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By: Emmalee Aple

Published by Emmalee Aple
Smashwords Edition.
Copyright 2012 Emmalee Aple
Discover other titles by Emmalee Aple at

Chapter 1 Conflicts and Confrontations

I sank back into the porch swing, the sun setting, leaving a cascade of colors painted
over the sky. The scent of salt and sea washed through the air, and a soft, constant roar of the
ocean filled the otherwise silent night. Everything was panning out to be an uneventful, peaceful
evening, finally I could lie back and pretend I was just a normal human teenage girl, instead of
feeling like Addisyn White and the five angelic dorks: Bossy, Crabby, Hottie, Cocky, and
Hey, a voice called to me from the doorway into the house. I glanced over, it was
Cocky er, Hunter, my best friend in this life. Bonded by the Elders or God... I wasnt quite
clear on who was responsible for it, but we were, and I had no choice in the matter. Just
thought Id tell you Graham and I were leaving.
Graham, aka Rebel, was one of the twins. They were fraternal twins, and since day one,
Ive had the biggest crush on his brother, Greysan. The distance to the moon and back didnt
compare to the crush I had.
Okay, have a good night. Im just going to enjoy my book out here, in the peace and
quiet, I stated, pointing to the book in my lap. Just leave already!
See you in the morning, The copper highlights danced off his hair in the fading
sunlight as he moved past me and around the corner of the house. A few minutes later I could
hear car doors shutting and then the car driving away.

I turned my attention back to the book that laid open in my lap, taking a deep breath for
finally being alone in the peace and quiet, I immersed myself in it. The story was filled with a
fleeting romance and an intense struggle of wills set during the Depression. The way the author
worked with words was what captured my attention: the attention to detail, the way the words
came together like a beautiful love song. Struggles filled the main verses but the love was
strong throughout like a chorus. Almost instantly the characters took me away, playing out their
love story before my eyes. I was completely oblivious to anything else as I cascaded over the
pages, my heart and mind hungering for more.
Hows the book? The voice made me jump; having been so wrapped up in the book
Id forgotten reality existed. Greysan was looking down at me. His heart-melting, lopsided grin,
painted on his perfectly sculpted face. To say he was the most handsome man ever would be
clich, but he was definitely the most handsome angel.
Whend you get back? Are the others back? I sat up, trying not to look as awkward as
I felt. I glanced around quickly, determining that it was pretty late at night, if not early morning.
The sky was pitch black with a full moon lighting the whole area around the beach house.
A while ago, and no, its just me, he answered, making my heart beat a little quicker.
Time alone with Greysan hardly ever happened. I took him all in, the causal yet cool way he
leaned back again porch railing, how his shirt clung slightly to the waves of muscles of his
stomach and chest I was losing myself in him, You were so immersed.
Working on your ninja skills? I asked, closing my book and putting it down beside
me, Howd you get past the squeaky boards?
You know, its kinda adorable to watch you read, he smiled then agilely pushed off
the railing, closing the space between us. Come with me? The giddy teenage girl in me got the

better of my thoughts at that point. My eyes looked at his outstretched hand. Is he here to
profess his love for me and whisk me away to make sweet love? Do dreams really come true?
For a little flight, not far, his blue-grey eyes beaconed me. I smiled and nodded. His
hand slipped into mine as he led me off the edge of the porch.
Flying where humans could see was prohibited, not only by Everett, but also the Elders.
It was one of the three rules that we had to abide by in this life. But what would a little flight
really hurt? Its like the middle of the night anyways. I was quickly realizing that in my mind,
Greysan could do no wrong.
Where are the others? I asked. He kept walking.
Off doing whatever it is they do, he answered, only half paying attention. Ready?
Not waiting for an answer, Greysan wrapped his arms around my middle. Cracking and popping
followed the tearing noise and the ruffle of feathers as he bloomed in the early morning air.
Adrenaline rushed through my body as he took off, and I felt my feet leaving the ground behind.
Higher and higher we went, my heart racing.
As soon as the grey wings crested my vision, I knew something was wrong. I was no
longer dreaming of a rule breaking, romantic, early morning flight with the angel of my dreams.
For one, he had bright white wings, not this dirty, mucky grey and two; he was on the ground
below me, with the four other members of my Link. This was definitely not a dream, it was a
As we crested the treetops, I wondered who was carrying me away on the winds off the
pacific coast. His strong arms wrapped around me, holding me tight to his chest. A a laugh
rumbled up through his chest. The sound made me shudder.

My stomach churned, my mouth filled with the bile taste of dread. Who or what was
this? Why was he carrying me away? I tried to think of everything I knew about angels, Why
were his wings so dirty? My mind swept over everything I had learned in the almost two years
since my death. Random facts pummeled my mind in no particular order.
Two kinds of angels.
Born and Changed.
He was squeezing me too tight, hard to breathe.
White wings not grey.
Five years to fully change.
The way he laughed made the hairs on my neck stand straight up.
I was a Changed angel.
My Link was a mix of both Changed and Born.
My wings are aching to bloom.
Why does he have grey wings?
Where are the others?
My reactions finally unfroze, and I struggled against his grasp; but the more I fought, the
tighter he held. I gasped for a decent sized breath, my chest constricted under the pressure,
which made me fight harder. We were flying through the tree canopies. The drop only looked to
be twenty to thirty feet. As long as I dodged the big branches, I could make it. Besides, Id
already died once. I couldnt do it again, right?
Ah, its about time. I felt the cold chuckle resonate through the brick-wall chest
against my back. I twisted harder, violently, kicking hard against nothing. I didnt have time to
think about any other way to get away. All that occurred to me was to drop, and fall away from

this creature as quickly as I could. Then a sickening crack flooded my mind as something struck
the grey-winged man in the left wing with extreme force. We were thrown hard to the right; the
dark wings wrapped around both of our bodies protectively as we collided violently with a large
tree trunk.
The impact was so sudden that I didnt have time to brace myself. My head flew back
into the chin of the man holding me. Was he an angel? Demon? Were there really such things
as Demons? The tree splintered against the intensity of our collision. Seconds later, we slid
down the trunk, my body battered by flesh and wood alike. The demon angel spread his wings,
exposing me to the harsh bark of the tree but slowing our decent. Flipping over, he landed
gracefully on his feet and spun both of us so his back pressed against the same tree we had just
slammed into. My mind screamed to get away, but there was no way I could pull myself out of
his grasp. Despite the violent fall, he still held me tightly against him as if his life depended
upon it.
Careful, I heard the strong, familiar voice of Everett, the leader and one of the two
born angels in my Link. Even in my confused and terrified state, I recognized the hint of
concern tacked to it. When he finally stepped into view, I caught sight of his own beautiful
white wings folded behind him as he landed a few feet in front of me.
Shit, he has Addi, Hunter, the second youngest angel in our Link, warned. The fear in
his voice scared me. How much danger was I in? He appeared a few seconds after Everett,
standing off to the left, his skin looked paler than usual and there was blood his left arm, and I
instantly knew he alone had been the blow to wing of the demon angel.
Hearing rustling to the right, I slowly turned my head to see Wilhelms wings retracting;
his intense gaze shot daggers in my direction. My family was here, my Link; they would save

me. This has to all be a misunderstanding. But the pain coursed through, if it wasnt for the pain
I felt, I would have thought this was a bad nightmare.
Yes. Addi. The low, dark voice rumbled past my ear. But it wasnt speaking to me, I
knew she would get your attention, He chuckled again. Hello, Graham, his voice sent shivers
down my spine; I didnt see Graham, but I felt his eyes on me, the strength of his concern
communicated through his gaze. I felt it from the other three as well. But where was Greysan,
the fifth member of our Link? I longed for the comfort his mere presence could provide me, but
he was noticeably absent. I see the coward chose not to join in on the fun. Coward? Was he
calling Greysan a coward? Why? How did he know them? Whats going on? My mind was
screaming against the already pounding pain. The demons grip remained constant.. I was
Dont bloom, Everett spoke to me. I looked straight into his eyes, but there could be
no way he knew how much the panic and pain filled my insides. You have to stay calm, dont
bloom, he said again; I knew he was trying to send me a hidden message. I wished I knew
what it was.
Play fair, the grey winged angel spoke up. How sinister do you think I am? I felt
him shift behind me, moving me with him. Im not going to kill her, he paused for a second.
How would we be able to use her then?
Use me?
Sebastian, enough is enough. What do you want to accomplish here? Wilhelms voice
was not as patient or calm; his face was filled with anger as he took a few steps forward. You
and your Link have gone too far this time. Answer to one question, the grey winged man had a
name. Sebastian. I had to close my eyes; the trees surrounding us were starting to spin.

Somewhere inside me, I knew something was about to happen, something that would change a
lot of the things I had become accustom to in the last two years of my new life. I couldnt
explain how I knew this; it was a sense Id never noticed before. I swallowed hard as I kept my
eyes pinched shut, unwilling to open them, trying to keep myself calm, trusting in Everett and
the others to keep me safe. I thought of anything but what was going on. My mind pulled up
visions of my Link. One member in particular seemed to keep popping up in my thoughts, the
one who was absent from this confrontation, the source of calmness for me. He had a gift for it,
and his ability to calm my human side would have been very helpful in these tense moments.
Sebastian pulled me from my thoughts as he tightened his grip. There was already so
much pressure on my lower ribs; hed break them if he didnt loosen his grip. The added
restraint to my breathing made it hard to remain steady. My wings itched at my back, naturally
fighting to bloom. Stay calm, stay calm, I kept chanting mentally. Who was I fooling? Even a
trained Buddhist couldnt meditate herself into a calm state in this situation. Please God, tell me
what to do! I prayed. The only answer I got was the throb between my shoulder blades where
my wings were itching to be released.
God put you in charge of deciding what is wrong and right? Youve taken up a position
with the Elders now? Funny, they must have forgotten to send me that memo, he mocked
You know thats not true, Everett was trying his hardest to reason with my captor. I
heard him getting closer, but my eyes were still closed. Why did you change, Sebastian? Why
are you so hostile toward us? You were once just like us.
I sucked in a pained breath, and tried to digest what was just said. Now if only I knew
what he wanted with me.

You all made this life so boring. Why did I want to live another useless and redundant
life? I already had one of those, and this life gave me all these new abilities to play with. Why
waste them?
I knew what he was saying and yet, I couldnt yet grasp the meaning.
I forced my eyes open to look for Hunter. Hunter, I managed to whisper. I was scared;
my body shook, but I couldnt move. I had no energy to even try to pull away and run. I heard a
low growl in response to my almost silent plea. I had to close my eyes again. Black spots
clouded my vision, and now even the ground seemed to spin. I heard movement around me, and
Sebastian shifted again.
Keep them back, Everett, Sebastian threatened, Or something might accidentally
happen to your precious Addi. I felt his wings moving; he was growing restless. I began to slip
from consciousness as I struggled to take a full breath.
Let her go, Everett said. Well let you leave unharmed. Just let her go. Unharmed?
What was going on? She hasnt done anything to you; just leave her be.
No, she hasnt, it almost sounded like Sebastian was reasoning with Everett, but his
grasp refused to loosen. I was just passing by, actually. Thought I would stop by for a visit, and
then I stumbled upon your precious little secret sleeping soundly on the porch at an empty
house. He let out another dark chuckle, and you know I cant just let her go, not a treasure as
good as this.
Treasure? Me? Maybe he was on something could angels or ex-angels be affected by
human drugs? I hung my head, I was barely getting any air with my intakes; I could feel my
body getting heavy. Please just let me go, please you want to let me go. I was trying

telepathy, not that I had that ability, but maybe it would work, maybe he would respond. It was
highly unlikely, but I had to try something.
You dont know how long weve been searching for her, and all this time, you were
keeping her right here. Locked away like some sort of fairytale princess, he tightened his grasp
once more as he shifted; fear pulsed through me. I must give you credit, it was a brilliant idea
to put her right here where no one would think to look and use Hunter to cloak her.
I couldnt hold on much longer. I was losing all control of the sliver of calmness I had
been maintaining. I wasnt even sure if, in my delirious state, I was hearing him correctly.
People had been looking for me? Hunter cloaking me?
She would be so much more of an asset to my Link than you would ever know,
another series of growls came from Hunters direction.
Let her go, Sebastian, Everett said forcefully. Your fight is not with her, and you
know it. She is just a pawn in this game youre trying to play.
Game? I am a game no that cant be right. Please let me go; I just want to breathe!
Everett was strong, I could hear it in his voice; he made a good leader.
I dont wish to fight you, Everett, Sebastian said, his breath along my shoulder. I
could feel his mouth beside my neck, the whiskers on his face itching my skin. As I said
before, Id really just come for a visit. To see how the family was doing. I heard a smirk in his
voice, one I didnt understand.
Youre hurting her! Hunter cried out, stepping forward, he sounded distant though;
everyone sounded farther and farther away, as if we, or I, were sinking underwater.

You visited; now let her go, Everett stated, coldly now. I heard movement. Watchful
eyes were on me in my slumped-over state. I could feel them; they were getting closer, boxing
in Sebastian and me. Could he feel them too?
Dont interfere with my Link, Sebastian stated simply. We can co-exist if youd just
stop trying to meddle in our business.
I started to sag in his arms.
If you interfere with us, your fate will be dealt and you will not win that battle, nor will
little Addi here. He hefted me up against his body once more, his knees bent. I felt the height
change in my own legs, and he took off.
Air rushed across my face as Sebastian forced us higher and higher until we were air
born again. I peeked out of the small slits of my eyes and saw tree tops. My body pressed tightly
against his torso, his arms crushed my ribs, I could almost feel them break under the pressure he
put on them.
Stop him! Hunter was almost hysterical. This made Sebastian chuckle. I had to act
fast. I had to breathe.
Now! Wilhelm cried out.
Simultaneously, I felt Sebastian jerk back and heard Greysans voice at my ear.
Bloom. He commanded. My body reacted to him as it always did. The sickening crack
and pop of my wings as they emerged from the secret spot between my shoulder blades seemed
to take him by surprise, and he let me go as my wings forced his arms and body away from
mine. I sucked in a deep breath as my body slipped away from him.
I opened my dizzy eyes and realized I was not soaring, I was infact falling. Fast.

NO! I heard Grahams usually quiet voice echoing through the emptiness of the vast
trees. I started to tumble; it was all going so fast I couldnt really think or react. I caught a
glimpse of a very large branch that I was headed for. Clutching my eyes shut, I threw my hands
up over my face, bracing for impact. Crap was the only thought that finally passed through my

Chapter 1.5 The End of the Beginning

But the branch never came; instead, two very strong arms grabbed my body in the air.
My first instinct was to very weakly struggle to get away. Youre safe, his voice spoke into
my ear as he tried to cradle me against him, immediately stopping my mid-air acrobatics and
slowing my descent. The smell of fresh cut wood filled my nose, and I felt the warmth that
surrounded his body and the comfort I had been yearning for. My silent guardian.
Greysan? I asked weakly as I clung to him, my eyes still pinched shut as I gasped for
breaths. I couldnt believe I was in his arms, although now was not the time to go all teenage
girl on him. Even if thats exactly what I was.
Retract your wings. His voice was just as commanding as it was soothing. He held me
while he gently landed on the ground. I opened my eyes and felt him kneel down and set me on
my grass beneath the tall trees. I concentrated on retracting. My continued confusion over what
was going on made it more difficult to concentrate, but soon I had my wings folded back into
the skin between my shoulder blades. He knelt beside me, one hand on my shoulder as his eyes
looked me over.
His wings were still out, shielding both of us. His eyes finally looked into mine. Are
you all right? he asked. I wanted to tell him about how much pain I was in, but I couldnt. I
would ache in silence forever before I told him I was weak. I took a few deep breaths, trying to

calm my racing heart. Sure, the fear I felt inside was plastered to my face, I tried to ignore that I
was so readable. I shook, and my voice failed me; the only answer I gave him was a slight nod.
I dont know if he believed me or not, but he moved closer to me. Then he pulled me
into his arms, his wings cradling both of us. Youre safe now, he said quietly, but I have to
leave you. Hunters on his way, hes just not as fast as I am. He was leaving me? Youre safe
Before he could move away from me, the branches behind him snapped and a tree
groaned under the pressure of the bodies that had slammed into it. Stay here, Greysan
growled as he pushed me behind him to shield me. Hunter! he hollered.
Im here, Hunter came from the side of me, his wings quickly retracted as he
approached. Go, he said to Greysan, who nodded and then his eyes met mine once more
before he took off toward the others.
Hunter sat down beside me. You okay? he asked, giving me a quick once over.
Nothings broken?
I shook my head as I started to stand. My eyes travelled in the direction that Greysan
went. It wasnt until I heard screams that I took off in that direction, running as fast as my legs
could carry me. I could hear Hunter behind me mumble out a curse as he took off after me. The
only thing that stopped me was the tree root that I tripped over.
The ground did nothing to cushion the fall; it knocked all the air out of me. Hunter was
right behind me, and as I struggled to get up, he crouched down next to me. I didnt get any
farther than to look up because what I saw would forever be burned in my mind.

Greysan was on Sebastians back. His own wings had retracted, but Sebastians hadnt,
due to Greysans hands wrapped around them. Sebastian slammed him back against a large tree
trunk, awarding himself a grunt and making the tree waver, threatening to break.
Come on old man, we both know you arent going to hurt me, Sebastian taunted.
Even in pain, Greysan didnt back down. He clawed at Sebastians wings. Sebastian
slammed him back against the tree trunk again, this time the tree started to topple backward.
Then he ducked and forced Greysan up, where he grabbed him and slammed him down to the
ground. The snap that came from Sebastians wing drove a wince from me, and I scrambled
back, I didnt want to think that Greysan couldnt win, but my Link was more of the peaceful
sort. To be honest, I didnt even know if they could fight.
The three others in my Link were cornering Sebastian. He had nowhere to go. In one
swift, gut-wrenching moment, Greysan was back on top of Sebastian, using his body weight as
leverage as he tore at Sebastians wings, ripping them free with a primal roar.
Sebastian screamed in pure agony, the sound itself made my stomach churn. I lurched
over, and heaved up the contents of my stomach, but even then I couldnt take my eyes off the
scene. Hunter put his hand on my shoulder in comfort.
Greysan stood there, over Sebastians body, with the set of broken wings in his hands,
looking down at the body that lay at his feet, after a few moments, the wings crumbled, turned
to dust, and blew away. Sebastians body buckled forward, he cried out in what had to be pure
torture. His skin grayed and paled; then just like his wings, he dissolved into dust, and fluttered
away in the wind.
My stomach turned again.

Greysan backed away. His eyes found mine, and I saw the anguish in them. Bury what
doesnt fade, he said to Everett, then turned his back to us and walked away. That was when I
finally noticed the blood caked onto his hands.
Retract, Addisyn, Everett said to me. I just stared at him. I hadnt realized I had
bloomed. Retract.
Nothing broke through the shock I felt, as I tried to comprehend what I had just seen.
Addi? Hunter nudged me then took my hand. I pulled myself up to sit there, and stared at the
pile of dust as it blew away in the breeze.
What the hell was that? I asked, raking in breaths, trying to stay calm. What just
happened? I looked at Hunter, then the others for some answers. Greysan was nowhere to be
seen; hed disappeared into the trees that surrounded us.
No one answered me; they all just stood there and stared at the pile of ash. Hunter put
his hand on my shoulder, but I shrugged it off.
What the hell just happened? I asked again, but no one spoke; they were all silent still.
Can someone please tell me what is going on? I shook, fear and rage mixed inside me.
Calm down, Addi, Hunter tried to sooth me, but now was definitely not the time for
soothing, I wanted nothing but answers.
I will not calm down until someone starts telling me what the fuck just happened! I
bellowed, as I looked pointedly at Hunter, who just stifled a smile as he looked at me.
I dont think youve ever swore like that in your life.
I glared at him, Wanna know something else Ive never done until today? Get
kidnapped. I turned my glare to Everett, who was supposed to be our Leader, Why didnt you

tell me that were not immortal? I questioned. My anger just started to build. I was more
frustrated than angry, but I refused to cry.
Addi, were not immortal. Wilhelm said dryly, his blonde hair falling out of his low
ponytail. Happy? Now you are up to date.
No. Im not happy! I exclaimed, and scrambled to get my feet under me. I was just
kidnapped by a man you all seem to know. Whose wings also happen to be gray not white,
Graham avoided my eyes, Everett watched me carefully, and Wilhelm just looked pissed off,
his usual expression.
Greysan! Everett called, and he appeared, his arms wrapped around me as he sunk to
the ground beside me.
Retract, Addisyn. He commanded softly in my ear. My body reacted to his voice, and
my wings retracted. He helped me to feel calm as he pulled me into his arms. My body curled
up against him, and soaked in the comfort his warmth brought, but I couldnt ignore shutter that
left him, though. A hard, stoic expression covered his face as his arm tightened around me and
the silence around us continued.
Itll be okay now, Addisyn, he whispered. He rested his chin, then his cheek on the top
of my head. Youre safe now. But I didnt know if I believed his words. A tear fell from his
eyes, ran down into my hair, and left a wet kiss in its wake.
Who is he? I whispered my question, just as a scream echoed in my mind from what I
had seen, and forced me to shiver once again.
Dont worry about it, he answered. You should rest. Your body needs to heal. He
pulled me closer to him, his hand rested my head against his shoulder gently. Sleep, Addisyn.
The words licked at my ear and filled my mind. I couldnt have fought it if I wanted, not that I

minded. As much as I hated that he had this control over the human part of me, it was better to
have a little break from the visions that filled my mind. I felt the calm of sleep take over, and I
welcomed it.
Slowly, his perfectly sculpted face leaned in toward mine, his warmth surrounded my
entire being as the moment of my much-anticipated first kiss neared. My eyes closed, and my
lips waited; I could feel his fingers as they weaved through the hair at the nape of my neck, and
tilted my face upward toward his. My heart raced in my chest, my breath caught in my throat,
seconds slipped by like hours as I waited for his lips to greet mine. A kiss that stories would be
written about, a kiss I had dreamt about for two years.
A cool breeze tickled my skin, and pulled me from the dream; a thick woodsy air
surrounded me and woke me fully. I reluctantly opened my eyes to meet the setting sun that
peeked through the tall branches of trees around me.
There was the hint of burning wood in the air and the sound of it crackling. Everything
about my life for that moment was peaceful, and for a few seconds, I allowed the dream to
linger. I lay on my back, taking the scene in. Then, the memories forced themselves upon me. I
shuddered and sat up straight as I remembered what I had seen. The movement of me sitting up
caused the hammock I didnt know I had been laying in to sway unnaturally, and I fell out of it
onto the ground, wincing as the pain coursed through my limbs.
Four sets of eyes graced the back of me, one from the left side, distant but it was there.
Five sets, one for each of the members of my Link. I drew out a long breath as I sat there, and
centered myself. I was Addisyn White. I died almost two years ago. And today, I almost lost my
new family for reasons I still didnt understand.

Chapter 2 Getting To Know You

I took another deep breath, and released it slowly. I didnt hear him approach, but I felt
his eyes as he drew closer, Graham sat down beside me on the ground.
Hey, he greeted in his own quiet manner; that was Grahams way. He was the stoic
bad boy, his tattoos and faux hawk did nothing to hide that fact. Howd you sleep? he asked,
as he turned to look out over the view around us.
This was all just filler; he already knew how I had slept. It was no secret that I always
slept peacefully when Greysan used his gift on me. Which was more often than I liked; but
since I was still developing into an angel, I needed to sleep like a human still; the angel parts of
me hardly ever need the rest, and the only way to do that was for Greysan to put me to sleep.
After a long silence, he finally turned to me.
Come on, he stood up, and held his hand out to me. I allowed him to help me to my
feet, my head spun slightly as I stood. The lump at the back of my head was painfully present as
we walked toward the others, who were around a campfire about twenty feet from where I had
Flames flickered and lit up each of their faces; as we approached, I could see all of their
grief-stricken expressions. The only one whose face I couldnt see was Greysan; he sat away
from the rest at the tree line on a log, alone. I barely caught the small shake in his shoulders as
he sat there. Looking up at Graham and the others, I tried to understand.

Where are we? I asked, glancing around once again, I saw Everetts SUV and
Greysans car parked outside a dark wooden cabin. I had never been here before.
Its a hideaway cabin, Everett answered from the cushioned couch that he sat in
around the fire pit. We came up here while the Elders did a sweep of the area around the beach
A sweep for what? I turned my attention on him, Wilhelm sat in a reclining chair to
his right and Hunter was across from him in another reclining chair. The fire crackled in the
middle of the little circle they had created.
Addi, sit down, Everett patted the ground beside him, we need to talk. I let my body
sink into the cushion beside him, but I remained on edge. The warmth of the fire heated my
body and face. Graham took a seat directly across from me and Everett, closest to his twin, who
still lingered at the forests edge.
Before anyone could say anything, I looked at each of them, and studied them for a brief
second. Hunter sat on one side of me, the copper flecks in his hair shown in the flames before
him, his usual young face looked aged with sorrow. Graham was next to him, his faux hawk
leaving crazy shadows along the border of trees behind him. I could still feel Greysans gaze on
me from time to time, like he didnt want anyone else to know he was there. I was the only one
with that ability, or so they say, I could feel when people looked at me. Its a pretty lame ability,
but right now, I was comforted knowing Greysan was just beyond those trees somewhere.
Everett sat just to my left; his deep brown eyes concealed his true emotions in the
shadows of sunset. His human form wasnt that much older than the rest of us; he looked to be
in his late twenties. But really, he was closer to 200. Both Wilhelm and he were Born angels.
They had never been humans before, unlike the rest of my Link. Wilhelm, the second in charge

and nearly as old as Everett, completed our Link, his long slightly frizzy blond hair framed his
face as he sat and stared at his hands.
What can you tell me? I asked, annoyed already at the limitations that were being set
on this conversation. That is probably the best place to start, so that way, I dont just grow
more frustrated asking questions you arent going to answer.
We can tell you who he was, that he was a part of our Link, and that he left on his own
will, Everett answered.
You can also know that he is dead, and not coming back, Wilhelm added. But you
probably already figured that out.
Wow, great conversation. This was getting nowhere. So thats it? I cant know how he
died, or how he left or why he left? I asked. Everett shook his head, not looking pleased.
We would like to tell you that, but were under orders, he tried to explain again.
Well, this is crap, I announced standing up. I deserve to know these answers; he was
a part of this Link my link. I want to know what happened. What if I agree with the reasons
he left, and I want to leave too? Dont I deserve the right to make that decision.
You wont, Hunter cut in as he leaned in toward the fire. Believe me, we all know
you wont, He was nearly smirking.
How? I challenged, my eyes narrowed on Hunter. I ignored the warning looks that
Everett and Wilhelm gave him.
He left because of Greysan, and we all know in your eyes, Greysan cant do anything
wrong, Hunter stated. My cheeks flushed a bright pink, and my eyes automatically glanced
toward where Greysan had been only moments before, all of me hoping he somehow hadnt
heard that. Yes the Elders are going to be pissed. Oh well. She deserves some answers, he

stood up, stretching. He was before my time, so I didnt know him personally. The Elders cant
hold it against me. Hunter walked toward the log cabin, Im going for a swim.
My mind filled with more questions, but the looks I got from Wilhelm and Everett made
me keep them to myself. Id have to find my answers another way. Graham just sat in silence
with a neutral expression and sad eyes.
Well, this was fun, I stood up. Well have to do it again sometime, I glanced at the
cabin. I had to get out of there. I couldnt believe Hunter just blurted that out like that. I am
going to assume there is a shower or something inside? I asked.
Yeah, Ill show you, Graham stated, I caught the quick glance he did toward the trees
where Greysan had been then he looked at me. I knew they had a way to communicate, just like
Hunter could read my thoughts by holding my hand. But theirs was a wireless communication, a
two way mind-speak. So now I knew I wasnt the only one who knew Greysan was back there. I
walked toward the cabin, Graham caught up before I made it inside.
Theyre doing all they can do, but their hands are tied with the Elders, He said as he
walked me inside.
I frowned deeply. Hunter came up to us with a towel draped over his shoulder. Above
his board shorts his washboard abs flexed for the whole world to see.
Addi, you need to just calm down, and let the answers come. Dont be angry at them;
they have reasons for everything they do, Hunter tried to put a hand on my shoulder.
No! I exclaimed. You cant just talk me down from this! This is bigger than that. I
was kidnapped Greysan killed a man an angel! I stared at him. How can you be so
nonchalant about this!? I challenged.

Please, just calm down. Hunter tried again. I saw Graham shift behind him. He looked
worse for wear. The sadness in his eyes was unmistaken.
No! Screw you if you think I am just going to sit here and pretend like everything you
all have been telling me since I died did not just get thrown in my face today! I felt the hot
tears on my cheeks before I even realized I had started to cry. Ive been going around thinking
I am invincible and in one swift motion Greysan killed him! He was a full angel too, not a
neophyte like me!
He wasnt that old, Graham muttered. He was only 27 when he died.
And how many years ago was that? I challenged.
He died in 1919, Graham answered. He left our Link in 1926, and weve only seen
him occasionally since then. We honestly didnt know he was in the area or we wouldnt have
left you home alone.
Why not just tell me about him? Why was he gray?! I asked. I felt a hand land on my
shoulder and jumped, I turned around to see the dark eyes of Everett; Wilhelm was right next to
him in the doorway of the cabin.
You need to calm yourself, Everett said in his deep voice. Once you do, we can sit
down and talk about the choices that the Link made before your death, He said in his
authoritative way. Civilly, he added. Until you can do that, youll allow the rest of us to
mourn the passing of one of our brothers.
I nearly snorted, The passing of one of your brothers? He almost kidnapped me! What
about me?! What about what would have happened if you all wouldnt have seen him take off
with me? I turned around and glared at Everett. This is bullshit and you know it! You are all
keeping things from me, and I want to know what else you havent told me!

Everetts eyebrows rose as he looked down at me. Talking to you like this is useless;
youre not even listening to yourself, he walked around me to where Hunter and Graham
stood. Did you ever think we kept things from you for your safety?
Why? If I would have known there was a random grey angel out there looking to
kidnap me just to get back at you, I think I would have prepared myself a little more. And why
the hell did he look like Greysan? I asked, my frustration building. Why wont you answer
any of my questions?
Probably because you dont give anyone a chance to say anything during your temper
tantrums, Hunter offered. I knew he wanted me to cool it, but he didnt understand. He hadnt
almost just been kidnapped by a supernatural being.
My emotions got the better of me, and the tears continued to stream down my cheeks,
which just made me a snotty, runny mess. Go upstairs and clean yourself up. When you are
ready to talk, we can talk like civilized human beings, Everett ran a hand over his short buzzed
dark hair. Please?
Human beings? I let a sarcastic chuckle go, as I shook my head. Last time I checked,
I was the only one who was still a sliver of human. I wiped my eyes and looked at each of
them. In turn, all four of them watched me. I turned away from them and headed toward the
staircase. None of you understand where I am coming from do you?
We understand youre upset, but what we dont understand is this meltdown, Graham
stated. Were guys; we dont melt down, and its been just us guys for almost a hundred

Well now its not just a bachelor pad, Im here, so deal with it and my girly
meltdowns! I started up the stairs. And while you are dealing with it, you can start telling me
the truth and stop hiding things from me
Hey Addi, Wilhelm called to me as I ascended the stairs. Did you say Sebastian
looked like Greysan to you? he asked, I looked at him. The expression on his face gave away
that he was deep in thought.
I glared at him. Yeah. My eyebrows furrowed. Didnt you see it? I thought he was
Greysan until I saw the gray wings. I admitted.
Wilhelm and Everett exchanged glances then looked at Graham who just shrugged. Did
Greysan know Sebastian could do that? Wilhelm asked Graham, who shook his head.
You mean the all powerful and all knowledgeable Leaders of this Link didnt know
something about one of their own? I asked as I shook my head. Great. That gives me even
more confidence in you. I grumbled and turned around. The upstairs turned out to be just one
big room. Talk about lack of privacy. There was a bathroom though off to the right side, so I
grabbed the duffle off the quilt-adorned bed and went in. Then made sure to shut and lock the
door before I let the tears fall down my cheeks.
A few minutes later, the water vibrated off my hyper-sensitive nerves, every droplet
pulsed against me and helped sooth me. The familiar fragrance of my orchid lavender shampoo
and conditioner as it mixed with my strawberry body wash reminded me of home. It was a
comfort, a constant from my previous life carried into this one. When I died, Everett had gone
in search of a few of my favorite things, such as my toiletries; he said it was to help with the
transition. Right now, it helped to muddle my brain as I wept; the tears coming down in full

Deciding what was worse, the kidnapping or watching Greysan so gruesomely rip the
grey wings off his clones body was the hardest part.
We could die.
For the last two years, since my death, I had been wrapped in the comfort of the idea that
I was now immortal. I thought I would never have to go through the horrible pain of my soul
being ripped from my body ever again. But it had been a lie; it was all a lie. I had just seen a
full-fledged angel die before my eyes, and it had been done way too easily. I knew Greysan was
much stronger than I was, but shouldnt his strength match that of the gray version of himself?
Did we all have clones? If angels were that fragile, then what did that make me? I was still a
neophyte angel, my wings werent even full grown yet, let alone my abilities. I had three more
years before the Elders would deem me a changed angel and would accept me to train and be
tested before they would place me in my job and consider me a member of their community.
Hunter had told me I would probably be put in as a Watcher to start, better known as a
Guardian Angel, since that was what the majority of my Link was. That way, we could all stay
together. Right now the others in my Link were currently on a sabbatical while they raised
I stood there for a long time, until the water finally ran cold.
I shivered and shook when I finally got out, then dried off and dressed. I stepped out of
my bathroom, only to find Hunter laying on the queen sized bed, looking rather comfortable. I
glanced around the room, which was really just a big loft. The whole interior of the cabin was
wood with modern dcor. The big bed was covered by a colorful rainbow quilt. Hey. He
glanced over at me. How are you feeling?
Like today was a bright and cheerful day, I replied dryly. How do you think I feel?

Yeah, sorry, he frowned, sitting up and patting the bed beside him. Wanna talk about
No, not really, because I have a feeling that the answers you will give me will be vague
and generic and not really answers after all. I really dont want to sit and go round and round. I
stated as I walked past him and to the wall beside the staircase.
I know this doesnt make it better, but I would have told you if I could. He stood up
and walked toward me like a dog with its tail tucked between his legs. But they didnt want
you to know, thought you would be safer this way. He shrugged. You know, what you dont
know cant hurt you and all.
Something he said earlier came to mind. Did you know about him? I asked. You said
he was before your time.
I knew of him, but I never knew him. Hunter answered. I didnt know he held a
grudge like that though, the few times I have seen him since I joined this Link have been brief
and rare.
I felt anxious. Would he have killed me if you hadnt come? I was still standing in the
threshold of the stairs, shifting I leaned against the wall.
I dont know, I really dont think that was his intent. I think that he really just wanted to
mess with the others. Hunter reached out and put his hand on my shoulder.
So, why me? If he was upset with the others, why did he kidnap me? I asked, my eyes
looking into his, trying to search for answers inside them. Is it because I took his spot in this

You didnt take his spot in this Link. Hunter stated. We each have a spot here, and he
gave his up by the choices he made. Neither one of us had anything to do with it. He looked
me in the eyes, and ran a hand through his wild coppery hair.
Then why me, Hunter? What did I do? I challenged, the anxiety and the emotion built
itself back up inside me.
Its not what you did, its Hunter started, but Everett appeared at the top of the
Were getting ready to make some dinner and settle down for the night. Everett said
carefully. Want to join us? Today was a rough day; it would be great to just end this as a joined
I nodded and took a deep breath. Yeah, sure, I stated as I tried hard to keep my
emotions in check. They were all hurting over what happened too, just in a different way. I
headed down the stairs as Graham and Wilhelm came in with arm loads of wood for the
fireplace. It was dark outside, and when I glanced out the wall of windows along the back of the
house, I couldnt feel Greysan anymore. A small panic went through me, not knowing if he was
out there or not.
Hes gone. Graham said quietly as he approached me after putting the wood down by
the fireplace. Walk with me? he asked, then pointed to the door. I want to get another load of
wood before we all sit down for the night.
I followed him outside toward the wood pile that was near the fire pit they were sitting
around earlier.

I know you dont want to talk about it, but Everett and Wilhelm can only do what they
feel is best. They have reasons for not telling you about Sebastian. You know that, right?
Graham asked as he started to pick up logs.
I sighed as I helped him put the chunks of wood into his arms.
Dont take it all out on them, their hands are tied. The Elders are not happy with them
right now. With everything that happened today, including the fact that Sebastian was once a
part of our Link, and he is now dead. Everyone needs time to mourn him, for who he used to
be, he stated.
Graham, Hunter warned from behind me as he walked up to pick up some of the
I know, Graham countered their silent argument. But without answers how is she
ever going to trust again? he asked.
How come youre telling me all this? I asked Graham. No one else will tell me
anything, and then you come out with this fountain of knowledge.
Whats the worst they could do? Slap me on the wrist and call me a bad boy. He
teased lightly. I have bigger worries in my life, like trying to figure out when and if my brother
is coming back.
Sadness filled me. I hadnt thought about anyone but myself, of course Greysan was
hurt; he had killed a member of this Link. Is he going to be okay? I looked at Graham.
Eventually. Right now its just a lot to process. Graham answered. Hes going to stay
up here for a while. I just dont know how long since he really isnt talking to anyone right

He is going to come back though right? I asked, as I picked up a few pieces of wood
to carry in.
Yeah, of course. Graham said with a hesitant optimistic tone to his voice.
Dont worry, Addi. Hell come back. Hunter nudged me playfully while we walked
back to the cabin. Just before I stepped up onto the porch, a few rain drops tickled my hair and
then the sky opened up and it started to pour.
Way to cut it close. Wilhelm said from the door as he took the wood from my arms.
I turned back and stood at the railing, watching the rain pound into the ground. I could
hear the others in my Link inside the cabin getting the fire going. Everett and Hunter argued
over what to make to eat. Angels or not, they were still men, and they really did like food.
I sat down on the wooden rocking chair that looked like it was made out of the same
logs as the cabin. The rain pound down on the grassy knoll around the cabin rang off the metal
of the cars. My mind wandered to Greysan. I wondered where he was, and if he was stuck out of
the rain. Hey, Hunter interrupted my internal thoughts, and I was instantly happy his ability to
read my thoughts required physical touch.
Hi, I watched as he sat down in the rocking chair on the other side of the table.
Peaceful isnt it? he asked, the floor boards under his chair squeaked quietly as he
rocked back and forth.
It is, I agreed, letting the sounds of the rain and woods surround us as we fell silent.
Hunter and I could sit like this for days, not saying a word but still enjoying each others
company. He was my companion in this second life. It was a bond that had been forged by God
or the Elders, and was molded by my rebirth. His connection to me was so strong that he had

felt me the day I was born. We had been inseparable since the beginning of my senior year,
which was nine months before my rebirth. Some days I want to strangle him, and although I am
sure the feeling is mutual, I know no matter what, he will always be there. Every angel has a
companion in this life, like a confidant or a best friend, someone to help guide them through the
struggles of the five years it takes to change from human to angel. Everett and Wilhelm acted
like companions, but since they were both naturally born angels they were more like best
friends. Everett had been the first in our Link to be born; Wilhelm is a few years younger than
him. They grew up together. Years after our two leaders had been sent out on their own, the
twins had been reborn together. The connection of being twins strengthened their bond in this
life as companions.
Sebastian was somewhere between Hunter and the twins, but I dont really know much
about that yet. I planned to do some digging once we got back to the beach house. There had to
be some information in Everetts office. Hunter had been the last to be change. Wilhelm went to
him when he had died. And then, about sixty-five years after Hunter had died, I was born.
Seventeen years after that, I was reborn. Hunter had once told me he doubted I was ever
coming, and Everett had told me that the Link had not felt complete until I had joined them. I
was the last in our Link; my rebirth completed us.
We are safe here right? I asked Hunter as I stood and looked around, rain still
splattered the ground. We watched from the safety of the porch roof.
Yeah, of course; why do you ask? He turned to look at me, his left eyebrow raised.
We wont let the whole Sebastian thing happen ever again. He stated.
Good, Im going to take a walk then. I walked down the stairs and into the rain.
Addi, what are you doing?

Im not going far. Just need some time alone.

That leads to the lake. He called. Just be careful down the steps. Theyre slick in the
Thanks! I yelled over my shoulder and then walked down the path. It was dark and the
rain poured down, but the branches above stopped some of the water from getting to me. The
path wasnt long and soon I could see the lake as it rippled under the dark sky. I sat down on a
big rock next to the path and took in a deep breath, trying hard not to cry. My emotions were so
jumbled. One minute I was just fine, strong and confident. The next minute I was crying and a
snot-faced mess. I think the most of my frustration was coming from the knowledge that my
Link had been, and still were, keeping secrets from me.
So, youre either not the brightest bulb or you have a death wish. Greysans voice
sounded from beside me. I was so embarrassed that I had snot running down my face and he
would now see me like this that I quickly used my shirt to wipe my face. What are you doing
out here? he asked as he climbed up and sat beside me.
Just trying to clear my head. I answered truthfully, but my eyes avoided looking at
I bet its pretty intense back there. He sighed. Have they told you anything?
No, not anything I really didnt figure out on my own. I chewed on my cheek. It was
my nervous twitch; my whole body was so tense just sitting beside him. I felt his warm wash
over me, and it helped to calm me, but I wasnt totally calm. Graham said youre leaving.
Greysan let out a deep sigh. Yeah, I need to take some time away and figure some
things out. I saw out of the corner of my eye that he was looking at me.

Are you coming back? I asked quietly, nervous that the answer was no. Could I get
over my crush on him? If he left, would I always be wondering what if?
Yeah, I will be back eventually. He put his arm around my shoulders. Why? Are you
going to miss me or something? My insides were turning to mush just knowing his arm was
around me.
Maybe. I managed to try and sound nonchalant, which rewarded me a small smile and
a squeeze from the arm around my shoulders.
Good, maybe Ill miss you too. He whispered, his arm gently pulled me closer and
tucked me into his side. His head came down and placed a sad but electrifying kiss on hair. I
wondered if he felt my heart beat start to race, but if he did, he didnt say anything. Actually, he
didnt say anything else for a while and really, sitting that close to him, marinating in his natural
scent of salty sea mixed with the reminisce of his oaky cologne was not that bad at all.

Chapter 3 When the Past Meets the Present

You should head back, Greysan said quietly as he slowly pulled his head off mine and
pulled his arm from around me. I glanced up at him. His face was expressionless, but his eyes
were sad.
Probably, I agreed as I reluctantly stood up. The rain continued to beat down around
us, but we were safe under the awning of branches. So I guess I will see you around? I
chewed on the inside of my cheek as I looked back at him.
He nodded. Yeah. Then he turned and walked into the trees, disappearing among the
foliage. I took that as my cue to head back up the path to the cabin. When I got there, Hunter
was still sitting on the porch, rocking away.
Welcome back, he greeted happily, standing up and waiting for me at the top of the
steps. Ready to eat? he asked. Everett just finished making some sort of spaghetti dinner. All
I know is there was some dicing and chopping, and there was an argument over spices, and then
garlic bread was made, and its starting to smell good. He smiled.
Good, Im hungry, I stated walking up and then past him.
Yeah, make out sessions in the woods really work up an appetite. He smirked,
quirking his left eyebrow up slightly.
What?! I spun around staring at him.

I went after you, but saw Greysan following you so I came back, and you were gone for
a while. He shrugged, We all know about your secret crush on him.
I groaned, turned, and walked into the cabin. Everett and Wilhelm were making
themselves heaping plates of food.
Its amazing, for two men who were never human, you two sure do enjoy food. I
commented as I picked up a bowl and put some noodles and sauce in it. Then I grabbed two
pieces of garlic bread and made myself comfy on the overstuffed leather couch.
Graham and Hunter fought over the chair, but Graham won, so Hunter plopped down
beside me, while Everett and Wilhelm sat at the counter on the two bar stools. It was a very
silent dinner; barely anything was said as everyone ate. Once we were all done, all five of us
washed the dishes and put the minimal leftovers away. Then Everett picked a movie, and we all
found a spot in front of the large flat screen TV that looked like a framed piece of artwork until
you turned it on. We settled down for the night, and somewhere between the beginning of the
first movie and the end of the second, I fell asleep. Waking up only when Hunter picked me up,
carried me up the stairs, and laid me in the bed in the loft.
When I woke up in the morning, it was still raining, coffee was brewing, breakfast was
cooking and everyone else was already up. I stretched and joined the rest of them downstairs
where they were eating. Everyone seemed to be in a better mood this morning. There was still
sadness in the air, but it was not as intense as it had been the night before.
We are going to be heading home as soon as youve eaten and we have time to pack up
the SUV and clean up, Wilhelm said, putting a cup of coffee doctored just the way I liked it in
front of me. Hunter frowned and put a glass of water next to it. Because of the changes my body
was going through, I was losing the 70 percent of water that my human body was made of. It

was becoming more air. Hunter was always on my case about drinking more water so the
human parts of me didnt become dehydrated.
We were on the road an hour later. I drank both the coffee and the water and had to use
the bathroom about a half hour into the trip, which only annoyed Everett who was in some sort
of hurry to get back to the beach house.
Im a woman, deal with it, I muttered as he pulled over to a rest stop so I could run in
and use the rest room.
You should have gone before we left! he countered.
I did, I stuck my tongue out at him as I hopped out of the back seat and ran through
the rain up to the building and into the bathroom. Hunter hopped out behind me and was waiting
for me when I came back out.
Better? he asked, and I just nodded. Do we need to stay here so in another half-hour
you can go again? he teased.
I think I am good for awhile, I answered. We got back in the SUV and got back on the
Get comfortable, its about a six hour drive, Everett said as he pulled back onto the
freeway. I leaned my head against the window and watched the rain fall around us as we drove.
The rhythm of the white lines on the road and the rain hitting the window lulled me into
memory lane, maybe it was a mix of the sadness surrounding me or the death of Sebastian, but
my mind started recalling the day I died.
It was a Friday morning in May and the last day of classes before exams were to start.
Soon Id be free. Free from the teenage drama I loathed so much. I could feel the excitement of
graduation growing the closer the day came. That day would change everything. Just not in the

way I expected. It was just eight measly days before I would walk across a small stage in my
cap and gown and be handed my diploma, formally completing my mandatory sentence in the
Illinois public school system. One more week, that was all I had to survive from my twelve year
sentence of endless rumors, drama and raw, uncontrolled emotions.
I remembered I put on the new shirt my mom had bought me on one of her many
shopping excursions. She was so excited that morning to see me in it, probably because I hardly
ever wore anything she had ever bought. The dark, pleated skirt I wore that day fell a few inches
above my knees. And the light green shirt fit me tighter than I liked, but according to my mom,
it was much more flattering than the baggy sweatshirts I practically lived in. She had been
scatter brained that morning; my dad was gone on a business trip and not expected back for a
few more days. He was always gone these days it seemed, either in New York, the west coast,
or London, and my mom was alone so much.
I really thought empty nest syndrome had started to set in for her. My brothers had
already moved out. Evan went to college out of state and refused to visit unless it was a required
holiday, and even though Oliver attended to the local community college, he had rented a house
with some friends and moved out a few months earlier only to come around when he ran out of
clean laundry. As a result, my mom relied on me, the socially awkward daughter who would
rather sit in her room and listen to music or read than shop and get spa treatments. I had quickly
grown tired of being the one she focused all her attention on. For me, college could not come
fast enough. With my mom realizing that the next fall I would move out of the house and set
myself up in the dorms of a private college in Wisconsin, she made those days tortuous for me.

When I left for school that day, my mom had called out to have a good day. If only she
knew it would be the last day shed ever see me. She might have said something more
Hunter waited for me in his flashy red vintage Ford convertible at the end of my
driveway like he had for the greater part of the school year. He had moved here just before the
school year began and quickly became my best friend. Something about him drew me to him
almost immediately. I wouldnt know until after that day that it was because we were to be
bonded in my next life. He complimented me on my outfit, and the little piece of me that had
thought I might have had a small crush on him swelled with excitement. The smallest things
like that used to be just forgotten, but after that day, the smallest details were the ones I
remembered the best.
Once we arrived at school, we made our way through the parking lot to the maze of
hallways and students all in the frenzy of year end anticipation, Hunter went his way, and I went
mine. Classes that morning were pretty normal; they were filled with last minute lessons and
exam cram sessions. There was nothing to hint as to what would happen as I made my way to
the cafeteria, happy to spend one of my last lunch hours with my friends. I grabbed a tray and
put a chicken wrap and fries on it, then made my way to the cashier to pay. Just like the other
hundred-plus students that had been settling down to eat, I was oblivious to what was about to
happen. Thoughts of only having to survive eight more days filled my mind.
A scream was what alerted me at first, and I turned and watched a bullet as it cut
through the air. I remember that I felt I had to do something, except, I couldnt body-bend or
dash out of the way like a hero in the movies. I was frozen. Just in front of me, the nearly
invisible bullet hurdled toward anyone it could get to. I could make out the form of the gun that

it came from and the boy who held it, but like those fancy photographs where the backgrounds
are blurred, everything around the bullet was out of focus. I know now that I had been watched
by the other four in my Link who I did not yet know, who had stood just behind the boy with
the gun. No one else noticed them, not with everything that was going on. But I could see them
now in my memory, where they patiently stood, cognizant of the situation and the outcome.
I had felt my body tense. Finally, I moved, managing to cover the small space between
myself and Penelope, my childhood best friend. Once I had knocked her out of the shot, and to
safety, I knew what was coming. As I saw the second bullet leave the chamber of the gun, the
impact of the first one hit my right shoulder. I had screamed out in pain, the force of it turned
my body away from the gunman as the second mini missile hit me in the back, it tore and ripped
as it passed all the way through my ribs to my heart. I crumbled to the ground, the cold cement
doing nothing to cushion me. But my head never hit the ground. One strong hand caught it, and
a strong arm wrapped around me, and then pulled me close to the body it belonged to until both
arms wrapped around me and held me.
A calm hand wiped away the tears that spilled over onto my cheeks. I am here now,
youre safe. I had missed the familiarity of the voice when it came the first time, but now I
could remember vividly. I had closed my eyes, and gave trust to the soothing hand against my
skin. I believed he would take me home, keep me safe. He was my best friend; I wasnt scared
anymore. I had felt relieved to leave my life in the arms of someone who loved me.
Hey, Hunter nudged me back to reality, his hand tightly squeezing mine. Why are
you daydreaming about your death? he asked as he let go of my hand. We were still driving but
the scenery had become more familiar. We were almost home.

I really hate when you do that, I grumbled. The whole being able to see and go
through someone elses thoughts was really unfair, especially since I couldnt do it in return.
Yeah well, I like it, Hunter smiled. You were mumbling and it was getting annoying
to listen to so I wanted to see what was going on in there. Besides, this was a long car ride.
I think I liked you better when I was human, I nudged him.
Funny, I was just thinking the same thing about you. he teased.
We were home within another hour. My annoyance with Hunter still hadnt settled.
Enough! Everett finally growled. It was your typical family vacation car ride. We fell
silent, and the only noises inside the car were the tires beneath and the rain as it pecked at the
Before long, Everett had pulled the SUV up the long driveway of the beach house, and
finally the robins egg blue three-story Plantation style house came into view.
When Everett parked and opened the back hatch, we stood there and watched the rain as
it made little indents in the puddles that had already collected on the pavement.
I felt a hand on mine, and before I could react, I was pulled into the downpour of rain.
As the rain soaked me to the bone, the hand never let go of my mine, and I was spun around in
the driveway. Laughter began to bubble bubbling up from inside me; I felt like a child. I
glanced over to find Graham on the other end of my arm.
His face was covered in a big smile as we twirled as one in the rain. He laughed loudly
alongside of me. Soon he stopped spinning us, but the laughter did not subside. I dont know
what possessed Graham to pull me out to play in the puddles, but I was grateful for it, because
not only did he get me out of having to unpack the SUV, but he helped me feel normal again.

