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ON THE WEB: E-MAIL: Newsroom: 781-934-2811 x25 Advertising: 781-934-2811 x23 Newsstand: $1.

Volume LX No. 1 “When snow falls, nature listens.” –– Antoinette van Kleeff Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Winter wallop
Weekend storm causes flooding,
keeps DPW crews on the road
By Justin Graeber, Clipper Editor storm for the employees,” he
The snow started falling Although the accumulation
on Friday afternoon. And it of the storm was only about
kept falling, and falling, all 8-10 inches –– as opposed to
through the weekend, keeping the prior storm, which dropped
DPW crews hopping and resi- nearly 20 inches of snow on
dents in their homes. Duxbury –– it was the dura-
“It was a long haul,” said tion that made it difficult to
DPW Director Peter Buttkus stay ahead of things.
of the storm. “It wasn’t the amount that
Plowing crews hit the road was the issue,” Buttkus. “It
for the first round of snow re- just never stopped.”
moval Friday, then were called Duxbury’s DPW doesn’t
back in around 2 a.m. on Sat- have enough staff to work in
urday, Buttkus said. The crews shifts, so many of the plow
worked for nearly 24 straight drivers spent hours upon hours
hours, then were called back in their trucks. WET AND WILD WINTER: A Jeep slogs through a flooded street during the weekend storm. The seem-
Sunday night for round three. ingly endless snowfall, mixed with a high tide, created flooding problems and had DPW crews out on
“It was a brutally long continued on page 14 the roads from Friday to Sunday. For more storm photos from readers see page 14. Photo by Judi Vose

International intrigue A bigger board?

Local student examines U.S.-China relationship Selectmen support citizen’s
petition to increase board to five
By Justin Graeber, Clipper Editor

picture of an American By Susanna Sheehan, Clipper Staff and Jon Witten voted to sup-
Flag lapel pin, wrapped in
port the article. Chairman Bet-
a plastic bag with “Made This week, Duxbury’s sy Sullivan voted against the
in China” stamped on it. It was one Board of Selectmen voted 2 to motion.
of the slides in Colin Clark’s presen- 1 to endorse a Town Meeting McCormack cited many
tation given at the library on Sunday, Colin Clark agenda item that calls for in- reasons for making the change.
and it summed up the complicated re- speaks about his creasing the number of select- With five selectmen he said
lationship between the two countries. experiences in men from three to five mem- there would be more decision
Clark, a Duxbury High School China as part of bers. makers sitting at the table in
graduate and current Hamilton Col- the Duxbury Free Paul McCormack of Par- the event a selectman had to
lege student, recently spent some time Library’s Sunday tridge Road is bringing forth excuse himself from an issue
studying in a university in Bejing. Salon Series. the warrant article as a citi- because of a conflict of inter-
(As part of the project, Clark wasn’t zen’s petition at the March an- est. McCormack used as an
Photo by Julius A. Prince, Jr.
nual Town Meeting.
continued from page 12
Selectmen Chris Donato continued on page 4


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2 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Legal Duxbury Almanac

3&4*%&/5*"-t$0..&3$*"- Notices Sponsored by Alan Hurley Roofing
Get your free estimate now to get on TOWN OF DUXBURY High High Low Low
our list for 2010. Thurs. Jan. 7 4:14 am 4:42 pm 10:55 am 11:16 pm
Emergency driveway repair available
INVITATION Fri. Jan. 8 5:12 am 5:45 pm 11:58 am --
Sun. Jan. 10 7:11 am 7:54 pm 1:14 am 2:06 pm
781.982.9898 The Town of Duxbury will Mon. Jan. 11 8:08 am 8:53 pm 2:12 am 3:05 pm receive sealed bids for, Tues. Jan. 12 9:02 am 9:44 pm 3:07 am 3:57 pm
“Tarkiln Community Center Wed. Jan. 13 9:50 am 10:29 pm 3:57 am 4:42 pm
Renovation”. The SUB BID Thurs. Jan. 14 10:33 am 11:10 pm 4:42 am 5:23 pm
DEADLINE (plumbing,
DUXBURY FIX IT SHOP HVAC, electrical) is January
Fri. Jan. 15 11:13 am 11:47 pm 5:24 am 6:00 pm


New Ariens & Toro is February 10, 2010 at 3:00

p.m. at the Inspectional

Thurs. Jan. 7
Sunrise Sunset
7:10 am 4:27 pm

Snow Throwers Services Department, 878

Tremont St., Duxbury, MA
Fri. Jan. 8
Sat. Jan. 9
7:10 am 4:28 pm
7:10 am 4:29 pm

in stock! 02332, at which time and

place all bids will be publicly
opened and read.
Sun. Jan.10
Mon. Jan. 11
7:10 am 4:30 pm
7:09 am 4:31 pm
Tues. Jan. 12 7:09 am 4:32 pm
781-585-2175 Bids should be addressed
Wed. Jan. 13 7:09 am 4:33 pm
SERVICE-SALES to Inspectional Services
Thurs. Jan. 14 7:08 am 4:35 pm
Mon-Sat 8 to 5 Department, 878 Tremont St.,
638 Summer St. (Rt. 53) - Duxbury, MA 02332 Duxbury, MA 02332 and must Fri. Jan. 15 7:08 am 4:36 pm
be marked in conspicuous
large bold faced lettering ALAN HURLEY
with “Town of Duxbury, MA,
Tarkiln Community Center”
with the date and time due, Do
Not Open on the lower front - WINTER SPECIAL -
left hand corner.
All specifications may be
Up to $500 Off New Bookings
obtained at Durland Van tBMBO!BMBOIVSMFZSPPmOHDPN
Voorhis Architects, 628
Pleasant Street, suite 322,
Since 1935 High Low Rainfall Snowfall 6AM Sky
Bedford, MA 02740, during Conditions
regular business hours on or
The Studio Staff after 3:00 p.m. on January 6, Saturday 39 37 -- -- Overcast
2010 upon request or by email at
wishes one & all a
Light Rain
Happy, Healthy Please refer to specifications
for further detail on how to
-- Scattered Clouds
-- Clear
New Year. submit the proposal.
All bidders are to execute
Thursday 34 23 -- 2.0” Thin Broken Clouds
Friday 38 31 -- 2.3” Overcast
the Non-Collusion/Fraud
After Certification and also the
Tax Certification Attestation
Totals: 0.41” 4.3”

CHRISTMAS which are part of the Bid

Documents. Failure to submit

Clearance these completed forms will not

allow the Town of Duxbury to
1. Stones Into Schools, by Greg Mortenson 2. The Help, by Kathryn
Stockett 3. The Lost Symbol, by Dan Brown 4. The Scallop
Christmas, by Jane Freeberg 5. The Night Before Christmas, by Jan
consider your bid.
Brett 6. True Compass: A Memoir, by Edward M. Kennedy 7. Diary
of a Wimpy Kid #4: Dog Days, by Jeff Kinney 8. The Elegance of the

Hedgehog, by Muriel Barbery 9. The Given Day, by Dennis Lehane
10. Mudbound, by Hillary Jordan

SAVE 50% -- Westwinds Bookshop

On selected fundraiser Real Estate transactions

2 Bassett Brook Ln. $365,000 William R. Graham and Susan M.
Christmas decorations The Duxbury Police Graham to Martin A. Glickman
Union is going to be conduct- 19 Old Meetinghouse Rd. $270,000 Christopher L. Bauer, and
Pre-Inventory ing its annual fundraiser in the
coming weeks. This year, the
Angela Bauer to Dana G. Nemes
6 Priscilla Rd. $480,000 Dana G. Nemes to Nancy E. Klein and
union will be utilizing a direct
Clearance mailing to all residents and
businesses. Members have
Michael P. Klein
558 Washington St. $1,170,000 Steven Craig Berry and Vanessa

50% OFF chosen to do so instead of the

past practice of using an out-
M. Berry to Chris T. White and Paula A. White

side agency to solicit dona-

Selected General Gift Ware tions over the phone. Officers POSTAL STATEMENT
hope that this will eliminate
concerns that residents have The Duxbury
expressed during past fund Clipper is
raising done locally by calling published week-
ly by Clipper
The Studio will be closed Mondays people at home. Residents can
Press, 11 So.
January and February be assured that 100 percent of Station Street,
their donations will go direct- Duxbury, MA
HOURS: Tues-Sat 10am-5:30pm ly to the causes that the union 02331. Periodical
supports. postage permit (USPS#163-260) paid at Duxbury, MA.
POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to Duxbury
Clipper at PO Box 1656, Duxbury, MA 02331.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010 Duxbury Clipper 3

More seats looking like Governor’s Painting classes offered at ACM

Laura Tryon Jennings will is scheduled on Wednesdays,
chief of staff to offer two different classes at 4-6:30 p.m., for six weeks from
they’ll be contested speak
The Art Complex Museum,
this January. She is an award-
winning artist with national ex-
Jan. 20 until Feb. 24. The cost
is $165 plus a $20 supply fee.
Oil Painting for Beginner
By Justin Graeber, Clipper Editor Street took out papers to run
for School Committee, joining The Duxbury Interfaith hibitions whose work is in the to Intermediate for Adults will
There may be several con- Christine McLaughlin. There Council and the No Place homes of prominent collectors focus on the basics with draw-
tested races in the spring elec- are two seats on the committee for Hate Committee will including author, Mary Hig- ing hints. The nuances of color
tion, as more residents took up for re-election, the other is sponsor gins Clark, and Grammy win- theory, color mixing, compo-
out papers to run for office held by Karen Wong. the Annual ner, Bruce Hornsby. sition and view point will be
over the holidays. Also last week, Gregory Martin Lu- In Oil Painting for Begin- covered by working from a still
Hunter of Herring Weir Road ther King ner to Intermediate For Teens, life set up in the studio. The
Election Update took out papers to run for mod- Jr. Prayer participants will learn the ba- class is on Wednesdays, 10:30
Several incumbent can- erator, joining Friend Weiler. Break- sics with tips on how to paint a.m.-1:30 p.m., for five weeks
didates declared early on in Also this week, incumbent fast on from a landscape photograph. from Jan. 20 until Feb. 17. The
the election season that they John Todd of East Street took M o n d a y, Jennings provides a relaxed, cost is $165 plus $20 supply
wouldn’t seek re-election, in- out papers to retain his seat Jan. 18 encouraging environment with fee. Registration required at
cluding selectman Jon Witten, on the Housing Authority. He at the High Street Method- individual attention. The class 781- 934-6634, ext. 15.
School Committee member joins James MacNab of the ist Church. This year the
George Cipolletti and long- Board of Assessors, Theodore keynote speaker will be Ar-
time town moderator Allen Flynn of the Board of Library thur Bernard, chief of staff
Bornheimer. Trustees, Town Clerk Nancy to Governor Deval Patrick
So far, Shawn Dahlen and Oates and Planning Board and a Duxbury resident. The
Will Zachmann have taken member John Bear as incum- high school chorus will also
out papers to run for the se- bents who have taken out pa- perform under the direc-
lectman seat. This week, Col- pers. tion of Jim Donovan. Plan
leen Brayer of Tobey Garden to attend and help celebrate PEMBROKE'S #1 PLACE FOR
Navigating the boat show with remembering the ideals
of Martin Luther King Jr. 15 COLUMBIA RD • PEMBROKE, MA 02339 • WWW.BRITISHBEER.COM
Duxbury Bay Maritime hear from the insiders! Snow The breakfast will begin
School has called in two local date will be on Feb. 10. at 8:15 a.m. followed by the
experts for an informative pre- DBMS is located at 457 service at 9 a.m. at the High
sentation on boat buying on Washington Street, in the Snug Street Methodist Church.
Wednesday, Feb. 3, at 7 p.m. Harbor section of Duxbury. There is a requested dona-
J.R. Kent, President of Bay- Call the office to let us know tion of $5 per person or $10
side Marine, will offer a pow- you are coming (for planning per family. For more infor-
er boat shopping perspective, purposes and in case of snow), mation you can contact the &INE7INEs"EERs,IQUORs#IGARS
while Sam Lawson, President 781-934-7555. Suggested do- Duxbury Interfaith Council
of Lawson Yachts in Hing- nation is $5 at the door to cov- at 781-934-8388 or visit us (APPY.EW9EAR
ham, will discuss the sailboat er the light refreshments. at 3TOP3HOP0LAZAs+INGSTON
side. Don’t miss the chance to 781.422.9999

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1 hour $50 1 hour $60
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4 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Selectmen sign off on petition

continued from page one Pros and cons selectmen, there are far fewer
disagreements and chances are
example the time that Sullivan The town government study less that you’ll get a candidate
stepped down during discus- committee listed these argu-
with a hidden agenda.”
sions about Foodie’s super- ments in support of a five
member board: In its recommendation
market because the bank for against the increase, the town
which she worked does busi- • More people to share the government study committee
ness with Foodie’s. workload stated that over the past twen-
“Every time you meet one- • Greater variation of experi- ty years there was a “general,
on-one, you’re a quorum,” ence and opinion although perhaps not universal
said McCormack feeling” that the selectmen have
With five selectmen Mc- • Increased representation of handled their responsibilities
Cormack said the board would voters “fairly, competently and in a
also run into fewer conflicts • Less chance of a lack of timely manner.” The commit-
with the open meeting law. quorum tee also found that other towns Experienced Bookkeeping Services
With a board of three, two se- that had recently expanded 15 years experience servicing local businesses
lectmen together constitute a • A “bad apple” has less their boards saw mixed results.
quorum, or majority, and must impact
In the best cases, more select-
not discuss anything related to The study committee offered men “increased the diversity
their roles as town officials or these reasons against broad- of representation, spread the t$PNQFUJUJWF3BUFT
it would be considered a viola- ening the number of select- work load and allowed more
tion of the open meeting law. men: work to be accomplished.” In Debbie Tillotson • 781.724.2279 •
Also, having more select- • Each member has more the worst situations, the larger
men would ease the workload responsibility to attend meet- board “created factionalism,
on the board, especially when ings and keep current reduced cooperation and trust
acting as liaisons to town com- and interfered with effective
mittees, according to McCor- • A lack of good candidates to town management,” stated the
mack. Selectmen are respon- run for the position committee’s report.
sible for 13 town committees • Increased possibility of fac- “Given the positive expe-
each, as there are 41 town tions and divisiveness rience of Duxbury with a three
committees, said McCormack. member board, the absence
A similar article present- • Increased likelihood of slow-
of any compelling reason to
ing down the decision-making
ed to town meeting in 2003 change and the potentially det-
by resident Nicholas Pagli- rimental effects of an increase
arulo was approved with a • Possible loss of cooperation … the board recommends
two-thirds vote. However, the and trust against the proposal,” accord-
state’s attorney general later • “If it’s not broken, don’t fix ing to the report. (See sidebar
disqualified this article. it” theory for more information.)
Then-Attorney General McCormack said he felt
Thomas Reilly stated that the member boards of selectmen, the government study commit-
article, which was an amend- McCormack should offer the tee’s report on this subject was
ment to the town’s bylaws, information as to whether the “arbitrary.”
was “inconsistent with the towns have a strong or a weak Selectmen Chairman Bet-
Home Rule Amendment and town manager act. Duxbury sy Sullivan was on that com-
general laws 43B, the Home has a strong manager act, leav- mittee and she disagreed with
Rule Procedures Act.” Reilly ing selectmen with only very McCormack’s assertion that
concluded his four-page opin- specific authority over certain the committee’s two years of
ion on his decision by saying topics. work and findings were arbi-
that Duxbury could enlarge Donato was supportive trary.
the board of selectmen by pe- of the idea because he felt it “It was a very difficult is-
titioning the Legislature for a would involve and inform sue to decide when we took it
Home Rule Special Act. more Duxbury residents. up,” said Sullivan. “It wasn’t
A second attempt to en- “There is so much infor- an arbitrary issue.”
large the board at special mation I get that the public According to McCormack,
Town Meeting in 2005 was doesn’t get,” Donato said. “I’d if voters approve the increase
postponed until the town could love to see more people get in selectmen this March, then
hear the recommendations by more information. I’m all for a petition will be sent to the
the newly formed town gov-
ernment study committee.
bringing more people on board
to get a more educated popula-
general court of the state leg- Hello DUXBURY!!!
islature, where it could be ap-
Created in 2004, the commit- tion.” proved by June. In November,

0 %
tee completed its work in 2006 McCormack said he felt Duxbury voters would have
and ultimately rejected the idea that with five selectmen, to approve the change at the
of a larger board of selectmen. “someone would be more ac- annual election, and then ad-
McCormack said that in
Massachusetts, there are 135
cessible,” although he admit-
ted he never had reason to
ditional selectmen would be
elected at the town election in
towns with five selectmen and
162 with three member boards.
None with five members has
contact the current selectmen
and couldn’t comment on their
March 2011. up to
ever reduced its size, he said. Former Selectman Mar- 2010 JEEP 2010 DODGE 2010 CHRYSLER
Although he voted in favor garet Kearney, who served Democrats to � Patriot � Charger � PT Cruiser
of supporting McCormack’s for nine years and was also a
� Compass � Journey � Sebring
article, Selectman Jon Witten member of the government � Liberty � Grand Caravan Convertible
said he was not sure there was study committee, opposed the � 300 No Charge All Wheel Drive
The Duxbury Democrat-
� Grand Cherokee � Dakota
any benefit moving from three change.
ic Town Committee will be � Commander � Ram 1500 � Town+Country
to five. “I will be vocal against the
“I’m the town counsel in article,” she said, adding that holding the annual caucus s
to elect delegates who will lu FREE MAINTENANCE *
towns with three selectmen she saw no reason to change

and those with five selectmen, the board if it was working attend the Democratic State
and I’ve seen no discernable well. Convention in June. The S A L E S • S E R V I C E • PA RT S
differences,” said Witten. “My She felt the smaller board meeting will be in the Merry
gut feeling is to leave it (the brought more accountability Room at the Duxbury Pub-
number) alone.” on selectmen to show up and lic Library, Saturday, Feb. 460 Yarmouth Road Hyannis
But he added: “It’s a clas- participate. 20, 10-12 a.m. Those of you
who have questions can con- Exit 7 off Route 6 Open 7 Days
sic case of let the voters de- “I missed one meeting in
cide.” nine years,” Kearney said. “If tact Tina Kerkam, Secretary,
Witten said that instead there were five selectmen, I 781-588-4765 or tkerkam@
of using as a comparison how think I would not have been
many towns have three or five so committed. Also, with three 508-888-8200
*Available on select models.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010 Duxbury Clipper 5

Lower up-front costs Facebook and It’s

of saving energy privacy Worth
Want to sign up for Fa- The
Full Line
cebook to keep in touch with
By Dick Rothschild, Clipper Columnist of New and
he payoffs for reducing your home’s energy use relatives and friends but are Pre-owned
seem almost too good to be true. While fattening up concerned about your priva- Vehicles Zachary Turner
Sales Consultant
your wallet by shrinking your utility bills you slow cy? Come to this Tech Talk Duxbury Resident
global warming, clean up the air and cut carbon emissions. As and learn about Facebook
you reduce dependence on foreign oil you make your home privacy settings and how to
more comfortable. O.K. so what’s the catch? The catch is that keep your personal informa-
you have to plunk down dollars. You must make an initial tion safe. The class will be
investment in energy saving materials and equipment to realize Thursday, Jan. 7, from 7–8
these rewards. p.m. in the Duxbury Free
Luckily, right now, there are many juicy rebates, dollar Library’s Setter Room. xÈÊ*ÀœÛˆ`i˜ViÊÜÞÊUÊ,œÕÌiÊ£]Ê œÀܜœ`Ê
incentives, tax credits and exemptions Ê
out there. They can substantially lower
your up-front investment in long term
savings. Finding them, though, can be
a tricky treasure hunt, so let me offer a
helping hand. To make it easier to zero
Thinking Green in on those you can take advantage of,
I’ve listed them under specific types of
home energy saving improvements...
Roofing (metal and asphalt), Insulation and Weatherization Family Owned &Operated
The Federal Government offers an income tax credit of 30 Since 1923
percent of the cost of roofing, insulation and weatherization - Senior & Prompt
efficiency improvements in your principal residence, up to a Payment Discounts
maximum of $1,500. This credit amount comes right off your - Budget Payment Plans

total Federal income tax. Products used to accomplish the - 24 Hour Burner Service
- Automatic Delivery Service
result must be ENERGY STAR listed. This credit offer expires - Complete Heating Installations
Dec. 31, 2010. For more details consult
Call Today About
In addition, Bay State Gas will give you, if you are one of 508-746-1278 Proudly serving Duxbury Our Holiday Special For New
their residential customers, a rebate of 75 percent of the first 20 Holman Road, Plymouth and surrounding towns Automatic Delivery customers
$2,000 of the cost of weatherizing your home or apartment.
There are some qualifiers to the Bay State Gas offer. You
can only get the wall insulation rebate if your walls are not
35 Depot Street
Macdonald 781-934-2863
already insulated. To qualify for a roof insulation rebate, your
existing roof or attic insulation has to be rated R-11 or lower.
Duxbury Marketplace
(across from Tsang's)
& Wood
We Deliver!
To find out more go to, click on “Save Energy
and Money” then “Energy Efficiency for Your Home.”
Windows, Doors & Skylights
The 30 percent Federal income tax credit for insulation and
roofing enhancement is also available for more energy efficient
Ski More! 6^]T
windows and doors in your principal residence. Again, the
$1,500 limit applies. Replacement products must be ENERGY Cook Less! BZXX]V
STAR listed. This credit program also ends on Dec. 31, 2010.
Go to the Energy Star address above. On top of this, Bay State
Winter Favorites!
Gas will pay their customers $10 for each window replaced Turkey Chili w/ Rice $10 per quart
with Energy Star listed units which have a U-factor of .35 or
less. The Bay State Gas link above has additional details. Short Ribs w/ Yukon Mashed Potatoes$18 (serves 2-3)
Heating, Hot Water & Air Conditioning Beef Burgundy $15 (serves 2-3) $28 (serves 4-6)
The federal income tax credit available for weatherization,
doors and windows (30 percent of cost up to $1,500) also Mexican Beef Casserole$15 (serves 3-4) $28 (serves 6-8)
can be taken for more efficient heating, ventilating and air Creamy Chicken and Rice$14 (serves 3-4) $26 (serves 6-8)
conditioning equipment and water heaters. The credit covers
gas, propane and oil fired hot water boiler and furnace and much, much more!
replacements as well as central air conditioning equipment and
air source heat pumps. Credits are also available for domestic
hot water heaters, whether energized by gas, oil, propane or
electric heat pump. Heating, hot water and air conditioning
equipment must meet minimum efficiency ratings to qualify
for the tax credit. Those ratings are listed at .
Bay State Gas offers additional rebates for heating and hot
water equipment replacements. They include:
• a $100 rebate on ENERGY STAR qualified furnaces with New Home New Year
an AFUE (Annual Fuel Efficiency) rating of 92 percent or
higher, or a $400 rebate if they are also equipped with electric
commutated motors
• a $500 rebate on ENERGY STAR qualified hot water
boilers with an AFUE rating of 85 percent or higher, or a
$1,000 rebate with an AFUE rating of 90 percent or higher
• a $25 rebate on ENERGY STAR qualified programmable
NSTAR, via the COOL SMART residential rebate program,
offers an incentive of $250 per half-ton of downsizing of a
replacement central air conditioning system to the installing
contractor. It offers an additional $250 per half-ton of DUXBURY, MA. NEW LISTING!
downsizing to the customer. To learn the requirements in order $699,000
Big credits and incentives are available for installing s/VERLOOKSPICTURESQUECRANBERRYBOG s"ONUS SFLOWERLEVEL
geothermal heat pumps, small (residential) wind turbines and s%AT INGRANITEKITCHENWITHISLAND s(ARDWOODmOORS  #ARATTACHEDGARAGE
solar energy systems. I’d love to tell you about them, but have
run out of space allotted for this column. So, the best I can do 459 Washington Street. Duxbury. 781.934.2000
for now is to wish you a very happy, sustainable New Year.
Donna Wood Liz Bone Marcia Solberg Kristin Coppola Shawn Moloney
Each Office Is Independently Owned And Operated.
6 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, January 6, 2010

School cafeteria workers

decry loss of benefits
By Susanna Sheehan, Clipper Staff
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Upset and frustrated, Dux- •Budgets Plans • Annual Cleanouts • Incentives
bury cafeteria workers who
lost their health care benefits Call for Details: 781-293-9488
last year after their work hours
were reduced asked the Board
of Selectmen for help Monday
Give a gift that gives back
Karen Monterio, a nine- >ÌÕÀ>Ê Vœ‡vÀˆi˜`Þ]Ê>˜`“>`i]Ê>ˆÀÊ/À>`iÊ}ˆvÌÃ
year cafeteria employee, told ,i>ÝÊLÞÊ̅iÊvˆÀiÊ܈̅Ê>ÊœÌÊ
…œVœ>Ìi]Ê >ÌÕÀ>Ê-“œœÌ…ˆi]ʜÀÊ>˜ÊiëÀiÃÜÊ>˜`Ê>ÊVœœŽˆi
selectmen she felt the cafeteria œÕÀÃ\
workers who lost their benefits œ˜‡->ÌÊn>“‡È«“
last fall were unfairly singled -՘`>ÞÊ£ä>“‡È«“
“We are here because we ÕÝLÕÀÞÊ>ÀŽiÌ«>ViÊUÊÎxÊ i«œÌÊ-ÌÀiiÌÊUÊÇn£‡™Î{‡ÇÇÇ{
feel we were caused an in- "`Ê>ňœ˜i`Ê*i˜˜ÞÊ
>˜`Þ]ʈ˜}iÀÊ iÌÌÞ\ÊœÕÃiÃÊEÊ
justice by the loss of our ben- >˜`“>`iÊ*œÌÌiÀÞÊ>˜`ÊÜʓÕV…Ê“œÀi°°°°
efits,” said Monterio. “It just Cafeteria workers who lost their benefits as part of a cost-cutting
seems unfair to have a cut in measure last year came before the Board of Selectmen Monday to
our hours so we would lose plead their case.
our benefits.”
According to James Sul- expenses. selectmen’s authority,” said
Last month, Town Man- Witten. “The selectmen could

livan of Tremont Street, as

many as ten cafeteria work- ager Richard MacDonald told make a lot of noise about this
ers and their families lost their Sullivan he had spoken to injustice, but the suggestion
health insurance after their Skeiber about this issue and that we’re kicking this mat-

jobs were reduced to under 20 planned to meet with her and ter down the road is not accu-
hours, the part-time minimum the schools business manager      rate.”
rt s

