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Work Cited

Primary Sources
Wilson, Woodrow. "The History Place - Great Speeches Collection: Woodrow Wilson
Speech - The Fourteen Points." The History Place - Great Speeches Collection: Woodrow
Wilson Speech - The Fourteen Points. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Nov. 2014.
This website was very helpful to us because it gave us the direct points made by
Woodrow Wilson. This is very important in understanding the purpose and effects of the
Fourteen Points. These words are directly said by Woodrow Wilson.
Secondary Sources
"The Fourteen Points." The Fourteen Points. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Nov. 2014.
This website was very helpful to us because it gave us the direct points made by
Woodrow Wilson. This is very important in understanding the purpose and effects of the
Fourteen Points. This is a summarized version that helped us better understand what the Points
"The German Surrender." World War I. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Nov. 2014.

This website helped us find out the date in which Germany surrendered to the Triple
Entente. It also gave us information on other small details about World War I.

"World War One Woodrow Wilson." World War One Woodrow Wilson. N.p., n.d. Web. 30
Nov. 2014.
This website helped inform us about Woodrow Wilsons life. It included information of
his childhood and his adulthood.
14 Points Path. N.d. Cartoon. Wordpress. Web. 1 May 2013.
This cartoon shows how many Points that Woodrow Wilson declared and symbolizes
them as a physical path where one can climb. It shows how they are supposed to be
Wilson Signing Points. N.d. Cartoon. Blogspot. Web. 28 Nov. 2014
This cartoon shows Woodrow Wilson signing the Fourteen Points. It shows the main
reason for the involvement of the U.S. in WWI by showing the paper on American ships being
Fourteen Points. N.d. Cartoon. Blogspot. Web. 28 Nov. 2014
This cartoon shows personified aspects of the treaties and agreements that were made in
Woodrow Wilson. N.d. Photograph. Gewoon-nieuws. 10 Mar. 2013
This is a picture of Woodrow Wilson during his presidency.
Woodrow Wilson. N.d. Photograph. FirstWorldWar. 18 Aug. 2009

This is another portrait of Woodrow Wilson which gives an accurate image to his
World War I. N.d. Photograph. Lane. 23 Sep. 2010
This is a picture of a trench in World War 1 with soldier ready to fight. We just used this
picture to give an idea and setting of what era this is in.
World War I Soldiers. N.d. Photograph. History 1900s. 21 Jun. 2014
This is a picture of more soldiers in the World War I era to give a sense of what was
happening at the time.
Fourteen Points Article. N.d. Photograph. Rarenewspapers. 6 Dec. 2012
This is a newspaper article from World War I that is being sold on an auction. It includes
Woodrow Wilsons Fourteen Points.
World War I Map. N.d. Map. Worldmapsonline. 3 Jan. 2013
This is a map from the World War I era to show what events were happening in Europe at
the time.
Handshake. N.d. Photograph. Digitalconstruction. 25 Oct. 2012
This is a picture of 2 people having a friendly handshake. We used this picture to
symbolize the negotiations and peace between many countries in World War I.

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