Go up to your room and change. Graham leaned over; his eyes followed mine to the
others who stopped unpacking to watch. I thought you might like to be rescued from the
emotional rollercoaster. He nodded toward them. I looked up at Graham. The rain splashed
into my face, but I caught the wink that Graham sent my way and the small smile he didnt even
try to hide.
Come on, lets go get dried off. He linked his arm into mine and started to drag me
toward the house.
Graham! Everett called. We both turned. Everett threw my duffel bag in our direction,
and Graham caught it easily before we skipped our way up to the front door Wizard-of-Oz style.
He used his key, unlocked the door and held it open for me.
Our feet squished and left puddles as we walked across the hardwood floors to the
staircase. Graham followed me all the way to my room; I realized he must have sensed my
apprehension about going in alone. He gently put my bag down on the floor next to my bed,
opened both my closet door and my bathroom door and turned the lights in each.
Ill be right back. Gonna change quickly so I dont drip all over your room, he stood
in my doorway beside my hesitant frame. Okay? He watched me as I nervously chewed on
the inside of my cheek, afraid to even take a step into my room. A flash of the memory left over
from yesterdays nightmare made my breath constrict as I stared into my room. I can grab you
some clothes and you can change in my room if you need to.
I shook my head. Ill be okay.
No ones here. Grahams voice was right behind me. I promise. Then Graham
patted my head and walked down the hallway, and left me to face my demons by myself.

The confidence in his voice reassured me enough to take a slow step into my room. I
stood just inside the doorway for a few minutes, and took in the room. The walls were calm,
grassy-green with white trim and baseboards that met warm oak flooring. The walls had dozens
of white shelves, all different sizes, placed at all different heights. They were filled with
hundreds of books (thanks to Greysan) and compact discs (thanks to Everett). Some held picture
frames filled with photos of the six of us and even a handful from my past, ones that Wilhelm
had taken paparazzi-style with his professional camera before my death, and even a few he had
of me and my family and friends. I tried hard not to look at those often because they always
reopened the aching wound of sadness I felt over leaving my family. It was a pain I dealt with
daily. It was like feeling the pain of someone you love dying, except, I was the one who had
died and lost my whole world.
The most beautiful wood-and-wrought-iron four-poster bed draped in sheer green and
white fabric stood against one wall facing the large balcony doors that were framed by two
floor-to-ceiling windows. On the white dressers more photos sat, each in their own hand-crafted
frames made by Wilhelm and Graham.
A computer desk was tucked against the wall between the bathroom and closet, but my
favorite part of the room, the one element that made the room more beautiful than any room I
had ever seen, was the antique crystal chandelier hanging in the middle. Wilhelm told me that a
team of experts spent a month converting it from candles to light bulbs. As I walked into the
room and turned the light switch, the large centerpiece flickered to life, dimly illuminating the
It seemed like forever until I made it to my duffel bag, which I just picked up and
carried into the bathroom with me. After I shut the door, I stripped down and turned on the

water in the shower. Stepping under the oasis, I let the water vibrate off my hyper-sensitive
nerves, waking me more and more with every pulsing droplet.
A short time later, I stood staring at myself in the mirror. I had gone through so many
changes in the last two years I was amazed that I even recognized myself anymore. After
another moment, I moved to my closet and shut the door behind me, then dressed inside it as if
it were a mini changing room. I put on a clean pair of jeans and a tank-top. My wings ached to
bloom, but I ignored the pressure on my shoulder blades, choosing instead to pull on a
sweatshirt, leaving the hood up over my hair.
I opened the door and saw Graham as he walked into my room, knocking on the frame
and passing through the open door. He had changed his jeans but remained shirtless; he held his
t-shirt in one hand and a towel in the other. He knelt down by my doorway and started to clean
up the puddles we had left.
Graham didnt say anything to me, but I was okay with that. He normally wasnt much
of a talker. I walked into the bathroom and brushed my teeth, hung my wet clothes in the
shower. Then I walked back into my bedroom to find Graham staring out my balcony doors.
He glanced at me and then walked out of my room. I followed him, and switched off my
light as I left. He moved the towel along the floor with his foot as we walked in order to clean
up the puddles we had left on the stairs. When he was done, he picked up the towel and held it
over it over my head playfully.
Care for another shower? he teased, as he threatened to wring out the towel over my
head. I ducked away from him, and tripped on the couch. Graham just laughed as he walked
past me to the kitchen where I heard a large soppy wet flop as he put the towel in the sink. Then
he returned to my side as gracefully as ever.

Come on, I think theyre done unpacking now. He nodded his head toward the
backdoor, not even waiting for me as he began moving to open it. I pulled the hood of my
sweatshirt farther forward as I followed him through the rain. We walked to the rec building,
back behind the house and garage.
The rec building was like a large pole barn, usually used for storage of landscaping
equipment. But Wilhelm had a different idea for it. He had it decked out with a few couches and
other lounge furniture. There was this enormous flat screen TV and almost every video game
system ever created on one wall. How many video games did they really need? A small but well
furnished work-out room was in one corner and a bathroom in the other. I had nicknamed this
building The Testosterone Clubhouse. I made sure only to venture out here when absolutely
I shivered as we walked through the open barn-style doors.
I looked at Graham as he walked away from me to sit down on one of the couches.
Hunter came out if the mini kitchen with a cup of water. I glanced up. Everett sat above me on
one of the rafter beams, a bottle of super glue in one hand and one of the those ridiculous glowin-the-dark stars in the other. It was not the only plastic star on the ceiling though there were
thousands of them, all in different sizes. I stared up at them until my neck started to hurt. I eased
my head back to a more natural angle as Everett glued the last star up and jumped down
gracefully without the use of his wings. Everett soon came to stand beside me, glancing up at
the stars.
When did you do that? I asked Everett. He just pointed to Wilhelm who walked up
and now stood on my other side. Unaware of his presence until that moment, I jumped a little,

I have been working on it for weeks, trying to get it just right, Wilhelm explained.
But someone said that some of the constellations were off. He looked pointedly at Graham.
So I had to start over twice.
What? Graham tried to act innocent. I cant help it that you dont know proper
astronomy, he challenged. And by the way, you still dont have it right. I wasnt going to say
anything, but you brought it up. He didnt look at Wilhelm as he smirked, giving us a glance at
one of his rare smiles. Cassiopeia should sit in the northern sky, with Perseus on the south east
of it and Cepheus to the north, you still have it backward.
The rain seemed to clear the tension that surrounded us, and lighten the mood as we
admired the stars then sat down to watch Hunter and Graham play some football video game. I
wondered how Greysan was, and when he planned on coming home.
The rain continued to pour down outside, and occasionally a thunder clap would sound,
or a lightning bolt would sketch its way through the sky, lighting up the otherwise dark canvas
that was creeping in just beyond the doors.
Soon Wilhelm started a fire in the wood-burning fireplace, and I moved my over-sized
floor pillow closer to it so I could warm up. The night came, and small conversations went on
and ended, only to be replaced by a whole new set of small conversations. I wonder if anyone
understood how much I missed my family and friends, knowing they were a just a phone call or
a plane ticket away A phone call I could never make, and a plane ticket I would never buy.
As the darkness outside deepened, the stars glued to the ceiling began to glow. If we
ignored the eerie neon-yellow color and squinted just right, we just might have looked into a
clear night sky. Even though the air was cool, the guys had chosen to sit shirtless: their wings
already stretched were now folded neatly behind them. They looked like four perfect, yet oddly

placed, statues. Male angels had it easier when it came to blooming, we have all shredded our
share of shirts, but at least when they did it, they were not left standing in their bra. It took me a
few weeks after my wings came in to find the perfect tank top style that allowed my wings to
bloom and not be destroyed. I now wear one almost daily.
All four of them started to play some video game. I sat up, bloomed and watched them
try to work their way through a quest based game. I longed for the family and friends I had
before my death. My mind traveled back again, this time it went to what happened after my
death. Essentially, where my story as an angel began.

Chapter 4 The Beginning, the Best Place to Start

The white light you always hear about never came. Fear never even crossed my mind.
I dont know how long I laid on the concrete in the cafeteria after being shot, or even
when Hunter left my side, but I do remember the paramedics lifting my limp body off the
ground, and I saw the black bag as they zippered it up around me. The blackness seemed to
bring back the darkness, and from that point forward, I was no longer aware of my
surroundings. I remember the thought of my family and friends and their safety running through
my mind. I even worried about whether or not Hunter had made it out of the cafeteria safely.
The next thing I noticed was the very potent fragrance of a familiar cologne, like burnt
pine. I opened my heavy eyelids only to be greeted by a beautiful round face that smiled down
at me. It took my eyes a few seconds to adjust, but as soon as I could focus, I saw the messy
copper-brown hair and amber eyes I had become so accustomed to, outlined by a halo of
sunlight. Hunter was saying something, but I couldnt hear it. I didnt know if I was dreaming of
if I had finally arrived at the gates of heaven. I couldnt figure out why Hunter was there. Had
he been shot too? I knew there was no way this was hell. He was beautiful, even better looking
now than when I had been alive, so there was no way I could be damned to live in hell for all
eternity if he was there. I felt his hand on my cheek, as he gently brushed away the hair that had
fallen there. His skin was warm against mine. I couldnt move. I remember thinking I might be

deaf and paralyzed, but as I stared up at my ginger-haired friend who still talked silently, I felt
safe and calm.
The darkness came again, and the last thought I had was, Where are the pearly white
gates? And why I arent I there yet?
When I woke again, I could smell Hunters cologne; it was still just as inviting and
warm. I hadnt opened my eyes yet, but calmness washed over me. A new sensation ran through
me. A strong pull unlike anything I had ever felt before. When I finally did open my eyes,
Hunter still smiled down at me. The same sun-halo ringed his head.
Did I die? I asked him
Yes, he answered without hesitation.
You were shot too? I asked him, frowning.
No. Well yes, but not the other day with you, he stated, then added, Outside a bar,
back in 1930, but I can tell you all about that another time. He said with complete seriousness.
Is this some sort of sick joke?
No, this is real, he smiled down at me. We are both dead, you died three days ago in
your high school cafeteria.
So what, are you some sort of angel or something? I asked him, disbelieving all of
Yes, he answered.
So, I am dead? a small twinge of fear ran through me, but it was gone before I realized
it was ever there.
Not anymore, his voice was soft and smooth, like silk. His words didnt register in my
mind right away.

Where am I? I tried to sit up, but his strong hands gently pushed my shoulders back
In time, was the only explanation I got right then. You have an abundance of that
now, he winked. For now, though, just rest, he smiled again; his perfect, white teeth
glistened in the sunlight. We will all still be here when you are rested.
WE? There were more? But I wasnt given time to think on that before a calm and
comforting voice filled my mind.
Sleep now, Addisyn, an overwhelming calm took over. Immediately the blackness
captured my mind, leaving it blank.
The trees near my head provided shade against the setting sun. Soft voices talked around
me, but I couldnt see any faces. Then, a new sensation hit me. I could feel eyes on me. At first
it took me by surprise, I didnt fully understand what the feeling meant, but I felt the five sets of
eyes before I saw their owners.
Hi, Addi, Im right here, Hunters voice was smooth, like fresh satin sheets. I turned
my head toward the sound as he patted my arm. He was really just a teenager, not much older
than I was. His skin glowed like an aura from sunlight shining on it.
Howre you feeling? he asked, and I just stared at him. How did I feel? Confused and
a bit overwhelmed, but I figured those were obvious. How was I supposed to react to this? I still
didnt know exactly what this was.
I heard a chuckle to my right. My head turned slowly and a well built man with spiked,
dark, ashy-blond hair and bright green eyes sat there now; he didnt smile or show any signs
that the chuckle had come from him, but the corners of his mouth did curl up slightly. He
cocked his head to the side and looked me in the eyes, his expression just as curious as I felt.

Hello, he said quietly, his voice reminded me of a child laughing, which did not fit the
bad boy appearance he seemed to have.
Welcome, Addi, a very eager and strong voice was just beyond my eyesight. I sat up
and caught the dark-haired man as he looked down at me from where he stood just beside the
bad boy. I noticed almost immediately the many years of wisdom behind his dark brown eyes.
He looked kind, and yet his smile immediately made me start chewing on the inside of my
cheek. I should be terrified. I was laying in a field I had never seen before with Hunter and
some strange men I did not know.
Youre freaking her out. The instant he spoke, I felt calmness like nothing I had ever
felt. It started at my heart and moved to my mind and then throughout my whole body. It made
me tremble at the tingles that followed as it flowed to every inch of my being. My eyes found
the source of the voice, and my heart almost stopped. Directly in front of me stood the most
gorgeous man I had ever seen. He had dark blond hair and his eyes were a brilliant grey-blue. I
stared at him for longer than was polite. My might-have-been crush on Hunter was squashed in
an instant.
I think its time, the fifth and final voice said quietly. I could see he sat beside Hunter
when I finally pulled my eyes off the hot guy. This one had light blond hair pulled back in a low
ponytail at his neck; his face was thin and elegant. A seemingly never ending wave of white
petal daisies swayed behind him.
How do you know these guys? And how do they know my name? I asked Hunter.
The bad boy chuckled again, but once more, when I looked at him, his face was void of
any signs of laughter. We know a lot more about you than just your name, he stated. His

intense green eyes stared back into mine, challenging me. The alarms went off in my head now.
My breath quickened, and my heart raced.
GRAHAM! It was the same voice that sent tingles through my nerves just moments
before. I realized it right then, as I looked from one to the other: they had to be brothers. Not
only did they look alike, that type of reprimand could only come from a sibling. Would you
please just explain it to her now? Graham looked past me at Hunter.
I turned my attention back to him, and watched as he ran an anxious hand through his
messy hair. Bear with me. I have never had the privilege of doing this before. He smiled at me
And you only had seventy some years to prepare, the calm-voiced one cracked.
Youd think youd have come up with something profound by now. Talk about
I didnt understand what he meant. Hunter couldnt be seventy years old; he was a senior
in high school, like me.
Were angels, Hunter blurted out. My eyes widened in disbelief.
They must be here to take me to heaven. I knew I was dead. But then he dropped the
bomb that would have knocked me off my feet, had I been standing. And you are, too, sort of.
Someone was playing a joke on me. They had to be. Let me guess, I am now going to
sprout wings? I rolled my eyes.
The correct term is bloom, actually. Not sprout. Graham chuckled again; I wondered
what his deal was.
What Graham is trying to say is that youll eventually grow wings. The dark-haired,
dark-eyed man stated; his voice was soft and calm. Did he even realize what he was saying? I

felt my eyes roll again. They were all on something. And at that moment, I wished I had some
of whatever it was for myself.
I know its hard to comprehend, Grahams brother spoke up. Hed moved to sit beside
Graham and reached for my hand; his blue-grey eyes begged me to believe him, to trust him.
Part of me wanted to give in and just believe. That same part of me realized I couldnt resist
him. Addisyn, you died, but you are not in Heaven, yet, he whispered the last word, Youre
still on earth.
But I I opened my mouth to question but couldnt formulate words. Hed taken my
hand in his, and I lost all train of thought. I died? I finally got out. Yes, I already knew the
answer, but I had to hear it out loud.
This is getting redundant. Three days ago you died in your high school cafeteria.
Hunter looked down at his hands. They all did. It took me a second to realize they were praying.
Okay! I pulled my hand away from Grahams brother and threw both my arms in the
air. I get it, wheres the hidden camera? The jokes on me right? I wondered whod play this
kind of prank on me. My brothers? One of my friends? Hunter always seemed too nice, and my
parents obviously didnt know, or theyd never let something like this happen.
Youre going to make us do this the hard way arent you? Hunter asked, as he
frowned at me, and then nodded to the others. Then as if this was some really strange after
school special, they all peeled their shirts over their heads. Their perfection was not limited to
their faces; they all had sculpted torsos. I felt my eyes widen and my cheeks flush; my mouth
hung slightly agape. They were all so jaw-dropping beautiful. Their skin pulled taut over the
contours of their muscles. I had never realized Hunter was so ripped under his t-shirt. I knew he
had nice arms but wow, he was holding out on me!

Youre right. That was definitely the harder way to go about explaining that I am
dead. I breathed sarcastically. At least you have now confirmed I am not in hell. I looked at
all of them again. I couldnt help it- They were right in front of me. My eyes avoided looking at
Grahams brother, though. I dont think I would have survived looking at him in that state of
I heard a sigh from one of them, and then a gruesome, deafening pop and crack echoed
through the otherwise silent air around us. When the sound finally stopped, I was not prepared
for the sight before me.
Brilliant, white wings stretched out behind each of them. I felt myself reach out to touch
one, but they quickly folded neatly behind them, framing their broad shoulders. I couldnt pull
my eyes away; I caught the smirk on the hot ones lips and finally saw a chuckle leave Graham.
I forced myself backward, trying to get up to my feet.
I dont know what game youre playing! I cried out. I stood and tried to run away, but
my feet didnt work and my sluggish legs refuse to hold me up. I stumbled as I cried out, What
did you do to me?
Two strong hands stopped me as my body tipped toward the ground. They held me up
before they carefully set me back down.
Running is probably not a good thing yet. Your body is still getting used to being alive
again, it was the long-haired, blond one. He was now laughing at me, too, or at least his eyes
were. Just sit and rest, were not gonna hurt you.
Addi, you were shot. Twice, Hunter spoke again. Youre not who you used to be.
I looked at him; his wings accented his tan skin beautifully. Your muscles havent
caught up to your mind yet. It takes time, he smiled kindly. I went through this, too. He

moved to kneel down beside me. The feathers of his large wings brushed against the skin on my
arm. They were the softest thing I had ever felt.
Great job, guys, the man of my dreams said as he moved toward me. I thought we
agreed to ease her into this. He shook his head; his own wings had disappeared. I am sorry,
Addisyn, he said. He had a tense disposition about him even if his words and voice came off in
a very soothing nature. Were being rude, he sighed. Im Greysan. This is Everett, he
clapped the dark haired, dark eyed man on the shoulder, and the one with the ponytail is our
very own hippie child, Wilhelm.
I stared at them all in shock as I tried to wrap my mind around everything.
Thisll be easier to understand once your wings come in, Hunter stated, he moved
closer again, his silky voice draped over my mind for a few seconds.
My what? I had heard him right, but it was as if he spoke in a foreign language.
Your wings, he smiled. It will happen in another day or two, then he cringed,
although, we should tell you, its going to hurt like hell.
I think we shouldve thought of how we were going to present all this to her before we
actually got here, Everett was shaking his head. Im beginning to think were a bit rusty. He
was watching me cautiously. How do you feel? he asked suddenly, looking from me to
We messed this up, Graham blurted out. She is totally freaking out. He pointed to
me as if I needed a reminder as to who she was.
Should I? Greysan asked as he shifted from where he had sat down beside me, but
Everett put up a hand and stopped him.

Shes strong, give her a few minutes. Everett watched me again, waiting for
something to happen. My eyes met his, but my body continued to shake in fear even though I
felt completely at ease. They couldnt really be angels. This had to be a dream or something.
Angels dont exist. I tried to reason with myself.
No! Graham clutched his chest, and grunted as he collapsed to his knees. Every time
someone doesnt believe, an angel dies. He sunk lower until he laid on the ground. I see the
light. Dont let Greysan have my awesome wardrobe. he whispered before he let his head lull
to the side and he stuck out his tongue. I saw Greysan roll his eyes.
Graham, get up, Wilhelm sighed. Act your image, you look like some hard ass, biker
dude yet you act like a child. Graham laughed from where he laid on the ground.
Somewhere deep down, part of me knew it wasnt a dream. I could feel and hear, and
there was no way that my mind was creative enough to make this up. Then it finally hit me. I
was dead. I forgot I had an audience as tears stung in my eyes.
I dont know how long I sat there, and cried over the fact that Id died. Id been so close
graduation, so close to the next step in my life, and now it was all gone. The full happy life I
had wanted was all gone. I would never get that back. I was given a second chance though, and
who knew, this life with these five, which included McHottie, might be nice.
After a long while I finally wiped my eyes and looked around. The five angels were
wingless and wore shirts again. They sat a few feet away from me, silent and patient.
Feel better? Hunter asked, as he eyed me suspiciously.
Thats real comforting, Everett rolled his eyes. Youll learn to ignore him, he smiled
at me kindly. The rest of us have.

She cant! Were companions, Hunter smirked back at Everett. His voice sounded like
he was doing a small victory dance. I swallowed hard.
Wait a minute, I found my voice again. I am not some mail-order bride. I looked at
Hunter, as I freaked out again.
They all laughed at me; it was like a chorus of happy songs.
Oh, its so nice to have a new one, Graham exclaimed as he guffawed.
Addi, Hunter is your companion in this life, Everett tried to explain, but it was going
in one ear and out the other. You two are connected, just like the twins are. He explained, but
I only half listened.
I want to go home, I heard my voice whine. I want my family; I need to know theyre
okay. The tears tickled my cheeks as they ran down my face again. I saw Greysan move
toward me, but then he stopped and Hunter was at my side.
Addi, you cant go home; theyre not your family anymore. To them, you died. He
gently touched my arm, and reached for my hand to comfort me. Were your family now.
Later that night, Hunter shared his death story with me. Hed been orphaned at the age
of nine with his three younger brothers, and the youngest had not even turned one yet. They
were placed in a big group orphanage with about two hundred other boys where they stayed
until Hunter was deemed old enough, at the age of thirteen, to make a living and care for his
brothers. The four of them were kicked out of the heavily overpopulated orphanage and left to
fend for themselves on the streets of New York. Hunter begged for a job at a local factory and
worked as many hours as they would give him, just so he could keep his younger brothers fed
and off the cold winter streets.

The tragedy of his death had made me cry when he told me about it. Hed refused to let
any of his brothers work until they had gone through as much school as they could, which
forced Hunter to work that much harder to get them all through the local school system. He
refused to let his brothers be as uneducated as he was.
He died Christmas Eve, 1930. He had bought a special dinner for his brothers and even
had wrapped up a present for them. It wasnt anything huge, just a few pieces of candy and a
new sweater for each of them. The money he used was supposed to have gone to get him a
warmer jacket and his own food, but he sacrificed to make his little brothers lives the best he
could. He was no more than ten feet away from the door of the building where he rented a
single room with a communal bathroom for the four of them. The walls were paper-thin and the
fireplace blew itself out if the draft was strong enough, but anything was better than the cold,
unfriendly streets of New York at night. But no amount of love for his brothers could have
saved him from that stray bullet that rocketed from the bar next door. He died with a paper sack
of food and presents clutched in his hands on the doorstep of what he called home.
My Link was right in one thing; I really didnt believe them until three days later, when
my wings came in. Up until then, I fought them tooth and nail, trying to go home to my family.
The pain of growing wings was just as intense as they had tried to prepare me for. Graham told
me more about my death the day after my wings came in. None of my friends had been harmed,
but there had been seven of us that died that day, which included the gunman, and out of all of
us that passed that day, I was the only one who was reborn.
My body was still my body, only now I had a total upgrade. It was like when those TV
shows overhauled houses and cars. Instead of an awesome stereo system and a TV screen, I had
wings and was stronger, although, it would take five years to finish the entire transformation

from dead human to full blown angel. I was sort of like the ugly duckling who becomes the
beautiful swan or the boring caterpillar who cocoons to change into the magnificent butterfly. I
had just hoped I wasnt going to be the plain moth or the standard duck when I finally finished
the change.
I stretched and realized I was slouched against Hunter, still in the rec room. His attention
was still on the video game he played, but I had somehow laid down, my head on his thigh and
his arm draped over my middle.
You should go inside and get some sleep. Qe have school in a few hours, he said
quietly to me. I would have woke you, but you looked like you could use the rest.
As if coming back to life wasnt hard enough, I also had to refinish high school, per
Everetts imperative insistence. He said it was to gain the accomplishment of it or some B.S.
like that. Hunter also registered and went back with me, so I didnt have to go alone. After his
level in the game was done, he turned off his game and walked me through the soaked grass to
the house, and up to my room. After I changed and got under my covers, Hunter came back and
sat down on the balcony outside my room, opening the big glass doors and letting in the fresh
sea air.
Sweet dreams, Hunter called from the lounge chair he sat down on just outside the
Goodnight Hunter. I would have to wait until the next day after school for answers.
Would anyone else come after me? Why now? I had been an angel for almost two years. What
else could possibly be out there that I didnt know about? I was now bound and determined to
find out.

Chapter 5 - Balancing on Toothpicks While Parading Around in Yards of Fabric

Dont be difficult. Hunter looked exasperated.
Two weeks had passed since the whole Sebastian incident, and no one had mentioned
him or what had happened. I knew the issues involved were difficult for them to deal with, so I
respected their time to mourn and didnt bother anyone with the questions that plagued my
mind. I tried to dig in Everetts office, but I hadnt been able to crack his password, and they
never really left me alone in the house anymore. Greysan still had not come back. No one knew
if he had stayed at the cabin or had gone somewhere else. This was the longest any of my Link
had been away since I joined them.
I couldnt help but worry about him, even though the others didnt seem very concerned
with his seclusion. They had all tried to keep me from asking about him, too. Hunters choice of
distraction came in the form of prom dresses, one of which he held in each hand.
I dont want to do this anymore than you do! Having been at this battle with me for
nearly two hours, he was finally on the verge of giving up. I didnt know if he drew the short
stick or what, but apparently the whole group was determined that I go to prom. Its part of
normal human high school, and you are going to experience it.
I am not going, Hunter. I crossed my arm over my chest. I was starting to think he
underestimated my stubbornness. You cant make me! I had repeated these same two
sentences since I realized what the guys were doing.
Please? he asked, and I knew what was coming next. For us?

Your guilt trip will not work on me, Hunter. I stood firm. I am not going.
Is it because you dont have a date? he eyed me curiously. Because if that really
bothers you, I know a few guys who dont have dates yet. He winked at me. I knew no male in
our school was interested in taking me to prom. I hung out with five guys. Any guy who even
thought about asking would be scared away by that thought.
No, Hunter. I stared him down. I dont want a date. I dont need a date because I.
Am. Not. Going. Besides the one person I would consider going with wouldnt consider going
with me and is currently MIA.
I am sure I can find you a date, Hunter said, as he put the dresses back on a rack and
walked away from me.
I didnt react quickly enough. Before I knew it, he stopped some random, unsuspecting
guy. I could feel the steam start to emit from my ears.
Excuse me, sir, Hunter started. Inside I was screaming for someone -anyone- to stop
him! Hes a crazed lunatic! The man was easily in his early twenties, and the knock-out blonde
bombshell who walked up to him pretty much gave it away that he wasnt single. But my
friend over there Hunter continued, as he pointed at me, was wondering if you wouldnt
mind taking her to the prom. I felt sick to my stomach, but I couldnt will my feet to move. It
was like watching a car accident that I couldnt do anything to stop.
The dark-haired stranger looked at me and started to laugh as the blonde latched herself
to his arm. Then they both continued to laugh as they turned and walked away without
answering Hunter.

I was far past humiliated. I wanted to crawl behind a clothes rack and die again.
Thanks, Hunter, youre such an ass, I muttered as I turned away from him, tears welling up in
my eyes.
Graham walked up right then. I wasnt sure how much he had seen, but his eyes went
from Hunter to me and I heard him mumble, Awkward, as I practically ran passed him,
through the masses of mindless shoppers and made my way to the stores front entrance. My
feet could not move fast enough for me, though. People kept getting in my way. When I finally
broke free, the warm California air hit my face as the door opened, and I was free from the
overcrowded, air-conditioned prison.
Hyperventilating, I scared a poor little old woman as I frantically sought out Everett. I
found him inside his SUV, reading a book. I threw the passenger door open, sat down, and
slammed the door shut behind me.
Drive, I commanded, not even looking at him as the wind from the open window dried
my cheeks from the tears of embarrassment.
What happened to Hunter and Graham? he asked,as he turned down the music and
closed his book.
Burned at the stake, stoned, cornered and shot take your pick, I gave him a list of
things I wished would happen to Hunter at that moment. I dont care, just drive. I crossed my
arms over my chest. I could hear Everetts quiet laughter at my obvious anger.
The back doors opened on either side and allowed Hunter and Graham to get into the
I knew she wouldnt get far, Hunter smirked. I refused to move my eyes from the one
speck on the windshield before me.

Whats going on with you two? Everett asked, as he put the engine into drive.
She refused to try on dresses and still claims she is not going to prom. Since the root of
the problem is that she has no date, I tried to get a date for her. I didnt have to look at him to
know there was a smile plastered to his face, or that Everett tried to hide his own laughter.
Well, in his defense, he was just trying to help, Everett patted my arm.
I fumed all the way back to the beach house; then I stormed out of the car and into the
empty house, and threw my bedroom door closed as soon as I was within its confines.
An hour later I finally had grown restless, and I could smell food, which meant Wilhelm
had come down from his studio up on the third floor to start dinner. I knew he would at least be
a buffer to the other guys, who sat downstairs watching some sports game. I could hear them
occasionally cheer or boo while I was up in my room.
I walked down stairs slowly, and pulled my hair up into a ponytail as I went. Hunters
smug grin met me almost as soon as my feet hit the last step.
Talking to me yet? he asked.
Not a chance. I turned and walked into the kitchen and stood next to Wilhelm, where
he cooked some sort of stir fry.
Hi, he glanced at me. What did they do to you now? he asked as he turned his
attention to me while the vegetables in the pan sizzled.
I glanced in the direction of Hunter and the other two. All three seemed intent on their
video game, but I knew they were listening. Nothing. Hunter just refuses to leave me alone
about the upcoming prom.
Prom? Wilhelms ears perked up.

I am not going. I looked at him sharply. I dont do dances. I hoped the other three
were finally getting the message; although the chuckles I heard come from the couch led me to
believe the message had not been clear enough.
Well, anyways, did you see you have a message? he pointed his finger at the white
board that hung on the wall next to the phone before he went back to the sizzling pan.
I glanced over at it, noting immediately the large handwriting taking up the whole board.
Who would call me? And who had the number to the beach house? Wait, no one had my cell
phone number and no one had this number or at least I hadnt given it to anyone. I knew
something was fishy about this, and since the message on the board was illegible, I turned to
Everett for a translation.
Can you even read your own handwriting? I asked him. He smirked at me. The game
had long been on pause, and all three of them were watching me.
It was just some guy. He didnt leave a name, said to meet him at the bluffs at dusk.
Everett shrugged, but I knew there was more than he was telling me. The other two refused to
meet my gaze now, which led me to believe that they, too, knew what was going on.
So you are going to let me borrow a car and drive to the bluffs by myself? I knew
there was no way Everett would let me drive, let alone to the bluffs at night.
I think we should all go with you, with everything that had happened. Wilhelm spoke
up. Especially if you dont know who left this message.
I couldnt believe it. They were all ganging up on me. This had to be some sort of ploy
to get me to go to prom with them. I looked at Wilhelm in disbelief. Everett obviously knows
who it is I never gave anyone this phone number, so it had to be him! I looked at Wilhelm
for help, for any sign of common sense.

Whatever the case is, I dont want you out alone at dark, not with everything that has
happened lately, its not safe. Wilhelms tone signaled there would be no more arguing; his
word was final.
I wanted to pound my fist into the wall, but I settled for stomping past Everett and the
other two on my way back up the stairs to my room. I changed into a pair of jeans and a white
hooded sweatshirt, pulling the hood up over my hair and then stomped back down the stairs, not
waiting for the others as I walked out the door. Ready? I called over my shoulder and walked
out of the house.
The three couch dwellers chased after me. I got in the back seat and waited, staring out
the far window so I didnt have to see any of them. Once they were all seated, Everett started up
the engine, and we drove down the driveway.
You really didnt think we were going to actually let you go meet some stranger alone,
did you? Hunter asked as he put an arm around my shoulder. Besides, I want to be there to see
the whole thing. He smiled as I turned and pushed him away from me.
I dont think we need to go that far, Everett spoke some sense. We will drop her off
in the parking lot and wait. He smiled kindly at me through the rear view mirror. And if she
isnt back in ten minutes, well swarm the place. There was a teasing tone in his voice, but it
did nothing to help my rattled nerves.
We should call Wilhelm and have him meet us there just in case. Graham glanced at
me from the passenger seat. I just sighed.
I stared anxiously out the window, still not sure why I was going along with this. It was
just going to make me angrier when they came clean that it was a joke. Grahams fingers were

working at his cell phone. Who he was texting? I had no clue, but he was intent on what he was
The sun finally disappeared over the horizon as Everett pulled into the parking lot, and
parked near the pathway that led to the bluffs.
Ten minutes. Everett smirked, not a second more.
Hunter glanced at his watch. Get going, your time is ticking away. He shooed me
toward the door. I was extremely curious to know why they were letting me go alone. My
nervousness must have shown through my attempt at playing cool because Everett spoke up
We could go with you if you want, he actually sounded genuinely concerned.
NO! I opened the door, gathering my nerves and stepped out, then slammed the door
behind me. I could hear their roars of laughter as I stomped toward the trail. My heart pounded
in my chest as I started down the dirt pathway. I glanced back only once and saw the three of
them in a deep conversation, not even looking in my direction.
Sighing, I turned and continued toward the bluffs. There was a bend in the pathway, and
I approached it with caution, half expecting one of them to come jumping out and scare me. As
I slowly came around the turn, no one jumped out at me, but I was startled just the same.
Dozens of candles flickered in the darkness. The salty sea air hit my nose, as did the
sweet fragrance of lavender. I couldnt see past the candlelight, but I worried I was intruding on
someones special moment. I took a few more steps, curiosity pushed me forward.
Strangely, there was something familiar about the scene that unfolded before me. I
slowly stepped out of the wooded path and looked around. My eyes finally took in the whole
area: dozens of candles set in little groups sporadically around the bluff. Inside the little groups

of candles were small bouquets of flowers. I noticed that they were all little bunches of gerber
daisies, lavender and orchids. I closed my eyes, and took in a deep breath of the entrancing
mixture of floral fragrance and salty sea air.
I opened my eyes; I still couldnt see anyone, which made me more nervous. It wasnt
until I turned to leave that I heard a voice finally speak out.
Wait. As soon as I heard the voice, I knew who else was there with me, but that didnt
stop the disbelief. Dont go, please? The words sounded just as unsure as I felt. My body
froze in place; my heart raced, and a strange new fluttering sensation filled my insides. Slowly,
my feet began working and turned me to face him. I saw him, standing at the edge of the bluff,
his eyes meeting mine through the distance.
We moved toward each other slowly; I dont know what sent me forward, probably the
fear that this still might be some sort of joke.
Youre home! What are you doing here? I asked; my voice cracked as it left my lips.
Where have you been? I had a billion questions filling my mind as I stood there, and stared at
Greysans lips turned up in a lopsided grin. I thought it was obvious what I was doing
here, he answered, as he ignored my second question entirely.
I couldnt force words from my lips, no matter how hard I tried. So I just stood there like
an idiot staring at him.
Addisyn. He spoke quietly, still smiling at me slightly. I wanted to know if you
would he paused again, and I grew light-headed. He could ask me to eat a bowl of cereal up
here for all I cared; it was Greysan, and he had done all this for me.

After a moment of complete silence, I couldnt even hear the waves crashing against the
beach as my heart thudded in my ears. His eyes looked straight into mine, Will you be my date
to the prom? As the words finally slipped from his mouth, I nearly fainted on the spot. I felt
giddy, but I refused to let it show. This was almost as good as him professing his undying love
for me and proposing on the spot.
You want to go to prom too? Is this some sort of epidemic among angels that I dont
know about? I asked as I looked back at the bluff to the candles and flowers. Then it hit me,
this was all familiar because it had been MY idea. It was one that I had told Hunter weeks ago
when he asked me for ideas on how to ask out a girl in our Science class, Aubry. I wondered
now if he had even planned to ask her or if it was all just a plot to embarrass me even more.
Ive never been, and youre a senior, so this seems like the perfect opportunity to go.
His voice was patient, but still cautious. So, will you go with me?
Is this all a joke? I asked him, my voice showing my disappointment at the very
thought that this was just another of Hunters pranks. Or am I dreaming?
He chuckled, his lips opened into a big smile filled with his airy chuckle. I dont know,
how often do you dream about me? he teased. My cheeks burned with the blush that rose in
them at the thought that he was making fun of me. He must have recognized that. No, this is
not a joke unless you say no then I might play it off as one. You know, to cover my own
hurt feelings, he winked.
He reached for my hands, and held them in his. He shook slightly, which I didnt
understand, he was usually always so confident.
So, is that a yes or a no? he looked almost scared that I would reject him. My heart
screamed yes, but my mind was still hesitant. I know you dont like dances, but please? For

me, so I can see what all the fuss is about? I forgot my own fears, I knew I would probably do
anything for him.
I opened my mouth to answer him, my voice cracked as I started.
Did she say yes yet? Hunters voice made me jump from where I stood. My hands fell
to my sides as Greysan let them go.
He just wants to win the bet, Everetts voice echoed behind Hunter. We all know you
wont say no, he teased. I looked back at the trail where I could now see Hunter and Everett
emerging. Graham was right behind them. When I turned to look back at Greysan, he was gone;
I found him standing at the bluffs edge staring out at over the ocean.
I think we came too early, Hunter whispered loudly as he looked at me. I glared at
him; he had completely ruined what could have been one of the greatest moments of my life.
Greysan? I turned away from the three imposers and took the few steps to stand beside
him. Gently, I reached out, and touched his shoulder, feeling a small spark of warmth as I did
so. My eyes begged to lose themselves in his once more, but he didnt even turn his head to
look at me.
Its all right. He quietly shrugged me off. He looked wounded and embarrassed. I
understand he started, but I interrupted with a small nervous laugh. His eyes glanced
curiously at me, and I felt myself getting lost in them once more.
Greysan. I started again, I knew the other three were eavesdropping, anticipating my
answer as much as I was sure Greysan was. If this is truly not some sort of sick joke, and you
are really asking me to be your date I paused for dramatic effect, and so I could suck up the
courage to say what I was about to say without making a complete fool out of myself, then I
would love to be your date. After all, this was Greysan. I knew Hunter and Everett, and even

Graham, loved to poke fun at me, but Greysan was different; he always had been. He was kind,
gentle and soothing. I couldnt imagine him going along with something like this as a joke.
Just dont expect me to wear a dress or heels! And for the record I dont dance, I
added quickly.
Greysan nodded, wrapped his arms around me, and pulled me against him. I felt his lips
turn up into a smile as he dropped an unexpected kiss onto my forehead.You can wear
whatever you want. Im sure he said something else, but after his lips touched my flesh, I
couldnt hear much past the beat of my own heart that pounded in my ears.
What happened to taking one of those senior girls that drool over you? I looked up at
him trying to maintain my composure, even if all I wanted to do was jump around like a giddy
school girl.
I had someone else in mind, he answered, still smiling down at me.
I told you shed say yes! Hunter was doing a little victory dance as Everett and
Graham blew out the candles that were scattered about.
You two are so crude, Graham finally spoke, sounding disgusted with Hunter.
Sorry. He looked toward Greysan and me. I couldnt keep the children in the car any longer,
I tried. The corners of his lips curled upward and something told me he wasnt as innocent as
he was making himself out to be.
Greysan let out one of his airy chuckles as he led the way back to the others, who were
starting to clean up the area. Glad the three of you decided to come clean up for me, he said,
finally acknowledging their presence.
Im taking Addisyn home, he called to them. Everett and Hunter didnt even look up
as they worked. Ready to go? Greysan looked down at me, smiling. My cheeks flushed and I

nodded, not knowing what else to say, or even if my voice would work. He led the way to the
trail. Oh wait hold on, he held a finger up before he walked back out to the others,
whispered something to Graham and then took the bouquet out of his hand and walked back
over to me. Here. He smiled again.
He held out his hand to me, and I watched as my own hand moved to take hold of it. His
hand felt warm as it enclosed mine, and slowly we went into the wooded trail. Suddenly,
warning bells went off, though, and my body hesitated as I remembered the Sebastian incident.
I found myself pulling away from him as soon as we were alone in the trail.
Whats wrong? he asked, stopping just a few feet into the trail. I felt his calm start to
cloud over me, and even though he made me feel safe, my body was still on high alert.
Suddenly it clicked for him. Oh, Addisyn, pain filled his eyes. Its really me. He took a step
back from me, studying me.
I know that, but at the same time I dont. I questioned softly. I had thought he was
really you, too. I was about to go on a whole tangent about how he had been gone for two
weeks, and how did I really know it was him who came back? But he took my hand and the
calm soothed my nerves almost instantly.
Addisyn, his voice cracked. I could feel the pain in it. How can I prove it really is
me? he asked quietly, pleading with me. I could feel his heart racing through his fingertips.
Sebastian the name sounded like a poisoned dagger cutting through his throat, is dead.
He shuddered slightly. I promise you, he wont ever hurt you again.
I know, I said quietly, shaking my head. But you were gone and its Im sorry.
Im being ridiculous. I finally looked into his eyes. I had ruined whatever moment we could

have had. Greysan looked purely miserable, and I couldnt stop my foot from entering my
mouth. Maybe its still too soon for me.
Perhaps for me, too. He gently let go of my hand. I thought I caught a glimpse of a
tear in his eyes as the moonlight peeked between the branches above us. Come on, lets get you
home. He turned and put his hand on the small of my back, leading me silently down the trail
toward the parking lot.
We passed Everetts SUV, and I saw Greysans car in the far corner where it hide in the
shadows. He walked around it, opened the passenger side door for me, then closed it gently
after I sat down. Seconds later he climbed in the drivers seat and shut his own door. Instead of
turning the car on, he turned to face me, carefully brushing a piece of hair from my face. His
own face was so close to mine, but he just stared into my eyes, looking for something. Kiss me.
My mind willed him, although, I had no super natural power like he did. It was a good try
Its really me, he whispered; his breath was as sweet as fresh spring air. You believe
me right? he asked, his hand was still on my cheek. The warmth of his skin made my flesh
tingle beneath it. The butterflies kicked in again, bashing against my insides, begging to be set
Yes, I believe you, I answered quietly. My own voice was not able to venture above a
whisper. My head tilted to his touch. He groaned slightly, pulling away and sitting back in his
seat, staring out the windshield.
What can I to ease your mind around me? he asked. His eyes glanced at me again. I
shrugged, finding myself losing the battle against his blue-grey pools.

He turned on the car and looked away, silently backing out of the parking spot. Then he
tore through the rest of the parking lot as if we were being chased by a ravenous pack of
squirrels. He was much gentler to his car as he drove through the streets, keeping within the
speed limits as he finally calmed down.
What if we had a secret code? he asked suddenly as we approached the road where the
beach house sat.
I raised an eyebrow and looked at him. A secret code? I couldnt help the smile on my
lips. Are we seven now? I heard his light chuckle fill the interior of the car.
Well? he asked playfully. Do you want a secret code or not? he smiled at me. The
sadness that had filled his eyes appeared to be gone.
Sure. I couldnt believe I was playing into something so ridiculous. What do you
suggest it is?
He thought the rest of the way to the beach house, and as he parked in Everetts empty
spot, he finally turned to look at me. Tell me the first thing that comes to your mind when you
hear the next two words out of my mouth. He watched me, and I just nodded, playing along
with him.
Sweet beef. He smiled and I was caught off guard, it was so random. The two words
didnt mean anything. I had no clue where he had even come up with them. I couldnt hold back
the laughter as it spilled from my lips.
What? I snickered, wanting to make sure I had heard him right before I answered.
Nope, first two words that come to mind, he reminded me, trying to hold his face in a
serious expression but failing miserably.

Funky muffin. I said, laughing even harder now. It must have been contagious because
Greysan laughed too and we sat there for a few minutes allowing our laughter to die down.
Well, I will be honest, that was not what I was expecting, but it works, he laughed.
So, if you ever need reassurance that its me, you now know our code, that obviously no one
else would ever think of, so only you and I know it. He laughed again, but his eyes glanced
past mine, toward the beach house.
I sighed quietly, glancing back at the house. The drapes quickly shut over the front
window. I knew instantly who was waiting for me. We should go in. I reached for the door
handle, hesitating. Thank you, I said as my heart raced, my eyes catching his for a brief
second before I pulled them away.
For what? His eyebrows furrowed slightly in the dim moon light.
For tonight, I answered, my cheeks flushing again. I was glad he couldnt see it in the
Youre worth more than the effort tonight took. He stated. Besides, it was all just a
ploy to ensure you said yes. He winked as he teased me. You should go in. He pointed over
my shoulder to where Wilhelm was peeking out at us again.
Arent you coming in? I asked, turning to look at him.
No, I am going to go back and help the others finish cleaning up..
Oh right. I hesitated, then nodded and reached for the door handle again, this time I
pulled it open and stepped outside his car.
Sleep well, Addisyn, he called to me as I shut the door. My heart raced, and I felt like
I was walking on cloud nine the whole way up to the front door. Wilhelm quickly moved away

from the window as he saw me coming. I laughed to myself; there was nothing that could ruin
my mood, not even Hunter.
Sweet Beef. I giggled as I opened the front door and walked inside.
Wilhelm was waiting to interrogate me and I sat there, taking his badgering about every
aspect of the night until Everett, Graham and Hunter walked through the front door an hour
later, rescuing me from the twenty million questions that Wilhelm made me sit through. Everett
sat down in the leather chair across from Wilhelm, and as his attention shifted, I attempted to
execute my escape.
So, I am to assume you told Wilhelm everything about your evening and your mystery
suitor? he was teasing me but the word suitor stuck in my mind.
She wont budge on the details. Wilhelm sounded disappointed. All she told me was
that it was Greysan.
Enough, you two! I shook my head, but my voice was light-hearted.
It was very romantic, Everett continued, completely ignoring my outburst. He lit
dozens of candles and had little bouquets made up I realized just then that I had left the
bouquet Greysan had handed me in his car. I frowned, still smelling the sweet fragrance that had
come off of those beautiful flowers.
I turned and hurried up the stairs to my room, no longer listening to Everett as he droned
on about the way the bluff looked. As I reached the top of the stairs, I heard Wilhelm
interrupting Everett.
Didnt you let that girl have any privacy? I said drive her there, not hold her hand! I
couldnt help the smile on my lips. Finally someone was starting to realize I never had any
privacy. I let out a sigh of relief. It was good to have someone on my side for once. I walked the

rest of the way to my room, smiling as I continued listening to Wilhelm lecture Everett down in
the living room.
I turned on my light switch and shut my door behind me.
You think that is funny? a silky smooth voice crept through my balcony doors. I
glanced over at Hunter; he smiled from where he sat in his lounge chair on the balcony.
Actually, yes, I do. I looked at him, You should probably take notes because what he
is saying- it applies to you, too. I walked into my closet and pulled out a pair of cotton shorts,
shutting the door to change.
I threw my jeans into the corner before I moved to open the closet door and sat down on
my bed. I hadnt noticed before, but as I looked down at my bed, my heart raced and a smile
crossed my lips.
Did you? I asked as I picked up the small bouquet of flowers off my pillow, and held
them to my nose, taking a long breath in.
Did I what? Hunter turned to look at me, his eyes full of questions. He saw the
bouquet and he smirked, No it wasnt me, but you already knew that didnt you?
Greysan had been there. He had snuck up to my second story room to lay the flowers on
my bed. Panic raced through me as I quickly looked around to make sure there was nothing
laying around that shouldnt be. Thankfully my room was spotless, minus the jeans I had just
thrown into the corner of my closet. I settled down, taking in another deep breath. I laid back on
my pillows, and let a smile cross my lips.
Thank you, I whispered. The words came out with ease as I stared down at the
bouquet in my hands. I saw him smiling, knowing exactly what I was talking about. He had
been the one behind the whole plan tonight, using my idea against me.

Did you ever use any of those ideas to ask Aubry? I sat up, carefully putting the
bouquet on the nightstand and looked through the darkness at him.
The next half hour was taken up by Hunter telling me about how he had asked Aubry the
day before. Besides Hunter and Aubry, Graham was taking a friend of Aubrys, Becca. I laid on
my bed and closed my eyes, just listening to him talk.
Everett came upstairs a few minutes later, and turned off my light as he walked in the
room, which woke me up from my droopy state. Hunter bid me a good night and left. Everett
returned to his room across from mine, and I could see through the crack in my door that he was
reading one of his large law texts. Every night they took turns running their secret angel errands.
Tonight was Hunters turn. Until now, I never really noticed them coming and going.
Everett and Hunter used to do these errands together, but ever since the incident with
Sebastian two weeks ago, I was never left alone for a minute. They started taking on a shift
Sweet beef? the voice surprised me in the silence, but it made me smile. I sat up,
unsure whether I was awake or not. The smile that crossed my lips could not easily be hidden. I
saw him sitting on Hunters chair on the balcony. Well? he asked, pretending to be offended.
Youre supposed to answer
Oh right! I blushed. Funky muffin. I started laughing, unable to stop as I covered
my mouth to muffle the sound so I didnt alert Everett. It was no use. A minute later he walked
into my room to see what was going on.
Greysan? Everett looked confused and slightly alarmed. Is everything all right? his
eyes travelled from Greysan and back to me.

Yeah. Greysans lopsided smile never altered from his lips as he casually sat on
Hunters chair and looked back through the ten feet of darkness at us. Decided Id come and
give you a reprieve for the night.
Is this a life sentence, or will I be eligible for early release on good behavior? Because
Im starting to feel like a prisoner in a maximum security prison, I rolled my eyes completely
annoyed, but they both ignored me.
Everett looked through the empty space between himself and Greysan.
Fine, Everett said. But make sure she sleeps, he warned. He eyed both of us sternly.
I leaned back against my pillows, propping them up to be able to see Greysan from where I sat.
Sleep is my specialty, Greysan teased, watching Everett intently. Everett smirked
before he silently turned and left, turning out the light in his room before going down the stairs.
We sat in silence for a few minutes. I had no idea what to say, so I just stared through
the darkness. My heart raced. I hoped I wouldnt make myself go into cardiac arrest, that would
be epically embarrassing.
So, no dress or heels? he broke the silence as he shifted on Hunters chair and pulled a
pillow up to rest on as he stared over at me.
I smiled, wondering how much that had been on his mind since I said it. No. I
answered simply, hearing a sigh on his end. I thought you said you didnt care if I wore
sweatpants and a t-shirt.
Greysan smirked. That was back before you were my date, he winked. Why dont
you want to dress up? His voice gave my skin chills, my heart raced even faster now.
Because, I find no enjoyment about parading around on toothpicks wrapped in an
excessive amount of fabric, I stated honestly.

Fair enough. His chuckle melted my heart again; I let out a sigh. But that means I
dont have to wear a tuxedo either then, right?
Of course. I watched him, not even allowing my mind to think about how hot he
would actually look in a jacket and tie. You could wear sweat pants and a t-shirt for all I care.
And youd still be the best looking one there. My mind was driving me crazy. In no way was it
helping me concentrate on acting calm and collected. Time passed by quickly though, with easy
banter going back and forth relaxing silences, the red numbers on my alarm clock ticked by.
Addisyn? Greysan called through the darkness. His voice rattled my nerves, and
forced them to stand on end.
Time to sleep. His eyes watched me.
Do I have to? I whined, half joking. My childish pout made him chuckle quietly.
Yes. His lopsided grin greeted my eyes as I looked over at him. I had to sleep, I knew
that. My human body needed it to recharge and make sure I had energy for the following day.
With all the changes going on in my body, I needed more energy than normal to function, hence
the reason sleep was so important. Besides, Greysan-induced sleep was the best because it put
me straight into a deep sleep where no nightmares could plague my mind. The last two weeks
had been torture; I even had to take some sleeping pills one night. Having Greysan back was
like injecting my veins with caffeine, there was no way I was falling asleep without his help.
I pulled my pillows down so I could not see him any longer and then pulled my thin
duvet cover over my body, taking one more peek through the windows at him before laying my
head down on my pillows.

All right, let me have it, I whispered, yawning and shutting my eyes. More airy
chuckles filled the space between us.
Sleep, Addisyn. His voice was right in my ear, and I wanted to reach out to see if he
was really there, sitting beside me in my bed. But I couldnt, the darkness of sleep came over
me before I had a chance to react.

