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Course Syllabus

OPRE 6302 (Section 502)

School of Management
The University of Texas at Dallas

Course Information

Course OPRE 6302/502: Operations Management

Room/Time: SOM 2.804, Tuesdays 7:00 pm – 9:45 pm
Term and Dates Spring 2007 (January 8 – April 30)
Instructor Sai Kolli
Office Phone 972-883-2047 (Admin Assistant)
Email Address
Other Information Office Hours: Thursdays 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Web page:
Teaching Assistant Mili Mehrotra, PhD Student

Course Pre-requisites: STAT 5311 or OPRE 6301

Course Description
Operations Management is a dynamic discipline. It involves a study of the operational
issues relevant to the numerous activities and processes involved in offering products and
services in a highly competitive global environment.

This course provides an introduction to the concepts and analytic methods that are useful
in understanding the management of a firm's operations. The level of analysis varies
considerably, from operations strategy to daily control of business processes and

The objective of this course is to assist students in building the skills necessary to
participate actively in decision-making involving operations management issues. The
course provides exposure to:
• Concepts and tradeoffs associated with a firm's operations,
• An introduction to the basic analytical tools useful in examining operations issues,
• An opportunity to gain experience in tackling operations management problems.

Student Learning Objectives/Outcomes

• Improve understanding of services, manufacturing, JIT, and TQM strategies.
• Be able to identify, formulate, and solve problems in Operations Management.
• Be able to use basic analytical tools in examining operations issues.

Required Text: Managing Business Process Flow by R. Anupindi, S. Chopra, S.D.

Deshmukh, J.A. Van Mieghem, E. Zemel, Second Edition, Prentice Hall, 2004.

Required Case Pack: The case pack can be obtained from the UTD bookstore.

Suggested Course Materials: Production/Operations Management by WJ Stevenson,

8th Edition, McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2005.

OPRE 6302.S07 Course Syllabus Page 1

Communication with WebCT

Students will be able to access the course material using a web course tool called WebCT.
You’ll need to have a UTD NetID and password (your UTD Unix/Email ID and password) to
access the course. If you have not used a UTD NetID account yet, you can go to to initiate your account shortly before or at the start of the
semester. Your UTD NetID is your WebCT ID to be used to log on to the UTD WebCT
courses. You can login to the course whenever you want. You are required to meet any
deadlines for the assignments and exams and also any schedules for class activities or
tasks the course requires. You should login to the course site regularly to check course
updates, discussion board messages and so on.

Student Assessments

Final Exam 40 40%

Midterm Quiz 15 15%
4 Cases 30 30%
3 Assignments 15 15%
Total 100 100%

Accessing Grades: Students can check their grades by clicking “My Grades” under
Course Tools after the grade for each assessment task is released.

Assignments: Assignments must be returned on the specified due dates. You may discuss
the assignments with others but make sure that you complete the work independently.

Case projects: Case study reports must be returned on the specified due dates. These are
group projects. Number of case projects: 4 (2 short reports, 2 full reports).

Scholastic Honesty
The University has policies and discipline procedures regarding scholastic dishonesty.
Detailed information is available on the Scholastic Dishonesty web page. All students are
expected to maintain a high level of responsibility with respect to academic honesty.
Students who violate University rules on scholastic dishonesty are subject to disciplinary
penalties, including the possibility of failure in the course and/or dismissal from the
University. Since such dishonesty harms the individual, all students and the integrity of the
University, policies on scholastic dishonesty will be strictly enforced.

University Policies

Students should comply with policies and procedures set forth by The University of Texas
System and The University of Texas at Dallas that include: Student Conduct & Discipline,
Academic Integrity, Email Use, Withdrawal from Class, Student Grievance Procedures,
Incomplete Grade Policy, Disability Services, Religious Holy Days. If you need further
information, please contact your professor.

These descriptions and timelines are subject to change at the discretion of the Professor.

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Academic Calendar

Lecture 1 Chap. 1, 2 (main text)

Chap. 1, 2
Lecture 2 Chap. 1, 2 (main text) Shouldice Hospital
Chap. 1, 2, 6 Case
Lecture 3 Chap. 3, 4 (main text) Assignment 1

Lecture 4 Chap. 3, 4 (main text) CRU Case

Lecture 5 Chap. 4, 5 (main text)

Lecture 6 Chap. 6 (main text) NCC Case

Chap. 3, 13, 16
Mid-term Quiz (February 27)
Lecture 8 Chap. 7 (main text) Assignment 2
Chap. 13 (Stevenson)
Lectures 9 and 10 Chap. 9 (main text) Hank Kolb Case
Chap. 9, 10, 11
Lecture 11 MRP
Chap. 14 (Stevenson)
Lecture 12 Aggregate Planning
Chap. 12 (Stevenson)
Lecture 13 Aggregate Planning Assignment 3
Linear Programming
Chap. 12 (Stevenson)
Lecture 14 Chap. 10 (Main text) Discuss Toyota Case
Chap. 15 (Stevenson) Comprehensive Review
Final Exam: Apr. 24

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