Holiday Guide For The Region of Hildesheim

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Holiday Tips, Accommodation and Event Highlights for 2015

Service, Advising and Booking

The tourist-information office is located in one of the most beautiful buildings in Hildesheim - in the Tempelhaus on the historical
market square. Plans have been made to expand tourist information
into a modern Welcome and World Heritage Centre by spring 2015.
Look forward to a multimedia presentation on UNESCO World Heritage in Hildesheim, the region and beyond. 3D computer animations,
live webcam pictures of the World Heritage sites in Lower Saxony,
an interactive city model and much more invite you to explore the
World Heritage sites. Guided tours for groups are in the planning.

English information:

The tourist information team is happy to provide you with information on

UNESCO World Heritage sites: St. Marys Cathedral and Cathedral
Museum, St. Michaels Church and Fagus Factory
Accommodation and arrangements
Meeting and conference services
Guided tours and costumed tour guides
Guided tours in the region
Segway tours through Hildesheim
Climbing the St. Andrews church tower
Hiring e-bikes
Souvenirs, travel guides, books and maps
(also online at
Special exhibitions in the museums
Events and festivals
Cycling and hiking/walking tours
Awarded with the seal of quality
Service Quality
Germany in Lower Saxony
Level I

Hildesheim Marketing GmbH

tourist-information Hildesheim
Rathausstr. 20 (Tempelhaus) 31134 Hildesheim
Tel.: +49 (0)5121 1798-0 Fax: +49 (0)5121 1798-88



1200 Years of History

Pages 6 and 7

Welcome to the Region

Pages 4 and 5
Published by: Hildesheim Marketing GmbH, Managing Director Lothar Meyer-Mertel, Rathausstr. 15, 31134
Hildesheim, Tel. +49 (0)5121 1798-100
e-mail: info@hildesheim-marketing.
In co-operation with: Wirtschaftsfrderungsgesellschaft Hildesheim
Region (HI-REG) mbH,
Editors: Anja Barlen-Herbig
(agentur from b.), Britta Franke
(Hildesheim Marketing)
Design: agentur from b. GmbH
Printer: Leinebergland Druck GmbH
& Co.KG
English translation: Johnson Translations, Sandra Johnson, Hildesheim
Photo credits: Title and pg. 26 and
27 designed by Insa Krebs 2014 with
Kunstbaukasten Hildesheim 1200,
Hildesheim Marketing (pg. 2-7, 14, 19,
21, 30), Nicole Buchholz (pg. 2), Leif
Obornik (pg. 4), Martin Ganzkow
(pg. 4), Fagus-GreCon Greten GmbH
& Co.KG (pg. 4, 9, 28), agentur von b.
(pg. 7, 12-15, 17, 20, 49), Bishoprics
Press Office Hildesheim, Manfred
(pg. 8), City Archive Hildesheim (pg.
10), City Archive Hildesheim. Order
No. 953 Nr. 204 (pg. 11), Roemer and
Pelizaeus Museum Hildesheim (pg.
11), Hans-Werner Kalkmann (pg.
11), City of Elze (pg. 12), Jim + Jimmy (pg. 14), City of Sarstedt (pg. 16),
Wolfgang Schulz (pg. 16, 20), Werftengruppe GmbH (pg. 17), City of
Bockenem (pg. 21), City of Bad Salzdetfurth (pg. 22, 23), form: arte
Grafikbro Hildesheim (pg. 24,, 25),
Andreas Hartmann (pg. 28)
Subject to change without notice,
last updated: October 2014

Castles, Fortresses,
Monasteries, Convents
Pages 12 and 13
Water, Water Everywhere
Pages 16 and 17

UNESCO World Heritage

Pages 8 and 9

Museums and Exhibitions

Pages 10 and 11

Bad Salzdetfurth
Pages 22 to 25

Welcome to the Region

Pages 4 and 5
1200 Years of History
Pages 6 and 7
UNESCO World Heritage
Pages 8 and 9
Museums and Exhibitions
Pages 10 and 11
Castles, Fortresses, Monasteries, Convents Pages 12 and 13
Family Fun
Pages 14 and 15
Water, Water Everywhere
Pages 16 and 17
Pages 18 and 19
Page 20
Parks and Towns
Page 21
Bad Salzdetfurth
Pages 22 to 25
Pages 26 to 29
Pages 30 to 43
in Hildesheim
Pages 31 to 36
in the Region
Pages 37 to 39
in Bad Salzdetfurth
Pages 40 to 43
Maps of Accommodation
Pages 44 to 48
How to Get Here and Public Transportation Page 49
General Terms and Conditions of Agency Page 50 and 51

HILDESHEIM HOLIDAY GUIDE 2015 | Welcome to the Region


ildesheim is celebrating an impressive anniversary this year: It is 1200 years ago that Emperor Louis the Pious had the first chapel
built on the hill where the Cathedral stands today. The founding of the bishopric marked the beginning of Hildesheims development as a city. Gradually, the small settlement outgrew the walls that surrounded the chapel. Up to the Middle Ages, a town of tradesmen,
merchants and citizens developed in the area around St. Andrews Church; the first document calling it a town was dated from 1146..
Today, the city of Hildesheim, with its close to 100,000 inhabitants,
is the centre of the region and is located just 30 kilometres from
the state capital of Hannover, nestled between the lowlands of the
Hildesheim Brde, the Leine and Innerste Rivers and the Leine hill
country leading into the foothills of the Harz Mountains.
A large-scale jubilee programme has been devised to duly celebrate
the citys 1200th anniversary in 2015. The programme includes new
events that have been specially put together for the anniversary,
such as the theatre production entitled In the Name of the Rose,
which will transform the entire city into a stage. Other successful
formats, such as the popular street artist festival called Pflasterzauber (Magic on the Cobblestones), will also be included in the
anniversary celebrations.

Mariensee Holle

Welcome to the Region | HILDESHEIM HOLIDAY GUIDE 2015

The famous St. Marys Cathedral and the adjoining Cathedral Museum will be shining in
a new light just in time for the
citys anniversary the UNESCO World Heritage church underwent extensive renovations
for five years. The newly designed church interior stands
out by virtue of its clean lines
and airiness. Valuable art treasures that are part of the UNESCO World Heritage have also
returned to Hildesheim. The
Roemer and Pelizaeus Museum makes its contribution to
the celebrations with an exhibition entitled The Roots of the
Rose - Hildesheim in the Middle Ages: From the Bishopric to
the Peoples City. Visitors can
retrace the history of the city
from the Middle Ages to modern times - and discover the historical Roots of the Rose. Aside
from all the anniversary festivities in 2015, Hildesheim also has
a lot more to offer - hikers can
saddle up Shanks pony to travel such interesting trails as the
Kings Route or the Ith-Hils trail.
Cyclists can rent e-bikes to ride
over the hills and mountains
with ease. Water rats can dive
into the cool waters in the many
swimming lakes in the region or
go off on an adventurous canoeing tour. On a side trip into the
surrounding region, youll discover many cultural treasures
castles, monasteries, convents
and palaces. One highlight includes the Fagus Factory in Alfeld. Originally built by Walter
Gropius, it was added to the list
of UNESCO World Heritage sites
in 2011. Find out more about the
many different facets of the region of Hildesheim and celebrate this impressive anniversary with us! We look forward to
welcoming you here!

Hildesheims half-timbered district

St. Marys Cathedral Hildesheim

Fagus Factory

HILDESHEIM HOLIDAY GUIDE 2015 | 1200 Years of History


appy Birthday! Born in 815, the city and the bishopric are celebrating a Big Birthday. 2015 is the 1200th anniversary of the
founding of the bishopric by Louis the Pious and the beginning of
the development of Hildesheim into a city. The story of the founding of the bishopric is intertwined with a fascinating legend that
is closely linked to the famous 1000-year-old rosebush, which still
grows today at the apse of the Cathedral. According to the legend,
Emperor Louis the Pious celebrated mass during a hunting trip at
the place where St. Marys Cathedral stands today. St. Marys precious rosary, which he had brought along, somehow got left behind. The Emperors chaplain returned to the spot and found the
valuable rosary among the blossoms of a bush, later called a rose.
It seemed impossible, however, to remove it from the branches. The
Emperor was summoned and he declared it a miracle and a sign


English information 1200 years of Hildesheim: www.

of Gods will. In honour of Mary, the mother of God, he had a chapel built on this site.
During the past 12 centuries, the bishopric and the city have experienced a history of magnificent heydays and intense storms. The
two World Heritage churches - the Cathedral and St. Michaels - are
eloquent witnesses of these turbulent eras. Throughout the generations, the people of Hildesheim lived their everyday lives - they
worked, loved, dreamt, believed, prayed and celebrated. In the anniversary year, visitors can take a trip through 1200 years of history. Hildesheim is celebrating its birthday with a host of impressive
events. Exhibitions, street festivals, theatre performances visitors
and citizens alike can look forward to a programme of more than
100 events (see pg. 26 and 27).

1200 Years of History | HILDESHEIM HOLIDAY GUIDE 2015


Hildesheim looks back on an
eventful, lively history - many
buildings and tourist attractions are evidence today of the
impressive history of the city.
Guests visiting the city can
experience the 1200 years of
history by following the Rose
Route. Small, decorative pavement stones displaying a rose
point you in the right direction. From the historical market square with the famous
Butchers Guildhall, you pass by
churches and historical buildings to get to the half-timbered
district and the UNESCO World
Heritage churches. The historical market square and the Upended Sugarloaf attract thousands of tourists to the city
each year. And it can all be attributed to the dedication and
commitment of the citizens of
Hildesheim. They spared no expense to have the old half-timbered buildings reconstructed
according to the original plans
in the heart of the city. The
Butchers Guildhall (Knochenhaueramtshaus) and the Bakers Guildhall (Bckeramtshaus)
deserve special mention. Another eye-catcher on the market square is the Tempelhaus,
with an architectural style that
clearly evidences the influence
of the Orient. Todays tourist-information office is located in
this former patrician villa. Looking at the elaborate faades of
Rolandstift and Wedekindhaus and the Stadtschnke,
the Rococo Building and the
Wool Weavers Guildhall on
the opposite side of the square,
youd never believe that there
are modern concrete buildings
on the inside. The Upended
Sugarloaf is located just a few
metres away from the market
square, in the midst of the modern building complexes in the

pedestrian zone. The name of

the building is no less unusual than its looks: the half-timbered building on St. Andrews
Square, where each level slightly overhangs the one below it,
was already called the Upended Sugarloaf 500 years ago.
The route continues on into the
half-timbered district. Many
historical half-timbered buildings have been preserved in the
Neustadt (New Town). Nar-

row lanes, beautiful rosebushes

and lovingly restored half-timbered buildings be sure to take
some time for a leisurely stroll
through the past in this part of
the city. The roses guide visitors along the Kehrwiederwall
(old city wall) and through the
romantic half-timbered district
and finally to St. Marys Cathedral and St. Michaels Church,
the two UNESCO World Heritage churches. The Rose Route

can be divided into different

sections and individually combined with one another. Walking the entire route takes about
four hours. The Rose Route brochure, which is available from
the tourist-information office,
provides accompanying information on city history, the UNESCO World Heritage sites, the
buildings, churches and streets.



vidence of past cultures, artistic masterpieces and one-of-a-kind landscapes whose downfall would be an irreplaceable loss for all
humankind - there are 39 natural and cultural sites on the UNESCO list of World Heritage in Germany. And not one, not two, but
three of them are located in southern Lower Saxony in and around Hildesheim.


St. Marys Cathedral

Hildesheim is able to boast not one but two World Heritage churches: St. Marys Cathedral and St. Michaels Church were added to the
list of World Heritage along with the Cathedral Treasure in 1985. St.
Michaels is considered as one of the most beautiful early Romanesque churches in Europe. Inside, you can see the fascinating, monumental ceiling painting dating from the 13th century.
The Hildesheim Cathedral was extensively renovated over the past
few years - it is now shining in its new glory and was re-opened in
August 2014, just in time for the bishoprics anniversary year. The
adjoining St. Anthonys Church has been converted into the new Cathedral Museum - with its official opening scheduled for April 2015.
The building history of St. Marys Cathedral goes back to the 9th
century. In March 1945, it was destroyed in an air raid and was rebuilt by 1960. The Episcopal Church had not been renovated since
its reconstruction and the buildings structure also no longer reflected contemporary liturgical and aesthetic concepts.
The renovation work has without a doubt given the Cathedral a
completely new look and places a clear focus on the Romanic features and use of space - the impressive Bernwards door was moved
inside to protect it against the elements. The central access points to
the crypt were re-opened. In front of the crypt there is now a new
burial place for the deceased bishops. The newly designed church
interior stands out by virtue of its clean lines and airiness. It was

Cathedral Museum

also important to satisfy the theological and liturgical demands of

the 21st century, to integrate the Cathedral into its city surroundings and to emphasize its significance as a UNESCO World Heritage
site. During the renovation phase, the famous art treasures were
lent to many different museums - among others, in Berlin, Chicago and Washington, and finally with great success, to the Metropolitan Museum in New York. The Cathedral Museum is home to
the valuable, internationally renowned Cathedral Treasure exhibits and important interior features of the Cathedral, displayed in
rooms designed to evoke different moods. The Baroque tapestries
from the former Great Hall will once again be on display for the first
time since the Second World War. As another highlight, there are
the famous works belonging to the Bernwardian artistic treasures.
The basement floor of the museum is devoted to the historical location of the original nucleus of the city and bishopric of Hildesheim
- this is where the remains of the Bernwardian Wall can be found,
one of the oldest Post Classic period city walls in Europe. It was uncovered during the construction of the Cathedral.

UNESCO-World Heritage:

Dom und Dommuseum, Domhof 18-21, Hildesheim:,



Fagus Factory

The Fagus Factory in Alfeld was

added to the World Heritage
list as the first modern industrial building in June 2011. The
building, which was originally
built in 1911 and belongs to Fagus-GreCon, was designed by
Walter Gropius, the founder of
the Bauhaus School it was the
first major project to be built by
the well-known architect. Gropius succeeded in giving a medium-sized company a completely different appearance, a
far cry from what was considered as traditional up till then.
The Fagus Factory represents
an architectural concept that
took into account the needs for
light, air and clarity for the first
time at that time and that used

glass and steel in the sense of

the new architecture. The living monument continues to
perform its original function
as a production plant until today. Visitors are invited to take
a look behind the scenes on interesting tours of the factory
and the former warehouse is
now home to a Fagus-Gropius
exhibition on display space of
some 3,000 square metres that
provides information on such
topics as the company history
or shoe fashion over the past
100 years. The most important
attractions of this World Heritage site include: the Conference Centre, the Fagus-Gropius
caf, the Fagus-Gropius exhibition, the Fagus gallery, the Fa-

gus shop and the new UNESCO

visitor centre, which is currently in the planning stage. In the
region surrounding Hildesheim,
there are two more UNESCO
World Heritage sites that are
definitely worth a day trip. In
2010, the system of the Upper
Harz Mountains Water Works
was added to the Rammelsberg Underground Ore Mine
and the Historic City Centre of
Goslar, which have been World
Heritage sites since 1992. With
an area of more than 220 square
kilometres, eleven museums

and many accessible archaeological monuments, the Water Works is Germanys largest World Heritage site. Corvey
Castle, which has also been on
the UNESCO World Heritage list
since June 2014, is located approximately 70 km away from
Hildesheim. Sights definitely worth seeing in the former
Benedictine abbey and todays
castle include the Carolingian
westwork, the Baroque castle,
the cloister, the gallery of abbots and the magnificent Emperors Hall.

