Spect Actors

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Neda Yeganeh

Theatre 120
August 29th, 2013
Spect-actors are created when the spectators of a theatrical performance are also the
actors in said performance. They have the ability to change how they are acting after they have
witnessed their initial acting. When these spect-actors are on stage, they are looking at
themselves and transitioning from being just a being to being a human. According to Boal, This
is theatre - the art of looking at ourselves.
Although some may not consider it so or be confused as to what it actually means, theatre
is an art form. Because it is an art form, it is not always comforting or comfortable to view. The
world through theatres eyes is viewed in unpopular manners and confronts our cultural thoughts
of how we see ourselves in the world, forcing us to truly see ourselves. In the eighteenth century,
art was divided into two subcategories: useful and fine. Since theatre was placed into the fine art
section, it was thought to be achieved only by genius and could not be decreased to standards and
restrictions. It was also suggested that because hardly anyone possesses this genius, the
application of standards and restrictions would not matter. Art has ergo been portrayed as too
difficult to fully understand since approximately 1800, sadly. That is why people sometimes feel
resentful or intimated by art because they are unsure of what it actually is.
In William Shakespeares As You Like It, he pens, All the worlds a stage, /And all the
men and women merely players (Act II, Scene 7). In this speech, the stage is depicted as the
world where our actions and behaviors are on display for everyone to see. In this way, the stage

acts as both a mirror and a magnifying glass, for that we notice our reflections and imperfections
and for that we are placed under scrutiny while expressing ourselves.
Spect-actors have the responsibility to simultaneously connect and disconnect the
audience with the piece being performed. However, it is important not to promote indifference
because the audience needs to be involved in the happenings of the performance, or possess
empathy. Theatre can be based off of real-life experiences, though the unnecessary details are
filed away and the events are more organized and pinpointed. Spect-actors need to be able to
visualize how this can be construed by the audience and make sure it remains fictional. This also
requires spect-actors to have an idea of what they would be viewing if they were in the audience.
Art and theatre are oftentimes difficult to understand and can therefore make some people
uneasy at the mere mention of those words. They both come into being through certain
applications, so spect-actors should be no different. Spect-actors have incredibly challenging and
important jobs. They must convey their actions as if they were watching themselves while
watching themselves perform. Fiction remaining is key.

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