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Keely Kolmes, Psy.D.

CA License: PSY21284

November, 2014

1992 UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL HILL, NC B.A. in Drama and Certificate in Women's Studies

Professional Work Experience:

June 2008 Present
Private Practice


San Francisco, CA

Provide brief and ongoing individual and relationship therapy services to private practice clients. Also provide
consultation to other mental health professionals on LGBTQQIA, kink and poly issues. Provide consultation to other
professionals on Internet and technology issues.
January 2011 June 2012
Digital Director

San Francisco, CA

Responsible for envisioning and managing development of the new website and creating a social media presence for
APA Division 42. Responsible for moderating the 1000+ member listserv. Developed a listserv management team of
volunteers and assisted them in enforcing our policies, recruited an 18 member team of web volunteers and tutored
them in managing our Drupal website. Interfaced with Publication and Communications committee to update our
listserv, web, and social media policies. Worked closely with the Marketing and Public Education Committee and the
Fast Forward Conference Committee to facilitate their work. Created and tutored the CE Committee to curate and
develop content for our Division.
October 2008 June 2010
Triage Services
8 hours weekly

Stanford, CA

Provided triage services to students seeking therapy at CAPS. Administered brief telephone intake and made
appropriate referrals to students to CAPS clinicians, outside therapists, or emergency on-call services.
October 2005 June 2008
Staff Psychologist
24 - 28 hours weekly

Stanford, CA

Provided 16 weekly hours of brief therapy to students. Participated in staff meetings and case consultation. Consulted
with Director of Vaden Health Center on policy issues relevant to LGBT students. Provided training to Interns on working
with LGBT students and obtaining licensure. Provided on-call coverage. Co-led grief and bereavement workshop and
sexual orientation support group. Co-wrote APA Accreditation Self-study with CAPS Training Director. Supervised a
Postdoctoral Fellow.
August 2004 - August 2005
Postdoctoral Fellow
32 hours weekly

Stanford, CA

Provided 18 weekly hours of brief therapy to diverse, largely international population of undergraduate and graduate
students. Carried several long-term cases. Training included on-call crisis management, consultation to campus
community, and outreach services by request. Participated in individual and group supervision, didactic trainings, staff
meetings, and intern process group. Consulted with multidisciplinary teams regarding multicultural issues, psychiatric
medication, referrals, and eating disorders. Provided on-call coverage for a week during summer quarter.
Keely Kolmes, Psy.D. 220 Montgomery Street, Suite 400 San Francisco, CA 94104 (415) 501-9098
Website: http://drkkolmes.com Email: drkkolmes@hushmail.com

Keely Kolmes, Psy.D.

CA License: PSY21284

Page 2

Professional Work Experience (continued):

April 2004 - August 2004
Registered Psychologist
14 hours weekly


Pinole, CA

Provided brief individual, couples, and family therapy for thirteen clients a week. Received weekly supervision to build
skills working with children and families dealing with poverty, substance abuse, foster care system, involvement of child
protective services, and issues of neglect, abuse, and domestic violence.
July 2002 - July 2003
Predoctoral Intern
40 hours weekly


Pinole, CA

Provided individual, couples, and family therapy for twenty clients a week, most of whom received Victim of Crime
funding as a result of experiencing trauma. Worked with depression, anxiety, PTSD, domestic violence, child
abuse/neglect with African-American, Latino, and Caucasian clients. Co-led adolescent group. Participated in weekly
narrative reflecting teams and weekly supervision based upon live and videotaped client sessions. Attended weekly
trainings on therapy with children, families, and multi-stressed populations.
June 2000 - September 2000
Psychological Intern
Summer Intensive Program
24 hours weekly