Fagus Factory, Hannoversche Str. 58, Alfeld

HILDESHEIM HOLIDAY GUIDE 2015 | Museums and Exhibitions


Roemer and Pelizaeus Museum invites to the anniversary exhibition

he Roemer and Pelizaeus Museum makes its contribution to

the citys expansive celebrations with an exhibition entitled
The Roots of the Rose - Hildesheim in the Middle Ages. From 31
March to 4 October 2015, visitors can retrace the history of the city
from the Middle Ages to modern times - and discover the historical Roots of the Rose. As an expedition to the unknown city below our feet, the exhibition enables visitors to see what lies hidden beyond and below the visible buildings, streets and structures.
The reconnection with todays cityscape shows that European history took place right on our doorsteps and it can still be felt today.
The exhibition transforms Hildesheims role as a religious and secular centre of power into an exciting experience. New archaeological finds and precious exhibits trace the way from the bishopric to
a city of the people in the early and High Middle Ages. Modern media, guided tours and interactive elements, such as a Middle Ages
laboratory to allow visitors to actively explore the Middle Ages,
round out what the exhibition has to offer.


Roemer and Pelizaeus Museum, Am Steine 1-2, Hildesheim,

Museums and Exhibitions | HILDESHEIM HOLIDAY GUIDE 2015


A Stroll through the History of the City

The Hildesheim Civic Museum (Stadtmuseum) will feature not one,

but two interesting special exhibitions in 2015. Historical photographs taken by Franz Heinrich Bdeker will be on display in an exhibition entitled Hildesheim at the Time of the Emperors from 11
April to 2 August 2015. The World Heritage path has been guiding
visitors from the market square to the World Heritage sites and back
since 2013. But what did this path once look like? The exhibition invites visitors to take a stroll through Hildesheim around 1900: from
the train station downtown and from there along todays World Heritage path. The photographs focus not only on Hildesheim in the
Middle Ages, but also on the modern, ambitious city. From Care
Packages to Petticoats. Reconstruction and the Economic Miracle
in Hildesheim is the name of the second special exhibition - it can

be seen from 5 September 2015 to 28 February 2016. From Trmmerfrauen (women who cleared away the debris after WWII) and
Care Packages to Kidney-Shaped Tables and Petticoats - the time
of reconstruction and the economic miracle awakens a lot of memories. The period after 1945 continues to affect Hildesheim today.
That applies to lifestyle and youth culture as well as the architecture of department stores and churches. The exhibition makes this
time of change come alive again: from the deprivation of the postwar period to the new affluence of the 1950s.

Hildesheim Civic Museum, Markt 7, Hildesheim


Water Sculptures in the Bull Pen
Small museums and galleries throughout the region provide an impressive display of international art, unusual handicrafts and delicate mechanics - whether its the Pottery Museum in Duingen or
the Tower Clock Museum in Bockenem. With its international exhibitions, the gallery in the former Bull Pen at Bodenburg Castle is
no longer an insiders tip. From 27 June to 2 August 2015, the focus
here will be on water sculptures created by Hans-Oiseau Kalkmann. The Bad Salzdetfurth Art Association will put water projects
that Kalkmann has created in public spaces in the limelight in a
comprehensive retrospective. A photo documentation and models
of the water sculptures produced over the past 25 years will be featured in the exhibition. They were installed in many different German cities. The exhibition is rounded out by two talks on the creative process of the sculptures from start to finish in the context
of art projects, in which the general public also took active part.

Stiftung Kunstgebude Schlosshof Bodenburg, Bodenburg,
Pottery Museum, Duingen,
Tower Clock Museum, Bockenem,


HILDESHEIM HOLIDAY GUIDE 2015 | Castles, Fortresses, Monasteries


Where knights and princes have left their marks

airy tale-like castles and fortresses, monasteries and convents and many churches give the region an unmistakeable profile. Marienburg Castle is a famous tourist attraction, Hildesheim is known for its churches and the view from the Wohldenberg ruins is unrivalled.


Get married in the castles chapel or take a closer look at the salon once used by the queen and
princesses Marienburg Castle
is considered as a real highlight
among the tourist attractions in
Lower Saxony. Beautifully situated on the Marienberg overlooking Nordstemmen, the castle attracts thousands of visitors
every year as one of Germanys
most well-known Neo-Gothic

architectural monuments. At
Marienburg Castle, you can get
a real taste of how the royals
lived in the 19th century: George
V, King of Hannover, gave the
castle to his wife, Queen Mary,
as a present on her 40th birthday it was built between 1858
and 1867. The impressive fourwing complex served as the
summer residence for the royal couple.

Marienburg Castle, Pattensen,

The community of Sibbesse is
home to an enchanted castle,
the Wrisbergholzen Baroque
Castle. The famous tiled parlour from 1752 is located in the
left wing; its walls are completely covered by approx. 680
tiles with inscriptions (in Italian, French and Latin) that were
made in the former counts
faience manufactory in Wrisbergholzen. This faience manufactory was built in 1736 and is
the oldest one in north-western
Germany. The castle grounds


with the many old, majestic

trees are also worth a visit. The
castles orangery is one of the
very few orangeries remaining from the mid-19th century
in all of Lower Saxony. Tours are
conducted by the Society for the
Preservation of Buildings of Historic Importance (Verein zur Erhaltung von Baudenkmalen in
Wrisbergholzen e. V.) through
the orangery and the church
of Wrisbergholzen on selected
Sundays throughout the summer.

Information and dates for visits can be found at

Castles, Fortresses, Monasteries | HILDESHEIM HOLIDAY GUIDE 2015


A number of castles and fortresses can be discovered in the community of Holle. One of the most well-known castles is Derneburg
Castle. It was made famous by its former owner, the painter Georg
Baselitz. He purchased the castle in 1975, but then sold it to a patron
of the arts from the US in 2006. The castle and its gardens are not
open to the public, but with its curved pagoda roof, it is still a sight
worth seeing from the outside. With the Glashaus Restaurant close
by - the former greenhouse of the castle nursery - the Laves Cultural Path and the attractive natural surroundings, which invite visitors to go for walks or explore by bike, the castle is a popular destination for a days outing. Other castles in the region include the
Baroque Sder Castle and the Henneckenrode Castle. The Wohldenberg Castle ruins take visitors back into the Age of Chivalry. From
the old, square castle tower, you have a beautiful panoramic view
of the area right up to the Harz Mountains, with its highest peak,
the Brocken. Starting from here, there are also many different hiking trails through the forests surrounding Holle.

Wohldenberg Castle Ruins


An impressive abbey can be found in Lamspringe, to the south in
the region of Hildesheim. The historical grounds are famous for
their elaborately decorated convent church and the picturesque park
with ponds and modern sculptures (see pg. 21). Its also well worth
taking a look at the Baroque interior of the church, which is one of
the most artistically valuable in Lower Saxony, with its flowery pictures in the groined vaults and the ornate carvings on the high altar,
choir stalls, choir screens, pulpit and baptismal font. Hildesheim is
also home to many different churches. In addition to the UNESCO
World Heritage churches, more than 30 churches evidence the history of Hildesheim as a see city. A visit to St. Godehards, a Romanic
church, for example, which was elevated to the status of a basilica
minor by Pope Paul VI, or the Late Gothic St. Lamberts hall church,
is sure to please. St. Andrews is also a church worth visiting; particularly the view from its observation deck 75 metres on high is
impressive indeed. From up here, Marienburg Castle, the Leine River hill country and even the Brocken, the highest peak in the Harz
Mountains, all look so close. Hildesheim also boasts a convent and
a castle. In Marienrode Convent, guests can stay overnight in the
retreat house and experience a time of silence and contemplation
in a cloistral atmosphere. For a short outing, you can sit down and
relax in the courtyard caf at the Marienburg demesne and then
pay a visit the School Museum there.

Lamspringe Abbey

Lamspringe Abbey, phone + 49 (0) 5183-500-0

St. Andreas Church, Hildesheim,


HILDESHEIM HOLIDAY GUIDE 2015 | Out and About with Children


want to play, swim, and do arts and crafts, sing, jump and do all that all at once. Family holidays are always little adventures. The region of Hildesheim invites you to come and explore where wild animals live, go on a mystery hunt through the city or visit play worlds
and amusement parks.


Jim + Jimmy is the sport, playground and adventure centre with
countless offers for the entire family. While parents can use the Jim
the fitness area at their leisure, kids can romp to their hearts content in Jimmy. 3,000 square metres full of ideas and lots of room
for play, sport and activity: you can go climbing on Lower Saxonys
largest indoor rope-climbing course with 21 stations, even when
its stormy and snowing outside. Way up high, younger and older
guests alike can test their skills and see how much they dare. Beside it, there is a freestanding climbing wall and a boulder wall. Anyone who wants to can expend their energy in different ways: by
playing soccer or basketball on the soccer/multi court, riding a unicycle or pedalo in the velodrome or racing around the bumper car
track. Four giant slides six metres high provide for a different thrill.
HopplaHopp promises lots of fun for young and old, both outside and in. On 2,000 square metres, young adventurers in Hoppla-Hopp will find a football field, a climbing tower, a whale slide,
a bungee trampoline, a jumping mushroom and the Mississippi Express. In addition, there are many different special events arranged
here throughout the year.


Small, smart and free of charge the game park, approximately 15

acres in size on Hildesheims Stone Mountain (Steinberg); includes
several large fenced areas that are home to different types of game
typical of this area. In addition to deer and elk, there are also raccoons, martins, owls and a number of birds of prey. Children are particularly fond of the rabbit and guinea pig pens, which give them
an opportunity to pet the animals, and they can tire themselves out
on the different playground equipment.


Wildgatter, Steinberg 6, Hildesheim-Ochtersum,

Jim+Jimmy, Lerchenkamp 60, Hildesheim,

HopplaHopp, Kruppstr. 5, Hildesheim,


Walks are boring? Not if youre
underway with a little man in
your ear. Children seven years
old and older can take a mystery tour through Hildesheim.
In a combination of radio play
and audio guide, the young detectives help a dwarf named
Hildemar to find hidden numbers. Its only with the correct
number code that Hildemar
can free his girlfriend from the
clutches of the wicked Huckup. In return for this help, the dwarf
provides interesting information on buildings and the history of the
city and relates old legends about Hildesheim. The audio guide for
children can be borrowed in the tourist-information office.

Out and About with Children| HILDESHEIM HOLIDAY GUIDE 2015


Family holidays are small adventures and the region of Hildesheim
offers not one, but two amusement parks for families to enjoy.
Search for precious stones, pan for gold, interpret animal tracks,
pet the animals in the petting zoo or walk along the path that takes
you back in time to the ancient past in the Family Park Sottrum in
Holle, there are 100 different stations at which children and their
parents can experience new things. You can also experience history in the Family Park Sottrum: Light a fire like people in the Stone
Age or bake bread in the old bakery. Old farming equipment shows
how crops used to be sowed and harvested. The Mathematics Trail
weaves its way through the park, with stops along the way from
A to Z. Find out more about numbers with your feet, zero tells its
story, square roots are calculated and Albrecht Drer presents his
magic square. Experience nature first-hand this is where learning
can really be called childs play. In contrast to many other amusement parks, visitors will not find amusement machines here, but
rather lots of room for individual discovery and for trying out and
testing things themselves.

Familienpark Sottrum, Holle,


Sailors large and small are invited to take an exciting ride

on the giant swinging ship in
Rasti-Land, a water and amusement park. Another of the main
attractions is the high-speed
rollercoaster. The park also features a rafting ride with a whirlpool. Would you like a bit more
of a thrill? The climbing towers

of Rastis robber-knights castle reach high into the sky, all

awry as if they were growing
wild. In between them, there
are wire bridges on high, a giant slide and endless opportunities to play. The high-rope
course is also an adventure for
small climbing artists. Unique
in all of Germany is the in-

door white-water fun in the

Kids-Dinoworld amusement
park, which is located directly
next to Rasti-Land. On a total of
2,500 square metres, kids can

tire themselves out any time

of the year and in any weather with rides, lots of options for
fun and games and in an elaborately designed Dinosaur World.

Rasti-Land, between Hildesheim and Hameln,


HILDESHEIM HOLIDAY GUIDE 2015 | Water, Water Everywhere


un and games in the water - even when the weather is less than perfect - can be enjoyed in the adventure swimming pools in the region. While the kids are splashing around, their parents can relax in the wellness oases and sauna landscapes.
ter swimming pool in Bad Salzdetfurth is where you want to
be. The water is a soothing 30
to 33 C warm and, with a salt
content of three per cent, it does
wonders for your skin, muscles
and joints. Experience a new
dimension of wellness in the
5-star sauna and in the adjoining Therapy Centre (see pg. 24
and 25).
Coloured lights, different scents
with water being poured over
the stones every hour - the
Pottland Sauna in the Duingen
swimming pool will awaken all
your senses. The sauna landscape with indoor and outdoor
saunas and the sanarium with
different coloured lights stand
for sweating and relaxation. In
the indoor swimming pool with
a depth of 30 cm to 1.80 m, even
small water rats and non-swimmers will enjoy their swimming

Innerste Swimming Complex Sarstedt

In Alfeld, you dont have to depend on sunshine, either the

7 Berge Bad, an indoor swimming pool complex, guarantees
fun for the whole family, even
in bad weather. A convertible
roof makes it possible. Kids
can play to their hearts content
on the giant water slide, in the
childrens wading pool with different attractions, on the climbing fish and on the generously sized playground. In an area
with 1,500 m of water surface,
a 70-metre long slide, endless
swimming, a wading pool, an
outdoor pool, a three-metre high
diving tower and more guarantee enjoyment for everyone. The
nine theme saunas and the cos-


metic and massage studio invite you to come in, relax and
pamper yourself. In the heart of
the city of Sarstedt, the Innerste
Swimming Pool Complex with a
large bathing landscape attracts
swimming fans from near and
far - 2,100 square metres of water surface invite you to jump
in and cool down. Whether you
use the indoor or the outdoor
swimming pool - you can enjoy
swimming here in summer and
winter alke. In the white-water,
on the giant slide, in the whirlpools, fitness courses and sauna
landscape you can let off steam
or just relax, whatever you like.
You want to simply go with the
flow and relax? Then the saltwa-

Pottland Sauna Duingen

7 Berge Bad, Alfeld,

Wasserparadies, Hildesheim,
Innerstebad, Sarstedt,
Solebad und 5*-Saunen, Bad Salzdetfurth,
Pottlandsauna, Duingen,

Water, Water Everywhere | HILDESHEIM HOLIDAY GUIDE 2015


Holiday flair at the JoBeach

Roll out the barrel, well have a barrel of fun ... Beaches, lakes and
pretty rivers are the perfect places to enjoy swimming, canoeing
or sailing in the region of Hildesheim. The sandy beach with palm
trees, sun awnings and lounge chairs at the JoBeach directly on
Hohnsen Lake will get you into the holiday spirit. The beach bar offers cold drinks and for even more fun on land, theres a volleyball

Jo-Beach, Hildesheim,

Badeseen in Sarstedt,

court nearby. The Sarstedter-Giftener Lakes, a local recreation area,

are popular for surfing and sailing; however, this does require the
permission of the city of Sarstedt. It is also possible to go for walks
or to go swimming without express permission; and there are also
two BBQ pits. The only condition is that the area be left clean and
tidy after it has been used. Not far away, there is another very nice
swimming lake - the lake in Heisede, a part of Sarstedt, is popular
amongst young and old alike. At the swimming lake in Heisede, you
can swim in the refreshing waters, then lie down and relax on the
sunbathing lawns, soon to feel revived and restored. There is also
a small beach especially for children.