“about a potential solution.” James Sullivan said se-

that allows an employee eligi-
bility for benefits. These em- “I understand and I appre- lectmen could issue a let-
ployees have worked for the ciate his concern,” MacDonald ter with their opinion on the
town from ten to 28 years, said told selectmen. matter. Witten said he would
Sullivan. On Monday, MacDonald need more information before
Sullivan brought this issue said there had been no more  agreeing 
to do this.
before selectmen at their meet- action on resolving this situa-        
ing Dec. 21 and came back to tion.
discuss it again on Monday. “I’m still talking to the
“This is a very concern- schools but I have no further 7 8 1 . 9 3 4 . 6 6 8 2
ing situation that isn’t getting information,” said MacDon-
the attention that it needs,” ald. 3ENIORSs3PORTSs %VENTSs4HEATREs 0ORTRAITS
said Sullivan. “The town has Selectmen Chairman Bet- 781.934.6682 sWWWKARENWONG PHOTOCOM
slashed benefits on a very sy Sullivan, who is no relation
small vulnerable group of peo- to James Sullivan, told the caf-
ple with no union protection. eteria workers that selectmen
We have not treated anyone had limited power to make any
else like that. How is it we can changes for them.
pick this small group and do “The School Committee
this to them? Get them their does have control over its own
benefits back.” budget,” she said. “We are try-
Sullivan said that these ing to work with them.”
workers have been forced to She said the decision was
pay thousands of dollars for made ten years ago to have the
their own health insurance out lunch program be self-support-
of their decreased pay. ing and pay for all expenses
“These people are getting including cafeteria employees’
no response from any organi- salaries and benefits.
zation in town,” he said. “The program was to have
The schools’ food services absorbed all the costs,” she
department is financially self- said.
sustaining and the cafeteria Sullivan said that this situ-
workers are paid out of a re- ation had happened to library
volving fund for this program. employees in the past also.
In this fund, the money taken in “You weren’t singled out
by the program is used to pay because of who you are,” she
its expenses, including salaries told the cafeteria workers.
and benefits. Benefits of other “We are trying to work some-
school and town employees thing out.”
are paid from the budget line James Sullivan said he
item labeled “town and school thought having the cafeteria
shared costs.” workers salaries and benefits
At an October school com- tied to the lunch program was
mittee meeting, Superinten- wrong.
dent of Schools Susan Skeiber “It doesn’t make sense and
said the school lunch program nobody’s doing anything about
had run up a $128,000 deficit it,” he said.
that had to be made up some- Selectman Jon Witten
how. She said the reasons for felt there was little selectmen
the shortfall were varied, and could to help in the situation
included a reduction in partici- because the matter was under
pation, the floundering econo- the control of the school de-
my, as well as an increase in partment.
health care costs. Cutting em- “If there’s anything I’ve
ployees hours and subsequent- learned in my three years on
ly benefits reduced program the board is the limits of the
Wednesday, January 6, 2010 Duxbury Clipper 7

Nuclear articles on warrant

By Susanna Sheehan, Clipper Staff Regulatory Agency’s response In other business, select-
If you do business in Duxbury, you should

to monitoring wells is that they men:
This week, selectmen vot- are a “voluntary initiative” • Voted unanimously to
ed unanimously to endorse two from the reactor’s owner. How- support an article to spend
Town Meeting articles related ever, she said, the new head of $10,000 on the town’s annual
to the Pilgrim Nuclear power the NRA wants to revisit this Fourth of July parade and cele-
station in Plymouth. issue and that Duxbury’s action bration. Organizers said it costs Thursday, Jan. 14 from 5:30 to 7:00 pm
The board supported an ar- in approving this town meeting over $34,500 to host the parade Eastern Bank
ticle by the Duxbury Nuclear article might stimulate the state and weekend beach party with 19 Depot Street, Duxbury Marketplace
Advisory Committee that asks to require better monitoring bonfire and that they raise more
Pilgrim’s owner, Entergy, to wells at nuclear power plants than $23,000 per year in dona-
beef up its inspection system, in Massachusetts. tions. The town’s contribution
including installing more and Fire Chief Kevin Nord said allows them to book bands and 4VQQPSUMPDBMCVTJOFTTFT
better monitoring wells to de- the Duxbury Emergency Man- acts early in the season, mak- EVYCVSZCVTJOFTTBTTPDJBUJPODPN
tect radioactive chemicals in agement Agency supports this ing for a fun, festive Fourth.
the ground water. article. Members of the July 4th com-
“The current four-well “DEMA feels it’s a very mittee had been worried fund-
monitoring system used by En- valid argument,” he said. ing would be cut this year.
tergy at Pilgrim Station does “We’re concerned about run- • Voted to endorse the an-
not meet reasonable standards
for monitoring design net-
off into the bay as well.”
Selectmen also unanimous-
nual lease of Duxbury Beach
at the same amount as previ-
If you
work,” states the article. ly endorsed another article by ous years, $400,000. Margaret want
Nuclear Advisory Commit- the Nuclear Advisory Commit- Kearney, president of the Dux- your
tee Chairwoman Mary “Pixie” tee that requires Entergy pay bury Beach Reservation, which
Lampert said the chemical tri- additional money to Duxbury owns the beach, said that this child
tium was detected in the three because of its proximity to Pil- money mostly covers the Res-
monitoring wells near Pilgrim grim. ervation’s costs of maintaining to be
in November 2007 but noth- Lampert said Marshfield the portion of the beach the
ing has ever been done about received $100,000 more from town leases. Last year, it cost
it. Tritium is a radioactive Entergy this year than Dux- $327,000 to maintain this sec-
isotope of hydrogen and is a bury did, but Duxbury has tion.
byproduct in nuclear reactors
producing electricity, accord-
15,000 people in the Emer-
gency Planning Zone around
• Learned that Verizon will
be coming before their board in then
ing to the Environmental Pro- Pilgrim, while Marshfield has February or March for a hear- you
tection Agency’s Web site. Tri- only 1,500 people in the EPZ. ing on the broadband television
tium is dangerous if inhaled or “We’re not saying that service FiOS. Negotiations be- want
ingested in drinking water and Marshfield should get less, but tween the town and Verizon for
exposure to tritium increases that the other towns should bringing FiOS to Duxbury are
the risk of developing cancer, get more based on population almost complete and a contract Applications due: Jan. 25
according to the EPA. and geographic area,” said is in sight, said Town Manager
Lampert said the Nuclear Lampert. Richard MacDonald.

film series
Learn how your tax dollars are spent
($8 million a day)
DCTV - Channel 13
Fridays 9:00-10:00 p.m.
Replays Saturdays & Sundays 6:00 p.m.
Mondays 5:30 p.m.

Jan. 8 - Life in Occupied Palestine

Jan. 15 - The Iron Wall
Jan. 22 - Jerusalem: East Side Story
Jan. 29 - The Closed Zone
- Is Israel Guilty of Piracy?
- This Palestinian Life
and other films

Contact: for February films

Sponsored by Committee for Middle East Peace
8 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Send around town items

including births, anniversaries,
promotions and other life milestones to



➢➢ Jake Epstein and Nicholas 40 INDEPENDENCE ROAD • KINGSTON
Evans, both 2009 graduates of
Boston College High School,
(Rte 53 near Duxbury/Kingston Line)
have been named AP Scholars 781-422-0131
by the College Board in rec-
ognition of their exceptional
achievement on the College-
Level Advanced Placement (AP)
Examinations. Epstein qualified
for the AP Scholar with Distinc-
tion Award, by earning an aver-
age grade of at least 3.5 on all
AP Exams taken, and grades of
3 or higher on five or more of
these exams. Evans qualified A Tufankjian Family Dealership
for the AP Scholar with Honor EXIT 17 OFF RT 3 • 210 UNION ST • BRAINTREE • 866-441-6609
Award, by earning an average
grade of at least 3.25 on all AP
Exams taken, and grades of 3 or
higher on four or more of these Wits End Computer Center
sales and service
➢➢ The 2009 Pan-Massachu-
setts Challenge (PMC) has con-
tributed $30,384,200 to adult
and pediatric cancer care and
research at Dana-Farber Can-
cer Institute through its August
cycling event. Thirty-two Dux-
bury residents participated and
raised $170,226 of the $30.4 24 Hour
million. The PMC’s 30th year Computer Repair
marked a total of $270 million
in funds raised for cancer re- Computer Sales and Service
Alden fifth grader Sydney Pandiscio recently donated eight inches
search and treatment at Dana- of her hair to Pantene Beautiful Lengths – a program to make wigs Computers starting
Farber Cancer Institute. for people who are undergoing cancer treatment. Her hair was cut
at $299.00
➢➢ Emily Martecchini has be- by Colleen at A-Z Studios in Hingham during the recent school vaca-
gun her first year at Mount Ho- tion. Sydney is the daughter of Paul and Sheila Pandiscio.
lyoke College in South Hadley.
Emily is the daughter of Andre
and Stephanie Martecchini.
➢➢ On Jan. 9 at 6 p.m. at the
Pembroke Knights of Colum-
bus, Fashion Focus Students
will present “Leading Ladies,”
a Charity Graduation Fashion
Show. This semester, Fashion
Focus will graduate over 100
students from communities all
over the South Shore, includ-
ing Duxbury. A portion of the
proceeds will be donated to The 4BUVSEBZ +BOVBSZ
Magical Moon Foundation, a
local charity that supports chil- BN
dren undergoing treatment for $BMMUPSFHJTUFS
cancer. For more information
about the organization, visit the- • Core curriculum of English, history, math, On Jan. 9 at 6 p.m. at The Pembroke Knights of Columbus, Fashion science, and foreign language --
To purchase tickets or to submit Focus Students will present “Leading Ladies,” a Charity Graduation every student, every year.
donations, contact Maria Wood Fashion Show. Pictures are girls who will participate in the show
at 781-826-0241 or visit marias- including Heather May Rotman (fourth from left) and Molly Conway • All our courses are designed by our (second from right) from Duxbury. teachers. We don’t teach to a test.

Learn lighting techniques • Average SAT scores 361 points higher than the
Massachusetts average.
The Duxbury Camera Roberts’ fine arts honors to give photographers of all • 3 seniors, in a class of 38, are National Merit
Club Jan. 6 meeting will fea- include the “People’s Choice” levels an opportunity to grow Scholarship Semifinalists, 7 are Commended
ture fine art and commercial Award in the North River and learn about their craft, -- more than any other school on the Cape
photographer Steven David Arts Festival in 2008 and a the Club is now sponsoring
Roberts of Marshfield. Dur- “People’s Choice” Award in workshops and photo walks and Islands.
ing his presentation “Creating the North River Arts Society which are open to members • More than 40% of our students receive
Good Lighting with Flash,” “Perpetual Motion” Show. only. The first Member’s
Roberts will demonstrate He applies the same creative Workshop, to be presented by need-based financial aid.
the creative use of portable approach to his work as a photographer Glenn Pollock
strobes to yield amazing re- commercial and portrait pho- on mounting and matting RESEARCH YOUR OPTIONS THOROUGHLY.
sults while shooting on loca- tographer. photographs, is scheduled for
tion. Members will have the Camera Club meets the Jan. 9 in the Library’s Setter

opportunity to see the light- first Wednesday of each Room.
ing equipment as well as the month, from 7-9:30 p.m. in For more information
resulting images. To round the Merry Room of the Dux- on the Club e-mail kather-
out the learning experience
Roberts will critique mem-
bers’ work as time allows.
bury Free Library. Guests are
always welcome at the regu-
lar meetings. With a mission or drop
in at the January meeting. B D B E F N Z
Wednesday, January 6, 2010 Duxbury Clipper 9

Around Town Hall Coakley volunteers

The Martha Coakley Cam-
paign is looking for volunteers A+ Qwerty Computer Repair
Finance Committee: in Duxbury to help with a FREE DIAGNOSTIC WITH THIS COUPON
Thursday, Jan. 7, 7:30 p.m. at phone bank (Sunday, Jan. 17) VË?¬Í¬Ë
the Senior Center. and sign-holding on election VË ?Í?Ë ?WÖ¬ËVË7‰ÁÖÄË-j”Ü?ËVËjßM?ÁaË-j¬?Wj”j™Í

Fiscal Advisory Com- day (Tuesday, Jan. 19). For VË+‰WÖ¬ËFË-jÍÖÁ™ËV˝ÖÄjË


mittee: Thursday, Jan. 7, 7:30 more information on Martha’s 10% SENIOR DISCOUNT
p.m. at the Senior Center. campaign please visit martha- QUICK TURN AROUND SERVICE AT To help out in AFFORDABLE RATES!
Local Housing Partner- Duxbury, please e-mail Kath-

ship: Thursday, Jan. 7, 7:30 ryn Palmer at kathybpalmer@ ÝÝݱ¶ÝjÁÍßW”¬ÖÍjÁ±W”

p.m. at the Senior Center. or Josh Cutler at ϚÉË.Ö͆ËÜj±^Ë8†‰Í”?™ËVËÈo¤ˆ||Ȉåyo|
Planning Board: Monday,
Jan. 11, 7 p.m. in the small con-
ference room at Town Hall.
Zoning Board of Ap-
Board of Selectmen: peals: Thursday, Jan. 14, 7:30
Monday, Jan. 11, 7 p.m. in the p.m. in the Mural Room.
Mural Room at Town Hall. Fully Certified
Conservation Commis-
Board of Library Trust- sion: Tuesday, Jan. 19, 7 p.m. Technicians
ees: Tuesday, Jan. 12, 8 a.m. in the Mural Room.
at the library. • Shuttle Service
Alternative Energy Com-
Local Historic District mittee: Tuesday, Jan. 26, 7:30 • Towing
Study Committee: Tuesday, p.m. at the Senior Center.
Jan. 12, 7 p.m. at the Senior • Frame & Laser Beam
Center. School Committee: Technology
Wednesday, Feb. 3, 7 p.m. at
Community Preservation the Alden School. • Color Matching Specialist
Committee: Thursday, Jan. The Best Auto Collision Center
• Rental Vehicles Available
14, 8 a.m. in the Mural Room. You’ll Find by Accident!
798 Washington St. 104 Mattakeesett St. • All Major Insurance
Companies Referrals

Brush burning permits

Rt. 53, N. Pembroke Rt. 14 Pembroke
781-826-0277 781-293-7400 • Used Vehicle Sales
Hours: Monday – Friday - 8am – 5pm
Brush burning permits are Burning without a 2010
now available for purchase permit is a violation and burn-
during normal business hours ing privileges will be revoked
from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. week-
days, as well as from 9 a.m. to
2 p.m. on Saturdays and Sun-
days. The cost of the burning
for the remainder of the burn-
ing season.
Burning permits are only
for brush, cane, driftwood,
permit is $10 for the season. and forestry products. Burn- ™<g^Z[adhh
The Duxbury Fire Depart- ing of leaves, grass, hay, straw,
ment only accepts checks, no
cash will be accepted. Burn-
stumps, finish lumber, or con-
struction debris is strictly pro-
ing permits are sold only at
the Central Fire Station at 688
hibited and doing so will be
cause for immediate revocation
Tremont St.
The burning season will
of the permit. Burning must
be done on land proximate to
start on Jan. 15, 2010 and the
last day will be May 1. Resi-
where the brush is generated,
must be done at least 75 feet
dents are strongly encour- from a dwelling, and adequate

aged to get their burning done resources must be available
early because burning will be to immediately extinguish the
very limited if we have a dry fire if requested to do so by a
spring. fire official. Burning will only
be permitted when weather
and wind conditions are ac- AZha^ZEgdjam8jiaZg!B#6#!AB=8
Sunday Salon: ceptable. ,-&"-'+".,%%™lll#XjiaZgXdjchZa^c\#cZi
tour Introducing:
The Spanish Playgroup
Have you read “The
Guernsey Literary and Po-
tato Peel Society?” If not, A Spanish Language Center
begin now and join us at the
Duxbury Free Library on Give your child the building blocks for a bright future.
Sunday, Jan. 10, at 2 p.m.,
for a short discussion and
the island of Guernsey. Well
Hasselmann traveled to the
and will share her lovely
photographs and in depth
knowledge. The novel re-
counts the little known tale
of islander’s lives during the
World War ll Nazi occupa-
tion. Having read the book Alejandra Peary
10% OFF
is not a requirement for ad-
mission to the program, yet
Licensed Spanish Teacher the registration fee!
it may enhance your enjoy-
ment. For free tickets, or as-
sistance to get a copy of the %NTERPRISE3TREET 3UITE $UXBURYs   
book, call 781-934-2721,
Congregation Shirat Hayam, P.O. Box 2727, Duxbury 02331, Phone: 781-582-2700
Zion Lutheran Church
386 Court St., No. Plymouth, Rev. C. Robert Stott, Phone: 508-746-3041
10 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Congregation Beth Jacob
Synagogue: 8 Pleasant St. Plymouth, Community Center, Court/Brewster St. Lawrence

Silverman, Rabbi, Phone: 508-746-1575.
Send obituary nOtices
South Shore Quaker
MacDonald Funeral Home
THE Deadline is Phone: 781-749-4383, Turkey Hill Lane, Hingham, (off Rte. 228 at the library/town hall
complex off Levitt St., up the hill to Turkey Hill Lane).
1755 Ocean St. Marshfield
Monday at noon.
Kristin M. Andrews, 53, former COA director
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormon)
379 Gardner St., So. Hingham, Bishop John Howe, Phone: 781-293-2520, Sundays
Kristin M. “Tina” Andrews of yearPlymouth, and atMilton.
round: Family worship 10 am. In 1998 she became the director “Excellence in Service with Understanding”
formerly of Framingham, died Sunday, Dec. of the Council on Aging in Duxbury. She held
Directors: Joseph L. Davis, Richard W. Davis
20. Born Dec. 4, 1951, she was St. theMark
of Epheseus this position
Orthodox Missionuntil 2004, and while there was re-
of Ralph W. Andrews and Mary (Grinley)
261 Main St.,An-
Rev. Terrencefor buildingPhone:
drews. She graduated from Framingham South Senior Center with innovative programming
a nationally
781-585-8907recognized RICHARD DAVIS FUNERAL HOMES, INC.
High School in 1969 and received an A.S.
Islamic Center in
of Newthat hasMosques
England been replicated throughout the com- Traditional Funerals Cremations Pre-Need Funeral Planning
gerontology from Quinsigamond470 Community
South St., Quincy,monwealth
671-479-8341, 74 and country.
Chase During
Dr., Sharon, the last five
781-784-0434 619 State Road (Rt. 3A)
373 Court Street
College in Worcester, a B.S. in education from years she worked from home as an instructor Manomet
N. Plymouth
Westfield State College, and a Masters in coun-
Safe Harbor Church and translator for Telelangue (in France) and
seling psychology from Anna Maria College, in World
52 Main St., Marshfield, Speaks
Pastor Mark (in781-837-9903
Eagling, Germany) and part-time for
(508) 746-2231 1-800-770-2231 (508) 224-2252
Paxton. the Hampton Inn in Plymouth. Ms. Andrews
Ms. Andrews worked for North Worcester was also a gifted freelance writer and an ac-
County as director of Help for Children, coordi- complished ballroom dancer.
nator for the office for children, and director of She leaves a sister, Gail Kennedy of Boyl-
Displaced Homemakers. In 1980 she was voted ston; three nieces, and two great nephews.
Happy New Year!
one of the ten most outstanding young citizens Funeral services and burial will be private. 3 SEASON PORCHES
of Worcester. In 1984, she became the Direc- Condolences may be sent in her name to the FOR ALL YOUR HOME IMPROVEMENT OR REMODELING NEEDS
tor of Off Campus Programs for Mt. Wachusett Framingham Heart Study, 74 Mt. Wayte Ave.,
Community College in Gardner, Leominster, Framingham, MA 01702. s+ITCHENS s!DDITIONS s7INDOWS
and Fort Devens. In 1995 she moved to Germa- Funeral arrangements are under the di- s"ATHROOMS s$ECKS s6INYL3IDING
ny for two years. Upon her return, she settled in rection of Eugene J. McCarthy and Sons Fu- ")NDUSTRIAL"LVD(ANSON
Reg # 100487
Plymouth. She was the director of Continuing neral Home, 11 Lincoln St., Framingham MA Lic # 019867 ­Çn£®Êә{‡ääxxÊUÊ­nää®ÊǙ{‡™£ÈÈ
Education for Aquinas College in both Newton 01702.

Claire H. Scapellati, principal and artist Reservations

Claire H. Scapellati died on Wednesday, artist. Soon after moving to Orleans, she began Recommended
Dec. 23 in Duxbury. exhibiting her work in galleries on the Lower
Born in Brooklyn, N.Y., to the late Mary Cape and in Duxbury. 182 Powder Point Ave • Duxbury
(LaGreca) and Calvin Picone, she graduated from Mrs. Scapellati leaves her children, Joanne 781.934.7727
Central Connecticut State College where she met Protasewich and her husband, Ron, of Duxbury,
her husband, the late Nicholas Daniel Scapel- Daniel Scapellati and his wife, Nancy, of Avon,
lati. While teaching at Sunset Ridge School in Conn., and Lisa Scapellati of Orleans; her sis-
East Hartford, she received her Masters Degree ters, Marie Durney, Gloria Bryan, and Anne Recommended in Karen Brown’s Guide, 2009 New England
in counseling from the University of Hartford. Marie Picone; and eight grandchildren. She was
They married and moved to Bloomfield, Conn. also the sister of the late Norma Negron and Di-
Looking for a
When their children were all of school age, Mrs. anne Pignato.
lunch date?
Scapellati returned to teaching at Sacred Heart A Mass of Christian burial was held in the
School in Bloomfield. Four years later she was Church of St. Ann in Avon, Conn. on Dec. 29 fol-
Come in and try us out...

appointed school principal, becoming the first lowed by the burial in Mountain View Cemetery we know you’ll like it!
lay principal in the Archdiocese of Hartford. in Bloomfield, Conn. The 8:15 a.m. Mass will Daily
(inc. specials
2 sides + salad)
After 18 years as teacher and principal, she be said in her memory on Jan. 23 in the chapel at
retired, but her retirement was short-lived as she Holy Family Church in Duxbury. In lieu of flow-
was asked to teach at St. Mary’s School in Sims- ers, donations in her memory may be made to
bury. Mrs. Scapellati taught at St. Mary’s until St. Anne-Immaculate Conception Church (Soup Serving Breakfast
she officially retired and moved to Orleans. She Kitchen), 820 Park Street, Hartford, CT 06106, Sat & Sun 8am-12pm
loved to travel, especially to Italy, was an avid or to A Woman’s Concern, 48 Camp Street, Lunch & Dinner
gardener, a devout Catholic, and a watercolor Hyannis, MA 02601. Mon-Thurs 11:30am-9pm Specials
Fri-Sat 11:30am-10pm
TAVERN OPEN TILL 1AM Starting at $6.99
Peter F. Shannon, 63, Vietnam veteran 7 days a week with homemade soup
Peter F. Shannon of Duxbury, formerly of Mr. Shannon leaves his wife, Marcia (Ham-
Braintree, died Dec. 21. He was 63 years old. ilton) Shannon; his children, Timothy Shannon
Mr. Shannon is a graduate of Archbishop Wil- of Duxbury, and Laura Shannon of Somerville;
liams High School, Stonehill College, and Suf- his mother-in-law, Myrtie Hamilton of Brain-
folk University. He served in the Army during tree; in-laws, Richard and Mary Hamilton
the Vietnam War. Throughout his career, he of Hanover; a nephew, two nieces, and many
worked at several South Shore car dealerships cousins. In lieu of flowers, donations may
as a controller. He was the son of the late Peter be made to Hospice of the South Shore, 100
F. Shannon, Sr. and Catherine (Brems) Shan- Bay State Dr., PO Box 859060, Braintree, MA
non. 02185-9060.
First Time Home Buyer Seminar SHUTTER SALE
The Plymouth Redevelopment Authority hancements. The workshop consists of three
sponsored by the Bank of Canton will hold
a First Time Home Buyer Seminar on Jan.
27 and 28 and Feb. 2 at the Plymouth Town
evenings scheduled for Wednesday, Jan. 27,
Thursday, Jan. 28, and Tuesday Feb. 2 from
6-8:45 p.m. A mortgage banker, real estate
20% OFF
Hall. Participants will receive the confidence broker, home inspector, and lawyer will as- ALL SHUTTER ORDERS
and tools to pursue their goal of homeowner- sist in presenting materials that will provide
ship. By attending this workshop you will participants with dynamic up to date informa- PLACED IN JANUARY & FEBRUARY
qualify and become certified for MassHousing tion on the home buying process. There is
First-Time Homebuyer Loan Program includ- a $40 fee (per household) for this class and
ing lower rates and down payment. You will space is limited. All participants will receive Custom Window Treatments
also become eligible for HUD/DHCD HOME a free credit report and may choose to be pre- t6QIPMTUFSZ4MJQDPWFST
Funds of $7,500 for down payment and clos- qualified by the sponsor, Bank of Canton. To t4IVUUFST#MJOETt$VTUPN#FEEJOH
ing cost assistance. This certification opens register, call the Plymouth Redevelopment )PNF"DDFTTPSJFT3VHT
the doors for income eligible participants to Authority at 508-7474-1620, x147 or online at
apply for mortgage programs that have lower 8BTIJOHUPO4USFFUt4OVH)BSCPSt781.934.5455
interest rates, down payment, and other en- 5VFT'SJt4BUOPPOt#ZBQQPJOUNFOU
Wednesday, January 6, 2010 Duxbury Clipper 11

Duxbury Free Library’s appreciation lunch

Library staff Marty O’Meara, Doreen Recke, Elaine Winquist and

Kirstin Boothman relax and enjoy a good meal.
Library staff Jody Hall, Ellen Snoeyenbos, David Murphy and Rose Hickey at the lunch.

Friends President Sarah Keating presents flowers to Christine Friends Board Members Maureen Cederlund, Russell Clifton, Ashley Stehn, Katie Brill, Susan Gandt and
Donnelly for coordinating the launch of the Friends new Web site, Christine Donnelly are all smiles after the meal.

