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Azor- combination of calcium channel blocker and angiotensin 2 receptor antagonist

o Antihypertensive
Benicar- angiotensin 2 receptor antagonist
o Antihypertensive
Lipitor (atorvastatin)- a statin, inhibits HMG-CoA reductase
o Lowers blood cholesterol
Glucotrol- anti diabetic, causes insulin release from pancreas
o Anti diabetic type II
Septra (sulfamethoxazole)- a zole
o Upper respiratory infections
Zovirax (acyclovir)- antiviral drugs
o Treatment of herpes and shingles and chicken pox
o may interact with benzos
Retrovir (AZT) (zidovudine)- anti retroviral drug
o Treatment of AIDS
Crixivan (ininavir)- antiretroviral drug
o Treatment of AIDS
Halcion (triazolam)- benzo
Clotrimazole troch, nystatin- topical antifungals
o Use these before systemic antifungals (ketoconazole and fluconazole)
Hydroxyzine- allergies and treatment of tension
Propranolol- beta blocker
Ampicillin- IV antibiotic, 2 g 30 mins to 1 hr before procedure for pre medication
Metformin- antidiabetic
Dexedrine- dextroamphetamine
Ritalin (methylphenidate)
Nizitidine (Tazac)- H2 receptor blocker
Diltiazem- Ca channel blocker
Plavix- blood thinner for high risk patients of stroke (CRV), MI
Valsartan- angiotensin receptor blockers
Fosamax, boniva, actonel- oral bisphosponates
Aredia, zometa,reclast, boniva
o Reclast is administered once a yr via iv
Denosumab- RANK ligand inhibitor, associated with MRONJ

Intractable pain- pain that is resistant to ordinary analgesic agents

Referred pain- pain felt in an area other than the site of origin
Psychogenic pain- pain produced or caused by mental factors rather than organic factors
Pain threshhold- the LOWEST level of pain a patient will detect
ED50- the effective dose at which 50% of people respond
LD50- the lethal dose at which 50% will die
Therapeutic index= LD50/ED50 the greater this number, the less likely fatalities follow and
accidental over dose
Therapeutic window- describes the range between the lowest therapeutic concentration and beginning
of toxicity

Additive effect- when additive drugs are administered, there is NO greater response then that which
would be expected had the drugs been given one at a time
Synergistic response- when the combined action of 2 drugs is GREATER than the sum of their individual
Efficacy- refers to the number of receptors that must be activated to yield a maximal response, a drug
with HIGH efficacy needs to stimulate only a small percentage of receptors where as a drug with LOWER
efficacy has to activate a larger proportion of receptors
Intrinsic activity- measure of the ability of a drug once bound to the receptor to generate an effect
activating stimulus
Potency- the relative concentrations of two or more drugs that produce the same drug effect. Which is
chosen to be 50% of maximal effect and the dose causing this effect is called EC50. Potency is determined
mainly by the affinity of the receptor for the drug. The smaller the EC50 the more potent the drug,
potency is a comparative term
There are two types of adverse reactions to LA 1. Toxicity 2. Allergy
Aspirin shouldnt be taken with couma

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