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Lorraine Tully 1976

Susan Donner Merkler 1968 & Rod Merkler 1964

Thanks for the birthday

wishes. I received the
Panini maker I asked for
my anniversary... I guess
one car at a time is
sufficient. Thanks too for
the anniversary card for
Michael and me!
Francine Phon Schwartz

Thank you for the card,

and for thinking of us.
It was much appreciated... 29 years! Who
Carine/Ebbitt (1968)
and John Hoerner

Thanks, Bob and the

newsletter staff,for
remembering my special
day. When the card
arrived,I was in Sarasota
enjoying the weather and
my birthday. Thanks again
for remembering.
Mike Bisaccio 1961

Dear HixNews
Thanks for the anniversary
card and for thinking of
us. It was much appreciated.
Bunny Miller and
David Pollack 1961

Thank you for the card,

and for thinking of me.
It was much appreciated, as always!
Joan Komar Langlois

Dear HixNews,
Thanks gang! The big
It didn't hurt at all!!!
David Rubin 1982

Many thanks again for

honoring our special
Angela and James
Carpinone 1972

Thank you for the card;

I enjoyed the fast
skating and especially
the teddy bear puck.
You guys are the best.
Bob Masone 1962

Thank you for the anniversary card and for thinking of us.
It added greatly to the happiness of the day
and was much appreciated.
Ronnie Gilson 1961and Bob Birk 1952

Barbara Leek Favero


Bob Dean

Linda Romagnolo
McHugh 1971

Helen Bereznik Grace


Virginia Cabbe Reinhardt


Barbara Hoosack
Sarluco 1968

Nancy Park North


Penny Creegan Lomas


Shelley Garb London


Doreen Jakabekt Wittig


Happy Birthday!
Lorraine Tully 1976
Joe Varecha 1973

Happy Anniversary!

Joanna Capper Osterman 1974

Suzanne and Philip Chester 1981
Leslie Mantooth Bial 1978 Josie Dzieniezewski and
Joe Bacchi 1976

Janet Paccione

Thank you for the card, and for thinking of us. It

was much appreciated. Wow, 48 yrs and we are
not bored yet, LOLThank you, too,for the great
job you do. We always look forward to the next
newsletter. Please know your hard work is very
much appreciated.
Joanne Picari and Tom Skelly 1964

Thanks for this card, HixNews people and Bob!

I've had a lovely birthday with family, and the
best birthday gift ever is a hip replacement that
I'm going to have tomorrow so that the horrendous pain & immobility will come to an end, and
that maybe by Christmas, I'll be dancing in the
Love to everybody on the team.
Lois Chaber 1960

Dear HixNews
Thank you for the card, and for thinking of us on our 43rd wedding anniversary. It
was much appreciated. We enjoy every newsletter. Thank you for the great job and
the time and commitment put forth in every issue.
Peggy Moldovak Gill (1967) and Tom Gill (1966)

Dear Editors,
I recently found this clip
of Mid Island Shopping
Plaza on You Tube, which
may be of historical
interest to Hix News

A look to the
Its here now...

Ken Marcus, 1967

Hi Bob,
I see in the latest issue of the Alumni Bulletin, you
were kind enough to list my query asking for leads
regarding Bruce Sollod. Please continue to do so
with each forthcoming issue. If I receive word from
someone, then I will let you know. Thank you so
Dennis Listort 1964

Below is the note that appeared in the November issue:

Hi Bob,
I'm trying to track down newspaper articles, police
reports, etc., regarding the train accident which caused
the death of Bruce Sollod on May 4, 1962. Keith
Thomas, Jimmy Kansas and I were with Bruce at that
time. Can you lead me to sources, links, etc., that might
have information? Thank you.

Lately when I get the notification of the newsletter,
something called Scribdcomes up telling me to
download app to read the newsletter. No matter
what I do, I can't get to the complete newsletter that
I used to read without a problem. I can read page 1
and 2 & then it asks me to download app to finish
reading. Even after doing this, I can't read the newsletter. Is it just me or are other people having the
same issue?
Rich Greguski
What operating system and browser are you using? I
have Windows 7 and have viewed the newsletter using
Firefox, Chrome and Internet Explorer without needing
to download an application so I'm a little puzzled. You
can, by clicking on the download as a pdf, download
the individual newsletter as a pdf and view it that way,
We will be glad to work with you to get it working.
Roger Whitaker, Webmaster for
Im using iPad. Never had problem before. I am out of
town at the moment so will try my PC and let you
know. Thanks for quick response.