Planning Board tests new bylaw /DUJHVW&UXLVH6KLS 2DVLVLV+HUH

By Justin Graeber, Clipper Editor new construction –– but there property, maintenance could )RULQIRRQ2DVLVVDLOLQJVSOXVPDQ\PRUHFDOO are details that still need to be be a logistical nightmare. /LQGD)RUG0&&&UXLVH6SHFLDOLVW
A case that will be a test of worked out, since this particu- “In light of the fact that
the town’s inclusionary hous- lar bylaw hasn’t been used be- we’ve got a lot of rental units
ing bylaw has accomplished a fore. that were just approved [at 2DVLVRIWKH6HDV 60

rare feat –– it’s got a develop- “We do not see any objec- the Island Creek North 40B
er and a town board in agree- tion to the site, or the struc- project ] we’re leaning toward

ment. ture,” said Planning Board ownership,” said MacNab. )6767&67

Clark Hinkley and his wife Chairwoman Amy MacNab. Hinkley said he thought
want to subdivide their land on “We’re all in the same learn- the building would be sold as
Washington Street and sell off
the housing lots for develop-
ing curve as you right now,”
Currently the applicant is
an affordable home for around
$212,000. The sale would in-
ment. The plan has triggered working with Town Planner clude a deed restriction that C o u n t r y S t o r e
an as-of-yet-untested town Tom Broadrick on ironing out any future sale of the home featuring The Wines of the Week:
bylaw which states that if any the details of the procedure. If would be at the same percent-
developer builds more than six the home works out, a moni- age of market price, and would
housing lots, he must provide toring agent will have to be likely include a right of first La Crema $15.99+tax
one home for under market appointed to handle the af- refusal for the town.
price. fordable housing lottery. The “There’s no flipping,” Hin- Pinot Noir or Chardonnay $180 per case+tax
(mix & match) good through 1/12/10
That home, however does Hinkleys were nervous that it kley said.
not need to be in the develop- might be difficult to find a per- The hearing was continued 2/54%s$58"529s  
ment, according to the bylaw, son to run the lottery, but Plan- until Jan. 11.
it can be elsewhere in town. ning Board members were re-
Hinkley was originally go- luctant to grant any approval
ing to use a historic home on without this information in Meatballs are
Washington Street for the af- place.
fordable property, but is now
ready to close on a home on
“Our problem is from a
time standpoint,” said Vogler,
flying Jan. 12
Chandler Street. adding that the Hinkleys don’t On Tuesday, Jan. 12,
The Hinkleys and their at- want to close on the property from 2:15-3:45 p.m. in the
torney, Alice Vogler, presented if it won’t count towards the Merry Room of the Duxbury
the Planning Board with a housing index. Free Library a movie will be
packet of information includ- There is also still a question shown about an eccentric
ing the purchase and sale as to whether the home would scientist who designs a ma-
agreement for the home and
an inspection report.
be a rental or purchased, al-
though it appears it will count
chine to change water into
food. The fun begins when
“The house is in really towards the housing index things start to go very wrong. Enrolling All Ages Now!
good condition,” said Hinkley, either way. Planning Board Register in person, by phone
pointing out that the home has member George Wadsworth 781-934-2721 x115, or on-
air conditioning and a two car was concerned that a hom- line at duxburyfreelibrary.
garage. eowner would be saddled with org, click calendar. Children Classes begin January 25th OPEN
The Planning Board mem- maintenance costs (such as in grades 3 and younger HOUSE
bers seemed supportive of the roof replacement) they might must be accompanied by an Sat., Jan. 16
plan –– pointing out that this not be able to pay, however adult. Snacks are permitted, 11am-2pm
will add to Duxbury’s afford- other board members pointed please bring your own.
able housing index without out that with a town-owned
12 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Local student’s international interest

continued from page one the government, especially to get pushed to the back burner.
foreigners. In this case it’s human rights.”
allowed to speak English –– In “I had to be careful,” he There are no easy answers.
fact, if he was caught speaking said. When an audience member
English three times, he would Clark forged connections asked Clark what he thought
have been sent home.) His proj- through the restaurants and would happen in China in the
ect, a study of the effect of the gym he frequented near the next 10-15 years, he simply
recent Uighur riots in the Xin- university. While younger peo- said he didn’t know. Bed & Breakfast– A Delightful Experience
jiang province of China, was
presented as part of the Dux-
ple were slightly easier to talk “China is a very confusing 781-934-0991
to than the older generation, he place, and it’s going to be like 390 Washington Street Duxbury by the Sea • Dinners nightly at 5:00 pm Closed Sundays
bury Free Library’s Sunday still found that most Chinese that for a while,” he said.
Salon Series this weekend. were supportive of their gov-
On July 7 of this year, Ui- ernment overall, even if they
ghur students, a Muslim ethnic ignored many of the mundane
minority group of Turkish de-
scent living inside China, riot-
ed against the majority group,
rules and regulations imposed
on the society.
“The vast majority of Chi-
Happy, Healthy New Year Wishes
known as Han Chinese. It may
have been sparked by a false
accusation of rape against two
nese people believe the gov-
ernment has their best interests
at heart,” he said. “This is actu-
from our family to yours
Uighur workers in another re-
gion, Clark said. Whatever
ally the most freedom the peo-
ple in China have ever had.”
Join as a single in the month of January
the cause, the government and
mobs of Han Chinese cracked
Clark even traveled to a dif-
ferent province of China where
and your family comes for FREE until March 1
down on the protesters. What there is another Muslim minor-
happened over the next couple ity, hoping for a more balanced We have programs for all ages and levels. We offer tennis, fitness, cycling, yoga,
of days isn’t clear –– the media view of the Xinjiang situation.
wasn’t allowed in for a while, aquatics exercise and swimming lessons, a private Pilates Studio, physical therapy,
Even though he had some suc-
and casualty reports vary cess, it didn’t come easily. One birthday parties and indoor golf in the Kingsbury Pub.
greatly depending on who you man was so worried about re-
ask –– but it’s the latest in a se- prisal he didn’t want his name
ries of human rights crises that The Armand Salon Spa, located on the 2nd floor,
attached to Clark’s work.
have strained the relationship “This is a student paper, is a full service hair salon with manicures, pedicures,
between the U.S. and China. and he was unwilling to be
Xinjiang province is one named,” Clark said. massage, facials, waxing, and body treatments,
of the most recent additions to In addition to the cultural
China, Clark told an attentive difficulties, China’s govern-
including Spa packages and group parties.
crowd at the library. ment also controls the media
“It is still very much in the and access to other informa- *New members only - limited to immediate family
heat of an independence move- tion.
ment,” he said. For example, when Clark
The Chinese government first got to China, he could ac-
has been encouraging Han Chi- cess the Web site Facebook on
nese to move to the province, a regular basis.
and the percentage of Han liv- “The day after [the vio-
ing in Xinjiang has gone from lence] happened, it was gone,” Helping families lead
6 to 43 percent since the 40s, he said.
Clark said. All this creates a very com- an active, healthy lifestyle…
“If jobs are scarce, prefer- plex relationship between the
ence will be given to the Han U.S. and China, which is a fo-
Chinese, Clark said. cus of Clark’s studies. He said
The Uighurs say the July he will likely be developing
riots were started when police the work he did while abroad
opened fire on unarmed protest- into a thesis. 186 Summer St., Kingston, MA 02364
ers. However, the government “We completely depend on
says the riots were sparked by China for everything,” Clark 781.585.3883
burka-clad Muslim women said. “Politically for our lead-
distributing weapons in the ers the answer has always been
crowd, at the urging of exiled to focus on economics and
Uighur leader Rebiya Kadeer, hope that everything else will
who lives in Washington D.C. sort itself out ... Other things
Those two separate versions of
events were at the heart of the
problem Clark faced as he tried
to write his paper.
Interviewing Chinese citi-
zens for his project proved to
be difficult, as natives are re-
luctant to speak critically of
Wednesday, January 6, 2010 Duxbury Clipper 13

Welcome 2010!
RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE Wishing You Good Health, Happiness,
781-934-6995 and Prosperity in the New Year!
Proud to be the #1 Firm in Duxbury...& the #1 Firm in Massachusetts*
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DUXBURY – Private 3-acre setting in the Hounds Ditch DUXBURY – Striking 4-bedroom Colonial located DUXBURY – Privately nestled on 2.3 acres in the center of
neighborhood is the location for this handsome 11-rm dor- in sought-after neighborhood cul-de-sac close to school Powder Point, this unique home exudes sophisticated sim-
mered Cape with heated I/G pool. 5 bedrooms, 3 ½ baths; campus, shops, area amenities, and commuter routes. plicity characterized by Balinese architecture inside and out.
kitchen with hardwood floor, dining area, stainless steel ap- This home overlooks beautiful manicured lawns, mature From crafted koi ponds to exquisite sunlit spaces, this is a
pliances; 31’ great room; professional landscaping, irrigation plantings, gardens, and an in-ground pool with gazebo. must see property!
system, & 2-car garage. Offered at $899,000 Offered at $979,000 Offered at $1,600,000

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place, private deck, two-car garage, and attractive landscap- has 4 rooms, plus sunroom & private entrance. In-ground tio with stone fire pit. This spacious home is situated on a
ing with an in-ground sprinkler system. pool & spa rimmed by a yard bursting w/flowering bushes 1.2-acre level lot overlooking conservation land.
Offered at $489,900 & trees. Offered at $545,000 Offered at $619,000

11 ACR


DUXBURY – Charming “Levi Sampson” 8-room Cape, DUXBURY – Located near Camp Wing, this 3.11-acre DUXBURY – Peaceful setting nestled among cranberry
c.1826, blends period features with updates for today’s liv- parcel has been perced and a land survey has been com- bogs – yet convenient to all! Meticulously maintained
ing. Wide pine floors, unique beehive oven fireplace in pleted. This wooded setting is ready to design and build 3-bedroom Cape offers an open floor plan, newer baths
kitchen, 4 bedrooms, 2 full baths. Spacious and level 1.28 your dream home in a very private location. and kitchen; bog views from most rooms; and a wrap-
Acre setting, convenient to commuter routes, shops, and around deck. Priced to sell – well below assessed value!
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row Brook Estates” cul-de-sac neighborhood. Features a neighborhood three miles from downtown. Period tional 10-rm shingle-style estate on 8+ acres. Craftsman-
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14 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Wet weekend storm swamps town

continued from page one River, at the intersection of St.
George and Powder Point Av-
Although Buttkus said he
didn’t have figures from the
“We have some people
in reserve, but there’s only a
enue, and parts of King Caesar most recent storm, he said he ',(3071-*32'-,
Road. Gurnet Road was also expects it to be rather expen-
few,” said Buttkus. “We try to underwater. Fire and police sive. When a snow storm hap-
bring people inside for a few personnel worked to block off pens on the weekend, plow
hours here and there. Give ‘em the road using sawhorses. drivers are paid overtime, and
a hot meal and a cup of coffee, “That’s the one [Gurnet] because of the duration of this
and there they go again.” that usually poses the prob- weekend’s snowfall, they ap-
33 Railroad Avenue, Suite 3, Duxbury

It wasn’t just the snow that lem,” Buttkus said. However, plied a lot of salt and sand.
Alison Austin, D.C.
781-934-0020 Jay Samuel Leith, D.C.

wreaked havoc on the coast, he said the full-time residents “It went very smoothly,”
however. At about noon on Sat- of the Gurnet are used to deal- he said. “My hats off as usual
urday there was an “astronom- ing with flooding. “The resi- to the staff because they did a
ically” high tide that caused dents all pretty much know the phenomenal job.”
flooding along the Blue Fish routine.”
Try our men’s zoom groom
in the new year.
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Flood waters reached all the way up to the front door of this house off Abram’s Hill. Photo by Judi Vose

Promoting Health Wonder Teamwork

Enroll for Summer & Fall 2010 Programs including
Accelerated Pre-K & K 8am-3pm Program
Phone: 781-934-8145

T L O
Residents heading for Powder Point R K. M
Road were forced to detour around
An overturned boat and a flooded dock were common sights large ponds of water sitting on top of C E S
along Duxbury’s coastline during the storm. the road.
Photo by Judi Vose Photo by Judi Vose
 H S
S N
R, MA 
  
  
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t1đĤĕĢĞęĤĩ t1đĢĕĞĤđĜ3ĕĜğēđĤęğĞ
Like a scene from a snow village, snow drapes Onlookers take in the huge waves and pounding surf
over the Nathaniel Winsor House, headquarters created by the storm at Duxbury Beach. Photo by Tricia Mastrangelo t1đĢĕĞĤęĞė1ĜđĞģ t$ğĞĤĕĝĠĤģ
of the Duxbury Rural and Historical Society.
Photo by Linda Merrill t.ğĔęĖęēđĤęğĞģ t.ĕĔęđĤęğĞ4ĕĢĦęēĕģ

“Competent Representation
with Compassion”
Call Today for a No-Obligation Consultation

Waves and snow hammer the beach during

Saturday’s storm. Photo by Tricia Mastrangelo 781-878-8857 877-878-7080
Business Line Toll Free
Despite the fierceness of the winter
storm, someone thought to leave a cheer- E-mail:
ful holiday message, written in snow on
the window of the Harbormaster’s shack.
Photo by Mary Ann Jackman
Wednesday, January 6, 2010 Duxbury Clipper 15

Senior center news No Place For Hate

The Duxbury No Place Helping Our Clients to Make Good Decisions Since 1967
Free Movie… 1 p.m., Thursday, Jan. 7. Feature will be for Hate Committee will
“Julie & Julia.” Amy Adams stars in this truth-inspired tale as sponsor a program on ste-
Julie Powell, a disenchanted government secretary who decides reotypes and the pyramid of Home, Auto, Business, Marine, Life
to enliven her uneventful life by cooking all 524 recipes out- hate. The program will center Lougee Insurance Agency, Inc.
lined in Julia Child’s culinary classic, “Mastering the Art of around the showing of a short 24 Bay Road, PO Box AC
French Cooking”. Based on Powell’s book, “Julie & Julia 365 DVD entitled “Silent Beats,” Duxbury, MA 02331-0630
Days, 524 Recipes, 1 Tiny Apartment Kitchen,” Director Nora a Dor Schary Award winner. WWW.LOUGEE.NET

Ephron’s heartwarming comedy/drama also stars Meryl Streep After the DVD there will be
Ph 781.934.6500 ext. 14 fax 781.934.5012

as legendary chef, Julia Child. a discussion of the existence

LUNCH at the Duxbury Senior Center’s Café Ellison… and impact of stereotypes.
Enjoy Chef Peter Dewey’s delectable cuisine. Lunch prices are By understanding the limit-
$5 for Duxbury seniors; $6 for non-seniors and non-Duxbury ing nature and their effect
residents. Lunches open to everyone, Monday through Thurs- on schools and communities,
day at 11:30 a.m. (Kitchen closes at 12:30 p.m.). Call 781-934- including interpersonal re-
5774, x100 for reservations (required 24 hours in advance). lationships and student aca-
Please call to cancel if you cannot make it as food is ordered demic achievement, partici-
according to the number of reservations made. (Menus subject pants will be better equipped
to change): to respond to stereotypes in
themselves and others.
Thursday, Jan. 7 – Beef stew over noodle and carrots, The event will take place
fruit on Tuesday, Jan. 26 at 7 p.m.
Friday, Jan. 8 – No lunch. Closed at noon. in the Merry Roon of the
Duxbury Free Library. All
Monday, Jan. 11 – Ham macaroni and cheese, vegetable, are welcome. For more in-
fruit formation you can contact
Tuesday, Jan. 12 – Stuffed peppers, rice, vegetable, cake the No Place for Hate com-
mittee at noplaceforhate@
Wednesday, Jan. 13 – Roast chicken, potatoes, broccoli, or
sherbet 781-934-8388.
Thursday, Jan. 14 – Meat lasagna, salad, bread, brownie

Now Open!
Friday, Jan. 15 – No lunch. Closed at noon.
Free Legal Advice… Attorney John McCluskey (Elder
Law, Real Estate, Trust /Estates, Medicaid) will be available on
Friday, Jan. 8 from 9:45-11:15 a.m. Please call Peggy at x104
for an appointment.
Free Legal Advice… Attorney Peter Muncey (Elder Law,
Estate Planning, Family Business, Real Estate) and associates The Region’s Rehab Leader Is Now in Plymouth
from the Plymouth firm of Delaney & Muncey will be available
at the Senior Center on Jan. 8, from 9-10 a.m., by appointment.
To schedule an appointment, call Peggy at x104.
Senior Breakfast… 8:30 a.m., Tuesday, Jan. 12, featuring
an overview and demonstration of T’ai Chi and its benefits, by
Tony McAlear, our T’ai Chi instructor. Tony will hold his regu-
lar class following the breakfast.
Legacies In Stone… Thursday, Jan. 14. Statues of Boston
presentation at 9:30 a.m., with Todd Forman, Boston historian
and volunteer guide for Boston By Foot. Join us for a one hour
lecture and slide show describing the art, the politics and the
characters of Boston who are set in stone.
Our First Monthly Game Night . . . featuring Banana-
grams, a group-based crossword-building game. Play Wii from
6-7:30 p.m. Bring a friend. SADIE Bus will be available.
Fuel Assistance… Senior Center is again taking applica-
tions for fuel assistance for the winter months. Approval for Near Rtes. 3 &
this program can cut energy costs and, in some cases, assist in y&
winterization of your home. The maximum gross income levels Expanded Earl
for eligibility have been substantially increased. The process is Late Hours
easy and confidential. Contact Lynn Madore, x106, in our Out- Leading Our Team
reach office to make an appointment and to hear what you will
need to provide.
Foot Care Clinic… The next available date for foot care at Accepting Appointments
the Senior Center is Jan. 12. To schedule an appointment, please • Physical, occupational, speech therapies
call Peggy at x104.
Notary Public… Lt. Susan James of the Duxbury Police
• Physician diagnostic and treatment services
Department is available as a Notary Public at the Senior Center • Sports Medicine rehabilitation Jay E. Rosenfeld, M.D.
by appointment the third Friday of each month. Her next avail- Board Certified, Physical Medicine &
able date is Friday, Jan. 15. To schedule an appointment with Lt. • For back, neck, shoulder, knee injuries; Rehabilitation & Pain Medicine, RHCI
James, call Peggy at x104. post-surgical & neurologic rehabilitation
Representative Tom Calter... will be available from 9-10 • New state-of-the-art, 6,200 sq. ft. center
a.m. on Friday, Jan. 15 at the Senior Center to discuss any is-
sues. Drop by, or for an individual appointment, please call An outpatient center of RHCI
Peggy at x104. (Rehabilitation Hospital of the Cape and Islands)
S.H.I.N.E. (Serving Health Information Needs of El-
ders)… Please call Peggy at x104 to schedule an appointment to
have your questions about Medicare (incl. Part D) and Medicaid
508 - 927- RHCI (7424) Jeff Skeiber, MSPT, MBA
insurances answered. Mary McLean, our SHINE Counselor, is Physical Therapist,
at the Senior Center on Fridays from 9-12 by appointment only. Site Manager, RHCI-Plymouth

Chair/Gentle Yoga… Wednesdays, 9-10 a.m., $55 for six

weeks. On Thursdays, 5:30-6:30 p.m., $25 for four weeks.
Come and join Claire for this energizing and therapeutic exer-
cise class. All levels welcome.
Plymouth 1 Scobee Circle, Plymouth
(Plymouth Industrial Park)
Outpatient Rehabilitation Center
16 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Duxbury’s own Winter Classic

Photos courtesy of
Kim Rakauskas

he Duxbury Cross
Ice crew had their
own version of the
Winter Classic this Friday,
New Year’s Day, held on the
Sullivan family bog on Elm
Street. Steve and Roberta
graciously hosted two “rinks”
for the Duxbury Mites hockey
team (6-8-year-olds) on what
was a picture perfect day.
Complete with National An-
them, the players and their
families experienced a won- The teams pose for a photo with bog owner Steve Sullivan and Dave Rakauskas (coach and organizer.)
Bog owner Steve Sullivan and
derful morning of fun. his daughter Montana take in the

Will Nolan, Kyle Rakauskas, Jack Brennan and Will Day take a break
from the action.

Don’t be fooled by the

Harry Settel heads up the ice with the puck while Olivia O”Brien, Charlie pink gloves, Veronica
Ballerene, Luke Weiler and Hoby Galvin watch from the bench. “Niki” Rakauskas has
her game face on and is
ready to play.

Steve Garrett and Reed Garrett warm up on the freshly scraped ice.

Luke Weiler, Harry Settel, Olivia O’Brien, Nick Demio, Peter Lioselle, Hoby Galvin and Charlie Ballerene
line up before the start of their game.

Wyatt Glass laces up his skates and gets ready to hit the ice.

Who needs Fenway? Kyle

Rakauskas and Ryan Rakauskas
get ready to suit up for Duxbury’s
own version of the Winter
Kyle Rakauskas, Kyle Laforest, Will Lyons, Jack Brennan and Nate Garrett hold their gloves over their hearts for the National Anthem. Classic.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010 Duxbury Clipper 17

Duxbury Senior Club news Jan Butterworth

The Senior Club invites you to join us in the new year on (781) 582-9766
Friday, Jan. 8 at the Duxbury Senior Center on Mayflower Care for your animal, all shapes and sizes
Street. At 9:30 a.m. is a social with coffee, tea, and snacks. Sue on a daily basis or while you are on vacation!
Bergeron is the chairperson for the social and Roberta McNab Playtime
is a tremendous help at the table with coffee making, etc. Dog Walking
The meeting starts at 10 a.m. followed by our entertainer,
Bill Brown with a slide show of his vacations.
A trip is planned for Feb. 12 at White’s of Westport, a sweet- Bachelors of
heart deal for only $57. Contact trip chairman, Lee Sbraccia at Science in Animal Science
781-585-9242. Showtime featuring Hey Paesan, performed by Caring for Animals in Duxbury Since 1985
Ida Zecco and Jim Porcella is a tribute to Connie Francis, Kelly
Smith, Tony Bennett, Al Martino, Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra,
and more. Enjoy a delicious lunch of Italian wedding soup,
salmon, or chicken piccata, red bliss potatoes, chef’s choice
vegetable, spumoni ice cream pie, coffee or tea. Make checks
payable to Duxbury Senior Trips, and mail to Lee Sbraccia, P.O.
Box 1003 Duxbury, MA 02331.
The Christmas luncheon was held at the Senior Center. This
catered meal allowed a relaxed atmosphere not possible at a res-
taurant. Elaine Cahill is the special party chairperson. She and
her volunteers kept this event moving smoothly. Mary Bretden-
thal held an exciting auction of food, etc. John Sjostedt won the
door prize, Lee Sbraccia, second prize, and Emily Kelly third

Newcomers’ Club news

Workshop for Parents: Feeding the Picky Eater. Pasta and
chicken fingers again? If you’re working hard to expand your
child’s palate but feel like you are getting nowhere, you will
learn useful tools to try after attending this workshop. Taste,
temperature, texture, color, preconceived notions and parental
pushing all have impact over your child’s willingness to try new
foods. Learn what works (and what doesn’t) to limit mealtime
struggles. The workshop will be held on Tuesday, Jan. 12, 7 p.m.
at 133 Washington Street, Norwell. Cost is $10. Visit nourish- for more information.
Kids Crafts: On Wednesday, Jan., 13, Duxbury Newcomers
will be gathering at the Art Complex Museum Studio, 189 Al-
den St. (corner of Alden and Tremont) to
some beautiful Welch 5/4/09 11:05 PM Page 11
wintery snowflake crafts. The event will take place from 10-11
a.m. Materials, snack and drink will be provided. Cost: $2 per
child. Please RSVP to Fleur Pang at
Family Trips and Tix: The Family Arts Festival at the El-
lison Center will take place Saturday, Jan. 23 from 1-3 p.m. at
the Ellison Center for the Arts, 64 Saint George St. It will start at
1 p.m. with the family friendly performance of “Are you my In-
strument Family,” the story of a little violin, based on P.D. East-
man’s beloved book. At 1:30 p.m., families can experience all
the fun classes offered by the South Shore Conservatory and the
Duxbury Art Association: they can sing along with Miss Su’s
Drum & Sing class or put on their ballet slippers and twirl in the
Creative Dance Studio. They can play theater games onstage in
the Drama Room and make a craft in the DAA Art Studio. They
can even see what it’s like to toot a trumpet or strum a guitar
at the Instrument Petting Zoo. Admission is free for this event. 
For more information, call 781-934-2731 x 11 or visit sscmusic.
HONK: An additional trip has been planned to see HONK
at the Wheelock Family Theatre in Boston, Sunday Jan. 31 at
3 p.m. Tickets are $20 per person. HONK is a rollicking comic
musical and winner of the 2000 OLIVIER Award. Please RSVP
Book Club: Book club will meet at 7:30 p.m. on Wednes-
day, Jan. 20 to discuss “The Shadow of the Wind” by Carlos RELY ON US FOR REHABILITATION
Ruiz Zafón. For more information about the book club, please Stay close to home while we coordinate your needs
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18 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Sugar Plum Tea Party at the Conservatory

Tea Party Co-Chair Lauren Strachen with Nicole Finken (Clara), Molly Bresnehan and Brianna Biggins are thrilled to be surrounded by some of Jose Mateo’s principal
Tiffany Strachen and Jean Fawcett. dancers. Angie DeWolf (Sugar Plum Fairy), Alex Bolduc (Nutcracker), Jacob Hoover (Cavalier), Jaclyn
Sanford (Spanish Dancer) and Erin Wood (maid).

The Sugar Plum Tea Party was a truly enchanting afternoon for
all who attended and will likely become an annual tradition, A trio of South Shore Conservatory bassoons played holiday
according to the organizers. music; Jasper Leavitt, Ryan Piesco and Alex Nelson.

Julia Packer nibbles on some fresh fruit.

Brianna Biggins has many treats to choose from at the buffet Some of the Nutcracker dancers pose for a photo. Ella Withington
Photos by Karen Wong (Polly), Grace Houghton (Party Girl), Nicole Finken (Clara), Alexis
Antonino (Toy Soldier) and a shy Mouse, Julia Conner.