Chapter 5.5 The Secrets Start to Unravel

I woke up giddy the next morning, and no matter how hard Hunter worked at trying to
burst my bubble, he was unsuccessful. When I arrived home Monday after school, I went up to
my room to work on my homework and was greeted by the fragrance from the bouquets from
the night before. All the bouquets from the beach engulfed the room. I smiled every time I
entered. That night, I was pleased to find out the fact that Greysan planned to take over the night
The others pestered me about getting a dress for the prom, but I flat out refused. On
Friday night I was sitting around watching a movie with Everett on the couch in the living
room. As the movie ended, I ran upstairs to get a sweatshirt. Everett suckered me into running
to the store with him to get some groceries. As I walked into my dark room, I heard voices
outside my open balcony doors. I didnt mean to eavesdrop but I couldnt help what I heard.
So are you going to tell her? Grahams quiet voice was the first thing to break the
distilled roar of the ocean just beyond the trees.
Dont know yet. Greysans soothing voice sounded pensive, Still havent figured
everything out myself. I stopped moving; I stood there statue-still as I listened.
Addisyn really should know about Clara if this goes any farther, Graham continued.
You wont be able to keep your secret forever you know. His voice was very careful; I wasnt
sure if it was concern for me or for Greysan or for whoever this Clara was.

I know. I heard Greysan sigh. I quickly realized they were walking toward the beach
house. But I still dont know what I should do. Heck, I dont even know what I am doing. He
let out another deep sigh. I quickly grabbed my sweatshirt and slammed my feet down the stairs,
straining to breathe through the anger. If Greysan had another girl in his life, why not take her
to the prom? I passed Everett on the couch and headed for the front door. Steam had to be
spewing out of my ears by this point. Ready, Everett? I didnt wait. I just walked right
Uh, sure, Everett sat up and followed me after switching off the television. I didnt
stop walking until I was safely inside the car. Yanking the seat belt over my shoulder, I shoved
it in the clasp, pinching my hand in the process. Dammit! I yelled, rubbing my sore palm with
my thumb.
Whats your problem? Everett asked, as he climbed into his seat.
Nothin. Im fine. Just drive, would you? I peered out the side window, not wanting to
look at him. If I did, hed see the tears as they formed in the corners of my eyes. Quickly, I
brushed them away.
So, anxious about the dance? He tried to make small talk. He was fishing for the
reason why I had been in such a hurry to leave.
No. Not anymore. I thought to myself. Its not like I spent money on a dress or shoes
anyways; maybe I could get out of having to go all together.
Everetts voice interrupted my thoughts. Did you go pick out a dress and shoes like I
had asked?
No. My answer was simple, but the thoughts in my mind were far more complex. I
dont think I am going to go anymore anyways.

What? Why not? Everett asked, the car never once veering away from its path as he
looked over at me.
I just dont feel like going anymore, maybe Greysan can take Clara, I snapped.
Everett pulled the car sharply onto the shoulder, and I had to grab the door handle to not
fall over. Where did you hear that name? He glared at me.
I explained to him how I had heard the twins talking when I was up in my room. There
was no reason to hide anything from him, the secret was out. I knew Greysan had another
woman in his life.
Eavesdropping is not very becoming, he lectured. The rest of the way to the store, he
was silent. I frowned, feeling even more horrible, but he had far from settled my mind about this
Clara person.
When we returned to the beach house, Everett parked but didnt turn off the engine. I
knew he wasnt staying, and his lack of communication confirmed that. I got out of the car and
stormed up to the house, and shut the door behind me. I went up to my room and noticed that
down the hall, Hunters light was on. I changed into a long t-shirt and lay down in my bed,.
A few minutes later, Hunter appeared, and sat down on his chair outside my room.
Hey, he said, Howre you doing?
Fine, I lied through clenched teeth. Tell me who she is.
Who? Hunter looked genuinely confused.
I know Everett told you, so quit with the games.
Everett only told me that you were considering not going to the dance, so being the
nosy best friend, I came to find out why. Hunter held his hands up in surrender. Who are you
talking about?

Clara. I felt the hot tears in my eyes. Why was I the only one who couldnt know who
this woman was? Why was she such a secret? I heard Hunter suck in a breath, and let it out
slowly as if he were in pain.
Addi I cant, he sounded torn.
Great, you are just as much help as Everett, I said, as I crossed my arms over my
You know Id tell you if I could. He sighed heavily. But shes not mine to tell you
about. Thats someone Greysan, and only Greysan, can tell you about. He was quiet. I can tell
you, though, that you dont need to worry about her; she is in his past now.
That didnt help me much.
Hunter changed the subject quickly. So back to this nonsense about not having a dress.
His tone changed as he shifted. How about I promise you will have a dress in time for the
dance tomorrow, if you promise me that you will still go to the prom with Greysan?
I heard the flutter of wings and wondered why I hadnt heard the pop and crack of him
blooming. No dress, I said as I yawned. My mind was still swimming about the mysterious
woman that no one seemed to want me to know about, or heels. I closed my eyes, trying to rid
myself of the thoughts churning in my mind.
Its bedtime, Addisyn. His soothing voice filled my ears, and I shot up in bed, staring
out my balcony door. Greysan was sitting on Hunters chair, his lopsided grin crossed his face.
Hunter was no where to be seen.
Dont you ever get tired of watching me sleep? I asked, eyeing him suspiciously then
laying back down. As much as I wasnt ready to talk to him yet, I was still happy that he was
there, his presence made me almost forget my anger for a second.

Never, he answered warmly. Besides, I dont want my date to be sleeping on the

dance floor just because she didnt get a good nights rest the night before, he teased.
I am not ready to sleep. I sat back up, In fact, I think I am going to get up. My feet
hit the ground, and I was out the door before I had a second to rethink what I was doing. I didnt
want him to follow me. I wanted time away from him.
Addisyn, where are you going? You know how strict Everett is with your sleep
schedule. Your human part needs its eight hours, or youll slow your development and harm
yourself, Greysan called after me.
I am not a toddler. I think I can handle a few more hours. I sent a glare over my
shoulder and stormed from the room. I walked down to the sandy beach and paced back and
forth along the waters edge for over an hour.
No one came down, but occasionally I felt a glance from above. I settled down against a
piece of drift wood, letting the waves lap at my toes. I was much calmer now, and it didnt take
long for my mind to shut down. Aimlessly staring out into the rolling ocean, I found peace.

Chapter 6 - Mysteries, surprises and dancing the night away.

The morning before the prom dance went as follows:
I hid in my room after I took a shower, hoping that everyone would forget about me.
Everett, the twins and Hunter left at eight in the morning and never returned. Wilhelm came up
and argued and guilt tripped me into getting ready as all proper ladies do for their gentlemen
friends, or something like that, I was only half listening anyways.
I got to drive Everetts SUV and I didnt crash.
There had been only one other time since my death that I had been allowed to drive;
Hunter thought it would be a good idea to try and teach me, since before my death I had never
learned; my parents had a rule in their house that no one learned to drive before they turned 18.
My new abilities made everything sharper and my depth perception was a bit off, I could see a
lot farther now. And unfortunately, Abigayle, Hunters pride and joy; vintage, cherry red 1967
Ford Shelby Mustang GT, which no one is allowed to call a cute glittery red car, still sported a
scratch or two from my minor fender bender with a bush.
Hunter had called in a favor to his prom date, Aubry, and her mom was going to do my
hair and makeup since she was a beautician. At her house.
Aubry turned out to be this bubbly blonde that I couldnt help but love. She bounded out
to me as soon as I safely parked in front of her small, ranch-style house. Soon, I was seated in a
hard wooden chair in their kitchen while Carin, Aubrys mom, curled my hair and pinned it up.

Aubry talked nonstop about Hunter from the moment I walked through the door. I was surprised
to hear that, up until he had asked her to the dance, she had thought he and I were an item
because we were always together.
Aubrys mother joined in from time to time, and soon the two of them were off on a
mother-daughter tangent that left no room for me. It made me miss my mom, and suddenly I
had an overwhelming need for her to be there with me. Wed never done the whole dance thing,
and I wondered if I had been selfish by not going, never giving my mom this experience.
I really didnt want to be a charity case; I wanted to be with my mom. A pain grew in
my chest the more I thought about her. The thoughts reopened a deep wound, and I quickly
excused myself and headed for the bathroom. I barely closed the door before I started
hyperventilating, and the tears began their descent down my cheeks.
Who knows how long I was in there sobbing, but soon there was a tap at the door.
Addi, dear, its Carin. Is everything all right? Aubrys mothers voice was filled with concern.
Yes, sorry. Ill be right out. I quickly pushed myself off the floor where I huddled,
splashed my face with some water, and tried to get rid of the obvious tear stains. After a deep
breath, I opened the door. Carin stood there, her face filled with the same concern I had heard in
her voice.
Suddenly I became aware of another person in that hallway; I knew he was there before
I turned to look at him. I swallowed the tears back down as they threatened to reappear.
You all right? Greysan asked. I turned to look at him; he was trying to be casual as he
leaned against the wall, looking at me with worry in his eyes.

Yeah. I looked at him. What are you doing here? He frowned at me, not convinced
by my pathetic attempt at confirming I was, indeed, all right. He walked toward me, and Carin
quickly excused herself and headed back to the kitchen, passing him on her way.
Aubry called Hunter when they heard you crying. His eyes searched mine carefully.
You sure youre all right?
Yes, Im sure. I put on my bravest face for him. There was no way I wanted him to see
me cry. Snotting all over myself was hardly attractive. No scary monsters, no evil visions, I
whispered, waving my hands between us like a cartoon sorcerer. Just some normal teenage girl
Addisyn. Greysan looked firmly at me, not letting my eyes go; he quickly glanced
over his shoulder to make sure Carin and Aubry were out of earshot. Its your mother, isnt it?
He knew he was treading on thin ice.
I shook my head, breaking out of his grasp as I turned away from him, not wanting the
tears to start up again. It was a constant battle to stay composed. Grey dont. I held up my
hand to his face, I am okay now.
You sure? he turned me back to face him; the tears were dampening my eyes as I
looked into his. I realize it is still very soon for you to be going through all of this. His thumb
ran across my cheek, wiping a tear away that had escaped from my eye. You dont have to be
here if it upsets you. I dont want this to make you miss home. I just wanted this to be a fun
night for both of us.
I put my hand up between us. Im fine. I insisted. Go back to the others. Ill see you
later at the dance, I whispered.

Addi, if you cant do this, its okay; well all understand, he said softly, All you have
to do is say the word and well all cancel our plans and sit home and watch those horrible
eighties movies that you like. He was dead serious and teasing at the same time.
No, I wont do that to Aubry or the others, I said, suddenly feeling a compassion for
the girl whod taken me in and tried to make me feel welcome. I just need to splash a little
more water on my face. Then I will be ready to finish getting all made up. I turned and walked
into the bathroom.
I heard him sigh before he walked away from the door. I didnt leave the bathroom until
hed said his farewell to Aubry and Carin and the front door had opened and shut.
When I walked back to the kitchen, both of them looked up at me with concern and
sadness in their eyes. Im fine! I reassured quickly, Honestly. They both smiled kindly, but
then Carin was at my side.
Good, then lets have you take a seat, so we can finish up. She turned me around and
sat me down, the curling iron taking its place back in my hair. Were running low on time. In
seconds she was curling and spraying and pinning like a mad woman.
So tell me your story. Carin started. Aubry says you dont live with your parents?
she asked.
Mom! Aubry yelped in warning.
Its okay. I reassured Aubry. No, I do not live with my parents, I answered. They
passed away, I explained. This story had been given and rehearsed many times over; it was
almost as if it was true.
I am sorry to hear that. Compassion filled her voice. So who do you live with? she
continued to work on my hair.

I live with Hunter. I chewed on my cheek. And the others.

Are their parents dead too? Carin didnt seem thrilled to hear my story, which inside
made me smile, she was a good mom. Cautious and careful about who her daughter was friends
No, just Hunter and me. I explained. The others are old enough to work or are in
college. Carin said nothing as she kept curling. Everett is like a big brother; he makes sure
that everyone finishes their studies and does what they need to do.
So, its just you and a bunch of boys? Carin asked. Clearly, she disapproved.
Yes, but were a family; we all look after each other. I know it sounds like a weird
situation, but it works out really well. I am doing so much better in school and have been
accepted into a bunch of the colleges, I stated. Hunter and I came here together, he knew
Wilhelm and the others. They were family friends.
I see. She still didnt sound convinced.
Mom can you stop with the tenth degree? They are good guys. You like Hunter,
Aubry argued.
I do, I am just listening to Addis story. She stated in a calm, mom way. Aubry let out
a sigh.
I promise were not troublemakers. I tried to help. We just have a nontraditional kind
of family.
I wont judge. Carin said as she added some more hairspray. I noticed the sun was
starting to set when she started on my makeup. A few minutes later she handed me a mirror. I
stared into it. At first I was unsure who was looking at. The young woman looking back at me
was beautiful, strong and confident.

Wow, I exclaimed, putting the mirror down carefully. You are some sort of
So you like it?
All I could do was nod.
Good, then its time to get you two dressed. She clapped her hands together. Your
dates will be here soon, she squealed slightly.
Here? I asked before thinking about it. Why is Greysan coming back here?
Carin and Aubry both appeared bewildered, Did any of your friends consult you about
their plans for tonight? I just shook my head. Aubry giggled, then left the kitchen and picked
up a garment bag and a shoe box off the couch. Hunter dropped these off for you.
What? I was dumbstruck. I stood up, just staring at her.
Hunter brought these this morning. She started down the hallway. Come on. Slowly
I followed her to her room.
So you didnt know about the dress and shoes either, did you? Aubry asked. Because
I just thought you forgot them at home.
I told them I wasnt wearing a dress; I was going to go in this. I pointed to my outfit,
still trying to wrap my mind around all of this. Aubry laughed.
You cant go to the prom in jeans, she stated. You have to wear a dress; its like a
rule or something. She laughed again. So you didnt pick this out? she asked leading me into
the pinkest room I had ever seen. Everything was pink: the walls, the bed spread, the alarm
clock. Everything, it was like a bottle of pepto bismol threw up in there.
No, I answered looking around her room. She hung the garment bag on the back of the
door and then shut it, enclosing us into the pinkness.

They picked it out? That is soo sweet! She was dancing around her room.
Or it could be a complete disaster, I commented. When she started laughing, it was
contagious, and we both ended up in a fit of giggles.
We sat in her room, while she painted our finger and toe nails, and she quizzed me on
everything. How long I had known Hunter, why I hadnt ever been to a school dance before.
Sometime later, Carin yelled down the hallway to us that Hunter had arrived, forcing
Aubry to insist we get dressed. I was still staring at the garment bag hanging on the back of her
Aubry opened her closet door, and pulled out a pale pink, silky dress.
Its beautiful. I gawked at it. Her tan skin would just glow under the soft pink of the
Thanks. My mom and I made it, she smiled proudly. So you need to unzip that
garment bag so we can see what your friends bought you. She was more excited about my
dress than I was.
I wanted to run from her house like a crazed lunatic, but she moved over to my garment
bag and tugged on the zipper. She pulled the dress free of the bag, and we just stood there
staring at it.
I was stunned to silence and actually felt tears in my eyes, not from the fear of actually
having to wear it, but because it was the dress I would have picked out for myself. If I actually
was like the teenage girls that get all giddy about prom, that is.
They have good taste, Aubry commented, smiling. Youre definitely going to turn

Hunter picked this. The color gives it away. Reds his favorite color. I commented,
shaking my head.
The dress wasnt that extravagant. It was a simple floor length dress with a deep V in
back. The front was a high waist with small bunching at the bust with a jeweled buckle on both
of the shoulder straps.
It took us a few more minutes to get dressed, then Aubry covered us in perfume, and we
slipped into our shoes. I couldnt help it, but Aubrys excitement about prom was rubbing off on
We walked out to find Carin and Hunter talking in the living room. Hunter looked up at
the two of us, and he smirked happily in my direction before turning his attention to Aubry. I
heard him tell her she looked beautiful, and I couldnt help feel like I was imposing. Hunter
didnt look like my nagging best friend anymore; he was a handsome young man. His vest and
bowtie were the same shade of pink as Aubrys dress. The single pink rose pinned to the lapel
of his jacket matched the pink roses in the corsage he brought her.
Wheres Greysan? I asked, while watching the mini photo shoot.
Hes meeting us at the party. I swear, he takes longer to get ready than a teenage girl.
He teased playfully. No offense. He added quickly to Aubry.
After a billion pictures, Carin sent us on our way. Hunter explained, as he took my key
to the SUV, that Everett had dropped him off. So, after we all climbed in, Hunter drove away
from the school.
I thought the dance was at the school. I said.
It is, but first we must have dinner. Hunter smiled at me through the rear view mirror.
There was so much about this day I didnt know. It took about a half hour before I realized we

were heading to the beach house, but I said nothing. I thought it was odd, though, that we were
taking Aubry there. Perhaps it was the unwritten rule that no one went there besides us. Too
many secrets to hide. As Hunter pulled into the driveway, he dialed a number on his phone.
Sweet muffin or funky beef, whichever one she is she is here, he said into the phone
then hung it up. Aubrys face contorted into a confused expression. I didnt ask, it was pointless.
Instead I sighed and rolled my eyes; it was obvious that the guys had something else planned for
the evening.
Hunter pulled up along the walkway to the house. I noticed Abigayle, Hunters Mustang
was in the driveway, as well as Wilhelms car. I heard Hunter whimper as he glanced at it,
making me smirk. Hunter had been hoping Wilhelm would pass that car down to him when he
bought a new one, but it was highly unlikely Hunter would ever get it.
Why is I opened my mouth to ask why it was out, forgetting Aubry was sitting
silently in the front seat, probably taking in the sight of the beach house and the land around it
for the first time. But Everett was at my door, distracting me from my train of thought. He
opened it and held out his hand for me.
Come on. He smiled at me. His eyes fell over me as I slid out of the back seat, using
him to steady myself on the driveway in the small heels. You look beautiful tonight, he
whispered in my ear as he held me up, waiting for me to find my balance.
I looked him over as we stood there; he was in grey pants and a standard black sweater. I
knew that neither Wilhelm nor he were going to the prom but he was looking pretty nice.
Hot date? I asked. You clean up nicely, I teased. He laughed a strong laugh. How
did you pull all this off? I asked, pointing down to my dress. He smiled, not saying a word.
Youre not going to tell me, are you?

I will, but not right now, he whispered, hooking my arm around his and leading me
toward the house. I know we did a lot for you tonight, or so it would seem, he whispered as
we walked up the darkened patio stairs. He opened the door for me. Inside the house, the lights
were dimmed. I could hear someone moving around and clattering pots. I looked up at Everett.
He didnt even seem to notice. Instead he led me to the staircase and carefully up the stairs.
But I need you to know, tonight was not just for you. He continued to talk softly as he
led me into my room and out onto the balcony. The rec building was lit up; there was a small
candlelit lantern trail to it. Hunter and Aubry were walking along it, almost to the doorway
where music and voices escaped from within.
Everett turned me to face him, his eyes looking into mine. This is very important:
tonight is more about Greysan than it is about you, he blurted out. Then, trying to retrace his
words, he continued, Since his death, he has never entertained the idea of a relationship. For a
long time, even talking to a woman was out of the question, let alone getting dressed up or
going to a dance. There was a distant silence in his eyes. Be kind to him. Tonight is a big step
for him, and its hard enough as it is. I eyed Everett cautiously as I nodded.
There are still a lot of things you dont know about our lives before your death,
Everett answered quietly. Ask Greysan about his sometime, just not tonight.
Everett and I stood there and silently stared out at the ocean just beyond the bluffs.
Finally, he turned back toward my room and smiled. Ready to go join the others? he asked
carefully. I just wanted to bring you up here to give you a few minutes to take everything in
before you joined everyone. And up here, we are out of the range of all the others ears. I know
this is a lot to ask of you tonight. He hesitated, especially after your reaction earlier at

Im fine, Everett. I sighed heavily, but thank you, I added. For all of this, as
stubborn as I am, I am really thankful for you and the rest of our little family.
Good, we secretly liked doing it for you anyways. We havent gotten to plan anything
like this in a long time. He raised his hand to mess my hair like always, but this time he
stopped short. Lets get you down there, huh? Before Greysan thinks you really did stand him
up. Everett once again wrapped my hand around his arm and lead me back through the house.
Whos in the kitchen? The clatter of pots could be heard again as we passed by the
Wilhelm is having your dinner catered, Everett explained. Itll be served soon. I
looked up at Everett. Its nothing heavy; we know you human girls never really eat anyways.
he winked. Its just appetizers and a small salad. Everett held the back door open for me.
Thats it?I wrinkled my nose.What if Aubry is like the rest of the population that
does eat? Like me?
Guess no one knew which Addisyn you were going to be tonight. He stated in a tone I
couldnt depict as teasing or not.
I walked outside, and he took my arm once more, leading me off the back porch and
down the candlelit trail to the rec building. As we grew closer, I tensed, thinking about finally
seeing Greysan.
Calm down, Everett whispered. If youre worried about how you look, you shouldnt
be. Every girl is going to want to be you, and every guy is gonna wish they were Greysan
tonight. He winked at me. Because, little sister, you are the by far the best looking woman on
earth tonight.

I rolled my eyes at him. Thanks for making me feel self-conscious, I rolled my eyes.
We approached the rec building, and I could see that Wilhelm had set it up like an intimate little
bistro. Candles flickered on tables covered in white linen tablecloths; the chairs were also
covered in white slipcovers. I couldnt believe the effort that they had put into this one night.
Wow, I whispered. Just like Wilhelm for you. No detail untouched, he laughed.
Shall we go find that date of yours?
I hesitated. My eyes searched the open room. Wilhelm stood by the doorway, and leaned
against the wall with one hand in his front pocket and a glass of water in his other hand; he
looked just as he usually did- elegant. He smiled and gave me an approving nod.
Everett walked me right past him and into the building. Hunter and Graham talked with
Aubry. I saw Hunter slyly nudge to Graham, who turned around. When his eyes fell upon me,
his lips turned up.
Told you so, Everett whispered. His eyes left mine and turned to look around the
room. Wilhelm really had set it up as a romantic dinner for four. I wondered where the rest of
them were going to eat. Even the video games were hidden away in their cabinets. I was
completely impressed.
Graham walked up to us; his green eyes twinkled in the flickering light. He leaned over
and whispered something to Everett. Everett sighed in response.
Come on, mlady, Graham teased, holding out his arm to me. Ill escort you to your
date. I took his arm, allowing him to lead me back outside and into the darkness of night. My
brother grew restless and decided to seek solitude on the bluff.
Graham stopped a few feet outside. I could see a team of caterers walking toward us
from the main house with trays in their arms, He let go of my arm and turned me toward the

bluff, overlooking the ocean. I could just barely make out the silhouette of a man standing at the
This is where I leave you, Graham whispered in my ear. Hes waiting. After he
turned and walked away from me, I heard him mutter under his breath, Whether he knows it or
I stood there for a moment, letting the caterers walk past me with their trays as I tried to
muster up the courage to approach him. It took me a few moments, with the butterflies beating
against my chest, trying to convince myself to move forward, before I actually did move.
Slowly, I crept toward him, my heart rate increasing with every step. When I was no more than
a few feet away, I heard his voice.
Sweet beef? His voice was quiet and very unlike his usual confident self. I stopped
abruptly, still looking at his back and the ocean beyond him.
Funky muffin, I whispered. My voice mirrored the feeble tones in his. My knees
shook beneath the smooth fabric of the dress; my breath came out sharp and. I heard the sigh of
relief come from Greysan, but still he remained as he was, staring out over the bluffs. We both
stood there, neither of us attempting to make the first move. The tension mounted with all the
electricity in the air.
He finally broke the silence. Addisyn?
Youre not going to put me to sleep are you? It was the first thing that spewed from
my nervous lips. My playful quip earned me a chuckle that seemed to lighten the mood around
us slightly.

No. He chuckled once more, his voice helping me find ease. I watched as his
statuesque frame relaxed before my eyes. My own racing heart did not even try to calm as the
flutters beat against my core.
Just checking, I answered, chewing the inside of my lip. This already feels like a
dream. I blushed.
Addisyn, this isnt the dream He slowly turned to face me. Our eyes met for a brief
second. You are the dream. I lost my breath as I stared into his eyes. A lopsided grin formed
on his nervous face, giving him the confidence he was known for.
You are absolutely breathtaking, he whispered, taking a step toward me. What
happened to no dress or heels?
My eyes finally pulled away from his, looking him over again at this close proximity.
He was wearing a black tuxedo jacket that hung open. Underneath the jacket was neatly pressed
and buttoned white dress shirt and a red bow-tie and vest. All of this was a bit too much for me;
I felt my body sway on my shaking legs, my heart beat so hard it actually hurt to breathe. I
couldnt find any words; my mind had turned to mush as I stood there, staring at him.
I guess were both throwing all the rules out into the wind tonight. He stood right in
front of me now, his hand reaching up, gently touching the skin on my neck as his thumb
carefully guided my face upward toward his. The blue-grey pools transfixed themselves on
mine; his personal scent of fresh, spring air poured over me, overpowering the cologne I could
also smell. My already weak knees almost gave out as his face lowered toward mine.
Are you two going to stand there staring at one another all night, or are you going to
join us for dinner? Hunters voice came from the direction of the rec building. The last words

seemed to fall away as he drew closer. Greysan quickly pulled away from me, his hand leaving
my face. To my surprise, though, it took my hand, holding it securely in his.
Oh. Sorry. Hunter turned away from us, quickly walking back toward the dimly lit
building. The lights had been turned out almost completely, which left only flickering
Greysan sighed, but he silently started walking in the direction of the rec building,
taking me with him. I felt his eyes on me, from time to time as we walked. It made me feel a bit
We entered to find all eyes on us, making me feel even more self-aware in my dress and
heels. Greysans words kept playing in my mind though Youre the dream. You look
absolutely breathtaking, Addisyn. We sat down at the small table with Aubry and Hunter and
immediately the caterers walked through with trays, putting down sampler platters of their
appetizers and giving everyone a small salad and a basket of rolls.
How did you get all those stars up on the ceiling? Aubry asked Hunter. Greysan let
out a light, airy chuckle. We all knew what the next sentence out of Grahams mouth would be.
They are not accurate. Graham gazed up at the neon glowing stars still adhered to the
ceiling. Those constellations right there theyre off. He pointed to the stars in question and
glanced at Aubry who just shrugged, not even caring if they were properly placed.
Glue. Hunter answered. They are up there with super glue. With that, the three
headed up to the house, leaving the four of us to the little romantic dinner they had planned out.
Graham was going to pick up Becca who hadnt been ready for dinner, but they were going to
meet us at the dance.

Greysans hand snaked into mine under the table like a secret. When I snuck glances at
him, he would always meet my eyes, giving me a smile.
Hunter eyed me like a hawk as I pushed most of my food around my plate, not really
eating anything except a roll with some butter. Finally, he nudged my water glass toward me. I
sighed, sipping on it, but ignored the rest of my food. My churning stomach wouldnt allow me
to entertain the idea of eating. Who would have thought, but Everett had been right about
human girls.
When we finished eating, the candles were blown out and it was time to head to the
dance. Slowly we made our way up the candle lantern trail to the driveway. I swear if Greysan
wasnt holding my hand right then, I would have floated off into the starry night. He led me past
his car to Wilhelms.
He insisted we take his car. Greysan seemed to sense my hesitation, I wasnt about to
argue. He smiled, opening the passenger door for me. I sat down, pulling my skirt in behind
me before he shut the door and walked over to the drivers side. Sliding in behind the steering
wheel, he glanced at me before he started the car up. I say we take advantage of this rare
opportunity, he smiled, gunning the engine. He tested the limits of the car the entire way there,
leaving me clutching the door handle and the center console.
What the hell was that all about?I exclaimed once he finally slowed down, turning into
the parking lot. My new angel senses were all trying to catch up, giving me a slight headache.
What? he asked innocently, the corner of his lip turning up in a half smile.Its not
every day Wilhelm lets me take his car out alone. I wanted to see what she could do. He
laughed. Oh right, I forget how new you are, dont worry, soon the motion wont bother you

When we arrived at the school, he parked the car and helped me out. Wilhelm and
Everett left before us, since they had signed up to be chaperones. Using Everetts persuasion
ability, the two of them were signed up. Greysan smiled and hooked my arm in his, waiting for
Hunter and Aubry to get out of Everetts car. Then we followed them toward the gymnasium
We both hesitated. The other girls were practically dragging their dates to the doors,
anxious and excited to show off and dance with their friends. Greysan seemed a bit more
relaxed now; his normal demeanor was coming forth as we walked. I felt his eyes looking down
at me, but I couldnt dare myself to look up at him, knowing what it would do to my insides.
So you never answered my question, his eyes glanced down at me again. What
happened to your strict no dress or heels policy?
I blushed profusely and eyed his attire. I suppose all rules were thrown out the window
today. You seemed to have been ambushed, too.
Oh this? He pointed with his free hand to his tuxedo. This was just something I had
hanging up in my closet, he teased, although part of me wouldnt have put owning a tuxedo
past him. You were ambushed?
I nodded, by those two, yes. I pointed to Aubry and Hunter. Im sure the other three
were in on it too. I pointed to myself, from my hair to my shoes. This was all them; I take no
Well, then, I now know who to thank, he murmured as he squeezed my arm tighter,
making my heart take off once again. The loud, pulsing music from inside the gym greeted us as
we approached the doors.

Greysan carefully pulled open one door for me, and held it so I could pass through. I
must have paused just inside the door because I soon heard Greysans voice in my ear. Is
everything all right? His voice was crystal clear over the music.
I nodded, unable to speak; the whole room was straight out of a movie. There were
colors swirling from the lights, and streamers and balloons were tied everywhere. Confetti
littered the small, bar-style table tops and poured onto the floor, every piece of it picking up the
lights as they danced along the room. There was a DJ off to one side, and the whole middle of
the room had been dedicated to the dance floor, which was already crowded with students. I
watched as they vibrated and pulsed along with the beats of the music.
Greysan was smiling when I glanced up at him. He took my hand and led me past the
muffled whispers and the prying eyes, straight to the others in the far corner, across from the
DJ. Girls had stripped off their shoes and headed for the dance floor barefoot, towing their dates
behind them, Graham and Hunter were pulled along with Becca and Aubry. That left Greysan
and me standing there alone to watch them.
The music continued; song after song with identical heart-pounding beats. Greysan and I
just stood there, watching. The bodies seemed to become one with the beat as they moved in the
middle of the room. I was unsure of how long we waited, but suddenly the music stopped and a
slower song started playing. It wasnt a new song, but one that hadnt been played on the radio
for years. I wouldnt even have known it if I hadnt have heard it playing on Greysans iPod one
I looked up to him, his face had paled. He looked as if he had just seen a ghost, but
quickly he composed himself.

So, since we threw all the rest of the rules out the window, does that mean I might be
able to persuade you to dance? Greysans eyes flashed to mine for a second before he looked
back up toward someone approaching me from behind. They really are ambushing both of us
tonight. He muttered. So may I have this dance? his smile looked just as distant as his
eyes when they found mine again.
I sucked up my pride, watching Everett walk past both of us. His words from earlier on
my balcony ran through my head. I took Greysans hand and walked toward the dance floor; he
looked down at me as he took me into his arms, and wrapped my whole being in them. His left
hand took my right, and his right arm wrapped around my back, leaving my left hand to rest on
his shoulder. With the low back of the dress, his hand was on my flesh, warming me as it sent
tingles through my whole body.
His eyes stayed on mine as he led me around the dance floor, our bodies twirling and
spinning to the music. My attention stayed on Greysan as I tried not to stumble along beside
him, but he made me feel graceful and elegant, although how much of it was his charm and how
much was actual skill was uncertain.
I could feel all eyes on us as we danced, but surprisingly, I didnt care. I was stuck in the
moment. My eyes were lost in his even though he still looked distant, as if stuck in a memory.
As the song faded, so did the distant gaze in his eyes. The next song started. It was still another
slow song, but more students seemed to feel comfortable dancing to it, as a very few dared to
join the two of us on the dance floor.
Greysans eyes looked down into mine, searching them. I could feel his pulse quicken
alongside my own. His eyes held a soft hint of disbelief, but his smile reached the corners of his
eyes, forcing me to forget about the world around us once more.

Greysans touch was gentle but strong as he pulled me closer to him, his warmth
surrounding me as we danced. I barely heard the groans from the other students as they waited
for the heart-pounding music to return. I was completely entranced with Greysan, seeing him in
a whole new way as the light hit his face. By the time the song ended and the loud music started
again, I wasnt even sure how my legs managed to carry me off the dance floor. Thankfully, I
made it to the safety of the table where Aubry waited.
Graham approached us, not looking pleased at all. Quickly, without saying a word, he
pulled his brother away from me. I looked at Aubry. She shrugged.
Wheres Hunter? I asked loud enough so she could hear me over the music. She
answered by pointing across the room toward the door where Everett and Hunter were talking to
a man, dressed in black.
Wilhelm quickly walked toward me, grabbed my arm and pulled me toward the back of
the room, leaving Aubry staring after us.
Ouch! I hit Wilhelm with my free hand. Pain shot through my flesh where he held me.
Still mostly human here! I stated, hitting his hand again; this time he released his hold.
Sorry. He frowned, running a troubled hand through his hair. I followed him hesitantly
toward the others, but I hadnt taken more than a few steps when Greysan rushed to my side. I
was still rubbing my arm where a hand-shaped bruise started to form.
Take off your shoes, Greysan demanded, standing beside me now. He wasnt looking
at me, but staring intensely over me. His eyes were hot like fire instead of the usual calm blue.
Now, Addisyn, he commanded; his voice was almost frantic. I quickly pulled the shoes free
of my feet, holding them out to him.

Whats going on? I asked. I received no answer. Greysan just grabbed onto my arm,
and although it was much gentler than Wilhelms grasp had been, it held the same urgency. He
led me farther away from Hunter and Everett, mixing us with the crowds of students. Graham
followed closely behind us, his hand on my shoulder as we walked.
Take her through the school, out the back doors. Wilhelm will let Everett know, and
hell make sure you two get out of here clear from prying eyes. Graham talked quickly, his
eyes finally looked down into mine; there was an unexplained sadness in them. I am sorry. I
didnt know, he apologized.
Greysan didnt look at either of us. He just continued to pull me through the crowd at his
quickened pace, losing Graham in the mass of people. Greysan reached the gym doors and
pulled me through them, into the empty school hallway. His hand latched onto my wrist; my
other hand instinctively reached down to hold up the skirt of my dress so I wouldnt trip. He
glanced down at me briefly before he started to run, pulling me along with him.
He remained silent as he jogged through the barren hallways, leading me around the
gym and through the maze of hallways in the school toward the back parking lot. Once we were
outside, he was much more cautious; I glanced up to see his eyes scanning the area, the muscles
in his jaw tensed as we moved. He held me tightly to his side as we made our way through the
parking lot to Wilhelms car.
Greysan practically pushed me into the passenger seat before shutting the door and
appearing on the drivers side. Getting in, he started the engine and drove out of the parking lot
in a matter of seconds. No words left his mouth, no explanation of our sudden exit or what was
going on; nothing at all. His face read as a mix of fury and sadness as he bit down on his cheek,
and his knuckles whitened against the dark steering wheel.

Finally, I couldnt wait any longer; the silence was deafening. Grey whats going
on? I watched him carefully as he flew down the streets at frightening speeds, not paying
attention to the posted speed limits. He didnt acknowledge me. Fear building inside as he drove
back to the beach house. GREYSAN! I finally yelled unable to handle the tension. Something
was wrong, and he wasnt telling me what it was. He shook his head.
This wasnt supposed to happen. I mean we knew it would eventually, but not now,
not tonight. He glanced at me, Sebastian wasnt the only danger to us. He sighed, His Link
has now caught up to us.

Chapter 7 - Learning Tough Lessons in Life

I watched Greysan as he drove; his eyes darted back and forth in thought. Thoughts
raced through my mind as we both sat in silence, the lack of conversation making my mind
work twice as hard to fill the emptiness. I cant believe this is happening what do they want
why were we the only ones to run? We pulled into the driveway of the beach house in record
time, and, as he parked Wilhelms car in the garage, Greysans cell phone rang. He took it out
of his jacket pocket and answered it.
Hello? There was a short pause as he listened. I heard Everetts voice, but I couldnt
make out the muffled words. Well be down on the beach. See you then. He hung up the
phone, not saying anything to me as he put it in the cup holder and finished parking. I got the
feeling he was upset with me over something, but I couldnt figure out what I had done.
Greysan turned off the engine, pausing for a second before he turned and looked at me. His
hand reached up and touched my cheek. My skin fired under his fingers; my nerves stood on
end. Then, as quickly as he had touched me, his hand was gone.
He remained mute as he got out of the car and came to open my door. He gave me his
hand to help me out. Running his fingers along the bruise left from Wilhelms hand, he let out
an angered sigh, but still, not a word left his lips. He took the heels from my hand and put them
on a shelf on the garage wall and then took my hand, leading me to the trails that led down to
the beach.

I followed him. He helped me down the rock stairway and then onto the soft, sandy
beach. As we walked, I occasionally stole a glance up at him, but he was lost in one of his
internal debates. He didnt even look down at me during the silent trek across the sandy, moonlit beach. Finally, when we were quite a distance from the beach house, passing the last of the
other houses that also sat up on the cliffs, we came to the boulders that took up residence in the
sand on this end of the beach.
Greysan let go of my hand to remove his tuxedo jacket, vest, bowtie, and then his dress
shirt. The empty space around us filled with the mind-altering cracking noise that barely
registered over the roar of the ocean no more than ten feet away from us.Sorry about this, he
finally said, snapping my attention from staring at him. His arms went behind my legs and
around my back as he picked me up, cradling me against his bare chest. My heart fluttered back
to life, even though I knew it shouldnt have. I had to avoid looking at him, but instinctively I
clasped my arms around his neck, holding myself up in his arms. I am not going to drop you,
he chuckled quietly into my ear as he leapt from the soft ground and landed lightly on top of the
first boulder, which was easily twenty feet tall.
As soon as his feet were steady on the top of the stone, he lowered my legs, helping me
to right myself on the boulder. He kept a hand on my arm even after I was steady. His wings
retracted in record time, and he looked around nervously. Picking up his shirt from where he
had thrown it onto the boulder, he put it back on, letting go of me for a brief moment while he
buttoned it, then pushed the sleeves up. He sat down, laying his tuxedo jacket next to him and
patting it to signal me to sit down beside him. I did. My dress cascaded down the side of the
boulder beside me. The warm ocean air blew through my hair as we sat up there.

Before I forget to tell you he was looking out over the ocean. I just wanted you to
know that you look very beautiful. I held my breath. His entrancing eyes captured me once
again. Thank you for being my date tonight, he whispered. His breath tickled my nerves,
teasing the trembles that rippled through my skin.
I couldnt say anything, though not for lack of trying. My mind and mouth couldnt
agree. He was so close; I could feel my body aching to be closer to him, but I didnt move. I
shivered involuntarily, and he cautiously put his arm around my shoulders. I felt the current of
electricity running through me, turning my nerves on high sensitivity. Hesitantly, I picked up
my hand, running my fingertips along the bare flesh on the back of his hand.
I heard him suck in a breath, and his body tensed under my touch, immediately I
retracted my hand.
Sorry. I bit my lip, my shoulders falling slightly. Why was I so bad at this stuff?
No, his voice cut through the air as he let his breath out slowly. Its okay. He looked
down at me, smiling warmly, but his eyes were giving me a different story. I just wasnt
expecting your touch; my mind was elsewhere. I turned my attention back to the ocean before
us. It didnt take Greysan long to become restless. He looked down at me; his fingertips gently
stroked the skin on my arm where his hand laid, but then he pulled his hand back, folding them
in his lap. The warm air seemed to cool without his arm around me.
Graham was the only one of them that ever fidgeted, but here Greysan sat, his hands
constantly moving in his lap. Whatever was on his mind was starting to drive him crazy.
Addisyn? he asked quietly. My heart raced was I about to get my first kiss? I knew
that shouldnt have been my first thought right then, but it had to pass my mind sometime, and
besides, hadnt he rescued me from the dangers of that night? This was the perfect setting for

my first romantic make-out session. Part of me knew I should have been more worried about
Sebastians Link and the threat it posed, but right then and there, the part of me that just wanted
to be wrapped in Greysans arms lip-locked was winning.
What do you know about my past? he looked to me briefly before turning back to look
back at the ocean. Oh. Disappointment ran through me for a second before I composed myself.
I know you and Graham died together at the age of twenty. That you died saving kids
from a burning orphanage, I finally answered. He nodded.
After a few more silent moments during which we both watched the water ripple under
the dim moon light, Greysan took a deep breath, filling his chest and then slowly letting it out.
I was married, Greysan spoke suddenly; his voice was filled with pain. Surprise and
shock filled not only my mind but also my face. And there went the romantic make-out mood.
Did I seriously just hear him right? He is married? Married? There is a wife
She was the highlight of my living life, so full of happiness and spunk. His face fell
even more as he talked; I could barely look at him Her name was Clara.
As soon as the name left his lips, it clicked in my mind. The girl that he had been
arguing with Graham about was his wife? Yeah this was so not cool, to get my hopes up and
now, to crash them all back down? Why couldnt he have told me he was married BEFORE he
asked me to this stupid dance? A dance that no longer mattered. As I sat in a dress that I wanted
to throw into the sea, my heart was breaking faster than he could explain the whole situation.
She was the most beautiful woman I had ever laid my eyes on; I knew almost
immediately when I met her that I wanted to spend the rest of my days with her. He paused,
and then the words continued to spew from between his lips. She was small, with blond hair

and pale brown eyes. I glanced up to see tears in his eyes. Why was he even telling me all this?
To make me jealous? Today is our wedding anniversary. I swallowed hard; he was choking
up beside me. I kept my mouth shut. I didnt really know what to say, or if my words would
come if I tried to speak them.
We were so much in love, Addisyn, he finally continued. Even though we had only
known each other a little over a year, I knew I loved her with all my heart. Out of the corner of
my eye I saw him wipe his eyes, but I couldnt gather myself enough to look up at him. We
had only been married for two months before I died. He paused, his words sinking in. He had
died; she was a widow but didnt that mean that now he was a widower? I tried to ponder
this, but there was no way I had enough time to comprehend the bomb he had dropped and
the next words out of his mouth completely blew me away.
She was pregnant. The words barely left his lips before my heart cracked apart and the
little pieces fell down into my stomach. I felt the pain of every woman who had ever been
rejected by the man she had given her heart to. I gazed down at the red skirt of my dress, lazily
cascading over the side of the boulder, feeling childish over the moments I had let my heart get
the better of me. I was being selfish again; this obviously wasnt about me Greysan needed a
friend, not a hormonal teenage girl whining about her own wants and needs. He had a wife, and
a child; his heart belonged to another. I had no right to claim it as my own. Greysan wiped his
tears away out of the corner of his eye. I still refused to look at him, not wanting him to see the
selfish heartbreak behind my eyes.
She gave birth to a baby boy, seven months after I passed away. He shook with
sadness; he was trying hard to keep himself composed as he told me the story. I had to see him,
Addisyn. I had such a pull to be a part of his life. I heard the warnings in his voice. The tears

had stopped falling from his eyes, and his voice was trying its hardest to gain some strength. I
still wanted to be in her life, too. He hesitated, Graham and I didnt understand what wed
become after we had died; we didnt know the dangers of going back once wed left, he bit
back his last words.
I went back, he said quietly. I wanted to cry for him. I went back to see her and our
son. He swallowed hard. After seven months I couldnt stay away any longer. I was drawn to
them; they were all I thought about. He glanced down at me, and yet I couldnt look up at him;
She saw me. He looked away again. She caught me in his room, watching him as he
slept. He was shaking now, and I didnt know what to do. I wasnt sure if there was any
comfort to be had at this point. At first she just stared at me, unsure if she was really seeing
me, but then she started screaming. He paused again, letting the silence engulf us for a few
minutes. But even that didnt keep me from coming back. I knew I couldnt be angry with God
for taking me away from my life. I thought this was his way of letting me still live it. He
sighed. I was so angry with myself for being selfish with my life when God had given me
everything I had ever wanted. He frowned, his fingers moving in the hand I was still holding.
I kept going back, thinking I was being more careful, not realizing she saw me more
often than I had thought. His voice cracked slightly. I broke her, Addisyn. She slowly fell
apart, piece by piece.
She told people she was saw me, in the babys room. She told them I had wings and
watched over our son. He was trying not to break down again. Graham begged me to leave
them alone; he begged me to move away with him and never come back, but I couldnt. I was
so selfish. I thought I could be in their lives if I was careful. He shook his head. I didnt even

realize my brother was in pain staying there with me, that he had his own pain from his own
loss. Greysan paused.
I went back one last time. She wasnt there, neither was our son. He swallowed hard,
He had been taken and put in an orphanage. Greysan glanced down at me, sighing.
Clara was gone; they had locked her away in a sanitarium; she was on so many
different medications by the time I found her she was no longer my Clara the woman so
full of life. She had become just an empty mind in Claras body. My heart felt like it was in the
pit of my stomach. I had never even imagined Greysans history to be so dark and
heartbreaking. It hurt so badly, knowing I was the cause. Id made my own wife, the love of
my life, go crazy. He shook his head.
Graham found Everett while I was searching for Clara and our child, and when I finally
returned to him, broke down and torn apart, my whole being wanted nothing more than to be
angry and kill everything in sight. He sighed heavily. It was Everett who kept me strong in
my weakest moments. He was the one that kept me from becoming like Sebastian. His voice
cracked. I miss my son very much, but I miss my wife even more. He paused, looking down
at me once more. His whole body turned to face me; the hand that was in mine let go of me and
both of his hands reached up, taking my face in them, turning me to look into his eyes.
Addisyn, I He closed his eyes, breaking the connection between his and mine for a
second. I have never felt that I could He paused again, that I could care for another
woman, especially not the way I cared about my Clara. He grew quiet, opening up his eyes to
look into mine again, his hands slowly sinking away from my cheeks.
My heart melted, at the sight of his watery eyes as they looked into mine. I felt guilty
for even looking in the direction of another woman. He sighed and leaned in a little closer to

me. When you were born, Hunter sought you out, knowing the instant you took your first
human breath that you were destined to be his companion; your bond was strong even then. And
we were there, from time to time, watching you grow from the little bundle of joy in your
parents arms to the young woman you are today. I couldnt help the feelings that developed
inside of me. He looked away, turning his eyes back to the ocean.
I Something distracted him, and with lightening speed Greysan was on his feet,
pulling me up with him. He picked up his jacket and then picked me up, cradling me against his
body and leapt off the boulder landing gracefully even without his wings. Carefully, he put my
feet down in the sand and stepped in front of me, making his body a barrier between me and
whoever was on their way toward us. Stay there, he commanded me, standing up tall and
strong before me.
Why? What is it? Whats going on? I asked, trying to peek around his broad shoulder.
Somethings not right. He whispered to me as he looked around, surveying the area. A
chill ran up my spine, creating goose bumps on my skin. This is one of those times, where you
do not bloom no matter what, understand? Greysan asked, He put his coat over my shoulders.
No matter what. He looked me right in the eye, and I could see the just how serious he was. I
nodded in understanding, wondering what was going on that would freak him out so much. The
answer came a lot sooner than I expected.
Hello. A low voice greeted. It was not as much a pleasant greeting of people passing
by on the beach as it was a dark, mocking of someone who knew exactly where we were.
Greysan spun around; I barely caught the flash of fear in his usually soft eyes. I am really
growing tired of this cat and mouse game. After all these decades one would think you would
wise up and just give me what I want.

Greysan tucked me further behind him, cornering me between him and the boulder.
What do you want, Farran? he asked dryly. You might as well show yourself. He added;
my eyes searched for the owner of the voice.
That was such a sad story you were sharing. I am sorry we interrupted. Farrans voice
echoed off the boulder. Something about it made my knees feel weak. Part of me wanted to run
away and hide and the other part wanted to go to him. I felt like a fly in a spider web. But you
left more holes in your tale than in swiss cheese. Finally I saw him just briefly as he walked
out from behind the boulder and passed Greysan and me. It was the same man in black that
Everett and Hunter had been talking to in the gymnasium.
Greysan let out a low growl. Leave Farran. All the warmth around him seemed to
evaporate the more rigid he became.
Not yet. He stated, I gripped the back of Greysans shirt, shaking a little, not
understand what was going on. But Greysan had said earlier that Sebastians Link had found us.
Was this them?
Arent you going to introduce us to your friend? he asked. Almost as soon as he said
it, two more men walked out from behind the boulder, their grey wings disappearing as they
retracted. I shrunk as close as I could to Greysan. You remember Jaret and Caedmon, dont
you? Farran asked; I realized then that his voice was drawing me in, like an addiction. I wanted
more than anything to move closer to him. They were with me the last time we ran into each
I would hardly call it running into. You hunted me for three years and cornered me in
England. Greysan snapped.

Good times. Farran laughed. Come on, dont be rude. Introduce us to your pretty
friend there.
Greysan hesitated, I felt him grow even tenser, shes none of your concern.
Oh my friend, she is the whole reason we are here. I noticed two blinding lights off to
my right, in the tree line. It drew my attention away from what was going on in front of me as
two brilliantly white angels with their wings out came walking from the tree line. I was
distracted by them, I didnt even hear what else Greysan and Farran were saying. There was a
male and a female. He was older than she by a few years. They stood just at the edge of the
trees, staring at me as I stared back at them.
You have Unclaimed? Greysan growled, his hand reaching back and holding onto my
arm. Are you looking for more reasons to die?
That is Blair and Markus. They are new to my little family here, yes. Farrans tone
was cunning and wicked. They are so pretty when they are new and bright, arent they? I
could feel one of his sidekicks staring at me, and it drew my eyes away from the two bright
ones. My eyes caught his and made me feel even more uncomfortable. Something about him,
even though all he could probably see was my face, it felt like he was leering at my body.
I wanted to know why those two angels were so bright. Why had Greysan called them
So are you going to introduce me to your Addisyn there? My ears perked when Farran
said my name. I wanted to go to him; I even stepped up beside Greysan, in clear view of Farran
and his Link. I felt Greysans hand on my arm, holding me in place. I think without it there, I
would have walked right over to Farran. Farran flashed me a hungry wolf smile and chuckled.
That was far easier than I thought. He stated.

What do you want Farran? Greysan asked again, sighing as he tried to put himself in
front of me. I wasnt allowing it.
Youre awfully protective over the little girl arent you? I wonder why? Farran
mocked, Greysans grip just got tighter as he stiffened beside me. He wasnt hurting me. He
was just keeping me from going anywhere. Such a pretty little thing, all dolled up for the prom,
how cute.
Enough. Greysan growled. Get on with what you want so you can be on your way.
I think you know my original reason for meeting you here tonight, Farran spoke up. I
felt my body leaning toward him, trying to move closer. Greysan moved his hand to my
shoulder, wrapping around it and holding me tight to him. I glanced at the tree line, at the two
bright angels. Their brightness was such a contrast to the grey of the other three; I couldnt help
but wonder why.
They were strikingly beautiful. The male was tall and blonde. He looked strong as he
stood beside a much smaller woman. Her looks were just as pale and beautiful as his. Her dark
hair barely dimmed the brightness that surrounded them. I couldnt help but stare at them,
curious as to what and who they were. Movement in the corner of my eye caught my attention,
though, and I turned away from them. I saw Jaret and Caedmon. They were looking right at me
again. I looked away quickly and heard them chuckle at my discomfort.
I closed my eyes, wanting this situation around me to end. The mounting tension
suffocated me. My mind kept travelling back to the two bright angels, standing off to the side; I
could still feel their eyes on me, distracting me. I couldnt make myself pay any real attention to
the exchange between Greysan and Farran.