San Francisco, CA

Provided therapy in a day treatment program for the chronically mentally ill. Led three primary therapy groups and saw
four individual clients weekly. Co-led four weekly activity groups (music therapy, sex education, daily living skills, and
living with mental illness) and provided milieu therapy for up to fifty psychotic clients. Responsible for intakes, closing
cases, and providing crisis intervention. Consulted regularly with other professionals.
August 1999 - June 2000
Psychological Intern
Family & Couples Track
24 hours weekly



Rohnert Park, CA

Provided sixteen hours of brief therapy and crisis intervention to university community. Provided longer-term therapy to
families and couples. Participated in weekly trainings covering systemic and narrative therapy, staff meetings, group
process and group supervision. Participated in weekly reflecting teams with families and couples. Received weekly
supervision based on audiotaped sessions with clients.
September 1998 - June 1999
Psychological Trainee
Individual Track
16 hours weekly



Rohnert Park, CA

Provided brief therapy and crisis intervention to eight clients weekly in university community. Involved with planning
workshops, groups, and campus outreach. Participated in weekly trainings covering short-term psychodynamic work and
Red Flags issues. Attended staff meetings, group process and group supervision. Received weekly individual supervision
based on audiotape sessions with clients.

Keely Kolmes, Psy.D. 220 Montgomery Street, Suite 400 San Francisco, CA 94104 (415) 501-9098
Website: http://drkkolmes.com Email: drkkolmes@hushmail.com

Keely Kolmes, Psy.D.

CA License: PSY21284

Page 3

Professional Work Experience (continued):

September 1997 - June 1998
Psychological Trainee
16 hours weekly


San Leandro, CA

Provided counseling to high-risk junior high and high school students in grades 6-12. Led six groups and saw four
individual clients weekly. Clients varied widely in ethnicity, sexual orientation, and socio-economic status. Interfaced with
families, school personnel, and social service agencies. Participated in weekly trainings and individual/group supervision.

Related Work Experience:

September 1997 - January 1998


Alameda, CA

Completed professional field evaluation on the 1st International Conference on Parents with Disabilities and Their
Families. Consulted with Through the Looking Glass, the conference sponsor, and collaborated with team on how to
conduct evaluation, aspects to assess, and instruments to use. Attended the conference and conducted all stages of the
evaluation, including coding and analyzing the results and writing the final report.
November 1996 - July 1997
Psychological Trainee
8 hours weekly


Oakland, CA

Provided intake and assessment of client needs through administering a comprehensive evaluation including assessment
of psychological functioning. Conducted ongoing psychosocial case management. Received training in social and
practical daily aspects of living with AIDS. Provided emergency services to clinically diverse population of clients
predominantly African-American, Latino, homosexual, transgender, and IV-drug-using people living with HIV/AIDS.
September 2003 May 2004
Teaching Assistant/Supervisor
The Intensive
3 hours weekly



Point Richmond, CA

Invited by Mary Herget to provide live supervision for two therapists and their reflecting teams of approximately seven
students each. Participated in weekly teams with ongoing therapy clients. Provided additional assistance as needed for
semester-long course.
April 1998 January 2012
Professional Consultation
90 minutes weekly


Oakland, CA

Organized a weekly consultation group with two other colleagues. Discussed clinical, ethical, and legal issues as well as
other professional development concerns. Group represented diverse cultural perspectives and a range of clinical
practice. Groups theoretical perspectives included psychodynamic, feminist, cognitive behavioral, humanist, systemic,
and narrative approaches.

Keely Kolmes, Psy.D. 220 Montgomery Street, Suite 400 San Francisco, CA 94104 (415) 501-9098
Website: http://drkkolmes.com Email: drkkolmes@hushmail.com

Keely Kolmes, Psy.D.

CA License: PSY21284

Page 4

Related Work Experience (continued):

September 1990 - October 1991
Information Specialist


Research Triangle Park, NC

Provided information, education, and referrals about HIV and AIDS to anonymous callers on national hotline. Participated
in 40-hour training program covering HIV/AIDS information and communication techniques. Attended regular inservices
to update knowledge and skills.
June 1993 - August 1996
Computer Consultant


NY and CA

As self-employed computer consultant, trained and supported individuals and businesses in New York and California.
Provided telephone and in-person technical support and training. Introduced clients to internet. Beta-tested CD-ROMs
and provided feedback on their development.

