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Biodiesel is a biofuel or biofuel made from vegetable oil, oil well that has not been used or
waste oil from the pan and through transesterifikasi.Biodiesel process is used as a fuel alternative
fuel oil (BBM) for diesel motors, and apat applied both in 100% form (B100) or mixed with diesel oil
at a certain concentration level (BBX), such as 10% biodiesel blended with 90% diesel fuel known as
B10, (Erliza, et al, 2007: 8).
Utilization of vegetable oil as a raw material for biodiesel has several advantages, including
the source of vegetable oil is obtained, the process of making biodiesel from vegetable oils is easy
and fast, and the rate of conversion of vegetable oil into biodiesel is high (95%). Vegetable oil fatty
acid composition varies depending on the type of crop. The main constituent substances oil-fats
(vegetable and animal) are triglycerides, ie triesters of glycerol with fatty acids (C8 - C24). The
composition of fatty acids in vegetable oils determine the physical and chemical properties of oil,
(Erliza, et al, 2007: 11).
Some researchers claim that the higher viscosity of vegetable oils compared to petroleum
diesel, it causes vegetable oils are not suitable when used directly in diesel engines. For that to the
same viscosity of vegetable oils with viscosity of diesel oil, it must be done the conversion of
vegetable oil into monoalkyl ester compound through the transesterification process.
Transesterification is an organic reaction in which an ester compound is converted into another
ester compound through the exchange of the alcohol group with alkyl esters of other alcohols.
Slightly different from the hydrolysis reaction, the transesterification reaction reagent used instead
of water, but alcohol. Methanol is more commonly used for the transesterification process because
the price is cheaper than other alcohols. However, the use of other alcohols such as ethanol can
produce similar results the results of the transesterification reaction is methyl ester (biodiesel).
(Fitria Yulistika 2006: 20).
Short chain alcohols that can be used is methanol and ethanol. Methanol is preferred
because it is easy and has a higher reactivity than ethanol. Esterification reaction is the reaction of
alternating slow. In order to obtain optimal results, it is necessary to process good stirring, giving
excess reactants, temperature and reaction time are appropriate, as well as the addition of the
catalyst (CBC Team bioorganic)
Factors that affect the esterification:
1. Reaction time
the longer the reaction time, the possibility of greater contact between substances that will
generate a great conversion
2. Stirring
the greater the impact, the greater the reaction rate constant prices, so in this case is very important
binding stirring oil solution
3. catalyst
The decreasing the activation energy, then at a certain temperature the reaction rate constant price
4. The temperature of the reaction
The higher the temperature, the more conversions generated (Anonym, 2014)

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