Dennis Listort 1964

rrie Proffe D
for the follo

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on anything
g by itself.
start playin


I don't have an iPad to test it on, so that may be the
cause of this situation. The Scribd app is a book reader,
but should not be needed on a PC.
You can easily view the newletter on your iPad or
iPhone by touching the small Download icon on the
bottom left of the Scribd screen. You can read it when
it downloads, or simply save it to your iBooks app to
read later. Its a large file, so give it a few minutes to
download to your device.
Elliot Gorlin, Editor HixNews
Is it possible hes having a malware
attack? I am always leery of sudden pop
ups that I didn't initiate that ask me to
download an app to do something that
shouldn't be a problem?
Bob Gillette

Received note on renewal and will be sending my three
year renewal in this week. I didn't get the October 24th
issue yet, and I understand it has photos of the Levittown Historical society included, as I'm also the Vice
President there (plus President of Hicksville Historical).
I'm off on Thursdays; would it be possible for me to pick
up some copies of that issue? I've looked for a town
vendor, but some I knew that carried it did not have it.
Bob Koenig
There is no October 24th issue. The newsletter is routinely
issued the first of each month.
Thus, the last three issues were published on August 1st,
September 1st and October 1st.
The next issue is due to be released November 1st.
I don't know what you mean about a renewal subscription.
HixNews does not renew as the newsletter is
a free publication distributed to all alumni
and friends who ask to be put on a monthly
mailing list for a reminder about the most
recent publication.
Are you perhaps confusing us with Hicksville Illustrated that does ask for money???
The only thing related to the Levittown
Historical Society is in a document that
I've attached for you to see and shown
The news about your November Hicksville
Meeting will be on the Home Page of the
H icksville Newsletter November issue.
Buffalo Bob Casale
Dear Buffalo Bob
Last week I met with Bob McDevitt
who heads up the Levittown Vietnam
Memorial Plaque effort after learning
he lived near me in Florida. What a
coincidence!Bob shared their final
plaque with me, which I'd appreciate
having published in HixNews' July 1
Thanks to a member of their Project
Team who read an issue of HixNews,
you put me in touch with them to
confirm three Levittown residents
who were killed in action (KIA) that
appear on our List of Confirmed
Names, as they attended Hicksville

High. Since their list of

names includes the high school attended, you can see
who they are byreferring tothe attached list Bobgave
I also sharedour work withBob. Theywill have the
attached list turned into a plaque for presentation and
display at the Levittown Historical Society Museum,
but after hearing of our work may alsoconsider a
Memorial Stone to be displayed somewhere in Levittown.During the Vietnam War Era, Levittown had four
high schools; Island Trees, Memorial, MacArthur and
Division and a total of 37 people who paid the ultimate
price in that war appear onthe plaque to honor them.
Bob told me that sometime after the baby boom
generation, Levittown Memorial was closed, as the
remaining three high schools are now sufficient to
accommodate the current population.
Best regards,
JoeCarfora 1962

A note sent to Nancy Glick...

Dear HixNews, Please send me the profile

questions when convenient. Thank you for all you
do for us Hix folks!
Gene Skip Huber 1964.
The form is attached. Just send back to me when
finished. Thanks
Dear Editors,
Please correct my last name
as it appears on the members list from
LaCarrunna to LaCarrubba.
Thanks so much!
Karen Kelly-LaCarrubba
Editor note
Karen changed her email
address. Anyone needing to
contact her, send a note to and
we will put you in touch with Karen.
Please change my email address on file to
(concealed) from (concealed). My husband is the
one who uses the aol
address andforwards the
Newsletter to me every
month. Also, I don't know
if it means anything to you
all, but I no longer live in
Georgia.... My husband and
I recentlymoved from
Georgia to Gilbert, Arizona.
Thank you,
Helen (Luna) Carr, 1963
Enjoyed reading about Charlie Gouse in 'The Hall
of Fame' he was in my class of '49!
We always enjoyed watching & listening to him
Hard to believe that was 65 years ago!
Art Lembke 1949