Offices Held:
January 2015 December 2016
APA Presidential Cabinet


Washington, DC

Invited to APA President Barry Antons Cabinet to represent interests of psychologists in Independent Practice and also
give input on matters related to psychotherapy and digital media.
January 2015 December 2017
APA Council of Representatives


Washington, DC

Elected Council Representative serving on APAs COR and voting in the interests of California Psychological Association
members. Attend two yearly COR meetings.
January 2015 December 2017
Member at Large

Washington, DC

Elected member serving members interests of APA Division 42, Psychologists in Independent Practice. Attend Board
meetings and engage in special projects intended to benefit the Division.
January 2013 December 2015
Ethics Committee Member


Sacramento, CA

Cover 4-5 weekly shifts on-call for CPA membership each year. Meet every other month for Ethics Committee meetings.
Write articles for California Psychologist on ethics. Present at the annual CPA Convention with Ethics Committee.
January 2011 Present
Advisory Board Member

San Francisco, CA

Member of Advisory Board for The Alternative Sexualities Health Research Alliance. Attend meetings and provide input
on research done to further our understandings of alternative sexualities.
January 2010 Present
Advisory Board Member


Member of Advisory Board for non-profit organization seeking to combat online invasions of privacy. Co-author of
research project for organization designed to collect information about those who have experienced online harassment.
Speak on behalf of the organization at events and to the media.
Keely Kolmes, Psy.D. 220 Montgomery Street, Suite 400 San Francisco, CA 94104 (415) 501-9098
Website: http://drkkolmes.com Email: drkkolmes@hushmail.com

Keely Kolmes, Psy.D.

CA License: PSY21284

Page 5

Offices Held (continued):

November 2009 Present
Founder, President, & Treasurer


San Francisco, CA

Founder and President of mental health networking group for psychotherapists and clinicians-in-training who work with
sexual and gender diversity including polyamorous and BDSM individuals. We provide mentorship, support, and
networking, as well as outreach at events and speakers bureau for local training sites. Attend meetings every other
month and working to establish group as a non-profit.
January 2013 December 2013
Diversity Task Force


Participate in monthly meetings and developing a toolkit to help Division 42 members to create groups and workshops
in their communities that address the needs of clients with intersecting identities.
January 2011 January 2013
Mentorshoppe Mentor


Provided telephone and email mentorship to two early career professionals through APA Division 42.
September 2008 March 2009
Clinical Supervisor


San Francisco, CA

Volunteered as clinical supervisor to MFT Intern working with LGBT clients. Provided one weekly hour of clinical

Professional Training:

April 2002 - May 2002

60 hour training

Kolmes, K., & Taube, D. O. (submitted for publication). Client discovery of psychotherapist personal information online.
Kolmes, K. Ching, J. & Thomas, L. (2014, Spring). Toolkit for Evaluating Opportunities to Serve Diverse Populations and
Needs in Your Clinical Practice. Independent Practitioner. Volume 32(2), 53-55.
Kolmes, K., Taube, D. O., (2014, February). Seeking and Finding Our Clients on the Internet: Boundary Considerations in
Cyberspace. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice. Vol 45(1), Feb 2014, 3-10. doi: 10.1037/a0029958 **Peer
Kolmes, K. (2014). Digital and Social Media Ethics for Psychologists: Clinical Issues and Ethical Dilemmas. The California
Psychologist. January/February, 2014. pp. 14-16.
Kolmes, K. (2013). An Introduction to APAs Telepsychology Guidelines. The California Psychologist.
November/December, p. 28.
Kolmes, K. (2013). Why Psychologists Should Care About Aaron Swartz and the CFAA. The Division 46 Amplifier.
Spring/Summer, 2013. Pp. 24 25.