Adventurers will get their moneys worth on a canoe trip. Individual excursions can be planned either on the Leine or the Innerste Rivers. Anyone who would like to try out canoeing, but doesnt
have a canoe of their own, can borrow one from a number of different suppliers or take part in a guided tour - with or without a
picnic. A two-hour hike from Hohnsen Lake through the Innerste
Valley to Heinde with a canoe trip back to the starting point is a
special combination for people who enjoy hiking and canoeing. The
13-km long route between Alfeld and Gronau is the perfect choice
as a family-friendly beginners trip. Depending on how much you
paddle, the trip takes from four to five hours. Experienced canoeists can also try out the white-water course at the Bischofsmhle
(Bishops Mill) in Hildesheim. The artificial canal close to downtown
can be adapted in levels of difficulty to suit the canoeists with options ranging from beginners in white-water to demanding training. Ranking-list competitions are held here every year by the German Canoeing Association.,,




Between the Innerste and Leine Rivers - from the Foothills of the Harz Mountains to

ycling tourists can experience the diverse landscapes and cultural highlights of the region on beautiful bike paths: along the idyllic
shores of the Innerste and Leine Rivers, views of Ith and Klf hills or through the many old historical towns.

People interested in culture or sports, those seeking peace and

quiet or families with children - the bike paths in the region of
Hildesheim are as diverse and different as the people who use them.
From long-distance and special topic routes to tours and right on
up to local cycling paths and paths for mountain biking, everyone
will find what theyre looking for on the total 430 km of well-signed,
well developed bike paths - ideal for a days outing, there are different routes to choose from for art, culture, nature or special tourist
attractions in Hildesheim.

The Hi-Ring, for example, which is 45 kilometres long, takes

cyclists beyond the city gates of Hildesheim and provides
wonderful views of the city and surrounding area with its
many churches and the UNESCO World Heritage sites.
The Innerste bike path, which is approximately 105 kilometres in length, follows along the shores of the Innerste
River from its source in the Harz Mountains to the point
where it empties into the Leine River. Along the way, cyclists pass
through a variety of different landscapes in the low mountain range
area through the foothills and on to the flat river shore. Along their
routes, the cycling tourists will experience natural beauty and different cultivated landscapes, such as the areas characterised by mining in the Harz Mountains or World Cultural Heritage sites.
The Bicycle Path to Art, which is close to 58 kilometres
in length, connects Sarstedt with Bad Gandersheim via
Hildesheim and is made up of five shorter routes: the Water-Art Path, the Romanic Path, the Contact-Art Path, Art Moves
(Kunst beWEGT) and the Sculpture Path. Anyone interested in art
and culture will have a lot to discover on any one of these tours. Nature lovers will also get their moneys worth, pedalling through
the long hills, the gentle valleys and taking a rest stop somewhere
in the Leine and Innerste river valleys.


The Leine-Heide Bicycle Path is a total of 410 kilometres

long and connects the low mountain range in the Leine hill
country with the Lueneburg Heath and the Hanseatic city
of Hamburg. The approximately 55-kilometre long route through
the region of Hildesheim provides wonderful views into the Leine
River valley, passes through beautiful towns with half-timbered
buildings and past many points of interest along the way, such as
the UNESCO World Heritage Fagus Factory in Alfeld.
In addition to the existing paths, another attraction will be added to the region of Hildesheim starting from 2015: In co-operation
with many network partners, including the district of Hildesheim,
the network of Greater Hannover has developed a long-distance bicycle path that connects the cultural lighthouses all around Hannover. The total length of 800 km is divided into 15 day tours, of
which 3 tours pass through the region of Hildesheim. In addition

More information and bicyclist-friendly enterprises can be

found at



the Hildesheim Brde

Main route
Alternate route
Short cut
Additional route
Journey start/finish
Interim stop
Historical old town
Cultural lighthouse

to the total 26 lighthouses along

the route, cyclists also pass by
the World Heritage sites of the
Cathedral and St. Michaels
Church in Hildesheim and the
Fagus Factory in Alfeld. The
Cultural Route was specifically
planned with those interested
in culture in mind or for people
on a short holiday. As a special
quality feature, all the starting
and stopping points along the
route can be reached using public transportation. This means
that shorter parts of the route
are easily accessible for a days
outing. For more information on
the Cultural Route, go to www.

E-bikes are becoming increasingly popular - no surprise since

now anyone can take to the hills
with ease in the Leine hill country or the foothills of the Harz
Mountains. On an e-bike, you
can cycle to all the most interesting tourist attractions, experience the most breath-taking
views, see the cultural highlights and enjoy the culinary delights without even breaking a
sweat. The region of Hildesheim
has been one of 50 movelo regions since the spring of 2012.
Using their own pedalling power and supported by sophisticated technology, cyclists can travel long distances on pedelecs in
the Brde or along the Innerste and Leine Rivers, while being kind to the environment at
the same time. The e-bikes have
eight gears, three power levels
and a centrally mounted motor that switches off by itself at
speeds of more than 24 km/h.
The battery is good for approximately 40 to 70 km, which depends on such factors as speed,
the cyclists weight and the terrain. This means that cycling enthusiasts of any age can enjoy
a bike tour without a lot of effort and easily cycle through the
hilly landscape of the Leine hill
country or the foothills of the
Harz Mountains. E-bikes can
be hired at many different locations throughout the region
of Hildesheim. The pedelecs are
available for hire at hotels, recreational facilities, bike shops
and the Tourist Information Office in Alfeld, Bad Salzdetfurth,
Derneburg and Hildesheim. In
addition, there are other locations at which the rechargeable batteries can be changed.
Guests underway on their own
e-bikes will find an increasing
number of recharging stations
in and around the area. Since recently, cyclists stopping at the

Anyone who doesnt want to explore the region on their own can
book one of the guided cycling tours offered - Discover Hildesheim
by Bike, for example, is a tour over the medieval town fortifications,
along the Innerste River to Steuerwald and to the Marienburg demesne. The German Cycling Association (ADFC) offers other guided half-day and full-day tours through the region.

Am Sonnenberg restaurant near Egenstedt can recharge their

bikes - four e-bikes at a time. There are six recharging stations
available at the train station in Algermissen. Plans have also been
made to install an e-bike recharger at the public swimming pool
in Sarstedt. The goal is to have an adequate number of recharging
stations throughout the region.




On Shankss pony through the Innerste and Leine river valleys - along
the quarry, over the hills, the scenic region in and around Sarstedt
will delight hikers with its natural beauty. Regardless of whether you
choose the Romanic Hiking Trails or the Water Trail to Art, Sarstedt
and its lovely surroundings can be explored on many different hiking
trails. Hiking brochures are available for the Sarstedt Cloverleaf Route,
the Five Mountains Route, the Innerste-Leine Route, the Sarstedt Giftener Lakes Route and the Wehmholz Route. Not all the routes are signed
as hiking trails. But hiking fans will discover idyllic landscapes with
striking points of interest even along field paths both far and near.

Stadt Sarstedt, www.sarstedt/Tourismus/Wandern


Medieval routes used by emperors and kings invite hikers to take an
extended tour in southern Lower Saxony. Passing by castles, fortresses
and ruins, hikers can walk along the old riding and carriage routes: the
Via Regis Kings Route takes you through an impressive landscape
- from Knigshof in Brggen through the Sieben Berge (Seven Hills)
and the Sack Forest past the Knigsdahlum imperial palace and on to
the former Werla palace. The Kings Route is approx. 88 km long in total - with the connection to Goslar, its 100 km. The Ith-Hils Trail leads
past romantic castles, historical places of cultural interest, lakes and
mysterious caves. The entire Ith-Hils route can be divided into seven
shorter tours. Each of them features particular highlights - be it natural monuments, cliffs with fabulous views, historical tours or half-timbered towns, museums or UNESCO World Cultural Heritage. On 80
km, which take you through the southern part of the Hildesheim district, you cross the crest of the hills to reach spectacular cliffs and special natural history features with wonderful views out over the surrounding countryside. The six Pottland trails near Duingen are also
interesting hiking trails. Over the centuries, Duingen was the centre
of the region between Alfeld and Springe am Deister. Because of the
extensive pottery industry located here, the region was called Pottland. Today, hikers can explore this region, which is so rich in tradition, on the Pottland trails.



One hiking outing suitable for children takes you to the Schlehberg
in Alfeld - to the Path of Senses in the heart of the Leine hill country. At approx. twenty stations, visitors young and old can experience
fun and games, relaxation and adventure and learn many interesting
facts about the forest and its inhabitants. The different stations include: the Singing Stone, the Wood Relay Race, the Feeling Boxes, the
Listening Pipes, the Wind Chimes, the Animal Long Jump, the Tree Telephone and many more. One of the special attractions is the Low Ropes
Course, which is located directly at the Schlehberg cabin, a Friendsof-Nature house.

Naturfreunde Alfeld e.V., phone +49 (0)5181 828558

Exploring Towns and Parks | HILDESHEIM HOLIDAY GUIDE 2015


iscover small half-timbered towns, idyllic parks and a widely diverse countryside - the region of Hildesheim invites you to relax
and explore.


Beautiful ponds and a number of pieces of modern art grace the picturesque Lamspringe Abbey Park, which is a public park. Five sculptures
were created here during a sculptors symposium in 1984. They reflect
the context of the Baroque abbey buildings and the park. The Pillar of
Life combines human and plant forms and mirrors life in the abbey
park. The Soldier and Nun relief is a sombre reminder of the time of
violence, which did not leave the Lamspringe Abbey untouched. The
so-called Stone Forest, several square pillars in stone, comes to life under the eyes of the viewer and the changing gaps between the stone
slabs. The Reflexion installation is reminiscent of the triangular gables of churches and abbeys and the Dionysius sculpture, which is
made of oak, represents the patron saint of the abbey church.
Other park areas in the region are open to the public at specific times
during the summer. Mighty beech trees, chestnut, oak and linden trees
and idyllic ponds are all part of the Park Walshausen near Bad Salzdetfurth, which is open to the public from 1 May to 31 October on Fridays from 10 am to 6 pm. The Wrisbergholzen Castle Park, which belongs to the community of Sibbesse, is a very idyllic park with very old
trees, ponds, a waterfall with a grotto and a tea temple built on a hill.
The park is open to the public on the second weekend in September
of every year, on Open-to-the-Public Monument Day.
Simply let go and relax a walk through the 12-acre spa park in Bad
Salzdetfurth is more than just a stroll past flower beds. The main attraction is the 250-year-old salt works that will make you think you
are at the seaside (see pg. 24). The city of Hildesheim also has many
green spaces: The Rosarium, an extensive rose garden that has been re-

The Dionysius sculpture in the Lamspringe abbey park

stored according to plans from the Baroque period, is the main attraction in the Magdalena Garden and a real highlight while the roses are
in bloom. The Magdalena Garden is 800 years old, making it one of the
oldest historical gardens in Lower Saxony. Peaceful ponds, benches in
protected corners and beautiful old trees can be found in the Ernst-Ehrlicher-Park in Hildesheim. The play area and sunbathing lawn around
the rose labyrinth make the public park a popular place to meet. Adjacent to it, you will find the old town fortresses full of greenery that
surround the downtown core.

Go exploring in historical half-timbered towns: In Alfeld, Bockenem,
Bad Salzdetfurth, Elze and Hildesheim, you can take part in traditional guided city tours, historical costumed guided tours or Segway tours.

Costumed guided tour in Bockenem

City tours, costume tours

and Segway tours Hildesheim:
tourist-information, +49 (0) 5121 1798-0,
City tours Bad Salzdetfurth: Tourist Information Office
+49 (0) 5063 999-0,
City tours Alfeld: Stadt Alfeld +49 (0) 5181 703-111,
Segway tours Alfeld: eco-mover, +49 (0) 175 9796198 or
+49 (0) 175 9796167,
Costume tours Bockenem: +49 (0) 5067 242-0,
Coustume tours Elze: +49 (0) 5068 8191,


HILDESHEIM HOLIDAY GUIDE 2015 | Bad Salzdetfurth


A combination of relaxation and recreational activities

ad Salzdetfurth, a spa town, is nestled in between the green hills of the Hildesheim Forest. This town combines long years of tradition with the modern in a very special way. Bad Salzdetfurth offers visitors a very diverse range of leisure-time activities whether youre looking for sports or just want to rest and relax.


A paradise for cyclists and joggers the Bike and Outdoor Park has
something for everyone in the family. Cycling fun for any age and
any level of proficiency is guaranteed.
On the 12-acre partially forested area, the town of Bad Salzdetfurth
has set up a permanent cross-training course for mountain bikers
and a course for young BMX bikers. With a training course, single
trail, north-shore, dirt line, slop style and pump track, every biker
will find his/her own personal challenge. The more inexperienced
can take the training course to improve their technique and gain
better control of their bikes.
Other signed mountain bike trails of different difficulty, i.e. with
challenging inclines, sharp curves and artificial obstacles, run directly through the park. Even experienced bikers are sure to encounter a surprise or two on these courses.
The signed bike trail around the whole area at the entrance to the
Ortberg is a good choice for the whole family, and its also open to
joggers, hikers and walkers. With the Bike and Outdoor Park, which


opened in the summer of 2012, the town of Bad Salzdetfurth has

built a free training course for mountain bikers and BMX bikers
that is unique in all of northern Germany and that offers attractive training conditions for other recreational athletes as well. As a
result, Bad Salzdetfurth has once again done justice to its claim of
being a sporting town.
Bad Salzdetfurth also has a lot to offer to other active, sports-minded individuals. Whether on foot through the forested foothills of
the Harz Mountains, along the approx. 1200 km of cycling paths
throughout the region with a GPS device or out for a game of golf
in the Bad Salzdetfurth Golf Club - the spa town is not only for those
who want to rest and recuperate.

Tourist Information Office Bad Salzdetfurth

Oberstr. 11a, 31162 Bad Salzdetfurth, phone +49 (0)5063 2717513
Fax +49 (0)5063 2717529,

Bad Salzdetfurth | HILDESHEIM HOLIDAY GUIDE 2015

Under the majestic trees in the
spa park in Bad Salzdetfurth,
there are 5,000 m that now offer visitors to the spa town a
completely new challenge: Adventure Golf. This type of golf
course has become incredibly
successful over the past few
years and the course in Bad Salzdetfurth, which has been open
since June 2012, is no exception.
18 holes with very different designs make playing golf fun for
young and old alike. In addition
to tactics, youll also need a little luck and the ability to think
visually. The golf course is an
attractive addition to the surrounding area in the spa park
and the design reflects certain
elements of the town itself.
Youll find, for example, traditional elements of mining on
the expansive course. One of
the holes is called the Mountain Mine and one of the obstacles on another hole is a mining trolley.
You play with a putter on artificial turf bordered on the sides
by the so-called rough, the
higher grass. Rocks, tree stumps
and waterfalls are integrated
as special hazards. You have to
sink the ball into the hole with
a maximum of ten strokes. The
holes are between 16 and 36 metres long and have significant
variations in heights and angle. Being able to read this information right and choosing the
right playing tactics is all part of
the game. In addition to hitting
the ball, you also have to think
visually and be creative. Experience has shown that its not automatically the adults who are
the better players in adventure
golf. Children and young people
are often able to outdo their older companions.
The Adventure Golf course is
open all year round. However,
play might be limited under ex-

treme weather conditions from

December to March. In the summer months, the course is open
until 10 pm. There are also special tournaments and full-moon
golf for the more adventuresome. Adults can swing their
putters at Adventure Golf for
6; kids pay 4.

