Ben Ohau Lodge

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Running head: Ben Ohau Lodge

Ben Ohau Lodge

Case Analysis
Jared Farnsworth, LAT
Texas A&M University-Commerce
MKT 521

Ben Ohau Lodge Case Analysis

Ben Ohau Lodge Case Analysis

Ben Ohau Lodge is a secluded 28,000-acre retreat nestled in the high country of
New Zealand that backs up to Mount Cook National Park. It caters to the wealthy,
famous and powerful that want a place to get away for a hunting trip, golf outing, getting
outdoors or just to relax without all the hustle and bustle of life. Cris Rebeck, a former
New Zealand Department of Conservation investigator and the son of a former
Indonesian president bought the high-country station and hunting-guide company and
converted it into the lodge. Rebeck knew the property was a perfect place that had all
the facilities, amenities and the seclusion that would provide the perfect vacation
destination for their ideal clientele.
The lodge provides a unique product and service of an exclusive vacation
destination in order to fulfill its customers needs for a one of a kind destination that is
private, safe, exclusive, entertaining, relaxing and undisturbed. Its customers include
the rich and famous ranging from presidents to business executives from all over the
world and every celebrity in between. This customer market segment possesses special
characteristics and can be described in different dimensions. Those dimensions are
further divided into qualifying dimensions and determining dimensions. The qualifying
dimensions for this customer market segment includes their needs for a vacation
destination; one that is safe and secure, private, comfortable, has a variety of leisure
activities, is relaxing, exclusive and far from public exposure. Additional qualifying
dimensions for this customer market segment are top income earner which means the
top 1% of the wealthiest people in the world that are in the upper social class with
occupation ranging from leaders of countries, celebrities, top business executives and

Ben Ohau Lodge Case Analysis

royalties. What set Ben Ohau Lodge apart from other vacation destination is its ability to
fulfill the unique needs of this customer market segment, which is also the determining
dimension. These determining dimensions include the secure, private, exclusive and far
from public exposure that the lodge offers to its customers.
The target customers of Ben Ohau Lodge are likely to be foreign locations since
one of the qualifying dimensions of its customers is the richest people in the world.
According to Forbes publication on The Worlds 400 Wealthiest in September 2013,
there are only 3 New Zealanders in the list out of 1,226 billionaires. Targeting only local
customers will not be profitable for Ben Ohau Lodge as the segment will not be big
enough. Since the lodges target market is the worlds wealthiest, they will have to
market to those outside of New Zealand for the simple fact that there are not enough
wealthy people there to sustain the flow of business and keep the doors open.
The target customers will represent the highest of quality, reliability, as well as
the range of services provided. The amenities that Ben Ohau Lodge provides that are of
the highest quality are the rooms and the views. The rooms are twice the size of a
normal hotel room and they have double glazed windows that allow the customer to
take in breathtaking views. The lodge will also provide the highest of quality in service.
For example, they employee ten full time staff members as well as two guides for those
interested in the hunting or the photography safari, horseback ridding, trail hiking, or a
helicopter tour of surrounding Lake Tekapo. A key service also is to provide all guests
with anonymity and the seclusion that allows all of the guests to roam the grounds freely
without the use of bodyguards or worrying about trying to blend in and avoid
recognition. With the quality, reliability and range of services offered by Ben Ohau

Ben Ohau Lodge Case Analysis

Lodge this makes the lodge a very respectable tourist attraction for those that are
looking for seclusion and variety in a vacation destination. Without these characteristics
provided many of the target market would be driven away or just simply look
somewhere else for a vacation location that will provide them with the amenities that
they are looking for.
So far the source of marketing for the lodge is by word of mouth from past
patrons, publicity and public relations within the community to get the word out about
Ben Ohau Lodge. With these factors, doing market research to compare how one
vacation destination can go about becoming more successful will be rather difficult.
There are not many things to compare it to. Its not just a luxury hotel like some places,
and its not solely a secluded island like others. Since it is a combination of those and a
safari makes it extremely difficult to compare. The fact that there is not really anything to
compare it to for market research leads to the credibility and reputation for being a great
destination vacation resort.
The Ben Ohau Lodge was established to be a state of the art luxury retreat for
the wealthy, famous and powerful. It has succeeded at this by providing top of the line
amenities and service all while making privacy and seclusion that every guest wants in
a vacation destination their top priority. They have made themselves a credible and
reputable place for the wealthiest and most powerful travelers all by word of mouth from
happy patrons.

Ben Ohau Lodge Case Analysis

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