Keely Kolmes, Psy.D. 220 Montgomery Street, Suite 400 San Francisco, CA 94104 (415) 501-9098
Website: http://drkkolmes.com Email: drkkolmes@hushmail.com

Keely Kolmes, Psy.D.

CA License: PSY21284

Page 6

Publications (continued):
Barnett, J. E., & Kolmes, K. (2013). Practicing in the era of social media. In G. P. Koocher, J. C. Norcross, & B. A. Greene
(Eds.). Psychologists desk reference (3rd Edition) (pp. 700-704). New York: Oxford University Press.
Kolmes, K., Rosenberg, R.S., Simon, R.A. (2013). Tips to Getting the Best Out of Your Ethics Committee
Consultation. The California Psychologist.
Kolmes, K. (2013). 50 Shades of Silence. The California Psychologist. March/April, pp. 31.
Kolmes, K. (July 17, 2013). Online dating.for clinical psychologists? The National Psychologist. July/August, Vol. 22,
No. 4.
Kolmes, K. (2012, September 17). Social Media in the Future of Professional Psychology. Professional Psychology:
Research and Practice. Advance online publication. doi:10.1037/a0028678 **Peer Reviewed**
Kolmes K., & Witherspoon, R. G. (2012). Sexual Orientation Microaggressions in Everyday Life: Expanding our
Conversations About Sexual Diversity, Part I and Part II. Independent Practitioner, Summer 2012.
Kolmes K. (2011). Yelping Professionals: Psychologists Soliciting Online Endorsements From Clients. The Georgia
Kolmes, K. (October, 2011). Outside of the Frame: Accidental and Intentional Discovery of Online Information about
Therapists and Clients. Gaylesta newsletter.
Kolmes, K. (2011). Research findings on psychotherapist-client interactions on the Internet. The Clinical Psychologist,
Spring 2011, 64, (2), pp. 8-9.
Kolmes, K. (2011). The Wrong Kind of Talk Therapy. The New York Times, March 18, 2011.
Kolmes, K., Nagel, D.M, Anthony, K. (2011). Ethical framework for the use of
social media by mental health professionals. TILT Magazine: Issue 3, January, 2011, pp. 20-29.
Kolmes, K. (2010). Dont get caught in the web: Avoiding sticky ethical issues on the Internet. Division I
Briefings: The Journal of the California Psychological Association Division of Professional Practice,
November 2010, 172, pp. 9-11.
Kolmes, K. (2010). Setting up a social media policy for your practice. The National Psychologist, November/December
1010, p. 16.
Kolmes, K. (2010). Developing my private practice social media policy. Independent Practitioner, Summer 2010, 30 (3),
pp. 140-143.
Kolmes, K. & Zur, O. (August, 2010). Digital and social media ethics for psychotherapists: Clinical & ethical considerations
for psychologists, counselors, and clinicians using the Internet. Online Continuing Education course.
Kolmes, K. (2010). Creating a social media policy for your practice. The California Psychologist, July/August, pp. 28-29.
Kolmes, K. (2010). A psychotherapists guide to Facebook and Twitter: Why clinicians should give a Tweet!,
Kolmes, K., & Taube, D.O. (2010). Clinical implications of therapist-client interactions on the Internet: Boundary
considerations in cyberspace. American Psychological Association Division of Psychotherapy.
Keely Kolmes, Psy.D. 220 Montgomery Street, Suite 400 San Francisco, CA 94104 (415) 501-9098
Website: http://drkkolmes.com Email: drkkolmes@hushmail.com

Keely Kolmes, Psy.D.