A bistro with seating inside

and out invites you to celebrate your victory or to regain
your strength with refreshing

beverages and snacks after your

round. Family groups, company
groups and school classes are

Adventure-Golf & Bistro, Solebadstr. 17, 31162 Bad Salzdetfurth,

phone +49 (0)5063 2711875,,


HILDESHEIM HOLIDAY GUIDE 2015 | Therapy Centre for Natural Remedies


Salt Water and Mudpacks - the Full Healing Powers of Nature for Health
and Well-Being

uring the past few years, a stronger focus has been consciously placed on health, vitality and wellness. In our stress-filled world,
it is becoming increasingly important to find a balance to our hectic everyday life and to relax as well as to take advantage of
opportunities for more effective health care. Salt-water baths and mudpacks are powerful natural remedies that can be used in many
different ways for regeneration and therapy and to enhance the well-being of body and spirit. Salt water and mudpacks still form the
traditional basis of the wellness offers and therapies available at the Therapy Centre for Natural Remedies in Bad Salzdetfurth today.
py Centre consist of natural low
peat moss from the peat bogs in
Luttrum. The peat is prepared
naturally, i.e. any foreign objects are removed and the presoaked mass is mixed with
water and heated until a thick
mush results. In a moor bath,
your body relaxes in a tub filled
with mud heated to 42 C. For
a mudpack, the mud is spread
in paste form at a temperature
of about 48 C directly onto the
skin, which is the main difference to a fango pack.
The Soothing Effects
of Salt Water

The Healing Powers of Mud

Paracelsus, a famous doctor
in the 16th century, already
described moor mud as the
quintessence of life and recommended mud as an effective
remedy for different ailments.
The mud, which contains valuable humic acid, is still used
today at the Therapy Centre
for Natural Remedies for such
illnesses as arthritis, osteoarthritis, spinal problems, muscle ailments and for rheumatic
diseases and such gynaecological problems as menstruation problems and as a balneotherapy for infertility. Mud
baths and packs are effective
because their warmth stimulates the skin to release toxics and absorb minerals. Mud
has a positive effect on the immune system and stimulates


the metabolism. It is anti-inflammatory, detoxifying and

helps to keep your hormones
in balance. The mud baths
and mudpacks prepared in the
Mud Department of the Thera-

The salt works in Bad Salzdetfurth have already been used

for more than 250 years to create very salty air that has a
soothing effect on the respiratory tract without requiring a
trip all the way to the North
Sea. The natural salt water is
still trickled over the high piles
of brushwood up to seven times
a day today, whereby the salt
content can be concentrated
by evaporation to about 30 per
cent. Breathing in the salty air
while strolling about near the
salt works hydrates the respiratory tract and has a positive influence on the walls of the respiratory organs. In addition,
the fine salt crystals are able
to loosen mucus and phlegm,
which clears the respiratory
system of bacteria. This eases the swelling in the mucous
membranes. Inhaling this very
salty air is particularly benefi-

cial for people with pollen allergies and for asthma patients.
The healing powers of salt water have been known in Bad
Salzdetfurth for many, many
years. It was already in 1850
that a number of salt miners had a bold, new idea: they
wanted to use the salty brine
not only to make salt, but for
natural healing therapies as
well. In Sulza in Thuringia, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
had already recommended using salt water as a natural remedy as early as in 1828. Although
the salt works were originally
erected to make the production
of salt more efficient, they soon

attracted many day visitors to

Salzdetfurth. They enjoyed the
salty air near the tall salt works
and discovered their healing
powers for respiratory diseases in particular.

TherapieZentrum der Naturheilmittel | URLAUBSMAGAZIN HILDESHEIM 2012

Let Yourself Go and Float Away

Healing powers are just one aspect of the positive effects of the salt water. In the indoor-outdoor salt
water pool, located directly by the spa park, visitors enjoy the soothing effects of the warm salt water. The human body reacts positively to salt water, something doctors refer to as a vegetative reaction. Among other things, the salt penetrates callused skin, protein in the skin cells is broken down
more quickly and the rate at which the cells divide is increased. This is known as the so-called rejuvenation effect.
Usually, it is not possible for us to simply lie down in water and float. Because of the salt content in salty
water, however, the body is buoyed up, which makes it easier to swim in the salt water swimming pool
in Bad Salzdetfurth than in regular swimming pools. At a temperature of 30 to 33C, the warm water
and its salt content have a very positive effect: your muscles relax, there is no strain on your joints, your
circulatory system is stimulated and your blood flow improves. In addition, the salt-water pool is not a
water park or an adventure pool. Youll have time to relax and enjoy the peace and quiet around you.

Time for Yourself

The 5-star saunas in the indoor/
outdoor salt water pool afford
relaxation along with opportunities to take advantage of special health treatments. A sauna
it means time for yourself, it
means cleansing your body and
spirit, and it means developing your natural beauty simple wellness from beginning
to end. An increasing number
of people are now discovering
the soothing, revitalising effects of a sauna. With five different saunas from the traditional Finnish sauna to the Kelo
earth sauna and the Kelo hexagonal sauna, the steam bath
and Roman steam bath Salzdetfurth offers a wide range of
enjoyment in a pleasant, quiet
A wide variety of popular massages, such as aroma oil or hotstone massages, and Ayurveda massages and special baths,
such as milk or Cleopatra baths
complete the diverse range of
opportunities to do something
positive for your own well-being.

Traditionally in the Service of Health, Wellness and Well-Being

Bad Salzdetfurth has stood for
relaxation, restoration and convalescence for close to 160 years.
The first bathing house was already built in 1856 and the salt
water was used for healing purposes, to remedy such ailments
as circulatory disorders or for
skin and mild cardiovascular
problems. It wasnt long before
the business was thriving and
the health spa was opened in
1857. The first extensions were
already added to the bathing
house in 1868. Close to 70 years
after it was opened, the bathing house was no longer able
to meet the demands of the
guests. The baths operating
company, which was formed in

1925, built the main spa building as it is known today in

1927/28. Salt water and mud
these two natural healing powers still form the traditional
basis of the therapies offered
by the Therapy Centre for Natural Remedies in Bad Salzdetfurth today. Mudpacks and salt
water treatments can be all the
more effective when combined
with other types of therapy
and this refers first and foremost to the physical therapies

from traditional massage to

connective tissue and underwater massage, lymphatic drainage, physiotherapy and right on
up to light, cold, heat and electrotherapy. Today, the Therapy
Centre for Natural Remedies offers, with its well-rounded wellness programme and its trusted natural remedies using salt
water and mud in Bad Salzdetfurth, the most comprehensive
range of such services in the region of Hildesheim.

Therapy Centre for Natural Remedies

Kurbetriebsgesellschaft Bad Salzdetfurth mbH
Unterstr. 87, 31162 Bad Salzdetfurth, phone +49 (0)5063 900-0




The Highlights during the Anniversary Year

ll visitors to the city of Hildesheim and all the citys people, of course, are invited to join in on the celebrations for the Big Anniversary of the city and the bishopric in 2015. The anniversary programme will feature new events that have been planned especially
for the celebratory year, but also include tried-and-true formats to form an extensive array of more than 100 events.

Official Opening of the

City Anniversary Festivities - 28 March
The opening event on 28 March 2015 will set the mood for the following events and celebrations. Guests can expect to experience an
anniversary revue created for this occasion to provide information
on the beginning festivities in the anniversary year and to whet
their appetites for more in anticipation of the many different events
to come. Together, we will celebrate, eat and dance.

Choir Days in Lower Saxony

Hildesheim is All Choir - 5 to 7 June
More than 100 live choirs of all different genre types will fill the
city with sound and song all weekend long. The general public can
enjoy concerts at different locations and in churches or accept the
invitation to be actively involved themselves in special sing-along
projects on Saturday. On Saturday evening, there will be a choir gala
in the Theatre for Lower Saxony (TfN) with a wide variety of different styles sung by top-class ensembles. Concerts given by individual choirs at church services throughout Hildesheim will conclude
the Choir Days. All are welcome to attend.


Day of Lower Saxony - 26 to 28 June

Lower Saxonys state festival celebrating voluntary service will come
to Hildesheim in 2015, the anniversary year. Many different activities, including the traditional costume parade, will transform the
entire downtown area into a celebration mile. Five radio stages invite you to join in the festivities; all the major associations and clubs
in Lower Saxony will have info stands and event miles, such as the
Technology Mile or the Sport Mile.

Hildesheim Fortifications - 3 to 5 July

The city fortifications and the Ernst-Ehrlicher Park will become an
open-air stage for musical, cultural and theatrical performances
presented by regional artists. Art installations and staged lighting
will set the scene on the wall and in the adjoining park and the
merging of the landscape, the culture and the audience will transform the Hildesheim fortifications into an overall work of art in a
special atmosphere.


Theatre Performance
In the Name of the Rose - 11 June to 1 August

Concerts in the World Heritage churches, the Cathedral

and St. Michaels - different dates throughout the year

In a large-scale co-production, the TfN and the Heersum Landschaftstheater (countryside theatre) have blown Hildesheims city
history out of the archives with great theatrical enthusiasm. Together with some 200 participants from the city and region, the actors shoulder the history of the city and carry it boldly through the
streets. This transforms the entire downtown area into a stage and
the audience follows the players through the streets and through

Solo singers and choirs, organ music and orchestras fill St. Marys Cathedral with sound and transform a visit to a World Heritage church
into a very special experience. Guitars and saxophones, jazz music
and rock n roll are just as much a part of the repertoire as classical
concerts and a cappella music.

(Magic on the Cobblestones) - 4 to 5 September
Hildesheims Pflasterzauber which translates roughly as Magic
on the Cobblestones is an international street music and art festival that draws an enthusiastic audience every year. For two days,
more than 80 German and international artists and acrobats, magicians and jugglers, clowns and comedians, vaudeville artists and
singer-songwriters transform downtown Hildesheim into one gigantic, colourful stage. The Pflasterzauber festival has meanwhile
become one of the most popular events in downtown Hildesheim.

Lighting - Light.Art.Fest EVI Hildesheim - 29 October to 1 November

Towards the end of the two large-scale anniversary events, there will
be a lighting art festival on four evenings at different locations and
in different places around the city. The lighting shows will give familiar views a new look and highlight the cultural formability and
identity of their own city. LIGHTING downtown and along the
World Heritage path have been designed by international lighting
artists who focus their attention on cultural heritage, collective locations and changes in perspective (think differently when you
think city) and translate this into seeing and experiencing.

The Roots of the Rose - 31 March to 4 October

The leading exhibition in the anniversary year, The Roots of the
Rose in the Roemer and Pelizaeus Museum features many interesting details regarding the history of Hildesheim from its status
as a bishopric to a city of the people (see pg. 10).

Cathedral Treasure in the

Cathedral Museum - from 18 April
The precious, medieval Cathedral treasure, which is on the UNESCO World Heritage list, will return to the newly re-opened Cathedral Museum in the anniversary year (see pg. 8).

Hildesheim through the changing times - Anniversary guided tours - every second Sunday in the month
To celebrate the big birthday of the city and the bishopric, city and
costumed tour guides take you back through history. Important historical events, persons and locations throughout the 12 centuries of
city history are presented in 12 guided tours. Each tour is dedicated to one century.

Last updated September 2014; subject to change without prior notice. No guarantee for the correctness of this information, subject
to change without notice.




n addition to the anniversary events, there are also many different annual events in Hildesheim, the widely diverse programme of the
Theatre for Lower Saxony and events throughout the region featuring international artists.



The International Freden Music Festival is widely known in
Hildesheim and beyond. Far away from the usual concert halls,
music lovers can expect a musical adventure at unconventional
venues. The music festival features chamber music, in unusual arrangements and in high quality. With their cleverly crafted programme, the organisers give the Freden Music Festival an unmistakeable character all its own each year.

Music in the Fagus Factory in Alfeld

Once a year, the beautiful abbey grounds in Lamspringe move into
a special spotlight international artists get together in this small
place in the south of the region of Hildesheim to celebrate the Lamspringer September festival. In putting together the programme,
the organisers place particular emphasis on a good balance between music, theatre, art and literature.


The Theatre for Lower Saxony features not one but two jubilees in
the new season: It is 300 years ago that the English king came from
Hannover. Georg Ludwig, Elector of Hannover, was crowned King
George I of England on 8 June 1714. The TfN takes this anniversary
as an opportunity for one of the musical highlights of the coming
season - the opera premiere of George - which features composer
Georg Friedrich Hndel. The second anniversary is the large-scale
city jubilee that Hildesheim is celebrating in 2015. In addition to
many smaller events, the TfN will also devote two large-scale productions to this anniversary. In March 2015, the opera entitled Dialogues of the Carmelites will premiere, one of the most important
operas of the 20th century. In the summer of 2015, the large cityspace open-air theatre spectacle will then be on the programme.
Together with the Heersum Forum for Art and Culture, the TfN will
present In the Name of the Rose.



Ice Age............................................................................................................................................... 9.1.-15.2.........................................................................Hildesheim
Official opening of the City Jubilee..................................................................................... 28.3................................................................................Hildesheim*
Events hosted by the Cultural Association of Alfeld................................................... January to April......................................................Alfeld
Re-opening of the Cathedral Museum.............................................................................. 18.4................................................................................Hildesheim*
Wedekind Footrace...................................................................................................................... 26.4...............................................................................Hildesheim
Garden and Wellness Fest........................................................................................................ 9.-10.5...........................................................................Bad Salzdetfurth
Medieval Tournaments at Hohnsen Lake......................................................................... 2.-3.5..............................................................................Hildesheim
May Market with Sunday Shopping................................................................................... May..............................................................................Sarstedt
Wine Festival.................................................................................................................................. 13.-17.5..........................................................................Hildesheim
Jazztime............................................................................................................................................ 23.-25.5.........................................................................Hildesheim
Auto Mile with Sunday Shopping,....................................................................................... end of May/beginning of June.......................Hildesheim
Saxophone Quartet Sister God in the Fagus Factory.................................................. 5.6..................................................................................Alfeld
Lower Saxon Choir Days........................................................................................................... 5.-7.6.............................................................................Hildesheim*
UNESCO World Heritage Day................................................................................................. 7.6..................................................................................Hildesheim, Alfeld
Culture Banquet........................................................................................................................... 13.6................................................................................Hildesheim
Festival and Riflery Fair............................................................................................................. 12.-15.6..........................................................................Sarstedt
Uni Mid-Summer Night............................................................................................................ 20.6...............................................................................Hildesheim
Magdalenen Garden Fest......................................................................................................... 20.-21.6........................................................................Hildesheim
Day of Lower Saxony.................................................................................................................. 26.-28.6........................................................................Hildesheim*
Theatre production of In the Name of the Rose......................................................... July-August..............................................................Hildesheim
City beach........................................................................................................................................ 3.7.-6.9..........................................................................Hildesheim
Sarstedt Music Days................................................................................................................... 3.-12.7............................................................................Sarstedt
Old Town Festival......................................................................................................................... 5.-7.7..............................................................................Bad Salzdetfurth
Marketplace Music Festival.................................................................................................... July to end of August...........................................Hildesheim
Hildesheim Fortifications........................................................................................................ 3.-4.7..............................................................................Hildesheim*
Marienburg-Tattoo...................................................................................................................... 11.-12.7...........................................................................Marienburg Castle
Marienrode Convent Concert................................................................................................. 4.7...................................................................................Hildesheim*
Romantic Night............................................................................................................................. 10.7................................................................................Hildesheim*
Freden Music Festival................................................................................................................ August........................................................................Freden, Alfeld
Mera Luna....................................................................................................................................... 8.-9.8............................................................................Hildesheim
Magic on the Cobblestones..................................................................................................... 4.-5.9.............................................................................Hildesheim*
Innerste City Fest & Potato Market..................................................................................... August/September...............................................Sarstedt
Lighting Fest................................................................................................................................... September.................................................................Sarstedt
Gospel & Swing Festival........................................................................................................... 6.9.................................................................................Bad Salzdetfurth
Alfeld Town Fest .......................................................................................................................... 18.-20.9........................................................................Alfeld
Discovery Day in the Region of Hannover....................................................................... September.................................................................Hildesheim, Alfeld
Lamspringer September........................................................................................................... September.................................................................Lamspringe
Farmers Market with Sunday Shopping.......................................................................... 27.9................................................................................Hildesheim
Lighting - Light.Art.Fest............................................................................................................ 29.10.-1.11....................................................................Hildesheim*
Christmas Market........................................................................................................................ 26.11.-27.12..................................................................Hildesheim
Advent upn Brinke..................................................................................................................... 28.11...............................................................................Bad Salzdetfurth
Advent Fest in Bad Salzdetfurth........................................................................................... 6.12................................................................................Bad Salzdetfurth
Fireworks Competition with Sunday Shopping............................................................ 27.12...............................................................................Hildesheim
*Special events in the Anniversary Year 2015. For more anniversary events, go to
Last updated September 2014 No guarantee for the correctness of this information, subject to change without notice. For the latest updates, go to or inquire at the tourist-information office.


