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inflation targeting

amiable solution
creating the new State that will begin with the Home Ministry sending a note on the same to the
desecrated the statues
vandalised the premises
Ksheera Bhaghya scheme
The scheme could not be implemented in 149 government and aided schools in Mangalore taluk
from August 1 as the Akshaya Patra Foundation expressed difficulty in supplying milk that works out
to around 3,000 litres a day

Japanese authorities have revealed, as the government prepares to step in to help contain leaks of
highly toxic water at the site.
radiation comprised mostly beta rays that could be blocked by aluminium foil, unlike more
penetrative gamma rays
radiation comprised mostly beta rays that could be blocked by aluminium foil, unlike more
penetrative gamma rays
300 tonnes of radioactive groundwater is escaping into the nearby Pacific Ocean every day
more recent discovery of leaking storage tanks and pipes, prompted the government to inject more
than GBP300 million to contain the water crisis
The coolant becomes tainted
involve building a km-long impenetrable frozen wall beneath the plant to prevent groundwater from
mixing with contaminated coolant water

At present, Brihadeeswarar temple in Thanjavur, Airavateswara temple near Kumbakonam,

monuments in Mamallapuram and Gangaikonda Cholapuram temple at Jayakondam are world
heritage sites in the state.

At present, Brihadeeswarar temple in Thanjavur, Airavateswara temple near Kumbakonam,

monuments in Mamallapuram and Gangaikonda Cholapuram temple at Jayakondam are world
heritage sites in the state.
During Chola periord, the temple was renovated by Chola king Vikrama Chola, in 1120AD as the
structure got corroded due to salt laden by sea breeze
Currency volatility tops Manmohans G-20 agenda
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Wednesday indicated some of the pressing issues that India and
other emerging economies might raise at the 8th G-20 summit beginning Thursday at St. Petersburg.
He was obviously hinting at the manner in which currencies of emerging economies witnessed
dramatic depreciation ranging between 14 and 20 % in the past few months
though the formal agenda set out under the Russian Presidency includes broader themes such as
reviving global growth in an inclusive manner to ensure better quality employment, financial
regulation and infrastructure development in the developed and developing world.

BRIC countries
unconventional monetary policies
Global warming rate less than predicted: new IPCC report
The report is also going to accept that carbon dioxide gas concentration in atmosphere may not be
as potent in causing global temperature increases as was believed earlier
The report is also going to accept that carbon dioxide gas concentration in atmosphere may not be
as potent in causing global temperature increases as was believed earlier
The rate of warming over the past 15 years (from 1998-2012) at 0.05 degree Celsius per decade is
smaller than the trend over the longer period 1951-2012 which stands at 0.12 degree Celsius per

This means that in the last 15 years the rate of warming has been 40% slower than in the period
The IPCC is the apex body of the UN providing guidance to the countries on what is the best, latest
and most authentic science available on climate change
But it is now almost certain that the sudden dip in global warming often called the hiatus is
going to become the most controversial and key element of the report. The last time the IPCC
brought out
Additional Solicitor-General
lower riparian State
States new anti-superstition and black magic ordinance, which was passed on August 21 after the
murder of rationalist Narendra Dabholkar, who fought for 18 years for such a law.
Basavanagudi councillor B.S. Sathyanarayana and Byatarayanapura councillor Indira were
unanimously elected the citys 47th Mayor and 48th Deputy Mayor respectively on Wednesday
Basavanagudi councillor B.S. Sathyanarayana and Byatarayanapura councillor Indira were
unanimously elected the citys 47th Mayor and 48th Deputy Mayor respectively on Wednesday
The Palestinian Authority (PA) is losing about $300m a year in leakage of customs, purchase and
value-added taxes which are not transferred to the Palestinian treasury by Israel, according to
preliminary U.N. estimates
The UN Conference on Trade and Development (Unctad) defines fiscal leakage as Palestinian fiscal
revenue destined for the PA but retained by Israel instead
Moon mission to study mysterious lunar dust
The Ames spacecraft is named Ladee, an acronym for Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment
Venezuelas main power distribution network failed on Tuesday, depriving 70 per cent of the country
of electricity and creating traffic chaos in much of Caracas, which normally escapes such outages.
President Nicolas Maduro said on Tuesday night 14 of 23 States lost power for much of the day and
blamed sabotage, which he did not detail
President Nicolas Maduro said on Tuesday night 14 of 23 States lost power for much of the day and
blamed sabotage, which he did not detail
President Nicolas Maduro said on Tuesday night 14 of 23 States lost power for much of the day and
blamed sabotage, which he did not detail

victims of the atrocity
Ronald Reagan
won the Nobel Prize for Economics in 1991.