Anne Briggs (Duxbury Campus Manager for SSC,) Katie Dixon and Lauren Three little ladies enjoy tea and cake and wait for more Sofia Joyce is wide-eyed as she walks by
Strachan (Event Chairwomen) with committee members Carol Loring and friends. Georgia Berry, Sianna Richards and Jillian the buffet piled high with cookies, cakes
Michelle McGrath. Berry. and finger sandwiches.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010 Duxbury Clipper 19

Girl Scout News Snug Harbor

Chorus looking
It’s Cookie Time: It’s that time of year again –– the Girl
Scout cookie sale! Girl Scouts throughout Eastern Massachu-
setts will again be offering eight delicious varieties of cookies for singers
for sale including Thin Mints and Caramel Delights. Short- Residents who may have
bread cookies are great with a cup of tea or hot chocolate on been inspired to sing by a
cold winter days. Cookie booth sales will be held at Foodie’s “Musicological Christmas,”
and the post office in Hall’s Corner on most weekends. Cookie as sung recently by members
sale profits fund troop activities for the girls and also allow of The Snug Harbor Commu-
the council to run quality programs for our girls, provide Girl nity Chorus, are invited to at-
Scouting opportunities at our camps for those who would not tend the popular group’s open
otherwise be able to afford them, and allow for the mainte- rehearsals which begin on
nance of the many beautiful camps our council owns. So when Monday, Jan. 11, at 7:30 p.m.
a Girl Scout knocks on your door, or you see a cookie booth, The non-audition chorus is a
non-profit organization made
please support our girls by purchasing a box of cookies.
up of volunteers from all over
Cookies For Our Troops: Members of Cadette Troop the region who love to sing.
80331 are also asking for support in their efforts to send 30 Members meet at the Perform-
cases of cookies to our soldiers in the mideast. Whether you ing Arts Center and perform a
can purchase one box or simply donate a dollar toward a box, holiday and a spring concert,
you will be helping to put a smile on a soldier’s face when he each year. They are under the
direction of well-known artis-
opens one of the boxes that are sent each month by the Ameri- tic director, Roy Kelley. Last
can Legion in Plymouth. For more information on this endeav- summer, the group was chosen
or, call Joan at 781-934-5427. to perform for theater-goers FINE ART WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY
Cookie Rally: Chandler School will be the site of a Cookie waiting to attend Oprah Win-
frey’s well-known musical, by
Rally on Saturday, Jan. 9 from 2-4 p.m. All Girl Scouts are TRACY SHEEHAN PHOTOGRAPHY
invited to attend this activity filled event conducted by the “The Color Purple,” then on
national tour. For more infor- t781-585-7363
Girl Scout Council. The cost is $7 per girl. There is no charge JH_sleep_new_year_release:JH_sleep_Final
12/30/09 1:41 PM Page 1

for adults who accompany the girls. To register, go online to

the council Web site and click on programs. Hope to see you
Disco Bowling Party:
Has your troop signed up for Potluck THURS., JAN. 21, 2010
4 P.M. TO 7 P.M.

the Disco Bowling Party at the

Alley Kat Lanes on Saturday, dinner at the 45 RESNIK ROAD

Jan. 30? This is always a great

time for the girls. The cost Senior Center
is all inclusive and includes There will be a potluck
a snack and a drink. Contact dinner at the Senior Center
Patty Guilfoile at Pattyguil- on Thursday, Jan. 28, at 5:30

SLEEP RIGHT to obtain p.m. Seniors are welcome to
information and a registration attend this monthly, family-
sheet for your troop. style meal giving everyone
Leaders’ Meeting: The a chance to bring a favorite
next meeting for Duxbury
Girl Scout leaders will be
entree or dessert to share
with friends. Sign up at the
Senior Center front desk.
held on Wednesday. Feb. 3 SADIE bus transportation
from 7:30-9 p.m. at the Scout available.
House. EXCESSIVE SNORING (sleep apnea) keeps you
both from getting proper rest. And clinical research
has established a strong link between apnea and
cardiovascular disease. Ask your doctor about the
new Jordan Hospital Sleep Center in Plymouth and
begin 2010 with a better night’s sleep. SLEEP CENTER

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20 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Send items for the

opinion page to

John & Bobbie Cutler, Founders The Deadline for all

David S. Cutler, Publisher letters & commentaries
Justin M. Graeber, Editor is Monday at noon.
Phone: 781-934-2811
E-mail: What’s Yours? Share your views in our sounding off section

Blind Faith on the roads —————————

Resolutions for B ack in the sixties
and seventies, rock
groups frequently
were labeled with unique, col-
cross the street — crosswalk
or no crosswalk — talking on
their cell phones completely
unaware of their surroundings.
clothing at night, or kids walk-
ing three abreast, all with their
backs to the traffic? Throw in a
little solar glare, slush, or black

the new year orful names that added to the

bands’ mystique. The Straw-
In the past few weeks, there
have been at least four fatal pe-
ice and the situation becomes
further complicated. Simply

berry Alarm Clock, Big Broth- destrian accidents in eastern put, the purpose of walking on
er and the Holding Company, Massachusetts, with three on the left and facing oncoming
he start of a new year is always exciting, and holds and Buffalo Springfield were the South Shore. Some of these traffic is to give pedestrians a
fresh promise for better things and new beginnings. just a few. My personal favorite have been alleged criminal hit- chance to take evasive action
It’s 2010, and everyone gets a clean slate. The was “Blind Faith.” While most and-runs occurring at night; in case a vehicle’s going to hit
fans could’ve cared less about others have happened in broad them, even if it means diving
Christmas trees are coming down, and people move on to the the origin of these acronyms, daylight. Regardless of fault, over a snow bank.
time-honored tradition of making New Year’s resolutions, vows there were a few of us who assigning blame to a distracted Many roads in Duxbury are
of self-improvement such as quitting smoking or going for a probably spent way too much or impaired driver will be of lit- narrow and winding, and don’t
morning run that are sometimes followed for weeks or months, time scratching our heads try- tle solace to the victim’s loved have sidewalks. If you must
ing to figure out if they didn’t ones if some of these terrible walk on the street, walk on the
then unceremoniously broken and discarded. While we try to pick the names by closing their accidents could have been pre- left facing the traffic. Turn off
get used to these low-fat breakfast bars and this new treadmill, eyes, opening up Webster’s, vented by pedestrians observ- the iPod and don’t text or talk
here are some resolutions worth keeping: and randomly selecting the first ing one timeless rule: walk on on your cell phone. Full situ-
few words their fingers pointed the left, facing the traffic. ational awareness requires all
Pledge to keep it civil: 2009 was a year that brought some to. That rule, which was driv- of your sensory perception to
conflict and contentious stories to Duxbury. Yet, as passionate While driving on Dux- en into our psyche starting in avoid accidents. When sharing
and heated as discussions at the Board of Selectmen and School bury’s narrower than usual, first grade and reinforced daily the road with motorists, blind
snow-banked streets recently, by our parents as we went off faith in your fellow man’s driv-
Committee meetings became, for the most part people refrained
the name Blind Faith comes to to school, has been increas- ing habits is no substitute for
from personal attacks, name-calling or bullying. Duxbury is a mind when observing the many ingly ignored over the last two the age-old virtues of vigilance
town of smart people, and any big change is generally going to pedestrians who trust their lives decades. How many times have and common sense.
bring about a rousing debate. But we wouldn’t have it any other to cars and trucks approaching you seen a jogger wearing head- Richard S. Prone
them from behind, or those who phones, people dressed in dark Mayflower St.
way –– true democracy is a messy thing, and it’s never pretty
to watch the sausage get made. Let’s hope this is a practice that
A New Year’s wish ——————————
continues into 2010 and beyond.
ow that the new ceremonial responsibilities,
Make green more than a slogan: Going green has been a
major buzzword over the past couple of years. And Duxbury’s
year is upon us, What that there’s no time left for the
I’d like to share needed oversight and direction.
made some major strides in the areas of environmental impact. my New Year’s wishes for do you Several years ago, I asked the
Groups like Sustainable Duxbury have been spreading the Duxbury and our town gov- question “who establishes the
ernment. It is my wish that the think? vision for Duxbury.” I was em-
work and educating the populace. But there’s always more that year 2010 will bring a return of phatically informed that was
can be done, and the more we start thinking about the impact truth, honesty, common sense,
Got an opinion you want to share?
Sound off on this or any other issue. the responsibility of the Select-
of everything we do, the more conscientious we become as cooperation and leadership to Send your comments to: men. Yet in the several years
individuals and as a society. So let’s make going green more Duxbury. E-mail:
since, I have yet to learn that
Over the years, I’ve ob- one has been established.
than a trend, and take concrete steps to reduce household waste served that all town boards and
Mail: P.O. Box 1656, Duxbury, MA 02331
May the year 2010 bring
and become a more energy-efficient and less polluting town. committees (both elected and a vision for Duxbury and its
On the municipal level, the movement to build a wind turbine appointed) have done “their oversight or direction of these future. Then, perhaps, we can
own thing.” Each has their varied objectives. One might end this foolish pinball game
in Duxbury deserves support. It won’t come easily –– this is a
own vision of what’s best for best describe Duxbury’s lead- of bouncing from one crisis to
town that take great pride in the way it looks, and a looming the community, yet they fail to ership as a “loosely-held fed- another always on the verge of
wind turbine will have its detractors –– but it’s worth fighting consider the impact of their ob- eration of warring tribes.” The TILT.
for. jectives on the others. Further, Selectmen seem so fully occu- Bill Campbell
there doesn’t appear to be any pied with their legislative and Humphreys Lane
Take time for human interaction: In some ways, we’re
more connected than ever these days. Nearly every minute
Unwelcome changes at the cemetery ————
of every day, we’re checking a Facebook post, following
someone’s tweets, sending a text message, reading a blog, ad e have had to Are we striving for an award for people who are not pleased
dispose of all the most perfectly maintained with these sudden and typically
infinitum. But in another way, we’re more isolated than ever by the meaningful and all natural cemetery in the unannounced changes. We will
this constant technology bombardment, and our sense of how seasonal mementos we have United States? No more sensi- let our voices be heard.
we relate to one another is being twisted by the relationships placed on our son’s grave for tivity or understanding because Jane McNiff
we watch on reality TV. So try, in the new year, to take time to the past 25 years. Why? Be- it is not someone else’s taste? Kingstown Way
cause now, they are objects, How elitist. I am aware of many
connect the old fashioned way. Invite your neighbors over for a which in the opinion of the
Thanks for Fire Department
barbecue. And call your mother. cemetery superintendent and
trustees are deemed, improper,
Get involved: On a related note, resolve to get more ur thanks to the Duxbury Fire Department and to Fire-
offensive, unsafe or detrimental
involved. It’s a common lament, as the election season gears to the general appearance of the men Doug, Skip and Alex for your cheerful and gen-
up, that enough people won’t run for public office. Many will cemetery, and may be removed erous help on Christmas Eve. The town of Duxbury
without notice. You must write and its citizens are fortunate to have such a professional and com-
say they just don’t have time. But running for office isn’t the petent fire department.
or e-mail the cemetery depart-
only way to stay involve and interested in what happens in The O’Brien Family
ment directly, before placing
town. There are various small committees with a more limited any items that could apply to Westborough, Mass.
role that don’t involve the time commitment of a selectman or the above rule! What power!
school committee member. But it doesn’t take much time to What authority! May I, mother?
Recently we were advised by a
Send us your letters!
vote, or show up at Town Meeting. Additionally, sometimes
kind, compassionate individual The Duxbury Clipper welcomes all views.
staying involved just means paying attention, staying informed
Preference will be given to letters from
that artificial wreaths were no Duxbury residents or Duxbury-related
about the local issues and asking intelligent questions of those longer allowed. How can this topics. Thank you letters will be accepted
if concise. Anonymous letters or letters
in power. If that’s the one resolution you stick to this year, be? It is round and green with published in other publications will not
a red bow. Are they now walk- be considered.
Duxbury will be a better community for it.
ing around feeling and smelling E-mail:
–– J. Graeber wreaths etc. to make sure they Mail: P.O. Box 1656, Duxbury, MA 02331
are real? What a waste of time.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010 Duxbury Clipper 21

Grade 6 High Honor Roll

DMS honor roll Term 1
Buckley, Caroline Anne Ravenscroft, Morgan Lynn Sullivan, Jared John O’Rourke, Kevin Joseph
Bartlett, Emma Clare Bulu, Brianna Lee Roberts, Thomas Nehemiah Tierney, Rachel Catherine Pilon, Aidan Robert Grade 8 Honor Roll
Beckerman, Katherine Marie Burgess, Max Bradley Robillard, Makayla Danielle Turner, Annie Elizabeth Quilty, Molly Fitzgibbon Allen, Elizabeth Adele
Bernard, Alexander James Burke, John Colman Rosenberger, Benjamin van der Veen, Collin Michael Reed, Sarah Elizabeth Alzaim, Amanda Faye
Boyle, Kathryn Elizabeth Burnes, Timothy Harcum Robert Vetsch, Cara Ingrid Reinhold, Nicholas James Berry, Mitchell Robert
Brayer, Griffin Thomas Chu, Haley Morgan Rovegno, Edward James Vitaro, Elizabeth Claire Rhodes, Shaylice Dana Bettencourt, Edward Osborn
Burke, Brady Christopher Connors, Angela Lorraine Sadeghpour, Jack Francis Wahle, Charlotte Frances Robinson, Caroline Conlon Blair, Nicholas John
Butler, Evan Murphy Margaret Saia, Marisa Hsin-Hsin Ward, Mary Katherine Rogerson, Sophie Munson Boucher, Maxfield David
Chase, Catherine Stewart Coppola, Daniel Joseph Scott, William Michael Williams, Mairead Elizabeth Roy, Lauren Anne Boynton, Miranda Leigh
Chinetti, Anna Eilene Coyman, Brendan Francis Siegener, Charles Raymond Ruiz, Victoria Marie Breen, Brendan Michael
Coghlan, Kevin John Daley, Kathryn Madelyn Simard, Dylan Paul Barnard Grade 7 Honor Roll Sarles, Meghan Elizabeth Brook, Robert McGill
Conway, Molly Rose DeMio, John Douglas Sinnott, Madelyn Louise Adamski, Sarah Elizabeth Schupp, Marie Kathleen Buckley, Elizabeth Marie
Corcoran, Kevin Peter deRoetth, Louisa Andresen Slocum, Kayla Anne Arana, Magdalena Maria Schweitzer, Erik Allen Burger, Matthew Preston
Crowley, Caroline Margaret DiVasta, Jared Gabriel Spellman, John Timothy Archambault, Keely Ann Sellers, Summer Rae Cadorette, Hannah Elizabeth
DeMartino, Joseph Thomas Dobens, Anne Kathleen Stauss, Heidi Hawksworth Aylmer, Ashley Rose Sibley, Christian Andrew Callahan, Vincent Joseph
Denelle, Delia Kathryn Dowling, Tristan Leslie Stinebiser, Eli Logan Badeau, James Pierce Sirois, Alexandria Scott Cardelle, Michael John
Despathy, Riley Morgan Drago, Taylor Lauren Stuhr, Ryan George Barry, Garrett Wesley Sirois, Olivia Raquel Casey, Peter Allan
Donato, Payton Mary Driscoll, Charles Buckley Sullivan, Cole Hilson Bombardier, Nicole Sullivan Smith, Cody Lee Chappuis, James Martin
Dorsett, Gabrielle Ann Duggan, Julia Noelle Sullivan, Maeve McKenna Boyle, Matthew Ryan Snelling, Logan Nicole Clancy, Deveyn Marie
Downey, Nicole Jean duMont, Hannah Katherine Tower, Megan Ann Brady, Alison Lorraine Starr, Lily Jane Collins, Elizabeth Leah
Duffey, Ryan Thomas Duty, Ryan Arthur Tufankjian, Calista Rose Bright, Mackenzie Charlotte Stauss, William Michael Congdon, John Joseph
Duggan, Maxwell Hugh Ecker, Justin Willis Venturelli, Lily Sullivan Brumley, Annie Mary Joo Hee Stevens, Luke Kevin Cowden, Ryan Christopher
Dunne, Courtney Ryan Eddy, Cameron Bradshaw Ward, John Reynolds Buonagurio, Riley Elizabeth Sullivan, James Joseph Creed, David Anthony
Eggers, Benjamin William Elliott, Mary Kate White, Alexandra Marissa Burgoyne, Benjamin Robert Sullivan, Kiley Helen Dame, Kelly Elizabeth
Farias, Thomas Wyatt Estey, Eli Wyatt Coffin Butcher, Lincoln Maxwell Taglieri, John Anthony Dauwer, Colleen Marie
Fassnacht, Nina Mary Josephine Fadden, Brianna Kate White, Julia Maria Caliendo, Benjamin Daniel Tibbetts, Christopher Bartlett Davis, Gabriella Gail
Fitts, Susanna Chandlee Falcone, James Murphy White, Rachel Anne Carver, Austin Douglas Vidito, Jennifer Marie DeChellis, Kaylee Marie
Gill, Emma Kathryn Fearey, Morton Lazell Wiese, William Hunter Champ, Camille Alain Vuilleumier, Madison Lace DiBona, Kevin Christopher
Glattstein, Max Edmund Feldman, Matthew Christian Willett, John Peter Chase, Judson Andrew Williams, Nicholas John DiVasta, Luke Daniel
Grace, Emily Frances Felty, Storme LT Winchester, Gregory John Cheever, Sarah Elizabeth Wolff, John Arthur Dorsett, Jason Daniel
Hecker, Noel Francis Fitzgerald, Julia Nicole Winterbottom, Tyler Joseph Clancy, Tara Lynn Zec, Brian Steven Dowling, Spencer Jeffrey
Horgan, John Ryan Gallagher, Claire Jacqueline Wong, Elizabeth Nicole Clark, Owen Marshall Zeller, Harley Anne Duggan, Brady Patrick
Hutchinson, Megan Lindsey Gerraughty, Daniel Webb Yucius, Abigail Reid Connelly, Margaret Grace Elliott, Mackenzie O’Grady
Jamieson, Charles Porter Gervasi, Jessi Lynne Connolly, Geraldine Ann Grade 8 High Honor Roll Farina, Andrew Philip
Johnson, Carolyn Margaret Giumetti, James Michael Grade 7 High Honor Roll Connor, Daniel Joseph Antonino, Alexis Drea Feldman, Benjamin Gustav
Jones, Abigail Eleanor Grey, Bryce Lehan Allen, Tate Douglas Conway, Lindsay Claire Baker, Andrew Richard Ford, Gregory James
Kearney, Sarah Lane Grey, Hugh Stedman Anderson, Kathryn Elizabeth Corbett, Jack Nicholas Bartlett, Helen Patricia Gisholt Minard, Chandler Eliza
Koulopoulos, Olivia Mary Hargrave, Katherine Ann Armstrong, Christopher Todd Cordeiro, Riley Nicole Bayturk, Ilve Naz Grady, Sydney Watson
Krahmer, Walter Mason Healy, Lauren Barbara Bentsen-Bush, Ashton Marie Creed, Peter William Borghesani, Juliana Rose Hammel, Alexandra Lynn
Lampson, Trevor Andrew Herlihy, Luke Ryan Bernier, Jack Andrew Cross, Jamie Lee Briggs, Henry William Haney, Christopher Michael
Lannon, Samantha Marie Hines, Lucas James Burns, Evan James Day, Erin Morgan Brown, Ian Andrew Healy, Sean Francis
Lehmann, Kerri Elizabeth Hines, Natalie Jean Caso, Sarah Jane Demos, Remington Clark Buchanan, Madeline Katherine Herlihy, John Francis
Lombardi, Alexis Barbara Hocking, Caroline Sarah Cazeault, Jared Philson Dickinson, Nicholas Reed Bulman, Carter Thomas Hurcombe, Meagan Judith
Macaluso, William Francis Homan, Cameron Ronald Chatlin, Garrett Davis Dillon, Niall Coggins Burke, Brendan Scott Hutchinson, Hannah Elizabeth
MacKinnon, Emma Katherine Hovey, Alana Gabrielle Cheal, Jason James DiVasta, Sarah Benedette Butler, William Raymond Klein, Aaron Rothwell Cameron
McClintock, Daena Cole Howe, Calvin Michael Cook, Emmaline Berlin Doherty, Catherine Rose Bylo, Bridget Renee Kramer, Grant William
Mellen, Maren Alicia Huang, Kevin Michael Cox, Erik Richard Doyle, Chadd William Coakley, Kevin Keating Librett, Cari Elisabeth
Muller, Jennah Marina Hunt, Connor J Cronin, Catherine Mary Dudley, Jane Ann Coghlan, Jill Leigh Lirosi, Melissa Paige
Murphy, Alexis Eleanor Irving, Liam Christopher Crowley, Olivia Tierney Duffy, Brendan Patrick Connor, Sydney Rose Marcotte, Bradford Bennett
Murphy, Olivia Rose Jordan, Catherine Margaret Curcuru, Alicia Faye Duffy, Emma Katherine Coyman, Victoria Rose Markella, Matthew Morgan
Murray, Kristen Marie Kania, Alexander Robert Curran, Brendan Patrick Dullea, Sean Padraic Davis, Sara Kelley Marrocco, Nicholas Francis
NeJame, Louis Macaulay Kates, Christine Rose DiMartinis, Jake Steven Dunne, Michael Patrick Dever, Ashley Christine Martin, Jacqueline Anne
O’Brien, Heather Winifred Kelso, James Henry Dixon, Bridget McKenzie Duty, Joshua Eric Dow, Christian James Martinsen, Dawn Marion
O’Hare, Thomas Patrick Kennelly, Kurt Nicholas Doheny, Matthew George Errasti, Shawn Edward Duffy, Sarah Maria McCarthy, Brooke Taylor
O’Neal, Michael Christopher Kent, Jacob Price Feeney, Craig Thomas Fahy, Kaitlin Elizabeth Duggan, Monica Clancy McCarthy, Maeve Elizabeth
Olson, Anna Louise Keohan, Caleb Francis Fichter, Marissa Abelli Ferguson, Sally Ann Adalia Falcone, Margaret Fitts McCarthy, Sean Daniel
Peters, Kathryn Ferrick Kimbro, John Hayden FitzGerald, Alana Leigh Finken, Nicole Marie Fassnacht, Rachael Stefani McCluskey, Anne Marie
Quilty, Patrick Fitzgibbon Koplovsky, Madison Gillian Fitzgerald, Kendall Lane Fiskio, Elliana Marie Fearey, Katherine Farrington McDonough, Luke Hamilton
Quinlan, Nicole Carol Kurker, Taylor Jabran Flynn, Jack McSheffrey Fitzgerald, Veronica Mary Foote, Jake Joseph McElduff, Benjamin Doerre
Quinn, Katherine Margaret LaTorre, Ryan Christopher Foote, Madeline Margaret Fitzpatrick, Michael Sean Fortes, Ciara Marie McKim, Lauren Krista
Rakauskas, Veronica Mai Leddie, Hannah Isabelle Gavin, Nicole Elyse Foley, Isabelle Marie Garrity, Madison Lee McLaughlin, Haley Ann
Rana, Rameen Akbar Leonard, Matthew James Gleason, Grace Elizabeth Gandt, Peter Richard Gearin, Caroline Nelligan McLellan, Amandalyn Kathleen
Reagan, Jake Kenneth Leonard, William Rosario Guilfoile, Erin Patricia Garrity, Grant Richard Gerraughty, Kevin Lyons Meurer, Savery Anne
Ruff, Julia Marie Lillys, Peter Baird Haddad, Marina Victoria Gino, Sophia Margaret Glattstein, Megan Elise Moitinho, Victor Vieira
Ryan, Charles John Lloyd, Marin Phasopheap Hadley, Madison Jane Grady, Patrick Ryan Goldberg, Jessica Leigh Myette, Rachel Leigh
Sarles, Caitlyn Mary Luscko, Abigail Marie Hannon, Edmund Jordan Griffin, John Matthew Golden, Kelsey Caitlin Neprud, Janine Ruth
Schiller, Cameron Louise MacDonald, Owen Patrick Harrison, Catherine Mary Groll, Samuel Tyler Griffin, Zoe Elizabeth Ng, Joshua Gregory
Sheil, Hannah Elizabeth Mackin, Lindsea Rose Houghton, Grace Dana Gunderson, Emily Eileen Hanrahan, Jacqueline Connor Nichols, Emily Cornelia
Snow, Jack Louis Macleod, Spencer William Hutchinson, Tyler Robert Haddad, Nicholas Victor Johnson, Ethan Mullins Nolan, Jacquelyn Rose
Stames, Heron Alyssa Madigan, Peyton Mullin Ivanof, Olivia Litsa Halligan, Katherine Ann Kelly, Lauren Elisabeth O’Brien, Trevor James
Stevens, Kylie Grace Markella, Harrison William Kelly, Tucker Robert Halligan, Kevin Reed Keohan, Catherine McNamara O’Connor, Caroline Elizabeth
Stone, Abigail Atwood Marshall, David Kenneth Lawson, Perry Christine Heidenreich, Claire Elizabeth King, Sydney Alyssandra Pelletier, Julien Francis
Sullivan, Anna Genevieve McCarthy, Brendan Joseph Lewis, Aubrey Jeanne Hesson, Colby Michael Larsen, Catherine Burnham Perry, Jacquelyn Victoria
Sweet, Chloe Elizabeth McCarthy, Gretchen Joan Listernick, Christina Michelle Hickey, Daniel Noyes Lema, Kevin Joseph Quinzani, Wesley
Tearse, David Squire McCarthy, Theresa Catherine Lyons, Madeline Alice Holbrook, Sarah Constance Linskey, Sabrina Magada Lene Richardson, Sarah Catherine
Therrien, Sophie Rose McDaniel, Abbey Noella Mackin, Alyssa Jenea Homsy, William James MacNaught, Peyton Emily Roberts, Marguerite Wilde
Thomas, Emily Dane McDermott, Emily Caroline MacLennan, Kristina Elizabeth Horan, Isabella Victoria McClintock, Kaeden Luc Roberts, Sequoyah Cassidy
Thomas, Olivia Marie McDermott, Maxwell Richard Magnuson, Erik Joseph Hunter, Catherine Johnston Morreale, Stephen Kerwin Scavongelli, Katherine Allyse
Tobin, Molly Jacqueline McDonough, Shea Caroline McCann, Isabella Marie Jacobson, Charles Giorlando Murray, Megan Elizabeth Sinnott, Jackson Thomas
Tonis, Jonathan Adam McLaughlin, Brianna Melcha Murphy, David Matthew Johnson, Charlotte Mullins Najarian, Samantha Anne Sohmer, Harry Brown
Webber, Maximillian David de Oliveira Murphy, Tess Azita Jones, Kaylee Rose Nudd, Evan Loring Stames, Henry Calder
Williams, Katherine Caro McManus, Jacob Alexander Mutkoski, Michael Christopher Leaverton, Christopher Jennings O’Neil, John Patrick Stillman, Samantha Murphy
Zolla, Alexander John McManus, Noah William Nolton, Emily Klier Leclerc, Alexandra Renee O’Rourke, Caroline Jeanne Sullivan, Montana Jean
Mello, James Michael O’Connor, Daniel Joseph Lyons, Matthew Joseph O’Sullivan, Connor Walsh Sweeney, Ann Connolly
Grade 6 Honor Roll Meyer, Abigail Lynn-Ann O’Connor, Quinn Lockwood MacKinnon, Kailin Mary Pittore, Daniel Peter Swensen, Jake Henry
Alzaim, Hannah Marie Morreale, Nicholas Paul O’Neal, Matthew Kiely Maloney, Maggie Gianchetti Puatu, Alexandra Joy Wahl Thomas, Katelyn Mae
Anello, Cameron Bradford Mrowka, Lawrence Stephen O’Neill, Annabelle Quinn Matthews, Christopher Ian Riddle, Hannah Lacey Tileston-Connolly, Hayley
Antonino, Matthew Drea Mullin, Samuel James Palfrey, Sarah Morgan McCarthy, Margaret Allaire Robinson, Eoin James Vuaghn
Ball, Bridget Eileen Neprud, Jared Calvin Parry, Meghan Elizabeth McCarthy, Meghan Elizabeth Rooney, Conor Joseph Turok, Caitlin Elizabeth
Barbati, Anna Theresa Norton, Rachael Gauthier Pisani, Avery Lynn McCourt, Jared David Saia, Matthew Ming VanDingstee, Miranda Rose
Barrett, Katherine Slein Nudd, Kelsey Ann Prime, Wyatt Garrison McKenzie, Chandley Rose Schwanke, Noah David VanUmmersen, Madeline Long
Barry, Elizabeth Anna O’Brien, Dawson Matthew Quigley, Lucy Moore McManus, Tyler Bruce Shaunessy, Caroline Jeanne Walker, Garrett Lewis
Bedrick, Danika Marilyn O’Brien, Rachel Renee Roy, Megan Claire Melia, Kelly Kent Shaw, Patrick Joseph Walsh, Halle Elizabeth
Berry, Emily Russell O’Neil, Conor Robert Ruff, Charles Joseph Meyers, Parker Jamison Smith, Katherine McIntosh Walsh, Jeffrey Anthony
Blackington, Brynne Rose O’Toole, David Ryan Schaeffer, Zayla Dean Michelson, Drew James Smith, Olivia McIntosh Waltz, Nicholas John
FuTong Ojala, Tyler John Serres, Olav Albert Sanderson Miller, Rebecca Leigh Tougas, Michael Roger Weimer, Emily Ann
Blanch, Savannah Leigh Palombella, Sarah Mary Felicia Sharpe, Jillian Yuli Moody, Michaela Marie Urann, Marcus Morton West, Christa Morgan
Borghesani, Celia Jane Parry, Caitlin Marie Shay, Patrick McGahan Morton, Hannah Margaret Vetsch, Nicoletta Lee West, Joshua Harrison
Boucher, Izabella Renea Passell, Duncan Lawrence Smith, Kristin Marion Murray, Julia Marie Walters, Angus Maclean Whear, Matthew Charles
Briggs, Iva Noelle Perry, Robert David Stayton, Amanda Brooke Nolan, Thomas Richard White, Hallie Marie Woodgate, Jillian Rose
Brockwell, Brian Greg Phinney, Robert Warren O’Brien, Kelly Christina Williams, Tanner James Wyllie, Ian James
Brooks, Ciara Grace Piper, Harrison David Maryellen Priscilla O’Connor, Jake Francis Zelvis, Olivia Mae Zahka, Samantha Paige
Brown, Lydia Grace Prudente, Collin Michael Sullivan, Jacqueline Marie O’Connor, Kirsten Barbara Zisko, Emily Ann Zaverucha, Meghan Kate
22 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Duxbury School Calendar