HILDESHEIM HOLIDAY GUIDE 2015 | Accommodations

Dietary cuisine
Regional cuisine
Conference room
24 h reception desk
Wheelchair accessible
TV room

on the following pages we introduce accommodation options for you in the Hildesheim region spanning the entire range from luxury hotels to bed-and-breakfasts, family-owned inns and cosy rooms
and holiday flats as private rentals. Use our service and find accommodations through the agency of
our tourist-information employees, who will advise you and suggest select partner accommodations to
you. Many accommodations can also be booked directly online at


Hotel classification according to the DEHOGA
German Hotel and Restaurant Association
Tourist: Accommodation of basic standard
Standard: Accommodation of medium standard
H H H Comfort: Accommodation of raised standard
H H H H First Class: Accommodation of high standard
Hotels and accommodations that are not marked with stars have not
participated in the voluntary classification. This does not permit any
conclusion as to their standard.
Bicyclist-friendly Bed&Bike accommodations, certified by the ADFC
Bicyclist-friendly accommodation with services for bike tourists, queried by the District Hildesheim

The information about the accommodations contained in this listing is based on the information and documents
provided by the operators of the accommodations; no warranty is extended by the publishers for the completeness
and correctness of this information. No damage compensation claim can be derived against the publishers of the
host listing due to false information or unfulfilled service commitment by the respective provider of tourist services.


Suitable for children

Indoor pool
Laundry service
Room service
Bike shed
Own parking
Historic building
Dogs permitted
TV in the room
P-TV in the room
Radio in the room
Phone in the room
Non-smoker room
Quiet sleep
Deutscher Hotelfhrer des Deutschen
Hotel- und Gaststttenverbandes e.V.

per person
per night
living room
BR bedroom
LR/BR combined living

and bedroom

Hotels Hildesheim | HILDESHEIM HOLIDAY GUIDE 2015


Modern building with a historical faade

uests at the Van der Valk Hotel in Hildesheim are to be

envied; after all, as soon as they walk out of the building,
they are standing on one of the most impressive historical market squares in northern Germany. Hildesheim certainly puts its
best foot forward here and the distinguished hotel with its listed faade makes a considerable contribution to the impressive
overall picture presented by the market square. The 4-star hotel
offers its guests the choice of 108 rooms in 5 categories (Classic,
Superior, Deluxe, Executive, Junior Suite) as well as a room with
wheelchair access and a number of allergen-free rooms. 33 of the
rooms provide a beautiful view over the historical market square.
The completely refurbished rooms with air conditioning feature
clean lines, warm wood trim and lovingly selected details that
reflect sheer elegance. The Restaurant Gildehaus is a stylish combination of the historical and the modern with dark-brown timber and bright white accents and invites guests to experience
a widely diverse culinary concept. The hotel terrace is the ideal
place to enjoy the warm sun against the beautiful marketplace
backdrop. Modern elegance along with classical elements provide the hotel bar with a relaxed atmosphere. Seven tastefully
decorated event rooms can be booked for private or business oc-

casions. A swimming pool, a sauna, a fitness room and a solarium invite guests to relax and enjoy, while Valentinas Cosmetic
Salon offers pampering treatments with revitalising massages
and other professional beauty treatments. Anyone who enters the
Van der Valk Hotel cannot help but to be impressed by its unique
charm and distinctive personality.
Nr. 1


Van der Valk Hotel Hildesheim GmbH


Markt 4, GPS: Jakobistrae 31134 Hildesheim

Tel. +49 (0) 51 21/30 06 00
Fax +49 (0) 51 21/300 444
3 km

No. of beds: 193

0,8 km

0,2 km

Room prices w/o breakfast p.N

Single rooms: 9
Double rooms: 93
Suites: 2
Wheelchair access: 1
Allergen-free rooms: 3
Half board: 27.50; Full board: 55
Free minibar (no alcoholic beverages)

from 84 to 325
from 104 to 335
from 134 to 355
from 84 to 305
from 84 to 305

Underground parking 9.50/24 h, WiFi throughout entire hotel free of charge


HILDESHEIM HOLIDAY GUIDE 2015 | Hotels Hildesheim

Nr. 2


Novotel Hildesheim

Bahnhofsallee 38 31134 Hildesheim
Tel. +49 (0) 51 21/17 17 0
Fax +49 (0) 51 21/17 17 700
2 km

0,5 km

0 km

Explore the old bishopric of Hildesheim with its many treasures. The 4-star Hotel
NOVOTEL HILDESHEIM is located on the outer edge of the old city in the midst of
a park-like landscape. You can reach the hotel by car - A7 Hildesheim exit - in just
10 minutes (2.5km) or on foot its just a 500-metre walk from the main train station. Historical charm and a stylish atmosphere characterise the interior of the impressive, listed building, which has 120 modern rooms and a generously sized car
park. The rooms in different categories are equipped with free high-speed WiFi,
flat-screen TVs with Sky Cinema and everything you need to make coffee or tea.
A well-balanced, healthy and generous breakfast buffet provides you with a good
start to the day. The spacious atmosphere in the Sultino Restaurant with an
outdoor terrace offers a wide range of different dishes and a separate childrens
menu. You can also enjoy a stop at our Kennedys bar with Sky TV or at the hotels own beer garden in the park under the old, majestic copper beech tree. In the
hotel foyer, you can use our internet terminal free of charge, our virtual concierge
and a childrens play corner with a gaming console for the little ones. We offer our
day guests 7 fully air-conditioned conference rooms (700 m) for up to 700 persons
and a conference centre in the park. We look forward to welcoming you here!
No. of beds: 225
Single rooms: 15
Double rooms: 103
Suites: 2

Room prices incl. breakfast p.N

from 95 to 115
from 113 to 147
from 126 to 177

Half board: from 22; Full board: from 44

2 CHILDREN under 16 in parents room free with breakfast, free WiFi
Nr. 3


Parkhotel Berghlzchen

Am Berghlzchen 1 31139 Hildesheim
Tel. +49 (0) 51 21/9 79-0
Fax +49 (0) 51 21/9 79-400
5 km

4 km

0,3 km

The Berghlzchen says: Welcome to Hildesheim!

78 modern hotel rooms in two categories adhere to international 4-star standards, with toilet, shower/bath, flat screen TV, cable TV,
Sky Cinema, high-speed WiFi, telephone, modern sitting area, blow dryer and
make-up mirror, room size from 18 to 25 m
Hearty cold-warm breakfast buffet
Restaurant with seating for 80
Widely varied cuisine with high-quality, fresh products only
Different events and highlights in the restaurant and hotel all year round
Sunny patio with seating for 45
Hotel lounge with Sky sports bar
New fitness and sauna area
80 free parking spots directly at the hotel
Seven individually designed banquet rooms for events for 4 to 180 people
Massage, cosmetic treatments and hairdressing available four days a week
No. of beds: 140
Single rooms:
Double rooms:
Minisuite: 1

Room prices incl. breakfast p.N

from 79 to 220
from 104 to 245
from 104 to 245

Half board: from 20; Full board: from 35

80 free parking spots, outdoor terrace


Hotels, Hotel-Restaurants Hildesheim | HILDESHEIM HOLIDAY GUIDE 2015


Nr. 4

ibis Styles Hotel Hildesheim

Zingel 26 31134 Hildesheim
Tel.: +49 (0) 51 21/9 12 87 00
Fax +49 (0) 51 21/9 12 88 47
2,4 km

0,7 km

0,1 km

Fresh colours brighten your mood! The ibis Styles Hotel Hildesheim**s has great
energy, temperament and personality. For families or friends, for singles or couples, for business women or men: Welcome to our hotel in Hildesheim! The
legend of the 1000-year-old rosebush is closely linked to the founding of the
Cathedral and the city of Hildesheim in the 9th century. Its high time, then, to
honour this trademark of the city in our hotel. In the name of the rose, you will
find many small references to this historic flower in the new ibis Styles Hotel
Hildesheim. Sometimes direct, sometimes more subtle but never kitschy. Come
and see for yourself! Our hotel is centrally located; the pedestrian zone and old
part of the city are just a few minutes walk away. The old city is charming with
its historic buildings, not only on the old market square, as well as with interesting shops, cafs and restaurants that invite you to come in and stay for a while.
The Cathedral and St. Michaels Church are on the list of UNESCO World Heritage
sites. The theatre, cinema and restaurants are also a scant 200-metre walk away.
The Hannover Exhibition Grounds can from reached from Hildesheim via tram
in 22 minutes. When you book with us, you get an all-round carefree package:
breakfast, high-speed WiFi, Sky-TV, newspapers... all free of charge. Our rooms
are air-conditioned and furnished with king-size beds and extra-large TVs. Drinks
and snacks are available at attractive prices from our lobby bar.
No. of beds: 192

Room prices incl. breakfast p.N.

Single rooms: 3 (8.5 m2)

Double rooms: 84 (16.5 m2)
Family rooms: 6 (26 m2)

from 59 to 169
from 79 to 189
from 89 to 209

Children up to 15 years old in parents room free, high-speed WiFi

Hotel Brgermeisterkapelle

Nr. 5


Nr. 6 HHH

Rathausstrae 8 31134 Hildesheim

Tel.: +49 (0) 51 21/17 92 90
Fax +49 (0) 51 21/1 79 29 99
3 km

0,5 km

Guests at the Brgermeisterkapelle live a

healthier lifestyle and are environmentally
friendly. Enjoy all the advantages of being in
the heart of this small big city on foot, by bicycle or using public transportation. Explore the
city with its many sights. Vital, regional, seasonal and natural the restaurant concept is organically certified according to DEK- 006. Start
the day with a breakfast you put together yourself, just the way you like it. Our kitchen offers
fresh regional dishes without any artificial additives that are prepared in a light, contemporary way, along with more hearty, traditional fare.
Our employees are friendly and competent. Let
your day come to a relaxing end in our newly renovated historical wine tavern, which features all types of exquisite drinks. The Brgermeisterkapelle offers good quality at fair prices.
No. of beds: 60

Room prices incl. breakfast p.N.

Single rooms: 20
from 60 to 68
Double rooms: 20
from 80 to 125
Family rooms: 4
on request,from 75

Children according to age
Half board: 15, Full board: 25
Family-friendly hotel, free WiFi

Landgasthof Zur scharfen Ecke


Itzumer Hauptstrae 1 31141 Hildesheim

Tel. +49 (0) 51 21/2 03-0 Fax +49 (0) 51 21/2 03-30
3 km

0,3 km
No. of beds: 31

5 km

0 km

Room prices incl. breakfast p.N

Single rooms: 5
from 47 to 50
Double rooms: 10
from 65 to 85
Three-bed rooms: 2
from 100
la carte restaurant with home-style cuisine, different rooms available, free parking and a bowling alley

Closed: Tue., Wed.

Bowling alley, 20 min. to the Hannover Exhibition Grounds, close to university

Nr. 7

Hotel Marheineke


Peiner Landstrae 31135 Hildesheim

Tel.: +49 (0) 51 21/5 26 67
Fax +49 (0) 51 21/98 97 20
1 km

No. of beds: 18
Single rooms: 3
Double rooms: 6
Three-bed rooms: 1

2 km

0,2 km

Room prices incl. breakfast p.N

from 30 to 56
from 54 to 80
from 78 to 90

Convenient parking, Hannover Exhibition Grounds 15 min. away by car


HILDESHEIM HOLIDAY GUIDE 2015 | Hotels-Restaurants, Hotel Garnis

Hotel Meyer

Nr. 8


Osterberg-Restaurant & Hotel

Nr. 9

Peiner Landstrae 185 31135 Hildesheim

Tel.: +49 (0) 51 21/5 31 79 Fax +49 (0) 51 21/5 31 07
0,9 km

No. of beds: 29

2 km

0,2 km

5,2 km

Room prices incl. breakfast p.N.

Single rooms: 6
Double rooms: 10
Three-bed rooms
(extra bed in double room): 4

No. of beds: 52

from 31 to 65
from 59 to 95

Special rates for boarders on request

Hotel Am Steinberg

3,5 km


Hotel Stadtresidenz

Nr. 11

2 km
No. of beds: 35

Nr. 12

0,5 km

Room prices incl. breakfast p.N.

from 55 to 70
from 120 to 150

Special rates for boarders on request

Trade show rates on request

Located close to major tourist attractions


Gstehaus Klocke

4 km

No. of beds: 39


Bischof-Janssen-Str. 5 31134 Hildesheim

Tel. +49 (0) 51 21/15 89-0
Fax +49 (0) 51 21/3 40 64

Single rooms: 7
Double rooms: 40
Suites: 3



Friedhelm Klocke
Humboldtstrae 11 31134 Hildesheim
Tel.: +49 (0) 51 21/17 92 13
Fax +49 (0) 51 21/1 79 21 40

Gollarts Hotel Deutsches Haus

No. of beds: 90

from 75 to 95
from 95 to 126
from 126 to 146
Closed: Sundays

from 52 to 65
from 78 to 85
95 Closed for annual
company holidays
21.12.2014-01.01.2015 /
02.04.2015- 06.04.2015

2 km

300 m

Delux rooms from 35 m2 and suits from 4 nights can be booked as apartments

Located at the edge of the forest, family-friendly, jogging and hiking

Nr. 13

1,5 km

Room prices incl. breakfast p.N.

Single rooms: 5
Double rooms: 10
Suites: 5

Room prices incl. breakfast p.N

Single rooms: 5
Double rooms: 15
Three-bed rooms: 7


Steingrube 4 31141 Hildesheim

Tel.: +49 (0) 51 21/6 97 98 92
Fax +49 (0) 51 21/6 97 42 10

0,3 km

Our hotel offers 27 invitingly decorated single

and double rooms, all equipped with shower or
bathtub and toilet, colour TV and direct-dial telephone. You also have access to the internet
via WiFi in every room. Our conference room,
which is able to accommodate up to 15 people, is
available for conferences, seminars or meetings.
Trade-fair visitors can reach the Hannover Exhibition Grounds in just 25 minutes by car. The
nearest bus stop with a direct connection to the
main train station and the city centre with all
its tourist attractions is only 200 m away from
the hotel. But most importantly, perhaps, our family-friendly hotel offers you peace and quiet
and a relaxing break from the hustle and bustle of daily life. You will find excellent hiking and
jogging trails in the game reserve on the Steinberg nearby, at the Hohnsen Lake and along
the Innerste River. Restaurants and shopping
can be found in the direct vicinity of the hotel.
No. of beds: 56

from 50 to 109
from 72 to 129

Sunny south-west terrace, free WiFi

Adolf-Kolping-Strae 6 31139 Hildesheim

Tel.: +49 (0) 51 21/80 90 30
Fax +49 (0) 51 21/26 77 55
3,5 km

0,25 km

Half board: 15

Closed: Sundays

Hildesheim industrial park 5-10 min., Hannover Exhibition Grounds 15 min.