Afghan President Hamid Karzai on Wednesday issued a historic legislative decree reserving a special
seat for Sikh and Hindu Afghan nationals in the Lower House of Parliament
Afghan President Hamid Karzai on Wednesday issued a historic legislative decree reserving a special
seat for Sikh and Hindu Afghan nationals in the Lower House of Parliament

In line with international law, the U.N. Security Council alone can sanction the use of force against a
sovereign state. Any other pretext or method to justify the use of force against an independent
sovereign state is inadmissible and can only be qualified as aggression, Mr. Putin said.
Evidence of poisonous gas attacks must be convincing and should not be based on rumours or
eavesdropping by secret services, he added.
Archaeologists believe Egypts first king, Aha, came to power after another prominent leader,
Narmer, unified the land.
Archaeologists believe Egypts first king, Aha, came to power after another prominent leader,
Narmer, unified the land.
financial inclusion, which was the second of the six broad themes that he highlighted, next only to
monetary policy.
under his stewardship
The liberalising of norms on cancellation of forward exchange contracts by exporters and importers

In the last 90 days, since April, the rupee has fallen nearly 22 per cent.
special purpose vehicle (SPV)
special purpose vehicle (SPV)

It has been decided accordingly to offer such a window to the banks to swap the fresh foreign
currency non-resident (banks) FCNR(B) dollar funds, mobilised for a minimum tenor of three years
and over at a fixed rate of 3.5 per cent per annum for the tenor of the deposit, RBI said
To enable exporters, importers greater flexibility in their risk management, we will enhance the
limit available to exporters to 50 per cent and allow a similar facility to importers to the extent of 25
per cent, the newly-appointed RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan said in his first media address.

s issues with Bangladesh in order to strengthen the hands ofthe secular Sheikh Hasina government

Among all our neighbours, the nation whose birth is indelibly linked to India is Bangladesh
Among all our neighbours, the nation whose birth is indelibly linked to India is Bangladesh
Our much heralded Look East Policy, though initiated in 1993 by the late Narasimha Rao when he
was Prime Minister, has only received some impetus.
Unfortunately, there exist many contentious issues between the two countries, primarily in the
division of common river waters
In 1996, the sharing of the Ganga waters was successfully agreed upon between the two nations.
In 1996, the sharing of the Ganga waters was successfully agreed upon between the two nations.
However, the major area of dispute has been Indias construction and operation of the Farakka
Barrage to increase water supply to the river Hooghly

Teesta river
Teesta river
Then, there is the land corridor that India wants through Bangladesh, to connect West Bengal to the
north-eastern States. Right now, the only land connection between these two parts of India is the 20
to 25 km wide Siliguri corridor (also known as Indias Chicken Neck).
are easily surmountable

protocol to the Land Boundary Agreement (LBA) of 1974 with Bangladesh

Under this, 161 adversely held small enclaves are to be exchanged by the two countries; 7,100 acres
of land will be transferred to India and nearly 17,000 acres go to Bangladesh.

discomfiture of the Centre and annoyance of the Bangladesh government.

Tariq Karim succinctly pointed out that Indias growth is Bangladeshs growth because Bangladesh
can grow only when India grows.
for let us never forget that towards our western flank violent Islamic fundamentalism is on an
alarming ascendant.
A profoundly just order
appointment of Information Commissioners under the Right to Information Act,
the elegant law is designed to minimise discretionary interpretation and exempts only a select list of
subjects from disclosure
the Commissions are not tribunals or bodies to which judicial powers have been transferred.
That the process must be open to scrutiny has been reiterated by the Supreme Court and it will
doubtless be closely monitored by a rights-conscious citizenry.
That the process must be open to scrutiny has been reiterated by the Supreme Court and it will
doubtless be closely monitored by a rights-conscious citizenry.

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