CA License: PSY21284

Page 7

Publications (continued):
Kolmes, K., & Weitzman, G. (2010). A guide to choosing a kink-aware therapist. the National Coalition for Sexual
Kolmes, K., Stock, W., Moser, C. (2003). Investigating bias in psychotherapy with BDSM clients. Journal
of Homosexuality, 50 (3/4). **Peer Reviewed**
Kolmes, K (2003). BDSM consumers of mental health services: the need for culturally sensitive care. Doctoral dissertation,
CSPP-AIU. Reprinted and catalogued by CSPP-AIU library.

Selected Presentations:
November 19, 2014, 1 hour training at Using Social Media in Psychology at Highland Hospital, Oakland, CA.
October 17, 2014, 6 hour CE on Psychotherapists on the Internet: Digital Dilemmas, Clinical Questions, and Ethical
Inquiries for Oregon Psychological Association, Portland, OR.
October 10-12th, 2014. Digital and Social Media Ethics for Psychologists at APA Division 42s Fast Forward Conference.
Long Beach, California.
September 27, 2014. Clinical and Ethical Considerations for Mental Health Professionals Using Social Media. Oklahoma
Society for Psychoanalytic Studies, Oklahoma City, OK.
June 20, 2014. Ethics and Social Media in the Future of Psychology. Rockland, Maine.
June 7, 2014, Ethics: Pitfalls and Opportunities in Social Media. 4 hour CE with Karen Franklin, Ph.D., for Alameda
County Psychological Association, Alameda, CA.
May 22, 2014. Ethics Pitfalls and Opportunities in Social Media. Opening Doors HIV/AIDS Counselling Conference,
Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada.
May 12, 2014, 11am 1pm Pacific. 2 hour Webinar on Digital and Social Media Ethics for Psychologists. College of
Psychologists of Ontario, Barbara Wand Seminar in Professional Ethics, Standards and Conduct.
April 17, 2014. Noon. Internet, Social Media and Psychological Ethics at CSPP-Alliant International University, San
Francisco, CA. Free to students and faculty.
April 10, 2014. 8am 12 noon. Digital and Social Media Ethics for Psychologists.California Psychological Associations
2014 Convention. Monterey, CA.
April 10, 2014. 1pm 5pm. Meet the CPA Ethics Committee, breakout group facilitator. California Psychological
Associations 2014 Convention. Monterey, CA.November 22, 2013. Digital and Social Media Ethics. 6 Hour CE at
California Community Colleges, Fresno, CA.
November 2, 2013. Working with Sexual and Gender Diversity in a Psychology Practice. San Francisco Sex Information.
Saturday, October 19. Digital and Social Media Ethics for Psychologists. 2 hour CE. 2013 LACPA Convetion, Los
Angeles, CA.

Keely Kolmes, Psy.D. 220 Montgomery Street, Suite 400 San Francisco, CA 94104 (415) 501-9098
Website: http://drkkolmes.com Email: drkkolmes@hushmail.com

Keely Kolmes, Psy.D.

CA License: PSY21284

Page 8

Selected Presentations (continued):