HixNews has your email address as (concealed). I

found a different email address (concealed). Are both
email addresses good?
Please advice. Thanks
Love yah
Buffalo Bob Casale

Hi Bob,
Thank you for your concern. I had a few problems
about 2-3 months ago opening the newsletter on
my *******.com address. It opened a newsletter
with the previous month's heading, as well as
some difficulty opening and reading it. One of
your messages indicated that there were going to
be some changes to the newsletter and I'm unsure
if that was the reason I had a problem. Please
return to sending it to my *******.com address to
see if the problems have been resolved.
Thank you so much for providing the newsletter
and your concern for my receiving it correctly.
Nancy Engelman Glick

Regarding the Class of 1965 Reunion...

To all of you
The notice in the November
Hix News looked great. Is it
possible to put the the link
to the invitation and form in
the body of the next few
I spoke to someone from
64 and mentioned his
reunion and he said where
was it? and I replied to
scroll down from the home page. He had never
done that, me too, just clicked on the newsletter
and missed the info at the bottom of the homepage.
I got a call yesterday from a sibling of a classmate
who saw the reunion posting in Newsday. They
will run it on a space available basis.
There has been very little response from emails
and Hix News postings. Hopefully people printed
the info and will think about it in the
I head south next week. Will check emails and
keep you posted! As people RSVP, we will make a
list of those who plan to attend.
Elin Fischman Lawrence, 1965
Hi Elin,
The link to the Class of 1965 Reunion registration
form is included in this issue.
Elliot Gorlin, Editor Hix News

A note sent to Diane Snyder Gould

Who is the lady in the photo with you?
love yah
Buffalo Bob Casale

Hi Bob, a/k/a....Thekeeper of the HHS news and

photos..... The lady with me is Valerie Clemenz
Viverito.I can only imagine all the hours and days
you are putting into this.Bless youand I hope all
iswell with were missed at the reunion,
too. Take care
Diane (Snyder) Gould(Carole Snyder's sister...class
of '61).

Hi Folks
The reunion was so well planned! I thought it was
a class act! One our classmates told me that you
were thinking of planning a reunion in Florida.
Have you given any thought to what area?
I live in Ponte Vedra which is south of Jacksonville
and north of St. Augustine. I attended a West
Coast Swing dance conference at the Marriott at
Sawgrass in Ponte Vedra. The out-of-town visitors
were very happy with the location and accommodations. It is just a suggestion. I hope you are well
and rested from the reunion. Best always,
Linda Sacco

Hi Bob,
I just read your enhanced
version of my memoir of
the '64 50th reunion, and it
came out well with the
addition of the pix. There
was only one problem and
I hope that it is not widespread. When I either
clicked on thelink in the
announcement of this
month's blog or I typed myself, it
brought me to the October version of the
blog1410". I had to change the last few numbers
to read "1411" and then I got November's issue.
Thought you might want to check on that.
Thanks again - looking forward to your compilation
of the photos from the reunion.
Arnie Gould

A note to John Maniec...

I am working on putting the Power Point presentation

together. It's been a monumental task but is finally
coming together. I finally was able to put faces to
names after a difficult task. Anyhow, I'm sending you
the presentation where I'm at but there is a lot left to
put onto the presentation.
Hopefully when I'm done, it will be a decent presentation. When all the frames are created, then it's time to
add music and that's a major chore.
Buffalo Bob Casale
So far, this presentation is
truly remarkable.
Outstanding!!! I'm so
excited at the progress
you have made with the
90 slides. I hope it looks as
good as those already
pictured here. You are a
true artist. Thanks again
for your caring and
expertise. I'm also so sorry
to hear about Otto's
passing. I knew him in high school and I will miss
him deeply. He was a real nice guy.
John Maniec

Hi to all of you who do a terrific job

at Hixnews.
I was glad to see the coverage of the
64 Class Reunion. Thanks go to
John, Maureen, and all the others
who worked to make the event a
good one.
Im doubly sorry to not have been
able to attend. First, because I
missed the fun. Second, because it
would have been great to read in
Arnie Goulds narrative that I was
one of the people who hadnt
changed a bit in 50 years. In keeping
with that thought, heres a recent
photo (Im the one on the left, by the
The event does sound wonderful.
Congratulations to all who worked
on it and were able to attend.
Ron Wencer 1964
P.S. A minor clarification -- in the November
Newsletter, Bob mentioned a class size of almost
1400 for the Class of 1964. Wellyes and no.

