Science, the state is the highest form of
organization that is most powerful and reflects the aim, desires, and aspirations of human beings
in a certain territory. Elements of the states consists of population, territory, government, and
sovereignty. Population is the people who make the state. Territory is a fixed area where the
population lives, includes land, water, and air. Government is the political organization which
holds the authority of the state. Sovereignty means the most supreme and legal authority, and has
two main aspects, internal sovereignty which means supreme authority over all the states
citizens and associations, and external sovereignty which means that the state is independent.
The main differences between state and society is that state has fixed territory and has the
power to enforce law, while society doesnt. State is a political organization, but society is a
social one. While the main difference between state and nation is that nation usually brought by
commonness, and state doesnt, as long as it has the sovereignty. And because the government is
a part of the state, it is also different form the definition of the state itself.
The conclusion is that state comes from people in a certain territory that is sovereign and
organized by its government. State is different from society, nation, and government mainly
based on the forms and type of organizations.


There are many kinds of sentences, such as simple sentence, compound sentence,
complex sentence, and complex-compound sentence. Simple sentence contains subjects,
verbs,and complement, and may contain compound subjects and verbs. Compound sentence
contains independent clauses joined by coordinator (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so). Complex
sentence contains dependent and independent clauses joined by a subordinator, and complexcompound sentence made from two independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses.
Here are the examples of the sentences given by the writer:
Simple sentence that contains compound subjects: Juan and Arturo play football every afternoon.
(underlined words is compound subjects)
Compound sentence: Alejandro played football, so Maria went shopping. (underlined word is
Complex sentence: The students are studying because they have a test tomorrow. (underlined
word is subordinator)
Complex-xompound sentence: At first, the gas was released into the air; it was found, however,
that the waste gas could be captured.
The writer conclude having the skills to write these sentences may help to improve the
way to express ideas and having more varieties in writing.

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