You would have done the same thing if one of yours was compromised, Greysan was
saying when I began listening again, his tone measurably calmer as he tried to speak reason with
Yes, but which one of your Link was the one he compromised? Farrans eyes flashed
by me, I felt them eyes settle on me. A chill ran down my spine as I cringed. Ah, so it was the
girl. Farran chuckled. I should have known.
I felt Greysan shift, closing the few inches between us.
I just cant figure out why you are so protective of her? Farran continued. Surely
shes new, but you didnt even want me to know her name I am sure it pains you to have her
here with you. He hemmed and hawed. I stared down at the ground, wanting nothing more
than for this to end. The torment in my mind every time he spoke and the burning at my back
where my wings wanted to bloom, grew more and more the longer we stood there. I just wanted
it to end. I caught his look as he began to pace; he was looking right at me, every chance he got,
his eyes measuring me as if I was some sort of prey.
What is so special about you, little, precious Addi? Why are they cloaking your
presence so no one knows youre here? My name sounded wrong, almost dirty coming from
between his lips. It made me lean into Greysan even more.
Greysan moved quickly, his body tensing as he rushed in front of me to block Farrans
view. His stance was more defensive, as if he was preparing for a fight. I heard the low rumble
from deep inside his chest.
Interesting, Farrans voice cackled again. This definitely adds to the excitement of
everything now, doesnt it? I watched as Greysan shifted in front of me. I was definitely not

expecting you to be the one to get worked up over her. I pegged Hunter as the one, since they
are companions.
He was testing us for weakness. And we just lost, Greysan whispered, sadness in his
Well that spells it out now doesnt it? She is what fueled Sebastians fire. Farran was
still chuckling; it was like a cymbal being struck right beside my ear. It makes so much more
sense now. His voice was cold and dark. I didnt want to listen, but I was still drawn to him.
You just could never get it right, could you, Greysan?
Stop. Greysan warned.
What? Farran asked. There was a hint of sarcastic innocence in his voice. She doesnt
know? his voice was quieter.
Leave her out of this, Greysan growled.
This has now become just as much about her as it is about you, Farran pointed out.
My brow wrinkled as I looked at him in question. How was this about me? Because Sebastian
had taken me or because I was the new one?
Dont, Greysan warned again. His normal calm demeanor was long gone, replaced
now with an anger so intense his teeth and fists were clenched.
She really doesnt know that you had your own son killed? Farran challenged,
ignoring him. Or is it that she doesnt know she was the reason? He kept on interrogating.
I looked at Greysan and realization swept over me. The resemblance was staring me in
the face, why hadnt I seen it before? Sebastian.
Sebastians your son? My voice barely came out audible.

Greysan pulled away from me, and in the next second, he was taking off toward Farran.
Once he moved, I could see the three gray angels all lowered into defensive stances. They
stopped Greysan before he could even get close to Farran, fists flying. Greysan let a good, bone
crunching punch to one of the sidekicks jaw but the other one grabbed his other arm, twisting it
behind him, and then almost before the fight started, it was over.
I can see which side of the family your son got his wicked temper from. Farran looked
at Greysan again. Too bad we hadnt come to fight tonight. We really just wanted a peaceful
Were not alone. Farrans other sidekick spoke up. The area around us grew quiet as
the sound of running footsteps could be heard.
This isnt over, Farran spat at Greysan. Lets just say, this is the beginning to our
new little game. His eyes moved to mine. Addi, love, we will meet again. Until then, he
smirked. Ill be thinking about you.
I cringed and shuttered, fighting the part of me that wanted to go to him, but I fought the
After what seemed like the longest second ever, Farran turned around and walked
toward the two bright angels. Jaret and Caedmon let go of Gresyan, jostling him a bit then
followed after Farran. They all walked into the tree line. Markus and Blair were the last to
disappear into the darkness.
Greysan ran to my side and hugged me. His body shaking he was so tense. Are you
okay? he asked quietly. I nodded against him, letting out a breath I hadnt realized I had been
holding. My arms wrapped around him, just wanting to feel his warmth. I had so many
questions my mind was spinning; tonight had been far too overwhelming.

Greysan? Grahams voice called as the footsteps neared. Within a few seconds, the
rest of my Link was there. Greysan let go of me, running a hand through his hair and turned
toward them.
Where the hell were you? he asked, looking straight at Everett.
Why didnt you answer your cell phone? Everett countered. Greysan patted his
I must have left it in the car. he answered, growling a curse under his breath.
What a great night to forget your cell phone. Wilhelm chastised.
You dont need to be asses. I exclaimed, storming passed them and toward Hunter and
Graham who were just hanging back. As if we havent been through enough tonight, can we
please just go home?
Hunter reached over then paused, looking me in the eyes. Can I? he asked holding his
hand out. It will help us figure out what to do. He stated.
Cant Graham get it out of Greysan? I challenged, walking passed Hunter.
No, not if Greysan wont share. He has closed Graham off. That was why we couldnt
get a warning to you guys, Hunter explained. Please, Addi, I just want to keep you safe. I let
out a deep sigh.
Fine. I took his hand, letting him into my thoughts as we walked back home.

Chapter 8 Sometimes the Answers You Seek are Hidden in the Quietest of Places
It had been almost a half hour since we arrived back to the beach house, and still
everyone was silent. Even the background noise from the television did nothing to penetrate the
deafening cloud of quiet. My racing thoughts provided a distraction from everything going on
around me. I was still trying to make sense from Farrans words. What did he mean I was the
reason Greysans son died? I began to think he was confusing me with someone else but
Finally I pulled myself away from my thoughts, and realized as I looked around the
room that the silence was deceiving. The others were in a whispered argument too quiet for my
still human ears to hear. Just another ability I did not possess yet in my changes. A rather
annoying one, because it gave the whole rest of my Link a way to communicate that didnt
include me, and in situations like what had happened tonight, it really was not fair. Hunter sat
on the couch, leaning forward. The expression on his face gave away the conflict he was dealing
with. Wilhelm just looked angry, while Graham and Everett tried to keep their cool and
maintain their stoic body language. Greysans eyes found mine from where he stood by the back
windows. Anger, frustration and fear strung together in the pools of blue-grey. I knew instantly
that the murmured conversation was about me, and I felt my own anger slowly rising in my

My growing temper forced me to stand and walk up the stairs. I had no desire to sit there
and hear the silence anymore longer. I slammed the door of my bathroom harder than I
intended, washed my face, wiping away the carefully done makeup; then slipped out of the
dress and into a pair of yoga pants and a tank top, zipping up a hoodie over it. Slowly I pulled
the pins out of my hair; one by one they fell onto the counter next to the sink. I let the curls fall
wherever they wanted to as I ran a hand through my hair, trying to loosen the tightness against
my head. Looking in the mirror, I saw me again, just plain old Addi with messy curls.
I turned out the bathroom light as I opened the door. Everything was still silent as I
walked into my dimly lit room. Something moved on my chaise lounge, and I instinctively
backed up before I realized it was only Graham paging through a book. He looked up at me
Feel better? It annoyed me that he knew my apprehensions about people just showing
up, and yet there he sat, ignoring everything that was going on downstairs and everything that
had happened earlier that night.
Yes, I do, I answered, walking into my closet and hanging up the dress. Why are you
in here? I walked back into my bedroom, watching him carefully. It wasnt that he made me
uncomfortable, but I was curious as to why he was not joining the conversation that was
undoubtedly still going on down stairs.
Its my turn on guard duty, he teased, as he put the book down and looked up at me.
Wanna bust free from the prison and take a walk? I could tell he felt just as restless as I did,
watching someone on some sort of amphetamine. He couldnt keep still; his limbs were
constantly moving. Hes the only one in our Link that had to actually concentrate to sit still.

I didnt even get a chance to answer him before he stood up and walked past me. I
followed behind him, and turned out my light. Silently, we walked down the stairs and through
the living room. The murmuring didnt stop as we walked by, but I could tell by the expressions
I saw on Greysans and Everetts faces that the conversation had become more heated.
Come on, Graham pulled my attention back to him as he touched my arm, pulling me
toward the back door. Greysans head shot up, his eyes catching mine, but the smile I had
expected to see on his face never appeared. His eyes were dark and angry as he turned back to
the others; the murmuring started up once again.
I let Graham lead me, and soon my bare feet went from the wooden porch to the dewy
grass. He let go of me once we started walking, his own hands shoving themselves into the
pockets of his pants. His eyes looked everywhere but at me.
The farther we walked, the angrier I became. I wanted to storm back into the house and
demand to know what the discussion was about. In contrast, the farther we got from the house,
the more relaxed Graham became. We walked out past the rec building toward the wooded trails
that twisted themselves through the small forest around the beach houses on the bluffs.
Addi, Grahams voice finally broke the silence of the early morning. I glanced over at
him in the dimming moonlight. I know you have questions about what Farran said.
How did he know what Farran said?
He must have read my thoughts because a second later he gave me one of his mysterious
smiles. I know more than you think, just like I know that my brother told you about Clara
tonight and about how he is struggling with telling you the rest of the story. Grahams smile
faded as he sighed heavily. The time has come and passed, you deserve to know. No, erase
that. You need to know.

I watched him carefully; the last glimmers of moonlight cast a beautiful glow on his
features. He glanced down at me, before he returned his gaze to the ground.
Sebastian was Greys son, wasnt he? I blurted out the question.
Grahams expression confirmed my suspicions as he nodded.
How? I asked.
Graham looked up at the moon for a second. He looked more like an overgrown boy
than a man in his early twenties. Well, after Greysan finally agreed to move away from where
Clara and his son had been, not to mention, the entire rest of our family, I kept tabs on them.
Everett and Wilhelm had some friends in the area, so they had agreed to check up on the two of
them from time to time, Graham revealed. I was drawn in, intrigued that he seemed to know so
much, and I wanted him to share it all.
I didnt go see them myself. That would have been too dangerous. But our friends, they
watched over my nephew, giving me updates as he grew. Graham sighed. I thought this
information would help Greysan, but I was wrong. The trees around us grew thicker as we
ventured deeper, Graham carefully picking our path.
It only made him want to be in Sebastians life more. Being away from him was
breaking Greysan down inside. All it did was make him angrier at himself for what he did to
Clara. I felt Grahams eyes glance at me, but I stared straight ahead as our feet crunched over
the dried leaves. Something incredible happened though, at the age of twenty-three, Sebastian
died, unintentionally saving another mans life in a bar fight. Graham smiled at me softly.
He was reborn, Graham continued. Greysan was so happy when he found out. He
was finally given the opportunity to be in his sons life. Graham grew silent again. I used the
pause to digest everything he had said.

So how did Grey have anything to do with his death? I asked confused, If he is an
angel, why wasnt he here with all of you?
And this is how what Farran said plays into this conversation, Graham said as he
removed a hand from his pocket and rubbed the top of his faux hawk. His eyes creased as he
thought. He seemed to withdraw, moving away from mine on the narrow path.
So explain then. How does the death of Greys son relate to me?
Are you going to let me continue, or shall I let you narrate from this point? his eyes
were soft, but his tone was sharp and serious. Graham swallowed hard, falling silent, his hands
shoving themselves back into this pockets as he struggled with how to continue.
I could see the pain in his eyes as he spoke about his nephew. Ever since his son was
reborn, Greysan tried to make amends with him. He was completely honest about what had
happened with Clara, expressing the importance of not going back to anyone in his previous
life. Sebastian resented him for leaving his mother, although clearly Greysan had no choice. He
called Greysan selfish for making him an orphan. Graham stopped walking, pointing to a fallen
tree trunk just off the path. I followed him to it and sat down.
It was a very dark time in Greysans life. When Sebastian left our Link for Farrans,
Greysan disowned him, saying he was never his son. His eyes had grown darker in sadness as
he told the story. I felt sick; my stomach churned and threatened to project anything inside it
onto Grahams shoes.
My thoughts ran rampant, but the puzzle pieces were finally starting to come together. It
all made sense now: why Greysan withdrew from the rest of us; He had killed his only son, with
his own two hands.

You know the rest of the story, Graham sighed. What you dont already know is that
we almost took care of Sebastian many years ago, when he first left us. Greysan was torn, and
he begged us to let Sebastian live. He couldnt bear losing both Clara and Sebastian, nor do I
think at the time any of us were strong enough to have killed him. He looked away from me.
We were foolish. We thought Sebastian would just go off and not bother anyone.
I twisted the edge of my shirt around my finger countless times. I wanted to know
He stayed away from us for the most part. His Link and ours have had run-ins before.
But really, it was all to protect you; we never stayed in one place for too long, afraid that if you
were born, he would know exactly where you were. Graham sighed again. And recently, they
moved into a house two towns over. The errands we had been running, we were tracking a
series of killings--were sure it was them; theyre hunting. He looked me in the eyes. Farran
likes to collect new angels. He is searching for a certain angel, but he hasnt found the one yet.
He wont stop until he finds the one he is looking for. The idea of having to see Farran again
made me shiver.
When Sebastian threatened your life, it was far too much for any of us to handle. So we
did what we had to. As hard of a decision as it was, he gently brushed a piece of hair from my
face with his hand. We were not about to lose you, Addi. Greysan knew that more than
anyone, his other hand gently lifted my chin to look up into his eyes.
I opened my mouth to ask the billions of questions on my mind but Why? was the
only word that seemed to be able to formulate.
Why what? Graham asked, looking at me through wrinkled eyes.

Why are you protecting me? Why me over him? He was family after all, and who is
Farran looking for? What is his obsession with new angels? The questions just spewed out.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down. Graham held up his hands in surrender, letting out a
small laugh. One at a time, he took a deep breath.
Fine, first question, I started.How come youre the only one who tells me anything?
Graham smiled mischievously. Because the rest of our Link thinks that if you know too
much too soon, you will become corrupt like Sebastian did. They dont want to make the same
mistake twice.
But Im not him, I stubbornly admitted the obvious.
This I know, and its also why I am telling you these things.
So whats the deal with Farran and his hunt for new angels? I shifted, trying to get
more comfortable.
That I dont have an answer for that. All I know is Everett and Wilhelm used to track
him and his Link, years ago, before you were even born, but he fell off their radar until
Sebastian came back.
And the protectiveness? I chewed on the inside of my cheek, taking in everything he
had to say.
Youre still a noob, Graham smirked. Its like having a baby. Youd protect a baby
wouldnt you? he said playfully.Dont read too far into it. We like you, my brother really
likes you. We just want to keep you around, and to do that, we have to keep you safe.
Why me over him? I asked, continuing to chew on the inside of my cheek.
Dont you dare for even a second think he will ever regret the decision he made, or that
any of us will for that matter. He pulled his hand back, his eyes searching mine. We should

probably head back. Theyll be worried. Graham stood up, and I finally noticed the sun just
barely peeking through the tree tops. You still have questions, he announced.
I just nodded. More things made sense now, but not everything. Farran had seen in my
eyes that I had not known about Sebastian being Greysans son, but what else had he seen? And
why did I feel that strange pull to him? Why did he have such an effect over me?
Well, whats still on your mind? Graham turned toward me; his hands were back in
his pockets as we walked back to the beach house. I cant read your thoughts, so youre going
to have to tell me if you want an answer.
Why did Sebastian and Farran both say Hunter was cloaking me? I asked him, this
question seemed to keep coming up and I had yet to find any answer to it.
Graham sighed. He ran a hand through his hair. All right, so youre a new angel. He
paused. As fully transformed angels, we are able to cloak ourselves so humans and other
angels, or in this case fallen angels cannot locate us. Not being fully developed, you dont have
this ability yet, so instead Hunter just cloaks you, since hes your companion. And that way
fallen angels cant locate you and try to turn you. Also, no one from your past life would be able
to recognize you.
So do you all walk around cloaked? I can see you.
Graham shook his head, and stretched his arms up over it. No, its actually pretty
draining to do it all the time, and even if we were cloaked around you, youd still see us. Youre
part of our Link. The rest of us are always visible to everyone, well except when were
Your top secret angel errands? I knew better than to try to dig into what their work
was. Everett and Wilhelm had made it quite clear that the Elders would give me a career as

they called it, when I had fully formed and gone through my angel training at the Courtyard of
Angels, which, from what I heard, was an amazing palace somewhere in Europe. At least that
was as much as I had managed to get out of Hunter.
Graham nodded. Anything else?
The two bright ones I started trying to formulate the question that was on my mind.
Graham nodded. I should have known you would be curious. You havent seen another
new angel before have you? He looked down at me again, I shook my head. They really are
no brighter than you. He smiled. You are just not used to seeing unclaimed angels.
Yes, Blair and Markus are unclaimed; they are not fully transformed and therefore are
not bound to a Link yet. But Farran found them, and wants them to be like him once they
transform. Thats why he collects new angels. Theyre easily influenced. He frowned, Which
is another reason it was so important to not let Sebastian get anywhere with you. He slowly
exhaled a deep breath.
Farrans Link is not a true Link like ours. There are no real bonds, nothing that holds
them together like us, Graham explained.
Can anyone do anything for them? Help them see that Farran isnt right and theres a
better way? I asked, trying to add all this information to my already swimming mind. If
theyre in this void between us and them, cant they be influenced in either direction?
I suppose theres an off chance it could happen, Graham nodded. But its far too
dangerous for any of us to try. Farran has those two guarded constantly. Graham shrugged.
Im sure Everett has already looked into it, so you shouldnt worry about it anymore,
understood? He looked at me sternly, waiting for me to nod in response.

Will Greysan know you told me all of this? I looked over at him; his shoulders
hunched forward and his thumbs hooked into his belt loops giving him a masculine gait.
Yeah, Graham answered with almost a melancholy tone. There are only a few things
I can keep from him, and vice versa. Grahams hard face softened as he travelled through his
own thoughts; then he smirked. Be patient with him. Hes mentally fragile right now and is
going through some pretty wicked internal debates. He let out a quiet chuckle as if there were
some sort of joke playing through his mind. His mood lightened as the air between us did, too.
Without warning, he raised his hand up, running it through my hair and messing it up,
like one would to their kid sister. Dont worry so much, he turned to look at me, his eyes let
off a small sparkle of mischief. Things will turn out for the best; they always do. He smiled.
Come on, Ill race you. Without waiting for me to digest what he had said, he took off toward
the house, leaving me in his wake.

Chapter 8.5 There is No Calm After This Storm

Graham was leaning against the back of the house waiting for me when I finally made it
up the porch steps.
You could have run so much faster if you had even tried, he teased, as he turned to
open the door. Theyre ready for you now, he said mysteriously and held the door open.
Nervously, I walked past him and into the house, finding the others silent in the living
room. Graham followed me, skipping like a little boy, then hurdling himself over the back of
one of the chocolate-colored leather couches, landing gracefully beside Hunter. I sat down on
one of the suede, cream-colored chairs and looked at all of them. Greysan stood by the windows
again. Everett and Wilhelm paced.
A lot happened tonight, Everett broke the silence from where he stood beside me. My
eyes turned to him, curious to find out if they would actually tell me about their secret
conversation. We dont want you to worry about anything you heard... Yeah, that was a nice
thought, but not going to happen.
I crossed my arms over my chest defiantly, and proceeded to force my way into the epic
battle that had been believed to be already settled.
So you four have just been sitting in here, determining my fate for me? I questioned,
looking Everett square in the eyes. Then, without missing a beat, I stepped right up on my

Addi Hunter paled, he stood to speak but I plowed over him with my words.
Is that just what my new life is going to be? More people making my decisions for me?
Deciding they are better at choosing what I do with this second chance I have? Because the way
I see it, I did not choose to be reborn, no one asked me, I was just thrown into this and ever
since then, the five of you have done a great job hiding things from me instead of including me
in the decisions that affect OUR Link. I took a breath but was no way near done, my anger was
boiling just below my skin, ready to bubble out and cover the whole room with the hot lava of
animosity I was feeling.
Addisyn, stop Greysan tried, but now that I was flowing, nothing could have
stopped me.
The way I see it, I was reborn for a reason, and I am done sitting back and watching
you all steer me where you feel I need to be. I held up my finger to silence them. I am either a
part of this Link or I am not. Make up your minds! I cant be both! I looked at each of them.
From Wilhelm and Everetts wrinkled brows, to the shock on Hunters face and the deep frown
on Greysans, they didnt know what to say. Even the smirk on Grahams lips didnt get past
from my gaze.
So, what is it that you want to accomplish with this childish outburst? Wilhelm asked,
raising an eyebrow.
I want to be included like the rest of you, no more stupid secret whispered
conversations. I want to know what you are planning to do about Farran. Are you going to fight
him? Because if theres a war, I want to fight beside of you, I chewed on the inside of my
cheek. And its not a childish outburst, it might seem so because I am not 400 and some years
old like you are, but its not.

Youre not fighting alongside of us, absolutely not. Once the Elders find out about what
happened, we will be lucky if they dont force you to go to the Courtyard. Everett stated. We
will curb the whispers until you are more in tune with your abilities, but there will be absolutely
no fighting. That is not something any new angel should even attempt.
But youre going to fight him? I narrowed my eyes on him, waiting for an answer.
If it comes down to it, Greysan answered, I turned, looking at him, seeing the hatred
he held for Farran in his eyes. And no, you will be far away from it in a safe location. Not
The anger inside me grew more and more with every passing second as they tried to
make me see their side of this argument, but I was not budging.
Another half hour or so passed and they chose to end my participation by beginning
another heated, whispered conversation, forgetting moments earlier they said they wouldnt
close me out anymore.
My rage grew, my cheeks flushed with the hot anger I felt. I was nearly clawing at the
fabric of the chair I was sitting on. I was sick of them trying to protect me, to hide me. I no
longer trusted they could decide what was right for me.
I stood up, walking to the stairs as the whispers continued to circulate the room. Quietly,
my feet climbed up to the balcony at the top of the stairs. Gripping the railing, I turned to look
at the five still sitting in deep conversation below.
Just in case you forgot, I am just as much of an angel as any of you are, I said
empathically. I have the right to fulfill Gods plan for me, and if that means fighting by your
side, then I will! By any means possible, with or without your training! And especially with or
without the Elders blessing! Everett and Greysan cringed, which made me feel a little bit

better. The other three just stared up at me. I turned, surprised at my own boldness, but happy I
had finally gotten up the nerve to raise my voice against their controlling ways.
My hands shook as I shut my door, afraid if I applied any force I would break it. I rested
my head back against it. The hot tears that had been threatening my eyes finally poured out and
ran down my cheeks. Slowly I moved to my bed, flopping down onto my stomach on top of my
comforter, not even bothering to shut off the light. The sun slowly crept over the tree tops
outside my window. Sometime later my tears dried, leaving sticky trails down my cheeks, but I
just lay there staring out my balcony doors.
Two voices filled the hallway outside my door. I recognized them immediately as
Greysans and Grahams. Neither voice sounded too pleased.
What do you mean you told her about Sebastian? Greysans temper was definitely
She needed to know; she has questions that none of you dare answer or acknowledge.
Grahams quiet voice remained calm. Shes confused and very unsure about the world she is
now caught up in.
I really wish you would mind your own business. Greysans voice was lower but not
any calmer. Do you realize you could have just fed the anger in her that would take her away
from us? Just like I did with Sebastian?
The same anger the festers inside of you, brother? Graham tone challenged. Addisyn
is not Sebastian, nor is his fate her fate.
How can you be so sure?
Because, as you always seem to remind me, I know everything, remember? Grahams
voice was light as it moved away from my door and down the hallway.

A few moments passed from when their conversation ended until the moment I felt him
looking at me from my doorway. I hadnt even heard my door open, but as soon as the calm
reached me from across the room, I knew Greysan was there.
He approached me. I felt his hand in my hair, stroking my head gently, calming me. I
rolled over onto my back, looking up into his face. He was sitting on the edge of my bed, his
eyes distant as they stared out the balcony doors.
Its time to sleep, Addisyn, he said absent-mindedly.
No, Id rather deal with the nightmares that come when you dont put me to sleep. I
whispered back, still staring up at him as he continued to avoid my eyes. I shifted, moving to sit
up. Tell me, I commanded softly. Tell me why you hide things from me. Why I cant fight.
Why none of you believe that I can be an asset instead of a burden. His eyes lowered, meeting
mine finally, filled with the pain he was trying to hide. I felt a little ashamed for bombarding
him with questions, but he had been the first one to brave my room, even if his reasons for
doing so were simply to put me to sleep.
Addisyn, not now, please? he begged me. I dont want to argue with you, but you
need to understand, your safety is our biggest concern. He closed his eyes for a second. Please
dont make me force sleep upon you.
Dont you dare try! I snapped at him, my eyes waiting for him to open his, How can
my safety be of your biggest concern when you wont even teach me how to defend myself?
He ran a hesitant hand through his hair as he opened his eyes.
Addisyn he groaned, standing up and walking away from me in one swift motion,
crossing my room to my chaise lounge and then starting to pace alongside of it. I was
witnessing one of those internal debates Graham had mentioned.

Give me one good reason, Grey. One reason is all I am asking for. Why is it so
important to keep things from me? Or even one reason for why I cant fight alongside of all of
you. I was on the edge of my bed now, watching him; my eyes following him as he paced.
He turned and moved closer so his face was just inches from mine. I heard the anger in
his voice even before he spoke, Because I will not chance losing you. His tone was rough and
caring as it bit at my ears. I could not live with myself if I lost you, Addisyn. In the next
second he pulled away to stand by my window, staring out as he tried to calm the anger that had
grown inside of him.
I sat there dumbfounded, letting his words sink in. My heart jumped against my chest.
My eyes stared at the ground; I was unable to do anything else.
Promise me you wont do anything stupid. His worry-filled voice led me to believe he
was truly scared that I would run off right that second and rob a bank at gunpoint or something.
I nodded my head, but could not find any words to speak.
I need to hear you say it, he said stubbornly.
I promise, I whispered, but he seemed satisfied.
Sleep, Addisyn. I heard it before my mind could register it, before I felt his arms on
me, laying me down against my pillows and pulling my warm comforter up to my shoulders.
The drowsiness crept in, and I fell asleep to a calm I did not want to welcome. He was putting
me to sleep to end the conversation. It was his way of taking the easy way out. And for the
seconds of consciousness I had left, I hated him for his gift. I struggled against the warmth and
comfort, but I quickly lost the fight. I willed my eyes open and didnt realize that they had shut
on their own, leaving me in the oblivion of my dreamless sleep.

By the time I woke up Sunday afternoon, it was late in the day. I was in a good mood,
until I remembered how I was put to sleep earlier that morning. And most of all, I was furious
over the fact that they were not going to give me a chance to defend myself.
Trying to lighten my mood, I took a shower, which helped for a little while. Once I was
cleaned and dressed, I grabbed my algebra homework and went downstairs, hoping to find
Graham to help me with it. I had to do something to take my mind off of what was really going
on around me.
Wilhelm and Graham were in the living room watching the television. I sat down at the
coffee table and opened my book, waiting for a commercial to ask him for help.
The air around the house was filled with the same tension as earlier that morning, and
the tension only built when Greysan came in and sat down without saying a single word to me.
Apparently he was trying to ignore the fact that I was sitting in the same room.
When all my homework was done, I stormed past him and up to my room. I threw my
book bag against the wall under the window, laid down on my bed, and stared up at the ceiling.
The same thoughts from the previous night started to fester once more. Why would they
not let me fight? Why was I so precious to them? Farran would be coming after us after me!
Couldnt they see that? The predator always goes after the weakest of the prey!! Perhaps they
needed to watch some more National Geographic instead of sports games. I could see it all
right, I could see the gray angels coming, and I wouldnt be able to do anything about it. I
would be defenseless against them! As I lay there, I knew I wasnt tired. I opened up the book
on my nightstand, hoping to get lost in it and forget reality. Instead it relaxed me into sleep.
Addisyn. It was Greysans warm soothing voice that called to me. Addisyn, over
here. I found myself walking toward his voice, although no light came. It was as if I was

walking through a curtain of black. Come on hurry! he called to me again, his voice
sounding more urgent now. I moved at a quicker pace, but my feet felt like they were being
stabbed and cut by the sharp ground beneath them.
NO! the satiny voice came from the other direction. Over here, Addi! Hunter was
yelling. Run, Addi! I was being pulled in two directions, torn between my best friend and the
man who was slowly winning my heart. I stood still, not sure which direction to go in, not
wanting to choose between them.
Hunter slowly came into view; his copper-brown hair was a mess, as always. His amber
eyes called me to him, begged me to come with him. I took a few steps toward him; I could
sense his urgency and fear. Instantly I ran toward him, not sure why we were running and what
we were running from.
Addisyn, no! I heard Greysans voice again, and I stopped in my tracks, turning to
face the direction his voice had come from, and that was when I saw them: The lifeless bodies
of Wilhelm, Everett and Graham, their wings in piles beside their bodies. Behind the three
bodies stood the two gloriously bright angels, Blair and Markus, their hands covered in the
blood of my family.
Their eyes were on me. I started screaming, unable to stop the sound that came from my
lips; my heart raced and my stomach churned. It wasnt until that moment that I heard the
laughter; the cold, dark cackle seemed to surround me in a cloud of smoke. It was the same
voice I had heard on the beach, straight from Caedmons lips.
A scream threatened to come forth as I released the breath. Slowly I backed up, stopping
only when my eyes met the two unclaimed angels, begging me to help them. They didnt say a
word, nor did they need to; I could see their pleading without any narrative.

Addisyn. The voice called to me, luring me. I wanted to go to him, I wanted to be like
him. I wanted to please him. Arent you going to fight for the ones you love? I shivered as the
words ran through my head. You cant, can you? Farrans voice was sarcastic. Too bad, its
a shame they didnt let you see your full potential. Now you all will die. Farrans eyes
flickered in delight as my hands flew up to my ears, trying to block out Hunters screams as
Jaret moved toward him. Then Hunters screams were my screams.
Addi. I felt my shoulder shaking, but I couldnt pull my eyes away from the scene
before me. Addi! the voice was louder now, more demanding. Addisyn, wake up! This time
the voice and shaking caught my attention. I let the nightmare fade away, and I opened my eyes,
welcoming the dim light emitted from the bulb on my ceiling. Everett stared down at me.
I threw my arms around his neck and pulled him close to me as my body trembled. Oh,
thank God, I whispered. I could feel his hand in my hair, gently stroking the back of my head.
Its okay. It was just a bad dream. Youre safe. He held me there for a moment longer
before he pulled away and looked me in the eyes. Are you okay now?
I nodded, but my body was still shaking from the dream. It had seemed so real. Id
completely forgotten my ill feelings toward Everett and the others; I was just glad he was here,
comforting me. I have to learn to fight, Everett, I stated quietly. I have to. You have to teach
me, I begged, but he just shook his head.
It was just a bad dream, he said quietly. Youre safe now, so no more talk of this.
He walked to my desk chair, and sat down. Ill stay in here tonight if that makes you feel
better. He was trying to help soothe me; I knew that, but it wasnt helping the horror still in my

I just nodded to him, leaning back against my pillows, as he produced one of his large
encyclopedia-type books from the top of my desk, indicating that he had been sitting there
watching me while I had been sleeping. I glanced out my window and immediately realized
Hunters eyes were on me. He looked concerned, but he let out a small smile.
Tension filled the silence that fell around the three of us, and it created a very restless
environment. After what seemed like an eternity-- but really was more like a half hourI
couldnt take it anymore.
Why dont you try and rescue the bright ones from Farran? I asked.
The bright ones? he questioned, closing his book and giving me his full attention.
Graham called them unclaimed, I stated and Everett nodded, knowing instantly what I
was talking about.
You shouldnt be thinking about them, he sighed. Farran has already put a claim on
them, its too late.
I could feel Hunters eyes on me. He was listening to the conversation, but he wasnt
giving any feedback.
Graham told me he has no claim on them. He said they are unclaimed; they have no
Link. He said it was just too dangerous, I questioned.
And he is correct. Its too dangerous. Everett commented.
So what? Youre just going to leave them to become like Farran? When you could
show them they have a choice? You could save them from that fate? I drilled.
Until yesterday we didnt even know he had unclaimed angels. Everett sighed. The
only thing we knew was that they were killing new angels: another reason why we need to keep
you away from them.

But they could join us. I stared at him in disbelief; he was not seeing what I thought
was obvious.
No. This is not the time for that. His expression gave away that he was just as annoyed
as I felt. There will be no more talk of this tonight. My decision is final: leave the unclaimed to
Farran. He won that battle already. Everett reached for the book, opening it and ending the
conversation. I slumped back against my pillows, letting out a heavy sigh.
The rest of the night and into the morning was silent. I sat there, letting my anger control
the thoughts that ran through my mind. Part of me wondered why neither of them had asked me
what my nightmares had been about. But another part of me figured they already knew. I
watched the time pass on my alarm clock as I thought more about Farran and his makeshift
Link. I wondered if they were like us, with the exception of the killing stuff.
Time refused to pass as quickly as I needed it to. Finally, I pulled out the book I had
borrowed from Greysan and started to read, waiting for dawn to finally come.

Chapter 9 Caution: Explosive Devices in This Area. Take Cover

Just over a week had passed since we had seen Farran on the beach. Life seemed so
different now. Farrans voice haunted me in my dreams. I seemed to always feel him watching
me, no matter where I was. This preyed-upon feeling just got worse as I walked to my locker in
between my Algebra and English classes. Twisting my lock and pulling the locker door open, a
small envelope floated past my face, scaring me. I jumped back, bumping into some tall and
wide football player; he stumbled and nearly fell over. I cringed hoping no one noticed, but his
buddies were already laughing.
Swapping out my books, I almost forgot how that whole situation happened. Looking
down at the floor, I found the envelope. Who would have stuck that in my locker?
I heard Hunter and Aubry approach so I quickly stuffed it in my book and closed my
Ready for English? Aubry asked, I cannot wait until the weekend! My mom is going
to redo my hair and then we are popping popcorn and having a chick flick night. She bounced
up to me.
One more class and we are free. I smiled at her. It was so hard not to like her; she was
just like a big ball of energy, but not the annoying kind, the kind that you gravitate to.
What are your plans this weekend? Aubry asked as we walked.
Greysan is taking me out on our first official date, I answered. Hunter glanced at me.

Really? Where are you going? he asked.

No clue. He wont tell me. I answered. But he said we were really going out. Its not
a stay in and watch movies date.
Huh, Hunter said. He looked lost in thought. Aubry, do you want to go out tonight?
he asked her. She smiled happily.
Oh, my gosh! Yes! she gushed. I didnt think the smile on her face could be brighter.
Good, Ill call you after school with details. Hunter smiled; his hand was already on
his cell, texting someone.
English class went quickly with Aubry passing notes back and forth with Hunter and
me. That was usually how this class went. It was the only one that all three of us had together.
The letter I had found in my locker had been long forgotten.
Later that evening, Greysan waited for me down in the living room. He sat on the couch
with Graham and Wilhelm; in his hands he clutched a bouquet of daisies. When he stood up, I
saw he was wearing cargo shorts and a short sleeve blue, button-up collared shirt. He looked
like the epitome of handsome.
Are you ready to go? he asked, his voice cracked a little as he looked into my eyes. I
felt the butterflies stirring in my stomach, and a small smile had crept across my face as my
cheeks flushed.
Yeah, are you sure I am dressed all right? I asked, looking down at my outfit. Aubry
had helped me via webcam to pick out the flowing, knee-length skirt and yellow fashionable
(per Aubrys description) tank top and my sequined ballet flats. My hair fell naturally wavy at
my shoulders. I hadnt really had time to do much with it, so I let it air dry and put in a thin
headband with a yellow fabric flower on it.

You look perfect, he smiled at me, reaching over for my hand. My heart raced as we
walked to the front door.
Now, no hanky-panky, you two, Graham scolded, pretending to take the part of the
crotchety father. You better have him back by ten! He tried to look serious as he eyed
Greysan sternly. We all started to laugh, although my laugh had been filled with my nerves.
Why I was so nervous, I still couldnt say, but I felt the chills running up my arms. I had no clue
what Greysan had planned, and that, too, made me nervous.
Gee, thanks. She is technically eighteen you know, which in most households mean no
more curfews.
My house, my rules, Wilhelm chastised playfully.
Our house? Everett called as he walked into the room. Behave, you two, I groaned
and rolled my eyes. They were all impossible.
Greysan and I finally made it out to his car, and he helped me in before closing the door
and hurrying to his side. He had looked at me before he started the car. So he started. I
know this is corny, but I wanted you to have a real, teenage first date. He cleared his throat,
which I realize you never really had. He smiled his lopsided grin.
So, wherere we going? I asked curiously, watching him as he turned the car on. The
butterflies started to settle slightly, until he reached behind him to the backpack that was in the
backseat. He pulled out a thin black cloth.
Cant tell you. Its an ancient Chinese secret, he had teased, holding up the cloth. I
dont want to mess your hair, but you have to put this on. He smiled at me again. I dont think
Ill ever forget one precious detail of that date. My body had tingled with excitement at this rare
moment of normalcy and intimacy.

Youre blindfolding me? Is this typical in a real teenage first date? I had asked
teasingly. He winked at me and then reached behind me, covering my eyes with the cloth.
How many fingers am I holding up? he asked. I stared into the complete darkness.
Hello? Blindfold, I stated, shrugging my shoulders.
Good! he chuckled slightly; then the car was moving. He turned the radio on and he
reached for my hand. You trust me right?
My heart nearly soared from my chest. Yes, I answered quietly. I felt him raise my
hand up, his lips gently placed a kiss on the back of it. Part of me felt horrible, having fun when
Hunter was gone, but he would want this, right?
Good. I heard the smile in his voice.
It seemed like we drove forever. Greysan carefully held my hand the entire way, leaving
little kisses on it from time to time. The radio played quiet music in the background. I had no
clue where we were when he finally stopped the car.
Stay here, he commanded. His hand left mine as the car turned off. Then his door
opened, the keys rattled and the car door shut. I was left in a pitch-black cloud. I could hear
muffled laughter in the background somewhere; my car door opened, and I felt Greysans
calming presence as his hand gently brushed against my cheek when he reached around to untie
the blindfold.
Once my eyes adjusted to the sunlight, I couldnt help the smile that spread across my
face. Really? I asked him, feeling giddy.
Greysan just laughed and reached for my hand. I squeezed his hand as he led me to the
little shed entrance. Youve never done this before have you? he asked, smiling down at me.
I shook my head as I bit my lower lip; the butterflies were at war with my insides. How had he

known this was something I had wanted to do on a date? I didnt think I had ever told anyone
Greysan took me up to the counter, paid and took two golf clubs. Which would you
like? he asked, disturbing my thoughts as he held out the two ball in my direction. I picked up
the green one leaving him a pink one. He joined my laughter. I should have known, he
chuckled. He led me to the first hole and held his arm out. Ladies first, he smiled.
I dont know how to do this, though, I stated, looking up at him for guidance. He had
smiled before he put down his club and dropped the bright pink ball in his pocket. Oh, I would
never forget that beautiful smile.
Put the ball down on the right in the middle of the little mat there. He pointed to the
green mat. I did as he said and then looked up at him.
Now, you hit the ball with the club. He winked, then came up behind me, his arms
outstretching over mine, his head resting on my right shoulder. Bend down so the club is right
in line with the ball, he whispered. His breath tickled the hairs behind my ears and sent chills
down my spine. My body followed his commands, and I felt his warmth surrounding me from
behind. Then you gently pull back and swing forward. He pulled my arms back and swung
them forward. The clubs head contacted the ball and sent it rolling down the little ramp toward
the bridge. It rolled halfway across and then fell off into the watery path that plopped it out on
the far side of the hole.
We played all nine holes. I was royally horrible at it, but it was so much fun, and it felt
good to be so care-free. By the end, the score card had gotten so messed up with both of us
cheating that I somehow managed to win by three. I definitely had not won. Greysan pretended

to be a sore loser as we turned in our clubs, and we then walked hand in hand laughing to the
Thank you. That was a very fun date. I looked up at him. He stopped and looked down
at me, looking almost hurt.
Its far from over, unless you want to go back home. He looked me in the eyes
carefully, and I blushed, realizing my error.
I didnt realize there was more. I chewed on my cheek, which caused him to chuckle
There is, Addisyn, he smiled. This is our first real date. I plan on doing it right. The
butterflies nearly burrowed through my stomach lining and rib cage. And now, you must be
blindfolded again. He smiled at me, opened the car door and then pulled the blindfold off the
seat. Then he tied the cover around my head once more.
When we stopped and is hands started to work at the knot at the back of my head, I
could hear voices screaming and laughing. Carnival music played. I knew instantly where we
Once the blindfold was off my eyes, I could see the sun set behind the large Ferris
wheel. I couldnt take my eyes off of it; I hadnt been to a carnival since I was a kid. Its
beautiful, I whispered, staring.
Greysan chuckled, Well, if I knew you just wanted to stand here and stare at it, I would
have parked the car the other way to give you a more comfortable seat, he teased. I looked at
him, rolling my eyes and taking his hand. Oh, now you want to go in, he smiled.
We walked hand in hand into the carnival; running into Hunter and Aubry as soon as we
walked through the gate.

Hey! Aubry smiled at me. Hunters been trying to get a hold of you to see when you
would get here. She stated.
I left my cell at home. I completely forgot about it. I answered. Sorry, why didnt you
just call Greysan? I stated looking at Greysan then at Hunter, there was a strange edge there, as
they looked at each other almost bitterly.
It doesnt matter now. Youre here! Aubry smiled, taking my arm. Come on, we have
to get a funnel cake, and something on a stick! she pulled me along, leaving Hunter and
Greysan and the strange thing going on between them to follow us.
It was great having Aubry and Hunter there, and soon the two boys got over whatever
was going on between them. We rode rides, ate food, played games and I even had some stickysweet, pink cotton candy. It was truly amazing to think that I went through my whole life
avoiding little things like this. The realization disappointed me.
As night fell and the carnival lights dimmed, the four of us made our way to get good
seats for the fireworks. We found a little place near the parking area that was fairly secluded and
sat down. Aubry happily munched on her kettle corn while she waited, Hunter looked back and
forth between her and me.
Well isnt this cute. The voice was like nails on a chalkboard, instantly the hair on my
neck stood up. Hunter stood up in a flash, his eyes scanning the area. Greysan leaned over
toward Aubry, and I heard him whisper to her.
Aubry, sleep now. I watched as Aubrys eyes drooped, closed and Greysan helped her
lay down, before she even knew what was going on. Then he stood, his hand gently grabbed
onto my arm and pulled me to my feet.

You took the fun out of this whole encounter. Farran appeared out of the shadows, his
voice still called to me, but it wasnt like it had been on the beach, I didnt feel like I had to get
to him, over all else.
What do you want Farran? Greysan asked, as he stepped to put me behind him.
Why do I have to want something? his voice laced through the air around us. My hand
grasped onto both Greysan and Hunter, a shiver running through me. Maybe I was just here
enjoying the festivities.
When do you ever do something without gaining something for yourself out of it?
Greysan challenged.
Good point. Farran chuckled. It was dark and deep and coated me from head to toe
with a weird tingling sensation that was quickly absolved. Interesting, he said, looking into
my eyes.
Farran just leave. Hunter moved closer to me, defensively putting me behind him, just
as Greysan had, but he remained holding tightly to my hand. There are too many humans
around here. You know how dangerous that could be.
What do I care? I dont follow your Elders rules anymore. Farran narrowed his eyes
on Hunter, making my stomach queasy. I didnt like the way he looked at either of them. I just
came to make sure you were treating my sweet Addisyn better. Shame on you for keeping
important information from her, especially things like your wife and kid. I am also kind of
offended you never told her about me. His eyes turned to me. Addi, my dear, you should keep
better company.
Farran, its time for you to leave. Greysan spoke up.

Alright, alright. He smirked at Greysan. Dont forget my offer, Greysan. I see you
changing your mind in the future. He raised his eyebrow and turned around, disappearing into
the shadows again. See you soon, Addisyn.
I literally collapsed against Greysan once Farran was gone. Letting out a breath, not
realizing I had been shaking.
Get Aubry home. Well meet you at the house. Everett and Wilhelm need to know
about this. Greysan instantly took charge. Dont stop anywhere, tell her mother that she fell
asleep watching the fireworks, hopefully she wont remember hearing Farrans voice before I
got her to sleep.
Why? I asked Greysan. Is Aubry going to be all right?
She will be fine. Ill explain later, he whispered as he picked me up, cradling me
against his chest. Go, Hunter, now. He demanded, turning around and walking away from
Hunter and Aubry. I glanced around Greysans shoulder and saw Hunter picking up Aubry
carefully and start toward his car.
Once we were in the car and driving, I finally had time to think about what had
happened, and questions started to form in my mind.
What offer was Farran talking about? I asked. Why are you worried that Aubry might
have heard his voice? But Greysan either didnt hear me or he didnt want to answer. The rest
of the drive was silent, as he navigated his way back to the beach house.
I was growing frustrated, and my frustration only built when we arrived back at the
beach house, and Greysan walked me inside and straight up to my room. Wait here. He said
to me, leaning over and kissing my forehead. Please? Sighing, I nodded and pulled away,
walking across the room to go change.

When Hunter came home about a half hour later, I was pacing my room. I heard him
charge up the stairs before he burst through my door, crossing the room and wrapping his arms
around me, holding me tight in a hug. When he finally let go, I took a good look at him, he
looked drained. I had never even seen him look tired.
Are you okay? I asked him, running a hand over his forehead. A smile crept over his
You do know I cant get a fever right? he teased. I am fine, just a little worn out.
Farran was trying to mess with your head, so I had to make my cloak over you stronger. He
shrugged. Nothing a good nap cant cure.
Youre sure? I asked, still concerned.
Positive. He answered. They are all locked in the office right now. He pointed over
his shoulder to the door. So I am going to just hang out in here if that is okay? I nodded and
he walked over to the chaise by my balcony doors and sat down. I sunk onto my bed and tried to
work on my homework, but my attention was on the noises in the rest of the house. The voices
of the others in my Link were hushed behind the door of the office. I was being shut out again.
At least this time I had Hunter with me, who was now snoring quietly by my door. I took a
blanket out of my closet and laid it over him.

Chapter 10 - When the Greatest and the Worst Moments in your Life Collide
Hours later Greysan had finally came up to see me, and all the anxiety over what had
happened with Farran that night melted away. We sat on my bed, talking. He told me how
Everett and Wilhelm had to contact the Elders, and they were putting together a group of
council members to come stay in the area to investigate. They would be here within the next
Council members? I asked. Why not the angel police or something? Isnt there like
an angel equivalent to the Marines or Army?
Greysan let out a light airy laugh. This is just how things work. First a few council
members come out. Then if there is a big enough threat, they send in the Sentinels and
Which are? I looked at him.
The angels version of a military. He smiled at me. But they are very selective about
when they bring them in. I am sure this is not going to pan out to be more than a threat by
Farran who will back down once the Council gets here. Even he isnt that stupid.
The night drifted into morning before we knew it, and Everett showed up to send
Greysan on some errands after he put me to sleep.
That night, I was sitting alone in my bedroom. Since I was an angel, peace should come
easily for me, or so you would think. But just like a lot of the other perks of being an angel, that

change had not come yet for me; I was still just like any other human girl alone on a Saturday
night; restless and bored. It didnt help that I felt more like a prisoner now than before the whole
Farran incidents. It wasnt constant supervision, but someone was always in the house with me,
so I still had no time to slip into the office to see what I could find about Sebastian, Farran and
Greysans past. I knew my Link was doing this with my best interests in mind, but every girl
needed her own space from time to time. Unsure of how else to deal with the current situation, I
kept coming up with escape plans when I couldnt take it anymore.
As I sat on my bed trying to concentrate on the book I was reading, the warm spring air
just outside my open balcony doors beckoned me to enjoy it.
I gave in.
Quietly, I moved off my bed and out onto the balcony. I stood there for a few seconds
trying to feel free in the open air, but it wasnt enough. I still felt trapped. Looking around and
not considering the danger of it, I found myself standing on the balcony railing, reaching for the
edge of the roof. My wings bloomed, giving me the little bit of extra leverage I needed to pull
myself up, and, in a few seconds, I was sitting on the roof, staring out at the ocean. As my
wings retracted, adrenaline pulsed through me. I gave in to the natural high and smiled to
myself. Finally, I was free and alone to think my own thoughts.
My mind reveled in the beauty before me and the fact that I was indeed unleashed from
the constant surveillance of my Link. I had finally found the solitude I had been searching for.
Above me there was no moon, just billions of stars.
I lay back against the rough tiles on the roof and released my thoughts. I had been
burying them deep down for the last week.

I allowed myself to think about the events of the night and the weekend before, slowly
running through every emotion I felt from getting ready for the dance to Grahams explanation
in the woods and to Farrans weird hold over me and Hunters exhaustion. My thoughts
changed course, though, moving to Greysan. A small smile played on my lips as visions of his
blue-grey eyes and lopsided grin came forth.
The way his flawless skin stretched to cover his muscular body and his dark blond hair
framed his strong, angular face made him incredibly desirable. A week ago wed been sitting
upon the rocks at the beach. He told me of his love for Clara and undoubtedly almost kissed me.
Every part of me wanted to know what it would feel like to have his lips on mine. I wondered if
they were soft and gentle or rough and hungry. A mix of both. My lips begged for his like two
starving piranhas hungrily anticipating the first touch of anothers flesh against them.
Even my thoughts made the butterflies inside me stir, threatening a full force attack on
my insides. My nerves stood on end, at full alert, like I had touched raw electricity. It was the
same feeling Greysan gave me every time he looked in my direction.
I could feel his calmness on my skin, the scent of fresh rain and the warmth of his
presence seemed to surround me just as strongly as if he were sitting beside me. A smile crossed
my lips as the strange yet familiar tingling sensation ran throughout my whole body. My
feelings toward Greysan seemed to be closing in around me, unlike the vast, endless sky above
me. A chill ran down my spine as I realized my full feelings toward Greysan. In the rare
moment of solitude, with nothing else to occupy my mind, I finally gave in and let my heart
sing out. The crush that had formed the moment I saw him was now something much bigger; I
was falling in love with Greysan Vural.

The next moment, reality set it. The heart break of knowing he would never possibly
return those feelings filled me. He had already given his heart to Clara. Sure, he might like me,
but I refused to get my hopes up that he would ever love me back. I could never let these
feelings show, at least not any more than they had already. I would have to be more careful now
and not let my vulnerability show. Greysan had gone through enough pain already in his life,
and I if he knew my feelings, it could easily break him apart. And I wouldnt survive if he
confirmed again what I already knew, that he didnt feel the same.
My mind reverted to the dance. I again enjoyed the vision of him in his tuxedo shirt
halfway unbuttoned with his red tie undone and hanging around his neck. It was almost sick
how I had memorized each detail of his face. His grin melted my heart even in my thoughts and
sent an itchy tingling through my skin. That night, I had yearned to lean forward, to kiss him,
but we had been interrupted. God seemed to be building us up for this incredible moment. I lay
there, completely lost in my own girlie thoughts when I felt the light, innocent sensation of
fingertips touching my arm. Chagrin filled my whole being as I realized that I was in fact not
alone on the roof. I shot up, startled, my body slipping down the roof from the momentum of
the whole motion. A warm arm wrapped around my waist, holding me in place; although, by
now I wished I had been left to slide off the edge of the house. My heart raced as I turned to
face my silent intruder. My eyes meet the smothering pools of blue-grey that I had been so
vividly day dreaming about.
Careful. He smiled and chuckled at my obvious embarrassment. His arm was still
securely wrapped around my midsection.