That figure is probably correct for

our class when it was in Junior High.
Around 1961, we were packed so
tight there that one day, with a
budget vote coming up, the School
Board put a photographer on the
roof, and had all the students in the
school huddle together in the
athletic field and face the camera.
The Board later sent out a bulletin
with the picture to voters, to emphasize the overcrowding, and to ask for
money for expanding the building
and increasing staff size.
By the time our class got through
HHS, however, we had lost a large
number of students. For example,
hundreds of students instead
attended Catholic high schools. I
believe that between that decrease
and the inevitable attrition, our graduating class
numbered in the 860s. I suppose I could dig out
the graduation program and count the names to
confirm my recollection, but I think Ill put job that
off for a while.


Submitted by Kathy McDonald Corey
This is one of the most clever scams Ive heard about.
You arrive at your hotel and check in at the front desk. Typically when checking in, you
give the front desk clerk your credit card.
You go to your room and settle in. All is good.
The hotel receives a call and the caller asks for (as an example) room 620 which could happen to be your room.
The phone rings in your room. You answer and the person on the other
end says the following: This is the front desk. When checking in, we came
across a problem with your charge card information. Please re-read me
your credit card information and verify the 3-digit number on the back of
your card.
Not thinking anything wrong, since the call seems to come from the front
desk, you oblige. But actually, it is a scam by someone calling from outside
the hotel. They have asked for a ramdom room number, then ask you for your
credit card and address information. They sound so professional, that you think you are talking to the front desk.
If you ever encounter this scenario in your travels, tell the caller that you will come down to the front desk to clear
up any problems. Then go to the front desk or call directly and ask if there was a problem. If there was none,
inform the manager of the hotel that someone tried to scam you of your credit card information, acting like a
front desk employee.
This was sent by someone who has been duped... and is still cleaning up the mess.

Hav yo see thes grea Vide o

Our very own Bob Casale has put together some remarkable videos
and posted them on line for everone to enjoy! Check them out here:
The Big Car Crash of the 1980s


1964 Fifty Year Photo Gallery Before

Reunion (485 Views)

Hicksville High School 1963 Fifty Year

Reunion Preview (562 Views)

Class of 1964 Before Reunion Collage (41


2014 May Newsletter Photo Gallery (500 Views)

Hicksville High School Class of 1961

Reunion 2004 (543 Views)

1964 Popularity Poll (343 Views)

IPledge Allegiance to the Flag (50,018 Views)

Campaign to Rebuild the Fountain in

Kennedy Park, Hicksville, New York

Honoring Hicksville High New York

Servicemen and Women (477 Views)

Class of 1962 Fifty Year Reunion (410 Views)

Memorial Day Tribute to Hicksville High

School Veterans (703 Views)


Forty Year Reunion Hicksville Class of 1965


Berryman Lane (135 Views)

Robert Casale U.S. Navy career in Pictures


Hicksville New York Then and Now


HHS Class of 1963 Photo Gallery (763 Views)

Class of 1964 In Memoriam (520 Views)

Charlie Brown & Franz Stigler (465 Views)

Down Memory Lane Class of 1962
Reunion Preview (475 Views)

