2014 2015 CWK.4

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CENG3003 Chemical Reaction Engineering

Tutorial Problems IV
Deadline 10 December 2014, at the end of the lecture
Problem 1
The irreversible gas-phase reaction, A B, is carried out adiabatically over a packed bed of solid catalyst particles. The
reaction is first order in the concentration of A on the catalyst surface. The feed is equimolar in A and inerts, and enters
the bed at a temperature of 300 K. The entering volumetric flow rate is 12 dm3/s. The relationship between the Sherwood
number and the Reynolds number is: Sh = 100 Re1/2. Neglect pressure drop. The entering concentration of A is 1.0 M.
Calculate the catalyst weight necessary to achieve 60% conversion of A.
Kinematic viscosity: / = 0.02 cm2/s
Particle diameter: dp = 0.1 cm
Superficial velocity: U = 10cm/s
Catalyst surface area/mass of catalyst bed: a = 60 cm2/g cat.
Diffusivity of A: De = 10-2 cm2/s
Heat of reaction: HRx = -10,000 cal/g mol A
Heat capacities: CpA = CpB = 25 cal/g mol K, CpS (solvent) = 75 cal/g mol K
Reaction rate constant: k (300 K) = 0.01 cm3/s g cat with E = 4000 cal/mol
Problem 2
Consider the homogenous, gas phase dehydrogenation of benzene in a PFR
2C6H6 C12H10 + H2
C6H6 + C12H10 C18H14 + H2
(a) Plot the total conversion of benzene to di- and triphenyl as a function of space velocity.
(b) Determine the reactor volume required to process 75 kg/min of benzene (the feed is pure benzene) as a function of the
total conversion.
(c) What is the space velocity for which the concentration of diphenyl is a maximum?
The rate equations are:
r1 = 6.8 x 106e -15,200/T

6 -15,200/T

r2 = 3.9 x 10 e

pB pD pH


kgmoles benzene reacted/(h)(ft3)

p B p D pT p H


kgmoles triphenyl produced or diphenyl reacted/(h)(ft )

where pB = partial pressure of benzene, atm; pD = partial pressure of diphenyl, atm; pT = partial pressure of triphenyl, atm;
pH = partial pressure of hydrogen, atm; T = temperature, K; K1=0.312; K2 =0.48. Assume that the reactor will be operated
isothermally at 760oC and 1atm.
Problem 3
The reaction A+BC takes place inside a porous catalyst. The reaction is first-order with respect to A. A packed bed is
fed with liquid mixture containing 3 mol/L A. A 50% conversion is required.
(a) Calculate the space time of the reaction mixture and the catalyst mass in the reactor
(b)What is the effectiveness factor?
(c) How large will the error be (in %), if the internal mass transfer resistance is ignored?
k = 0.0016 m3/ (kg s)
B= 500kg/m3
Dei =10-9 m2/s
R = 0.0213 10-2 m (the radius of a spherical catalyst particle)
P= 1000 kg/m3
Problem K6-1
This module focuses on multiple reactions. Go to http://www.umich.edu/~elements/byconcept/modules/frames_icm.htm
and download and run Great Race. In the main menu there are 4 choices:
Introduction, to find out more about the rules of this exercise.
Review, which you can use for revising Chapter 6.
Save the company, to start the game.
Exit, when you are finished with the module.
Choose "Save the Company". This is basically a multiple choice exercise. Follow the directions of the program, to answer
the questions. At the end of the game the computer gives you a performance number. Record and turn in this number.

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