Howd you find me? I asked, refusing to look him in the eyes as I blushed profusely. I
felt him remove his arm from around me and shift to move back up the roof to where Id been
Youre not very stealthy, he teased. His eyes let out a small glimmer of playfulness as
I finally looked into them. Youre laying directly above my room. He pointed to the roof
below his body. Its not December, so you couldnt have possibly been Santa Claus. He was
still teasing; my cheeks were hot as they turned yet another unknown shade of red.
How long have you been sitting up here? My voice was quiet as I tried to hide my
flushed skin.
Long enough. He smirked. Did you really not know I was up here with you?
I shook my head, sneaking a glance at him, noting the intrigue on his face.
If that is true, then I definitely need to know what you were thinking just before you
realized I was here.
There was no getting rid of the heat in my cheeks now as it intensified. Nothing. I lied
making him chuckle once more. I had not convinced him.
I think that just answered my question, he whispered, falling silent for a moment. The
silence gave me time to compose myself, and my skin returned to its normal shade. What are
you doing up here anyways? He turned toward me, shifting as he did so. His body moved
closer to mine as he lay down beside me, mirroring my pose before he arrived.
Thinking. I hoped he wouldnt inquire once more as to what. I didnt know how much
longer I could keep my composure being so close to him. Thankfully, he never asked. He just
let the air grow silent and calm between us. The quiet but mighty roar of the oceans waves

crashing on the beach was the only noise that filled the air. Well, that and my racing heartbeat
which was like a pounding drum in my ears.
I dont know what came over me, but some part of my courage snuck up on me and I
laid down beside him as we both stared up at the boundless sky glittered with stars.
Just thinking, huh? he whispered. I heard his voice clear enough over my pounding
heart. I felt him shift closer to me. His arm slipped under my head, cradling it up off the rough
shingles. I could feel his own heart racing through the pulse point on his arm. It matched my
own quickened flutter beat for beat. I was instantly comforted laying there with him and it had
nothing to do with his unique gift. I found peace purely in knowing that he was just like me, and
he was real. My hands intertwined on my stomach; although they yearned to reach over and
touch the perfectly sculpted pale skin that stretched across his bare chest.
We dont give you much time to do that do we? I lifted my chin to look up at him.
Hmm? I had completely forgotten what we were talking about. My mind had distracted me
with thoughts of Greysans perfection.
Think His chest rose and fell as he spoke. A shiver ran through my body as I accepted
this was not just another dream.
Nope, I answered truthfully, smiling up at him. It was true, though. I hardly did have
time alone with my thoughts. Perhaps that was the reason it took me so long to realize the full
extent of my attraction to Greysan. It had been almost two years since I met him, and I knew
now that the moment I had laid my eyes on him, he matched something deep inside my soul that
had been barren and lonely.
Thats probably true.

Even if I possessed psychic abilities, I wouldnt have been able to predict the turn of
events that happened next. We both heard the back door open and then slam shut, interrupting
the quiet, blissful sanctuary we had created up on the beach house roof. In a split second we
were both sitting, perching on our legs to watch the scene unfolding before our eyes. Everett
and Graham strode away from the house, murmuring back and forth, while Wilhelm followed
closely behind.
The warm ocean breeze passed by my body and sent shivers through me. Greysans
body was no more than a few feet away from mine, but his calming warmth no longer
surrounded me. We both watched in silence as the three of them walked away from the house
and toward the rec building. My curiosity boiled inside me.
Greysans hand touched my arm. When I turned to look at him, he put one finger up to
his lips. I nodded and turned back to watch the three disappear into the building.
Theyre looking for us, he whispered. Lets stay a secret for a little while longer.
His eyes glistened in mischief. My eyes turned back to watch them fade away into the rec
Addisyn, Greysan called to me quietly, pulling my attention back to him. I faced him,
realizing hed moved closer, closing the proximity between our bodies. His face was now only a
few inches from mine. His breath, as sweet as it was, hardly had an impact on my already racing
heart. I watched his eyes in the dim light from the stars. Those deep pools of light looked
straight into mine. I couldnt breathe. My body screamed for his touch.
Forgive me, he barely whispered. I felt his hand reach up, gently touching my cheek.
My head instinctively leaned into his touch. But I havent done this in a very long time,
he whispered. Even as his words broke up, he moved closer to me. His thumb stroked my

cheek, and then moved to my hairline. He nudged my head toward him; my heart beat a million
times a second. My eyes closed and my head tilted up toward his, anticipating the sweet, salty
taste of his lips against mine. I could feel his warmth as his lips neared. My lips tingled as
currents of electricity ran through them, and, as his lips cut through the small space between us,
I felt a spark transfer from me to him. No more than a few millimeters separated our lips as he
continued to cradle my head in his hands, moving so his lips almost reached mine.
GREYSAN! Hunters voice echoed from somewhere inside the beach house. I pulled
away from Greysan, startled. We completely lost that intense, private moment. Half of me
expected to see Hunter standing on the roof before us. My heart sank as I realized Greysan
thought the same thing. Every ounce of my being wanted to wring Hunters neck. His voice
sounded angry and protective as he called to Greysan again. I heard the low growl that came
from somewhere deep in Greysans throat; he was apparently just as annoyed at Hunters
interruption as I was.
I felt defeated as I glanced at Greysan. His expression was cold and stony as he stared
out over the edge of the roof into the darkness. But then, in an instant, I felt the soft skin of his
palms against my cheeks, cupping my face as he drew me in toward him. He was staring into
my eyes again. I saw a desperate longing in his deep, blue-grey pools. I lost myself in them,
knowing my own longing matched his. I closed my eyes as he moved closer, my whole body on
fire as I anticipated what was coming next.
Time stopped and all the distractions of the beach house vanished. When his lips finally
touched mine, I felt as close to experiencing the beauty of eternity as I ever had. His lips
dripped sweetness like warm honey over me. The embrace began gently, each of us testing the
boundaries, tasting each other in the tender assault. It was a warm summer rain against my

thirsty lips. His mouth became more ravenous and aggressive as the kiss continued. My hands
found their way to his back. I was losing my own self-control as I ran one hand through his
shaggy hair and the other held him to me, my fingertips digging into his shoulder blade slightly.
The intensity of this first kiss built with every second. I heard a heartfelt moan leave him. Then,
he was gone. I opened my eyes to see him sitting a few feet away from me. The only sign that
the caress was real was that he too was working to calm down his own racing breath.
It all happened so suddenly. I was still lost in the kiss when the warm ocean breeze hit
me; it felt cold compared to the warmth that had surrounded me just seconds before. I stared
over at him; his own eyes were glassy as he gazed over at the ocean. I tried to slow my own
heartbeats as I watched him. He swallowed hard, choking back the emotions that were hiding
beneath his blank expression, but gave up and buried his head in the crook of his arms. His
hands ran through his hair as he sat there, unmoving.
I was so confused and felt like I had done something wrong. He was obviously
regretting it, even if my head was still spinning from the impact his lips had on me. I had been
soaring but now I found myself plummeted back to earth, crashing back into my own reality.
Even amidst the shame, my lips still tingled warmly from the kiss-- the electric current still
charged as it pulsed through them.
Was I that bad of a kisser?
The silence grew thick between us, awkward and disorienting. I couldnt help but steal
glances at Greysan, examining him as the minutes ticked by. His face never came up from his
arms, he never even moved. Although, I swear I saw his shoulders shake just once as if he was
crying, but no sound came from him. I pulled my knees to my chin, unsure of what to do. I was

still scrutinizing every second of the kiss, wondering why I had let it happen when seconds
before I was lecturing myself about not letting him know my true feelings about him.
I turned my body away from him, giving him his privacy as he beat himself up mentally.
Time passed more quickly than I gave it credit for, and although it felt like I crouched there still
as could be for hours, it was in fact only a few minutes since he pulled away from me. Why had
I been so foolish? I should have never let it happen. I knew he was weak, even Graham had
warned me of his mental weakness. I had just taken advantage of him, but hadnt he been the
one to initiate?
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Graham, Everett and Wilhelm walking back toward
the house. I watched them, still trying to distract myself from Greysan. The three of them
looked concerned, their eyes continually scanning the area near the bluff. There they are!
Grahams relieved voice called out, my eyes found his through the dark. I heard Greysans
exasperated groan as he stood up. His wings bloomed in a split second, the cracking and
popping noises barely hit my ears before he was gone. His feet hit the ground gracefully, and
then his wings retracted as he stormed past his brother towards the wooded trails.
I sat there in disbelief, realization of his pain was obvious, but he was acting childishly. He just
left without saying anything. Slowly I moved down to the edge of the roof, watching Greysan
with dismay.
How did you get up there? Everett asked, pulling my attention to him. I saw a flash of
anger in his eyes before he could hide it from me. Did Greysan take you up there?
Moving faster now, wanting to get down off the roof as quickly as possible, I scooted to the
edge of the rooftop before Everett had even gotten his second question out. It never occurred to

me to wonder how badly it might hurt if I just jumped down to the balcony. I just wanted to be
away from there.
Addisyn, get back. Are you crazy? Everett sounded angry. His wings bloomed
through his shirt, shredding it to pieces. Graham reached out putting a hand on his shoulder,
holding him there. I bent down, ignoring all three of them and grabbed onto the edge of the
roof, swinging my body down, using the strength in my arms to hold myself as my feet reached
for the railing.
Addisyn! I had miscalculated and the railing was farther to my left, but before I could
panic or try to correct my position, I felt two strong hands on my waist, lifting me up.
I let go of the edge of the roof and dropped down. Once I was safely on my feet, I looked up
into the very angry eyes of Hunter. The temper I saw was enough to frighten even the strongest
man. For a few seconds he didnt say anything, and I walked past him into my room. The
balcony door slammed shut, causing the glass in it to rattle. His hand landed on my shoulder
and spun me around sharply. What were you thinking?! Hunter yelled. The possession inside
his voice startled me. I heard the back door open downstairs and then slam shut as the other
three ran through the house to get to my room. Hunters grip tightened on my upper arms,
getting close to a bone-crushing grasp. I winced in pain. Farran and the others could have come
and taken you so easily up there! You could have fallen! You cant just disappear and not tell
anywhere where you are going! You could have gotten hurt! He started shaking me. How
stupid are you? My body tried shrinking away from him, but he held me there. Hot tears
formed in my eyes; I tried to make them stop by biting the inside of my lip. I feared if I said
anything I would just anger him further.

Through the mirror on the wall I saw Greysans body flying at us just before I heard the
glass in my balcony doors shatter, sending small pieces showering over Hunter and me. In
seconds, I felt Greysans warm hands ripping me from Hunters powerful grip and pushing me
back behind his glorious white wings. It felt weird, Greysan standing before me, his wings
acting as a barrier between me and the two most important men in my life. Their faces were
inches away from each other, contorted in fury, lips curled back, and brows furrowed. Their
eyes narrowed in on each other as their teeth clenched in rage. Hunters wings had bloomed,
leaving his shirt to hang destroyed around his torso.
Slowly I started to comprehend what was going on, my heart pounded against the walls
of my chest. Greysan had come to protect me from Hunter. Crap, this was bad; I could almost
see the lines being drawn, giving the whole Link sides to choose. This would not end well.
If you ever lay your hand on her again Greysan clenched his clenched teeth. I
couldnt see his eyes, but I had a feeling they were boring a hole through Hunter, who was
staring right back at him with such a distempered intensity it was unbelievable that just a few
minutes ago theyd been friends. I swear. I will make your pain a thousand times worse. He
was rigid like stone. The only part of him I could see was the slight shaking in his clenched
fists. Greysans wings blocked the majority of what was going on between the two of them, but
that didnt mean I couldnt feel the intensity of the situation. Shock rattled my body, and I was
not reacting as quickly as I should. My heart pounded in my chest, raising my pulse as it
pumped through me.
Knock it off! Both of you! Everetts voice startled me. Neither Hunter nor Greysan
seemed to be listening. They were not backing down; if anything, they grew more furious with
one another.

I saw Everett move to get between them, but he wasnt fast enough. The fists started to
fly before he even took two steps. I felt two strong arms wrap around my waist and pull me off
my feet and away from the two blurs of white that were Hunter and Greysan. The arms didnt
move me far before they set me down. I realized it was Graham. Greysans hands clenched at
Hunters waist, lifting him high into the air. Before I knew it, his body crunched the drywall and
wood frame around the closet door. Hunter charged head first back at Greysan, looking like he
was going in for a tackle in a football game. Greysan, who dodged, sent Hunter plowing
through my bed, cracking and splitting it in two, and through the one remaining balcony
Hunter flew back into the room, his wings out to their full length, clearing anything in
their way. Greysan lunged and they both soared into the ceiling, and fell back down onto the
chaise lounge. It bent and broke under the pressure. Drywall, wood and goose down feathers
flew through the room as their bodies flew against the wall again, this time, making an opening
straight through to my private bathroom. The crashing never ended and they tumbled out of my
closet. Every now and again a fist or foot would come out of the ball of feathers as it rolled by.
Everything they touched crumbled in their wake. They left imprints of their bodies as
they smashed into the drywall. CDs and picture frames fell from shelves as the room shook. My
beautiful bed frame was bent in several places. It was as if a small tornado was slowly travelling
around my room. I sat stunned, unable to move as I watched the horror unfolding in front of me.
Everett reached into the ball of flying fists and wrapped his arms around Hunters shoulders;
Graham and Wilhelm grabbed onto Greysan seconds later, but not before Greysan delivered a
bone-crushing blow to Hunters jaw. The two were pulled apart. Everett and Hunter clung
against one wall, and Greysan, Graham and Wilhelm were pressed up against my splintering

closet door. The fight was over. My room fell silent as everyones eyes fell upon my flickering
and swaying antique crystal chandelier. No more than two seconds later, it crackled, falling
from where it hung and smashing against the ground at my feet.
Electricity sparked from the broken bulbs, and then they all dimmed out, leaving us in
complete darkness. The only sounds were the heavy breathing and the retracting of wings and
the ocean in the background. It was enough to cover up my fiery sobs.
Addisyn? I heard Greysans voice. It was calm but scared, all the anger absent. I
couldnt see any of them, but I knew they could all see me. It was yet another ability I did not
possess yet. I could feel their eyes on me, well four sets of eyes; one of them was looking in
another direction.
Leave her be, youve done enough damage already tonight. Hunters tongue lashed
out across the darkness.
Me? Greysans voice had found its anger once again.
Enough! Everetts voice boomed strongly in the pitch blackness. You have both done
enough here, and I dont want any more of it! Do you understand? My eyes had adjusted to the
darkness, but I could barely make out all of them standing there.
Hows your foot? I heard Graham ask. I wondered who he was talking to, knowing
both Hunter and Greysan probably looked just as demolished as my room did. At least, I hoped
they did. Addi? Grahams voice cut through the silence again, a little more concerned this
What? I asked, my eyes moving toward where Graham was holding his brother. I
could see my bare feet; a small dark puddle had formed beneath them. The adrenaline that ran
through me from the events of that night blocked the painful sensations that suddenly came

from my right foot. I cringed slightly as the recognition of the throbbing started to pass up
through my leg.
Youre bleeding, Graham reported. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Greysan trying
to pull away from him, but Wilhelm kept him there.
I can see that, I said staring down at my foot. The ache grew as my adrenaline ceased;
I could feel it in every pulse. My head started to spin.
Keep him there, Everett was commanding again. I am taking Hunter downstairs so he
can leave, then I will be back up for Addi. He sighed heavily. I dont want either of them near
her, do you understand? He pushed Hunter past me, narrowly avoiding the bare carcass of my
once beautiful chandelier.
Addisyn, are you all right? I heard the agony in Greysans voice as Everett
disappeared down the staircase. He tried to pull away from his brother and Wilhelm again as I
Stop, Greysan, Wilhelm whispered to him; his voice strained against the force he was
using to hold him back. Everett will take care of her. I was clenching my teeth. The light
headedness intensified with the discomfort as I sat there. There were smaller pains, coming
from my hands and my arms and a few places on my legs, but nothing compared to the throb in
my foot.
When Everett came back, he helped me up and then carried me downstairs, setting me
down on a chair to examine my injury. As he looked me over in the light, he sucked in a breath,
letting it out slowly, obviously keeping his temper at bay.
Theres a big piece of glass, he said through clenched teeth. I cant take it out. It will
need stitches. I am going to go get a wrap for it and then we will go to the emergency room.

He looked me over carefully. I can take out these little ones, but whether I do it or they do it in
the hospital, its not going to feel very good. He gave me a very apologetic look. I will go as
quickly as I can, since youre turning green.
Im fine, I lied, trying to be brave and hide the pain, but it was piercing, and I was still
feeling dizzy. Everett crossed to the kitchen to get supplies. While he was gone, I could just
barely make out the voices from upstairs.
I have to go see her. It was Greysan. He was pleading with Graham and Wilhelm.
No. Graham cut in. Let Everett take care of her. You can see her tomorrow. I could
hear things moving around in my room.
I have to apologize, Greysan said quietly. Not just for this but
For what then? Graham asked.
I heard Greysan say something, but he said it to quietly for me to hear.
You kissed her? Grahams tone was grave. Greysan! What the hell? You know that
changes things.
I have to apologize, Greysan repeated. I could almost hear the affliction in his voice
from all the way downstairs.
No, not tonight. You have a long time to make up for your mistakes, Wilhelms
unrelenting voice sounded through the quiet hallways.
Everett returned, and the conversation upstairs dimmed out of my hearing range. Setting
down supplies, he knelt in front of me holding a pair of tweezers.
Are you ready for this? he asked cautiously as he picked up my left leg. There are
only a few pieces in this leg, so it shouldnt be so bad. I didnt even answer him as I stared into
the space above his head. Addi? he said. Maybe I should just get you to the hospital.

Im fine. I winced as he started to wrap my foot in the towel. Even that light pressure
added to the constant throb.
Everett picked me up, cradling me against his tense chest as he carried me out the front
door. Hunter was still there, standing outside, waiting for us.
Is she okay? he asked Everett as if I was incapable of answering for myself. I looked
at him, completely disgusted that he would even be concerned after all he had done. His face
was completely swollen; there was a gash above his left eye covered in dry blood. His right eye
was black and blue and swollen shut. His jaw was puffed up and bruised deeply along his chin
where Greysan had landed that last blow. I was sure there were more lacerations and bruises,
but I didnt even care enough to ask. My stomach churned and my anger surfaced again. I
wanted to be a far away from him as possible.
I thought I told you to leave, Everett said as he approached the garage.
I wasnt going to go before I made sure she was okay, and I apologize, Hunter stated.
He still walked beside us.
Go, Hunter. Everett stopped, turning both of us toward him. Cant you see you have
done enough? Addi needs to go to the hospital, and you are delaying her treatment. Everett
sounded just as heated as both Hunter and Greysan had been in my room. Get in your car and
go cool off! Ill talk to you when I get back, and not a second before.
Everett slid me into the back seat of the car and ignored Hunters continual questions.
He put my foot up on the back of the seat, instructing me to keep it there. Hunter followed him
around the car to the driver seat, but Everett ignored him and left him standing in the garage as
we drove away.

Shouldnt Hunter be heading to the hospital, too? I asked. Everett glanced at me

through the rear view mirror.
The fact that you are so nave is almost refreshing. He shook his head again, and this
time, the small chuckle escaped as he relaxed slightly. He will be fine, by the next time you see
him, and you will hardly be able to tell he was ever injured.
But Greysan clearly broke his jaw I heard it, I pointed out.
Bones heal, Addisyn. We are not human, remember?
The rest of the car ride was silent; I was still trying to figure out how going to a hospital
would help me if it wouldnt help Hunter. I was part angel too after all, even if my body was
still more human than anything else. When we got to the hospital, Everett went in his trunk and
handed me a sweatshirt. Put this on. It was his, so it was big on me, but I did as he instructed.
When I asked why, he said, Bruises, and pointed to my arms.
He carried me inside, and we were immediately directed into a patient room, bypassing
all the other people waiting. I wasnt even a life-threatening case. I just had a few pieces of
glass in my flesh, but they insisted that we take the room. After laying me down on the exam
table, Everett sat down in one of the hard plastic chairs, and we waited, growing restless.
Im gonna call Wilhelm to see how everyone is doing. Ill be right outside the door.
Everett stood up, pulled his cell phone from his pocket, and walked out of the room.
No more than a handful of minutes later, the door opened and I was taken aback by the
man that came in. Expecting Everett or a nurse, I saw instead a man barely older than Everett.
He was oddly familiar looking. The dead giveaway, though, was the shimmer of his skin under
the florescent lighting. I was sure a surprised expression covered my face as I sat there,
watching him.

His eyes connected with mine for a second and he smiled, closing the door behind him
as he walked in. Hello, Addisyn. His voice was warm and friendly, as if we were old friends.
Dr. Lucas Warstein. He held out a hand for me to shake. I took it, feeling his warm skin
against my own chilled hand. He moved to the sink to wash his hands. His light blond hair
looked almost white as the light reflected off of it, and when he turned back to me, his denim
eyes took my breath away.
I can sense your apprehension. He moved toward me gracefully. Everett is a friend of
mine. Actually, I know your whole Link quite well. He smiled. Those boys come to see me
more often than youd think.
In the next two hours that I laid on that exam table, I was poked and prodded as the glass
was carefully removed from all of my limbs. Toward the end, the nurse left to get a pain
medicine prescription filled for me.
Im going to heal what I can, but the rest is going to take a while. Dr. Lucas said to
me. I cant heal everything because you are still pretty human, or at least your body is, and my
healing only works on angels. But it will help speed up the process. He put his hands on my
legs and most of the cuts shrunk; some even disappeared entirely. Then he put his hands on my
arms where the hand print bruises were, and they faded dramatically. There, thats about all I
can do. He smiled at me. Youre all ready to go once your prescription gets here.
We thanked him and left, drugs in hand.
The car ride back was silent, and we managed to get into the house without running into
anyone. Instead of going to my room, which I would have imagined was completely destroyed;
Everett insisted I use his for the night, mostly to stay away from Hunter, who we both knew was
waiting in his lounge chair by my balcony door.

Everett helped me into his bed after I changed into one of his t-shirts. These will help
you sleep. He put a small medicine bottle on the nightstand before grabbing a book from under
his bed and left.
I laid there for another hour ignoring the noises from the room across the hall. I
wondered if our family would ever be whole again after the lines had been drawn tonight.
Eventually I tuned out my own thoughts and listened to the rest of the house, Everett and Hunter
were talking. I heard Hunter plead for a long time to be able to come and see me, but Everett
firmly told him I needed my rest.
Finally, I reached over to the nightstand and picked up the medicine bottle, opening it
angrily. I needed to get away from all of this, and sleep was the only way. I could feel the pain
slowly coming back. I popped a pill in my mouth and took a swig of water. I drifted off after
just a few minutes. The medicine worked almost as quickly as Greysans voice-- or maybe I
was just more tired than I had thought.
Shortly after I fell asleep, I could see Greysan, wings outstretched, perched on a rock
like a beautiful gargoyle. He sat on one of the rocks near the ocean. Stone still, his wings
stretched out wide then slowly folded behind him as I walked toward him. Even in the darkness
of night I could see the pain in his eyes.
Greysan? I called. But he remained silent. I was only a few feet away from him when I
heard a noise in the distance: a flock of birds flew up over the trees to my right. When I looked
back, he was leaping off the boulder, landing a few feet away from me. I backed up instinctively
and found myself against a rock. His hands shot up to either side of my face, bracing his body
on the boulder as he leaned in closer to me. One of his hands wound into my hair, pulling my

face to his, and then his lips angrily assaulted mine. They were urgent as I returned the kiss. My
hands moved to his hair, my fingers intertwining in its mass as the kiss intensified.
But once again, as quickly as it started, it was gone. I looked around, trying to find him,
but he wasnt there. I was all alone on the beach, the ocean crashing against the sand. Then
dark, cold chuckles came from the tree line. I turned, my eyes widening as I retreated once
again. I could see them now; they approached so quietly and quickly. I wondered why Greysan
had left me.
Greysan? I called. My hands began to sweat and my heartbeat quickened. Greysan!
Farrans Link drew closer to me. Where did he go? Why would he leave me here alone?
Hudsons eyes were taunting and hungry. I saw the same dangerous look mirrored in Farrans
face as they approached. I was all alone with them: this battle would be over in a matter of
seconds. I tried to turn and run, but my legs refused to move. My foot throbbed as I kicked it,
but nothing seemed to be working. I looked down at my legs, which looked normal to me, but
they refused to function. Greysan! I cried out again.
The visions slowly dissolved. The panic dissolved, too, and I felt at peace once again. I
immediately woke up.
Shh youre okay now, Addisyn, a quiet voice whispered in my ear. I felt a warm
hand on my arm and the presence of a body sitting beside me. Another hand slowly stroked my
hair. I didnt need to open my eyes to recognize the voice or the sweet smell of rain. Greysan
was sitting on Everetts bed beside me.
I opened my eyes and sat up quickly, startling him as I did so. Our faces were eye to eye
as I stared at him, and then I jumped out of bed. Immediately, I knew it was the wrong thing to
do. Pain shot through my foot and my leg. I cried out, and Greysan was at my side, pushing me

gently back down onto Everetts bed. An unconvincing smile played on his lips as he tried to
cover the worry and concern in his eyes.
You should really be more careful.
Sweet beef? I eyed Greysan suspiciously; his eyes danced as he started to laugh
That will never get old, he said and smiled. Funky muffin. He sat down beside me.
His hand touched mine, sending sparks through my skin.
What are you doing here? I asked, my voice still a sharp whisper.
Everett called when you started screaming in your sleep, he answered. He glanced at
the doorway. He said you were restless and wondered if I could get you to sleep more
peacefully. He wanted you to get as much rest as you possibly could, Greysan explained. So, I
came and tried to calm you down. You werent supposed to wake up, though. His free hand
reached up and touched my cheek, turning my face toward his. My eyes fell victim to his gaze.
What were you dreaming of? he asked. Though the question was innocent enough, I
couldnt pull myself to tell him I had been dreaming of him.
It was nothing, just a nightmare. I shrugged, yawning deliberately. I wasnt sure how I
should act toward him, after everything that had happened.
So, am I in all your nightmares? he teased, his eyes searching mine for an answer.
No, what would make you think that? I swallowed hard.
You were calling out my name. He smiled, but it soon faded.
I looked away, blushing profusely, vowing right then and there never to take any more
pills. Oh, right. I sighed, still not looking up at him. I heard him chuckle then lean back
against the pillows. He pulled my body with him, but I stiffened as my body touched his.

So are you going to tell me about your dream? he asked again, his arms wrapped
around me, pulling me closer to his side. His warm body engulfed me, and my mind instantly
forgot about my throbbing foot. Finding myself completely mesmerized by him, I told him
about my dream, carefully leaving out the kiss.
Well, youre safe now, Addisyn, he whispered. I wont let anything hurt you. He
sighed. But before I put you back to sleep, I just wanted to tell you I am truly sorry for how I
acted earlier. He left a kiss on the top of my head. I was childish both on the roof and in your
room with Hunter. I could hear the regret in his voice and relaxed a little against him. I yawned
and closed my eyes. Time to sleep, he said quietly. I will be here when you wake; Im not
going anywhere. He whispered, Sleep, Addisyn.
I felt the wave of comfort and ease wash over me. I welcomed the darkness of sleep this
time, knowing Greysan would be there to keep me safe. There were no visions this time, just
calm soothing blackness.

Chapter 11 The Strength of Truth and Love

When I woke up on Sunday, it took me a moment to remember why my foot throbbed as
I stretched. My hand felt the bed beside me and found it empty. For a second I thought Greysan
had left, but the calmness proved he wasnt too far away.
You doubted I would stay? I heard him whisper. I opened my eyes to find him sitting
in Everetts desk chair. I got up when the others woke, Graham and Hunter left to run Everetts
errands. I moved so I didnt disturb you. His lips turned up into his lopsided grin.
I was just curious as to where you were. I blushed slightly, watching him for a few
seconds. The silence was short lived, though; I could hear Wilhelm talking to Everett in my
room. Did they stay up all night talking? I asked. Greysan had stayed all night, only leaving
my side to sit in a chair. My heart fluttered awake.
Yeah, and Hunter is livid that Im in here with you. A smug look came over Greysans
face, but he quickly schooled it. Howd you sleep?
No boogie men or scary monsters, I reported, chewing on my lower lip. Thank you.
I stood up, careful not to put a lot of pressure on my foot.
Greysan watched me carefully. Do you want to do something different today? Get
away from the mundane rituals? His eyes filled with mischief. You know, give Hunter some
time to cool down from what happened last night? After all, Im sure this is the last place you
want to be right now.

And where would we go?

Maybe take a day trip. He looked a bit more excited. Wanna go?
I couldnt lie; I wasnt looking forward to staying in the beach house sifting through all
the damage in my room. I didnt even want to look at it. And Hunter was the last person I
wanted to be around. I nodded in answer to him.
Good. Ill be back in an hour to pick you up. He moved to Everetts door and walked
down the hall toward his room. I made my way to the hallway wondering how I was going to
get a change of clothes.
Everett was just walking out of my room, closing the door behind him. Sleep well? he
I nodded. How am I supposed to get clean clothes and shower? I asked him glancing
at my closed door.
We moved some of your things to the hallway bathroom. It will have to do for now.
Everett pointed to the open hallway door. I told Hunter he could talk to you when youre
ready. And if you dont want to talk to Greysan either, that is fine, I just wanted to make sure
you got a good rest, it will help you heal faster.
Actually, I am going to spend the day with Greysan, somewhere. I looked at him,
hoping he would say it was okay. With the run in with Farran on Friday night, I wasnt sure
what his reaction would be.
Thats fine; I trust youll be safe with Greysan. Everett smiled. Just as long as you
two are back before dusk. After cleaning up, I made my way back to Everetts room, only to
find Hunter waiting there for me.
What do you want? I snapped.

I just wanted to apologize. I really am sorry for what happened last night; I got scared. I
dont want anything bad to happen to you. His saddened eyes were filled with regret. I just
hope youll forgive me. You know I would never intentionally hurt you, right? My emotions
just got the better of me.
I know, I stated, looking away from him as I walked into Everetts room and picked
up my flip flops and my backpack. Youre like my brother; I could never be mad at you for
any real length of time, but right now I need a break. I need time to sort things out myself.
I understand, Hunter stated hopefully. Wherere you going?
Out, I started limping across the room to the door. Wait Hunter called to me. I
slowly turned around to face him, teetering slightly on my good foot. Youre choosing him
over me?
Im not choosing sides, Hunter. You should know me better than that, I turned and
walked out the door before my own anger resurfaced.
After what he did? Youre going with him? He sounded even more furious, but I
ignored him as I traipsed down the stairs. I cant believe you! he hollered, storming after me.
What did he do? Kiss me? I asked. Other than that, all he did was protecting me from
you, my supposed best friend!
Ignore him; hell get over himself sooner or later. Everett met me at the bottom of the
stairs holding two water bottles. I want you home before dark. He put them inside my
backpack. I know I sound more like an overprotective father than your friend, but Farrans
dangerous and he is out there somewhere. He looked me in the eyes, It is easier for them to
hide at night.

I heard the front door open and turned to see Greysan walking into the house. You
ready to go? he asked.
Home by dark, Everett called to the two of us as I limped across the foyer to the front
door. Greysan took my book bag and slung it over his shoulder. Hunter started to protest while I
made my escape.
You sure you want to walk? I could carry you, he offered, but I turned him down,
making the quick walk to the curb where Greysans car was parked. Once we were both situated
and he had started the car, I finally opened my mouth to talk.
So are you going to tell me where youre taking me? I turned to watch him curiously.
To a hikers paradise; there is a nice little recreation area about an hour from here. He
smiled. I know, you cant hike, he glanced at me, but that doesnt mean we wont still have
fun, and besides it will be nice to get away from the ocean and the others for a day, dont you
The butterflies in my stomach fluttered, making me wonder how I would ever survive an
entire day alone with Greysan Vural.
When we finally arrived at the recreation center, Greysan parked in the last parking spot,
closest to one of the trails. So, we can go about this two ways. He looked at me. One, you
will let me carry you, and we will proceed down that trail to this little nook that has a beautiful
waterfall that trickles down a small rock cliff. He paused, Or you can be stubborn, and I will
lay the blanket out over in the shade there. He pointed to the tree line a few feet away, And
we will spend the afternoon staring at the tail end of this car.
My heart and mind were screaming Carry me! Carry me! But my mouth spoke reason.
I will put on my flip flops and walk the trail, I answered.

That is not an option. Your wound is still open. Im not risking your human form
getting an infection, so the shady spot right there is where we will go today. Perhaps another
day Ill take you to the waterfall. He got out of the car before I could protest, opened the trunk
and removed a blanket and both of our book bags before coming to my door and opening it for
me. Come on. He smiled.
He held out his elbow to me, and I used his arm to stand up. Once I was on my feet
though, he picked me up, cradling me against him and walked us to the grassy knoll. He gently
put me down, laid the blanket out at the bottom of the hill and placed our backpacks beside it.
How is this? he asked, finally looking at me. He gently took my hands, holding them
and keeping me balanced as I sat down on the blanket. We werent far from the parking lot at
all, but yet our picnic spot was private and secluded.
Nice, I answered him, looking around. Pulling my book bag over, I unzipped it and
started to take out my homework. He reached across me to pick up his bag then he stuffed it
under his head as a pillow instead.
Are you just going to sit there while I do my homework? I eyed him curiously. Great;
now what was going to be my distraction from sitting this close to him? How was I going to
survive this?
Homework is overrated. His grinned as he stared up at the patch of sky between the
green branches above us. Honestly, I dont know who brings homework on a date, youre such
a dork.
I ignored his teasing and started my homework, trying hard to forget the fact that only a
handful of inches separated us. I only got a handful of questions done before I gave up, putting
my work down.

Do you always run from your problems like this?

Excuse me? he turned to look at me, his eyes dancing in the sunlight as he smirked.
I shrugged. Just something Ive noticed. Whenever something gets difficult for you,
you seem to run away from it. I wondered where this new boldness was coming from. Greysan
sat up, and I noticed that even as the displeasure paraded through his eyes, the rest of his face
remained playful.
Oh, really? he challenged. How do you figure that?
Well, instead of working things out with Hunter, you decided to take the day away, I
hesitated. I had been about to bring up the kiss, but I didnt know how to. I could see in his
eyes, though, that he knew that was where I was heading.
Addisyn, look he reached out, touching the skin on my arm slightly. I caught
another glimpse of what it looked like to be inside his internal debates. I was very wrong last
night, he said. Although I will never apologize for what I did to Hunter; he got what he
deserved. The playfulness left his face as he spoke.
He deserved that? I asked curiously.
For the force he put upon you, you bet he did. Hes lucky those faded bruises are all
you have to show for it. His fingers touched my upper arm, sending a series of chills through
me as he touched the hand printed on my skin. He could have easily crushed you, Addisyn.
He let out a deep, angry sigh.
Whats it like to be fully transformed? I asked looking at him. Will I be completely
Greysan chuckled again. No, you wont be completely different. You will be you, just

We both fell silent, staring at the canopy of trees above us. The sun peeked through as
the breeze blew the branches slightly. Time passed but I didnt even notice. I felt completely at
ease lying beside Greysan, enjoying the sounds of nature. Never once did any of the other park
patrons come anywhere near us; this was like our own little private sanctuary.
I should really be doing my homework, I conceded finally. Okay, so that was not
really what I wanted to be doing, but sitting here beside him made the thoughts of kissing him
overwhelming, I had to take my mind off of it. Greysan touched my arm.
Just leave it. Ill do it for you tonight while you sleep. He offered, Itll give me
something to do.
I lay back down, settling back into the warm blanket. Thanks. His hand left my arm,
trailing its way down to my hand, and his fingers dragged gently across my palm before his
fingers intertwined themselves in mine.
Addisyn? Greysan spoke after a few long minutes, sitting up. I turned my head to look
at him. I was wrong for leaving you on the roof last night. My heart stopped.
Its okay I started. I wanted to tell him I understood his regret. His heart was still
fragile because of Clara, but he stopped me,.
Addisyn. He stood up and paced before me. Greysan ran a hand through his dark ashblond hair as his eyes stole a glance at me. I dont want you to think you did anything wrong. I
was the one who was wrong. He looked down at me again. I know longer had any idea what to
expect. I dont regret what happened between us last night, not the slightest. He was
completely sincere. The only thing I regret is not knowing your feelings before I gave into my
own personal wants and needs.

My brow crinkled as I tried to think of something to say. He was too quick though,
moving to kneel beside me, reaching for my hands.
I am far more attracted to you than I have been to any other woman in my life. His
eyes never left mine. He obviously didnt know what the combination of his words and his
smothering eyes were doing to my insides. The butterflies I had been working so hard to keep at
bay were beating against the inside of my chest, forcing my breath to catch in my throat. What
I feel inside for you should be forbidden its so dangerous. He sighed, his hands squeezed mine
gently, sending bolts of electrical current through my entire body. I never expected any of this
to happen. The only one who could see it was Graham, and he isnt the type to tell you when
you will be completely incapacitated by a beautiful woman the moment you first see her.
I just sat there in completely stunned silence. Please pinch me now if this is a dream.
Please, please, please dont let this be a dream. My mind ran rampant. Wait, no, dont pinch me
if this was a dream! I dont want to wake up.
It wasnt until a few months after your rebirth that I finally sought out Everett and
Wilhelm for guidance, He paused, his thumbs running along the backs of my palms. Its been
a hard burden to carry all this time, not being able to tell you how I felt. Plus the added
emotions over having thought I had already found my one true soul mate many years ago... And
all the damage I did to her... He was not giving me any room to comment, not that my mind
could formulate words to express what I was feeling.
I was delusional for the longest time, thinking that as you became like us, my feelings
would fade. He stood up, letting my hands drop to my lap. I had wrapped my mind around the
idea that if you ended up liking any of us, it would be Hunter, because hes your companion.
Greysan paced again, And that is completely a ridiculous thought to begin with because you

are entirely unique. He continued to pace, retreating to his own thoughts once again. Finally I
took a breath. My chest burned as I realized I had been holding it in the whole time he spoke.
He didnt say anything for a long while. I just sat there watching him, unsure how to respond.
Ive put you in too much danger already, he started speaking again. Its not fair for
you to have to be put through the trials Ive made for myself. His eyes found me as he paced
farther away from me. He finally paused, giving me a chance to speak.
Grey? He turned to face me. He looked startled as if he had forgotten that I actually
had a voice. Why not let me decide what I want and what is good for me? I felt my heart
flutter, was I actually admitting to feelings now? Was I ready for that? You and the others
have been far too arrogant about making my decisions for me up to this point. I held his
attention. I am not the same little girl from Illinois anymore.
No, he started to say. He quickly covered the distance he had put between us and knelt
down beside me, mixed with hope and fear. You cant. Please dont say that but I didnt
allow him to finish his thought. My hand was at his cheek; gently stroking it with my thumb.
I hope that real love and truth are stronger in the end than any evil or misfortune in the
world, I quoted, not backing down.
His eyes softened; his lips turned up. Ah, one of my favorites: David Copperfield by
Charles Dickens. He shook his head.
Youre such a book nerd. I giggled lightly.
Me? he asked. Youre the one rattling off quotes by memory. He laughed. You, are
going to be smarter than me and I have over a hundred years on you!

Age means nothing anymore, I smirked. Ill always be a young woman, and if youre
just now finally realizing I am independent, then Im inclined to ask where youve been all my
life, I teased.
Addisyn, his hand reached out, grasping my hand in his. You have to realize how
dangerous your feelings for me are, and even more so how unsafe it is for me to even entertain
the idea of something between us. He ran a hand through his hair. I could put you in more
danger than I already have. The Elders are highly against it, too.
You can choose to accept my feelings for what they are, or you can ignore them. But I
am done pretending that they dont exist. Finally, the words that I wanted to scream from my
very being had come out, and there was no way I was about to take them back.
His held my chin between his first finger and his thumb. What am I going to do with
you? A uneven grin played on his lips. Shaking his head, he persisted, This is so
irresponsible of me. He groaned, Yet, Im powerless against all your allure.
He was so close to me, he barely had to move for his lips to reach my own. I leaned
forward eagerly and our lips met gently. I felt that same soaring feeling I had the night before.
One of Greysans hands moved to the back of my neck while the other held my lower back as
he laid me down on the blanket, his lips gently caressing mine, deepening our kiss. I felt my
own hands kneading his back and the soft skin on his neck. His hunger for this passion matched
my own, and soon his lips left mine and moved down my jaw line. I shuddered. The smooth
skin of his cheek brushed against my jaw as his lips found the electrified nerves on my neck. At
his touch, I jumped slightly, moaning softly as my hands moved through his hair and my lips
begged for his once more.

Grey, I whispered, barely able to make my breath produce a voice. Please dont leave
me this time, I muttered, almost incoherently. His lips found mine again, leaving a tingling
where they had been on my neck.
Never, he whispered. The heat from his body intensified as his kiss became even more
urgent. Suddenly, a strange, high-pitched noise filled the air, echoing off the trees around us in
the silence that had just seconds before been filled with our heavy breathing. Greysan groaned,
trying to ignore the sound but finally conceded to the annoying noise. He pulling away from my
lips reluctantly, leaving a few small pecks on my tingling lips.
I was relieved to realize the ringing was his phone and not some random person who had
happened upon us in our mini make-out session. Greysan rested on his knees and pulled his
phone out of his pocket.
It was Wilhelm. He wanted to know where we were and to make sure we were on our
way home. I looked around, startled to realize the shadows were growing longer and the sun
was now partially hidden behind the tree line.
When Greysan hung up the phone, he looked deflated but that didnt last long as a
mischievous grin crossed his face. My pulse quickened the longer he looked at me. His eyes
studied me before leaning over me once more. His lips touched mine as he brushed the hair over
my ear, then his lips were there, gently leaving a kiss along my ear lobe.
Wilhelm says Everett is fuming that we are not on our way back yet, he whispered.
He says we should start heading back. His voice quivered slightly as he moved to face me,
holding his face just out of reach of my lips, but really, what a few more minutes when he is
already angry? He smirked, his lips finally reached down to mine once again, and our arms
wrapped around each other. We stayed like that until Greysans phone rang again,.

I just lay there as he released me.

Please dont let this be a once- in- a -lifetime type thing. As if he could read my mind,
Greysan finally broke the silence. I cant promise that this isnt going to be complicated. He
sighed. I need you to know that I am not the ideal suitor for you. There is so much possibility
for uncertainty with what I have done in my past. He squeezed my hand sadly.
Your past doesnt frighten me, I stated. I am not afraid of challenges. In fact, I think I
welcome them quite well. After all, I had gone through the whole being alive, then dead and
then being told I was to become an angel and I didnt freak out too badly.
I heard the annoying ring of his cell phone once again. I saw him pick it up and look at
the caller ID.
Time to be responsible again, he looked down at me, I noticed now it was almost pitch
black in the shadows; the light around us grew dim. Sit there while I pack everything up. I let
out a small, laugh. Sitting wasnt the problem; it was standing up now that my legs were
Greysan picked up my discarded English book and the letter I had found in my locker
fluttered out.
Whats this? he asked picking it up. When he turned it over and saw my name scripted
onto the top of the envelope, the muscles in his face tensed. Where did you get this? he asked
me, his tone getting sharper.
It was in my locker on Friday. I completely forgot all about it. I admitted, reaching up
for it. Greysan held it out of my reach.

We have to get back, now. He stuffed my book into my backpack and picked me up,
steadying me on my feet before he folded up the blanket and then stuffed it in my backpack as
well. Come on. He lifted me easily into his arm and cradled me against his chest.
After he ensured I was safely belted into the passenger seat, he put the rest of the stuff in
the back and moved to the drivers seat.
I took in a deep breath and rested my head against the seat, as I watched the scenery go
by. Greysans hand snaked over and took mine in his.
Do you know who that letter is from? he asked.
No, I didnt even open it. I opened my locker and it fell on me, then I stuck it in my
book and forgot about it. I answered. Why do you know who its from? You didnt open it.
Its from Farran. Greysan answered. Thats his handwriting on the envelope, which
means that he is setting us all up. He is letting us know he can get to you anywhere. He proved
that by showing up on our date. And now with this, he will use this relationship against us.
I know. I kind of got that after our encounter on the beach.
No, that was just Farrans speculation. See, you I He blew the air out from his
lungs. Ever since I saw you, many years ago, I have felt a need to be there, to protect you from
whatever might hurt you. He glanced at me. When you fell off your bike when you were five,
when you climbed that tree at seven and almost broke your foot from getting it stuck in the nook
of those two branches, or even when you had your first heart break at twelve. He sighed. His
jaw clenching while I gawked at him as he went through the memories even I had forgotten.
I was there, my heart breaking alongside your own. When it came to the big things,
Hunter was there; he always knew when you would need him. The only exception to my
protective feelings was the day you died, I knew I couldnt interfere. No matter how much I

wanted to. Greysan squeezed my hand. You dont know how much it hurt to know you were
going to die and knowing I had to let it happen. He squeezed my fingers. But youre here
now, and even as you go through your changes to be an angel, I still find myself needing to
protect you. I shouldnt want any more than that, but I do.
So, teach me. I couldnt believe the words came from my mouth. Teach me to defend
myself so you dont need to worry about me, I challenged. Then you wont feel so protective
over me. He glanced over at me.
No, Addisyn, he said steadily. I cant do that, not until youre fully transformed. He
allowed the interior of the car to fall silent again.
They teach self-defense to humans too you know. I sighed, rolling my eyes.
Not like the self-defense you would need against Farran and the others. He didnt look
pleased with the conversation we were having as he glanced at me again. The answer is no, and
I am not going to change my mind.
The rest of the car ride was silent. We finally pulled up to the beach house at ten. I knew
Everett would be waiting for us just inside the door, but I was surprised to see everyone elses
vehicles were there, as well.
Greysan parked the car but didnt let go of my hand. His other hand reached out, took
my chin and turned my head to face him. Promise me that you will not discuss wanting to fight
with any of the others. He kissed my lips softly. Especially Hunter, his tone lowered and he
kissed the tip of my nose. Come on, we have to go in now; theyre being more persistent than
normal, he teased.

We walked--well rather, he walked and carried me to the door. Dont worry, they wont
stay mad for long, he whispered, leaving a kiss on top of my head as he reached for the door
I wasnt sure what was worse, my excitement about being an item with Greysan or
walking into the lions den. The door swung open, and the first sight was a very disapproving
Everett. The others sat on the couch watching reality TV. Even Wilhelm was there.
Greysan gave my body a small squeeze from behind as we walked into the living room.
So, what made you all decide to stay home tonight? Greysan asked nonchalantly. I
could hear the smirk on his lips. I sat down on the couch, and Greysan sat down beside me, his
hand secretly holding mine between our bodies.
You were both extremely irresponsible today, Everett started in on us, cutting through
the silence like a well sharpened knife. He hadnt even sat down; he just stood there, hovering
near us. I expected so much more out of both of you!
There was no danger. Greysans eyes were darkened as he looked up at Everett. I
wouldnt have kept her if there had been. He stood up, leaving my hand alone on the couch
cushion. You know me better than that! His eyes narrowed on Everett.
I thought I did, but then I asked that you be back by dark just to make sure nothing
happened, and you showed up at ten oclock after refusing to answer your cell phone all night!
The rest of the room tensed as the two of them vied for the title of the bigger man. A shudder
ran through me. Give her a little freedom! Greysan challenged. She only ever gets to be here
or school, all because youre too afraid of what might happen. Neither his eyes nor stance was
backing down. None of the rest of us was so locked down when we were changing, he

pointed out. We had a good day; dont ruin it for her because we were past your ridiculous
It is not ridiculous; its for her safety! Everett huffed.
Well then you should be more worried about her at school instead of when she is out
for a day with me. Greysan threw the envelope on the table. That was in her locker on
A collective silence filled the room as my Link all turned to look at the unopened
Why didnt you give this to us sooner? Everett turned his attention to me.
I forgot about it. Honestly I didnt think much of it. I answered.
This is not good at all. Everett picked up the envelope and opened it. Crap. He
sighed as he read it. I dont know if he is toying with us, or if this is a threat.
He laid the letter down and all it said was:
I can get to you anywhere.
It wasnt signed. There was nothing else. Just six words that embedded themselves
under my skin, making chills race up my spine.
We have to inform the Elders. Wilhelm stood up from where he was sitting, picking
up the letter and envelope and walked toward the office.
We are not done here. Everett said pointedly at Greysan.
Yeah I know. Greysan rolled his eyes.
I felt Hunters eyes on me as the argument continued, but it soon simmered down as a
car pulled into the driveway. I used the distraction as my cue to exit and made my way upstairs

as the car pulled back out of the driveway, taking with it the bright lights that lit up the interior
of the house.
Once in Everetts room, I went through the clothes he left and changed into my pajamas
and then lay down on the bed. I heard the voices quieting downstairs and knew the argument
was settling for now. I curled up under the blankets, waiting for sleep to claim me, hoping that
if I was asleep Everett wouldnt come bother me.
It didnt take long before I felt eyes on me. Sweet beef? He was quiet as he spoke, a
small chuckle escaping his lips as I turned my head to face him. He was sitting on Everetts
window sill, but he slowly climbed into the room, putting my book bag on the ground and then
crawled the length of my bed until he was poised above me, leaning down to kiss my lips. Are
you going to answer me?
Funky muffin, I smiled, my voice quiet as I tried to hide my laughter. He leaned in
again, kissing my forehead.
He lay down next to me. Sorry I got you in trouble. I dont mind. I smiled at him. I
had fun today.
Ahem. Hunters silky smooth voice came through the doorway. Greysan groaned,
pulled away, and sat down beside me. Dont you think its time you went to run your errands?
Or perhaps you want to knock out a few more windows? Hunters tone was low and angry still.
Greysan didnt answer him nor did he even acknowledge that Hunter was there. Ill be
back later; I promise. He stood up, kissing my forehead as he picked up my book bag, slinging
it onto his shoulders before bumping past Hunter in the doorway. Watch yourself, Hunter, he
called as he disappeared down the hallway.

My attention turned to my ceiling as I lay there thinking over the events of that day, I
smiled as I recalled the way Greysans lips covered my skin.
Addi, Hunter brought me back to reality rather quickly. I still cant believe you chose
him over our friendship. He shook his head. After what he did last night to both me and you,
you still went with him. Then you come back, and I find out youre an item?
Wow, jealous much? I asked, sighed, and then sat up. Hunter, youre my best friend,
but I will not allow you to tell me that just because you had a fight with Greysan youll never be
friends with him again.
He didnt answer; instead he turned away from me and sat down in the hallway across
from Everetts door. I bruised his ego, but I wasnt about to call him out on it. I found the book
Id been reading on Everetts night stand and started to page through it. Once I found my spot, I
proceeded to read the same sentence over and over as my mind ran through my afternoon with
The change of guards happened without my knowledge; actually the only thing that got
my attention was hearing Everetts voice harshly whispering at Greysan. I peeked over my book
to see Hunters post was now empty; he left without saying goodbye to me. Greysan came into
the room a few minutes later, and I put the book away. He looked a bit frazzled as he sat down
beside me silently.
Ready for sleep? he asked, putting my backpack down at the end of my bed. I shook
my head no. Im not going anywhere.
I know, I whispered back. But I have a few questions. I looked up at him, a yawn
escaping my lips.

All right. Fire away, but then youre going to sleep. He lay down beside me, using his
arm to prop up his head so he could look down at me.
I want to know why you burst through the windows last night instead of coming
through the back door like the others. He ran a hand through my hair, brushing a piece from
my face. It has to deal with my issue of feeling I have to constantly protect you. He sighed, I
had a panicked feeling that he was going to hurt you. His arm rested across my stomach as he
continued talking.
Were much stronger than you; it is far too easy for us to break human bones, your
bones, if were not careful, he explained. I was afraid Hunter was going to lose control, so I
had to get to you as soon as I could, which meant the balcony and not the back door. He ran his
fingertips along my bare arm. Hes protective of you too, you know, as are the other three. But I
dont think they realize just how bad it is for me, he said.
Im not saying Id trade it for anything in the world, he corrected himself quickly.
Its a part of me, just as you are. He kissed my forehead. And that is also the reason Ill still
not give in to letting you learn self-defense, he said.
I frowned and pouted. He chuckled. Time for bed.
No, I protested I have to finish my homework.
I told you Id take care of it, he whispered, moving his arm and laying his head down
beside mine. Graham did your algebra and chemistry; I took care of your English and French.
Oh. I blushed. Thanks. I was baffled how homework that would have taken me
hours to complete had been done in a little under two hours.
Time to sleep, he whispered. I groaned; I didnt want that day to end. Ill be here
when you wake; I promise, he softly whispered into my ear. Sleep, Addisyn.