Mini Photo Tour of Australia (421 Views)

ould be
checks sh
Dear Alumni
made out
l Project It is only fitting that with Veterans Day 2014 arriving on November 11 that
Vietnam E to:
we announce that we have finally received our Hicksville Vietnam Era
and maile
Memorial Project tax exemption. It was the final hurdle that needed to be
ra Memoria
overcome for the project to proceed. Thanks to the tireless efforts of Joe
Hicksville m Walden
Carfora and Ken Strafer we can now begin to bring the memorial to life.
c/o Williat 9th Street
The Hicksville Vietnam Era Memorial will be located at the Hicksville
245 Wes k, NY 11729
Middle Schools Veterans Memorial Park. On Memorial Day 1990,
Deer Par
onal gene iated.
through the efforts of the veterans organizations of Hicksville, the
park was officially named Veterans Memorial Park and a plaque was
ve r y m u c h

installed designating it so. Today, there are monuments recognizing the

sacrifices of Hicksville residents from WWI to the present day conflicts in the Middle East. The
Hicksville Vietnam Era Memorial honoring the over 1800 men and women from Hicksville who served during the
Vietnam War will be located between the WWI and WWII monuments. All Memorial Day and Veterans Day ceremonies are held at the park.
Semper Fi
Bill Walden
Cmdr., Hicksville VFW Post

Official naming of the park in 1990. Pictured left to right:

Town of Oyster Bay Officials Tom Clark, Angelo Delgatto,
VFW Past Post Commander Conrad Steers (1982-1983) and
VFW Past Post Commander George Walden (1957-1958)

The World War II Monument on Veterans Day, 2013

The plaque as it sits today

A note to Joe Carfora:

What is the budget for this project?
Ed Osborne
Sorry for the delayed response. My laptop has crashed and I'm
struggling right now with my wife's iPad. Our budget is $25,000
which we think will include enough for a maintenance reserve to
take care of the memorial over the years. Any funds left over once
the reserve is set aside will be donated on behalf of all Hicksville
alumni to a worthy Veterans charity.
Please forward any donation you care to give directly to Bill
Much thanks.
Thanks for the information. I will send $1000 to Bill and add
more if the project needs more.
That's very generous of you, Ed and we certainly appreciate it.
Thanks very much!
Your update information has been entered. First, congratulations on getting your tax exempt status. Having been through
this for another organization, I realize the hoops that have to
be jumped through. I presume that I'll be getting some
content from Bill Walden before "press time" on Friday.
Thanks, Roger. It was a real team effort! Bob Casale already has
Bill Waldens content for the 11/1 Home Page, so by copy Im
asking him to make sure he gets it to you.
Great news about the tax exempt status. I forwarded a copy of
the advisory e-mail to 25 alumni in my address book from the
classes of '48, '49 & '50. Hope it gets someresponse!

Dr. Carl Bonuso, Hicksville Superintendent of Schools and Bill Walden

A note to Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Carl Bonuso:

Dear Dr. Bonuso,

I enjoyed spending time with you at Nolan Mingst's Eagle Scout
Court of Honor on Saturday. As per our conversation, I am
forwarding you the link to the Hicksville High Schoolnewsletter that
is published monthly by Hicksville High alumni. There are a couple
of videos attached in the newsletter about Hicksville High's
veterans. Also, an article regarding the Vietnam Era Memorial.
Also, you will find a number of letters from the class of '64 who
recently held their 50th reunion. They raved about High School
Principal Williams and how gracious and hospitable he was towards
the alumni. That is a tremendous turnaround from years past.
I know you have a busy schedule, but I wanted to let you see that
thereare large numbers of Hicksville graduateswho still maintain
their ties to Hicksville, myself included. Look forward to seeing you
on Veterans Day.
Semper Fidelis
Bill Walden

rendering of the
Vietnam Era
Memorial Center
Stone Plaque

Hello all,
I graduated from Hicksville High backin 1967. Entered the
service that fall and was dating a girl who wrote to me while I
was in boot camp. I saw her when I came home from boot camp.
Then was sentto Vietnam. When Icame home,I never saw her
again (my fault). Iwould love to talk to her and explain. If you
can locate Chris Junge, class of 1967, I would appreciate your
Thank You.
Robert T. Pelcher, 1967

Robert T. Pelcher 1967

Editors Note: Hi BobI have added your search inquiry to our "Looking for People" list.