July 31, 2013. 50 Shades of Grey in Therapy: Working with BDSM/Kink Sexualities and Communities. 4 hour CE at the
2013 American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Honolulu, HI. With Richard Sprott, Ph.D. and Ryan
Witherspoon, M.A.
May 13, 2013. How to Fight a Phobia. Ignite San Francisco #7. Public Works. 161 Erie Street, San Francisco, CA.
Friday, April 5, 2013. 3 hour CE: Digital and Social Media Ethics. Organization of Counseling Center Directors in Higher
Education. Santa Barbara, CA.
Monday, March 18, 2013. 3 hour CE: Digital and Social Media Ethics. University of San Francisco.
Saturday, March 9, 2013, 6 hour CE: Digital and Social Media Ethics at the Sacramento Valley Psychological Association,
Sacramento, CA. Open to PsyDs, Ph.Ds, LCSWs, and LMFTs.
Friday, January 25, 2013. 4 hour CE: Digital and Social Media Ethics. Office of the President Lobby. Northern, CA.
Friday, January 11, 2013. 4 hour CE: Digital and Social Media Ethics. University of California Office of the President, UC
San Diego.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012, 2 hour CE: Digital and Social Media Ethics at JFK University, Oakland, CA.
Saturday, October 20, 2012, 6 hour CE Co-presentation with Daniel O. Taube, Ph.D., J.D. Clinicians in the Digital
World: Navigating Legal and Ethical Decision-Making at the Womens Therapy Center, Berkeley, CA.
Saturday, October 6, 2012, Closing Session Panelist, Finding Inspiration from Psychology Practice Innovators, Division
42s First Annual Fast Forward Conference, Rancho Bernardo Inn, San Diego, CA.
Saturday, October 6, 2012, Panelist, The Gestation and Birth of an Ideal Practice, Division 42s First Annual Fast Forward
Conference, Rancho Bernardo Inn, San Diego, CA.
Friday, October 5, 2012, Panelist, Savvy Use of the Web, Technology, and Social Media in Practice and Public
Education, Division 42s First Annual Fast Forward Conference, Rancho Bernardo Inn, San Diego, CA.
Sunday, August 5, 2012, Discussant, Symposium on Social Media in Long-term Care Settings: Roles, Responsibility, and
Unlimited Possibilities, 2012 American Psychological Association Convention, Orlando, FL.
Saturday, August 4, 2012, Connections, Intersections and Coalitions: Feminist Healers Group, Roundtable
Discussion, 2012 American Psychological Association Convention, Orlando, FL.
Friday, August 3, 2012, Stigma Squared: Understanding Kink in LGBT Communities: The Revolution Within: Sexpositivity
and Celebrating Sex Within LGBT Communities, 2012 American Psychological Association Convention, Orlando, FL.
Thursday, August 2, 2012, Transmedia Storytelling: Creating Engagement and Meaning in Business, Education, and
Clinical Practice, 2012 American Psychological Association Convention, Orlando, FL.
July 18, 2012, Without My Consent speaker panel and fundraising event.
May 20, 2012, 3 CE Course. Digital and Social Media Ethics for Psychologists, Santa Clara County Psychological

Keely Kolmes, Psy.D. 220 Montgomery Street, Suite 400 San Francisco, CA 94104 (415) 501-9098
Website: http://drkkolmes.com Email: drkkolmes@hushmail.com

Keely Kolmes, Psy.D.

CA License: PSY21284

Page 9

Selected Presentations (continued):