And the darkness of my blissful sleep came and claimed me. I felt his lips on mine as I
drifted off, and my whole body screamed with excitement; even though I couldnt stay awake a
second longer.

Chapter 12 Busted
The best way to get away from an attacker is to go for their weakest points, the
instructor stated as he looked around at all his pupils. Stay confident in any attack, never give
up. The second you give up is the second they win.
Two weeks had passed since Greysan and I had defined our relationship and everything
seemed to be settling down a bit at the house. My foot was fully healed; it had only taken a few
days which meant I was healing more quickly, another ability I was acquiring. Hunter was
finally talking to me civilly again and acted as if nothing had happened in the first place. The
two of them still hadnt reconciled their argument. Wilhelm had been working hard with a local
contractor to get my room reconstructed, but it was hard since it had been so torn up. Everett, on
the other hand, worked with the Elders to figure out what do to do about the whole Farran
Lastly, the two bright angels from Farrans Link had been seen by Graham and Wilhelm
on two separate occasions, which put us on high alert. Although none of them would tell me
what was going on; I only found out by a slip of Grahams tongue when he mentioned that hed
seen them near the high school on his way to the home one day.
So that was how I got here, in a martial arts studio. I told everyone I had a study group at
the public library, and Everett had unwillingly said it was okay that I went with Aubry after
school. When I brought my idea up to Aubry, she more than willingly agreed to take a self-

defense class and promised she wouldnt tell Hunter. She seemed to understand my need to get
away from my male friends. She told Hunter she was going to study with me since she had the
same class, so there we stood with ten other complete strangers in a four hour self-defense
course that was offered every Monday night.
It felt good to be in this class; I knew the knowledge would be great if I was looking to
defend myself against another human, but I was hoping it would do something at least if I was
up against an opponent five times stronger than me. I tried hard to keep these thoughts from my
mind as Aubry and I practiced holds on each other. Something outside the studio windows
caught my eyes. I turned as Aubry wrapped her arms around my shoulders, and instinctively my
hands flew up to block her. I grabbed her wrists and in another second I was pulling them apart
with more force than I had meant to exert.
Okay, Addi! she cried out sharply. I immediately let go, my cheeks flushing as I
turned to look at her.
Sorry! I exclaimed as I looked at her wrists, the small white marks where my hands
had been faded and turn red. I really didnt mean to.
Its all right. She smiled. I had been distracted. I turned back to the window. They
were gone, but I was sure that Markus and Blair had been there, standing just across the street.
But that couldnt be; I was just over-reacting.
I thought I saw someone. I turned back to her, putting it all off as my mind playing
tricks on me. Sorry about that.
Aubry smiled her sweet kind smile. Im not worried about it. You underestimated your
strength, nothing to worry about. Should we try that move again? As she tried to get free from

the hold, I glanced back out the windows but the street was empty. Only the occasional passing
car or pedestrian disrupted my view.
By the end of class, I learned all you could possibly learn in a four-hour cram session
about easily breaking away from an attacker. Aubry and I talked lightly as we walked out of the
studio. As soon as we were outside the doors, though, my voice caught in my throat, and I froze.
Busted, Aubry whispered. Greysan leaned against his passenger side door, his arms
crossed against his chest with the deepest frown I had ever seen covering his face. I groaned and
stared at him in disbelief.
Hello, Aubry, he greeted. Last I heard, Hunter was waiting at your house with dinner
for you. He looked at her. He brought it to the library to make sure you ate while studying,
only to find neither of you there. His eyes glanced at mine for a second before they turned back
to Aubry. His voice was thick and authoritative. In his concern for your wellbeing, he panicked
and went to check on you since neither of you were answering your cell phones.
I swallowed hard, feeling horrible for dragging Aubry into this with me. I glanced at her,
and she had a small smile playing on her lips. It was refreshing to see she wasnt intimidated by
Greysan at all, not that she should have been, but he was trying his hardest at being the strong,
aggressive male in this conversation. Im going to go, Addi. Did you want to get your bag from
my car? Aubry grabbed my arm, pulling me toward her car. I followed her, feeling Greysans
eyes on the back of my head.
Sorry I got you in trouble with Hunter, I apologized once we were a few steps away
from Greysan.
Dont worry about it, Aubry smiled. You needed some time away, and I had fun.
She opened her car doors, and I grabbed my backpack off the seat. Ill see you in school

tomorrow. Wanna come back next Monday? she teased as she got into her drivers seat.
Greysan was still standing there, in the same position against the car. His eyes stayed on me as I
walked toward him; my eyes never once left his as I felt my independence slipping away.
What were you thinking? he asked in a harsh whisper as he opened the passenger side
door for me. What part of Farrans threat that he can get to you anywhere, did you not
comprehend? His eyes were almost drilling holes into my skin as he stared down at me. I sat
down in his car, and he slammed the door shut behind me. I didnt wait for him to get in as I
threw my back pack in the back seat and put on my seat belt. My eyes stared vacantly out the
car door window as he climbed in beside me. I could feel the heat of his temper as he started the
I was thinking that if you werent going to teach me, Id find someone who would, I
stated as I bit the tip of my pointer finger.
And you think a four hour clinic on self-defense is going to prepare you? he asked.
His anger was still fuming, but he slowly calmed as he started the drive to the beach house.
No, I sighed. But its better than nothing.
What that guy is teaching you in there isnt going to help you at all in a fight against
anyone in Farrans Link.
Well, if you dont think he is going to teach me properly, then maybe you should do
something about it, I challenged.
Thats not the point. Do you know the danger you were in tonight? Especially since we
all thought you were at the library? Not one of us knew that you were off gallivanting around

I wasnt gallivanting, I corrected. There was no roaming or playing; I was learning:

Educating myself on the finer arts of escaping and incapacitating attackers.
He shook his head; All right, smart ass. He sighed heavily, glancing over at me; I tried
to hide the smile that was starting to creep across my lips. The two bright angels in Farrans
Link were here in town; thats why Hunter went looking for you at the library. The food was
just an excuse. He was coming to keep you safe. Graham and I were outside the library, waiting
for the three of you to come out. Hunter looked so panicked when he came through the doors
without the two of you. He didnt even need to tell us you werent there.
Aw, you and Hunter kissed and made up? I teased. This only earned me an angry and
stern look. I will take that as a no, I said turning to look out the window. I thought I saw
You saw them? the car nearly swerved to a stop as Greysan pulled over to the
shoulder of the road. You saw them, and you didnt call any of us? His temper was on the
verge of creating fire balls. I had to roll down the windows as the heat increased inside the car.
It was so quick. I glared at him, growing angry at his accusations. Why did I need to
call them at every little thing? I just thought it was my mind playing games with me. They
didnt do anything, and they were only there for a second.
Addisyn! This is not good. He ran a hand through his hair. Well, now they think
youre training to fight. They will tell Farran, and he is going to expect a fight out of you.
How do you know theyre spying on us? I asked quietly. What if theyre just curious;
what if they want to be like us? I turned to face him once again.
No, Addisyn, you dont understand, he groaned. They dont want to be like us; they
will use you because youre new. Farran knows youre weak, gullible, and easily influenced.

Dont gullible and easily influenced mean the same thing? I said, trying to distract
him from his anger, but it just made things worse. Honestly, though, Greysan, how do you
know? Maybe theyre studying us, hoping to be like us and not like Farran? I questioned.
They looked no dimmer to me, so they arent on Farrans side yet.
He rubbed his hands along his face, trying to concentrate without blowing up, Theyre
not going to steer away from Farrans side; their fate is almost certainly sealed. His eyes rested
on mine for a second, and you need to stop with this ridiculous notion that youll be able to
fight them. You are still half human! He pulled away from the shoulder of the road and began
driving again as his cell phone rang.
He fumbled to get it out of his pocket. What!? Yes, were on our way. He hung up
the phone without another word. The car fell silent.
It wasnt long before he spoke again, though. Why cant you just let us take care of
this? Well keep you safe. He paused for a brief second, and then his voice came back, quieter,
softer. Ill take care of this: Ill keep you safe.
I didnt say anything, nor could I pull my eyes away from him. He had just singlehandedly put himself in charge of my life, both of our lives. I clenched my fist and turned to
stare out the open window. The feel of the cool air against my face helped to calm my exterior
but my mind was on fire. I wasnt just some little girl that needed a bodyguard!
This isnt your burden to take on. I said as we approached the driveway of the beach
house. I dont understand why you continue to think it is. I watched him, trying hard to calm
my anger.
Its my fault this was brought upon us! Its my responsibility to fix it. He sharply
turned, driving up to the beach house.

That has to be the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard come out of your mouth.
Sebastian was my son; this is his revenge. Its because of me hes dead. Greysans eyes were
ablaze when they found mine, forcing my breath to catch in the back of my throat. I finally
realized Greysan was wrong, very wrong. The responsibility for Sebastians death lay with me.
Maybe if I had not been a girl, or if Greysan would not have had feelings for me if I
had never been reborn, then Sebastian would still be alive; his death wouldnt have to be
avenged. It was because of me he was dead.
Youre wrong and you know it. Youre trying to protect me when I dont need
protection, I said quietly as he parked in the garage. You are trying to take my blame from
Thats nonsense, Addisyn. He got out of the car and I followed.
No, whats ridiculous is you thinking that this all lays on your shoulders. I stood in
front of him with flaring anger. His hand went to the back of my neck before I knew what was
happening and his lips pressed against mine. The kiss was hard and aggressive; it was over in a
few second, but my lips tingled for a long time afterward. I took a second to catch my breath as
I just stared up at him in disbelief.
Are you done now? I glared at him. The kiss had been nice, but ultimately Graysan
had just put ice on the fire.
Are you?
This is not your fault, and Im not going to let you believe that, nor are you going to try
and resolve this on your own. I continued.
What? he was still trying to revert back to our previous dialogue. Addisyn, he
frowned. I took him by the hand and looked into his deep, blue-grey eyes.

Im serious, Greysan; this is something we all need to deal with, not just you. It would
be so much safer for me if I knew how to at least defend myself. This is not your fight.
And its not yours either. Why couldnt he see it my way? I was the weakest one in the
pack and would be the first to be picked off, whether they thought they could protect me or not.
Addisyn, Greysans voice pleaded to see his reasoning, but I refused. I turned away
from him, feeling another set of eyes on us. I glanced through the open garage door and saw
Graham standing there, patiently trying to give us our privacy. Hey, Graham called to us
quietly. I walked toward him, grateful for the distraction. Walk with me. Both of you. he
asked. I looked up and was surprised that instead of the normal glistening emerald-green, they
were dark and sedate. I instantly wondered what was on his mind and followed him without
waiting for Greysan to answer.
We followed Graham down the trail to the beach, none of us saying anything until we
were on sandy ground.

Chapter 13 - The Burdens of Being Human

Graham, whats this all about? Greysan finally asked. The suspense was getting to me,
too, but Graham didnt say anything. He walked through the moist sand toward the water.
I know youre against this, Greysan, he started.
No, Greysan said sternly. There has to be another way. There was a silent
conversation going on. This had to be through their connection, I felt in the dark.
What? I questioned. Whats Greysan against? I asked, my eyes shooting from one
twin to the other. Neither of them said anything for a few minutes. They just stood there silently
struggling with each other, Greysans body mimicking Grahams at the waters edge.
Hello!?!?! Is anyone going to tell me whats going on?
Tell her, Greysan growled angrily at his brother, and prepare for the repercussions
that come from your words.
Graham hesitantly looked at me. Addi he stopped. I stared right at him, my
humanly impatience getting the better of me. Things have changed.
Things? I asked. What things?
Were going to teach you self-defense, He stated with one swift breath. Greysan and
I, but you cant tell the others about this. He glanced up toward the beach house. Something is
going to happen someday, and youll need to know how to protect yourself.

How do you know that? my eyes watched him curiously. His eyes grew mysterious
and I got my answer.
Well start your training tonight, on Greysans watch. We cant waste time on this. He
instructed. Im not sure exactly how much time we have left now.
I wasnt given any time to ask questions. Everett and Wilhelm walked toward us on the
trail wed taken.
Remember, they cant know anything, Graham touched my shoulder as he looked me
right in the eyes. And I apologize in advance, but theyre rather upset with you. He jerked his
head slightly toward the two of them as they walked toward us.
Graham moved to stand in front of me and Greysan moved to my right side as we waited
for them, but Everett just walked past Graham and straight up to me.
You lied to me, Addisyn! His voice was filled with more hurt than anger. I gave you
a little freedom, and you had to go and push it. Im disappointed in you; you acted like a typical
teenager today. His fists were clenched as he dropped one arm down to his side. His words cut
into me like a knife.
Everett! I yelled at him, I was only trying to give myself a fighting chance should I
have to fight for my own protection. Since none of you will! I backed away from him, finding
my own anger flaring up again. How dare he be mad at me for trying to protect myself? I am
sorry I lied, but I saw no other way.
You are not fighting this fight! Wilhelms voice carried out over Everetts shoulder to
me as he moved forward. Thats just ridiculous.

And yet you all think its all right for you to fight a fight that isnt even yours to fight!
My eyes travelling from Everett to Wilhelm and back again. I felt Greysans calming hand on
my arm. I felt cornered.
You think this is your fight? Everett asked, almost baffled.
Its more so mine than it is yours. The pulsing in my veins beat against my temples,
but I refused to back down. They had to see my side of this; there had to be some reasoning
with them. Hasnt Farran been killing new angels? I questioned; looks of shock and surprise
crossed both Everett and Wilhelms faces. Even Greysans face filled with a bit of confusion as
they all tried to figure out how I had come upon that information. Their eyes eventually turned
to fall upon a very sheepish-looking Graham. And if that is true, then he doesnt want anything
with the rest of you; he is looking for me!
No, Addisyn, youre wrong, Wilhelm tried to interject, but Everett put his hand up to
silence him.
Farran will never have you. Everett looked me with a softened expression. Well
protect you as long as you dont go disappearing from places you are supposed to be. His eyes
narrowed again, Understand?
I knew better than to argue, so I just nodded no matter how much I wanted to disagree
at that moment.
Good. He kissed the top of my head. Now lets go back home.
Ill walk her home, Greysan spoke up, taking my hand as Everett let go of me. I saw
Everett eye him suspiciously.
All right, Ill see you in the morning. Everett turned and walked back to the house
with Graham and Wilhelm. Graham glanced over his shoulder at me, winking and giving me a

small thumbs-up sign behind his back. It was strange to have approval for disobeying the leader
of our Link. I suddenly felt guilty about the self-defense lessons Id be receiving. Here we were
keeping one of the biggest secrets of all from half of our Link. The family was torn once more.
Greysan and I walked hand in hand to the house, moving up the trail at a snails pace.
The other three were sitting on the back porch talking quietly. I heard their voices carrying over
the night air, but I couldnt make out any of their words. Greysan opened the front door, and we
walked up to my temporary room.
It wasnt until we were inside the room that Greysan finally spoke. Just because
Graham says we need to train you, doesnt mean I am happy about it, he said. Nor do I agree,
but if Graham says its a must, then Ill do it.
Why does it take Graham to tell you these things, but when I say them they dont mean
as much? I asked.
Greysan shook his head. Dont think that. Its not like that at all. He sighed, taking my
hands in his. Graham knows things. He realized he was risking sticking his foot farther into
his mouth. I am not saying you dont know things, he stated quickly. But he is gifted.
That was supposed to be a secret? Did he really think that in almost two years I hadnt noticed
Graham is freakily knowledgeable in current events?
Ive noticed. I frowned deeply. Yeah, well he was deep in thought. I wondered if
he was arguing with himself. Once the others leave for the night, we can start your training.
Greysan sat down on the desk chair; I sat down on my bed, searching for him in the

Sweet Beef? he asked quietly. I could hear the smile in his voice. I gave in, smiling
and rolling my eyes. It was almost impossible to keep my face straight when he spoke those two
Funky Muffin, I answered, shaking my head, giving into the smile that begged to
come over my lips. These four words had turned from our secret code to something much more;
it was no longer for security or to make me feel safe around him. It was now what he used to
make sure I was all right.
What are you two jabbering on about? a playful voice asked from my doorway.
Graham walking in nonchalantly. The others just left, he stated, sitting down on my bed.
We can start with the basics. Grahams eyes found mine in the darkness. Those are
the most important anyways.
Okay, so lets start; theres a lot to cover. Graham quietly turned around and closed
the window behind him and listened for for any sounds coming from downstairs before
continuing. You know you are still more than half human, right?
I nodded. Yes, you all have rubbed that in quite a bit lately.
Well, you can also still die a human death. He paused; letting that sink in. Id already
known this; Wilhelm told me that the night Sebastian died.
Thats the major reason you cant fight. Greysan spoke up from beside me, pulling me
closer to him as he spoke. So youre only going to learn how to defend yourself; you are going
to learn what will be most practical for you to know to keep yourself safe in case one of us is
not with you when they find you.
Graham cleared his throat. Another thing we have to point out, and this is going to
seem a bit strange for you to understand, but you have to really try. He sighed. Besides being

human, you also have two other weaknesses that naturally work against you. He looked at me.
Your wings are the first; they are both a blessing and a curse. He leaned forward as if this
information was secret. You must never bloom when youre around an enemy. His eyes filled
with a fierce seriousness Id never seen before. Theyll itch and burn and naturally want to
come out to act as a shield, but you must keep control of them. No matter what, you must never
I was confused, and I was sure he could read that on my face. They are an angels
greatest weakness against another angel, Graham continued. There are only two ways to kill a
fully transformed angel.
Thats how you killed Sebastian. I commented.
Yes. He answered. We had to rip his wings from his body. It had to be done, and
dont you dare think for a second that he wouldnt have done the same to you if you would have
bloomed in his arms.
No. Youre wrong, Greysan whispered. He wasnt going to kill her; they were going
to use her, which would be far worse. His eyes were squarely on Grahams. If were going to
teach her to protect herself, then we might as well tell her as much truth as we can.
Use me for what? I asked turning to look at Greysan, curiosity building inside me. But
my question went unanswered.
You think Farran knows? Graham asked Greysan eagerly as he leaned forward. He
must which means Just then something clicked in his mind. Yes, it makes so much more
sense now.
Is someone going to fill me in? I didnt like being on the outside of this secret

Its nothing. Graham turned his attention to me.

So much for giving me the truth so I can protect myself. I retorted.
This truth is not ours to give you, we will give you what we can. Graham stated. Did
you still want to continue? he asked quietly as he stared out my window. He sighed heavily
and looked between Greysan and myself.
Greysan nodded, Tomorrow well start the lessons. He reached over and pulled me
back down on my bed. You need to know about your other weakness. He glanced at his
brother again.
I sat down against Greysan. All right, which is? I asked, getting comfortable on my
Hunter, Graham stated. Youre bonded to him.
I know that, but how is he a weakness? I was growing sick of the run around.
There is a reason why Hunter lost his temper the night you were on the roof and why he
seems overly protective of you whenever Farran comes up in conversation, Graham continued.
Its because if you die, no matter how, he dies, too. Graham looked me straight in the eyes.
Its the same for you: if Hunter dies, you die, too. Its part of the bond. Youre linked by life
when youre reborn. Thats the downfall of having a companion.
Its the only other way to kill an angel, besides ripping out their wings. Greysan
added. If you kill one angel in a bonded pair, you kill them both.
That news hit me like a brick wall. I just sat there, trying to comprehend that
Its late. Well talk more later, Graham stood up.

After school. That way Addisyn can rest, and we can work out a plan on what were
going to teach her and how, Greysan offered.
I didnt even realize I felt tired. I hadnt been paying attention to how I felt; I was just
trying to absorb all theyd give me. They were really going to teach me. I still wondered what
Graham knew that changed their minds. I finally got what I wanted; they were going to train
me, but was that really what I wanted? Now that they had agreed to this and told me all this?
Was this all something I was really ready to do? Was my mind and body ready to kill if the need
came? Could I take the life of another? A shudder ran through me at that last thought. Id do
anything for those in my family; they had all already done so much for me, but take a life?
Could I really be that strong, that ruthless?
I quickly gathered that neither of them was paying attention to me as they spoke in
murmured whispers beside me. I thought about what I might actually have to do and shivered
once more. It didnt take long before my mind brought up the image of Farran from that night
on the beach. He had weakened me with his simple words. The thought made me shudder, so I
pulled at my blankets, tucking them under my chin. It might just be wishful thinking, but maybe
the bright ones might be reaching out to me to ask for help. Maybe they didnt want the same
fate as Farran, Jaret and Caedmon. I kept seeing them as frail lost souls that wanted nothing
more than a loving embrace and a comforting word. Addisyn? Greysan shook me gently.
Sorry, what?
We were talking about tomorrow. He smiled at me, Thinking of heading back toward
the hiking trails to see if we can stop in a clearing on the way. It took me a minute to focus on
what he was saying.

And how are you going to get all three of us past Everett, Wilhelm, and Hunter? I
asked, looking up at Greysan. He put his arm around my shoulder, and I realized I was still
You feeling all right? Graham asked.
Im fine; its probably just a stupid human cold. I didnt even realize the ridiculous
nature of my words until they were out of my mouth. How are you going to get them to allow
us to go?
Since Im going, too, theyre going to be more likely to allow it, Graham answered,
putting his hand to my forehead like a mother would.
Okay, I answered. I didnt understand their concern, but I lay down against my pillow,
suddenly feeling tired. Im gonna to go to sleep now, I think. I yawned, curling up in a small
ball beside Greysan Sleep, Addisyn. Greysan kissed my forehead. I heard their mumbled
whispers before I fell into my dreamless slumber.
When I woke up, I knew instantly something was wrong: the aching, the headache and
that icky freezing-yet-sweating feeling. I had the flu. It had been years since I had the flu as a
human and it felt even stranger to have it as an angel. I moaned as I woke up; my whole being
just wanting to go back to sleep.
Addisyn, his voice was calm but distant. I rolled over in my bed, looking to Greysan
who sat across my room at my desk. He didnt make a move to come any closer either. How
do you feel? he asked cautiously.
Like I have the flu, I whispered. His voice was so loud; it made my head pound even
though I knew he was just whispering. Is Hunter home? I pulled the covers over my head,
tucking myself under the blankets.

No. he answered trying to speak even softer. Hes still out.

So why are you so far away? I whined then realized there was another set of eyes on
me. I rolled over to find Everett sitting on the floor in the darkness. Oh.
Hi, Addi. Everett looked at me with the same concern both Graham and Greysan had
given me earlier. I hear youre sick.
How? I asked, my mind not working properly. I felt a cough in my chest and it came
out harsh and dry, scraping along my throat.
The human part of you, Everett smiled kindly at me. That means you still get all the
perks and downfalls of being human. He watched me, now finally moving forward, holding
out a glass of water. Make sure you drink lots of fluids. You can stay home from school today,
and probably tomorrow. He ran his hand through my hair gently, Just rest for now. He
touched my forehead, checking the temperature. I didnt see how that would help, though; I
hadnt had a normal human temperature in almost two years.
I sighed, pulling the blankets up over my head again and moaned in agony. I hoped I
wouldnt puke.
Addi, you have to be careful, Everett started to warn. When you cough or are
weakened but he didnt have to finish his sentence. I started coughing and my wings
bloomed, tearing through my back. The crackling sounds echoed in my sore head. My shirt,
now shredded laid beneath my body. I was glad I was hidden underneath the blankets.
Here. Everett handed me a new tank top as my wings started to push the blankets
away from me while they stretched. And that us why you cant leave the house until youre
completely better. He sighed heavily, We cant have that happening while any human is

around. I groaned, not wanting to move, let alone have anyone see me like this, especially
Dont worry; Ill be home with you. I knew he thought he was being helpful, but the
thought of him seeing me like this made me cringe.
Come on, Addisyn. Wrap yourself up, and we will take you downstairs so youre closer
to a bathroom. Wilhelm is waiting with soup, crackers and ginger ale. Everett stood up. I can
carry you, he offered.
My head spun when I sat up. I held onto the bed to keep myself from falling over.
Im fine, I said as I wrapped the comforter around my shoulders. It didnt do any
good. I still shivered. Are we going? I asked grumpily.
Everett opened the bedroom door, and we moved downstairs; it wasnt until we were on
the stairs that I felt like throwing up. My legs grew weak beneath me and threatened to give out
and dump me on the hard wood floors. Greysans warm arms wrapped around my waist; he
helped me to the couch, and I curled up on my side, choking down my bile as I lay down.
Everett walked in behind us and soon Wilhelm glided into the room. Hey, hows she
Shes fine, I grumbled from under the blankets that I had once again pulled over my
head. You dont need to talk about me as if I am not here. I hated being sick. As I lay there, I
felt the churning in my stomach and shot up, knowing instantly what that dropping feeling in
my jaw meant. The extra saliva already gathering in the back of my throat, I raced through the
house, making it into the bathroom just as I started to throw up, my whole body collapsing on
the ground before the porcelain goddess.

I spent the rest of the day there. My wings bloomed every time I coughed or threw up.
By the end of the day, I was too weak to even retract them anymore. They even knocked
Greysan over once as he tried to hold my hair back. Both Wilhelm and Greysan did their best at
trying to keep me comfortable as I lay wrapped up on the bathroom floor in the warmest
blankets they could find, with my face plastered to the cold, tile flooring between bouts of
vomiting. Hunter and Graham had left for school and come home, but I had still not moved.
Somewhere along the day, Greysan put me to sleep, but it hadnt lasted long, my body woke in
time to throw up once again.
When Everett returned, he brought both Graham and Hunter with him. I kicked the
bathroom door shut as hard as I could, not wanting to be the freak show in their circus act that
night. But surprisingly there was no tension, or at least none that I could feel.
I wasnt able to go back to school until Thursday. Graham and Greysan decided to put
off any and all training until I was fully back to normal health. Every day that passed, though,
was another day that Graham seemed to become more nervous about the thought of meeting up
with Farran and his Link again.

Chapter 14 Finally Some Answers, Which Only Lead to More Questions

Where did ye come from? the very British man on Everetts computer monitor asked.
He looked every bit as shocked and startled to see me as I was to see him.
I had finally found an ounce of time where I could sneak into the office and search for
answers about Sebastian and Farran and my Link. I had found nothing in the encyclopedia of
books, so I tried the computer.
Did you know that apples are Everetts favorite fruit? he asked me in passing earlier
that week.
Random much? I had asked, and he just walked away laughing. I really hadnt
thought much about it, until I had sat down at Everetts computer and sure enough, trying to
figure out his password, after several failed attempts, I tried apples and low and behold, it was
his password.
I was wondering if it was a crazy coincidence when Everetts screen came to life, and I
stared at his desktop. I knew the basics about computers, so I started in his documents folder,
there were a few things in there, but nothing that screamed LOOK HERE!
Come on, if I was our history, where would you be? I continued to search, clicking on
random icons. Going as fast as I could so the others wouldnt find me in here, I was on a mad
clicking frenzy when a window popped up and this salt and pepper haired man stared back at

Who are you? he asked. His bright green eyes wide in shock and what looked to be
horror. Although I am sure my expression was quite similar.
Me? I challenged; my brow furrowing. Who are you?
Yeh are her, yeh 're Addisyn he stated, his face turning more toward amazement. I
nodded, still trying to figure out who this man was.
I am, and you are? I asked, starting to get annoyed.
Aldrich. He answered, finally. Most know me as Al. he sat up a little straighter.
Well Al, why are you on Everetts computer? I sat back in the chair, forgetting why I
was there in the first place.
I could ask ye the same.
You could, but I live here, so me being on a computer in my house is not a big deal.
You being on the screen on the computer is a little strange, dont you think? I asked as I started
to feel the tingles of fear creeping up inside of me. How do I know you are not some sort of
He let out a deep full bodied laugh. Yeh are every bit as grand as they say. He smiled.
I am one of the Elders on the Council. He offered. Yeh need not fear me.
He was an Elder, there was no way I was going to be able to keep this a secret. I was so
I hae been waiting for Everett to sign in so we could discuss some finding the scouts
hae made. Al explained. So when I saw his computer come online, I assumed it was him, and
am very shocked to be seeing you.
The feeling is mutual, I muttered.

Are yeh going to tell me what yeh were doing on Everetts computer? Al asked. I felt
the need to be honest with him, his sea water green eyes bore into me through the pixels of the
Looking for answers that the others wont tell me because they are afraid of you
people. I answered, honestly.
What are yer questions? he seemed amused with my annoyance.
I want to know what Sebastian did to turn grey, and what Farrans deal is, and I want to
know everything else my Link isnt telling me. I spouted, maybe there was a glimmer of hope
that I would find some answers in this man before the others found out I was in here.
Even I dont have all those answers. He chuckled again. But I can tell yeh the one
way to change from a White Angel like yeh are to a Dark one, like Sebastian and Farran. He
offered. Yeh hae to kill a human in cold blood. Sebastian killed the man who killed him, and
then killed that mans entire family, including the mans newborn son. Als face changed from
jolly to sad and somber.
Oh. I replied, sitting there letting it sink in.
But dont worry on that, yeh are not him, and he is not yeh. Your fates are completely
different. He was smiling again.
Addi? Everetts voice called from the hallway. My eyes widened in fear, and I gulped
back panic, which just made Al, laugh louder. Bloody hell. Now even my thoughts were in his
British accent.
Shh. I begged of him, trying to slip out of the chair and find an exit. I was never
here. I whispered, then headed for the window. But I was not fast enough and the door opened,
exposing me standing extremely guilty looking in the middle of the room. Crap.

Hey, what are you doing in here? Everett looked at me curiously.

Um, just looking for something to read. I tried to lie, but I was a horrible liar.
Good evening Everett. Als voice called from the computer monitor, and my face
lowered, as I cringed.
Al? Is that you? Everett asked, walking around his desk. I headed to the door to make
a quick retreat. We will discuss this later. He called after me. I guess I had to swallow my
pride. I had been just as sneaky as the rest of them. I walked up the stairs to the second level of
the house, debating where I could go to hide out for a little bit.
I knew it was a dumb idea, but I wasnt really thinking clearly. In fact, after the hellish
week of having the flu, my mind was pretty numb to anything that sounded like a good idea.
Strange nightmares and daydreams filled with visions of the two unclaimed angels, Blair and
Markus, plagued my mind since I had fallen ill. I was only sick for three days, but it felt like
weeks. I still hadnt picked up my secret self-defense lessons because of the weakness. Walking
into Greysans room, I used his balcony railing to get up onto the roof. Once up on the roof, I
sat down near the peak of the roof and listened to the calming roar under the quiet night sky.
The strange daydreams seemed to be multiplying as the days went on. Every one
featured Markus and Blair, and they always seemed to be reaching out to me, trying to get my
attention. I wondered if I should be doing more. Maybe I could go see them, just to talk.
I hadnt given up on getting Everett to help me, but he shot me down every time I asked.
I clearly had to do something, though; these daydreams were even sneaking into the dreams I
had during my Greysan-assisted sleep. In fact, they werent even confined to sleep. I had visions
at school and even when I was alone doing my homework at night. Soon I was looking for Blair

and Markus everywhere, in the shadows, the parking lot, out on the beach, and just beyond the
bluffs at the beach house.
I refused to tell anyone about these daydreams, and so far, the boys still seemed
oblivious. Even Hunter seemed immune to the fact that I was having visions of the Unclaimed
ones; he wasnt able to probe into the dreams during the occasional times he held my hand,
thank goodness. At least I could keep something from him. It made me want to hide other things
from him, just to see if I could. I yearned for that sense of privacy again. I wondered what kept
these visions from him when hed always known my dreams before.
I perched myself on the roof overlooking the usually cloudless sky that was filled with
the clouds and the equally dark sea that beat against the sandy beach.
A storm was coming and the wind picked up as it blew through the trees from the ocean
before me, blowing my hair back off my shoulders and neck and leaving my skin tingling under
its chilled power. I closed my eyes, letting the sound coming from it clear my mind.
What I saw behind my closed eyes made me shiver. Their bright white forms stood in
front of me. I shivered again, my wings itching at my back, but the pit in my stomach told me to
keep them retracted. Knowing my wings were actually one of my biggest weaknesses, I was
been super cautious about when and where I let them bloom.
My eyes hurt. Even though they were not open, I felt the urge to shield them and knew
almost instantly that this was not just another day dream. Never once had they been this real.
When I finally opened my eyes, I was surprised that they adjusted to the brightness, and
almost instantly I could see them. They walked soundlessly up the steep roof toward me. They
were both retracting their wings. Blair was in a sleek looking, grey tank top, and Markus was
bare-chested in the cool night air. Their eyes were on mine as they continued forward; their

elegant motions stopped ten feet short of where I sat. Then, in unison, they sat down, folding
their legs neatly before them.
My eyes moved from Markus to Blair and back again. They had come searching for me,
and despite the care my Link had taken to make the beach house a secure, secret location, they
found me. As they walked, they were murmuring the way my Link does when they dont want
me to hear them.
You cant hear the whispers yet, can you? Markus asked suddenly. The first thought
that went through my mind was that he was testing me, trying to gage how far along I was in
my development. My second thought was that I was being ridiculous; he was just trying to find
a common way to communicate.
I am Markus; this is Blair, he said. His voice was soft and airy, very unlike Farrans
dark and hard voice.
I remember. I watched them, still not sure what to think of this impromptu meeting.
Good. Markus almost smiled, the corners of his lips turned up just slightly. I sat there,
still a bit stunned; it was as if all my day dreams were taking solid form. Weve been trying to
get your attention, he continued, his head cocked to the side slightly. He studied me.
Wait, youre responsible for the dreams? I inquired, looking briefly to Blair before
looking back at Markus while a shiver ran down my spine.
Yes, he answered. So you did see them then?
I just nodded. He seemed to be intrigued; a murmur went between the two of them, and
instantly I felt threatened, as if I sat uncovered in front of them.
And you did nothing? He eyed me curiously. Blair shifted, finally moving from her
stark still position. She moved only a few inches, but it was enough to put me on edge.

She doesnt know. Blair stared at me. I felt more and more self-conscious as I felt my
body withdraw from their closeness. My wings screamed against my back to bloom; I had to
concentrate to keep them from coming out. Its another ability she has yet to possess. This
seemed to perk both of their interests; their list of my inabilities grew.
Why did you come here? I asked sharply. To see how far I have developed in my two
years? The anger in my tone surprised me. I blushed; I hadnt realized my tongue was so hot
until after I spoke. I instantly wished I hadnt said anything.
No, Markus answered. I caught the annoyed look he shot at Blair. Thats not why we
came at all. I sat there tense, my guard up completely as I watched both of them carefully. The
warning about these two working as spies for Farran rang loudly through my mind.
You still havent told me why you came. I pointed out, staring hard at Markus,
through my fear and curiosity.
Im sorry; were being impolite, he said quietly. Our questions are merely meddling.
I apologize if it came off as anything other than that. He sighed. It is not often you come
across another new angel; Farran tells us its a growing rarity these days.
I felt a shiver travel up my spine when he said Farrans name, but I refused to show that
the name itself intimidated me. If your questions are out of curiosity, then perhaps you
wouldnt mind if I asked a few of my own. I cautiously tested the boundaries of the
Of course. Markus answered. I could see a small smile crossing his lips; although, he
tried to hide it.
I took a deep breath, swallowing hard before I opened my mouth to speak. You two are
still bright, but yet youre in Farrans Link, does that mean you havent chosen your path yet?

We were wondering if you were going to ask that, Markus nodded. Its been
something youve been curious about lately. I wondered how he knew that, but I didnt deny or
confirm the statement. I wanted his answer first. Blair watched me just as much as Markus, but I
refused to back down or give in; I let the silence fill in around us. They were murmuring
because I could see their lips move but heard nothing.
Farran found us, Markus finally spoke. He is a father-figure to us, just as Everett is to
you. His bright blue eyes were like melted sapphires. Would you leave your father?
I ignored his question, but my mind wandered to my real father, the one I had left to live
this life, and I wondered if that was the reaction he had intended. So you are going to become
gray then?My heart sank as I waited for an answer, wondering if they were going to prove the
others in my Link right.
No. Markus watched me again; it was as if he waited for a reaction to everything he
said. Our future is still undetermined, he justified. Blair and I are individuals; just like you.
We havent chosen our path yet. He almost smiled again, although this smile was not as warm
as the others had been; it sent chills up my spine.
Arent you afraid of my Link seeing or hearing you up here? I asked, looking at Blair
again. They were brighter than the sun it seemed, I dont know how they went this long without
someone in my Link noticing.
Were cloaked. Blair answered in her annoyed tone. No one will know were here.
Now, he paused to look at Blair before turning back to me. We are running low on
time. His eyes returned to me once more. There are things that will happen between our Links
in the near future, he cautioned, as if I hadnt already known this news. We were curious to

see and meet you. Just like you have had a lot of questions of us, we have had just as many for
Perhaps we can meet again? Blair spoke, eyeing me. In a few days time? Do you
think you can get away from your Link to meet us somewhere more neutral to all of us? I
looked at her and couldnt speak. Finally I simply nodded in her direction, knowing if I didnt
meet with them, theyd never know they didnt have to be like Farran. Theres a State Park off
of the 101. Pick a trail off of the main parking area and walk down it, well come to you.
I nodded in acknowledgement. Then she stood up, her elegance and grace amazed me as
I watched her move.
Markus didnt rise as quickly as she did. Addisyn, he broke the silence, Farran thinks
you will be strong, unique even, when you fully develop. The way he looked at me made me
think he was telling me something I wasnt supposed to know, and the daggers that Blair shot at
him confirmed it. She started the whispers in his direction, but Markus ignore her. Many lives
will depend on the decisions you make, he whispered to me as he stood up, walking to stand
beside Blair. She swung her hand and hit him in the arm.
Monday, at the park, Blair called as she moved silently to the edge of the roof, her
wings out already. Markus glanced at me over his shoulder. A bittersweet expression covered
his face as he turned, and they both leapt off the edge of the roof. Their wings carried them
toward the trees on the bluff where their bright bodies were swallowed by the darkness.

Chapter 15 - Its Just Run-of-The-Mill, Scary Monsters

I sat there, staring in the direction they had flown. My mind swam: why had they sought
me out? Was it really because they were curious? What did Markuss last statement mean? I
leaned back on the shingles of the roof trying to calm my nerves. Tears of confusion and anxiety
rolled down my cheeks. Nothing I did seemed to clear my head; my curiosity toward them only
increased with this secret meeting. And it would have to remain secret; if the others had found
out theyd been here, I would go back into complete lock down, which, of course, would mean
that there would be no way to get away on Monday.
It wasnt long before I felt Greysan crawl up next to me. His lips gently brushed against
my bare shoulder, leaving a thoughtfully placed kiss there. I fought my anxiety as I turned my
head to face him, smiling softly as I peered into his smothering eyes. My hand sought the
security of his.
Youre all about channeling Grahams rebellion today, arent you? he asked, lying
down on his stomach beside me; with his face so close to mine, I could feel his sweet breath
against my skin. His presence made me want to forget everything that plagued my mind.
I shrugged, I wasnt trying to.
I heard you met Al.
Whatd you think?

He was very... British. I answered honestly, getting rewarded with a laugh from
I meant about him being an Elder. He stated.
I just shrugged. He just seemed like an older, British version of Everett. Greysan
laughed again.
Whats on your mind tonight, my sweet Addisyn? his hand squeezed mine as he
continued to hold his gaze on me. My heart fluttered at his playful possession of me.
I chewed on the inside of my lower lip, unsure of what to tell him. I tried to weigh his
reaction in my mind, but thankfully, as always, we were interrupted.
Grey, I thought I told you go to up and get her off the roof. Everetts voice was
impatient. You two had better not be up there making out! he threatened.
Greysan groaned, turning over and sitting up, taking my face in his hands as I sat up
beside him, then gently his lips caressed mine, soft and carefully. I felt his restrained strength
against me as I kissed back. My half of the kiss was more aggressive than his; it was as if I
needed his touch to solidify my legs enough for me to stand up. He pulled away slowly,
lingering in the closeness of our two bodies for a few seconds before standing up and holding
his hands out to me.
I just wanted to give Everett something to fuss about, he winked. Now we can say we
were making out, he smiled. Once we were both safely down on the balcony, Greysan smiled
down at me again, trying to ignore the impatient Everett waiting in his room for us.
Why were you on the roof again? Everett stood there, arms crossed over his chest like
a disapproving father; Markuss words rang through my mind. Would you leave your father?

I stood my ground, raising my shoulders slightly. I like it up there, its quiet, and
testosterone free, and theres a great view. I answered, I made sure I was safe.
What part of you can die like a human, do you not seem to comprehend? Everett
asked, frowning at me with disapproval.
Then build me a place thats just mine. I cant go in my own room because its still a
war zone. I stated pointing across the hallway at my closed door. So I am stuck in your room
with your things, and no place where I can just be alone.
Your room is being worked on, it takes time. Everett stated. We dont want anything
to happen to you, maybe we can make a ladder and a ledge on the roof for you to have a safe
place to sit up there, if you are really insistent on sitting up there. he offered.
Thank you. I plopped down on his bed. Everett shook his head and turned to leave.
Dont make this an all night affair, she needs her sleep. He said to Greysan as he walked out.
Greysan smiled at me and rolled his eyes, as he sat down beside me.
You never did answer my question before, Greysan broke the silence. Whats on
your mind tonight? He glanced over at me as he laid back.
A lot, actually, I sighed, feeling his hand as he reached over for mine, squeezing it,
reminding me I was safe.
I didnt say anything for a long while. Finally he spoke again. Care to elaborate?
I bit my cheek, fighting the urge to tell him the truth. I didnt know which would be
worse though, telling him what had gone on a few feet above his head tonight or waiting until
after I had met them the second time before I told him of my secret meetings with the
Unclaimed two.

I fought my pride, giving in at the end. Im going to go get ready for bed. I said
suddenly, getting up and grabbing a t-shirt and shorts to sleep in then walked down the hallway
toward the bathroom. After a quick shower to clear my head, I combed out my hair and brushed
my teeth then went back to Everetts room.
You know I havent forgotten that you are avoiding answering my question, he stated
as I walked through the door.
What question is that? I looked at him, trying to seem absent-minded.
The one where I asked what is on your mind. He eyed me suspiciously. Either you
are avoiding it or you have a very bad memory tonight.
Oh right, that question. I tried to look busy as I put away some of my laundry and
straightened the books on Everetts dresser. Its nothing really.
Greysan groaned, I know thats not the true answer. He glanced at me, but he didnt
push it any further, letting the calm silence fall between us as a quiet song played downstairs.
I finished everything in the room and finally lay back on the bed beside Greysan, our
legs hanging over the sides. Why arent they leaving to go talk to the scouts tonight? I asked
realizing it was still quite loud downstairs.
Theyre on the back porch. He explained. Taking a night off. Wanna go down?
At my nod, we walked through the house hand in hand. Theyre gonna be curious as to
why were back down here. He eyed me carefully. I just shrugged, turning to slip my feet into
flip flops.
I felt Greysan grab my arm gently, turning my whole body to face him. His lips found
mine in the dark.

My head tilted up to his; his lips left mine, gently kissing my jaw line to my right ear,
then down to my neck, sending chills through my body. I shivered and heard him chuckle
slightly. His lips made their way back up to my own as he pulled my body closer to him; his
strong arms holding me against him.
Greysan! Grahams voice called up the staircase just outside the door. I know you
two dont want me to come up there.
Greysan groaned as he refused to move. His lips still gently massaged mine defiantly. I
giggled against him. He pulled away slightly, and then left a small kiss on my forehead before
taking my hand and leading me out of Everetts room and toward the stairs. Graham sat on the
bottom step, waiting for us.
Oh, thank God! he sighed, standing up. I was starting to think I was really going to
have to come up there and separate you two, he teased. What are you doing down here? he
asked me.
I shrugged. I dont want to go to sleep yet.
When we got there, the other three were sitting on the porch, all silent, staring out over
the ocean. Wilhelm was the first to notice Greysan, and he wasnt alone; this seemed to startle
him as he shot to his feet.
What is it? he asked alarmed, starting at us. What happened? Whats wrong? He
moved toward us, and the other three stood up in unison.
Nothings wrong, Greysan quickly answered, holding his hands up trying to calm
them, and then his eyes looked down at me.

I I still hadnt made up my mind as to why I had wanted to come down here, so I
thought I would just talk from my heart. I thought I would come back down and spend the
night here, with all of you. I just feel safer.
Everett groaned looking up to the sky as if he were praying for strength from God before
speaking to me. His eyes leveled back onto mine. I guess its about time you learn one of our
nightly traditions anyway. You will be joining us more in a few weeks anyways, once school is
out. He was right; I was eighteen now. Well, I had always been eighteen, but in the eyes of the
humans in our community, I was now eighteen and when the school year was over, I would
graduate. Everett had already discussed with me about getting a job. I just didnt know what the
job would entail.
Graham sat down on the last empty chair, leaving the small wicker sofa open for us.
Greysan led me there and sat down, pulling me down beside him, his arm wrapping around my
Its nice of you to finally join us, Hunter grunted from his chair on the other side of
the porch, as far from the two of us as he could be. Hope you didnt get lost.
Shut up, Hunter, Everett snapped, and then he turned to us. I sure hope that you two
arent going to make us have to chaperone your alone time.
Greysan rolled his eyes and I just blushed. So you all just sit out here and stare at the
ocean? I asked curling up more closely against Greysan.
Sort of, Wilhelm answered; he was staring straight ahead though, watching the ocean
once again.
We use this time to pray, to reflect, and to Everetts voice cut off.
To what? I questioned, looking at him.

To watch that, Greysans voice whispered in my ear, his thumb turned my face to look
out over the ocean. There was a pod of orca whales playing in the water just along the coast.
They were magnificent, elegant even in their large bodies. I couldnt get over how graceful and
miraculous they were. I had a feeling that wasnt what Everett was about to say, but I was so
entranced by what I was watching, I completely forgot to question it. I dont know how long
they stayed there and played, but when they were gone, I could feel the five sets of eyes
watching me.
That was amazing,
Yeah, Graham agreed. Things like that never get old, and we dont get to do this
nearly as often as we used to. He smiled; I turned to look at him, sensing he was about to say
something else, but he quickly looked over my head to Greysan and stopped himself. I looked
up at Greysan, and caught the daggers he was giving his brother. Its rare to see the killer
whales though. This is pretty far south for them. Usually we get a humpback or two. Graham
Greysan looked down at me with a softer expression and smiled, wrapping his arms
around me more tightly. Wilhelm folded himself up into a cross-legged, mediation-type pose.
His eyes closed, and he looked completely tranquil as he sat there breathing slowly and deeply.
Everett just stared out over the porch railing at the ocean, but his mouth was moving. He was
praying. Hunters eyes, though, stared right at me; I could feel them as I turned my head to face
him. There was no praying or reflection going on; he was just simply staring at me, barely
taking the time to blink. I sighed to myself, wondering what I had done to upset him this time.
I turned my head to watch the waves lap against the sandy beach below; I didnt allow
my mind to think of anything but the crashing waves before me. Everything was peaceful and

serene. I found myself closing my eyes and dozing off as I leaned more deeply into Greysan; the
waves and the steady heart beat coming from his chest lulled me to sleep.
I could see Greysans face in the darkness behind my eyelids; he was frowning at me.
We were at the bluffs. No, Addi, he said. You cant save them, just leave them be. He
pointed out over to the edge of the bluffs where Markus and Blair stood, their brightness not
nearly as bright as it had been on the roof of the beach house. They were both scared; they
reached out toward me, beckoning me to come to them, to save them.
Their fate was sealed when Farran found them. There is nothing you can do. Everetts
voice lectured me as he turned me to face him; his hands were rough against my shoulders. I
glanced back at the two unclaimed angels; they seemed to be slipping farther and farther away
from me as I stood there.
No! I protested. I can help them! I know I can! You havent even given me a chance
to try! I pleaded with the other members of my Link. They had to help; they had to understand
this was important.
Addi, listen to us, Wilhelm appeared beside Greysan. Its useless, dont waste your
time. He was bitter, almost puckering as he spit the words at me.
Its useless; theres no help for them. Hunter turned me now, his hands clamping onto
my shoulders tightly. His back was to the two bright ones. I could see them over his shoulder;
they were wilting flowers behind him, their hands reaching for me, their eyes pleading for me to
save them.
I told you to just leave them alone. Why did you have to go behind our backs?
Graham asked through a cloud of betrayal. Now youre just like them, filled with their poison.
His face contorted into a disgusted expression as he backed up, standing in line with the rest of

my Link. It was my back now that was to Markus and Blair. You couldnt have helped them,
and now we cant help you. Everett was the first to move forward, pushing me backward
toward the bluffs edge, toward the now completely grey Markus and Blair.
Your destiny is the same as theirs. Greysan stepped forward, standing beside Everett,
the others following suit. He looked down at me with disgust, Look at you, youre just as grey
as they are. I was shocked as I looked down; the pale skin of my arms was gray and muted just
as Farrans had been.
Noooo! I screamed. My arms flew out, trying to reach for any of them, but they stood
shaking their heads at me. I was still swinging my arms wildly as my feet slipped off the cliffs
edge. I fell backward, my hand scraping at the rocks, trying to grab hold as I heard Markus and
Blair screaming. When the screams suddenly stopped, I realized they had crashed into the sharp
rocks below.
Addisyn! It was Greysans voice. My arms were pinned down to my sides by two
strong arms. It was Greysan. Addisyn, wake up! My eyes shot open, realizing I had just had a
nightmare in front of my entire Link. My whole body shook uncontrollably, but Greysan held
me tightly from behind. He was still leaning against the back of the wicker sofa on the back
porch of the beach house. Youre safe, he whispered, but his tone was harsh, like hed been
struggling. I looked up, my heart beat loudly in my ears as my eyes met Everetts worried
You okay? he asked. My whole body was on Greysans lap, my back against his chest.
I was unable to move under his strength. Everetts shirt was shredded, like a rabid wild cat had
attacked him. Another nightmare? He ran a hand through my tussled hair, brushing it off my

face. You can let her go. He looked over me to Greysan, who immediately loosened his death
grip on my body, and I wiggled free.
What happened to you? I asked Everett, looking at his shirt once more. I carefully
avoided the stares I was getting from the other four sitting there. Everett sighed and picked up
my hands, holding my blood soaked fingertips close enough for me to see them in the dim
OH! I shrieked horrified. I am so sorry, Everett! I felt horrible; I had not only ripped
his shirt to shreds, but I had clawed his chest, too. Are you all right?
Yes. He smiled, reassuringly, Im already healed actually. He winked, but the
concern never left his face. Care to tell us what your nightmare was about?
Nothing, I answered, looking away from him, catching Hunters eyes; he looked
frightened and worried even though he was trying to hide it from where he stood against the
porch railing just a few feet away from me.
Nothing? Everetts tone was sharp and filled with heated confusion. It was far from
nothing. You practically clawed your way through me! His eyes were hot like fire.
Addi, this has been happening more often lately; the nightmares, the daydreaming. You
need to tell us, so we can help you. Hunter looked concerned, glancing at me from over
Everetts shoulder.
I shook my head in denial. Really, it was just your run-of-the-mill, scary monster
nightmare. I looked from Hunter to Everett, swallowing hard. Tears filled my eyes seconds
before they started to pour out.
Scary monsters you are trying to save if someone just gives you the chance to help
them? Graham walked over to me and Greysan. He didnt believe me. He leaned against the

porch railing beside Hunter. The words sounded so familiar; it didnt take me long to realize
that theyd been the ones I spoke in my nightmare. You talk in your sleep, a lot. He crossed
his arms over his chest, staring coldly at me. Addi, its time to tell us what is really going on
with you.
Really! Its nothing! Tears streamed down my cheeks; I looked around at my family.
They cornered me; I had to figure a way out of this. You told me the nightmares were normal!
I accused, looking at Hunter and then at Everett. I felt Greysan shift underneath me, his arms
were still at my sides, threatening to wrap around me to hold me down once again. Is that not
No, its true. Everett frowned. But they are normally not as intense or as frequent.
Nor have I ever heard them to be about run-of-the-mill, scary monsters looking to be saved.
Well, mine are. So why am I not allowed to have them? I quizzed. Why do my nightmares
throw up red flags for you? My eyes narrowed on Graham.
Its just very different when you have them. Wilhelm finally spoke up, his soft eyes
staring at me in the darkness. They dont seem like regular nightmares of your past life; its
like youre living them, he paused. And some angels, he paused again, inherit different
abilities, such as premonitions in their dreams.
Were just curious if this is happening to you, Everett finished for Wilhelm. All eyes
were on me once again, and all I could do was frown. Addi, if thats what your dreams are, we
can help you through them. We just cant help you if you dont tell us whats going on.
I wish I was gifted, I said, but sorry, these cant be premonitions. I shrugged, hoping
that was the truth. Just your basic nightmares.

