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Bianca Munoz-Cruz

Mr. Campbell
September 28, 2014

Religion Humiliation
Being bilingual is something to be very proud of and I for one am. Im currently
fluent in both Spanish and English based upon my cultural background. My parents have
taught me to speak Spanish at an early age but it wasn't until I attended communion class
in which I learned how to read and write in Spanish.
One of the most embarrassing things to encounter as a kid is looking for your class
with one of your parents. Clear as day I can recall my first communion class at the
church. I dreaded so much the car ride to the church in which my family has only
attended for the past 4 months. This particular church was big with the main space being
where mass took place yet it didn't have rooms for religious classes. Instead each
class more like each group had their own individual assigned spot in which folding
walls were used to separate the groups. This was the first time my mother and I have ever
seen such set up for religious class. With such confusion my mother went around
asking for help to find my class and teacher. Ironic enough the man she asked happened
to be my teacher, Mr. Roberto. How upset I got because I was nervous and didn't want to
stay there any longer. I was actually hoping my mother wouldnt ask for help so I can
dash out the church and back to the car. Mr. Roberto was explaining the set up as my
mother and I followed him to the corner of the room in which the class was waiting. He
welcomed me to take my seat as my mother pulled him aside to tell him that I can't read

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or write in Spanish that well. My teacher reassured her that Id be okay.

We did many different activities in class, two of which, in the end made me want to

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never come back. To start off, I didn't know the disciples as well as the other kids did so
it was hard to keep up in discussion. Second, each student had to read a page from our
textbook aloud. This made me incredibly nervous because although I knew how to
pronounce the few words Ive seen written down, I knew I would sound illiterate. The
teacher knew no one would volunteer first so he simply had us read one after the other,
going down the row. This to me meant that I would go third to last, which was fine. I kept
thinking to myself just read it with ease and quick so they don't hear you.
I took a deep breath and started reading. The first few words I was able to figure out
based on what the page was talking about but oh no. Sacramentos. That was the word
that I couldn't pronounce or spell. This word in English is sacraments within the church.
Everyone stared at me as I went blank on how to read this long word. The dead of silent
killed me inside and although I could faintly hear everyone saying it under his or her
breath I didnt have the guts to try and repeat. Finally Mr. Roberto noticed and helped
me pronounce it. The other few words I stumbled on a cute looking guy sitting next to me
helped me with it. He noticed my struggle and instead of quietly teasing me like the
others he told me it was all right to mess up. He even messed up trying to help me, which
made me feel better.
After surviving the reading activity, we went along and did a writing activity.
Great, just my luck I thought to myself. If I couldn't do the reading, I have absolutely
no hope for this writing, theres no way I want to go up or be called on, please stop
looking at me, stop all the whispering because its isn't helping! All these thoughts

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rushed so fast in my mind, I lightly grasped what my partner was talking about and I tried
to copy what he wrote down onto my page. This time around, my partner wasnt the
helpful cutie; instead it was another kid who took this class a little too serious. Yet again I
had to look over his shoulder to not be obvious how to write the terms. Out of nowhere I
hear Bianca," my teacher called out for me. He wanted me to write the last term on the
board, which again happened to be the SAME word I had trouble on.

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By this time there was about 10 minutes left in class and we all wanted to leave.
Most of the girls as well as some guys kept whispering to each other about how dumb I
looked and that I didnt know anything in Spanish. More and more I felt worthless and
hatred for being in this position. The rest were kind enough to help me out spell out the
word to complete the phrase yet it made me feel worse than when I was reading. I got my
Es and Is confused since its opposite from hearing it in English. With the writing I had
the most difficulty because I kept referring back to how I learned to write English words
like the simple rule I before E except for C.
Can you imagine going through this torture in just an hour and a half of class time?

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No one likes being an outcast, but that day surely made me feel like one. Right after class
I tried to rush away, pull my mom out the door and head home but he held me back. He
spoke to my mom about my great effort but that I should learn more so I wouldnt have to
refer back to the English textbook version. My mom then showed appreciation for his
concern and was more than on agreeing terms with him. But what made me feel furious
was the laughing really facial expression on her face when she looked at me. I wanted
to feel comfort and understanding but instead I got the teasing and disbelief lecture, all
the way home!