Thursday Jan. 7
Chandler PTA meeting 9:30 a.m.
DHS School Council 5 p.m. DHS Rm. 106

Monday Jan. 11
Chandler School Council meeting 7 p.m. Send School news & Photos to
DHS PTO meeting 7 p.m. DHS library
the Deadline is Monday at noon.
Wednesday Jan. 13
SEPAC Presentation - Listen Up: Auditory Processing and Learning
Disorders, Library Merry Room 7 p.m.
DMS PTA meeting 8 p.m. DMS teacher’s room

Thursday Jan. 14
Spring $$$$$$$$ NEED CASH $$$$$$$$
**Turn your unwanted items into CASH**

Alden PTA meeting 7 p.m. 1.) You provide the unwanted item & the price that you want for it.
2.) We do the rest for free, write a description,

School Lunch Menu

take pictures, answer all calls & questions, qualify the buyer,
& most important bring you your asking price in CASH.

Week of Jan. 11-Jan. 15

registration We match sellers with buyers & it’s free
We don’t take your item, we bring the qualified buyer to you.
Cars, Parts Cars, Trucks, boats & accessories, Construction equipment,
The Board of Directors Recreational vehicles, Lawn tractors & equipment, Tools, Antique cars, ETC.
Monday: Chicken filet sandwich, lettuce, tomato, cheese, baked chips,
red and green apples, juice. of Duxbury Youth Baseball is Turn your unwanted items into CASH give us a call 781-248-0132.
pleased to announce open reg- **Totally FREE service** References upon request**
Tuesday: Grilled cheese, chicken noodle soup, glazed carrots, red and istration for the 2008 spring
green grapes, fruit punch.
baseball season. Beginning
Friday, Jan. 15 and continu-
Wednesday: Mozarella sticks with dip, green beans, caesar salad, fresh
fruit, juice.
Thursday: KFC mashed potato bowl, peaches, juice.
ing through Sunday, Feb. 28,
anyone wishing to play spring
Friday: Homemade calzone, garden salad, pudding, apple juice. baseball must register online Offering Pilates Classes in Halls Corner
at at “The Gotta Dance Studio” (next to the Post Office)
Spring leagues are as follows:
Tee Ball Pre-K (age 5 as of Tuesday 9:15am–10:15am Pilates Interval Class
DMS Sept. 1, 2010) – Kindergarten; Thursday 9:15am-10:15am Pilates Mat Class
Monday: Chicken patty on a roll, lettuce, tomato, glazed carrots, ova- AA, Grades 1-2; AAA, Grades
tion fries, pineapples, juice. Soup for $1.
3-4; Majors, Grades 5-6; Ju- Fee is $12.00 for drop-in or 5 classes for $50.00
Tuesday: Mac and cheese, sweet peas, dinner roll with butter, peaches, nior Babe, Grades 7-9; Buddy No appointment or experience necessary!
juice. Soup for $1. Ball, All ages Classes are mat format, focusing on proper
Wednesday: Steak and cheese sub, baked chips, pickle, curly fries, Note that the Senior Babe technique and form while
grape juice. (ages 16-19) league does not strengthening and toning your
Thursday: Nachos, nachos, nachos, seasoned beef, corn, salsa, fruit begin until the summer. Regis-
body and mind.
punch. Soup for $1. trations for that league and all
Friday: Bagel pizza, garden salad, Jello, apple juice. Soup for $1. the summer leagues will take Instructor – Kelly Barlow
Daily lunch options: Monday and Wednesday, bagel; Tuesday and place at a later date. Also note Master of Ed in Health & Fitness
Thursday, Pizza; Friday, Uncrustable, all with salad or vegetable, fruit. that there will be no walk-in Certified Balance Point Pilates Instructor
Check daily for sandwich or salad of the day. registration this year. Appli- 781-934-7078
cations received after Feb. 29
are subject to availability and
a $25 late fee.
Monday: Grilled cheese, chicken noodle soup, green beans, peaches,
Tuesday: Chicken patty on a roll, smiley fries, corn, raisins, juice.
Wednesday: Meatball sub, pasta salad, pickle spear, juice. FORGET
Thursday: Baked nuggets, rice pilaf, glazed carrots, wheat dinner roll,
pineapples, juice.
Friday: Pasta with butter and sauce, veggie tray with cheese cubes,

bread stick, orange smiles, juice.
Daily lunch options: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Uncrustable or pizza;
Tuesday, Thursday, ham or turkey and cheese on assorted breads or
bagel with yogurt.

Monday: Chicken patty, rice pilaf, green beans, chilled pears, juice.
Tuesday: Mozzarella mania with dip, glazed carrots, applesauce, juice.
Wednesday: Breakfast for lunch, bagels with cream cheese, Trix yo-
gurt, fresh strawberries, juice. Hot chocolate tasting. NEXTTENYEARSWOULDNEEDMILLIONINASSETSTOSUSTAINTHEIRCUR-
Thursday: Whole grain max sticks with dip, garden salad, green beans, RENTLIFESTYLEWITHOUTERODINGTHEIRSAVINGS
pineapples, juice.
Friday: Grilled cheese on wheat, Campbells chicken noodle soup, cu-
At 1620 Investment Advisors,WEHAVETHEPRODUCTSANDPEO-
Daily lunch options: Uncrustables, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, whole YOUDIVERSIFYYOURINCOMESTREAMSSOTHATYOUCANGENERATETHE
grain pizza or bagel and yogurt, Tuesday, Thursday, ham or turkey and INCOMEYOUNEEDTOCOVERYOUREXPENSESANDGROWYOURASSETSTO
cheese on assorted breads or Dragon box.
Message for Parents: Accounts must be current. Deposits need to be
made monthly at or mail payments to Duxbury Food
service 130 St. George St., Duxbury, MA 02332. Cafeteria can accept
payment between 9:30-10:30 a.m. daily.

1620 Investment Advisors
#ORDAGE0ARKs0LYMOUTH -!s(508) 830-4778
1620 Investment Advisors currently manages over $63 million in assets.
781-834-6231 • 267 Ocean St., Brant Rock, Marshfield $225,000 minimum investment. Assets SIPC insured.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010 Duxbury Clipper 23

Duxbury police log behind Duxbury Pizza. States DPW, NStar, and Verizon on the 1:58 p.m. Officer assisted with
Thursday Dec. 24
1:01 a.m. Caller reported erratic window shopping. Officer sent scene. motor vehicle lock out.
operator on Marshall Street. Area on his way.
8:21 p.m. Caller requests fire 7:06 p.m. Caller reported run-
search negative. 4:54 p.m. Caller on Cordwood department for evaluation on Bay ning over something in road on
3:35 a.m. Suspicious motor ve- Path reports kids throwing snow- Farm Road. Autumn Avenue. Sergeant re-
hicle parked at the Duxbury Mid- balls hit and cracked her wind- moved computer monitor from
Saturday Dec. 26 shield. Area search negative. 8:59 p.m. Caller reports strik- road.
dle School. ing deer on Congress Street. No
2:01 a.m. Assisted Marshfield
7:36 a.m. Motor vehicle acci- police in locating a vehicle. damage to vehicle. Deer injured, 10:19 p.m. Caller reports sus-
dent on Depot Street. One party
Monday Dec. 28 and died before police arrived. picious motor vehicle on Wad-
transported to Jordan Hospital
9:29 a.m. Caller reported water 4:31 p.m. 911 caller reports Party will remove the deer. sworth Road. Office advised to
leak in service line of neighbors motor vehicle hit and run, stated move along.
with injuries. 9:25 p.m. Caller requests ambu-
home on Ocean Road South. front end damage. Officer out on
8:38 a.m. 911 call for truck driver DPW notified. lance for party not feeling well.
Standish Street speaking to party Transported from Flintlocke
that hit a cable wire on Washington who left the scene.
Street. Officer moved same to the
9:38 a.m. Water leak in service Drive to Jordan Hospital.
line on Franklin Street from street 4:48 p.m. Walk-in medical to
side of the road. Comcast notified.
to home. DPW and water depart- police station complaining of
2:45 p.m. Officer reports dis- ment notified. Wednesday Dec. 30
chest pains. Transported to South
abled motor vehicle on Route 3 Shore Hospital. WALSH, FIRNROHR,
northbound near Exit 11. Assis-
11:16 a.m. Caller reports lost or
stolen registration plate. Entered 6:08 p.m. Call of icy road con- & McCARTHY, P.A.
tance on the way with new tire.
in LEAPS. ditions on Keene Street. DPW
2:59 p.m. Animal control officer 1:09 p.m. Resident of Union notified. Engaging in the General Practice of Law
notified of yellow labrador miss-
Street reports gunshot heard in 6:31 p.m. K9 assisted Marsh-
ing from Crooked Lane. Concentrating in Real Estate, Criminal Defense,
area. Area search negative. field for breaking and entering
4:13 p.m. Disabled motor ve- suspects that fled on foot. K9 Estate Planning & Immigration
hicle on Lincoln Street.
3:15 p.m. Caller found yellow
labrador with blue collar. Animal tracked to home. Suspects spo-
ken to by officer. 272 Saint George Street
5:36 p.m. Caller reports erratic control notified. Duxbury, Massachusetts
operator heading into Kingston. 7:44 p.m. Caller on Marshall
Kingston Police Department noti-
4:43 p.m. Caller reports a seal 781-934-8500
on the beach. Harbormaster noti- Street states wife has been drink-
fied. ing and is going to leave home.
6:36 p.m. Disabled motor ve- Officer stopped party on Chestnut
hicle on Tinkertown Lane.
9:29 p.m. Caller requesting well Street. Arrested one female for
being check. Officer reports no marked lanes violation, negligent
8;18 p.m. Caller reported do- one home. operation of a motor vehicle, and START THE NEW YEAR WITH
mestic situation on Kingstown operating under the influence of
Way. Ambulance called for eval-
Sunday Dec. 27 liquor. A GREAT LOOKING TAN!
1:19 a.m. Caller on Lake Shore 10:20 p.m. Caller reports under
10:08 p.m. Caller on Parks Drive reports erratic operator. age drinking party at residence
Street reports party having trou- Officer reports motor vehicle ac- on Winter Street. Area search Custom Spray Tanning too!
ble breathing. Patient refused cident. One
party under arrest, negative. 11/5/09 9:48 AM Page 12
transport. charged with possession of alco- Check out for more info!
hol under the age of 21, failure to Tuesday Dec. 29 WE ARE PROFESSIONALLY RUN SALON PROMOTING
Friday Dec. 25 drive in the right lane, and operat- RESPONSIBLE TANNING FOR ADULTS AND TEENS
ing under the influence of liquor. 9:05 a.m. Pembroke police re-
12:21 p.m. Caller reports sus- ports motor vehicle accident on 4VNNFS4U ,JOHTUPOt
picious person in area of Parks 4:35 a.m. Disabled motor ve- High Street.
Street. Area search negative. hicle on Washington Street. Ve- DUXBURYS’ FAVORITE TANNING OASIS FOR 22 YEARS!
hicle to be removed by owner. 3:01 p.m. Caller reports tree and GET YOUR VITAMIN D and a GREAT TAN AT THE SAME TIME!
12:54 p.m. Suspicious red pickup wires down on Blodgett Avenue. Log onto for the facts on UV Light and Tanning!
truck on Washington Street without 9:18 a.m. Concrete reported
back plates. Officer spoke to opera- in roadway on Congress Street.
tor. DPW will remove.
1:59 p.m. Officer assisting motor 3:16 p.m. Caller reports party
vehicle off road on Route 3 south- in store acting suspiciously. Of-
bound. ficer will handle. Party now back

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24 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, January 6, 2010 “ T h e B e s t We b s i t e i n R e a l E s t a t e ”
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Happy House Hunting!

5 Hideaway Lane, Duxbury 8 Rachael Lane, Duxbury 35 Walker Road, Duxbury Carriage Lane, Duxbury 166 Enterprise Street, Duxbury
Oversized custom-built Cape with an open This Post & Beam contemporized Farmhouse Picture perfect ten room Colonial, on a Beautiful new construction in lovely Nestled in amongst mature trees, landscap-
and versatile floor plan, living room with has been artfully renovated with soaring lovely lot in a sought after cul-de-sac neigh- Duxbury Community. Clubhouse, fitness ing and the cranberry bog sits this beauti-
built-ins and fireplace opens to mahogany ceilings, two oversized fireplaces and dra- borhood. Four generous bedrooms, includ- center and walking trails all maintenance- fully renovated antique cape offering
deck and pool area. MLS#70925835, Sharon matic architectural features throughout. ing a master with master bath, and a nicely free. Put away the snow shovel for good! extensive modern amenities.
MacAllister, $1,098,000 MLS#71002045, Marcy Richardson, finished lower level. MLS#70994859, MLS#70939487, Chris Daley, $585,000
$679,900 Donna MacLeod, $649,000 MLS#70989601, Danielle Delagrange,

862 Nantasket Ave., Hull 51 Indian Pond Road, Kingston 15 Pembroke Street, Kingston 34 Winter Street, Kingston 17 Peachtree Way, Pembroke
Mediterranean style Colonial offers mag- Crafted by an award winning builder recent- New Listing! Charming Gambrel with large New Price! Located on almost one acre of Situated in an up-scale, and welcoming
nificent views of the Atlantic Ocean and ly featured in Builder Architect Magazine, barn and many updates. Private fenced yard manicured grounds, this Cape Style Ranch neighborhood of newer homes, this property
Bay. This home has been extensively reno- this exceptional, one-of-a-kind Arts and with beautiful gardens. Close to commuter has been meticulously maintained. is just minutes away from ocean beaches,
vated and offers a state-of-the-art kitchen. Crafts style home enjoys a bucolic setting on rail and shopping. Pat Kale, $395,000 MLS#70969311, Patricia Ford, $315,000 shopping, schools, highway and commuter
MLS#70996108, Renee Hogan, $380,000 Russell Pond. MLS#70954499, Donna rail. MLS#71012594, Renee Hogan,
MacLeod, $849,000 $534,000

61 Hedge Road, Plymouth 25 King Phillip Road, Plymouth Duxbury Duxbury Duxbury
Discover Lighthouse Point! This one-of-a- Million $$$ ocean views without the price Perched majestically above the bay in Look out over the point of historic Duxbury Historic waterfront estate, the Joshua
kind resort inspired community offers the tag! Have you always dreamed of living by Duxbury, this international style 13 acre Harbor from this majestic Antique Colonial Weston House, circa 1854, situated on 3.2
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perfect balance of sophistication and sereni- the water? Then look no further! for entertaining. Features a five room guest- on 1.66 acres. Mature gardens, patios, acres overlooking Kingston Bay.
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MacLeod, $5,999,000

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Section B • Wednesday, January 6, 2010 Ph: (781) 293-1040
Fax: (781) 293-4755

The Top 10 Duxbury Sports Stories of 2009


• Lunch
• Dinner
• Bar & Lounge

By Mike Halloran, Sports Editor Open 7 Days
hile the Duxbury High School sports program Gift Certificates
enjoyed a banner year in 2009 with two state 133 Ocean Street • Brant Rock 781-834-9144
championships and its tenth Boston Globe Dalton
Award as the winningest athletic program in the paper’s divi-
sion III rankings, there were several other top stories. Trying to
single out which event was the most significant is certainly open
to debate. Therefore, let’s get started and see if you agree. Free Pickup & Delivery

Sweet and Sour Mon/Thurs

When School Superinten- of working at Duxbury seemed Tues/Fri
dent Susan Skeiber informed proof enough that Sweet was 16 Chestnut St. Duxbury
the Duxbury getting the job done, and in
School Com- his annual evaluation meeting
Top mittee that the with AD Thom Holdgate and
sports contract of DHS Principal Andrew Steph-
boy’s lacrosse ans there was no hint that his
Stories coach Chris tenure was up.
of 2009 Sweet would School officials were tight Native Grown Turkeys & Turkey Products

not be renewed
for the 2010
lipped about the reason for
the non-renewal, and rumors
season, all hell broke loose, swirled that a few disgruntled
as parents and former play- parents were behind the whole Duxbury’s highly successful boys’ lacrosse coach Chris Sweet 781-5
ers came to his defense with incident. was told last summer that his contract would not be renewed. 85-2392
rumors circulating as to why In the end, Skeiber fi- After a public outcry, his job was reinstated a few weeks after the
his contract was not being re- nally sat down with Sweet story broke. Rt. 53, Duxbury, MA 02332

newed. and ironed out the issues that

Six straight state lacrosse
championships in his 14 years
seemed to bring the matter to
an unfortunate head.
Dragons win state golf title SEACOAST
The DHS boys’ golf team and Bobby O’Brien (86) also ENGINEERING COMPANY
Field of Dreams won the 2009 MIAA Divi-
sion 2 State championship at
represented the Dragons in the
best four scores competition
One aspect of living in used for such a project. t%PDLT
the Blackstone Stoddard’s low round
Duxbury is that when some- DHS Athletic Direc- t&OWJSPONFOUBM
National Golf included five birdies, but it
thing needs to get done, resi- tor Thom Holdgate said that Top Club in Sutton didn’t qualify him for the in- 5JUMF7%FTJHOt1FSNJUT
dents of the town step forward the PRIDE Committee was
and make it happen. looking at their options and sports in November. dividual title based on the fact
Its two-stroke that he did not qualify for the 1BVM#SPHOB 1&
After the PRIDE com- weren’t ready to give up Stories victory over individual title in the South 
mittee raised the necessary on the field quite yet. Town
funds to pro- Counsel Robert Troy noted in of 2009 S a n d w i c h Sectional the previous week
(313-315) was at the Easton Country Club. A
Top ceed with in- a memo that there was pend-
the fourth State golfer needed to shoot a 76 to
sports stallation of a
much needed
ing legislation on Beacon Hill
that could change what CPC
title for Coach Jack Stoddard. qualify at Easton and Stoddard
Junior captain Jonathan came in at 77.
Stories turf field be- funds can be used on.
Stoddard and James Magner “I told these kids when the
of 2009 hind the high
school, the
Through the efforts of
many, the new turf field was in
were the stars for the Dragons, year started we would need
as they shot rounds of 72 and two low scores to win it all and
state’s Su- place for the fall high school
75 respectively, while Billy they must have remembered,”
preme Judi- season and is now used by
Curley (82) and Kevin Kuckuk said Coach Stoddard.
cial Court struck down a rul- many athletic organizations
(84) completed the Dragons’
ing that CPA funds could be in town.
scoring. Stephan Krall (85) top stories continued on page 7

Timeless magic at the PAC

grandmother, Elizabeth and Catherine.

By Bruce Barrett, Clipper Columnist
The Norbergs – Mary, Maggie, and
uxbury’s Madeline Eleanor – were even joined by their
Greenstein couldn’t have own tiny Clara, a babe in arms seeing
been happier. Barely big her first Nutcracker.
enough to see over the seat in front For a jaded old fan like me, it was
of her, she sat with rapt attention WHAT’S GOING a pleasure to join young families just ROOFING
between her mother and grandmother, ON HERE? beginning their Holiday traditions,
and watched the whole show without especially when Brad Geddes took
missing a beat. Like many of the little finest Christmas tree. At four years the single seat that remained in our WINTER SPECIAL
girls coming to see the Nutcracker, old, Madeline was seeing her second midst. He had a special interest in the
Nutcracker, as was eight-year-old Julia Up to $500 Off
she came dressed to the teeth. Indeed, ballet, and a perfectly good reason to
the whole hall was filled with velvet, Constantine, who sat right behind see it alone: his wife danced the role New Bookings
red and black, and ribbons fit for the her. Grace Dousa (from Scituate) also
loved the show with her mom and continued on page 4

Find help fast in the Service Directory … page 13

2 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Monthly Game Night at the Senior
Send church listings to Center. Join us for a different game every second Thursday of the month,
from 6-7:30 p.m. This month’s feature

or fax to 781-934-5917.
is the new, popular Bananagrams
the Deadline crossword-building game.
is Friday at noon.