Wilhelm frowned. That was not the answer hed been hoping for. Well, if thats the
case, then I think we should get you up to bed, and Greysan can put you to sleep so you can
actually rest and stop having these crazy, run-of-the-mill nightmares. He looked at Everett and
then to Greysan. Both seemed to agree with him.
I felt Greysan shift beneath me, and before I knew it, he was cradling me in his arms and
standing up. Hey, wait! I exclaimed. I can walk! but no one seemed to hear, and if they did,
they surely didnt care. Greysan walked into the house and toward the stairs.
Ten minutes, Greysan! Everett called after us. Ten minutes, and if youre not back
down here, Im sending someone up for you! He wasnt joking.
Greysan rolled his eyes, but refused to let them connect with mine as he carried me all
the way up to Everetts room and laid me down on the bed inside. He pulled off my sandals
carefully, then pulled the blankets up to my neck; carefully, he lay down next to me, gently
brushing my hair from my face. I felt his warmth surrounding me, capturing me and making me
feel safe and secure against the cool, silky sheet.
Feeling better? he asked. I just nodded in response. He kissed my forehead. What
was it about? You practically clawed your way through Everett. No run-of-the-mill, scary
monster nightmare would do that.
Nothing, I said softly. It really was nothing more than a bad dream. I looked away
from him, trying hard not to remember what I had dreamt about; it made me shiver.
Addisyn, Greysan turned my face to look into his eyes, You can tell me. He paused.
Who are you trying to save? He was pleading with me; I could see the pain I was causing

Really, Grey, its nothing, I answered. My heart ached, and I was fearful inside. I was
hiding the truth from the only family I had, and it hurt.
Its the unclaimed, isnt it? My breath sucked in and caught in the back of my throat,
but I shook my head anyway, turning it to stare up at Everetts ceiling.
Will you stay with me while I sleep? I asked Greysan. A tiny bit of fear seeped into
my voice, and my heart quickened as I waited for his response.
Yes, he answered. I think I have about five minutes left. He winked, teasing me.
Lets get you to sleep before the patrol comes. He leaned over me, his lips gently connecting
with mine as he whispered. Sleep, Addisyn. Then, as I drifted off to the safe sleep-land he
created for me every night.

Chapter 16 - Confidences
Greysan took my hand as we walked along the beach. My stomach was in knots. The
next day I was supposed to go meet with Blair and Markus, and keeping it from my Link was
making me ill. Greysan sensed my apprehensions and tried to calm my nerves.
So far, no one knew about my visit from the bright ones, and the discussion of my
nightmares had finally faded from most conversations. We all spent the afternoon sitting in the
living room: Wilhelm was watching some discovery show, and Id been working hard on my
homework with Grahams help. Hunter retired to the rec building to play video games. This was
just so he didnt have to be in the same room as Greysan, who sat behind me on one of the
couches doing his own homework. Everett had gone with Hunter. My own frustrations kept me
distracted all day, and my nerves grew worse and worse as I sat there trying to make it look like
I was working when really I was just trying to figure out how I was going to slip away to see
Marcus and Blair. After hours of pretending to work, Greysan suggested we take a walk. So
here we were, silently walking down the beach in the light of the setting sun. My mind was still
trying to figure out a way to sneak away undetected, but I wasnt coming up with anything.
Greysan pulled me close to him as we walked, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.
So are you gonna tell me what has you so stressed out, or are you going to make me
guess? he asked quietly. I dont know what youre talking about. My heart quickened.

Oh, please, Addisyn, I think I know you a little better than youre giving me credit for.
I could feel his eyes even though I refused to look up at him. He would have easily been able to
read my emotions at that point and realize why I was so stressed out.
Its nothing, really, I said quietly, I had been using that line a lot lately and hoped he
hadnt noticed.
Run-of-the-mill scary monster nightmares are nothing? He wasnt buying it. I need
you to be straight with me, tell me whats on your mind. I cant read it like Hunter can.
Greysans tonewas stern and unforgiving. Not that you have even allowed him that privilege as
of late.
And how would you know that? I quizzed. You and Hunter can barely stay in the
same room as each other, I reminded him as we slowly came to a stop.
Thats irrelevant; although, if you think the rest of the guys dont circulate information,
then you are very much mistaken. He frowned deeply; I felt him pressing down on my
shoulders as he sat down. My body folded up underneath me as I sat down beside him. A brief
glance is all it took for me to feel trapped in his eyes. It feels like youre pulling away from us,
Addisyn, he said.
Im not pulling away, I quickly reassured him. I just have a lot on my mind, with all
the changes: the Farran stuff and school. Its a lot to take in.
Is that all thats bothering you? He was being extremely inquisitive. His arm
unwrapped from my shoulder, but his hand still held mine. I reluctantly shook my head no. He
sighed as he lay down on the sandy beach. I followed suit, lying down beside him. Are you
ever going to trust me enough to open up?

I gave in, this was way too hard to keep up for much longer anyways. Its the
unclaimed ones, I admitted. I want to help them.
The silence that followed my confession did not help my twisted stomach. The ocean
roared before us, the sand ground against the bare skin of my shoulder blades and the backs of
my legs. The quiet coming from Greysan was strangling me. The longer it took him to reply, the
harder it seemed to breathe.
Why did you feel like you couldnt tell me? he asked finally, the silence breaking
away from me. You do know that trying anything to help them is way too dangerous right? he
turned his head to look at me as we laid there under the darkening sky. You shouldnt waste
any more thoughts on them.
What about the other ones? All the fallen angels? Isnt there any hope for them to
become Light again? I looked into his eyes.
I am sure if there was any hope in that, someone before our time would have figured it
out and there would be stories passed down from the Elders. He grew tense. They know their
fate and the consequences.
I sighed, turning my head to look up at the sky. Has anyone ever tried? I pushed.
There had to be some way to reason with them. If they had once been light, there had to be a
way to get them to come back; I just knew it. I wouldnt give up.
No, he whispered. He shifted beside me as he propped himself up and now I saw him
out of the corner of my eye. And dont get any ideas to try and save them from the damnation
theyve put themselves in, he lectured. I stubbornly let his words go in one ear and out the

I felt his hand stroking my cheek, forcing me to look over at him. He searched my face
for answers. Remember, you promised me you wouldnt do anything stupid. His thumb ran
across the smooth skin of the bridge of my nose to my jaw line as he looked down into my eyes.
Yes, I remember, I answered. Although if you keep bringing it up, youre gonna
make me think that I do a lot of stupid things, I teased, trying to lighten the air between us.
Thats not what I meant.
I know. I smiled, trying hard to change the subject; I didnt want him to clue into the
secrets I still concealed. His finger brushed the hair from my face, and I could feel his breath
against the skin of my cheek as he leaned in for a kiss.
Just remember, youre still a human. You are not a superhero.
Yet. I winked at him; he smiled.
Yes, yet, he confirmed, shaking his head. You know, I could just take you away from
here. Far away. Then you wouldnt have to worry about Farran and the others; youd be safe.
And what would that prove? That we run away from our problems? I asked. No, Im
not running away, and neither are you. I poked him in the chest. We need to stand up for
ourselves and our family.
He groaned. My only concern is your safety, first and foremost.
Then dont take me away. I am safer here with all of you than I would be anywhere
else, I pointed out. And besides, how do you know they wouldnt come looking for us? They
found you here, havent they? It would only be a matter of time before they found you
somewhere else. Then wed be alone, and I still havent had any training on how to protect
He sighed again. I wouldnt let anything happen to you. Dont you trust me?

His words cut me like a knife, making my hair stand on end. You feel the need to have
to ask that? I asked, my eyes filling with fire. Thats unfair, Greysan. Of course I trust you.
But I cant allow you to take me away from the rest of our Link; they need us just as much as
we need them.
His eyes softened as he looked me in the eyes. I know youd never let me do it, but that
doesnt mean I still dont want to.
We lay there in silence; I let his words fade into the darkness that now surrounded us. I
put my hand on the back of his neck as he lay propped up, looking down at me. Gently I pulled
his head down toward mine, but before his lips found mine, we heard the sound of a throat
clearing. Our laughter and smiles disappeared. Greysan shot up; he stood on his feet in front of
me, looking down the beach to where the noise had come from.
Since my reactions were still slower than the others, and Id been lost in the moment, it
took me a while to sit up. When I did, I saw Hunter.
I just came to talk to Addi? He held his hands up in surrender. He stopped just a few
yards away. I had no clue how much hed heard of our conversation, nor how much he had
seen, but he sounded more than just annoyed.
Greysan didnt relax, though. He held his hand out to me to help me to my feet. I stood
then looked up to him. Ill meet you back at the beach house, okay? I asked him quietly. He
hesitated, obviously not wanting to leave me alone with Hunter, but he knew he had to give
Hunter and me our time together. The tension between the two of them still hadnt come close
to being resolved. If anything, it seemed worse as time passed.

Greysan pulled me to him gently; one hand rested on the small of my back, the other ran
through my hair as he tilted my face up to look into his eyes. Are you sure youll be okay? he
Yes, I smiled. Sweet beef. I winked, and he grinned light-heartedly.
Funky Muffin. He leaned down and kissed me. As always, I was left wanting more. I
saw in his eyes that he meant to do just that. His eyes gleamed with mischief as he smiled once
more, pulling away from me as he turned to leave. See you soon, he whispered, walking
toward Hunter and back to the beach house.
I watched as the two most important men in my life glared each other down. It sent
chills down my spine to think of how much hostility was between them. Hunter moved to my
side in seconds, filling the void beside me. His hand was on my arm as he pulled me down the
beach, away from where Greysan and I had been laying. He didnt go far before he stopped and
turned to me.
Im not happy with you, he blurted out, his hands finding mine and taking them into
his. Youre not letting me in anymore. Im your companion, and all youre doing is pushing
me away. He looked truly hurt.
Hunter, I started, frowning at him, I am not pushing you away. I sighed. Im sorry
you feel that way. I paused. My eyes turned back to the direction Greysan had gone. I just
have a lot on my mind.
So he feels like youre pulling away, too? His amber eyes sparked with delight at that
statement. Interesting. He was in my mind now, I could feel him there, sorting through the
thoughts he deemed important. I could feel him getting close to the secrets I was trying so hard

to keep. I gently pulled my hands away. But if youre pulling away from both of us who are
you moving closer to? he eyed me suspiciously.
Stop being an idiot. I rolled my eyes. Can we just sit here and have a conversation or
are you going to complain and whine because Im in a relationship.
He frowned, Im sorry; its just strange not being the one you go to anymore. He
looked into my eyes, his own eyes softening. And to know youre spending all your free time
with him that just makes it worse for me.
Just because I was fated to be your companion doesnt mean I was destined to be your
soul mate. I hoped he understood that.
He laughed loudly. A sound I hadnt heard in a long time now. It felt refreshing to hear
it, like a part of me had been missing until right then. I dont want to be your love interest. He
smiled. No offense, but youre not my type; I just want to be your best friend again. He
sighed. Have I ruined that privilege forever?
I started laughing. I couldnt help it. Id been so worried that Hunter had stronger
feelings for me than I could ever have for him, and the way he quickly shot down that idea
made me feel light-hearted. It was such a big relief.
Dont get me wrong, youre beautiful and youre an amazing person, but I am just not
into you like that. Youre like a sister to me. He shrugged.
Thank God! I exclaimed, throwing my hand up into the air and laying down against
the sand. I was so worried I would have to shoot you down on a daily basis.
Hunters laughter echoed in the silence around us. Addi, Ive missed you! he playfully
nudged me as he lay down beside me.

Ive missed you, too. I said quietly as he looked over at me. Youll always be my
best friend, you know, I reassured. I am your better half after all, I teased, winking at him.
I know, he agreed, not even a hint of fight in his voice. And dont let him know, but I
am happy for you and Greysan. Hes a good guy, despite the fact that I loathe the very thought
of him.
He wants to take me away from here, I confided. To somewhere they wont find us,
but I told him no. I wont leave the rest of you to fight alone.
Are you crazy? his voice was filled with accusations. I think spending so much time
alone with him has made you stupid. He was biting back his emotions with every word.
I was growing angry now. How am I stupid? I asked, sitting up and looking at him.
Because you wont let him take you away from here. You wont let him keep you
safe, Hunter explained hotly as he sat up to face me. But hes an idiot, too. I looked at him,
my mouth opened, ready to lash out, but he didnt give me a second to speak. He should just
take you away, even if its against your will; its for your own good. His eyes narrowed on
mine as he touched my arms.
So youd just let me go? Just disappear without a word as to where I am going? I
quizzed. Thatd be perfectly all right with you?
Well, no, he frowned. I dont think I could let you two go off alone; I would have to
come with. My left eyebrow arched as he spoke, the tensions between Greysan and Hunter
came to mind.
I didnt think so. I leaned into him. And thats why I wont allow him to take me
away. I regretted those words the moment they left my lips; it wasnt the whole truth, but I
couldnt take them back now.

What do you mean? You wouldnt want me to come with?

No, I shook my head. I wouldnt want either of you to come with. I tried to explain,
again not stating the whole truth. My mind filled with thoughts of the Unclaimed, I couldnt and
wouldnt leave until I knew there was absolutely nothing I could do for them. I was distracted
and before I could react, Hunter had my hand and could see my thoughts as I struggled to pull
my hand away.
NO! he roared into the night air. I cringed and yanked my hand away as he came to
the realization of what I wanted to do. Dont even think that! he sounded much angrier now.
Youre not going there! Let alone go there by yourself.
Calm down, I said quietly. Im not going anywhere. That was a good half-truth I
figured, I mean, he didnt have to know about the short trip I was gonna take the following
night, because Id be back afterward.
Thats not what you were thinking though. He pointed out. You cant. I wont let you
do something so stupid. Its like just laying down with your head on the chopping block,
absolutely not!
Would you settle down. It was just a thought. Im not planning on doing anything. I
reassured. My answer seemed to settle him for the time-being and soon he was lying back
beside me. We laid there until we heard voices approaching, and then the two of us stood up.

Chapter 16.5 Allies

Come on, you two, Everett called. You need to get going; its late and its a school
night. Addi, you need to get to sleep. He sounded annoyed and concerned at the same time.
Hunter and I stood up and walked toward them. Everett put his arm around my shoulder as I
walked up next to him; his eyes never seemed to stay in the same place for more than a few
seconds. This is so irresponsible for you two to be out here all alone.
Yes, father, Hunter replied sarcastically; he walked beside me now. I felt a sense of
security between Everett and Hunter, but that didnt stop the small giggle from leaving my lips
as I heard Everett sigh.
When will you two grow up? he asked shaking his head. You two are so childish
when youre together.
I am a grown up! Hunter exclaimed. He was, in fact, grown up, even though part of
him would always be a teenager. Really, it was more like his body would always be that of a
teenager, but his mind had surpassed his physical age by many years. I cant help it that Addis
immaturity wears off on me from time to time. He smiled nudged me with his elbow. I nudged
him back.
Everett and Wilhelm sighed in unison. What a great role model you turned out to be,
Wilhelm jabbed at Hunter. The tired and annoyed expression never left his face, though. She
needs a mentor, not a partner in crime!

I am not the partner in crime. He looked down at me accusingly. I knew he was

hinting at me and Greysan and the make out session hed seen in my thoughts. I elbowed him
hard in the ribs, knocking the breath from his lips. Everett stopped in his tracks right in front of
Addisyn, his tone was cold as stone, Whats Hunter talking about? I refused to look
at him.
Nothing. I finally looked up at him, taking a step to walk around his solid frame. We
have to get going; its a school night after all. I continued to walk past him, and soon he was at
my side. I could feel Wilhelm and Hunter closing in, too. I was trapped; I just hoped Everett
wouldnt push the one issue I was trying so hard to hide.
Does this have something to do with Greysan? Everetts voice was sharp and
No, Hunter was just trying to get you riled up. I turned to look at Hunter, shooting him
a deadly glare. All he could do was smirk at me. Traitor! The house was about fifty yards away.
Unfortunately, I knew that even if I took off running, theyd still beat me there.
Addisyn, Everetts voice made me cringe, has Greysan done something to you? He
grabbed my arm, careful not to hurt me as he spun me to look at him. Then he looked up to
Hunter and Wilhelm, Go on ahead, well be right there. He waited in silence as the two of
them continued walking toward the trail that led up to the house; I saw Wilhelms hand shoot
out and slap the back of Hunters head sharply.
Everett, its nothing, I insisted. Now his eyes were hot with fire.
I realize Im not your father his words hurt as they cut through me. And youre
free to do what you choose, but he paused, looking back in the direction that Hunter and

Wilhelm had gone before his eyes returned to mine. I know that the feelings you have toward
Greysan are strong. There was a slight nervousness passing through his face as he shifted on
his feet. Anyone can see the connection you two have. What did this have to do with
anything? I mean, I kind of think of you as my little sister, so this would be my job to talk to
you about this There was no denying his nervousness now.
What are you getting at, Everett? I looked up at him, confused. I was waiting for him
to lecture me about making Greysan teach me to fight.
I know you are no longer mortal and that even though your body is very much human
there are parts of you that are ethereal He was blushing now. I really just wish that youd
wait until marriage He stopped, trying to pick through his vocabulary for the right words for
what he was trying to express. I mean, if you have already, that is your business, but
Oh God, he was giving me a sex talk! My eyes grew wide; my mouth hung open in pure
horror. Then a second later, I could help the giggles that started to bubble from within me. My
sides ached after just a few seconds from laughing so hard.
My body collapsed into the sand in a spastic fit of laughter. I clutched my stomach, tears
rolling down my cheeks. Everett stood above me, looking bewildered, not even a smile crossed
his lips as he watched me.
Addi? he asked, completely confused. I tried to stop laughing but couldnt. Just the
thought of Everett giving me a sex talk made me crack up again. It took me a while to finally
get control of myself and a few minutes after that to I finally catch my breath. I stood up,
looking at him and shaking my head.
Whats so funny? he sounded almost hurt. I started to laugh again, the laughter feeling
so good as it left me, taking all the stress and tension from my mind, body, and soul with it.

Everett, my mom gave me the sex talk when I was about twelve, but thanks for your
efforts. I was still lightly chuckling, And as far as me and Greysan are concerned, you have
nothing to worry about.
Nothing. I already told you that. I wiped away the tears on my cheeks and started
walking toward the trail that led to the house. Everett seemed a bit embarrassed as he strolled
silently beside me. I felt badly for laughing, but I couldnt help it. My shoulders shook and my
giggles climbed up from my stomach as I thought over the last few minutes.
As we approached the trail, I could see the silhouettes of two bodies standing on the
balcony outside Greysans lit room. Graham and Greysan. Everett and I grew silent. I tried hard
to get my breathing back to normal; Hunter was waiting for us ahead, eager to find out about
my lecture. As soon as we emerged from between the two trees, Hunter was on us, reaching for
my hand as he impatiently searched for the thoughts that I had just moments before. His eyes
grew wide as he realized what happened.
I quickly pulled my hand away from him when I felt laughter building in both of us; I
walked past him and moved through the house to the living room.
Graham came up to me as I approached the stairs. Greysan said hed see you later. He
said. His hands held my backpack and a sweatshirt. I thought you might want to go do a quick
cram session. He offered, his eyes giving away that we couldnt talk there.
Hey, Graham, whats up? Everett asked.
Nothing, I was just going to take Addi to go study. Graham answered.
Why cant you do that here? he challenged.
Because there is too much tension here, and she needs to be able to clear her head if she
is going to absorb what she needs to know on the tests. Graham stated.

Once we got to the garage, Graham handed me the sweatshirt. I suggest you put that
on. Then he continued toward his motorcycle. I didnt react at first. Come on, before they
figure out whats going on. I pulled the sweatshirt over my head, and grabbed the helmet
Graham held out to me.
Wherere we really going? I asked.
Out for a bit, I have an errand to run. Graham answered in his mysterious way. I put
the helmet on my head, and he quickly tightened the straps, handing me his riding jacket. I eyed
his bare arms at the ends of the short sleeves of his t-shirt.
What about you? I asked, frowning.
The cool night air doesnt bother me, and we dont need you getting sick again, he
said, as he shook the jacket in my direction. I reluctantly took it from him and put it on. He was
fastening his own helmet and then straddled the bike. He walked it backward out of the garage
and turned it around. Put your backpack on your back, too, both straps on. Make sure theyre
tight. I did as he said and moved to stand next to the bike.
He started it up and motioned for me to climb on behind him. Hesitantly, I swung my
leg over the back of the bike and sat down behind him.
My arms wrapped around his torso as he revved the engine. I couldnt believe Everett,
Greysan and Hunter were allowing this, but as Graham sped past the beach house, I saw all
three of them running out the front door, none looking very pleased.
I clutched Graham as he turned out of the driveway and hit the main road. We flew at
top speeds. I heard his chuckle as I squeezed myself against him tighter as the adrenaline raced
through me. The engine was so loud, like a large metal cat purring in my ears. I could barely

hear the wind whipping the sides of my helmet as he sped along. Laughter left my mouth as we
raced down the street. I felt daring, dangerous, free even.
We stopped before I knew it. Graham helped me take off the helmet and the jacket
before he turned and lead the way toward the glass doors of a coffee shop.
Graham, where are you going? I asked running to catch up to him. He didnt look at
me as he continued forward. I glanced around, noticing how deserted it was. I sighed, hurrying
to keep up with him as he walked through the door.
After we were inside, Graham sat down at one of the tables. Pull out your algebra book
and notes. He instructed.
Are you giving me a math lesson? I questioned, but did as he said, settling down on
the worn brown chair across the small, wooden table.
The algebra is for anyone looking at us; you dont want to look suspicious, and you
dont want Everett getting on your case about not getting your homework done. He looked at
me, and flipped through the pages. I watched him curiously. He was such a mystery.
I know what happened the other day, he started, still not looking up at me. His voice
was quiet but sure, with the two unclaimed. My face registered shock; I was never good at
schooling my emotions. I stared at him in disbelief, and my breath caught in the back of my
throat. I didnt--no-- I couldnt say anything. I stood frozen in time. I was out in the rec
building, working on Wilhelms constellations. I knew you were on the roof. I saw you when I
was walking out there, and so, when I heard more than your voice, I grew curious.
I swallowed hard, not knowing what to say.

I heard the conversation; I know your plans for tomorrow. He finally looked up at me
and his emerald eyes filled with disapproval. How can you even consider it? You werent even
going to tell any of us, were you?
I My voice was weak and almost inaudible. I couldnt seem to formulate a sentence
as I sat there. I couldnt, I finally said. His eyes were narrowly watching me as the
disapproval turned to disappointment.
You really think you would have been able to sneak off without some sort of help?
My eyebrows arched in disbelief.
I frowned. I have to go to them. I cleared my throat, trying to find my voice. None of
you understand. I have to try. I sighed, figuring my chances were slipping down the drain now
since Graham knew my plans.
Do you understand how dangerous it is for you to go to them? Do you really
understand the consequences behind that? What could potentially come from going there?
Yes, I know there could be danger in my going, I realize it might be a trap, but it could
also be the chance that Markus and Blair need to see that they have a chance to be bright, I
explained. I have to try and help them. I felt like I was pleading with him for permission to
go. We each leaned forward over the coffee table, and, even though the house was empty, our
voices were low whispers.
So thats what your nightmare was about? He eyed me curiously. I thought so, but
your unconvincing explanation of run-of-the-mill scary monsters was almost believable.
Graham rolled his eyes. And the fact that the others let it off so easily just makes me even
more annoyed.

You didnt tell them about my visitors on Friday night, did you? I studied him as he
shook his head. Why hadnt he betrayed my secret?
I was waiting to see if youd come forward on your own.
And since I didnt? I questioned. Honestly, I dont think youre going to tell them. If
you were, you would have done it already, I was playing poker with him, waiting to see if I
could find his bluff.
You arent the only one with secrets. He smirked; then, for a split second he looked
above me, having either seen or heard something I had not been able to. He moved his eyes and
hands to the book between us, handing me the pencil that was in its binding and turning it to
face me.
If you take this equation and use the rule I just explained He started to ramble about
a random problem on the page between us as the waitress walked up.
What can I get you two loves? She asked. She looked older than us. Her hair was
multi colored hair and she had a dozen piercings along her face.
A cup of your house blend and an apple juice for her. Graham answered and the girl
walked away.
I turned my attention back to Graham. Lets work through this problem here, he said,
although, he was not even looking at my book. He waited a few seconds. No, carry the one,
he said. My brow wrinkled as I watched him carry on a one-sided conversation. There you go,
now try this one.
This false tutoring went on for about five minutes, until our drinks came. The waitress
retreated back behind the counter before he finally stopped. We only have a few minutes
before Greysan gets here, he whispered.

Wait, Greysan is coming here? Now? Why? I asked.

He is coming to see you. Graham answered. He tracked us and is on his way. He
wants to make sure you are safe.
I frowned. He couldnt just wait until we got home?
Graham shook his head. I want you to know that I do not agree with what youre doing
tomorrow, but that doesnt mean Im going to stop you. I will not allow you to go alone, though,
so Ill take you. I could not believe my ears, not only was Graham letting me go see Markus
and Blair, he was going to help me get there.
Youre going to help me?
Yes, is that really so hard to believe? I will keep your confidence as long as you
promise to let me take you and stay there while you meet with them. He watched me for a
second. I wont interfere; I wont even be in sight. I just cant let you go alone. It felt like a
weight was lifted off my shoulders.
Ill think of a reason we need to leave, he said quietly. But right now you need to
work on this homework; Greysanll be here any minute. He pointed to the street where
Greysans car was just coming into view around the corner, I will see you tomorrow morning.
He winked and then stood and walked to the door. Before he walked out, he turned to me,
Dont forget to study, there is a surprise quiz in algebra tomorrow. He smirked and walked
out the door as I groaned.

Chapter 17 - The Walls Came Crashing Down

The following day, passed far more quickly than I would have liked it to. It seemed like
I went from my first hour Biology class to my last hour English class in a matter of minutes.
Today not only was the day I was going to meet with the Unclaimed, but it also happened to be
my Death Day. I was officially two years into this new life I had completely forgotten about it
with everything going on until Hunter woke me in the morning with a cupcake and a very
morbid version of the Happy Birthday Song.
I sat in English, glancing at Hunter and then at Aubry. She was on my left, he was on my
right, and I was awkwardly in the middle of their walls of break-up silence. I hoped they would
get over this soon, and be friends again. My hands grew cold and clammy as the seconds ticked
by, and I was pretty sure my skin paled when the bell rang. It was time to go; Graham said he
would be waiting in the parking lot.
Hunter, as always, walked beside me, stopping only when he saw Graham parked beside
his car.
Hey, what are you doing here? He greeted Graham, walking up and doing the malebonding handshake thing.
I am taking Addi to study for her finals. Graham explained, never losing the essence
of cool. I noticed the excitement that danced in his eyes. Hunter looked at me and then to

Everett is okay with this?

Of course. Graham held out a helmet and jacket toward me.
Do you guys want to take my car? Hunter offered.
Nope. I answered, pulling the helmet over my head.
Why cant you just study at the beach house? I could tell Hunter was having a real
hard time letting me go with Graham.
I could give you two reasons, but you already know both of them. And the tension you
two create is not a clean environment for Addi to concentrate on studying. Graham answered,
his eyes looked at Hunter sternly. Hunter returned the look, adding a small skeptical shrug
before giving in.
Dont stay out to late. Everett will kill you. Hunter warned. He reached over, to give
me a quick side hug. See you later. He twirled his keys around his finger and walked over to
his drivers side door.
See ya. I called, as I pulled on the jacket, hooked the straps on the helmet, and
adjusted my backpack on my back.
Ready? Graham asked, patting my helmeted head. I nodded.
Within a few minutes, Graham and I were racing out of the parking lot and onto the
interstate. The scenery was breathtaking, especially to the soundtrack of the wind whistling
through the helmet and the purr of the powerful engine beneath me. The trip itself took just
under an hour, but with my heart racing and my mind wandering, it felt like only a few minutes.
Graham pulled into the parking lot and stopped the engine of the bike; he waited for me
to climb off the back of the bike onto my jello-like legs before he stepped off it himself. He

pulled his head free of his own helmet before undoing the release of mine. His eyes scanned the
areas around us, not only the other cars but the tree line, too.
I want you to take that trail and stick to it. He nodded his head in the direction of the
well-used trail behind us. Stay to the main trail and dont veer off onto any of the smaller
trails. He talked in hushed whispers. He sounded strong and protective, much more like his
brother than his normal animated self. You only have an hour, or we wont make it back by
your curfew. He still didnt look in my direction, but now his hands reached for the backpack
straps on my shoulders, peeling me free from the weight of my books.
I dont even know if theyre here, I stated, trying to hide my nervousness. I honestly
couldnt believe I was really here, about to go through with this suicide mission.
Theyre here, Graham answered. Take off that jacket and take my sweatshirt. He
started to pull his navy hoodie over his head. My hand shook as I unzipped the zipper of the
jacket, slipping it off my shoulders. And dont be so nervous; you dont want to appear scared
to them. Let them see your confidence, he encouraged me. Although his lips didnt smile, his
emerald eyes shimmered as they looked down at me.
Ill be back soon, I attempted to mask my nervousness.
Youll be just fine, Addisyn, Graham stated, pulling on his jacket and turning to
secure the helmets to the handle bars of the motorcycle. Remember, you might not be able to
change them; youre only here to let them see they have options. As long as you dont forget
that, youll do just fine. I nodded in response, my nerves getting the better of me. Promise me
you wont do anything drastic.
You sound like your brother. I stated, but nodded. Yeah, I promise. He seemed to
hint at something, but he didnt say anything else. He wrapped his arms around me in an

awkward embrace. Oh, and before I forget, happy Death day, he whispered before pulling
away from me. Go. Those few seconds were the most affection I had ever seen from Graham.
I felt strange, continuing to blaze the trail knowing danger was waiting for me, but I kept
going anyways.
Like one of those horrible, stereotypical scary movies where you know the girl should
get out of the house and run like mad for help, but instead she runs up the stairs where everyone
knows the bad guy is waiting: That was me, the not-so-smart, character of a clich horror flick. I
should have left well-enough alone, but here I was, walking into the wooded trail, alone and
unarmed to face creatures of the night. Granted they were angels, but far more developed angels
that had the potential and ability to kill me right there.
I tried to reign in my nerves as I continued down the trail Graham had chosen for me. As
the foliage thickened above me the sunlight grew more dim. It didnt take me long to find Blair
and Markus, though; their brightness preceded them. They were just retracting their wings as
they walked down the trail toward me.
My heart raced, and my breathing stopped; there was no going back now. Theyd seen
me; they knew I was there. My body shook as I forced myself forward, slowly letting out the
breath that was caught in my throat.
You came. Markus greeted me with a smile, I wasnt sure if you would. He actually
looked genuinely happy to see me. He sat down on the grass; Blair followed his lead, although
her demeanor was far more callous than his. Her pointed green eyes watched me carefully.
I didnt think I had much of a choice, I answered, watching them. There was
something different about Markus and Blair; it immediately set me on edge. Even as Markus
tried his hardest to look casual, this difference between them made my skin crawl.

You always have a choice, Markus smiled at me. Even if you wont always make the
right one. His eyes glistened in the dim light. Should we get right down to the reason you are
I dont know where the courage summoned itself from, but the words drove forth from
my lips, completely oblivious to the nerves that were racking my insides. I came to let you
know you have options. You dont have to be like Farran, I stated. My body shook slightly but
my eyes stayed level on theirs.
You seriously came all this way to tell us just that? Markus asked. We know we have
options. He watched me. But did you know that you also have options? There was a roguish
twinkle behind his eyes.
No I tried to cut him off, but Blair spoke up, continuing for him.
You do know that the coin has two sides. You dont need to choose the path that
Everett has so carefully planned out for you. Her eyes were on me, blazing with hot danger. I
started questioning my decision to come here. You could be one of us, living life to its fullest
instead of hiding behind the fake beliefs of others and their greater-than-thou complexes.
I dont have fake beliefs, nor do I think I am greater than anyone, I corrected,
watching them. My eyes darted from one to the other. So then you have chosen to live your
lives like Farran? I questioned, almost not believing it. This couldnt be true; it had only been a
few days since I had last seen them, since Markus declared they were undecided.
Since I had last seen them, their bright illumination was not as bright as it had been,
especially Blairs. Something had gone awry. I turned to look where their eyes had moved. My
eyes fell upon the dark silhouette standing in the middle of the trail; it wasnt moving. I

shouldnt have come here. A shiver escaped me and coursed through my body as I slowly stood
up, looking back to Markus and Blair.
Blairs eyes were purely sinful as she stared at me through a haze of wickedness.
Markuss eyes were the exact opposite. He had been betrayed; his skin was white and pale as if
he had seen a ghost.
I guessed our expressions were fairly similar because that was exactly how I felt, like the
world was crashing down around me. Id stupidly fallen into a trap; Id trusted where no trust
should have been given at all. The strangest thing about this, though, was that Graham had
willingly let me walk into this trap and was nowhere around now. My mind spun, making me
dizzy as I sat there, staring at the two unclaimed angels.
Their fates are not theirs to decide any longer, Addisyn, dear. The voice was hot and
filled with excited danger. I placed it easily as soon as I heard it: my nightmares were coming to
life. I felt his warm breath on the bare skin of my neck. He stood right behind me; I could feel
the warmth of his skin, and even though he hadnt physically touched it, my flesh begged for
him. You sealed their fates for them the minute you betrayed them and came here with
company. His angry voice was steady.
Thats not true. I was trying hard to think of a way out of this. How could I have been
so dumb? Of course it was a trap! Their fates are always theirs to decide, they havent changed
yet and they havent killed yet.
Markus shot to his feet, while Blair reluctantly rose to stand beside him. You brought
someone with you? he questioned in disbelief. We told you to come alone!

I didnt have time to respond as I watched Farrans hand shoot up from beside me,
silencing Markus, who now just stood there looking like a deceived little boy. I dont know if it
was from fear or if Farran had some sort of hold over him, but he just stood there.
I couldnt find my voice with Farran so close to me; he was commanding my body to
come to him. Finally he stepped out from behind me; his fingers trickled along the back of the
sweatshirt I was wearing, the skin on my back ached to be touched by his lingering finger. His
face radiated pure excitement: he was enjoying this situation, and I feared he could see the
longing he had awakened in me.
As he moved farther from me, I found my voice. Even just a foot or two of separation
seemed to release some of his hold over me. My business is not with you, I said coldly.
Farrans eyes flashed at mine; a smirk played on his well chiseled lips. Thats a shame,
love, because my business is solely with you. His hand was at my cheek, and I felt powerless
against his touch. It was pure electricity, shocking my sensitive skin as it passed by. When his
hand retreated, it left me craving more, which I knew instantly was wrong on many levels, but I
couldnt help what he was doing to me.
He stepped in front of me; his eyes were dark. They stared into mine as if he could see
my soul through them.
You know, I was going to let you go on with this silly little visit of yours uninterrupted,
but then I saw your friend out there waiting so patiently, like a good little servant. He clucked
enigmatically. You have them trained so well, my dear. His hand slowly moved to touch my
cheek again; my head instinctively leaned toward it, allowing him to cup my cheek in his palm.
My submissiveness made him smirk again. But since you could not play by the rules, I had to

His hand gave my cheek a small slap, leaving a slight sting in its wake. I clenched my
hands at my sides, his control over me was to so intense, I wanted to reach out and claw at him,
anything to give myself a moment to clear my head. My four hour cram session on self-defense
was useless. Still, that was all I had. Even as I fought to gain control, his pull on me grew.
I was going to save this little meeting for a special day, but today is already a special
day, isnt it? His right eye winked at me, sending strange chills down my spine. Happy Death
day, Addisyn. The way my name dripped from his lips made it sound dirty, but at the same
time, empowering and sexy.
From where he stood, which was no more than a foot or two away, I had a good look at
him. He was only a few years older than Everett and Wilhelm. I could see it in the small
wrinkles around his features and the way his forehead folded so easily when he changed his
expressions. Even the whiskers that grew from his cheeks and chin told of his rough nature and
My wings burned in my back, begging to be freed, but some part of my subconscious
remembered that letting them bloom right there would be fatal. I felt like a fish drawn to a net,
part of me knew this was a trap but part of me didnt care.
I must say, its very refreshing to know you are not as perfect as everyone thinks. His
lips curled at the corners as his eyes flashed in the dim light. Your need to seek danger and life
on the darker side of things will make the change so much easier. His hand moved toward my
cheek again, but this time it bypassed my face; instead, I felt it locking itself in a chunk of my
hair at the back of my neck, tilting my face up as if he was about to kiss me.
His face came just inches from mine; my whole body ached under his touch. My lips
parted slightly, acting under their own control wanting and impatiently waiting for his kiss.

I couldnt understand the strange new sensations that flowed inside me; there was a lust
Id never ever imagined before. It controlled me; my common sense was thrown out the
I could feel his eyes studying me for a few moments before his head finally leaned
closer, stopping millimeters from mine. To think, the one thing I have been searching for
almost my entire afterlife was right there, in the hands of the ones I loathe the most. His lips
sent sparks to mine. He never once did they touched me, though.
I felt the hot tingle of his face almost pressed up against my own. I wanted to extend my
body up to meet his lips, or if I could regain control of myself, I would head butt him. I had to
do something to get out of his paralyzing grasp. But he held me in place. He was everything that
was wrong in the world, wrapped up in one man, and I wanted him, not only to take as my own
but to destroy.
Farran teased me, obviously sensing my own bodys lust under his touch, my own want
for his lips to touch mine. Finally, his lips connected to the nerve-driven skin on the side of my
neck. Gently, he left a small kiss there. A small sigh left my lips, and he seemed satisfied. His
hand released me, and he backed away.
Conflict burned inside of me; I could feel the bitter happiness of being torn in two. I
knew what I was feeling was unnatural, unbound and completely tempestuous. Nothing could
come from these lustful feelings, yet I did nothing to stop them. Instead I stood there, my knees
weak and my body tingling. It was like an adrenaline rush on steroids, and I found myself
becoming dangerously addicted. Blairs eyes were hot with anger, her bitterness seething as she
stared at me. Her fists were clenched at her sides as if she tried to keep herself in place. Markus
stared at me, still looking betrayed, his eyes filled with a sadness that could not be described.

Addisyn, why do you despise me? Farrans eyes traced my silhouette while I stood there, as if
I was on display for his eyes only. Im not really as evil as Everett makes me out to be. My
eyebrow arched in skepticism. His intense presence seemed to be softening with every second
that passed, almost as if I was draining him of it.
I watched him, disbelief playing over my face. So threatening the lives of people
doesnt make you evil? I questioned. Then someone needs to forward that memo to the
producers of all Hollywood films, because they have had it wrong for all these years.
Farran smirked at me, the corners of his lips twisting upward as his eyes flashed with
ardor. How interesting that you feel threatening lives is far worse than actually taking them.
He raised his eyebrows in curiosity, Because I am sure you dont feel the men in your Link are
evil even though they killed a man I considered to be a brother to me. His smirk turned to a
sorrow-filled frown. The same man that your pathetic excuse of a paramour, called his son.
Farrans eyes narrowed, he stepped toward me again.
His emotional state caught me off guard; wondered if I was being taken for a fool. I
suddenly felt my heart breaking for this man since part of him had to have once been good;
especially if he was once of the rare people chosen to become an angel. This gave me much
more motivation to want to lead Farran back to the right side of things, back to where he had
once been when he was reborn.
Farrans hand reached up, touching the hot flesh on my neck sending a new wave of
tingles through my nerves. You are far too innocent to be caught up in this war of men, he
whispered to me. I wish there was something I could do to save you from your fate. He
almost looked genuinely concerned.

My fate? my voice quivered under his touched once more. His face was almost against
me again; the hand he had placed on my neck moved to the back of my head, violently grabbing
my hair and jerking my head upwards to look into his eyes. Hot anger filled his once concerned
eyes; his teeth clenched tightly as his poisoned breath leaked out from between his perfectly
aligned white teeth.
His other hand grabbed onto my arm, the pulsing of my own blood ran though my veins,
throbbing under his grasp.
I take it you have yet to find out the end of this tale? He smirked dangerously. My
body screamed for me to get away as I felt the thumb of the hand in my hair running along the
sensitive flesh of my neck. He lowered his head down beside mine, his lips softly brushing
against the hair covering my ear, I take your life.
His lips found my earlobe and gently nibbled at it. The sensations of fear and pleasure
mixed inside me. I tried to pull away from him, but he held me there, his lips making a line
from my ear to my jaw line and then toward my own lips.
My free hand swung up to slap him, but he moved faster, pulling my arm back and
spinning me around. He used my own arm to secure me against his body. I could feel his breath
quicken as he held me there until finally a small cold chuckle left his lips.
Feisty, Farran chuckled. You would make such a good addition to my little family
I now faced the two unclaimed angels, my eyes on Blair. Markus looked like he was
about to race forward, but Blair had a solid and firm grasp on his chest, holding him there. Her
lips were twisted in a wicked upturned smile and her eyes almost matched the heated excitement

I felt from Farran. He had both my arms now, using them to hold me like a straitjacket; his face
nuzzled beside mine in the thick of my hair.
Ah, love, Farran sighed. Our time is coming to an end; your family has decided to
join us, he whispered, turning me to the trail I had come down. But before they interrupt us,
he started, his voice still trickling against my eardrum. My heart raced, but I heard him clear
above the pounding, I want you to know, you will be mine.
I wasnt sure if he meant this as a threat or just a hopeful wish.
When all is said and done, Ill have both you and that pitiful man you call your lover.
He let go of my right arm, his hand coming up to stroke my cheek. And then Ill show you that
Im the best option for you. You will see that you are no different from me; we were meant for
one another. His hand brushed the hair from my neck and his lips found the sensitive nervedriven flesh there once more. I tried to shrug him away, but he gently nipped at my skin,
sending chills through my body and leaving me with a feeling of lustful desire once more. Then
he released me from his grasp.
My knees felt weak as he spun me to face him. He smirked devilishly. I felt that strange
attraction again; my anger and fear were still very much present but so was this new admiration
for a man I knew to be very evil and corrupt.
Good, our company has arrived. Farran looked into my eyes for the last time that
night; I saw the saddened concern his eyes. Do not fear, love. Ill protect you. You wont die
here tonight. He smirked and turned to walk away from me, Go to them, so we can begin the
festivities. His voice was filled with a cold excitement. I watched him in disbelief as he
disappeared into the shadows of the trees behind the two unclaimed angels, the darkness
cloaking him easily.

I turned to run down the trail toward my family, to warn them, to protect them, but my
movements caught Blairs attention. Her entire presence was green with envy. Markus looked
more than upset as he stood there, and my heart went out to him. He was still very much
undecided, whereas Blair would clearly do anything for Farran. I wondered if it was because of
the power he had or if she had made up her own mind.
Markus looked conflicted, I wanted to grab his hand and take him with me, but I knew
my family had to come first. I had to get to them. I started to run, but my feet could not move as
fast as I wanted to go. I tried to clear my mind and get Farran out of it completely. Despite weak
legs, I pushed through to get to my Link and to put as much distance between Farrans Link and
How did they know to come here? How did they know where I was? I knew almost
immediately that Graham had ratted me out; he had to have called them or had this been the
plan all along? Did they know what I hadnt known?

Chapter 18 - The Earth Stood Still

I ran until I saw them coming toward me; their pace was quick, and as soon as they saw
me, they raced forward. Hunter was the first one to me, his arms wrapping around my
shoulders. You okay? he asked.
I nodded; it was all I could do to answer. I knew I had to tell them what lurked ahead,
but I was so relieved to see them that the danger left my mind for a brief second. Everett was
right behind Hunter, pulling me into his arms and hugging me fiercely.
Do you know how stupid this was? Youre so stubborn! he looked down at me; I
thought I caught a glimpse of dried tear stains on his cheeks.
I I was just trying to help them, I said honestly. My voice was barely above a
whisper as Wilhelm patted my shoulder before he turned to Graham, who was looking at me
Why did you keep this a secret from us? Greysans usual soothing voice called to me
now, but there was nothing soothing about it. His stance had not changed; he didnt make a
move toward me. Is this what all your dreams were about? Scary, run-of-the-mill monsters,
huh? his voice remained cold; Do you realize how much danger you put yourself and the rest
of us in? His temper flared. I had never been on this side of his anger, and I was beginning to
hope I would never have to see it again.
Can you all just stop now! I hollered, trying to talk above them.

Why did he let her go? Hunter asked.

Because its a game. Greysan answered. Everything to Farran is a mind game. He
took a deep breath in, releasing it slowly.
We have to leave, come on, we have to leave now. I grabbed whoever was closest to
me and ran down the trail toward the parking lot.
Addi, we arent leaving. It was Wilhelm on the other end of my arm. Farran isnt
going to allow that. He let you go as a tease; he doesnt plan you leaving with us.
What do you mean? I asked pausing mid-step.
What he means is, we are underprepared for a war we were not expecting yet. Everett
explained. We need to figure this all out, and we dont have a lot of time.
In the next few minutes, we came up with a plan. He is going to want Addi back, so
keeping her safe is our top priority, Everett said, looking right at me.
Good plan. I heard Farrans voice behind me, and I spun to see him walking out of the
trees. He was not alone, either. Jaret flanked his right side, and Caedmon was on his left.
Surprisingly though, only Blair was behind them.
Hunter grabbed onto my arm, pulling me behind him. Then Everett pulled me backward.
I stumbled over my own feet, but quickly regained my composure. Wilhelm joined Everett as
they stepped out in front of me and Hunter. Greysan and Graham in front to stand with Everett
and Wilhelm.
I heard Farran chuckle. I was with her alone for over an hour, and shes still unharmed.
Yet you still feel the need to hide her from me. He was watching me. I play nice, dont I,
Addi? I didnt have to let her go. What makes you think she is in any danger now?

What do you want, Farran? Wilhelm asked. His usual mellow tones were tense and
You already know what I want, Farran countered, I could tell by his voice that he
wore his sadistic smirk. So must we really do this dance? You really only have two options:
you can give me what I want, or I can take it, he paused, his eyes finding me once again.
You cant have her, Greysan spoke up, moving to stand in front of Everett and
Farran chuckled loudly. She is not the only one I want, though. I could feel the
tensions in my Link thickening. I knew I had to do something, anything to help. I pulled away
from Hunter. It is you, Greysan, who will die here today. Even your brother knows that. My
feet propelled me forward; I had to do it. I couldnt let him get to Greysan. I knew it was stupid
and dangerous, but I had to protect him; there was no way I was going to let Farran take
Greysan, dead or alive.
Before I knew it, I raced forward, dodging the others in my Link until I was just a few
feet from Farran. His face held the same hungry expression I had seen earlier. Hello again, my
love. He raised an eyebrow at me. So excited to come and join me and my family that you
feel the need to run into my arms? I felt the hot anger surging through me at his taunting, and I
did the only think I could think of to keep Farrans attention off of Greysan.
I bloomed.
My wings ripped through the cotton fabric of Grahams sweatshirt like a knife through
warm butter. The tearing and popping noise echoed off the trees.
No! I heard a voice cry out; I wasnt sure whose voice it was though because my mind
was no longer working properly. I had completely forgotten that Farran had also said that in the

end he kills me, too. Farran moved toward me, raising his hand as he had earlier to stroke my
cheek. I stood my ground, not showing any of the fear that coursed through my entire body. His
hand never did make it to my skin, though. I felt two strong arms under my wings, grabbing me
and pulling me backward.
Everett, Wilhelm and Graham moved to block me while a strong commanding voice
spoke in my ear, Retract, Addisyn. My body gave in willingly. My wings immediately
retracted and Greysan pulled me into his arms. That was the dumbest thing youve ever done,
he rasped in my ear. You need to get out of here. He looked around, his eyes falling on
Hunter and in that moment the tensions between them subsided.
You two need to go, Hunter spoke beside us.
Farran cackled at Wilhelm and Everett, their argument growing hotter and hotter by the
second; it wouldnt be long before the actual fight started.
No, Greysan said to Hunter. You need to take her. He looked up at Hunter and
explained, He wants both of us, so if were together, there will be no chance of survival. Itd be
too easy for him. You have to take her, get her far away from here, do whatever you need to -just keep her safe. His voice was no more than a whisper, but I heard it crack as he thought
about what was going to happen. He looked back to Hunter, his blue-grey eyes filled with a sad
determination. I trust you, he said forcefully. My head spun, after all these weeks of almost
pure hatred for one another, Greysan was handing me over to Hunter.
I am not leaving! I argued, neither of them seemed to be listening to me though.
You know I wont let anything happen to her, Hunter said compassionately, grabbing
onto my arm. I stopped him, though, and just stared at Greysan in disbelief: he was going to
give up, to save me?

Grey! I called to him, tears starting to form in my eyes as I tried to reach for him.
Dont do anything stupid.He looked down at me; his hand gently touching my cheek. A single
tear rolled from his eyes.
I wont let him have you, Greysan whispered. Hunter will keep you safe. He kissed
the top of my head, his single tear stinging as it hit my scalp.
And I wont let him have you. I stated. But my argument was useless. I was not going
anywhere. Farrans Link took the distraction to their advantage to attack.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw Caedmon make the first move and lunge out of the
trees at Hunter, who saw him a second too late. He was plowed over into the trunk of a tree at
the force of a small semi. The tree swayed and splintered under the force, threatening to come
snap in half. Both of them were lost in darkness of the forest as they spiraled between the
Farran let out a deep cackle that caught me off guard. Without Hunter beside me, his
voice was back to its alluring charm. I felt the need to go to him, but I fought it, rooting my feet
into the ground in a defensive stance. Blair and Graham paired off, his graceful movements
mirrored hers.
Wilhelm and Everett squared off against Farran, blocking him from my view, which was
for the better, I didnt need him littering my mind; it was hard enough trying to work through
what to do without his voice messing with my head. As things spun out of control around me, I
studied what my Link was doing, to see if somehow I could help them.
I watched in awe as Greysan bloomed. His shirt tearing apart and hanging mangled
around his waist before it slipped over his hips and to the ground as he took off into the narrow
space between the tree branches above us. Jaret took off after him, and for a second, I thought

he was going to catch him. Greysan gracefully flipped over and descended back down. A
wicked grin crossed Jarets face, like he thought he was about to win, but Greysan back flipped,
retracting his wings, and plummeted feet-first into Jaret, who barely had time to cry out before
he took Greysans boot to the face. The grey angel tumbled to earth, leaving a divot in the dirt.
He rubbed his shattered jaw, dazed. Greysan bloomed and flared his wings out to slow his
descent, as he surveyed the battle beneath him, his eyes caught mine for a second, and he gave
me a small wink. I didnt think I could be more attracted to him than in that moment.
I chewed my cheek, catching movement in the corner of my eye; I turned to see Blair
charge straight for me. But at the last second, Hunter stepped in to protect me, barreling into her
path just in time. He dropped low to try and sweep Blairs legs out from under her, but she
anticipated his move and jumped straight over the kick, snapping her own leg to connect with
his chest mid-air. Both of them fell to the ground, but Blair was on her feet first; and she didnt
waste any time in coming straight for me.
There was an evil hatred in her eyes as she glared at me. I felt my heart sink with terror,
but I was determined to do my part. I had wanted my Link to let me fight. I was going to make
sure I didnt fail them. I pressed my lips together and sucked in a deep breath, yelling out
KYAH! as I brought my knee up and drove my heel down into Blairs kneecap, right as she
lunged for me. She fell on top of me, but her tumbling forward made it easy for me to use her
weight against her.
Rolling with the momentum of the fall, I fell onto my back pushed her off of me,
scrambling back up to my feet. I looked back over my shoulder at Blair, and couldnt help the
giddy feeling that bubbled up inside me and forced a grin on my lips. I was so proud of myself.