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Finally back at home where I can listen conversations in English, read my books in
English and even more so write anything I wanted in my notebook also in English, I said

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getting out the car. I happen to speak too soon because next thing I knew my mother pulls
out a newspaper. I didn't play attention to it because I had other things in mind like what
game I was going to play with my brother. As we entered the house, she had me sit down
on the dinner table like I normally do when its time to do homework but this time I got
scared. Right in front of me she drops the newspaper.
Leer esto she said meaning, read this.

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But mom, I did enough reading today, I don't want to read anymore I said.
Just, read it to me she said.
Alright, Ill read it I replied. I glanced at it too quickly that I didn't notice it was
in Spanish before agreeing to read it; she sure was good at tricking me.
Mami, I can't read this big long word, I told her.
Sound it out, use your vowels and try to read it, she told me.
Not tic ias, I pronounced confusedly to my mother.
Noticias she said correcting me.
Remember this rule when you read in Spanish and write in Spanish, you read it as
its written and you spell it as it sounds, she told be wisely. With that advice I was
confused on what she meant exactly because thats how I approached to write in English
at first but it never worked out. At this point, I'm starting to think she's trying to trick me
again so I got frustrated and turned to walk away.
Donde vas, she said meaning, Where are you going.
Upstairs to clean my room, I replied back.

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Okay, Ill let you take a break but you're not done until you can read this
paragraph to me before dinner, she told me.
Moments later I returned downstairs because in all honesty my mom knew my room
was clean and that she was going to call out my name any second.
Bianca, come here please, she called out as I entered the kitchen.
Yes mom, I replied back which made her jump because she didn't know I came
down so fast.
Go ahead and read the paragraph before we eat, she said.
Remember you pronounce the vowels as you see it written, read it as its spelled
out, she said. For example, loca you say lo then ca as you pronounce the vowels, she
Alright I guess I'm understanding how reading in Spanish is suppose to go, I told
her. But that doesnt mean its easy! I said.

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Just give it a try and Im here to help you if you need it. Dont be nervous to mess
up because if you dont, how else do you think you will learn she said.
I went ahead and took a deep breath before starting to read. This time since there
wasnt a crowd staring at me, I felt less pressured. Although I did need help with the
bigger words I found myself calmly reading the paragraph with little mistakes. This
feeling was new and amazing even though my mom kept joking around about how I
should have been fine in class.
La le li lo lu; pa pe pi po pu; ta ti te to tu" are examples of how my mother made
me pronounce the vowels in order to read the words as well as to write them. I will never
forget that lesson in which my mother helped me not feel like an outsider any more.

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That following week, she made me do the same process but for my writing. I
remember the time, after practicing my Spanish writing for so long that I work on my
homework for the church class by myself and I gave it my all to write the sentences
correctly. I had told my mother I had already completed it in class with everyone else just
so she wouldnt help me. Yet when it came to surprise her with my worksheet all filled
out, I knew she would look for errors. As my mom checked over the homework, I

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remember the smile that shined over her face, as she was able to comprehend what I
meant to say in my responses. Like normal, she helped me with the corrections and
explains to me how I got confused on my spelling. It was a good overall experience as I
learned my way to read and write in Spanish after the whole class embarrassment. That
one class time embarrassment pushed my stubbornness to remain an outsider but help
came my way by my mom. If it wasnt my mom who taught me to read and write in
Spanish, I would have kept being stubborn on learning it with anyone else. She came to

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help me reconnect with my cultural background.

Im proud to say that because of my mother I am the intelligent woman I am today. The
methods my mother showed me will forevermore be stuck in my head. Even to this very
day I refer back to it, especially when Im around older people where I have to be on
TOP notch with reading or writing something down for them. Before I would proudly say
I couldn't read or write because I admitted the fact of my faults, but now its the other
way around. Im proud to say that I truly struggled to learn but with my mom as my
guide, there was no chance for me to fail. I stuck to it and gained more through practice
each and everyday. I never hated reading or writing, just the fact that it was complex for
me at the time. After the brutal introduction of reading and writing in Spanish, my life

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has changed its aspects and I enjoy the privilege I have of being literate in another

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