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Dear Students,

As discussed in the class room, the first assignment for the MEAP course
requires you to extract historical data from Bloomberg in Excel.
There are some Bloomberg experts in the second year. I have requested
some of the experts Atish, Saswat, Taru and Swyambhu to train student
volunteers from different sections of MBA. However, you can consult any
second year student as all of them are conversant with Bloomberg.The
class representatives are required to coordinate with volunteers and the
Second year students for the necessary guidance to extract data from
Bloomberg. These student volunteers from each section are expected to
help others to extract the required data.
We have only one licensed terminal of Bloomberg. The Bloomberg
terminal can be operational in both the campuses but not simultaneously.
As the number of students are more in the XIMB campus, the students of
Sections A, B, C and D are required to complete this assignment
by December 2, 2014. The Bloomberg terminal will be operational in the
new campus during December 3-10, 2014. However, students from
Sections E and F are also encouraged to take guidance and complete the
assignment when they are visiting the XIMB campus.
As I had already informed in the class, each student will be assigned a
country. Given the limitations of number of countries for which data is
available in Bloomberg, three students have been assigned one country
for which 30 indicators are to be extracted. Each student will be required
to extract 10 indicators from the country assigned. The indicators for each
student is a mix from the real sector, monetary sector, fiscal sector and
the external sector. The allocation of indicators and the country for each
students can be seen from the table below.
Indicators to Extract from Bloomberg for the years 2002-2012
Country for each student can be found out from the Excel File
PGDM-Roll Nos. 1-20, 61-80, 121-140,181-200, 241- Real GDP
Nominal GDP Growth
Services Output
Bank Credit
Trade Balance
Direct Taxes
Exchange Rate with respect to
PGDM-Roll Nos. 21-40, 81-100, 141-160,201Real GDP Growth
220,261-280, 321-340
Agricultural Output

Inflation-Wholesale Level
Money Supply
Bank Deposits
Export Growth
Current Account Deficits (CAD)
Fiscal Deficit
Indirect Taxes
Indicator of Stock Market
PGDM-Roll Nos.41-60, 101-120, 141-161-180,221240,261-280,281-300, 341-365

Nominal GDP

Industrial Output
Inflation-Consumer Prices
Growth in Money Supply
Import Growth
Revenue Deficit
Government Debt
External Debt
Please see the attached excel file to know your country.
You are required to extract the historical data for the years 2002-2012 for
the selected indicators and uploaded the data in the AIS.
This assignment will be evaluated.

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