Blair let out a moan; I wasnt sure if it was in pain or if she hadnt yet realized what had
just happened.
Hunter and Caedmon stumbled their way back onto the hiking trail. I noticed though that
as impulsive and bloodthirsty as Caedmon had seemed he was not really attacking Hunter as
hard as I figured he could. Jaret was raising himself out of the gorge his body had made in the
earth, his jaw fully healed already. The smile on his face gave away to his cockiness as he rolled
his head from side to side, cracking the joints in his neck. It was as if he was going for a
marathon run instead of about to try and destroy my family.
Blair was on her feet again now too, and I felt boxed in. Hunter appeared at one side and
Greysan was on the other. Greysan reached over and squeeze my hand before letting it go to
grasp the charging Jaret by the shoulders.
One of them grunted as they both used their strength to try to move the other. I caught a
glance of Graham, who was being grated against the bark of a tree by Caedmon. Farran, arm
outstretched, had a mental choke hold on Wilhelm, who was grasping at his neck. Blair ran at
Everetts back, leaping on top it, and wrapping her arms around his neck as he tried to distract
Farran from Wilhelm by bludgeoning him in the face.
A hand reached out and touched my arm, I jumped, instinctively my fists clenched and I
was ready to attack.
Go. I looked up to see Markus beside me. He quickly let go of my arm. Go now. He
gave me a little shove toward Hunter.
Come on. Hunter grabbed my arm and pulled me away from them. We have to go.
The last glance at my Link was them losing the battle. Hunter wasted no more time; he pulled
me toward the car, opened the door, and pushed me inside.

I sat in a daze. We cant leave them, they need our help! I whispered, my heart still
breaking as my eyes watched the tree line. At the tree tops, a dozen or so of Light Angels were
descending upon the fight.
The Scouts. Hunter stated as he started the car and peeled out of the parking lot.
Markus must have gone for them, when he realized it was a trap. Hunter glanced at me. You
were right about him. You changed his fate. He didnt say anything else as he drove. I wasnt
sure where he was taking me, or even if he knew.
I shook involuntarily. My whole body gave into the fear I felt for the rest of our Link.
Hunter squeezed my hand. They will be okay right?
Theyll be fine, he whispered. His words didnt even register in my mind, though.
Something darted across the street, causing Hunter to hit the brakes. The finely tuned engine
squealed to a stop. He spun the wheel to avoid hitting the form. It wasnt until the car actual
tipped on its side that I realized we were not dodging an animal.
Caedmons body slammed into the door as it bent unnaturally around him, the force sent
the car rolling over onto its passenger side. I let out a scream. As we rolled, our bodies slammed
against the insides of the car. Glass shattered in the windows; I felt blood and pain. Hunter
ripped his seatbelt free as soon as the car stopped rolling; our bodies hung upside down.
Do not bloom, he commanded; his voice was strong. If he felt any fear it could not be
traced by his voice. Whatever you do, do not bloom. The car whined above us, the engine
stopped, and the reek of gasoline filled the air.
Hunter wrapped one strong arm around my waist as his other undid my seatbelt. I fell
softly, putting my hands up on the roof of the car to brace myself. I barely felt the small shards
of glass as they embedded into my flesh as I turned over to squat down on the ceiling of the car.

I didnt know what his plan was, but I was just fine sitting in the car until help arrived. My
thoughts were distracted by the flicker of light in the darkening outside the car, and then a cold,
smoke-filled chuckle filled the air. It was Caedmon; I knew that by his voice. As I turned to
look, I saw him standing about thirty feet away, just outside the light of the headlights, flipping
his lighter in his hand as he reached it up to his lips to light the cigarette that was placed
between them.
Addi, I have to get you out of here. Hunter said; his voice, a low whisper. Go out my
window and run; dont look back; dont bloom. Hunter moved around me so he was on the
passenger side, staring out at Hudson. NOW! he pushed me out as I saw Hudson crouch
down, holding the flame of his lighter to the ground, his eyes sparkling with excitement in the
small amount of light. A line of fire snaked toward the car. I pulled my body through the
window, feeling Hunter right behind me. I was doing as I was told and Hunter was right beside
me the whole way.
My feet proved to be clumsy in my panic. The loud blast threw me forward as the car
exploded; tossing me to the middle of the road, into the path of the cars headlight. My body
struck the concrete so hard it felt like the ground split beneath me. My arms hit the ground and
my head came down on my left arm, cracking the bone in two.
Aauggh! I cried out in pain. I couldnt really hear; my ears just rang as I laid there. My
body ached and a shooting pain stabbed at my flesh with every heartbeat. I groaned, as I rolled
onto my back. Above me I saw Hunter, Caedmon and Blair, all in the air, wings extended. As
the horror of what was about to go on hit me, the three of them moved toward each other in
slow motion. Caedmon was the first to reach Hunter, battering his fist into Hunters torso,
sending his body flying back several feet. Meanwhile, Blair seemed to notice me, she glanced at

Hunter and Caedmons forms then swooped down toward me, the feathers in her wings ruffling
as she came toward me.
Addi! Hunter cried out, flying toward me faster than my eyes could follow. His body
careened into Blairs, driving her body into the blazing car. Then he paused long enough above
me, to make eye contact before laying his body over me, pinning me to the ground his wings
wrapping around both of our bodies.
No, Hunter. I cried out, but I had no time to say anything else, his grasp on me
tightened as if he was anticipated what was coming next.
Be safe, Addisyn, he whispered; his voice was right in my ear, his lips pressed against
mine. I will always protect you. His lips kissed mine again. I will always love you. And
then his voice was gone. Headlight lit up the area around us, as a car skidded to a stop a few feet
No, Hunter, retract, we will figure something out! Retract! I begged. I heard him rasp
in a deep breath and then all I could hear were cold, dark chuckles. My body sunk into shock. I
heard Hunter whimper in pain, and I tried to move to help him, but he held me tightly in place. I
felt warm, thick liquid on my exposed skin, but what it was didnt register at that moment.
Hunters body jerked above me, but his grasp never loosened. His breathing was ragged as he
sucked in air through clenched teeth. In the distance there were voices shouting and a womans
cackle and then nothing. My mind gave in to the shock that coursed through my body. My eyes
closed and then there was nothing.

Chapter 19: After the Nightmare, or Was This Just the Beginning?
My body surrendered to the wet, sandy ground beneath me. The tide had receded a few
minutes prior, but it didnt matter. A feathery white blanket as soft as fleece surrounded me and
curled around my body. I no longer cared if anyone saw me like this, not that anyone would
dare come to the beach at a time like this, with the threatening deep purple sky filling rapidly
with dark rolling clouds. The wind howled against the bluffs behind me and the waves crashed
against the beach. It was fitting, the dark beauty of a wicked storm on a night where so much
had gone wrong. I knew the rain would not wash away the sadness or the pain of that nights
events, but the physical and emotional numbness was doing a good enough job of keeping me
clouded from them for now.
There was a deep burning pain that ravaged my whole being. It started shortly after I had
run through the doors of the beautiful colonial house where Dr. Luke Warstein resided. My bare
feet and broken body took a hit from the pre-storm chill in the air, but I barely shivered. The
pain from my wounds on top of this new ache that tormented my whole body made driving
Everetts car even more difficult than I expected. Eventually, I had found my way to the bluffs
and let the car roll to a stop.
The walk to where I lay now was not any easier than the drive had been, pain shot
through me with every step down the pebble-covered trail. I slipped several times, causing my
body more pain, but I pushed forward.

It seemed like a lifetime had passed before I made it down to the sandy beach; the pads
of my feet finally finding traction on the course grains. The burning pain increased the farther I
went. Unable to force myself to go another step, I collapsed like a rag doll into the soft, moist
sand. It was against my better judgment to run from the others, but I didnt feel I had a choice. I
couldnt have stayed there, looking into their faces, watching the heartbreak take over. The hurt
was so great already, and I refused to be there to watch the pain increase.
My cheeks still itched from tear trails, but they had long-since ceased falling. Maybe Id
run out of tears. My body curled into a ball, although any movement I made caused the pain to
attack my entire core. There was a constant throb from the break in my left arm and another
pain that seemed to stem from my ribcage. But none of it, not even the burning pain from within
me had stopped me. I had been on a mission to get away, to spend the last few minutes of my
life completely alone. I knew the pain would be gone soon, just as my breath would escape for
the last time from my body. So I lay there, staring into the dark oblivion of the angry ocean
before me. The harsh waves broke against the solid beach just a few feet away, creating a loud,
steady roar, but it was hard to pay attention to it.
The heart is the strongest muscle in the human body. I am not sure where I had heard
this before, but it seemed fitting to my current situation. That muscle was the only thing
sustaining my life now. My will to live was long gone, and every beat inside my heart was
keeping me alive, forcing me to survive through the grueling physical and mental pain. I felt the
adrenaline picking up again, and slowly the pain seemed to melt away, all but the strange
burning pain inside me. An ache in my heart gave me the constant reminder of why I was there,
why I had run away from my family during a time I should have wanted to be with them the

Hes gone.
My mind worked against me, repeating information like some sort of mental alarm.
Farran had won; he had killed me. My mind kept replaying the proof of this over and over
again. I could see again Hunter looking up at me, his expression both confused and
understanding at the same time; I felt instinctively that he knew something I didnt. He seemed
to be at peace with what was coming next for him, but there was no way he could have known,
could he? Even in his last moments, his voice was a satiny calm. He was still trying to protect
me; I could tell that much. He acted as if we were just on a joyride with our friends instead of in
a race to save his life. Everett, Wilhelm, Grayson, and Graham had picked us up off the road, a
bloody mass of flesh and feathers. Hunter had been huddled on the floor in the comforting
security of the SUV while Everett sped through the streets without saying a word.
Be safe, Hunter had whispered; both of us winced in pain as the car hit a small bump
in the road. He smiled at me, his amber eyes twinkling in the dim overhead light. The orange
tint from the light gave his skin a sickly yellow color, and I wondered if my own skin held the
same hue. His mess of ginger hair was matted to his scalp with blood. His once perfect face was
now swollen and bruised; his lips were drying as he spoke the two words that I knew would
haunt me for the rest of my life: Be safe.
There it was again. My mind seemed to hit rewind and play the entire scene back, as if I
should have been looking for something in those moments. My heart clung to his voice, my
mind to the scent of burning pine he emitted. He was my best friend, my companion. I had
thought that we never felt one romantic thing for each other, but the kiss and his last words
before Blair ripped at his wings, threw me for a loop. Hed been there in my waking moments
of my second life, and wed been inseparable since. But there he lay; sprawled out across the

floor as Everett raced to get us to the doctors house. There was nothing I could do but hold him
and pray. I wondered if Hunter had known he was about to die, giving a meaning for the calm
understanding in his eyes. Perhaps that was why he was so selective in his choice of words.
Words I had heard from him time and time again.
Just as I had made up my mind to never let him go, he closed his eyes. Panic filled every
inch of my body as I started to scream. The pain of my own injuries were like a growing fire
inside of me, but none of it compared to what was happening in my heart. I could literally feel it
being ripped and torn, small pieces of it falling away. Hunters hand was still in mine as his
body started to convulse against the restraints of his seatbelt. No matter what any of us did, it
was too late.
Hunter was dead before we even made it to the doctors driveway, his body dissolving
into dust as Everett and Greysan carried him up the Doctors front steps, seconds behind me. I
felt his soul leave his body and that was when the pain inside really started. The pain was an
intense frozen, burning sensation that seemed to consume me as a whole once the flames behind
it were stoked, every ounce and pore of my body stung and burned as if I were being burned
from the inside out. Once it reached its full potential, the pain became blinding above
everything else.
Be safe, his voice still echoed in my mind, causing my breath to catch in my throat
once again. My mind cleared of all but the pain as I lay in the wet sand, waiting. That was when
the rain picked up, small droplets of steel fell against my flesh, pounding against my already
bruised and beaten body. Thunder crackled in the distance and a skeletal hand of lightening
etched across the deep purple sky. I didnt even shudder once; the numbness that the adrenaline

created made everything else seem devoid of reality as the rain beat down on me. My body
vibrated under the steady rhythm.
My mind finally fell silent to the soundtrack Mother Nature provided, giving me an
eerie, peaceful serenity. Time passed by slowly. My exhaustion and the shock I finally gave into
caught up to me, and I began to think about sleep. My eyes grew heavy; the thought of never
waking up crossed my mind. I allowed my eyes to drift close. Im not sure how long I lay there;
time didnt seem to exist as I began to hope this was all just one of the nightmares that had
plagued me. I found myself hoping Id wake up to find Hunter sitting in his room, just up the
hallway, or on the lounge chair on the balcony outside my glass balcony doorway. Part of me
knew, though, that from this day forward nothing would be the same.
I was completely aware when the rain stopped; the breeze made my nerves stand on end.
I also could tell when the sun first peeked over the horizon. As the pain became unbearable
again, I tried my hardest to ignore it. I wondered when I would finally take my last breath; this
seemed to be taking too long. Then I heard voices. I must have been hallucinating.
Addisyn! I tried to block it out even as part of me wondered if it was God calling me
as I slowly parted from this world. But I heard it again a few seconds later, a different voice this
time, the second voice deeper than the first.
A warning coursed through my mind, screamed at me to retract my wings, but I easily
ignored it. I didnt care if anyone saw me like this; there was not a danger great enough on earth
to put fear into me anymore.
Addisyn, Greysans voice called out again. It made sense, since his voice was a
comfort for me; it would almost be expected that with my feelings for him, my mind would
bring him up in my last minutes alive. My mind was still numb to my current emotions though.

I barely noticed that my own body shook uncontrollably under the white silky down of my
warm wings, which were wrapped tightly around me.
There! the first voice yelled. Why was this happening? Why couldnt I just die in
peace? Why did my mind have to play games on me? From the small slits of my swollen eyes I
saw someone kneel before me. I could barely make out the dark blue denim of their jeans. I felt
fingers gently probing my outstretched arm. The skin to skin contact sent my nerves into over
drive; the presence before me was so warm. Even as I welcomed the heat against my cold
exterior, I wanted to scream out in pain as the hand traveled up my arm and gently touched my
cheek, running the very tips of his fingers along the tear tracks he found there. More tears
formed in my eyes, stinging; my teeth clenched as I tried to force the pain away.
Addisyn, the smooth, calm voice hit my ears. Can you hear me? His words dripped
panic. I couldnt see a face, but the voice was familiar. Still, the numbness in my mind made
everything seem so far away. I was still unsure whether this was actually happening. I grumbled
in pain, though, it sounded more like a groan than anything coherent. It was the best I could do.
My mind and body were unwilling to cooperate with the hallucinations my slow death
was creating. The pain was the only real thing to me now. Shes freezing, the first voice
stated. It was solid and strong. Everett. This hallucination seemed so real. I could even feel the
two presences hovering around me. I suppose my subconscious was filling in. Of course Everett
would come to find me; he was the leader of our Link. It was only obvious he would look for
one of his family members. I felt the other warm presence before me; his hand still touched my
flesh. My skin practically reached for it, trying to absorb the warmth it offered.
We have to get her to a hospital.

You really think a hospital is the best place to take her? There was the smooth voice
again, except it was not nearly as calm as it had been.
Shes more human than she is angel, Everett stated, What else do you suggest we
do? He was questioning himself. Its the only way; we cant just leave her like this. My mind
tried to understand the words as they were spoken, but it was like an old Japanese movie I
could hear the words but it took a few seconds to comprehend them. Well, we cant take her
like this! The smooth voice sounded panicked. Addisyn, you have to retract. Everetts voice
was much closer; he was right beside my head now, his voice right in my ear. He never lost his
calm, but in my mind, he sounded just as scared as the man with the smooth voice. Addi,
please? he was begging now; he sounded so much smaller than usual.
Let me try. The soothing voice was there again. It belonged to the man in the dark
denim jeans kneeling before me. I felt his hand on my neck, brushing the hair back away from
my face. I recognized the touch; the warmth that emitted from his caress was what gave him
away finally. My mind made his scent more prominent; the faint oaky scent of his cologne
made me calm almost instantly.
Addisyn, retract. His lips were on my ear, whispering his command. My mind did as it
was told, and my wings retracted. I winced. The pain hurt so badly as every ounce of my energy
went into pulling my wings back into the pocket between my shoulder blades. A tear rolled
down my cheek from the horrific pain that coursed through me. I bit down hard on my lip,
splitting open a cut that was already there. I could taste the fresh blood.
Thank you, Greysan said; his thumb gently wiped the tear off my cheek. Im sorry
for the pain Im about to cause you, but we need to get you help. When he pulled away, the
breeze made me shiver.

The arms beneath me carefully lifted me out of the wet sand; the ground melted away
from my body. My sleeping limbs tingled with thousands of tiny pin pricks. My body was
pressed against Greysans warm body; he hugged me to him as he started to walk. I could feel
every graceful step, my body throbbing along with his heartbeat. Still, cold burning pain seared
through me at every breath Greysan took; every second passed by as if time was moving slower
in my hallucination than in real life.
Dont worry, Addisyn, Greysan whispered again, Everything will be all better soon.
His voice cracked, and I felt a gentle kiss upon the top of my head. Car doors opened and
Greysan sat down with me still wrapped in his arms. Doors slammed closed. Drive, Greysan
commanded Everett. It was strange to hear the forcefulness in Greysans voice; I was used to
hearing it as he put me to sleep but never toward others in our Link.
Greysans hand ran through my hair, trying to keep me calm, his other hand wrapped
gently around mine. I squeezed it instinctively every time the pain got too intense.
Keep her awake, Everett commanded; he sounded anxious. I felt the blackness of
unconsciousness coming to take me away. I wondered if it would finally take me from this
world. I welcomed it, feeling at peace in Greysans arms.
I slipped back into the blackness after only a few seconds.

Chapter 20 - Waking Up
I dont understand why shes still alive. I heard Everetts voice filled with a
bewildered sadness. I dont know how much longer we have with her, he continued, but I am
not wasting any time. We need to get her help if she has any chance of surviving, and we need
to do it soon. I could still feel Greysan holding me, stroking my head and holding my hand.
His warmth still soothed my frazzled nerves.
And then the blackness came again.
What are these marks on her back? I heard an older mans voice. I could feel cold
fingers running over my bare back, examining it. Who was this new voice? The fingers were
probing the sensitive area where my wings bloom from between my shoulder blades. My wings
ached to be freed, adding an itching sensation to the constant shock of the cold burning pain that
still filled me. I dont think theyre from the crash, nor have I ever seen a back surgery scar like
The cold fingers ran along the scar again. My body jerked under the touch; my hands
clenched as I tried to control my wings from blooming in my weakened state. I bit down on my
lip, wincing at the added pain as my lip split open once again. I didnt like the feeling of being
so exposed.
Ive seen those before; its a surgery done as a child, a more familiar voice stated.
Are you sure, Dr. Warstein? the unfamiliar voice asked, touching the sensitive lines on
my back once again.

I heard a heavy sigh and felt my body turn over on the hard surface beneath me and
fingers running down my left arm. I flinched in pain as it touched the break in my wrist. My
muscles ached; my bones felt brittle; my nerves were on edge, all of which made the cold
fingers even more prominent against my skin as they worked through their examination of my
Then there was nothing, the blanket of darkness covering me once again.
I winced in pain, loudly and sharply sucked in air. When was the last time they gave
her medicine? The distinct voice of a panicking Aubry filled the room; I felt her warm hand on
my right arm. I felt the need to push the pain away for her sake but it wouldnt go. There was
too much of it. It was no longer just burning inside anymore; there was a sharp throb covering
most of my body.
It hasnt been that long, a quiet voice spoke up. Papers shuffled and feet hit the ground
as someone shifted his position. Graham spoke; his quiet voice was unmistakable.
Then why does she look like she is in so much pain still? Aubry asked; her voice
sounded more restless.
I dont know, Graham answered, sighing. I felt the burning at my back; the itching of
my wings begging to bloom. I was holding them back with all my strength, but I was slowly
losing the battle.
Aubry, why dont you come with me to the cafeteria? Its gonna be a long night, and I
am sure we could use a round of caffeine and something to eat, Everetts strong voice spoke.
The hand on my arm gave a quick squeeze and then it was gone. Her feet shuffled away from

me and the low murmurs of angel whispers. The heavy door shut, leaving me alone, or so I
Seconds later, a chair moved. My eyes were still closed; I didnt have enough strength to
open them. The bed sank a bit on my right side and a hand pressed against my cheek.
We know youre awake, Addisyn, Greysans voice filled my ear, and we know
youre in a great deal of pain. He paused, his voice crackling.
Addi, you need to push the pain away, Grahams voice was on my left side. We
know you can do it; youre strong. He empowered me. You have to do it, Addi. Greysan is
going to put you back to sleep. We all love you, and well see you when you wake. Push the
pain away, though; its the only way through it, he whispered. I felt something wet touch my
cheek, and I felt Greysan pull away, sighing heavily.
Sleep, Addisyn, he commanded in my ear suddenly. I felt the itching on my back
increase to where I could almost not hold my wings in. I heard the sickening cracking and
popping which added to the pain and then it was all gone.
The blackness of sleep had come again.
I am not sure how long I stayed like that, passing in and out of the strange semiconscious state. The first couple times I woke up; I could smell the cold, sterile stench and feel
the bright florescent lights against my skin. The last few times I had woken up everything was
different. I could feel the ocean breeze and smell the relaxing and familiar salty sea air. I even
heard the roar of the ocean and a few squawks of birds, but there was also this strangely faint
scent of drying paint.
I felt sunlight on my skin, warming me, and the bed beneath me felt much more
comfortable than the hospital one. This bed cushioned my body as I ached against it. I could

feel the restrictions of bandages on my skin in a few places: my head had a few, my legs were
definitely covered, and my left hand and wrist felt unnecessarily heavy.
The physical pain still throbbed numbly through my body, but something kept it from
really registering. The burning pain still coursed through every inch of my soul, it had not lost
any of its intensity, but I was getting better at pushing past it and not letting it incapacitate me. I
wondered if that meant my death was finally coming. I let out a quiet groan, finally feeling the
pain in the back of my dry throat.
I heard something move and then felt the mattress sagging to the left. Warm fingertips
touched my cheek, gently wiping the hair from my face. Youre awake? Greysans quiet,
soothing voice asked, cracking slightly. I tried to open my eyes, and was surprised they actually
opened. They took a while to adjust. Above me was a painting of an old piece of parchment
paper stretching across the lavender background of the rest of the ceiling. There were chords
with music notes painted along the parchment; at the top of the sheet of music was printed,
Requiem for an Angel. I focused on the details of the painted paper above me: the carefully
painted, tattered edges of the piece of parchment and the even brush strokes making the lines of
the chords. I heard music in the background; it was soft and peaceful.
I turned my head and saw Greysan: his lips were turned up happily as his thumb moved
to run along my jaw line. I tried to turn my body to face him, but he put a firm hand on my
shoulder to keep me from moving.
Dont move; you need to stay still, he whispered. His voice regained the warmth it
usually held. He didnt seem as worried or scared as he had been the last time.
His eyes still held concern, but there was a new peaceful calm in them. His warm thumb
moved back to my cheek as he bent down, leaving a kiss on my forehead. He was just what I

had needed in that moment; a safe, comforting constant, which helped whenever a wave of pain
flew through me.
Have we both died? I asked feeling a confused sadness overtaking my mind; my voice
burned against my raw, dry throat. I tried to swallow but it only made the dryness worse.
What? Greysan asked and then chuckled. Addisyn, youre alive. He smiled at me,
his lips coming down and gently pressing against my own. I sunk back a bit from him.
I cant be alive, I stated, confused.
Greysan chuckled. This is not an illusion, he said firmly; his hands covered my
cheeks. A pain passed through me when he touched my right cheek. Do I feel like an
apparition? he asked.
I shrugged, thinking about it for a moment. No. I answered I wish I didnt hurt so
badly, though. I cringed as pain passed through me.
Addisyn, he sighed, this is not an illusion; you are very much alive. He leaned
down, kissing my lips again lightly. So very much alive, he smiled at me, his gray-blue eyes
glistening from the tears that had once been there. I was so confused. If I was alive, Hunter was,
too. My body tried to shoot up in the bed, and all my muscles screamed in agony as I forced
them to move so quickly.
A loud groan left my lips, and tears formed in my eyes. I was halfway sitting when I
realized I was in my room in the beach house. Lay back down. Greysan sounded concerned.
I said you were not to move. His hands gently pushed my shoulders down. Pain shot from
several points of my body, and I had to bite my lip to keep from crying.
How did I get here? I asked him, as my head turned once again to face him. I didnt
get my answer right away, though; the door clicked open.

She awake? Everetts strong voice asked. He slowly came into view as I looked
toward the door. He smiled down at me. Hey.
Hi. I tried to smile, but it only caused more pain to attack my face. Everett stopped at
the end of the bed. I felt Greysan move off the end, and soon he was standing beside Everett
murmuring back and forth.
Addi! The quiet voice of Graham filled my ears, and I saw only a flash of him before
he appeared at my side, his arm gently wrapping around me in a strange but comforting hug.
Howre you feeling? he asked pulling away, leaving me to wince in pain again.
Alright, I lied. I was filled with both happiness and sorrow as the reality of Hunters
death came over me.
Wheres Hunter? I asked looking first to Everett and then to Wilhelm, both of them
nodded sadly.
He died, Everetts usually strong voice crackled slightly. there was nothing we could
have done to prevent it; we tried everything. He sounded so sad. I knew there had been one
thing that could have prevented it, but I was not about to think on that now. I saved that thought
for later, when I was alone, instead I just nodded.
So why am I still alive? I asked, still looking to Everett for my answers.
Wilhelm shifted. He looked straight at me, and curiousness crossed his eyes. No clue,
he answered. None of us have ever heard of anything like this.
Were not complaining about this very blessed glitch, either, Greysan quickly added.
Were all very glad youre still here with us.

Wilhelm and I are trying to figure out why you are still here, but Graham says pushing
through the pain will make it go away. He is pretty certain that will work and you will not be
leaving us. Everett said, giving me a moment to digest what he said.
An awkward silence filled the room and my eyes moved back to the ceiling and the
painting of the music sheet on it. Where did you find that song? I asked before trying to
change the subject and get rid of the silence. I dont think I have ever heard of it before.
Its just something someone wrote a long while back, Greysan said quickly.
My head lolled over to take a good look at Graham. I was trying my hardest to not do
anything that would cause any more pain. I looked at him, still studying him; my mind was
swimming with hundreds of questions.
There will be plenty of time to answer questions, Everett interrupted. But for now,
you have to rest.
That is all I have been doing, I whined as I tried to move and shift my stiff body.
Tomorrow is going to be a very long and hard day for all of us. You need your rest; itll
help you heal more quickly. Everett patted my foot.
Ill go get Coakley. Wilhelm moved to the doorway and I felt my forehead crumple in
Whos Coakley? I asked, looking to Everett for an answer.
Im your nurse. A bubbly petite brunette walked up behind Everett and then continued
to the side of my bed where Graham sat. She looked at my IV bags.
Nurse? I was still confused, was I not at the beach house? I eyed her carefully, noting
her aura; she was an angel like the rest of us.

All right, she spoke and pulled Graham playfully off the side of the bed, out of here,
all of you. She shooed them toward the door. My eyes travelled to Greysan who was walking
around the other side of my bed. He ran a hand gently through my hair and kissed my forehead.
I will be right outside your door. Once Coakley is done; Ill be back. He smiled at me
before he backed up and followed the others out my door, closing it behind him.
All right, Addi, Coakley turned her attention to me, moving back to the side of my
bed, lets get you up out of this bed for a while. How about a bath and a change of clothes?
She didnt wait for an answer, so slowly she helped me sit up; I tried hard to ignore the pain that
rippled through my nerves. I winced from time to time through the whole ordeal.
She bathed me and helped me change into a cotton tank top and a pair of shorts. Then
she helped me lay down on my chaise lounge. I finally got a good look at my room; it looked
pretty much the same with the exception of the mural on the ceiling. The chandelier was
different: it was not as antique as the first one had been, but it was a good replica. The bed
frame was new, and it was draped in sage, lavender and white sheer fabrics. Once I was
completely settled on the lounge and as comfortable as I was going to get, Coakley moved to
my bed and started to strip the sheets off of it.
You dont have to do that, I said trying to move to get up.
Stay put. She smiled kindly, This is in my job description.
I lay back against pillows. Why am I here? I asked, unable to stop the words from
pouring from my mouth. My mind was so clouded in pain.
You bloomed, she looked up at me, as she tucked the fresh sheets under my mattress,
at the hospital; it happens occasionally with extreme amounts of pain. She eyed me as she
moved to another corner.

Did anyone see? I swallowed hard, fear running through me, praying I hadnt given
away the biggest secret in the world.
One of the resident doctors did, she started. I am not sure how it is being explained to
him. He was pretty confused. She was moving again, gliding elegantly around the foot board of
my bed.
I nodded, swallowing hard. He saw? Curiosity filled me. What would happen to him?
My mind brought forth the stories that Greysan told me about Clara and how she reacted after
seeing him in his angel form.
Just a glance. Coakley smiled in my direction. Everett and Dr. Luke thought it would
be safer for you to rest and recover here, she explained. Then they brought you here, where
Dr. Luke and I have been seeing to your care. She pulled a clean blanket over the bed than
came to sit down on a chair beside me. Is there anything else I can do for you? she asked
I turned my head and looked out my balcony doors. The sea breeze was much stronger
here, and I could see the waves all the way out to the horizon. No, but thank you, I tried to
smile at her.
All right then, you can either nap here or in the bed, but either way you have to take a
nap. She stood up moving to a hospital-type rolling cart and pulling out a syringe. So which is
I dont want to move again, I admitted, looking to her and sighing.
That is fine; I will have one of them move you later once you are asleep. This will just
take the pain away, she said as she pressed a syringe into the port on the IV line. Ill see you
when you wake. She smiled kindly, and, once the liquid was in the IV, she threw the needle in

a red bin and moved to open my bedroom door. Greysan came in a few minutes later and sat
down beside me.
Time to sleep, nurses orders, he said, looking me in the eyes. Ill be here when you
wake. He smiled at me; his eyes made me feel like there was nothing wrong in the world.
Sweet dreams, my love. He leaned over, whispering, Sleep, Addisyn.

Chapter 21 When Life Hands You Lemons Make Sure You Dont Have Open Wounds
When I woke, I noticed Coakley already in my room, opening the draperies over my
balcony doors.
Hi, I said groggily.
Morning, she greeted me cheerfully. We should try and get you on your feet today
and walk around for a bit.
Within minutes she had me sitting up and then standing using her as a crutch. Slowly,
we made laps around my room until my legs ached. Then she sat me back down on the chaise
How much longer til Im better? I asked. She just shrugged.
Youre just two years into transformation, she stated, so youre still very much a
human. It could still take weeks.
I sighed; I just wanted to be healed fully already. I was ready for the physical pain to be
gone, but I was sure the burning that seemed to be emitting from my heart would never truly go
After Coakley changed the linens on my bed, she helped me up and into the shower.
Then she brought the chair from my desk into the bathroom so I could do my own hair, even
though it was rather difficult to do with only one hand. The more frustrated I got, the more she

stayed calm and encouraging. Soon my hair was done, and she had even applied a little makeup
to my face.
I grew more hesitant, though, when she brought me a black knee-length skirt, a blue
satiny camisole and a black button-up cashmere cardigan sweater with a small lace of the same
blue satin around the middle of it that tied under the left breast. She helped me dress and
carefully got my casted arm through the sleeve of the beautiful sweater. Once she was done, she
slipped my feet into black ballet flats and went to get Greysan, leaving me to sit on the chaise
He appeared a few minutes later, dressed in black dress pants and a black dress shirt. He
had a blue satin tie on that matched my camisole. It made me smile slightly, wondering who had
planned the attire for the day. But I felt like my smile was wrong, as if it was too soon to feel
any amount of happiness, so I quickly schooled my expression.
You look beautiful, he said quietly as he approached me. I was holding myself up as I
sat on the edge of the chaise lounge through the pain of my broken ribs. I fought every second; I
wanted to be healed; I had to be better. There was plenty for me to accomplish, and I was slowly
running out of time.
Greysan helped me walk downstairs to the living room where the rest of our Link was
waiting. I almost did a double-take: they were all dressed in black dress pants and black dress
shirts, but each had his own blue satin flair added to the outfit.
When did we become the von Trapp family? I questioned trying to make a joke. I got
a few smiles but nothing more.
Everett came over to me and gave my hand a small squeeze. Happy two years,
Addisyn, he said quietly, and instantly the tears freed themselves. I hadnt realized that today

was the day I had been reborn. He remembered though; they all had. I was burying my best
friend on the two year anniversary of the day I had been reborn. In those next few seconds, I
realized I had lost Hunter on the day of my death, and today, three days later, I was going to his
funeral. The thought sent chills through my spine.
I didnt mean to make you cry, Everett stated, using his thumbs to wipe my tears
I know, I responded, and then Greysan was walking again, this time toward the door
with me in tow.
We have to go or we will be late, he stated, but it was obvious: he wanted to get away
from the uneasiness that seemed to be swarming the room. No one really knew what to say.
We all made our way out to the car and got inside. Coakley came out behind us and sat
down in the passenger seat in her black tank dress and blue cardigan. Once we were all in the
car, Everett started the engine and drove toward the driveway. Coakley handed me a black
purse. I Inside was a pair of slightly oversized black sunglasses. I pulled them on and thanked
No one said anything during the drive, which was surprisingly short. Instead of a church,
Everett drove us to a small but beautifully peaceful seaside cliff, not too far from our beach
house. There were a handful of white wooden chairs set out around under a beautiful shade tree:
Hunters final resting place.
Everett parked and we slowly walked over to the chairs. Coakley insisted I sit in the
wheelchair, so I was wheeled by Greysan as we made our way to the chairs. A few other people
were already there, paying their last respects to Hunter. Aubry sat quietly as her mother ran a
hand through her blonde hair.

Slowly Greysan and I followed the others. Surprisingly, Coakley was at Everetts side,
but said nothing as he seemed to busying himself with talking to the other people there. There
was a very beautiful wooden box on a small pedestal that contained the ashes that they had
managed to collect when Hunters body turned to dust.
Greysan parked me and sat down beside me on one of the wooden chairs. Hey,
Addisyn? he leaned closer to me, almost whispering my ear, and a strange, unexpected thing
happened. Its going to be okay. I felt the butterflies that had been dormant in my stomach
start to stir. How could my body feel like this now? Here? I was supposed to be mourning my
best friend and yet my body was betraying me, showing me that even in the midst of death,
Greysan was still there, as were my feelings for him.
I glanced at the box of ashes and then at Aubry, she had her mother on one side and
another friend on the other. Using Greysan as a crutch, I stood up.
Let me push you, please. Sit back down. He held me there, gently pushing me back
down toward the chair. I gave in, sat down and winced. Where did you want to go?
To Aubry, I answered, but the girl must have sensed it and she came to me instead.
Greysan moved away from me and allowed us to have a moment alone.
Dont let her get up. He said to her as he gave her a hug then walked away, moving to
talk to some of the other people there. Aubry gave me a small smile and then hugged me.
How are you holding up? her voice was quiet and kind as it reached my ears.
All right. I lied, pulling away to look at her. How are you doing? I asked, my eyes
searching hers for the truth behind them.
Not good. She responded, her answer surprised me, it wasnt the answer I was
expecting; she was being honest with me, and all I was able to do was give her more lies. I

have never known anyone that has died. She wasnt afraid of hiding from me like so many
others were.
I nodded in understanding and glanced at the box of Hunter ashes again. You do know
he is in Heaven right, and you will see him again. I tried to reassure her.
You cant know that. She stated; her voice cracked. Its not like you can see into
Heaven. She looked almost angry.
No, I cant see into Heaven, but I knew Hunter. I said clearly, my own voice
threatening to crack as I said his name. And I know that one day, when God is ready for me to
return to Heaven, Hunter will be there with open arms, waiting just beyond those pearly white
gates. I swallowed hard. Knowing that helps me get through each day.
Yeah. Aubry didnt seem convinced, I will find you again later okay? she offered,
then moved back to sit with her mom who sent me a sad smile.
Greysan appeared at my side and took his seat; more people trickled in, and I only
recognized a handful of them. I sat there, as composed as I could be on a hot spring day on the
California coastline. My sunglasses were still over my eyes, and I was grateful for them; no one
could see my smudged mascara.
The minister that had been summoned for the service had the aura of an Angel around
him; he stood beside the pedestal. Thank you all for joining us on this day of mourning for
Hunter Eugene Rowlett, he started, my mind wandered as did my eyes as I sat there. I felt
something pulling my attention, though, and my eyes scanned the area, finally finding what it
was. I let out a small gasp; my hand, neatly tucked into Greysans hand, tensed as my body
went rigid. I felt Greysans eyes on me, but I couldnt pull my eyes away from the form I saw
nestled in the trees, leaning so callously and carefree against the tall tree only about fifty yards

away on a outcropping of bluff. Farran. His eyes watched me; his lips turned up in a smirk as
my body tensed.
I dont think I heard anything the minister said as I sat there, staring back at Farran.
When everyone said Amen, my attention was brought back to my surroundings. When I
glanced back to where I had seen him, he was gone. Sighing a breath of relief, I carefully
considered how to bring the sighting up to Greysan and the others.
The minister opened the box of ashes, and the pit in my stomach grew. I watched as
people, both angel and human, came up and took the ashes out of the box and dumping them
into the breeze. Finally I sucked up the courage to tell Greysan what I saw, I finally turned to
him. Farran was here. I said quietly, keeping my voice at a whisper.
I know. Greysans words were clipped and pointed. But he wont cause any trouble.
Even though he is heartless and has no soul, he wouldnt dare do anything at the funeral of an
angel, he whispered back, squeezing my good hand. Dont worry.
I stared at him in disbelief, was he really dismissing the fact that Hunters killer was
there at Hunters funeral. How was it so easy for him to forget what happened? Anger boiled
in me. I pulled my hand away from Greysan, looking away from him, trying to grasp how
ignorant he was.
Everetts voice was in my ear suddenly. Addisyn, calm yourself. We all know he was
here, he is gone now. He wont cause us any harm. He was probably just paying respects in his
own way. We have Scouts looking out just in case.
How did they know he wasnt here checking to see that I was still very much alive? I
turned and glared at Everett. How could a heartless bastard murderer even have the decency to
pay respects to the dead?

I sat there stewing in my own anger. How could they just blow this off as if it was no big
deal? Did they forget that we were here mourning the loss of my best friend? The pain from his
death was still very present in my body.
Soon just Aubry and I were left to say our goodbyes. Aubry approached the box and I
turned to ask Greysan to wheel me into the shade under the tree. After settling me in, he went to
talk with the others as they stood talking to the remaining mourners. I wanted to give Aubry as
much privacy as possible, so I turned away from her, watching the others in my Link.
So we meet again, my love. Farrans voice trickled down my skin; I felt his fingers
against the bare flesh of my neck and I sucked in a breath. Relax, he commanded; his voice
was quiet but just as controlling as it had been the last time we had met.
What are you doing here? I asked glancing over my shoulder at him as my heart raced,
except he wasnt there. Looking around I found him, over in the thick cluster of trees where I
had seen him during the funeral, his presence hidden from sight by the shadows. I knew the
others wouldnt be able to see him from where they stood. Do you have a death wish or
something? My tone was harsh and cold but my eyes never moved under the protection of my
I could hear as he chuckled darkly, I could ask you the same thing, Love. I could feel
his fingers tracing the vein in my neck, chills ran through me, and the frozen burning pain
seemed to calm at his touch. I simply came to give you my condolences. His voice was clear
as day in my mind he was in my mind, not beside me. My heart raced faster. How? How
could this be happening?
I was near unraveling at his choice of words. You wouldnt need to if you hadnt been
the cause of the loss. I swallowed hard as it felt like his finger tip ran up to my ear and then to

the back of my neck. I pulled my head away from the sensation, looking away from him. I felt
his hand grabbed onto a chunk of my hair and turned my head to face him. I winced in pain as
my body surrendered to him. I knew he was just messing in my mind. He was still hiding
himself in the shadows, but it felt so real.
I was not the one who took his life, he corrected me, his voice hot with anger. You
have been fed lies if thats what you were told. He paused. I watched his eyes as he glanced
over at the rest of my Link who were still talking to the departing funeral attendees. My Link
was under strict command not to bring any harm to you. I told you, I only want you and
Greysan. He paused again, his eyes returning to me. Mostly just you. Greysan is more like a
trophy where you are the true prize. I felt his breath against my skin again; I had to close my
eyes as my heart continued to race. I didnt understand this power he held over me: how was he
controlling me like this. How could I hear him in my head? I am truly sorry for Hunters death,
but I am even more curious as to how come you were not affected by the death of your
I pulled my head away from the invisible force that kept me in Farrans grasp. How are
you doing this? How can I hear you and feel you?
I have always had this gift, but Hunters presence protected you from it now that he
is gone, you are vulnerable to a lot of things very vulnerable. Farrans voice left an eerie
chill running down my spine. And you finally can hear the whispers. I am only projecting my
whispers to you, so we have a little bit more privacy. Its a trick I learned a few years ago.
That was when I noticed Greysan walking toward us. Farran must have noticed too
because he sighed. Our time is cut short once again, but I will always wait for you. You will be
mine. Now that you have no protection, you are easier to attain. As I told you before, I hold the

key to your fate. Mentally his finger traced along my jaw, and I felt his hot breath and warm
lips against the bare flesh of the nape of my neck. I wont give up until you are mine, no matter
what it takes. Then he was gone just as Greysan reached me. My body shook, tears rolled
down my cheeks as I steadied myself. I tried to calm my racing heart before Greysan noticed.
Hey, its going to be okay. he asked carefully, pushing my wheelchair back toward the
others. I shook my head. I couldnt tell him. I wouldnt. One look at Graham confirmed that no
one else knew what had just happened. Graham was walking to Aubry. Once Graham helped
her into the car, he came up to the box of ashes where Greysan had led me. Everett and Wilhelm
joined us as soon as the last of the lingerers had left.
There were only a few ashes left.
Its time, Addi. Everett put a protective hand on my shoulder. I nodded and once again
felt the pent up tears trying to resurface. Quietly, Everett handed each of us a handful. I put the
brakes on the chair and walked using Greysan as support to the edge of the cliff. We all stood
there in silence. After a few moments Everett opened his hand, waiting for the rest of us. Slowly
I opened my shaking hand, pinching my eyes tight trying to hold in the tears.
Rest well Hunter. Wilhelm said, holding his hand of ashes up. Five handfuls of Hunter
dust showered down over the cliff into the wind. We all just stood there, for what seemed like a
long time. I clutched my hand tight. If all I could keep were the few drops of ashes that didnt
blow away, I was going to hold onto them forever.
Ready to go? Greysan asked, I hadnt realized the others had moved back to start
cleaning up the chairs. I looked up and noticed Graham discreetly wiping away a tear from his

Can I have a few minutes alone with him? I asked, my voice cracking, giving up the
fact that I was fighting the tears that did not want to be ignored any longer.
Of course. Greysan stated.Let me get you the chair, though. He offered. Helping me
back into the chair and making sure the locks were all on, he walked away to help the others.
Hey, I said nervously, biting my lower lip. I am going to suck at this because I dont
really know what a person says at a time like this. The only funeral I have ever been to was my
own, so I looked up at the sky, feeling ridiculous. Hunter I I paused again. I just
wanted to say thank you. The tears were falling now, and there was nothing I could do to stop
them. You were my best friend; you were my constant, my comfort, I dont know what I will
do without you. I need you here, I whispered as my voice cracked. I need you here, come
back to me, please? I sniffled. I know it cant happen, but I am not ready to let you go. You
were my family; my one true best friend. I felt my knees shaking again. I never got to say
thank you for all that you did for me, without you, I would be lost, and I dont know how I am
going to go on from here. I looked back at the others.
The threat isnt gone; I have to find a way to protect them, I whispered, running my
fingers along the ashes in my hand. I dont know what to do. They wont listen to me; he was
here. He was here and there is still a threat. I know hell kill them to get to me. I cant allow
that. I wiped my face with my right hand. I will not allow your death to be for nothing. Youll
be remembered every day. Ill never forget you. I sat there, weeping, unable to force the words
to come out. Help me, Hunter; guide me. I waved my hand to signal Greysan to come and get
me. I felt myself choking up again. Goodbye Hunter, I will see you again someday. I kissed
my fingertips and brushed the remaining ash from my hand. I will always love you too, my
friend. I put my head down, tears falling down my cheeks.

Within seconds, Greysan was there, slowly turning me around and wheeling me to the
car where the others waited. We all got in and drove back to the beach house in silence. Tears
still rolled down my cheeks when we pulled into the driveway.

Chapter 22 - The Final Decision

The wind from the open car windows blew my hair around my face; my hands firmly
gripped the steering wheel as I tried to stop their shaking. I was determined, but as always, it my
mind at war with my heart. Stretching out before me was the endless concrete interstate. Behind
me was my family, my friends, my enemy and my broken heart. I had left the man who held my
heart, waiting on the wrap-around porch of the beach house. This had to be done, though. I took
it as a good sign that the farther I drove, the more the burning pain subsided.
My mind raced; my heart pounded as I drove. I didnt know where I was going and that
was okay.
I had asked Hunter for guidance the day of his funeral and I found it in the form of a
brochure for the college system in Southern Texas tucked into the underwear drawer of my
dresser. It was the sign I was looking for.
I had been packing up things to take with me, and secretly loaded them into Abigayle,
Hunters beautiful vintage Ford, whenever I had the chance. I had jam packed the glove box and
a cardboard box full of cash, and all the personal possessions I could sneak out of my room, I
stuffed into the trunk and backseat.
In the weeks following Hunters death, I learned what really happened the night that
Hunter died.

Markus chose light. It was a decision he had made before the confrontation between
Farrans Link and my Link; He had gone to get the Scouts, to help. He didnt make it out of the
woods though, Farran saw his betrayal and killed him, or had him killed. In any case, Markus
died because he wanted to be like us.
As for Hunters death, Blair had taken his life. That was how she turned. Graham told
me she was jealous of Farrans obsession with me, and thought that by killing Hunter she would
please Farran and in turn receive his praise and adoration. But all she had done was infuriate
Farran, and he had rejected her. He had thought, just like everyone else, that when Hunter died,
I would die, too. Graham said that after they were sure I wasnt going to die; Everett and
Wilhelm sought council with the Elders, and Graham had feverishly researched it. The only
reason they could discover as to why I was still alive was that Hunter wasnt really my
Knowing all this, on top of what Farran said at the funeral, was what forced me to
consider running. I had to protect those that I loved.
My feelings for Greysan remain unaltered, even though his lack of concern over Farran
had angered me. I love him, but that only made sneaking behind his back and leaving him
without a goodbye even harder. Of course, if I had to say goodbye in person, I dont think I
would have had the courage to leave. So, I had left a strategically placed goodbye letter hoping
it would help them all understand.
The night before I left I didnt know how sleep would come, but after a while Greysan
walked in, smiling. Ready for bed? he asked, I nodded. He curled up beside me in bed,
wrapped an arm under me and pulled me close.

No. I answered. I just want to stay up all night with you. Please? I asked. Greysan
agreed and I snuggled up against him.
Whats on your mind? he asked, kissing the top of my head.
You. I answered, earning a smile.
I dont mind that at all. He leaned over and kissed my lips, which was just the
distraction I was hoping for. Happily, I drifted off to sleep as he drew circles on my back with
his finger.
I woke up with Greysan still beside me. I stretched and got up; he kissed my forehead
and then left me to get ready for the day.
I pulled Greysan into my room, kissing him long and hard on the lips, trying to keep
myself composed as I held onto his hand. I can ride with you, he suggested, smiling at me,
on your errand.
Uh no, I winced. Really, Ill only be a few minutes.
He laughed. All right, you win. His smiled captured my heart, and I had experienced
physical pain at the realization that he would never know the truth. Greysan! Everett called up
the stairs. Come on! He sounded anxious: at least I was better at hiding it than he was.
Ill see you when you get back. I had looked Greysan in the eyes one last time,
memorizing the blue-grey orbs that melted my heart. Sweet beef, I whispered, trying to hide
the fact that my voice was shaking.
Funky muffin. He smiled again, kissing my forehead. Then he let go of me and
walked out the door.

I swallowed hard, holding back the tears as I stared at my room for the last time. I
stopped by Hunters room and looked inside. The little ribbon from the box that had held his
ashes was still in my purse, I never went anywhere without it.
You understand, right? I whispered to him, knowing somewhere he could see and hear
me. I wish you were here; I know youll be with me no matter where I go, but its not the
same. I sighed, wiping the few tears that had managed to escape away from my face. I waited a
few minutes to make sure Everett and the twins were nowhere around. Then I picked up the last
small box and walked downstairs.
Thanks for everything. I whispered to the house as I turned to look at it once more
before I walked toward Abigayle. I took one more glance at the beach house and pulled out of
the driveway.
On the highway, the wind whipped my hair around my head, sunglasses hiding my red,
blotchy, tear-filled eyes as I forced myself to drive away from the house, from my Link, from
the comforts and the security. I forced myself to get onto the interstate and keep going. Theyd
understand. Theyd have to see that I was thinking of them above myself.
Im sorry, I whisper, but then I reached for the radio, turning up the volume of
whatever song was on, refusing to allow myself to look back again. I was doing the right thing;
I was protecting them. Farran wont pursue them if Im not there; hell come after me.
Hopefully, hed waste years trying to find me.
I knew in a few hours, Greysan would be home, looking for me, waiting for the
convertible to pull into the driveway. He would get worried and someone would find the letter
on my bed, carefully placed in front of my pillows. But I had to be strong; the visions of him

breaking down did not make me turn back. I kept going because I had to keep them safe. Farran
would not win. I would be sure of it.

~About the Author~

Emmalee Aple was born and raised in Wisconsin, but always dreamed of life on the
coast. Now, grown with a handsome computer geeky husband and two beautiful blonde
monsters of her own, she uses what spare time she can manage to squeeze out of her day,
writing, sewing and crafting.
Emmalee lives off of carmel fraps and sprees. She strongly believes that a childs
imagination is the most important part of growing up, and that the cleaning elves are avoiding
her messy house.
She loves a good book that sucks you in and doesnt let go until the pages run out. And
cannot get enough of the show Glee. (Although she will admit she DVRs quite a few other
shows).Growing up her favorite movie was Annie and she knows all the lyrics to almost every
Disney song!
Feel free to connect with Emmalee via her webpage:

Thank you to my amazing husband, Dennis, who put up with countless hours of my
fingers pecking away at the keyboard every night.
And to my two beautiful monsters, Luke and Lily for giving me the inspiration to write
this and finish it!
A special thanks goes out to all my family and friends who helped me push through the
ups and downs of getting this story from my head onto paper!
Thank you to Stephanie Street from Munchkin Moments by Stephanie for the awesome
cover photo. And to Kerry Greil for the hard work on making the cover into the vision that I
saw in my head. Thank you to Wof, and Dave who put up with mountains of questions and
helped develop the characters to what they are today.
Also, thank you to the countless friends who read, critiqued, and edited the many
versions of this story to help get it to what it is today!
And of course, thank you to all of you who read it!!!
The sequel, Rogue, is coming out soon!

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