C l i pp e r
Legacies in Stone Presentation.
First Baptist A cal
Join us at the Senior Center at
9:30 a.m. for a unique slide show
Du x b u n d a r f o r
presentation of the statues of Boston

ry e
m u me e t ve n t s, by Todd Forman, Boston historian
781- 934-6095

C om
Dr. Kevin Cassidy and volunteer guide for Boston by
c l a s s i ng s,
Pastor Jamie Cotelleso,
e s, c o Foot. All welcome. No charge.

l e n d wo r k u rs e s,
Worship Leader
Sunday worship, 9:30 a.m.;
nursery and children’s programs C a s
p l ays h o p s,
, Friday Jan. 15
during worship time. Sunday and v dance s DCTV
school classes, children through
o pp o r o l u n te e r
Palestine Film Series.
adult, immediately following t uni t Television, channel 13, presents a
morning worship; 5:30 p.m. ie s ! Palestine film series to be aired Friday
junior and senior high youth nights in January and February from
groups with Youth Pastor Brent 9-10 p.m. The first film is titled “Life
in Occupied Palestine” and will air
Van Wyk; 6 p.m. devotion and
r i te ms by
Jan. 8.
prayer time. Awana Clubs for
c a le n d a
kids every Wednesday night Se nd o e ve n t s@
Friday Night Entertainment. From 9
from 6:30 - 8 p.m. for preschool
F r id a y t p.m.-12:30 a.m., at the Winsor House
through the 6th grade. no on s s .c om .
on Washington Street, featuring Sean
c l i pp e r p re ce available basis.
McLaughlin, Irish folk guitarist and
Holy Family Church Adult Ed 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., le n da r it
ish ed on a sp
ems a re publ erci a l Dux bu ry-b ase d
even ts .
C a omm
Children’s choir rehearsal 6 is fo r n on-c
Rev. Bryan Parrish p.m., Youth choir rehearsal at
Preference Saturday Jan. 16
Rev. Seán Maher 7 p.m. Thursday: Adult Choir Owls and Omelets. Join Mass
781-934-5055 rehearsal 7 p.m. Friday: AA Audubon educator John Galluzzo
Weekend Mass: Saturday, meeting at 7 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 16, from 5:30-8
5 p.m., Sunday, 7 a.m., 8:30 a.m. for an early morning owl
a.m. (family mass), 10 a.m. and Thursday Jan. 7 Sunday Jan. 10 prowl, followed by a hearty morning
11:30 a.m. Babysitting avail- First Parish Church Gentle Yoga. Sessions at the Sunday Salon Series. Come to the breakfast. North River Wildlife
able at 8:30 and 10 a.m. Daily Duxbury Senior Center with Claire Duxbury Free Library on Sunday, Sanctuary is located at 2000 Main
Mass is Monday through Sat- Rev. Catherine Cullen from 5:30-6:30 p.m. The cost for Jan. 10 at 2 p.m. for a short discussion St., Marshfield. The fee for this
urday, 8:15 a.m. The rosary is 781-934-6532 four weeks is $27 payable to the on the book ‘The Guernsey Literary program is $20 for Mass Audubon
prayed after daily Mass. Adora- The office is open from 9 town of Duxbury. The program will and Potato Peel Society,’ and an members, $25 for non-members, and
tion of the Blessed Sacrament, a.m.-3 p.m. Sundays, Senior continue on an ongoing basis. Call exciting virtual tour of the island pre-registration is required. For more
Fridays from 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. choir rehearsal at 9:15 a.m., Ju- Linda with any questions or to pre- of Guernsey. Tour guide Heide information contact John Galluzzo at
Daytime bible study, Thursdays nior choir rehearsal at 9:30 a.m., register at 781-934-5774, x103 Hasselmann traveled to the island 781-837-9400.
at 9:30 a.m. Evening prayer Worship Service and Church and will share her photographs and
group Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. school at 10:30 a.m. and Bud-
Tech Talk, Facebook and your in-depth knowledge. For free tickets
Men’s prayer group Fridays at dhist Meditation at 7 p.m. Bells
privacy. Want to sign up for Facebook
to keep in touch with relatives and
call 781-934-2721, x108. Sunday Jan. 17
6:45 a.m. meet on Tuesdays at 7 p.m., and friends but are concerned about your Sunday Salon Series. David
Recorders at 8:30 p.m. Book Brody, bestselling author of “Cabal
group meets Thursdays at 9 a.m.
privacy? Come to this Tech Talk
in the Duxbury Free Library Setter
Monday Jan. 11 of the Westford Knight,” will be at
Pilgrim Church Sewing group meets Thursdays room from 7-8 p.m. and learn about Snug Harbor Community Chorus the Duxbury Free Library at 2 p.m. at 10 a.m. Facebook privacy settings and how open rehearsals. Residents are Brody will give a talk on the historical
Rev. Todd Vetter, Senior Pastor to keep your personal information invited to attend the open rehearsals artifacts around New England that
Rev. Eloise Parks, Ast. Pastor safe. which begin on Monday, Jan. 11, at support the theory that Templar
781-934-6591 St. Paul’s Church of 7:30 p.m. The non-audition chorus Knights came to America long before
Sunday Worship Service at is a non-profit organization made Columbus. Free tickets are now
10 a.m. Church office hours, the Nazarene Friday Jan. 8 up of volunteers from all over the available at Westwinds Bookshop
Monday, 9 a.m.-1 p.m., Tues- Rev. David Troxler south region who love to sing. and the library. For more information
day-Friday, 8:30 a.m.- 4 p.m. 781-585-3419 Palestine Film Series. DCTV Members meet at the Performing call 781-934-2721, x108.
Pilgrim childcare and preschool, Sunday worship, 11 a.m. Television, Channel 13, presents a Arts Center. For more information,
Monday-Friday, 7 a.m-6 p.m. Nursery is provided for all ser- Palestine film series to be aired Friday visit
Saturday, Jan. 9, Annual Pil- vices. Sunday school meets nights in January and February from
9-10 p.m. The first film is titled “Life
grim’s Progressive Dinner at 5 Sunday morning from 9 to 10:45
Martin Luther King Jr. Breakfast.
p.m. a.m. Thursday, Sacred Youth in Occupied Palestine” and will air
Jan. 8.
Tuesday Jan. 12 The Duxbury Interfaith Council and
Ministry at the teen center at the No Place for Hate Committee
Senior Breakfast. All welcome to
6:30 p.m. Men’s Bible Study
United Methodist enjoy a delicious breakfast at 8:30 will sponsor the annual Martin
is held Wednesdays at 7 p.m.
Women’s Bible Study, Fridays
Saturday Jan. 9 a.m. followed by an overview of the Luther King Jr. Prayer Breakfast on
Monday, Jan.18 beginning at 8:15
benefits and demonstration of Tai
Rev. Barbara Kszystyniak at 9:30 a.m. DivorceCare and Annual Christmas Tree Pickup. Chi by Tony McAlear. Tony holds a a.m. followed by the service at 9 a.m.
781-585-9863 DivorceCare for Kids, Thurs- Last call for the Cub Scouts of Pack weekly class at the Senior Center on at the High Street Methodist Church.
Sunday worship service and days from 6:30-8:30 p.m. 62 and the Boy Scouts of Troop 62 to Keynote speaker is Arthur Bernard,
Tuesdays at 9 a.m. Cost for breakfast
Sunday school, 10 a.m., fol- pick up Christmas trees. Leave your $4. Reservations required at 781- Chief of Staff to the Governor and a
lowed by fellowship, adult choir tree outside by Saturday morning 934-5774. Duxbury resident. The High School
rehearsal, 8:45 a.m. with coffee First Church of with your donation attached. To make Chorus will also perform. There
hour following. Third Friday of arrangements, call 781-934-6006 is a requested donation of $5 per
each month we serve dinner at Christ Scientist and leave your name, address, and Wednesday Jan. 13 person or $10 per family. For more
Mainspring Shelter, Brockton. 781-934-6434 phone number, or send an e-mail with information, contact the Duxbury
Last Wednesday of the month Sunday worship service and this information to Troop62dux@ Fine Arts Chorale Rehearsals Interfaith Council at 781-934-8388
is ladies’ luncheon at 12 p.m. Sunday School for K-12, 10:30 A $10 donation per Begin. Weekly rehearsals for the or visit
Church office hours are Monday a.m. Mid-week testimony meet- tree is requested; any donation is 2010 concert season will begin on
through Thursday from 9 a.m. to ing on Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. gratefully accepted. Wednesday, Jan. 13 from 7:30-9:30 Life Long Learning Registration.
p.m. at Old South Union Church, 25 On Jan 11-15, 9 a.m.-noon at the
12 p.m. Christian Science Reading Room Camera Club Workshops and Duxbury Senior Center. State
open to all, 15 Standish St. Halls Columbian St., South Weymouth.
Photo Walks. The first Camera Singers in all voice parts are cordially Representative Tom Calter is teaching
Corner, Tuesday through Satur- Club members only workshop will
St. John the day 10 a.m.-1 p.m. be presented by photographer Glenn
invited to participate. Music Director, this course.
Richard Travers, will be preparing
Evangelist Episcopal Christian Science Sentinel Pollock on mounting and matting the chorus for a May 2 performance.
Duxbury Art Instructors at South
Shore Art Center. Portfolio prep
Radio on WATD 95.9 FM Sun- photographs on Jan. 9 in the Library’s For additional information, please
day mornings at 7 a.m. Setter Room. For more information class with Dorothy Amore Pilla on
781-934-6523 call 1-800-230-7555, e-mail Wednesdays, art history class called
on the club e-mail katherineadixon@ or visit
Sunday services: 8 a.m. Styles and Temperaments Part II
Holy Eucharist (said) and 10 Journey with Anthony Pilla on Thursdays
a.m. Holy Eucharist (with choir Learn to Skate. New Learn to Skate (participants are encouraged to bring
and hymns.) Sunday school Community of Faith sessions start Wednesday, Jan. 6 their lunches at 12:30 p.m. and stay for
K-12 during 10 a.m. service. at 5:35 p.m. and Saturday Jan. 9 at Thursday Jan. 14 the class which runs from 1:30-3:30
Childcare provided at 10 a.m. Rev. David Woods 12:30 p.m. at Hobomock Arena in p.m.), and “Bare Bones Watercolor”
Get Fit at the Duxbury Senior
service. Wednesday: Mens Pembroke. The cost of the eight week with Lilly Cleveland (designed for
781-585-8295 Center. A series of four-week Gentle
Bible Study 6:30 a.m., Coffee Sunday, 10 a.m., Ford Cen- session (no class Feb. vacation week) beginners who want to start painting)
Yoga sessions on Thursday evening
and conversation 9 a.m., Holy ter at Miramar. is $135, plus $12 annual registration on Mondays. All classes begin mid-
with Claire from 5:30-6:30 p.m. The
Eucharist with healing 10 a.m., fee for new students. Call 781-293- January. For a full description and to
cost for four weeks is $27 payable to
7575 or visit register, visit
the Town of Duxbury. The program
for more information.
will continue on an ongoing basis.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010 Duxbury Clipper 3

Question of the Week by Mary Beth Goldman

What is playing on your iPod?

“I just listened to The High Road “Chester French!” “As soon as I get it, I’ll be “My iPod was stolen on my “I don’t have one, but if I did it
by Broken Bells.” Vivie Doughty listening to the soundtrack from 21st birthday. If I had it I’d be would be either Backstreet Boys
Christopher Horvat Franklin St. Sherlock Holmes.” listening to Jack Johnson or or 3oh3!”
Visiting from Rhode Island Angie Goldman Lady Gaga.” Julie Merry
Old Farm Rd. Matty Lin Roumacher Mayflower St.
Keene St.

Less Stress. More Success. Join Gentle Yoga sessions on Thursday Drop in Storytimes. Does not preschool or kindergarten with an Senior Center. Cost $15 per person.
The Parent Connection for a candid evening with Claire from 5:30-6:30 require registration. Toddler Tales for adult is held every Friday at 10:30 Menus vary. Proper plating, kitchen
talk with Marilee Jones, former p.m. The cost for four weeks is $27 ages two and under with an adult on a.m. equipment, entertaining ideas. For
Admissions Director at MIT on payable to the Town of Duxbury. The Tuesdays at either 10 a.m. or 10:30 registration, call Linda at 781-934-
Thursday, Jan. 21 at 7:30 p.m. in the program will continue on an ongoing a.m. Drop in for ages three and under Cooking with Emil Lundin. Meets 5774 x112.
Performing Arts Center in Duxbury, basis. Also, they are offering two with an adult on Wednesdays at 10:30 from 1-3 p.m. on the first and third
with a reception beginning at 7 p.m. Zumba classes with Paddi Donato a.m. Gather ‘Round, for children in Tuesday of each month at the
Tickets are $5 each and available on on Thursday morning at 8:15 a.m.
line at, at and Wednesday at 12:15 p.m. for one
Ice and Cold Water Safety
Westwinds Bookshop, the Duxbury hour for $5 per class. Call Linda
Free Library and Foodie’s. Tickets with any questions or to pre-register
will also be available at the door at 781-934-5774, x103. ccording to the U.S. Coast Guard, each year
for $7. For more information visit there are over 7,000 drownings and 20,000 Palestine Film Series. DCTV
Television, channel 13, presents a near-drownings in the United States. Over half
Snowy Owl Prowl. On Saturday Palestine film series to be aired Friday of these incidents occur in cold water (water less than 70 de-
Jan. 23, join Mass Audubon educator nights in January and February from grees F.). If you are going to go onto the ice, please use the
John Galluzzo from 9-11 a.m. for a 9-10 p.m. The first film is titled “Life following safety precautions. Ice on moving water in riv-
Snowy Owl Prowl along Duxbury in Occupied Palestine” and will air ers, streams and brooks is never safe. The thickness of ice
Beach. Pre-registration is required Jan. 8. on ponds and lakes depends upon water currents or springs,
and costs $15 for Mass Audubon
members, and $18 for non-members. Friday Night Entertainment. From 9 depth, and natural objects such as tree stumps or rocks.
Meet across the Powder Point Bridge, p.m.-12:30 a.m., at the Winsor House Daily changes in temperature cause the ice to expand and
dress appropriately for the weather on Washington Street, featuring Sean contract, which affects its strength. No one can declare ice
and bring binoculars. For directions McLaughlin, Irish folk guitarist and to be absolutely safe. If someone does fall through the ice,
or more information, contact John vocalist. act quickly and call 911 for help immediately, do not go out
Galluzzo at 781-837-9400. Library Netbook Program. For onto the ice, leave it to the professionals. Remember, the
Steppin’ Out. The Duxbury Council users without laptops, the Duxbury only safe ice is at a skating arena.
on Aging’s next Steppin’ Out trip is Free Library Reference Department
“Mozart Dances” at the Opera House is happy to loan an Acer Netbook
in Boston leaving Duxbury at 1:30 for in-library use. Patrons must be
on Jan. 31. Tickets include bus, 16 years of age or older. Come to the
parking and admission. Deadline Reference Desk on the upper level
for ordering tickets is Jan. 4. For to check out the Netbook. A valid
OCLN library card is required. A two “I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately...”
more information call Joanne Moore
at the Senior Center at 781-934- hour per day maximum time limit -Henry David Thoreau
will be enforced.
5774 x102, or send an e-mail to or
Transportation to medical
appointments. The Duxbury Senior
Nurture Your Spirit.
No Place For Hate Program on
Stereotypes. The Duxbury No Place
for Hate Committee will sponsor
Center offers transportation to local
medical appointments to seniors and
handicapped individuals on Tuesday
Help Heal Our World
a program on stereotypes and the and Thursday from 8 a.m.-4 p.m.,
pyramid of hate on Tuesday, Jan. and Friday mornings from 8-11.
Rides must be scheduled 72 hours
26 at 7 p.m. in the Merry Room of
the Duxbury Free Library. For more in advance by calling Becky Ford at If you’re searching for a spiritual home
information, contact the No Place for 781-934-5774 x117. where questions are as welcome as
Hate committee at noplaceforhate@ The Council on Aging fitness answers, find us. We are a loving open- or 781-934- classes. Zumba latin dance aerobics minded religious community that en-
8388. at 12:15 on Wednesdays and 12:45 courages you to seek your own path,
p.m. on Fridays ($5/free for Seniors); wherever it leads. To nurture your spirit
Strength training on Thursdays at
Ongoing 9:30 a.m.; Tai Chi on Tuesday at 9 and find your own truth and meaning.
Uno, Dos,Tres. Aseries of six bilingual a.m.; Stay fit multi-level class on Welcome to Unitarian Universalism.
storytimes to introduce children to Tuesday and Thursday at 11 a.m.;
Spanish in a fun environment will be
offered at the Duxbury Free Library
Yoga on Tuesday night at 7 p.m. and
Wednesday at 9 a.m. Call 781-934- First Parish Church
5774, x103 for questions.
on Wednesdays, Jan. 6 through Feb.
10 from 10:15-11:15 a.m. These stay
Unitarian Universalist
Senior Citizens Club. Meets on the Sunday Services 10:30 / Childcare & Sunday School
alone storytimes are for children ages first Friday of each month, 9:30 a.m.,
3 to 5 and children must be able to at the Senior Center on Mayflower
attend all six weeks. Registration Street. For more information, call TREMONT AT DEPOT STREET • DUXBURY • 781-934-6532
begins Dec. 16 and must be done in Lee at 781-585-9242.
person in the children’s department.
For more details, check the children’s Poetry Circle. Meets on the second A liberal religious church serving Duxbury, Marshfield,
department Web site program page or Thursday of every month, 7-8:30 Pembroke & surrounding communities.
call 781-934-2721, x115. p.m., at the Duxbury Free Library.
For more information, call 781-934-
Get Fit at the Duxbury Senior 2721.
Center. A series of four-week
4 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Magic at the PAC

Continued from page one
Youth softball clinic
Duxbury Youth Softball is swinging into the 2010 sea-
son, offering a set of fabulously fun winter clinics! Session
of the Sugar Plum Fairy, the gem among gems in this classic 1 (of 2) will take place on Tuesdays in Plymouth:
production. January 5, 12, 19, 26 and Feb. 2, 9
Sybil Geddes (nee Watkins) danced beautifully, her long Grades 3-5: 5-6:30 p.m.
lines matched by her grace and agility. The Sugar Plum Fairy Grades 6-9: 6:30-8 p.m.
and her Cavalier (Henoch Spinola) clearly work strongly and Cost: $125 per player
smoothly together, and their execution of José’s traditional On line registration is open to the first 28 participants in
Pas de Deux and solo dances gave the second act the climax each grade group. Don’t wait! Register now at duxburyy-
that we have come to expect from the Ballet Theatre. Where
does this come from? Hard work and talent, of course, but also
José’s philosophy of fitting the choreography to the dancer,
and not the other way around. It works for his school, for his
Nutcracker, and for his other original ballets.
José’s Nutcracker – unlike most – auditions children from
Dragons Winter Sports Schedule
any area ballet school, including children with no ballet school Schedule revised as of Jan. 4
at all. Keep your eyes peeled next September for the Ballet
Theatre’s open auditions. BOYS’ BASKETBALL BOYS TRACK
Where does all that talent, commitment, and effort begin? Dec. 15 Dux over Silver Lake 64-35 1-0 Dec. 15 Hingham over Dux 57-43 0-1
Any dancer, professional or recreational, can tell you where it Dec. 18 Scituate over Dux 72-47 1-1 Dec. 23 Dux over Scituate 73-27 1-1
began for him or her. José Mateo’s story in dance didn’t begin Dec. 23 Whitman-Hanson over Dux 77-72 1-2 Jan. 6 Whitman-Hanson RLC 5:00
until he was a student at Princeton. Sybil Geddes’ story, her Dec. 28 Dux over Dartmouth 64-50 2-2 Jan. 13 Silver Lake/Quincy RLC 5:00
husband told me, began when she was a youngster in Vermont. Dec. 29 Dux over Marshfield 59-56 3-2 Feb. 12 All-League Meet RLC 5:00
When she was around seven years old, her mother took her to Jan. 2 Marshfield over Dux 71-69 3-3
see a production of (what else?) the Nutcracker. For many of Jan. 5 North Quincy Home 6:30
Jan. 8 Hingham Home 6:30
us, the classic ballet about a young girl’s Christmas dreams Jan. 13 Rockland Home 6:30
Dec. 15 Hingham over Dux 62-38 0-1
and dawning coming of age is the first exposure to the beauty, Jan. 14 Hanover Away 6:30 Dec. 23 Scituate RLC 5:00
precision, and power of dance. Jan. 22 Middleboro Home 6:30 Jan. 6 Whitman-Hanson RLC 5:00
The role of Clara (danced wonderfully this time by Jan. 25 Quincy Away 6:30 Jan. 13 Silver Lake/Quincy RLC 5:00
Nicole Finken, and at the other PAC performances by Natalie Jan. 29 Pembroke Home 6:30 Feb. 12 All-League Meet RLC 5:00
Ferris, Audrey Ring, and Sophia Arnall) often serves as a Feb. 1 Silver Lake Away 6:30
first solo role for young dancers. Like many productions, Feb. 3 Scituate Home 6:30 BOYS ICE HOCKEY
José’s has Clara dreaming of someday becoming a ballerina. Feb. 5 Whitman-Hanson Home 6:30 Dec. 16 Dux ties St. John’s (S) 2-2 0-0-1
Act I includes her dancing for and with her beloved Uncle Feb. 9 North Quincy Away 7:00 Dec. 19 Dux over Barnstable 8-3 1-0-1
Drosselmeyer, danced by the ageless José himself. Feb. 11 Hingham Away 6:30 Dec. 23 Dux over North Quincy 5-0 2-0-1
Feb. 15 IAABO Tournament at Bridgewater State TBA
But little Madeline Greenstein was captivated by another Feb. 16 IAABO Tournament at Bridgewater State TBA
Dec. 26 Weymouth over Dux 5-2 2-1-1
fine dancer. I told her, her mom and grandmother early in the Dec. 28 Dux over Marshfield 5-3 3-1-1
show that she and the Snow Queen (Madeleine Bonn) share the GIRLS’ BASKETBALL
Dec. 30 Dux over Hanover 3-2 4-1-1
same name. Like all of José’s dancers, Madeleine danced many Dec. 15 Silver Lake over Dux 39-32 0-1
Jan. 2 Norwood over Dux 3-2 4-2-1
parts – Dream Fairy, Snow Queen, Court Maid, and Yellow Dec. 18 Scituate over Dux 45-42 0-2
Jan. 6 Pembroke Home 8:00
Flower – and always with the power, grace, and musical Dec. 23 Whitman-Hanson over Dux 53-26 0-3 Jan. 9 Coyle-Cassidy Home 6:30
precision I’ve come to expect from her. She, too, has danced as Dec. 28 New Bedford over Dux 72-59 0-4 Jan. 11 Archbishop Williams Away 8:00
Jan. 16 Medford Home 2:30
the Sugar Plum Fairy here in Duxbury. Little Madeline, once Dec. 30 Dux over Sandwich 59-56 1-4
Jan. 18 Marshfield Away 12:20
so informed, never took her eyes off of Madeleine, stirring her Jan. 2 Notre Dame over Dux 58-33 1-5
Jan. 5 North Quincy Away 5:30 Jan. 23 Hingham Home 4:00
mom and grandma to do the same.
Jan. 6 New Bedford Away 7:00 Jan. 27 Bridgewater-Raynham Away 8:00
How can I be sure that she was captivated? At the show’s Jan. 8 Hingham Away 6:30 Jan. 30 Abington Home 6:45
end, at the curtain call when all of the dancers share the stage Jan. 13 Rockland Away 6:30 Feb. 3 Scituate Away 6:10
in brief reprises of their dances, little Madeline returned Jan. 15 Hanover Home 6:30 Feb. 6 Xaverian Brothers Home 6:20
Madeleine’s reverence, mirroring her arms raised in graceful Jan. 18 Notre Dame Academy Away 3:00 Feb. 13 CCC-Austin Prep Falmouth 3:00
ports de bras, a tiny dancer already dreaming, joy meeting joy Jan. 22 Middleboro Away 6:00 Feb. 15 Cape Cod Classic Falmouth TBA
with her eyes riveted to the Yellow Flower. Jan. 25 Quincy Home 6:30
Feb. 17 Cape Cod Classic Falmouth TBA
Jan. 29 Pembroke Away 6:30
Jan. 30 Martha’s Vineyard Away 2:00

Dragons take home title at

Feb. 1 Silver Lake Home 6:30
Feb. 3 Scituate Away 6:30 Dec. 12 Dux over Marshfield 3-0 1-0
Dec. 16 Barnstable over Dux 2-1 1-1
Duxbury Holiday Tournament
Feb. 5 Whitman-Hanson Away 6:30
Feb. 9 North Quincy Home 6:30 Dec. 19 Dux over Martha’s Vineyard 6-0 2-1
Feb. 11 Hingham Home 6:30 Dec. 23 Dux over Canton 7-2 3-1
Feb. 15 Sandwich Away 3:00 Dec. 30 Dux over Lincoln-Sudbury 4-1 4-1
Jan. 2 Dux over Falmouth 5-3 5-1
BOYS SWIMMING & DIVING Jan. 6 Whitman-Hanson Away 3:00
Dec. 15 Dux over Pembroke 44-32 1-0 Jan. 9 Scituate Away 8:25
Dec. 15 Dux over Middleboro 62-35 2-0 Jan. 13 Sandwich Away 7:30
Dec. 17 Dux over Hanover 57-45 3-0 Jan. 16 Marshfield Home 4:40
Dec. 17 Dux over Hingham 67-34 4-0 Jan. 18 Wellesley Away 3:40
Jan. 5 Quincy/Silver Lake Away TBA
Jan. 23 Barnstable Home 1:20
Jan. 12 Randolph/Norwell Away TBA
Jan. 27 Hingham Away 8:00
Jan. 18 Nantucket Away 12:00
Jan. 23 Cohasset/Scituate Away TBA Jan. 30 Whitman-Hanson Home 5:15
Jan. 28 B.C. High Away 4:30 Jan. 31 Scituate Away 10:00
Feb. 2 Barnstable Away 7:00 Feb. 6 Martha’s Vineyard Away 2:00
Feb. 5 Patriot League Diving Away 4:00 Feb. 11 Falmouth Away TBA
Feb. 6 All-League Meet Away TBA Feb. 13 Sandwich Home 4:00
Feb. 7 Patriot League Swimming Away TBA Feb. 16 Cougar Classic Rockland TBA
Feb. 18 Cougar Classic Rockland TBA
Mike Sullivan (Championship trophy), Aaron Kramer (Offensive
Dec. 15 Dux over Pembroke 62-36 1-0 WRESTLING
player), and Brian Grossman (MVP) show off their hardware
Dec. 15 Dux over Middleboro 62-35 2-0 Dec. 19 Patriot League Individual 3rd –
after leading the Dragon’s to a 59-56 win over Marshfield in Dec. 17 Dux over Hanover 60-28 3-0
the inaugural ProSports Holiday Classic, held at Duxbury High Dec. 27 Marshfield Tournament – –
Dec. 17 Dux over Hingham 57-40 4-0
School during Christmas break. Jan. 6 Whitman-Hanson Home 7:00
Jan. 5 Quincy/Silver Lake Away TBA
Jan. 9 Whitman-Hanson Tournament Away TBA
Jan. 12 Randolph/Norwell Away TBA
Jan. 12 Scituate Home 7:00
Jan. 18 Nantucket Away 12:00
Jan. 23 Cohasset/Scituate Away TBA Jan. 16 North Andover Home 10:00
Feb. 2 Barnstable Away 7:00 Jan. 16 Waltham Quad Meet Waltham 10:00
Feb. 5 Patriot League Diving Away 4:00 Jan. 23 Hingham Quad Meet HIngham 10:00
Feb. 6 All-League Meet Away TBA Jan. 27 North Quincy Home 7:00
Feb. 7 Patriot League Swimming Away TBA Jan. 30 Duxbury Team Tournament Home 9:00
Feb. 2 Silver Lake Away 7:00

DHS Athletic Department • 781-934-7668

Wednesday, January 6, 2010 Duxbury Clipper 5

Dragons’ Den
Sports Editor Mike Halloran •

Lady Dragons continue to ice opponents

By Mike Halloran, Sports Editor Call’s first period goal got Lady Dragon end of the ice. second penalty left them two the third period. However, Fal- Duxbury on top in its win over The opportunities were men down. The Clippers took mouth kept hanging around, as
It looks like Duxbury has Lincoln-Sudbury, while fresh- coming fast and furious for advantage when a shot from they beat Hannon with a shot
a hockey powerhouse to cheer man Hannah Murphy scored Duxbury, but Falmouth goal- the point was redirected past that bounced off her shoulder
for this winter after the Lady the game-winner in the third tender Melissa Romiza was Duxbury netminder Julia Han- and dropped behind her to
Dragons took care of Division period. on her game, stopping the non to cut the margin to 2-1 at make the score 4-2.
I Lincoln-Sudbury (4-1) and Junior Briana Connolly Duxbury onslaught while her the end of the period. Connolly saw to it that the
Falmouth (5-3) last week to would add the frosting to the teammates decided if they Duxbury continued to car- Clippers stayed far enough
raise its record to 5-1. cake when she popped in two wanted to play. ry play at the start of the second ahead, as she dug the puck out
third-period goals to seal the At the 6:27 mark the Lady period, as Sullivan, Murphy, from behind the net and stuffed
GIRLS HOCKEY win. Dragons made it 2-0, as junior Connolly, and Mary Donovan her shot behind Romiza for
On Saturday night Dux- defenseman Olivia McCarthy all had glittering chances that a 5-2 lead. Falmouth would
bury took on the Falmouth rifled home a shot from the Romiza turned aside. make it 5-3 on a blast from the
Clippers at The Bog in search slot after Sullivan and Con- Midway through the pe- point with 42 seconds to go.
GIRLS HOCKEY of their fourth win in a row. nolly dug out the puck from riod the Lady Dragons made “Falmouth is a well-
After killing off a Fal- behind the net. it 3-1 when Murphy scored on coached and disciplined team
mouth power play in the first Falmouth had a golden a power-play goal with a one- and I thought our girls handled
three minutes, the Lady Drag- opportunity to cut the deficit timer from the slot after taking the physical part of the game
Coach Friend Weiler’s ons wasted little time in jump- to one when they went on the a pass from Connolly. well,” said Weiler. “They came
squad has been in cruise con- ing to a 1-0 lead when senior power play with 4:02 on the It took just two minutes for out chippy, but I’m happy with
trol since the week before Kaitlin Sullivan knocked clock. However, Duxbury had Duxbury to make it 4-1 when the way our girls responded,
Christmas, and they’ll try to home the rebound of a Martha the better chance when Mur- Colleen Leddie took an assist but I think we just need to
stay in that mode on Wednes- Findley shot. phy broke in alone on Romiza from Murphy with 4:36 to go work on our shot selection a
day afternoon when they take Duxbury continued to for a shorthanded situation but in the period and beat Romi- little bit more. We moved the
on Whitman-Hanson on the dominate play throughout the was denied with 3:45 to go. za. puck well, we back-checked
road at 3 p.m. first 15 minutes, as the Clip- The Lady Dragons were Both sides squandered well, and I’m very happy with
Defenseman Taryn Mc- pers could barely get into the in a bind seconds later when a power play chances early in our progress so far.”