For the

Class of 1965 50 Year Reunion

Registration Form
click on the link below:

mail to:

Dear Classmate...
You asked to be included on the master list of the Hicksville High School
Newsletter. You submitted an email address but no name was ever posted.
Can you please send us your name and indicate also when you graduated so we can
add it to the roster. And your maiden name if married.
Buffalo Bob Casale
Brianna Servidio, Class of 2013 and Im single

ss of 1973
Rich L

Michael Kirschen 1964

Rick Justman 1965

Robert Pelcher 1967

On November 6, 2014 the Neil O'Doherty Memorial Library for Abused

Children was completed and officially dedicated. Mr. O'Doherty primarily
taught 11th Grade Track 1 English. For many of his students he had a
profound effect on their future lives: he taught the love of English Literature, and Western Culture; he accepted all opinions in the turbulent
atmosphere of the classroom in the late '60s, but expected you to logically
defend your point of view. And, as Faculty Advisor to the Particle (the
student literary magazine), he actively encouraged creativity and freedom
of expression.
But while the library is named in memory of Mr. O'Doherty, it is dedicated
to all the great teachers, counselors and administrators who guided us at
HHS: Mr. Jones, who gave out much less detention than I, for one, deserved; Mr. Cali, who deeply cared about the
issues of our time, and his students; Mr. Vetrano, who logically defended opinions unpopular with most of his students;
Mr. Bohl, everyone's favorite English teacher; Mrs. Spitzer, teaching college material in AP English better than many
professors; Mr. Redican, who loved English drama and students with a passion; and Mr. Lieber, who was "everyone's"
guidance counselor, who always made time for a troubled or questioning student. And too many others to mention.
May this library for abused children serve as a tribute to the values instilled in us by the teachers of our time.

Submitted by Dennis Hendrickson, Class or 1970 and Judy Diamond, Class of 1971

It is with deep sorrow that I have to inform you of my

dearest friend
Marion Winant, Class of 1962passed away on Sept 21,
2013 Please add her name to your list. Thank you.
Camille Gully Hauf 1962

Marion Winant, 1962

Camille Gully Hauf, 1962

Hi Bob:
It was nice speaking with you and talking about old times
(hold on to the baton). Unfortunately, my cousin,
Stephen Ruggiero passed away on Nov. 1, 2014. We
were born 8 months apart, played as babies, we grew up
together, played ball together right through our championship baseball seasons at Hicksville. Steve was a good
guy, quite but intense and although we hadnt seen each
other as often as we liked we were always close. I will miss
You can find his obituary in the November 1, 2014 Newsday Obituary.
Fran DeCabia, 1960

It is with sadness that I notify you of the loss of our

classmate, Robert Frazer. Please add his name to the list
for Class of 1955.
Thank you
Bob McWilliams 1955
It is with profound regret that I inform you of the death of
my sister
Theresa A. Ramos, on July 15, 2014, due to pulmonary
fibrosis. She was 59 and a graduate of the class of 1973.
Bill Ramos 1960

Theresa A Ramos, 1973

Bill Ramos, 1960

A note to Maryann Uebel Blane

Can you check your yearbook and see if Theresa Ramos was
in your class. Had an email from her brother Bill Ramos, from
the class of 1960, that she passed away in July. Bill thought
she graduated in 1973 or 1974. I went to the 1974 yearbook
on Classmates and the only Ramos was a Sharon.
love yah Bob
I found her picture in the 1973 yearbook and the photo is
Love yah Maryann

Editor note Thanks! It is now attached.

My brother in law passed yesterday, Monday, October 13,
2014. Please add Otto K. Gabrielsen, Jr. to the
In Memoriam for 1964.
love da buff

Stephen Ruggiero

Fran DeCabia, 1960

Editors Note: Fran was referring to the time back in the late
fifties when we had the fastest and quickest 440 relay team
in the 8th grade on Long Island. We got to the finals and I
screwed up big timeI dropped the baton and we were
eliminated. The team consisted of Artie Center, Billy McBride,
me and Fran. We never lost until that time.
Otto K. Gabrielsen, Jr.