May 17, 2012, Invited presenter, Therapist Leadership Virtual Conference, May 17th, To Friend or Not to Friend?
May 11, 2012, Invited presenter, Using the Internet and Social Media to Market Your Practice. The Psychotherapy
Institute, Berkeley, CA.
April, 20, 2012, Ethically Managing Your Online Reputation as a Psychologist in the Age of Google and Yelp, California
Psychological Association Convention. Monterey, CA.
April 14, 2012, Invited discussant, The Ethics of Psychology in the Media: Print, Internet, and TV, Anxiety
Disorder Association of Americas 32nd Annual Conference, Arlington, VA.
April, 13, 2012, Invited panelist, Ethics in the i World: Internet, Telehealth, Social Media, Texting, and E-Mail, Anxiety
Disorder Association of Americas 32nd Annual Conference, Arlington, VA.
March 22, 2011, Invited speaker, Tweeting, Blogging, and Branding: How to Use Social Media to Expand Your Reach as
a Psychologist. One hour Tele-Seminar with NYSPA.
March, 11, 2012, Panelist, WARNING: Are Online Reviews Bad for Your Health? SXSW Interactive.
January 21, 2012, 3 hour CE on Digital and Social Media Ethics for Psychologists in Clinical, Teaching, and Supervisory
Relationships, The Wright Institute, Berkeley, CA.
December 9, 2011, Invited solo speaker, 6 hour CE on Social Media Ethics for Oregon Psychological Association,
Portland, OR.
November 28, 2011, Live Interview on The Internet, Social Media, and Your Clinical Practice with Meet the Experts: The
Practice Institute.
September 18, 2011, Invited speaker, Digital and Social Media Ethics, The Wright Institute, Berkeley, CA.
August 5, 2011, Panelist, 21st Century Media: What Every Practicing Psychologist Needs to Know, 2011 American
Psychological Association Convention, Washington, D.C.
June 23, 2011, Invited speaker, Therapists Professional Presence on the Web, AIDS Health Project, San Francisco, CA.
June 16, 2011, Invited speaker, Digital Ethics, The Wright Institute, Berkeley, CA.
May 26, 2011, Invited training: Social Media Ethics, Stanford University Counseling and Psychological
Services Predoctoral Intern Seminar, Stanford, CA.
May 14, 2011, 3 hour CE on Social Media Ethics for San Mateo County Psychological Association, San Mateo, CA.
April 17, 2011, Invited panelist, Marketing Your Practice on the Web, Gaylesta, San Francisco, CA.
April 8, 2011, Continuing education session: Client-Therapist Encounters on the Web: The Client Experience, 2011
California Psychological Association Annual Convention, San Diego, CA.
March, 13, 2011, Invited panelist, Patients/Caregivers on Facebook: Establishing Boundaries Without Barriers, SXSW
Interactive 2011, Austin, TX.

Keely Kolmes, Psy.D. 220 Montgomery Street, Suite 400 San Francisco, CA 94104 (415) 501-9098
Website: http://drkkolmes.com Email: drkkolmes@hushmail.com

Keely Kolmes, Psy.D.

CA License: PSY21284

Page 10

Selected Presentations (continued):

February 25, 2011, Invited panelist: Digital Boundaries: The Use of Technology in Clinical Practice. Ontario Psychological
Association 64th Annual Convention, Toronto, Canada.
October 26, 2010, Invited speaker: Digital Ethics, John F. Kennedy University, Oakland, CA.
August, 14, 2010, Panelist, Social media and private practice: Notes from the field, 2010 American Psychological
Association Convention, San Diego, CA.
April 17, 2009, Speaker: Friending, fanning, and following: Findings on client-therapist Internet interactions and their
influence on treatment, California Psychological Association Annual Conference, Costa Mesa, CA
October 23, 2009, 5-hour Continuing Education training: Clinical and Ethical Issues Related to Social
Networking and College Mental Health, Northern California Training Directors Conference, San
Francisco, CA.
April 25, 2009, Social Networking, Visibility, and the Therapeutic Alliance, Mental Health Camp, Vancouver, B.C.
March 17, 2009, Therapy 2.0: Mental Health for Geeks, SXSW Interactive 2009 Core Conversation,
Austin, TX.

APA Division 42 Best of the IP for Kolmes, K. (2010). Developing my private practice social media policy. Independent
Practitioner, Summer 2010, 30 (3), pp. 140-143.

American Psychological Association, Member
APA Division 29, Clinical Psychology, Member
APA Division 42, Division of Independent Practice, Member, and 2015 2018 Member at Large
APA Division 46, Media Psychology, Member
APA Division 44, Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Issues, Member
California Psychological Association, Member, Ethics Committee, and 2015 2018 Council Representative for APA
Gaylesta, the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Psychotherapist Network, Member
Open Minds, Psychotherapists Affirming Sexual & Gender Diversity, Founder, President, Treasurer
San Francisco Psychological Association, Member
Without My Consent, Advisory Board Member
TASHRA, Advisory Board Member
APA 2015 President Barry Anton, Cabinet Member

Keely Kolmes, Psy.D. 220 Montgomery Street, Suite 400 San Francisco, CA 94104 (415) 501-9098
Website: http://drkkolmes.com Email: drkkolmes@hushmail.com

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