Tough start for young girls’ basketball team

By Mike Halloran, Sports Editor Despite their problems, there is hope that the under-
Coach Mark Dunn knew classmen will form a solid
it would be a serious rebuild- nucleus to bring the program
ing job after he lost a team full back to prominence.
of seniors following the 2009 The team did get some
season. So far it’s been more positive feedback this week
of a challenge than he bar- when they won their first game
gained for. of the year in a 59-56 win over
Sandwich. However, games
girls Basketball with established programs like
Duxbury 59
Sandwich 56 Notre Dame on Saturday (58-
33) will surely give the girls
girls Basketball
Duxbury 33
Without an experienced
Notre Dame 58 scoring threat and a savvy
ball-handler, the girls had a
hard time over the weekend in
Sporting a roster without their game with the Cougars.
a senior, there will be growing Leading 3-2 in the first
pains for the Lady Dragons few minutes, ND Coach Mi-
this year, as even the returning chael Barrett put on the press
players saw limited action last and the Lady Dragon offense
season. came to a halt, as the Cougars

SKY HIGH: Duxbury’s Michela North towers over her Notre Dame defender while getting off a jump
shot during last week’s 58-33 loss to the Cougars. Photos by Mike Halloran

went on a 9-0 run to end the man forward Michela North Unable to find the hot
first quarter with a 12-2 lead. got Duxbury within striking hand, Duxbury found itself
Notre Dame’s offensive distance at 19-12 with 4:36 trying to match points in the fi-
rebounding and Duxbury turn- left in the half. nal quarter. However, the visi-
overs were instrumental in Baskets by freshman guard tors held the home team to just
causing the Lady Dragon defi- Katelyn Norton and junior seven points and walked away
cit. But the girls turned things guard Jenna Cusick with 1:48 with a 58-33 victory.
around in the second quarter to go made it 27-20 as the half Norton was the high scorer
and matched the Cougars point neared, with both teams head- for Duxbury with eight points,
for point. ing to the locker room with the while Tsinzo was right behind
A pair of three-pointers Cougars ahead 31-21. with seven.
by junior guard Devon Tsinzo The progress the Lady The girls (1-5) will travel
and a basket from 6’1” fresh- Dragons made in the second to New Bedford on Wednes-
quarter evaporated in the third, day night to take on the Whal-
TOUGH TO HANDLE: Duxbury’s as ND went on a 15-5 run with ers at 7 p.m.
Katelyn Norton drives past pressure defense to make it
Notre Dame’s Kate McCarthy. 46-26 at the end of three.
6 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, January 6, 2010

By Mike Halloran, Sports Editor

Hockey turns cocky and blows lead
was happy when Pat Charland kept his lead at one when he gave the Dragons a 1-0 lead at stopped a partial break-in by
Off to a 4-1-1 start, the the 8:23 mark of the first pe- the Mustangs, allowing the
DHS boys’ hockey team was riod when he took a pass from Dragons to get the puck back
apparently basking in its own Connor Doyle and beat Nor- up ice quickly and take a 2-1
early-season success when wood’s Pat Clifford to grab lead on a shot by Will Sief-
they tangled with Norwood on the lead. ert with 9:31 showing on the
Saturday night according to The Dragons went on the clock.
Head Coach John Blake. power-play a minute later but Duxbury had a hard time
couldn’t do much damage, handling its sudden good for-
boys HOCKEY while the Mustangs broke into tune, as Norwood broke into
Duxbury 2 the Duxbury zone seconds af- the zone just over a minute
Norwood 3 ter it was over and were robbed later and fired on Mathews,
by netminder Tim Mathews to sending him sprawling to the
boys HOCKEY keep the lead at one. ice and leaving the net wide
Duxbury 3 It was an uneventful sec- open for Peter Kelly to tie the
Hanover 2 ond period, as neither team game with 6:47 remaining. DRAW PARTNER: Duxbury’s Pat Charland takes a draw in
could get any kind of offensive The game looked like it Saturday night’s 3-2 loss to the Norwood Mustangs. Charland
attack going. However, the was headed for a tie, only be- scored Duxbury’s first goal to give the Dragons a 1-0 lead.
“We played a terrible sec- Mustangs got the better of the cause Mathews once again kept
ond period,” said the Duxbury Dragons with 2:45 left in the his team in the game when he set Anthony Gaita up for the get a win with the way they
coach. “We came out and just middle stanza when Brendan stopped a shot that came from game winner when he fired a played.”
didn’t move our feet. I don’t Cathcart tipped home a blast a defensive mistake, and then backhander up and under the The Dragons will now en-
know if we thought we are bet- from the point by Brian Ge- lucked out when a Norwood cross-bar for a 3-2 win. tertain Pembroke on Wednes-
ter than we are. This team has rard and watched it elude the shot rattled off the post with “I think we got what we day night at 8 p.m., and return
to play 45 minutes a game. We outstretched arm of Mathews 4:37 left on the clock. deserved tonight,” said Blake. to The Bog on Saturday night
can’t take a period off, nor can as he watched it go inside the With 1:37 to go, the Mus- “The team that worked harder to take on Coyle-Cassidy at
we take a shift off.” far post. tangs made their hard work and wanted it more won the 6:30 p.m.
While Blake was upset The third period started pay off, as they broke into the game. Justice was served to-
with his team’s performance with momentum on Nor- Duxbury zone and saw a de- night. It would have been
after the first 15 minutes, he wood’s side, but Mathews fensive miscue by the Dragons a shame if Norwood didn’t

By Candida Brush,
Homeless swimmers lead quality life
ripped off a state qualifying posted a sectional qualifying Broszack, Ian White, Pot- freshman Malcolm edged out
Clipper Contributor time of (1.45.20) in the 200- time (1:57.60), just ahead of ash and Husted combined to his older brother by two sec-
The DHS boys’ swim team yard medley relay.  The fear- freshman Matt Griffin who win the 200-yard freestyle re- onds (1:23,46).
opened its season with a string some foursome also posed a took third. Su also stroked lay. Barry Su cruised to a win in
of lopsided victories over Pa- second state qualifying time his way to a win in the 500- In the competition against the 100-yard freestyle (55.50),
triot League rivals last month, in the 400-yard freestyle re- yard freestyle (5:23.60), good Hanover and Hingham, Con- and Husted beat out Wilson in
as co-captains Drew Husted lay (3:35.99). Malcolm Edgar, enough for a second sectional nolly was double trouble, win- the 100-year butterfly. Art Su
and Cam Crowell led the team Duncan Edgar, James Mattes qualifying time and in front of ning two individual events. The was the top finisher in the 100-
to wins over Middleboro (62- and Ben Potash took third in teammate Steve Broszack who freshman speedster won the yard backstroke. 
35), Hanover (57-45), Pem- this event. was second.  200-yard freestyle in 1:57.59 In relay action, Husted,
broke (44-32) and Hingham Crowell also splashed Brendan Davidson got his to qualify for sectionals.  In Connolly, Art Su and Crowell
(67-34).  his way to an individual state blue ribbon in the 100-yard the 500-yard endurance race, sprinted to a state qualifying
qualifying time (58.03) in the butterfly, nosing out teammate Connolly motored his way time in the 200-yard freestyle
Boys swimming 100-yard backstroke, two sec- Ben White. to a state qualifying time of (1:37.89), while Crowell, Art
Duxbury 57
Hanover 45
onds faster than last year’s Connolly cruised to first 5:20.58, with Potash finish- Su, Husted and Griffin also
best time, while Ian Wilson in the 100-yard freestyle ing second. The freshman just won the 200-yard medley re-
was second. (53.95)  and Ben Zelvis won missed another first place in lay.
Boys swimming Husted answered with a the 100-yard individual med- the 50-yard freestyle. Wilson, Steve Tonaszuck,
Duxbury 67
Hingham 34 first-place finish in the 50-yard ley, nosing out Davidson. Crowell won the 200-yard White and Barry Su won the
freestyle (24.41) just a second Duncan Edgar was the individual medley (2:26.57) 400-yard freestyle relay. 
off his previous best, with John top finisher in the 100-yard and Wilson was second. “We are off to a great start
Against Middleboro and Shayne taking fourth. breaststroke taking second The closest race of the meet and our freshman are adding
Pembroke, Crowell, Husted, Su took the top honors (1:26.26), with Keelan Mur- featured the Edgar brothers in speed to the team,” said Coach
Art Su and Mike Connolly in the 200-yard freestyle and phy in fourth. the 100-yard breaststroke, as Jay Craft.

Swimmers hoping for big things

By Candida Brush, ing time of the meet was regis- Husted sprinted to first in the berg took first in the 200-yard the crowd with her diving, scor-
Clipper Contributor tered by freshman Ellie John- 50- yard freestyle.  Lindsay medley relay.  ing 181.13 points. MacKinnon
The Lady Dragon swim son in the 200-yard individual Jordan was second. In their second tri-meet also had a good day, scoring a
team (4-0) started its season medley (2:21.30), while  Kait- Sophomore diver Sam against Hingham and Hanover, season-high 90.75 points.
with a big splash, topping lin Buckley punched her tick- Tougas is well on her way to four more state qualifying Rader won the 100-yard
Pembroke (62-36), Middle- et to states with a 58.64, just a good season, scoring 179.63 times were made. First up was freestyle over Sweeney (2nd),
boro (62-35), Hanover (60-28) nosing out teammate Avery points with a series of grace- Goldberg, who zoomed to a while Hutchinson finished sec-
and Hingham (57-40).  After Riddle (59.22) in the 100-yard ful dives. Meghan MacKinnon 2:06.44, nearly matching her ond in the 50-yard (26.57) and
just two meets, it appears that freestyle. Riddle qualified for took third. last season’s best in the 200- 500-yard freestyle (6:13.13). 
Duxbury will be a force at sectionals in the race.  Hutchinson edged out Li- yard freestyle.  Rader was sec- Goldberg, Johnson, Buck-
the state championships this In her first DHS meet, brett to win the 100-yard but- ond (2:10.93). ley and Hutchinson combined
year, as state qualifying times freshman Shelby Rader posted terfly, while Kassie Sweeney Senior co-captain Buckley to win the 200-yard medley
were made in seven individual a 1:04.89 in the 100-yard back- was the top Dragon finisher made her second state time in relay, while Chatlin, Casey
events and two relays.    stroke, guaranteeing her an ap- in the 100-yard breaststroke the 200-yard individual med- Walker, Alex Brady, and Lind-
pearance at the state champion- (2nd). Emelia Wojciechowski ley (2:24.25), matching her sey Cobb were third.
girls swimming ships. Julie Weiss was second. was third. last season’s lowest time. Rid- Rader, Jordan,  Aly Wolff
Duxbury 60 Veteran Sarah Goldberg The team of Rader, John- dle touched second in the race.   and Sweeney teamed to take
Hanover 28
made the 500-yard freestyle son, Riddle and Hutchinson Librett made the third state second in the 200-yard free-
look easy, as she glided to a sprinted to a state qualifying cut of the day in the 100-yard style relay, and Goldberg, Car-
girls swimming second-place state qualifying time in the 200-yard freestyle backstroke, racing to a 1:08.09, oline McSherry, Caela Shay
time of 5:40.42.  Krista Librett relay (1:49.26), while Buckley, just ahead of Haley Chatlin in and Katelyn Coghlan sprinted
was second. Riddle, Goldberg and Hutchin- fourth.   to a win in the 400-yard free-
Laura Husted touched first son slashed two seconds off Johnson made the fourth style relay.
In the first tri-meet against just ahead of Emily Hutchin- last year’s team-best (3:55.42) state-qualifying time, sprinting “Our team is working hard,
Pembroke and Middleboro, son in the 200-yard freestyle to qualify for states in the 400- to a 1:13.52 in the 100-yard and we are off to a good start
Duxbury won nearly every in a sectional qualifying time yard freestyle relay.  Rader, breaststroke. with these road wins,” said
event.  The first state-qualify- of 2:10.55.  Two events later, Johnson, Buckley and Gold- Tougas once again wowed Coach Jay Craft.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010 Duxbury Clipper 7

Dragons take home hoop crown Boys’ lacrosse wins sixth straight title
Next time you see your defend their threes they strug- Entering the tournament in
friends from Scituate, tell gle to put the ball in the net. the unfamiliar role of second
them Coach Gordon Cushing They just didn’t have enough seed, the Dragons met the iron
and his DHS basketball team fire-power to beat us.” of the Catholic Conference in
thank them very much. While winning the league their final three games of the
Taking advantage of Sci- title was gratifying, and fin- regular season and put them
tuate’s one-point OT win over ishing the season at 19-3 was all away, es-
Hingham, quite an accomplishment, tablishing once
the Dragons in the end the Dragons just Top and for all that
Top walked right couldn’t get it together in the sports the Duxbury la-
sports through the first round of the MIAA DII
Stories crosse program
Stories door that the
Sailors opened
There is a reason they call
is one of the
of 2009 most dominant
of 2009 and took home it the city game, and it was in the history
the Patriot on display in Duxbury, as the of Massachu-
League crown second-seeded Dragons were setts high school sports.
by virtue of their 76-56 win out-played by the 15th seeded The Dragons had plenty guys earlier in the season it comfortable margin in the sec-
over Whitman-Hanson Academy of Public Service of incentive to knock off St. just made us more ready for ond half and lead by just a goal
“That was a good team (Dorchester High School) and John’s Prep once they reached this game. We came together at 12-11 with 6:18 to go.
(Whitman-Hanson) we beat fell to the Bears, 77-66. the Division I final, as the Ea- more and started focusing on St. John’s would stay
tonight. If they played zone When it comes to first- gles had broken Duxbury’s 99- this game. We came together close, trailing by a goal at 13-
we knew we’d get a lot of round action, Duxbury always game winning streak against as a team and started work- 12 with 38 seconds left and
open looks and we can put a seems to get a surprise. This Mass. state high schools earli- ing harder in practice by doing one last chance to tie. Their
lot of points on the board,” time it was the 11-7 Bears, er in the season and celebrated all the little things right. We shot from midfield fell at the
said Cushing. “They beat who came into town with a on Taylor Field as if they had wanted to see these guys in the feet of Duxbury goaltender
Hingham and Scituate. They trio of high-energy players won the state title. championship and we did.” Mickey Zaverucha, who with
are pretty athletic and can who gave the Dragons fits all “We were fired up,” said After going ahead 3-0, and the aid of his defense knocked
spread you out. But if you can night long. Duxbury senior Hakeem eventually building a 9-3 lead, the ball away for the title.
Lecky. “When we lost to those Duxbury would fritter away its
Football sees bright future Sailors earn top status in NE
Having won nine games
in a row, including their 17-7 The Duxbury High School the private school power-
Thanksgiving sailing team made the his- houses and win the trophy,
Day win over tory books in May, winning making the Dragons the num-
Top the Marsh- the 15th Fritz Mark Trophy ber one team in New England
sports field Rams, the in team rac- high school sailing.
Top ing. Since “Our sailors were  phe-
Stories Dragons had
good vibes that 1996, just nomenal,” said Coach Hans
sports three teams Jensen. “We have worked
of 2009 a return trip to
Gillette Stadi- Stories have won the very hard this spring, and
um for the Di- of 2009 trophy: Ta-
bor (7), St.
winning this trophy is the
fruit of all our labor. Credit
vision 2A championship game
was in the cards. George’s (4) goes out to the entire team
With a defense that had and the Wil- that has been able to push
stifled the Marshfield running liams School (Conn.) once. these guys and girls hard all
game, and a Ram offense that Duxbury becomes the year long.” 
showed no signs of a passing first public school to defeat
attack, everything seemed to a 27-6 decision to Marshfield, ing. With over 25 sophomores
be falling in place for Dux- ending their season and any on the roster and some key ju-
bury. hopes of repeating as Super niors returning, Duxbury looks
However, in their semi- Bowl champions. to be a major power on the
final playoff game with the Despite the loss, Head South Shore for the next few
Rams things took a bad turn Coach Dave Maimaron did an years, as the Duxbury coach
for the Dragons early on and outstanding coaching job in a will get a significant infusion
kept them struggling the rest year where everyone thought of freshmen talent that went
of the evening, as they dropped the Dragons would be rebuild- undefeated at 11-0 in the fall.

End of the road for Lady Dragon hockey

Coach Friend Weiler Dragons couldn’t put it to- The Lady Dragons were
couldn’t say enough good gether like they did so many a team loaded with under-
things about times this year, falling to the classmen, and they looked it
his Duxbury Ducks, 3-0, at Gallo Arena all night long, as they played
Top girls’ hockey and ending their season at 18- tentatively throughout the
sports team after they 4-1. evening and were never able
Stories were knocked
out of the
“These girls were phe-
nomenal and I’m proud of all
to generate any consistency in
the offense end.
of 2009 MIAA Divi-
sion II semi-
of them,” said Weiler. “They
never quit and they deserve
They had their problems
in the defensive end as well, Brust hits the 1,000 point mark
finals against all the credit they can get. as Fontbonne forward Taylor With a 71-54 win over the ment.
the eventual State champ. They are a wonderful group Shepherd scored a hat trick to Fisher Division-leading Pem- “It feels good,” Brust said
Facing off against fourth- of hockey players and I was almost single-handedly pres- broke, the Dragons improved about reaching the milestone.
seeded Fontbonne Academy thrilled with everything they ent Duxbury with their walk- to 11-0 on the season, qualified “I definitely think it was a
of Milton (17-4-2), the Lady did.” ing papers. for the MIAA Tournament and team accomplishment too. We
senior Mark worked hard together, we got
Field hockey crushes Hanover for title Top Brust scored the win and just played hard. It

The sound of Mimi Smith’s against their annual nemesis ons felt they could stay with the sports his 1,000th
point last Janu-
just worked out tonight.”
“He’s a special kid,” said
blast said it all, as the Lady was satisfying for everyone in- best of them, and that included Stories ary. Head Coach Gordon Cushing.
Dragons beat volved after last year’s heart- Walpole and Hopkinton. Hav- The Bates “He’s humble as heck and he’d
Hanover, 4-1, breaking tie that cost them the ing just lost to the Hillers, 1-0, of 2009 College fresh- give away all those points for a
Top to earn their league championship. less than 10 days earlier, the man led the W. It’s been an honor to coach
sports first Patriot They went into the post- confidence was there, but that Dragons that him and Bates gets a hell of a
Stories Leaguesince 2004.
title season poised and ready to
show that they were a team
frightening offense wasn’t.
Once again they couldn’t
night with 27 points, despite
playing sparingly when the
Brust was on the varsity
of 2009 While the to be reckoned with after go- find the back of the net in Dragons pulled away, and since his freshman year and
Lady Drag- ing 14-2-2 during the regular Hopkinton and were eliminat- eclipsed the 1,000 plateau in was the sixth man when Dux-
ons still had a season. ed from the Division 1 South front of a raucous contingent bury went on their state title
chance of capturing the title Averaging just under four Sectional quarterfinals by the of Dragons fans, who made run in 2005-06.
in case of a loss, clinching it goals a game, the Lady Drag- Hillers, 1-0. the trip over to see his mo-
8 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, January 6, 2010

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Wednesday, January 6, 2010 Duxbury Clipper 9

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Fishing Kayak
2008 Ocean Kayak Trident 15
Experienced in carpentry, Dump Runs Very good condition. Many with rod pod, sonar shield,
available for all aspects of
painting, electric, and plumbing. Specializing in cleanouts of extras: two sets of sails, Nissan Comfort Plus seat back, etc.
construction, dump runs, as well
Organizing garages, basements, basements, garages, attics, long shaft motor (30 hours of Perfect for fishing on the bay.
as other odd jobs. Free estimates.
attics, and workshops. Storm yard debris, and odds and use), new depth sounder, roller Like new. $850 OBO. Call
Excellent references. Call Josh,
doors, deck and home repairs. ends. We also specialize in reefing, head and holding tank, 781-452-7040.
781-706-9487. (Also, looking for
Dump runs. Positive attitude, carpentry, painting, gutter dodger, and much more. Also a
FT/PT work, if you’re hiring).
easy to talk to. Call Rick Shea. work, and window washing. small dinghy. Priced to sell,
Window And Gutter Cleaning $4500. 781-837-2591.
774-454-7548, 508-224-9036. Best prices, free estimates. Let local firefighters brighten your
Looking for a Babysitter? Please call or leave a message day! Residential and storefront. 2001 Audi A6 Wagon
College student with experience for Mike, 781-789-3612. Pressure washing - house, patio, Fully loaded, leather, sun roof,
and transportation available to deck, etc. Free gutter cleaning heated seats, new brakes, new
Need Computer Help?
babysit until February 15. Call with every full house window job. Michelins. Great condition.
Does your computer run slowly?
781-588-2519 and ask for Liz, Reasonable rates. References 145,000 miles. Asking $6500.
Do you need a wireless network
references upon request. available. Fully insured. Keith Call George, 781-603-5640. 36’ Sabre “Spartina”
C&M Painting Duxbury setup? Memory upgrade? I’ll in-
stall, configure, optimize your McWalter. 781-340-5183 or 1986. Excellent condition, fully
Interior painting. No job too cell-781-690-2000. equipped. Great boat for cruising
small. Call Conor, 781-834-9709. computer, trouble-shoot applica-
tion problems, educate you on couple or family. Roller furling
Have Truck! main and genoa. Full electronics
Snowbirds To Florida surfing the web and help you buy College students have truck and (radar, GPS chart plotter,
South Shore based company your next computer. Scott, will help move or dispose of autopilot...) power windlass,
providing auto transport service 781-626-2638. household items. Need help ESPAR hot air heating system
to Florida and nationwide. Great
cleaning out basement, attic, etc. Price sharply reduced,
rates and reliable, safe Bettencourt’s Walls & Ceilings
garage, bedroom? How about 2005 Nissan Quest 3.5SE Van $69,500. 781-934-6730.
door-to-door transport. Call Painting, drywall finishing,
dump runs, stacking wood, Mint condition. 39,000 miles.
DWO Auto Transport Services, sheet-rocking, water damage, 1998 Saturn 2-Door
cleaning yard or interior Power everything, full airbag
954-648-3677. Mention ad for wallpaper stripping. Specializing Black, only 135k miles. Brand
painting? Call Shawn. system, traction control,
$25 discount. in interior work. Skim coating new inspection sticker, wipers,
339-933-0804, 781-934-9449. electronic stability control, ABS,
over horse hair plaster and and oil change. $1200 or B.O.
textured ceilings a specialty. 25 Bose sound system, skylight roof, Snow Blower...Drives, Walks power moonroof, driver seat Great for student. Call
Get expert computer help and years experience. Call Steve, We snow blow your driveway and 781-585-6913.
508-833-0546 or 617-922-0944 memory, much more. Asking
advice. Microsoft Certified walks for a clean, crisp look, no $13,900. KBB value $18,200. 2004 Sportster $5,499 obo
Small Business Specialist and (cell). plow mounds. Only $45, up to a Call Tom, 781-837-6053. 2004 883 Harley Davidson
QuickBooks Pro Advisor in Best Firewood In Town four car driveway. Sportster for sale. Well
Duxbury. Why pay more for Get your wood before the deep A maintained, only 2,000 miles,
geeks? 781-934-9800. freeze. Fully seasoned small, family yardcare service. screaming eagle pipes and other
hardwood; oak, maple and Call Tommy, 508-889-3010. chrome add-ons. $5,499 or best
50% Off cherry. Cut and split. Free local offer. Call 781-934-9189
Interior painting booked before delivery. $325/cord. Call Planes, Train
March 1. Specializing in 781-585-2261.
interior/exterior painting, power & Automobiles
washing, gutters, carpentry, Gutter and Yard Cleanup Trailer - Like New 1966 Hinckley Pilot 35
dump runs, and window We specialize in raking and Shorelander SLR14TL. Used 07 Reggae. Forward cabin with
washing. Free estimates, best removing leaves, small trees, only. Can have rollers or bunks. v-berth. Main salon with deep
prices guaranteed. Fast and branches and yard debris. Any Your choice. $975 or BO. Email port and starboard settees and 2002 Mercury Sable LS
reliable service. Please call and all junk removed, inside or call drop-down dining table. Full Premium sedan. Fully loaded with
Mike, 781-789-3612. and out. We also clean gutters, 781-585-3234. galley w/hot and cold pressure all the bells and whistles. Power
install gutter guards, and wash water, three-burner propane everything, Premium sound
Christmas Light Removal system, multi disc cd, moonroof,
windows. Please call Mike at stove with oven. Heated cabin
We take down Christmas lights 2000 Oldsmobile Intrigue GL leather seats, ABS, tires in good
781-789-3612. with diesel-fired Espar forced hot
and decorations, and pack them Gold ext, 4-door, auto, sun/moon condition. One owner, well
away for you. We also haul away Certified Nursing Assistant roof, A/C, tan leather int. air system. North mainsail and
working jib. Westerbeke 30B maintained, 130,000 miles.
Christmas trees and wreaths. Private certified nursing assistant w/heated front bucket seats, $3,790. 781-834-4216.
Please call Mike 781-789-3612. available for help in your home. cruise control, steering wheel diesel Engine. Asking $98,000.
Companion, personal care, meal audio controls. Power locks, Call 781-934-0389 or email 2003 Chevy Blazer
John Gallagher preparation, light housekeeping, mirrors, seats, and windows. Tilt 69,000 original miles. Excellent
Interior, exterior painting and errands. Have own vehicle and steering, fully loaded. 115k 2007 Honda Civic LX condition inside and out. Loaded.
carpentry. Duxbury. Over 20 excellent driving record. Excellent miles. Looks and runs great. Silver, New condition, 25,600 $6600 or best offer. Can be seen
years of experience. Reasonable local references. For more $3500/BO. 781-826-4075 miles with full manufacturer's anytime after noon at 720
rates. Call John, 617-697-6451 information, call M. MacKinnon, warranty. Low miles. $14,995. Washington St., Whitman. Call
(cell). 781-934-0836. Call 339-832-1893. 339-788-7346.
10 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Planes, Train Planes, Train Legal Legal Legal

