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Saying po and opo as a sign of respect to elders, parents and etc.

Kissing of hands or Blessing (pagmamano). Filipino people do this as a sign of respect

to elders, parents, godparents and other people that they are interacting to older than

Extended Family. We Filipinos still consider our married sons and daughters still a part
of our family. Parents consider their sons and daughters still in their custody, giving their
needs, and etc. even though their sons and daughters are already married.

Close family ties. We are really close to our families and sometimes we even go to
church, malls, and other places with our family. And almost all of the Filipino children
prioritizes their family first.

Celebrating reunions with relatives once a year.

Family Oriented. We are all started with our family and treats it as the small unit of society.

Galang (Respect)
Sipag (Industry)
Pagka-masinop (Frugality)
Pagka-maalalahanin (Thoughtfulness)
Bait (Kindness or good behavior)
Pagiging maaasahan (Dependability)
Pagka-masunurin (Obedience)
Paninilbihan (Servitude)
RELIGIOUS. We Filipinos are very religious. We go to masses, devote to God and Saints,
and praying always being Christians even though our country is surrounded with different religions.
Takot sa Diyos (God-fearing)
Pagkamadasalin (Piousness)
Pagiging Pala-simba (Being a mass-goer)
Dibosyon (Devotion)
Bait (Kindness or good behavior)
Moralidad (Proper morals)

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Showing our hospitality. When we got visitors, we let them in, entertain them, and give
them foods, drinks and everything they need to feel that they are comfortable. We also
show our hospitality to foreign people by assisting them and never left them feeling

Helping others even if they are strangers and we never met them before.

Pakikiramay sa kapwa or giving condolences for those who have dead family
members, accidents, crimes, calamities and etc.

Giving alms for unfortunate.

Giving respect for women, offering them seats, and treating them good.

Katapatan or faithfulness to others.

Pakikipag kapwa tao or interacting with all people and treating them as friends and assets.

Utang na loob (returning a favor)
Pakikisama (Being people oriented)
May isang salita (Having a word of honor)
Pagka-mapagkumbaba (Humility)
Pagiging maaasahan (Dependability)

Sipag (Industry)
Ayos na trabaho (Being organized)
Pagka-masinop (Frugality)
Pagka-matulungin (helpfulness)
Kusa (Initiative)
Pagiging palangiti (Cheerfulness)
Pagiging maparaan (Resourcefulness)
Pagiging maaasahan (Dependability)
Dunong mag-isip (Ingenuity)
Palabra de honor (Word of honor)
Paninilbihan (Service)
Integridad (Integrity)

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Bayanihan (Cooperation)
Paggalang sa batas (Respect for the Law)
Pagka-mapagkawanggawa (Charity)
Delcadeza (Probity)
Linis ng pangalan (Clean reputation)
Integridad (Integrity)
Moralidad (Proper Morals)

Acting conservative through clothing, speech and etc.

Washing of hands before meal time.

Borrowing money just to celebrate feasts, birthdays and events.

Joyful and cheerful person. Even though we have problems in our lives, and even though
this problems are really heavy that needs full effort, we always never forgot to cheer up and

Using hands in eating. Most Filipinos or almost all of the Filipinos never satisfy their
eating habits without using their hands as their tools for eating.

Eating in banana leaves. This is common to rural area but sometimes it happens also
to urban. We also have our main dishes placing it on top of banana leaves (like
barbecue, lechon and etc.)

Preparing two or more dishes in dinner.

Eating less on breakfast and eating more on dinner.

Education is the key to success. All of us look education as a highest degree a man can
achieve and this will give us more opportunities in life. Even though we are less fortunate,
our parents still do their best just to make sure that their children are in good education
because they say that it is the only one that they can give when they die. And they say that it
is a treasure that can never be taken by anyone.

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Ningas kugon. We are good at start; we participate in everything but at the end or as time
pass by, we became lame and no-participative.

Crab Mentality. Filipino attitude characterized by an attempt to pull down someone who
has achieved success beyond the others.

Maana habit. When we are commanded or ordered for something, we usually say
mamaya na! or worse anu ba yan, maya na! and sooner or later, we did not follow or
obey it.

Filipino time. When we are to meet at a certain place in a given time, we sometimes
(or should I say always) went late about half an hour or worst, about hours.

Colonial Mentality. Some Filipinos value foreign stuffs like clothing, music, movies,
products, and even languages. We are prone to be colonized easily because almost all of us
are fanatics of foreign stuffs and we forgot to value our own product.

Kanya kanya syndrome. We sometimes tend to become selfish and think of ourselves
only, which will benefit ourselves and which will make us more progressive of our own.

Euphemism- a Filipino way of substituting a word or phrase that is thought to be

offensive or harsh with a mild and acceptable one in order to not offend or hurt another
Gaya-gaya attitude- a Filipino attitude of imitating or copying other culture specifically in
mode of dressing, language, fashion or even haircut.
Jackpot mentality- a get rich quick mentality of some Filipinos who would rather
engage in fast ways of acquiring money than through hardwork and sacrifice by getting
in lottery, joining raffle draws and other.
Kapalaran values- a Filipino trait of accepting his fate by believing that everything is
written in his palm. Such traits contributes to lack initiative and perseverance among
Tsamba lang attitude- simplicity by declaring that his/her accomplishments are results of
luck and not from perseverance and ability.

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Pakikisama- submitting oneself to the will of the group for the sake of camaraderie and
unity. Failure to comply with the group demand, the person will be called walang
pakikisama or selfish. The adherence to group demands have taught our young to
engage in bad habits like smoking, alcoholism and even drug addiction.

Pakikipag kapwa tao. Personal contacts are involved in any transaction andthese are
difficult to turn down. Preference is usually given to family and friendsin hiring, delivery of
services and even in voting.

Excessive concern for the family creates anin-group to which the Filipino is fiercely loyal
to the detriment of concern for the larger community or for the common good.

Excessive concern for family manifests itself in the use of ones office and power as a
means of promoting the interest of the family, factionalism, patronage and political
dynasties, and in the protection of erring family members.

Family centeredness results to a lack of concern for the common good and acts as a
block to national consciousness.

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