Nr. 10

3,8 km

Room prices incl. breakfast p.N.

Single rooms: 10
Double rooms: 20

from 99 to 135


Linnenkamp 4 31137 Hildesheim-Himmelsthr

Tel.: +49 (0) 51 21/2 06 88 0
Fax +49 (0) 51 21/2 06 88 44

5 km

150 m

Room prices incl. breakfast p.N.

Single rooms: 9
Double rooms: 8
Three-bed rooms: 3
Four-bed room: 1

from 52 to 75
from 82 to 120
from 115 to 150
from 140 to 200

Very quiet location; free parking

Nr. 14

Conditorei-Caf Timphus Hotel


Braunschweiger Strae 90 31134 Hildesheim

Tel.: +49 (0) 51 21/3 46 86
Fax +49 (0) 51 21/3 46 82

20 m

4,5 km
No. of beds: 35

1,5 km

0,1 km

Room prices incl. breakfast p.N

Single rooms: 5
Double rooms: 10
Suites: 2
Three- or four-bed rooms: 3

from 54 to 76
from 78 to 88
from 100 to 110
from 122 to 144

Trade show rates on request

Exquisite breakfast buffet with freshly baked rolls from our own bakery

Guesthouses/Conference Hotels, Youth Hostels, Private Rooms | HILDESHEIM HOLIDAY GUIDE 2015
ABH Gste-Boardinghaus

Nr. 15


Guesthouse Baldus

Nr. 16

Bleckenstedter Strae 1 31137 Hildesheim

Tel.: +49 (0) 51 21/92 49 11
Fax +49 (0) 51 21/92 49 44
4 km

Single rooms: 5
Double rooms: 20

2 km


Henry-Dunant-Str. 68 31141 Hildesheim

Tel.: +49 (0) 51 21/3 70 12
Fax +49 (0) 51 21/13 36 21

0,2 km

6 km

6 km

Room prices incl. breakfast p.N.

No. of beds: 6-8

Room prices incl. breakfast p.N

from 47 to 55
from 73 to 80

Double rooms: 3

from 45 to 60

300 m

Special rates available during trade shows/for boarders on request


WiFi free of charge, also self-catered apartments from 35

Tagungshaus Priesterseminar

Nr. 17


DEULA Hildesheim GmbH

Nr. 18

Manfred Zimmermann

Neue Strae 3 31134 Hildesheim

Tel.: +49 (0) 51 21/1 79 15 40
Fax +49 (0) 51 21/1 79 15 42
2,8 km

1,8 km

Lerchenkamp 42-48 31137 Hildesheim

Tel.: +49 (0) 51 21/7 83 20
Fax +49 (0) 51 21/51 64 69
2 km

0,1 km
No. of beds: 90

Single rooms: 4
Double rooms: 22
Three-bed rooms: Four-bed room: 1

No. of beds: 29

No. of beds: 104


Hannover Exhibition Grounds 15 minutes away

Hildesheim Youth Hostel

Nr. 19

8 km

4 km

Half board: 5.50, full board 11

Central yet quiet location Conference centre near the city centre and museums

Family Schrder


Available only with a valid youth hostel pass

Nr. 21

Bleckenstedter Strae 2 31137 Hildesheim

Tel.: +49 (0) 51 21/4 34 21 Fax +49 (0) 51 21/2 27 67

1 km

40 m
1 bed-sit, kitchen, shower, toilet
Price p.N. incl. utilities
2 people
Each additional person
+ 10
prices available on request

1 km

Room prices p.P. incl. breakfast

Single rooms: 2 up to 26 yr. old 30.10, from 27 34.10

Double rooms: 8 up to 26 yr. old 26.60, from 27 30.60
Multi-bed rooms: 17 up to 26 yr. old 27.10, from 27 27.10

from 55 to 119
from 75 to 169

Internet, special rates for boarders


Schirmannweg 4 31139 Hildesheim

Tel.: +49 (0) 51 21/4 27 17
Fax +49 (0) 51 21/4 78 47

Room prices incl. breakfast p.N.

3 km

0,3 km

Conference centre and auditorium for up to 100 people

Half/full board on request (Mon-Fri only)

Full board: 25

Nr. 20

2 km

Room prices incl. breakfast p.N.

Welcome to our conference centre. Our facilities are open to all guests who want to share
our basic Christian values. The location is ideal: in the centre of the city, but surrounded by a
beautiful, quiet garden. This is where tradition
meets progress. Clean architectural lines and a
personal atmosphere will stimulate your creativity. You will find yourself in a meeting place
that encourages interaction and discussion; we
want to promote dialogue and learning. Whatever you need, the building and its employees offer you with perfect environment for your event.
Our conference rooms are bright and generously sized. You can choose from five rooms in either a modern or more historical design with all
the professional equipment you require. Whether its for a conference or a stay for a group of
tourists, we can offer you a full range of services.

Single rooms: 25
Two-bed rooms: 2


Closed for annual

company holidays

Private Rooms Renate Zahn


Am Burghof 22 31139 Hildesheim

Tel.: +49 (0) 51 21/26 24 21
Mobile: +49 (0) 01 74/9 77 99 54
E-Mail or

10 m

6 km
No. of beds: 4

5 km

0,2 km

Room prices incl. breakfast p.N.

Double rooms: 1
Two-bed room: 1

from 35 to 55
from 35 to 55

Special rates for boarders on request

Quiet location, garden, dogs on request


HILDESHEIM HOLIDAY GUIDE 2015 | Holiday Flats in Hildesheim

Nr. 22

BWV Guest Apartments


Nr. 23

Beamten-Wohnungs-Verein zu Hildesheim
Theaterstrae 7 31141 Hildesheim
Tel. +49 (0) 51 21/91 36-0
Fax +49 (0) 51 21/91 36-999
2,5 km

1,5 km

Holiday Flat Dittbrenner

5 km

0,4 km

English spoken. Se habla espaol.


Moekerweg 1 31137 Hildesheim

Tel.: +49 (0) 51 21/6 55 47
Fax +49 (0) 51 21/6 68 43
Mobile: +49 (0) 1 70/2 91 22 30
3 km

7 km

Holiday flat
70 m, 2 persons
1 L-room with sofa bed, 1 B-room with 1 bed, kitchen,
shower, toilet, terrace
Price incl. utilities and bed linens
1st to 3rd night
Each additional night

* Furnishings and facilities depend on apartment type

5 km


Dr. A. Lauterbach
Oskar-Schindler-Strae 3 31139 Hildesheim
Tel.: +49 (0) 51 21/2 33 55 Fax +49 (0) 51 21/2 33 55

0,2 km

No. of beds: 25
20 - 90 m2, 1 - 5 persons
1x 1 room, 6 x 2 room, 15 x 3 room and 3 x 4-room apartments, kitchen/kitchenette, bathroom/shower, toilet*
1 night depending on apartment from 30 to 83
Special rates for members
on request

Nr. 24

Holiday Flat am Rottsberg

Nr. 25

Guest Apartment Martin Franke


Elzer Strae 117 31137 Hildesheim

Tel.: +49 (0) 51 21/924 6 41
Fax +49 (0) 51 21/1 77 77 30
Mobile: +49 (0) 1 77/1 80 17 70

0,2 km

6 km

Holiday flat
85 m2, 4-5 persons
1 L-room, 2 B-rooms, kitchen, shower, toilet
1st night (2 people)
Each additional person + 10, each additional night 45
Utility flat rate one payment of 10
depending on length of stay

Holiday flat
70 m2
2 B-rooms, eat-in kitchen, shower, toilet
Price p.N. incl. utilities
2 people
Each additional person

4 km

20 m

+ 10

Includes bedding and towels, air conditioning

Nr. 26

Holiday Flat Goethestrae


Nr. 27

Goetherstrae 53 31135 Hildesheim

Tel.: +49 (0)1578 2936053

2 km

1,5 km

2 km


Mnchhausenweg 10 31137 Hildesheim

Tel.: +49 (0) 51 21/6 56 11
Mobile: +49 (0) 170 8050008
3 km

0,25 km


quiet location, good bus connection 15 min. to the centre, inquire for technicians


150 m

No surcharge during trade fairs, long-term rental on request

Holiday Flat Pfeifer

Holiday flat
61 m, 1 to 6 persons
1 L-room, 1 B-rooms, kitchen, shower, toilet
Price p.N. incl. utilities
1st to 3rd night for 2 persons
Each additional person
Each additional night

200 m

2 holiday flats 26-72 m, 1 to 5 persons

One- or two-room apartment
Price p.N. incl. utilities
1st night, 2 persons
from 67 to 95
Incl. final cleaning and linens,
no charge for stays of 5 nights or more
Each additional night
from 42 to 60
(1 person from 36), dog on inquiry, 15 per stay

Central location, family-friendly, WiFi

4 km


Vionvillestrae 6 31134 Hildesheim

Tel.: +49 (0) 51 21/6 78 73 40 (88 42 24)

0,2 km

Holiday flat
70 m2, 2-4 persons
1 L-room, 2 B-rooms, kitchen, bathroom, shower, toilet
Price p.N. incl. utilities
2 people
Each additional person
+ 10
Special rates for boarders on request

Nr. 28

Holiday Flats Kaune

Nr. 29

Holiday Flat Niels Taube


Fritz-Reuter-Strae 3 31137 Hildesheim

Tel.: +49 (0) 51 21/2 21 93
Mobile: +49 (0) 163/7034343
4 km

Holiday flat
48.5 m, 2-3 persons
1 L-room, 1 B-room, kitchenette, shower, toilet
Price p.N. incl. utilities
1st person
2nd person
3rd person (pull-out couch)

4 km


Includes bedding and towels, minimum 2-night stay

0,5 km

Hotels/Hotel-Restaurants in the Region of Hildesheim | HILDESHEIM HOLIDAY GUIDE 2015

Nr. 30

Gasthof Jrns



Marienburger Strae 41 31199 Diekholzen

Tel.: +49 (0) 51 21/2 07 00
Fax +49 (0) 51 21/20 70 90
12 km

No. of beds: 30

9 km

35 km
No. of beds: 59

from 49
from 72
from 85

Parking and W-LAN free, 4 bowling alleys, event room for up to 100 persons.

Hotel-Restaurant Ernst


No. of beds: 63

6,3 km

Half board: 15, full board 22

Listed building

Hotel Gdecke

Nr. 33

15 km
No. of beds: 57

7 km

Single rooms: 21
from 50 to 130
Double rooms: 21
from 77 to 190
Special rates for boarders on request
Half board: 12

Half/full board on request

Nr. 34

Landgasthaus zur Linde


Dogs permitted at a surcharge

Nr. 35

No. of beds: 17
Single rooms: 3
Double rooms: 7

0,5 km

Hotel Gutshof Busch

13 km
No. of beds: 68

from 35 to 40
from 70 to 80


Gdringer Strae 15 31157 Sarstedt

Tel.: +49 (0) 50 66/7 02 10
Fax +49 (0) 50 66/6 57 90

50 m

Room prices incl. breakfast p.N.

Closed: all holidays


Hauptstrae 14 31180 Giesen-Emmerke

Tel.: +49 (0) 51 21/6 22 34
8 km

0 km

Room prices w/o breakfast p.N.

Single rooms: 33
from 58
Double rooms: 12
from 78
As single rooms:
from 65
Special rates for boarders available on request

Convenient location, bus/lorry parking available at hotel-restaurant


Hottelner Strae 18 31157 Sarstedt-Hotteln

Tel. +49 (0) 50 66/60 50-0
Fax +49 (0) 50 66/60 50-60

0,2 km

Room prices incl. breakfast p.N.

0,5 km

from 51 to 64
from 72 to 90

Godehardstrae 2 31180 Giesen-Gro Frste

Tel. +49 (0) 50 66/70 42-0
Fax +49 (0) 50 66/70 42-40
4 km

5 km

Room prices incl. breakfast p.N.

Single rooms: 7
Double rooms: 22

Closed: Tuesdays


Glenetalstrae 70 31061 Alfeld-Brunkensen

Tel.: +49 (0) 51 81/3 84 80
Fax +49 (0) 51 81/38 48 58

0,3 km

Room prices incl. breakfast p.N.

Single rooms: 8
Double rooms: 7
Comfort rooms: 2

Nr. 31 HHH Land-gut-Hotel Ruber Lippoldskrug

3 km

3 km

Room prices incl. breakfast p.N.

Single rooms: 6
Double rooms: 25
Suites: 3 for 2 people

from 50
from 75

Closed: Tuesdays
Conference room to accommodate 140 people, free WiFi

Restaurant available for 10-120 people, no la carte, LCD TV, free WiFi

Watermill Nettlingen


HILDESHEIM HOLIDAY GUIDE 2015 | Guesthouses/Inns/Private Rooms in the Region of Hildesheim

Lindenhof - Helmke

Nr. 36


Pension Grasdorf

Nr. 37

8 km
No. of beds: 10

14 km

0,1 km

1 km

Room prices incl. breakfast p.N.

Single rooms: 5
Double rooms: 5
Holiday flat 2-6 persons
2 persons
Each additional person

No. of beds: 45

from 32 to 50
from 60 to 90


Nr. 39

Bed & Breakfast Room Rentals

8 km

1 km
No. of beds: 6

Room prices incl. breakfast p.N.

Single rooms: 6
Double rooms: 2
Apartments: 2

to 25
to 40

from 35 to 55
from 50 to 80
from 50 to 80


Kronenberg 3 31174 Schellerten

Tel.: +49 (0) 51 23/81 86

Beethovenstrae 11 31180 Giesen-Ahrbergen

Tel.: +49 (0) 50 66/69 27 40

10 km

Room prices w/o breakfast p.N.