& Automobiles & Automobiles Notices Notices Notices
2008 Jeep Wrangler Unltd ft., acres, is zoned for 402.1 by substituting the map Dana V. Battista, DBA
Sahara 4x4. Steel blue Residential Compatibility and referenced thereto with the Duxbury Beach Park 2, for a
metallic/gray interior. Automatic, is owned by Mary Jane new title and date of the Seasonal Wine & Malt
A/C, remote start, dual tops, Butler, 848 Franklin Street, Common Victualler License
revised map. (Submitted by
power windows/locks, sound Duxbury, MA 02332. at 435 Gurnet Road.
system, Sirius satellite radio, the Planning Board)
The applicant proposes to AN ARTICLE to see if Any person interested
2004 Armada 4WD SE SUV IPOD adapter, trailer hitch,
This off-road SUV with third row amend Special Permit #09-09 the town will vote to amend or wishing to comment on the
foglamps, halogen headlamps,
has been well maintained, has a Supplemental front seat side
and add windows to the 7’ x the Duxbury Protective application should appear at
clean and clear title, just one airbags. 28,500 miles. Rides 14’ screened porch. Bylaw under Section 615.1 the time and place noted
owner and runs perfectly. great. Detailed every 6 months. The application may be “Administrative Site Plan above.
63,467 miles, green exterior and viewed in the Inspectional Review: Purpose,” in order to
gray leather interior. Asking Services Department between exclude exempt BOARD OF
$15,999. Call 781-934-1552. 25' O'Day Sailboat the hours of 8:00 a.m. and SELECTMEN
1978 25 ft. O'Day sailboat. organizations. (Submitted by
1:00 p.m. or by appointment. the Planning Board) Elizabeth H. Sullivan
Excellent centerboard bay boat The Board of Appeals will
sleeps 5, newer genoa and jib, AN ARTICLE to see if Christopher R. Donato
new stays and antenna wiring,
accept written comments on the town will vote to amend Jonathan D. Witten
9.8 hp motor, ready to sail. Can this application. the Duxbury Protective
be moored on flats, asking Bylaw by adding a new
$4950. Call 791-934-9189 Dennis A. Murphy, Chair Section 616, “Wind Facilities
Pathfinder - $12,500
19’ 2001 Pathfinder center Board of Appeals Development Regulations,” COMMONWEALTH
Adv:12/30/09–01/06/10 OF
console (white) with outboard
drive. Beam: 7’8”. Yamaha 90hp
Legal Case #09-15
relative to the zoning of wind
turbines. (Submitted by the MASSACHUSETTS
(outboard gas) with stainless Notices PUBLIC HEARING Alternative Energy
steel propeller. Fishfinder, depth Committee)
sounder, live well. Outboard BOARD OF DUXBURY BOARD AN ARTICLE to see if LAND COURT
power trim and tilt. Insulated fish OF SELECTMEN
box. Call 781-934-7069.
APPEALS the town will vote to amend
the Duxbury Protective DEPARTMENT OF
LIQUOR LICENSE Bylaw under Section 302
NOTICE OF “Definitions” to add a THE TRIAL COURT
PUBLIC HEARING definition of “Research and
The Duxbury Board of Development,” and under (SEAL)
Selectmen, acting as the Section 421.3 “Neighborhood Case No. 09 MISC 412758
2002 Hydra-Sports CC The Board of Appeals will Licensing Authority, will hold To:
Business District 1: Use and
2002 Hydra-Sports with 150 hold a public hearing at the a Public Hearing in the Mural Joyce Nessralla
Johnson engine. Full electronics, Regulation,” to add
Town Hall, Mural Room, on Room of Duxbury Town Hall and to all persons entitled
runs great. A lot of room for a 21. “renewable and alternative
January 14, 2010 at 7:30 p.m. (878 Tremont Street), on to the benefit of the
Priced to sell, $16,500. energy research and
to consider the application of Monday evening, January 25, Servicemembers Civil Relief
401-640-4370. development” to a list of
Mary J. Butler for a special 2010 at 7:05 P.M. to consider Act.
business uses. (Submitted by
permit under Articles 400, the application for an U.S. Bank National
the Alternative Energy
600 and 900, Sections 401.2, All-Alcoholic Common Association, as Trustee of
404, 404.9 and 906.2, 906.5 Victualler License for JP Morgan Alternative
AN ARTICLE to see if
of the Duxbury Protective Bramblebush Eats, Ltd, dba Loan Trust 2006-A6
the town will vote to amend
Boat For Sale
Bylaw. The Sun Tavern, Lawrence P. Claiming to be the holder of
the Duxbury Protective
22' Mako, 130 HP Honda, GPS, The project is located at Friedman, Manager. mortgage Covering real
Bylaw under Section 302
FF. In the water in Duxbury, can 848 Franklin Street, Duxbury, Location of the Premises: property in Duxbury,
“Definitions” to add a
use for rest of summer. $5,900 or Ma, Parcel No. 080-006-006 500 Congress Street. Any numbered 1280 Franklin
definition of “Open Space,”
BO. 781-934-7567 of the Duxbury Assessors’ person interested or wishing Street Given by Joyce
and under Section 425.1
Map, consists of 11,326 sq. to comment on the application Nessralla to "MERS",
“Intensity and Dimensional
should appear at the time and Regulations for All Mortgage Electronic
place noted above. Neighborhood Business Registration Systems, Inc., a
3TAIRS Districts” relative to open separate corporation that is
BOARD OF acting solely as nominee for
space and site coverage
requirements. (Submitted by The Mortgage Place Inc.,
&IREPLACES Elizabeth H. Sullivan "Lender"; its successors
citizens’ petition)
6ENEERS Jonathan D. Witten The full texts of the and assigns,, dated June 23,
2EPAIRS Christopher R. Donato proposed zoning amendments 2006, and recorded at the
2EPOINTING Plymouth County Registry
PUBLIC HEARING are available for review at the
of Deeds in Book 32915,
"ARBEQUES NOTICE Town Clerk’s Office and
Planning Department at Page 89, and now held by
Duxbury Town Hall (878 plaintiff by assignment; has
DUXBURY Tremont Street) during filed with said court a
complaint for authority to
PLANNING BOARD normal business hours. Any
foreclose said mortgage in the
person interested or wishing
$OOLQWHULRUDQGH[WHULRUPDVRQU\ to comment on the proposed manner following: by entry
The Duxbury Planning
 Board hereby gives notice of warrant article should appear and possession and exercise
of power of sale. If you are
a public hearing on Monday, at the time and place noted
above. entitled to the benefits of the
January 11, 2010 at 7:15 Servicemembers Civil Relief
PM at the Duxbury Senior Act and you object to such
Center (Ellison Room) Brendan P. Halligan, Clerk
Duxbury Planning Board foreclosure you or your
located at 10 Mayflower attorney should file a written
Street, relative to proposed
zoning articles to appear PUBLIC HEARING appearance and answer in said
court at Boston on or before
before the Annual Town DUXBURY BOARD the 1st day of February, 2010
Meeting on Saturday, March OF SELECTMEN or you may be forever barred
13, 2010. The following is a from claiming that such
description of the proposed foreclosure is invalid under
said act.
AN ARTICLE to see if Witness, KARYN F.
the town will vote to adopt a The Duxbury Board of
Selectmen, acting as the SCHEIER, Chief Justice of
revised Flood Insurance Rate said Court this 18th day of
Map as prepared by the Licensing Authority, will hold
a Public Hearing in the Mural December, 2009
Federal Emergency Attest:
Management Agency Room of Duxbury Town Hall
(878 Tremont Street), on DEBORAH J.
(FEMA), and further to PATTERSON
amend the Duxbury Monday evening, January
25, 2010 at 7:10 P.M. to RECORDER
Protective Bylaw under (NESSRALLA)
Sections 202.1, 202.9 and consider the application of
Wednesday, January 6, 2010 Duxbury Clipper 11

Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal

Notices Notices Notices Notices Notices
COMMONWEALTH Condominium benefits of the hold a public hearing at the the Plymouth County
given by Edward L. Servicemembers Civil Relief Town Hall, Mural Room, on Registry of Deeds at Book
OF Shugrue and Rosamond P. Act as amended and you January 14, 2010 at 7:450 32396, Page 258, of which
MASSACHUSETTS Shugrue to Mortgage object to such foreclosure p.m. to consider the mortgage Deutsche Bank
Electronic Registration you or your attorney should application of Kevin B. National Trust Company, as
LAND COURT System, Inc., dated April 2, file a written appearance and Griffin TT, Griffin Realty Trustee on Behalf of the
2007, and recorded with the answer in said court at Trust for a special permit Harborview Mortgage Loan
Plymouth County Registry of Boston on or before the 1st under Articles 400 and 900, Trust Mortgage Loan
DEPARTMENT OF Deeds at Book 34355, Page day of February 2010 Sections 421,424,425, Pass-Through Certificates,
THE TRIAL COURT 199 and now held by the or you may be forever 603,615, 906.2 of the Series 2006-6 is the present
plaintiff by assignment barred from claiming that Duxbury Protective Bylaw. holder, for breach of the
Case No. 09 MISC 412533 has filed with said court a such foreclosure is invalid The project is located at 21 conditions of said mortgage
To: complaint for authority to under said act. Chestnut Street, Parcel and for the purpose of
Robert S. Cline foreclose said mortgage Witness, KARYN F. No.190-043-001 of foreclosing, the same will be
Heather M. Stanford in the manner following: SCHEIER, Chief Justice of the Duxbury Assessors’ Map, sold at Public Auction at 1:00
and to all persons entitled by entry and possession and said Court on the 16th day of consists of 20,473 sq. ft., is p.m. on January 20, 2010, on
to the benefit of the exercise of power of sale. December 2009 zoned for Neighborhood the mortgaged premises
Servicemembers Civil Relief If you are entitled to the Attest: Business District and is located at 44 Bay Road,
Act: Chase Home Finance benefits of the DEBORAH J. owned by Kevin B. Griffin Duxbury, Plymouth County,
LLC claiming to be the holder Servicemembers Civil Relief PATTERSON TT, Griffin Realty Trust, P.O. Massachusetts, all and
of mortgage covering real Act as amended and you RECORDER Box 1934, Duxbury, MA singular the premises
property in Duxbury, object to such foreclosure 200909-0188-GRN 02332. described in said mortgage,
numbered 54 Stagecoach you or your attorney should TOWN OF The applicant proposes to TO WIT:
Road given by Robert S. file a written appearance and DUXBURY alter existing 2 story garage: a certain parcel of Land
Cline and Heather M. answer in said court at 23’ x 26’, and add an situated on the Northwesterly
Stanford to Chase Manhattan Boston on or before the 1st additional 14’ x 32’ & 9’ x side of Bay Road, containing
Mortgage Corporation, dated day of February 2010 BOARD OF 26’ addition with 2ndfloor 24,135 square feet, more or
November 15, 2002, or you may be forever APPEALS office space. An amendment less, shown on a plan entitled
Recorded with the Plymouth barred from claiming that of Special Permit 06-08 is ‘'Plan of Land in Duxbury to
County Registry of Deeds at such foreclosure is invalid required. be conveyed by Winifred E.
under said act. NOTICE OF The application may be O'Brien dated November 4,
Book 23450, Page 255, and
now held by plaintiff by Witness, KARYN F. PUBLIC HEARING viewed in the Inspectional 1948, Delano & Keith,
assignment has filed with said SCHEIER, Chief Justice of Services Department between Surveyors,’’ and bounded and
court a complaint for said Court on the 21st day of The Board of Appeals will the hours of 8:00 a.m. and described as follows:
authority to foreclose said December 2009 hold a public hearing at the 1:00 p.m. or by appointment. Beginning at a stake on the
mortgage in the manner Attest: Town Hall, Mural Room, on The Board of Appeals will Northerly side of Bay Road
following: by entry and DEBORAH J. Thursday, January 14, 2010 at accept written comments on marking the Southerly corner
possession and exercise of PATTERSON 7:30 p.m. to consider the this application. of the granted premises,
power of sale. If you are RECORDER application of Mr. William which stake is located S 69°
entitled to the benefits of the 200901-2731-ORE Freer, et al for a Special Dennis A. Murphy, Chair 30' 20'’ West a distance of
Servicemembers Civil Relief Permit under Articles 400 and Board of Appeals 331.02 feet from the
Act and you object to such COMMONWEALTH 900, Sections 401.2, 402,
906.2 of the Duxbury
Adv: 12/30/09 – 01/06/10 Southerly corner of land now
foreclosure you or your Case #09-13 or formerly of Mary L.
OF Protective Bylaw.
attorney should file a written NOTICE OF Freeman, and N 69° 30' 20’'
MASSACHUSETTS The project is located at 31 East, a. distance of 199.10
appearance and answer in said
Ocean Road, North, Parcel MORTGAGEE'S feet from a county highway
court at Boston on or before
No. 211-939-120 of SALE OF bound;
February 01, 2010 or you may LAND COURT
be forever barred from the Duxbury Assessors’ Map, REAL ESTATE Thence running N 20° 29'
claiming that such foreclosure consists of 3,920 sq. ft., is 40’' West, by other land of the
is invalid under said act. DEPARTMENT OF zoned for Residential By virtue and in execution grantor, 233.06 feet to a
Witness, KARYN F. THE TRIAL COURT Protection Overlay Wetlands
of the Power of Sale stake;
SCHEIER Chief Justice of contained in a certain Thence turning and
said Court on December 16, and is owned by Mr. William mortgage given by Michelle running N 59° 54' 20'’ East,
(SEAL) Freer, c/o: Mrs. M.
2009 A. Glick to Mortgage by land of William H. and
To: Case No. 412548 Newburg, P.O. Box 355,
Attest: Deborah J. Electronic Registration Ethel B. Howland, 101.42
Joseph W. Foley Bryantville, MA 02327.
Patterson, Recorder Systems, Inc., dated March feet to a stake;
and to all persons entitled The applicant proposes to
(310.3167)(1/6/2010) 22, 2006 and recorded with Thence turning and
to the benefit of the construct a 15’ 5” x 7’5”
Servicemembers Civil Relief second floor addition with a
Act. 15’ 5” x 3’ second floor deck
BAC Home Loans to a pre-existing,
COMMONWEALTH Servicing, LP non-conforming structure. A
OF claiming to be the holder of Special Permit is required.
MASSACHUSETTS a Mortgage The application may be
covering real viewed in the Inspectional
property in Services Department between
LAND COURT Duxbury, the hours of 8:00 a.m. and
numbered 217 1:00 p.m. or by appointment.
DEPARTMENT OF Keene Street The Board of Appeals will
given by Karen A. accept written comments on
THE TRIAL COURT Foley and Joseph W. Foley to this application.
Mortgage Electronic
(SEAL) Registration Systems, Inc.,
To: Case No. 413138 Dennis A. Murphy, Chair
dated March 1, 2005, and Board of Appeals
Edward L. Shugrue; registered with the Plymouth
Rosamond P. Shugrue Adv: 12/30/09-01/06/10
County Registry District of Case: #09-14
and to all persons entitled the Land Court as Document
to the benefit of the No.581981 and noted on TOWN OF
Servicemembers Civil Relief Certificate of Title No. 55495 DUXBURY
Act. and now held by the plaintiff
GMAC Mortgage, LLC by assignment
claiming to be the holder of has filed with said court a BOARD OF
a Mortgage complaint for authority to APPEALS
covering real foreclose said mortgage
property in in the manner following:
Duxbury, NOTICE OF
by entry and possession and HOW TO PLAY: Each row must contain the numbers 1 to 9; each
numbered 80 Parks exercise of power of sale. PUBLIC HEARING column must contain the numbers 1 to 9, and each set of 3 by 3
Street, Unit 8R, Bay Farm If you are entitled to the boxes must contain the numbers 1 to 9.
The Board of Appeals will
12 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal

Notices Notices Notices Notices Notices
running S 20° 29' 40’' East, purchaser at the time and MORTGAGEE'S unit deed, to which is affixed conditions and/or other
again by other land of the place of sale. The balance is the verified statement of a enforceable encumbrances of
grantor, 249.97 feet to a stake
SALE OF registered land surveyor in the record created prior to the
to be paid by certified or bank
on the Northwesterly side of check at Harmon Law REAL ESTATE form required by Section 9 of mortgage, to all tenancies
Bay Road; Offices, P.C., 150 California Chapter 183A. and/or rights of parties in
Thence turning and Street, Newton, By virtue and in execution The Unit is conveyed possession, and to rights or
running S 69° 30' 20'’ West, Massachusetts 02458, or by of the POWER OF SALE together with an undivided claims in personal property
by said Bay Road 100 feet to mail to P.O. Box 610389, contained in a certain interest in the common areas installed by tenants, former
the stake at the point of Newton Highlands, mortgage given by Shannon and facilities (“Common tenants, or others now located
beginning. Massachusetts 02461-0389, Rae Thompson to Rockland Areas and Facilities”) of the upon the premises, and to
All shown on said plan within thirty (30) days from Trust Company, a banking Condominium described in rights or claims of others now
entitled ‘'Plan of Land in the date of sale. Deed will be institution duly organized the Master Deed, attributable located upon the premises, if
Duxbury to be conveyed by provided to purchaser for under the laws of the to the Unit. any of the aforesaid there be.
Winifred E. O'Brien’', a copy recording upon receipt in full Commonwealth of The Unit is subject to and Said premises will also be
of which is recorded in of the purchase price. The Massachusetts, and having its has the benefit of all rights, sold subject to all laws and
Plymouth County Registry of description of the premises usual place of business at 120 easements, agreements, ordinances, including but not
Deeds. contained in said mortgage Liberty Street, Brockton, interests, and provisions limited to zoning, applicable
For mortgagor's title see shall control in the event of an Plymouth County, contained in the Master Deed, Massachusetts or local
deed recorded with Plymouth error in this publication. Commonwealth of the Condominium Trust and building and/or sanitary
County Registry of Deeds in Massachusetts, said mortgage the Rules and Regulations and codes, and statutory
Book 28109, Page 143. Other terms, if any, to being dated June 12, 2008 and By-Laws adopted pursuant to requirements with respect to
These premises will be be announced at the sale. recorded with the Plymouth the provisions thereof as well smoke detectors, lead paint,
sold and conveyed subject to County Registry of Deeds in as the provisions of Chapter and rent control, as the same
and with the benefit of all DEUTSCHE BANK Book 36069, Page 304, of 183A of the Massachusetts may be applicable. No
rights, rights of way, NATIONAL TRUST which mortgage the General Laws as the same representations, express or
restrictions, easements, COMPANY, AS TRUSTEE undersigned is the present may be amended from time to implied, are made with
covenants, liens or claims in ON BEHALF OF THE holder, for breach of the time. respect to any matter
the nature of liens, HARBORVIEW conditions of said mortgage These premises will be concerning the mortgaged
improvements, public MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST and for the purpose of sold and conveyed subject to premises, which shall be sold
assessments, any and all MORTGAGE LOAN foreclosing, the same will be and with the benefit of all "as is".
unpaid taxes, tax titles, tax PASS-THROUGH sold at Public Auction at rights, rights of way, Together with all the
liens, water and sewer liens CERTIFICATES, SERIES 12:00 P.M. on the 29th day of restrictions, easements, improvements now or
and any other municipal 2006-6 January, 2010 upon the covenants, liens or claims in hereafter erected on the
assessments or liens or mortgaged premises located the nature of liens, property, and all easements,
existing encumbrances of Present holder of said at 100 Lincoln Street, Unit 6, improvements, public appurtenances, and fixtures
record which are in force and mortgage Merry Village Condominium, assessments, any and all now or hereafter a part of the
are applicable, having priority Duxbury, Plymouth County, unpaid taxes, tax titles, tax property.
over said mortgage, whether By its Attorneys Massachusetts, all and liens, water and sewer liens TERMS OF SALE:
or not reference to such singular being the premises and any other municipal Five Thousand and No/100
restrictions, easements, HARMON described in said mortgage, to assessments or liens or ($5,000.00) Dollars in cash or
improvements, liens or LAW wit: existing encumbrances of certified or bank treasurer's or
encumbrances is made in the OFFICES, P.C. A certain record which are in force and cashier’s check at the time
deed. 150 California Street Condominium Unit (“Unit”) are applicable having priority and place of the sale by the
TERMS OF SALE: Newton, MA 02458 known as Unit No. 6 and also over said mortgage, whether purchaser and the balance of
A deposit of Ten Thousand (617) 558-0500 known as 100 Lincoln Street, or not reference to such the purchase price must be
($10,000.00) Dollars by 200902-1661 - GRN Unit 6, Duxbury, Plymouth restrictions, easements, paid in cash, certified check,
certified or bank check will County, Massachusetts being improvements, liens or bank treasurer's or cashier's
be required to be paid by the a Unit within a building encumbrances is made in the check within thirty (30) days
(“Building”) included within Deed. after the date of sale and shall
the condominium known as For mortgagor’s title see be deposited in escrow with
Merry Village deed recorded with the Jack J. Mikels, Esq., Jack
(“Condominium”), 100 Plymouth County Registry of Mikels and Associates, LLP,
Lincoln Street, Duxbury, Deeds in Book 36069, Page 1 Batterymarch Park, Suite
Massachusetts established by 300. 309, Quincy, MA 02169.
the Grantor pursuant to Said premises are to be The deed shall be delivered
Massachusetts General Laws, sold and conveyed subject to within thirty (30) days of
Chapter 183A, by Master and with the benefit of all receipt of the balance of the
Deed dated January 20, 2008 mortgages, restrictions, purchase price, said receipt
recorded with the Plymouth easements, improvements, being the only condition of
County Registry of Deeds on outstanding tax titles, escrow. The successful bidder
January 30, 2008 in Book municipal or other public shall be required to sign a
35551, Page 106 (“Master taxes, assessments, federal Memorandum of Sale
Deed”), which Unit is shown and state tax liens, other liens containing the above terms at
on the building plans and existing encumbrances of Auction Sale.
Call Now Toll Free Pager: 508.866.6860 (“Plans”) of the Building record created prior to the OTHER TERMS TO
recorded simultaneously with mortgage, if there be any, BE ANNOUNCED AT THE

the Master Deed, and which outstanding water and/or SALE.
Unit is also shown on the unit sewer charges, to covenants,
plan recorded with the first rights, reservations, Rockland Trust Company
By its
Jack J. Mikels
Jack Mikels &
Associates, LLP
1 Batterymarch Park,
Suite 309
Quincy, MA 02169
(617) 472-5600

Paul E. Saperstein Co., Inc.

144 Centre Street
Holbrook, MA 02343
(617) 227-6553
Wednesday, January 6, 2010 Duxbury Clipper 13



Timothy J. O’Brien
Building & Remodeling


Design, Construction & Property Management s$ECKSs!DDITIONS
(781) 829-2232
LIC # 063633 HIC # 116180


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Four generations of craftsmanship.
Licensed Construction
Home Improvement Contractor
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Bruce W. Benson
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14 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Wednesday, January 6, 2010 Duxbury Clipper 15

Fourth Friday Film Series

The Duxbury Free Li- by James Mandrell, library lively discussion led by Prof. Jan. 22: Far From Heaven are allowed free play. Finely
brary’s next film in the Fourth trustee and professor of film Mandrell. Admission is free (USA 2002) dir. Todd Haynes. calibrated performances by
Friday Film series, “Far From at Brandeis University, the and refreshments are avail- 107 mins. PG-13. A meticu- Julianne Moore and Dennis
Heaven,” directed by Todd series is designed for the over- able. lous and loving recreation of a Haysbert allow Dennis Quaid
Haynes will screen on Friday, 18 crowd and meets every For further information, 1950s Hollywood melodrama to shine.
Jan. 22 at 7 p.m. in the Merry fourth Friday. Film screenings 781-934-2721 x100 or go to in which the emotional and
Room, library lower level. Led are preceded and followed by socio-political undercurrents





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For a wealth of reasons
16 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Open House
A New Market
Saturday & Sunday 11am-2pm
Saw Mill Road
A New Approach
Located off of Historic High Street
A New Vantage Point

Homes Week

of the
Two River Farm
6 Apple Hill Lane, Duxbury
Halifax, Warm and inviting, this three bedroom colonial
has been updated with granite, stainless steel ap-
Massachusetts pliances, hardwood floors, recessed lighting and
so much more. With approximately 2500 square
feet of living space this open floor plan offers a
great place to entertain or just reside. A 2-car ga-
rage, fabulous yard, great neighborhood and walk
up attic with room for expansion make this a ter-
rific buy! $589,900

63 Pond View Drive, Kingston

Amazing opportunity to own in Kingston’s finest
country club community, Indian Pond Estates.
This meticulously maintained home has been
beautifully upgraded to create an elegant living
space this ready for you to move in to. Features
include 4 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths and over 3,300
sq.ft. of living space.
Intoccia Homes is
delighted to offer
you their extensive 18 River Street, Kingston
collection of beautiful single
family residences. Choose from Fabulous location in the AhDeNah neighborhood.
one of our designs or bring us This updated and expanded cape has over 2,700
your plans. Only 3 lots left to sq.ft. of gracious space with 4 bedrooms & 3 full
choose from!
Need to sell before buying?
baths with the owners suite located on the first
Intoccia will give you 8 months floor. Second kitchen/workshop/home office with
to take title. separate entrance. Peaceful and serene, close to
Call for details.
the river and boat launch.
Prices starting in the mid
$400,000’s. $549,900


Kerin Caieiro Alice Luscko

Jean Cohen
Margaret Dawson
Robin Markella
Nancy McBride
22 Depot Street, Duxbury • 781-934-2588
Alison Davidson Kate Nelson 99 Derby Street, Hingham • 781-749-0778
Faith DiBona
Trish Doyle
Susan O’Brien
Jim Roche
327 Washington Street, Norwell • 781-659-2599
Martha Lane
Mary Leahy
Sheri Sibley

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