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Gospel doctrine Lesson One

That Ye Might
Believe that Jesus is
the Christ


To encourage
class members to
strengthen their
testimonies of
Jesus Christ by
studying the New

Read the following scriptures. As you read them determine which aspects of the
Saviors ministry are being prophesied and reect upon how you have seen these
manifest in both the scriptures and in your own life.
Isaiah 61:1
Isaiah 61:1
Isaiah 61:1
Isaiah 61:2
Luke 3:5 JST
Luke 3:5 JST
Luke 3:5 JST
Luke 3:7 JST
Luke 3:7 JST
Luke 3:9 JST

Prophecy of
the Savior

How have you seen this prophecy be

fulfilled in the scriptures? In your own life?

How do you feel as you think of

everything the Savior has done for us?

We solemnly tes?fy that

His life, which is central

to all human history,
neither began in
Bethlehem nor
concluded on Calvary. He
was the rstborn of the
the Father, the Only
BegoGen Son in the esh,
the Redeemer of the

The Living Christ

John 1:1-3

According to Alma , what six

things did the Savior want to
experience while in mortality?

In the beginning The words used to

open the Gospel of John are the same
two words used to open the Old
Testament. That is not an accident. It
is a testimony of one of the most
important characteristics of our
Savior, Jesus Christ, his eternal nature.
Before there was any created matter,
there was the Son of God. And
before there was man on the earth,
there was a plan to redeem him.
Who hath saved us, and called us with
an holy calling, not according to our
works, but according to his own
purpose and grace, which was given us
in Christ Jesus before the world

2 Timothy 1:9

Read John 1:1 and John 1:14. Fill in the blanks

In the beginning was
and the Word

, and the Word was with

God. And the Word was made

dwelt among us, (and we beheld his

, the glory of the only

of the only Begotten of the

), full of grace and

The Word is a title of Jesus

Christ found in several places in
the scriptures (Revelation 19:13; D&C
93:8-10; Moses 1:32). Elder M. Russell
Nelson taught, In the Greek
language of the New Testament,
that Word was Logos, or
expression. That terminology
may seem strange, but it is
appropriate. We use our words to
convey our expression to others.
So Jesus was the Word, or the
expression, of His Father to the
world. (Jesus Christ: Our Master
and More, Ensign, April 2000,4).
In the Old Testament, God
regularly acts by means of his
word. What he says, happensin
Genesis itself, and regularly
thereafter. In the creation story,
Gods word goes out of his
mouth and brings forth life. In
the New Testament, Gods word
becomes flesh, and again brings
life; this time life eternal through
the gift of His son Jesus Christ

, and

Learning through Music

Read through Hymn #274 The Iron Rod.

How can you ?e the doctrine taught in this
hymn to the doctrine found in John 1?

When people want to know what God

is like, they can look at Jesus, Gods
expression. If they want to know what
Jesus is like, they should be able to look
at his followers. Can people see Christ
in your life and in your actions?

What was Johns purpose in

wri?ng his tes?mony?
John 20:31
But these are
written, that ye
might believe that
Jesus is the Christ,
the Son of God; and
that believing ye
might have life
through his name.

What can we do as individuals to

strengthen our tes?monies of
Christ as we study the New
Testament this year?

Just For You

Want to know the best part about the

Son of God becoming mortal? Its not
that he chose to trade His throne of
stars for a crib filled with hay. Its not
that he rho created time, now had to
wear a wristwatch. Its not that he who
was blameless came to be suffer for our
sins. The best part is, that he did it just
for you.
The scriptures are not simply a
bunch of stories designed to
teach us about what God did.
The scriptures exist to teach us
what God does. The same hope,
the same gifts, and the same
salvation recorded in the
scriptures are available to you.
The scriptures are a dynamic,
hopeful representation of Gods
plans for your future. How can
you personalize the messages
found in the scriptures as you
study the New Testament this

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