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1st year Engleski 1 (2011-2012)

Obligatory assignements for students who have not met the attendence
requirement tasks must be done prior to registering for the exam:
1. Fill in the workbook English for International Tourism, Units 1, 2, 4, 6, 11 and
Consolidation 1.
(Read, understand, and be prepared to discuss texts from the Textbook,
workbook, and handouts given in class. Pay attention also to Writing bank and
Grammar reference at the end of the textbook)
2. Handwritten Introductory letter ( your interests, likes and dislikes, education, job,
family, goals ...)
3. Your CV, according to one of the suggested formats
(real information up to 2010, may project informaton up to 5 years in the future
- include self-evaluation of your foreign language skills - see European language
framework, Language Passport, Europass)
4. Letter of application choose one of the advertisements in the workbook, unit 1,
p.5 and apply for the advertised position. Follow the suggested business letter
5. Presentation about a foreign Destination
(choose a lesser known destination from the list of destinations for the
Geography exam; confirm choice with teacher ; present according to the
guidelines in Textbook, p.21) . Presentations were due by 14 January.
For students who did not present in class You must handwrite the full spoken
text of the presentation and print the handout of the presentation slides. You must
be able to answer to the questions about your their destination, including those on
p.51 of the textbook, connected to the Educational Report.
6. Get information and presentation handouts of two colleagues. Write brief summary
of the information about two other destinations, and be able to answer questions
about those destinations as well.
7. Create a diagram (or categorized list) with professional word and phrases
(e.g. TB p.34) Extended list of holiday types must be included in the diagram.
8. Send an e-mail to your teacher (in English, of course ) confirming that you have
completed all assignments and stating the date when you plan to register for the
exam. Prior to e-mailing, please read Guidelines for writing e-mails, TB p. 122. Emails should be sent to your teacher: / or

Topics covered this semester:

Introducing oneself - Careers in tourism CV, applying for a job

History of tourism; Pioneers of tourism

Destinations - research and present an unknown destination

Traditions festivals and holidays around the world

Tour operators travel packages; travel industry

Travel agents - creating and selling holidays

Martina Mencer Salluzzo- Jan 2012

1st year Engleski 1 (2011-2012)

Language focus: revision of present, past tenses and future tenses(present
simple, present continuous, past simple, present perfect, will/shall, going to- future),
question forms (direct and indirect questions), comparison of adjectives. Professional

Professional skills: Write CV; write cover letter (business letter format); give
a short presentation about a destination (find, select, summarize, compare
information); comprehension and discussion of professional literature related to
travel and tourism
-------------------Your written exam will incude tasks similar to those in your workbook and
textbook, texts to which you will need to add missing words, questions asking you to
explain and use the covered terms and concepts. Sentences will include vocabulary
and structures (grammar) studied in the course of the semester. You will also be
asked to write a letter of application answering to a proposed job advertisement and /
or a letter (e-mail) of recommendation from a travel agent to a client.
In the course of your oral exam, we will discuss the topics about which you
wrote. You must bring copies of your written assignments with you! (if possible,
please consolidate and print using both sides of the paper!) Students who were
regular and active in class may be excused from the oral exam .
English for International Tourism(Intermediate) Coursebook and Workbook by Peter
Strutt; Longman Units 1,2,4, 6, 11
English Grammar in Use (Intermediate Level) , by R Murphy, OUP
Classroom handouts from different sources (Going International, K.Harding, OUP; High
Season, K.Harding and P.Henderson, OUP; Internet, The Guardian, Conde Nast etc.)
Going International, English for Tourism, by Keith Harding, OUP, 4th ed. 2007

Happy learning!

Martina Mencer Salluzzo- Jan 2012

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