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Whats your grade??

If you are working at a grade F, you can

Remember some scientific facts

Use simple maths and Literacy skills
Remember and use a few facts that you have learnt
Know how scientific information is collected
Know how we use Science in everyday life
Describe some benefits and drawbacks of some scientific developments
Plan an investigation with help
Follow instructions to do practical work safely
Identify simple patterns in data you have collected
Show evidence as tables, pie charts and bar graphs
Give a simple conclusion about the evidence you have collected
Be aware that decisions have to be made about some uses of Science

If you are working at a grade C, you can

Show a good knowledge and understanding of Science

Use scientific words appropriately
Use good Literacy skills
Use simple equations, averages, percentages and decimals
Know how scientific evidence is collected
Say how scientific knowledge and theories are changed when we find new
Describe how and why decisions about the use of science are made
Show that you understand risks and benefits of scientific advances, including
some ethical issues
Plan an investigation or solve a problem using your scientific knowledge
Carry out practical tasks safely, using equipment properly
Interpret the data you have collected
Make suggestions to improve practical work
Plot graphs, including a line of best fit
Give conclusions that explain the evidence you have found

If you are working at a grade A, you can

Show a detailed understanding of science

Use technical vocabulary appropriately
Demonstrate clear communication skills
Be able to rearrange equations and use standard form
Understand relationships between data, evidence and scientific theories
Explain how scientific theories can be changed by new evidence
Apply scientific knowledge to a range of tasks and situations

Plan a scientific task to solve a problem effectively

Describe how, and why, decisions about the use of science are made; and use
this knowledge in unfamiliar situations
Have a good understanding of benefits and risks of scientific advances and
identify related ethical issues
Chose appropriate methods to collect scientific data safely and skilfully
Interpret the data and present it appropriately
Be able to calculate gradients of a graph and use appropriate axes and scales
Use statistical methods to present data, including box plots and histograms
Justify conclusions consistent with the evidence available
Suggest improvements to methods used to make the evidence more reliable

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