Shared kitchen, located at the A7/A39 autobahn junction

Bed & Breakfast Vermittlung Anders

10 km

1 km

Special rates for boarders on request

Company rates on request, separate entrance

Nr. 38

22 km

Single rooms: 2
Double rooms: 21

+ 10


Ohebergstrae 6 31188 Holle-Grasdorf

Mobile: +49 (0) 1 60/95 04 39 53
Fax: +49 (0) 32/22 39 45 195

Schaperhof 9 31174 Schellerten-Whle

Tel.: +49 (0) 51 23/3 64 Fax +49 (0) 51 23/40 82 42
Mobile: +49 (0) 173/7924709

12 km

0,2 km

Room prices incl. breakfast p.N

Double rooms: 3
As single rooms
As holiday flat for 2-4 persons

from 50 to 60
from 30 to 40
from 50 to 80

Special rates for boarders and

permanent guests

on request

Special rates for boarders and trade show visitors on request

Nr. 40

Family Ritter


Bernwardstrae 6 31174 Schellerten-Whle

Tel.: +49 (0) 51 23/74 57 Fax +49 (0) 51 23/41 36
Mobile: +49 (0) 1 70/2 86 88 75
8 km

15 km

Prices p.P. w/o breakfast

from 10 to 14
Breakfast available on request

Located at edge of woods, pool in the garden, WiFi, auto repair shop


Hildegard Ziegler


Im Kreuzfeld 6 31171 Nordstemmen-Heyersum

Tel.: +49 (0) 50 69/12 67
Mobile: +49 (0) 1 74/9 25 81 71

1 km

Room prices w/o breakfast p.N.
Double rooms: 5
from 21
(can also be booked as a single room)

Caravan: 4

Nr. 41

10 km

2 km

No. of beds: 10
Room prices incl. breakfast p.N.
Single rooms: 1
from 28 to 55
Double rooms: 3
from 48 to 100
Suite/three-bed room: 1
from 60 to 120
Special rates for boarders and
permanent guests on request
Quiet location with a view of Marienburg Castle

Marienburg Castle

0,4 km

Holiday Flats in the Region of Hildesheim | HILDESHEIM HOLIDAY GUIDE 2015

Nr. 42

Holiday House Hausmann


Holiday Flat Fritsche

Nr. 43

5 km

8 km

23 km

0,5 km

Holiday house
135 m, 8 persons, 1 L-room, 4 B-rooms., 1 childs cot, 1 high
chair, kitchen, 2 bathrooms with shower, toilet
Price p.N. incl. utilities, bed linens
1-3 persons
Each additional person
Special rates for boarders available on request


Hinter der Mainte 19

31039 Rheden-Wallenstedt
Tel.: +49 (0) 51 82/29 78

Unter den Pappeln 6a

31177 Harsum-Hnnersum
Tel.: +49 (0) 53 41/39 00 05
Fax +49 (0) 53 41/30 17 67

6 km

0,5 km

Holiday flat
75 m, 2-4 persons
1 L-room, 1 B-room, kitchen, bathroom
Price p.N. incl. utilities
2 people
Each additional person

+ 10

Lifta stair lift/roofed terrace (for smokers)

Nr. 44

Holiday Flat Kaschube

CJ 27

Pension Kierstein

Nr. 45

Auf der Lade 14 31180 Giesen - Gro Frste

Tel.: +49 (0) 50 66/6 46 74
Fax +49 (0) 50 66/6 46 74
6 km

Holiday flat
75 m2, 2-4 persons
1 L-room 1 B-room, kitchen,
bathroom, shower, toilet
Price p.N. incl. utilities
2 persons
3rd and 4th person + 15 each

5 km

15 km

0,4 km

30 m2, 1 Person
1 Wohn-/Schlafzimmer,
Kochnische, Dusche, WC
Preis p. N. inkl. Nebenk.
1 Person
30 Euro

Holiday flat 1
75 m, 2-6 persons
1 L-room,1 B-room, kitchen,

2 km

Holiday flat 2
20 m, 2-3 persons
2 bed-sits, kitchenette,
shower, toilet

Special rates for boarders and special conditions available on request

Holiday flat Marienburg


Nr. 47

Holiday flat 2
50 m, 2-3 persons
1 L-room, 1 B-room, kitchen,
bathroom, toilet
Special rates for
Price p.N. incl. utilities
boarders available
2 people 30
Each additional pers. + 10 on request

20 min. by railway to the Hanover trade fair, outdoor pool 500 m

Holiday Flat Minge


An der Hhe 3 31079 Sibbesse

Tel.: +49 (0) 50 65/12 69

Calenberger Strae 15 31171 Nordstemmen

Tel.: +49 (0) 50 69/79 97
Fax +49 (0) 50 21/1 80 65 78
Mobile: +49 (0) 1 73/8 78 99 21
15 km
0,6 km
0,6 km

Holiday flat 1
60 m, 2-5 persons
1 L-room, 2 B-room, kitchen,
bathroom, shower, toilet
Price p.N. incl. utilities
2 people
Each additional pers. + 10

2 km

Price p. N. incl. utilities

Price p.N. incl. utilities
per person
20 per person

Quiet, central location

Nr. 46


Am Schmiedekamp 4
31171 Nordstemmen-Heyersum
Tel.: +49 (0) 50 69/66 68 Fax +49 (0) 50 69/80 69 96

20 km

15 km

0,5 km

Holiday flat
45 m, 2-3 people
1 L-room, 1 B-room, kitchen, shower, toilet
Price p.N. incl. utilities
1st -3rd night
Each additional night

from 35 to 40
from 25 to 30

Quiet location, incl. bedding, towels, swimming pool and sauna in the village
Nr. 48

Am Escherberg Holiday Flat


Zum Escherberg 20 31171 Gro Escherde

Tel.: +49 (0) 50 69/24 16
Fax +49 (0) 50 69/34 03 01
12 km

3 km

1 km

Holiday flat
92 m, 1-5 persons
1 L-room, 3 B-rooms, kitchen, bathroom, shower, toilet
1st night (2 people)
Each additional person

+ 10

Baby cot available on request. The large enclosed balcony faces south.


HILDESHEIM HOLIDAY GUIDE 2015 | Clinics Bad Salzdetfurth

Nr. 49

HELIOS Clinic Bad Salzdetfurth

An der Peesel 6 31162 Bad Salzdetfurth
Tel. +49 (0) 50 63/27 72-0
Fax +49 (0) 50 63/14 40
9 km

3 km

0 km

The HELIOS Clinic Bad Salzdetfurth is a specialist clinic with 170 beds. The comfortably furnished rooms are all equipped with a shower, telephone, TV and most
also have a balcony. The rooms in the geriatric departments are reserved for and
outfitted and furnished to accommodate the corresponding clinical picture. It is
also possible to request accommodation for accompanying persons. In addition
to diagnostics and therapy, which is holistically tailored to your own specific
needs, you will also have available a wide range of leisure-time activities, e.g. in
creative pursuits, a shuttle bus for outings to Hildesheim and Bad Salzdetfurth
and the use of the fitness room. Our therapeutic services are also available to
outpatients, e.g. physiotherapy, massage, lymphatic drainage and speech therapy. With the support of our experienced therapists, their motivation and the
offers at our clinic, you can be certain that your treatment will be successful.
The Clinic for Geriatric Medicine performs treatments in acute medicine and
geriatric early rehabilitation, which are expressly tailored to the needs of older
patients. Treatments are provided for circulatory illnesses in cardiological rehabilitation and for functional problems with the musculoskeletal system in
orthopaedic rehabilitation.
No. of beds: 170

Room prices incl. breakfast p.N.

Single rooms
With extra bed


Lunch and dinner available on request.

Situated in a beautiful landscape

Nr. 50

Salze Clinic

An der Peesel 5 31162 Bad Salzdetfurth
Tel.: +49 (0) 50 63/47 27 55
or +49 (0) 50 63/47 27 56
9 km

3 km

0 km

The Salze Clinic with 194 beds in Bad Salzdetfurth has focussed on a specialisation in the treatment of orthopaedic and psychosomatic illnesses. You will
stay in a comfortable single room equipped with a shower, telephone, cable TV
and most rooms also have a balcony we take care of you. In a gentle, natural
environment, experience a carefully crafted health programme that supports
therapy success in a restorative way. In the evening and at the weekend, there
are many cultural events and interesting lectures to enrich your leisure time.
Feel free to just let go and enjoy a very relaxing atmosphere. We are happy to
provide you with any information on our health services that you may need.
Indications in orthopaedics: Degenerative and inflammatory-rheumatic
illnesses, including osteoporosis Conditions following accidents, orthopaedic neuro-surgical operations and amputations Malignant tumour diseases
and malignant system illnesses of the skeletal system Condition following
poliomyelitis and peripheral paralysis
Indications in psychosomatics: Somatoform disorders Physical functional disorders/ Overreactions due to strong emotional strain Pain disorders
Depression Phobias Effects of social problem situations Sleep disorders
Fatigue syndrome
No. of beds: 194

Room prices incl. breakfast p.N.

Single rooms: 194

with extra bed on request


Full board: 13

Park-like gardens, Salze Vita (salt works), WiFi


Hotels, Guest /Conference Facilities Bad Salzdetfurth | HILDESHEIM HOLIDAY GUIDE 2015

The town of Bad Salzdetfurth, with its districts of Bad Salzdetfurth and Detfurth, is a state-approved spa. To cover its expenses for building, purchasing, expanding, improving, renewing
and maintaining its facilities, which promote tourism in these
areas, the town requires the payment of a spa tax of 2 per
The spa tax is collected by your landlord. Please ask your host
about what discounts are possible and under what conditions
you may be exempt from paying the spa tax.

Nr. 51 HHHS

Lechstedter Obstweinschnke


Nr. 52 HHHH

Ringstrae 7 31162 Bad Salzdetfurth

Tel.: +49 (0) 50 64/71 59 Fax +49 (0) 50 64/13 59
4 km

12 km


An der Peesel 1 31162 Bad Salzdetfurth

Tel.: +49 (0) 50 63/29-0
Fax +49 (0) 50 63/29-333
9 km
0,3 km
0,3 km

1,5 km
No. of beds: 261

We would be very happy to welcome you to our
small, 3-star country inn. Enjoy the idyllic village
atmosphere close to Hildesheim and Bad Salzdetfurth. The comfortable, cosy atmosphere of
our hotel is certain to enchant you. Well-kept hiking trails in the nearby wood, an 18-hole golf
course, a thermal salt-water swimming pool
and glider airfield, all in the direct vicinity, will
let you forget the hustle and bustle of everyday
life. Our hotel has 15 lovingly decorated double rooms equipped with a shower, toilet, minibar, TV and telephone. A perfect place for anyone looking to relax and get away from it all
as well as for exhibitors and visitors to the tradeshows on the Hannover Exhibition Grounds.
Get a taste of the countryside.
Enjoy regional and seasonal specialities in our
hotel restaurant, on the outdoor terrace or in the
romantic beer garden.
No. of beds: 32
Room prices incl. breakfast p.N.
Single rooms:
Double rooms:

relexa hotel Bad Salzdetfurth

Room prices incl. breakfast p.N.

Single room = double room

Double rooms: 116
Junior suites: 12
Maisonette apartments: 2

from 72 to 119
from 92 to 119
from 120 to 142
from 131 to 206

Half board: 40, full board: 40

2 bowling alleys available
Nr. 53


Hotel Kronprinz


Unterstrae 105 31162 Bad Salzdetfurth

Tel.: +49 (0) 50 63/9 08 10
Fax +49 (0) 50 63/90 81 66
9 km

No. of beds: 46

from 50 to 102
from 80 to 120

0,4 km

0 km

Room prices incl. breakfast p.N.

Single rooms: 5
Double rooms: 20
Suites: 1

from 61 to 91
from 89 to 109
from 109 to 139

Special rates for boarders available on request

Dogs are welcome free of charge.

Closed: Mondays

Free WiFi, free parking

Nr. 54

Lower Saxon Tennis Association State Training Centre


Am Triftweg 3 31162 Bad Salzdetfurth

Tel. +49 (0) 50 63/90 87-0
Fax +49 (0) 50 63/90 87-10
12 km
No. of beds: 24
Double rooms: 10
Suites: 1

0,6 km

Room prices incl. breakfast p.N.

from 45.50 to 63
from 45.50 to 63

Half board: + 12; Full board: + 20.50

In-house chef kitchen accommodates groups and individual needs

Gut Walshausen


HILDESHEIM HOLIDAY GUIDE 2015 | Holiday Flats in Bad Salzdetfurth

Nr. 55

Kreiswohnbau Hildesheim GmbH



Kaiserstrae 21 31134 Hildesheim

Tel. +49 (0) 51 21/97 6-0
Fax +49 (0) 51 21/97 6-66

Apartments auf der Vienig

Your temporary home away from home in

Alfeld, Bad Salzdetfurth and Sarstedt

8 km

1,5 km

Home is where you hang your hat! Find your

furnished flat as your temporary home away
from home at the Kreiswohnbau Hildesheim.
Exactly the way you want your home to be, designed to meet your needs. Leave the hustle and
bustle of everyday life behind and feel right at
home in your own flat. Our home-away-fromhome plan offers anyone who needs short-term
accommodation, whether for private reasons
or because of your job, a place to live between
Hildesheim and Hannover as well as close to
the foothills of the Harz Mountains and the
Leine hill country. Our flats have a living room/
bedroom, two bedrooms, a kitchen and a bathroom. The furnishings are friendly, modern,
and especially important, complete.
They include a complete built-in kitchen incl.
dishes, completely outfitted bedrooms with
wardrobes and double beds, seating areas and
double sofa beds in the living rooms. The flats
are located in Alfeld, Bad Salzdetfurth and

Apartments Number: 6
45 m, 1-4 persons
1 L-room with bed alcove, kitchenette, shower, toilet
Price p.N. incl. utilities
1 person
Each additional person
Special rates for boarders

Holiday flats: 5
65-75 m, 4-6 persons
1 bed-sit, 2 B-rooms, kitchen, bathroom
Price incl. utilities and final cleaning
14 days
1st month
Each additional month

Holiday flat
60 m, 1-4 persons, 1 L-room, 1 B-room, kitchen, bathroom, shower, toilet
Price p.N. incl. utilities w/o breakfast
1 person
Each additional person
+ 15

Nr. 57

6 km



0,5 km

Holiday flat in great location, separate entrance

50 m, 1 to 4 people
1 L-room, 1 B-room, kitchen, bathroom, shower, toilet
Price p.N. incl. utilities, bed linens, towels
Up to 2 persons incl. final cleaning
Each additional night
Each additional person
Long-term rental on request/ breakfast available 8 p.P.

3 km

Holiday flat
55 m, 1-6 persons
1 L-room with balcony facing south, 1 B-room, kitchen,
shower, toilet (2nd and 3rd B-room. and breakfast possible)
Price p.N. incl. utilities
2 people
Each additional person
+ 10


Hans-Hohlbein-Weg 10 31162 Bad Salzdetfurth

Tel.: +49 (0) 50 63/87 87
Mobile: +49 (0) 177/5267660


0,1 km

Holiday Flat Heinz

12 km


0,8 km

Nr. 59

0,5 km

Bnteblick Familie Utermhle

5 km

0,3 km

0,8 km


Lehmkuhle 4 31162 Bad Salzdetfurth

Tel.: +49 (0) 50 63/82 84
Mobile: +49 (0) 152/29333574

Quiet location at the edge of the forest, no transit traffic, separate entry, winter garden

Nr. 60


Incl. bedding and towels, WiFi

Am Waldhaus 4 31162 Bad Salzdetfurth

Tel.: +49 (0) 50 63/6 20

Holiday flat
70 m, 1-2 persons
1 L-room, 1 B-room, kitchen, shower, toilet
Price p.N. incl. utilities
1- 2 people (incl. final cleaning)
Each additional night
Special rates for boarders on request

Apartment Koch

Am Schafberg 1 31162 Bad Salzdetfurth

Tel.: +49 (0) 50 64/96 23 98

Haus Mchel

10 km

1 km

Large balcony/terrace, Exhibition Grounds 25 minutes away

Good travel connections to Hannover

Nr. 58


Auf der Vienig 55 31162 Bad Salzdetfurth

Tel.: +49 (0) 5063/7 81 44 79
Mobile: +49 (0) 177/2034624

Supermarket 100 m away

0,1 km

Holiday Flats in Bad Salzdetfurth | HILDESHEIM HOLIDAY GUIDE 2015

Nr. 61

Haus Frobse


Nr. 62

Birkenweg 33 31162 Bad Salzdetfurth

Tel.: +49 (0) 50 63/14 71

10 km

0,5 km

0,5 km

20 km
Holiday flat Pulina
1 L-room, 1 B-room, kitchen,
shower, toilet
Price p.N. incl. utilities
1st and 2nd night
Each additional night + 25
Final cleaning

Close to spa park, 450 m from main spa building


Nr. 64

Salinenstrae 29 31162 Bad Salzdetfurth

Tel.: +49 (0) 50 63/80 73

2 holiday flats
40 m, 2 persons
1 L-room, 1 B-room, shower, kitchen, toilet
Price p.N. incl. utilities
1- 2 people