Dear HixNews
Nancy North Park from the class of 1961 was killed in an
automobile accident last night.
Shelly Heyman Baron 1961
Shelly Heyman Baron 1961
Nancy North Park
Can you expand this note a little? I just received something via email from Nancy that will be in the December newsletter. If
you see an obituary, please send it to me. Thanks.
love yah
Buffalo Bob Casale
I went to Merritt Island Newspapers to see if I could find an accident report. I found the following...
BREVARD COUNTY - A Merritt Island woman was killed Thursday evening in a two car crash in Brevard County. The crash
happened just before 7 p.m. on Courtney Parkway near Grant Road in Merritt Island. The Florida Highway Patrol said
Nancy Lincoln, 72, was traveling west in the parking lot of the moose lodge and attempted to travel across Courtney Parkway and
pulled into the direct path of a car driven by a 17-year-old. Lincoln was transported to Cape Canaveral Hospital where she died. The c
rash remains under investigation.
I'm a little baffled because though the age is correct, the last name Lincoln I'm not sure about.
Does anyone have any additional information to substantiate the death of Nancy North Park???
Yesher daughter called me and said shepulled outfrom the Elks club where she had played bingo and a truck hit her. She did not know
whathappened and died instantly. I am very upset because I had just emailed her and left a message because she had sent me a funny
email joke. Her daughter was inshock and she called me because Nancy always mentioned my name. Nancy
was very crafty and always had a craft show where she made all the crafts she sold for Christmas. I believe she
had a son, daughter and two grand-daughters she adored and was very close to. Ibelieve she was 71yrs old.
I know for sure that Nancy was married to someone with the last name of Lincoln... so she probably never
changed the last name. His name was Larry Lincoln and he passed away years ago. OMG she is one of my
children's godmother andwe've been close friends since 3rd grade. Her sons name is Bruce Park, and her
daughter is Jodi... but I don't know her married last name. She definitely lived on Merritt Island and was 72 yrs
old. Please keep me in the loop if you find out anything definite.
Lillian Manzo Ramirez 1961
Lillian Manzo Ramirez 1961
Had a note from Shelly and she confirmed it was Nancy. It's sad that she passed and the way was terrible. So sorry for your loss.
Fortunately she wasn't a young mother with young children depending on her presence. Here it is a year since Joyce passed and
her brother just passed. Hope you are well.
love yah

Thank you... I just feel like I got kicked in the stomach. My kids are very upset also. Nancy was my first cashier in my skating rink. She was
the sister I never had.
Hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving and Christmas Holiday.
Love Yah

I understand completely. I wish that I had the ability to maintain contact with many in our class who just seemed to fall between the
cracks. We had a wonderful growing experience because we were surrounded with wonderful people. I don't want to short change the
classes that followed us, but the camaraderie diminished. We had so much fun and it was because of the people we mingled with...
Dennis Naso was a pioneer in fun. There were others that influenced our lives and it would take tons of paper to explain. Our teachers
were phenomenal and the other professionals in the Hicksville organization were instrumental in our growth. I loved growing up in
Hicksville. There are some little stories that make me weep a little. Anything you remember that brings a tear to your eyes???
love yah Bob

This was submitted by

Art Lembke...

It's beautiful and worth listening to!!!

Another link from Art ...

What a great refresher course.

Probably the best capsule of the history of our
country ever put together. It's fascinating to watch
the evolution of growth from the 13 colonies up to
the present, with dates, wars, purchases, etc.
Included. As much as you may know about American history, I guarantee you'll learn something from
this short video clip.
This moving map of the country shows it from the
beginning of the 13 states through the present. It
includes the acquisitions from England and Spain,
the Slave states, the Free states, a segment on the
Civil war; itincludes some mentions of Central and
South America, etc.
It also shows the Indian Nations as they were during
the Indian Wars: Modac, Miwok, Mujave, Nez Perce,
Flat Head, Crow, Cheyenne, Arapaho, Navajo,
Apache, Dakota, Sioux, Kiowa, Wichita and Comanche.
A great site, especially if you enjoy American history,
but have forgotten a lot of what we learned in
school. Turn on your sound, as the narration is a
significant portion of the presentation.
Click on the link below.Then when it opens,don't
click onGoat the bottom....Click onPlayat the top.)


This was submitted by

Joe Carfora...

Click on hi-lighted word in each statement for

an explanation and more details

Another link from Joe...

The below video shows a defense system
now available to the military that is more
than amazing. Check it out.

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