0,3 km

0,8 km

0,4 km

Holiday flat Margrit

55 m, 1-2 persons, 1 L-room,
kitchen, shower, toilet
Price p.N. incl. utilities
1st and 2nd night
Each add. night
+ 30
Final cleaning

Long-term rental on request

Haus Mller

9,4 km


Drei Berge 9 Bad Salzdetfurth

Tel.: +49 (0) 50 63/14 39
Mobile: 01 57/73 23 33 42

Holiday flat
85 m, 2-4 people, 1 L-room., 2 B-rooms., kitchen., shower, toilet
Price p.N. incl. utilities
1st to 3rd night
Each additional night
+ 45
st rd
Can also be booked as single or double room: 1 -3 night
27, each additional night 22

Nr. 63

Haus Pulina and Haus Margrit

Holiday Flat Wanjek


Zuckerfabrik 2 31162 Bad Salzdetfurth

Tel.: +49 (0) 50 60/60 88 12

0,3 km

12 km

0,5 km

0,3 km

Holiday flat
110 m, 2-6 persons, 1 L-room, 3 B-rooms, kitchen, shower, toilet
Price p.N. incl. utilities
2 people
Each additional person
+ 25


Directly located on the spa park, salt-water swimming pool, very central
Nr. 65

Holiday Flat Carina


Gartenstrae 2 31162 Bad Salzdetfurth

Tel.: +49 (0) 50 63/382
10 km

Holiday flat
60 m, 1 to 2 people
1 L-room, 1 B-room, kitchen, shower, toilet
Price p.N. incl. utilities
1 to 2 persons

0,5 km


Central location in the historical old part of the town

0,5 km

Nr. 66

Haus Wegner


Am Bach 22 31162 Bad Salzdetfurth

Tel.: +49 (0) 50 63/12 18
Fax +49 (0) 50 63/27 07 36
8 km

0,5 km

0,2 km

Double room 1, shower, toilet, terrace

Price p.N. incl. breakfast
from 48 to 52
Holiday flat 1, 65 m, bathtub, WC,
Extra bed available; large enclosed balcony
2 persons from 3 nights
Holiday flat 2, 37 m, bathtub, WC, terrace
2 persons from 3 nights
Near Salze Clinics, tennis centre, salt-water swimming pool and spa park

Graduation House Bad Salzdetfurth


HILDESHEIM HOLIDAY GUIDE 2015 | Map of accommodations in Hildesheim









Kartengrundlage: Stadt Hildesheim Vermessung und Geodaten







4, 5

15, 20




Map of accommodations in Hildesheim | HILDESHEIM HOLIDAY GUIDE 2015


1. Van der Valk Hotel Hildesheim ****, Markt 4, S. 31, J6

2. Novotel Hildesheim ****, Bahnhofsallee 38, S. 32, J6
3. Parkhotel Berghlzchen ****, Am Berghlzchen 1, S. 32, G7

H O T E L S , H O T E L - R E S TAU R A N T S H I L D E S H E I M


ibis Styles Hotel Hildesheim, Zingel 26, S. 33, J6

Brgermeisterkapelle, Rathausstrae 8, S. 33, J6
Landgasthof Zur scharfen Ecke ***, Itzumer Hauptstrae 1, S. 33, L9
Hotel Marheineke, Peiner Landstrae 189, S. 33, J4

H O T E L S - R E S TAU R A N T S , H O T E L G A R N I S

8. Hotel Meyer, Peiner Landstr. 185, S. 34, J4

9. Osterberg Restaurant und Hotel, Linnenkamp 4, S. 34, F5
10. Hotel Am Steinberg, Adolf-Kolping-Strae 6, S. 34, H9
11. Hotel Stadtresidenz, Steingrube 4, S. 34, J6
12. Gstehaus Klocke ***, Humboldtstrae 11, S. 34, H7
13. Gollarts Hotel Deutsches Haus, Bischof-Janssen-Strae 5, S. 34, H6
14. Conditorei Timphus Hotel Garni, Braunschweiger Str. 90, S. 34, J7


15. ABH Gste-Boardinghaus, Bleckenstedter Str. 1, S. 35, H6

16. Guesthouse Baldus, Henri-Dunant-Strae 68, S. 35, L9
17. Tagungshaus Priesterseminar, Neue Strae 3, S. 35, J7
18. DEULA Hildesheim GmbH, Lerchenkamp 42-48, S. 35, H4
19. Youth Hostel Hildesheim, Schirrmannweg 4, S. 35, F7
20. Family Schrder, Bleckenstedter Str. 2, S. 35, H6
21. Private Rooms Zahn, Am Burghof 22, S. 35, H9


22. BWV Guest Apartments, Theaterstr. 7/8, S. 36, J6

23. Holiday Flat am Rottsberg, Oskar-Schindler-Str. 3, S. 36, F7
24. Holiday Flat Dittbrenner, Moekerweg 1, S. 36, F6
25. Guest Apartment Martin Franke, Elzer Str. 117, S. 36, G6
26. Holiday Flat Goethestrae, Goethestr. 53, S. 36, K6
27. Holiday Flats Kaune, Vionvillestr. 6, S. 36, J7
28. Holiday Flat Pfeifer, Mnchhausenweg 10, S. 36, F6
29. Holiday Flat Niels Taube, Fritz-Reuter-Str. 3, S. 36, F5



HILDESHEIM HOLIDAY GUIDE 2015 | Map of accommodations in Hildesheim region

H O T E L S / H O T E L - R E S TAU R A N T S R E G I O N H I L D E S H E I M

30. Gasthof Jrns ***, Marienburger Str. 41, Diekholzen, S. 37, C3

31. Land-gut-Hotel Ruber Lippoldskrug ***, Glenetalstr. 70, Alfeld-Burkensen, S. 37, C4
32. Hotel Ernst, Godehardstrae 2, Giesen, S. 37, C2
33. Hotel Gdecke, Hottelner Straer 18, Sarstedt, S. 37, C2
34. Landgasthaus Zur Linde, Hauptstr. 14, Giesen-Emmerke, S. 37, C3
35. Hotel Gutshof Busch, Gdringer Str. 15, Sarstedt, S. 37, C2

G U E S T H O U S E S / I N N S / P R I VAT E R O O M S R E G I O N H I L D E S H E I M

36. Lindenhof-Helmke, Schaperhof 9, Schellerten-Whle, S. 38, E3

37. Pension Grasdorf, Ohebergstr. 6, Holle-Grasdorf, S. 38, E3
38. Bed & Breakfast Vermittlung Anders, Beethovenstr. 11, Giesen-Ahrberg, S. 38, C2
39. Bed & Breakfast Zimmervermittlung, Kronenberg 3, Schellerten, S. 38, E2
40. Family Ritter, Bernwardstr. 6, Schellerten-Whle, S. 38, E3
41. Hildegard Ziegler, Im Kreuzfeld 6, Nordstemmen-Heyersum, S. 38, C2


42. Holiday House Hausmann, Unter den Pappeln 6A, Harsum-Hnnersum, S. 39, D2
43. Holiday Flat Fritsche, Hinter der Mainte 19, Rheden-Wallenstedt, S. 39, C4
44. Holiday Flat Kaschube, Auf der Lade 14, Giesen-Gro Frste, S. 39, C2
45. Pension Kierstein, Am Schmiedekamp 4, Nordstemmen-Heyersum, S. 39, C2
46. Holiday Flat Marienburg, Calenberger Str. 15, Nordstemmen, S. 39, C3
47. Holiday Flat Minge, An der Hhe 3, Sibbesse, S. 39, D4
48. Am Escherberg Holiday Flat, Zum Escherberg 20, Gro Escherde, S. 39, C3


Map of accommodations in Hildesheim region | HILDESHEIM HOLIDAY GUIDE 2015






Accommodations on pp. 31-36
Detailed map of Hildesheim pp. 44-45



Accommodations on pp. 40-43
Detailed map of Bad Salzdetfurth p. 48



HILDESHEIM HOLIDAY GUIDE 2015 | Map of accommodations in Bad Salzdetfurth



49. HELIOS Clinic Bad Salzdetfurth,

An der Peesel 6, Bad Salzdetfurth, S. 40, A4
50. Salze Clinic, An der Peesel 5,
Bad Salzdetfurth, S. 40, A4


51. Landhotel Lechstedter Obstweinschnke ***S,

Ringstr. 7, S. 41, B1
52. relexa hotel Bad Salzdetfurth ****,
An der Peesel 1, S. 41, A4
53. Hotel Kronprinz, Unterstr. 105, S. 41, A5
54. Landesausbildungszentrum des Nds.
Tennisverbandes e.v., Am Triftweg 3, S. 41, B4


55. Kreiswohnbau Hildesheim GmbH,

Kaiserstr. 21 S. 42, B5
56. Apartments auf der Vienig,
Auf der Vienig 55 , S. 42, B4
57. Apartment Koch, Am Schafberg 1, S. 42, B3
58. Haus Mchel, Am Waldhaus 4, S. 42, A5
59. Holiday Flat Heinz, Lehmkuhle 4, S. 42, B6
60. Holiday Flat Bnteblick,
Hans-Holbein-Weg 10, S. 42, B4




61. Haus Frobse, Birkenweg 33, S. 43, B4

62. Haus Margrit und Haus Pulina,
Drei Berge 9, S. 43, A6
63. Haus Mller, Salinenstr. 29, S. 43, B4
64. Holiday Flat Wanjek, Zuckerfabrik 2, S. 43, A6
65. Holiday Flat Carina, Gartenstrae 2, S. 43, A5
66. Haus Wegner, Am Bach 22, S. 43, A4












Arrival with public transportation | HOLIDAY MAGAZINE HILDESHEIM 2015


Hildesheim is in the south of Lower Saxony, just 30 kilometres away from the State Capital Hanover. The Hildesheim region can be reached easily with different means of transport.

















By car and coach:

From the direction of Hamburg Hanover or Frankfurt Kassel:
motorway A7 (E4), exits Hildesheim-Drispenstedt and Hildesheim
and from there within just a few minutes to the desired destination. From the direction of Berlin or the Ruhr region: Motorway A2 to
motorway interchange Hannover-Ost (Hanover East), then to motorway A7 (E4), direction Hildesheim Kassel and further via one
of the aforementioned exits.
Public transport:
Schedules, line networks and prices for the public short-distance
passenger transport in Hildesheim can be found on the website
By rail:
Fast national connections are guaranteed by the ICE stop in Hildesheim. Additional national connections are provided by regional
trains and the S-Bahn, the Metronom and the North-West Railway.

By coach:
An affordable connection is offered by two coach companies servicing Hildesheim:
MeinFernbus: Zurich - Lrrach - Freiburg - Europa-Park Rust - Karlsruhe Heidelberg - Darmstadt - Frankfurt - Gttingen - Hildesheim
Deutscher Tourring: Croatia Kassel Gttingen Hildesheim
Hanover Hamburg
Flixbus: Paderborn Detmold Hameln Hildesheim Salzgitter
Lebenstedt Braunschweig Magdeburg Berlin
By plane:
The airport Hannover-Langenhagen, just 40 km away from Hildesheim, ensures fast international connections. The Hildesheim airport, near the centre, is available for landing by commercial planes of class 2.


HILDESHEIM HOLIDAY GUIDE 2015 | General Agency Terms


These General Terms and Conditions apply to the contracts established between the customer and Hildesheim Marketing GmbH, acting on behalf and in the name of tourist-information Hildesheim (TI) for the arrangement of travel services, such as accommodation
and city tours.
1 Contract conclusion
(1) The Customer places a binding offer for the conclusion of an
agency contract with us for the requested services (events) when
an electronic booking/purchase order is entered by the visitor/user
(Customer) via the NetHotels information and reservations system. At the same time, this order constitutes the Customers binding offer to the contract partner (Organiser) of the contract arranged
by us for the conclusion of the contract to be brokered; to this extent, we are empowered to accept declarations and conclude contracts on behalf and in the name of the Organiser.
(2) If the order is placed not by electronic means via the NetHotel
Portal, it will not yet constitute an offer by the Customer but merely a non-binding inquiry. The Customers offer will then be made on
the basis of the documents the Customer sends to us.
(3) The conclusion of the contract does not require any specific form.
The declarations may be provided in writing, verbally, by telephone,
fax or email or otherwise by electronic means. Whenever the order
is placed by electronic means, we will immediately confirm the receipt of the order; this confirmation of receipt does not yet constitute an acceptance of the agency contract.
(4) The agency contract will in any case only be effectively concluded upon our acceptance declaration.
(5) A travel contract in the meaning of the law governing travel
contracts will not be established between the Customer and us.
We solely act as agents arranging the contract to be concluded between the Customer and Organiser. Mutual rights and duties under
the arranged contract solely arise from the relationship between
the Customer and the Organiser. Each agency contract placed with
us by way of a booking shall apply only as an individual contract.
Therefore, a combination of different travel services is not possible.
For this reason, an independent and by itself autonomous agency contract shall be established for any additional agency service.
The arranged contracts are also independent from each other. The
rights and duties based on these contracts remain unaffected from
each other.
2 Liability of the party registering
If the Customer registers additional persons besides him or herself
for the event, the Customer also accepts the liability for all persons
registered by him or herself, insofar as the Customer does not provide an accordant separate statement at the time of placing the
3 Contractual duties under the agency contract
(1) Our contractual duties are determined according to the agency
contract concluded with the Customer, in the form of an order to effect a transaction in consideration of these General Terms and Conditions, and consist of the execution of the actions required for the
performance of the requested agency contract, the associated consulting and provision of the needed travel documents, unless these
are sent to the Customer directly by the Organiser.
(2) Insofar as we send notices to the Customer, we will only be liable for the correct choice of the source of information and the correct forwarding to the Customer, within the scope of the law and
the contractual agreements that were concluded between the Customer and us. The same applies to the provision of information. Any


contract for the provision of information in excess thereof that is

subject to a contractual central liability for the provision of information may be effected exclusively by express agreement between
the Customer and us.
4 Supplementing provisions for agency services for
(1) General terms
1. The event price shall be paid exclusively to the Organiser.
2. In this respect as well, the mutual rights and duties established
between the Customer and Organiser shall be solely determined
by the contract arranged by us. The general terms and conditions
of the Organiser shall apply, provided these are effectively included in the contract.
3. The provisions set forth in this paragraph in addition, shall only
apply to agency services for accommodation provided by the commercial and private Organisers who are linked to our booking system and only to such, which are booked via this system. The Organisers listed in the NetHotel Portal are all linked to the booking
system. Exclusively accommodations with these Organisers are the
subject of the agency services. These supplementing provisions do
not apply to any other agency services.
4. The general terms and conditions of the Organiser shall apply
provided these are effectively included in the contract and the following provisions shall apply merely in supplementation.
(2) Travel time, non-arrival
1. The respective Organiser is only obligated to keep the booked accommodation available until 6:00 p.m. of the booked day of arrival, unless a different arrival time was agreed between the Customer and the Organiser. In the case of a non-arrival, the Organiser will
be entitled to provide the accommodation to third parties; in that
case, the Customer will lose his or her right to the accommodation.
This does not apply if the Customer has given notice of a later arrival when placing the order, or on the day of the arrival, if the order was placed on the same day.
2. If the booked accommodation cannot be occupied by another party, the Organiser will be entitled to request a flat sum of up to 80%
of the agreed travel price. The flat sum is measured by the type of
the booked accommodation and the requested additional services.
3. The charged flat fee will then be determined depending on the
claim of the Organiser against the guest, lesser the expenses ordinarily saved by the Organiser. The Customer will in any case be entitled to provide proof of a lesser damage.
(3) Withdrawal (cancellation), change of bookings
1. The Customer may declare its withdrawal from the contract (cancellation) to the Organiser at any time. The declaration shall be given exclusively in the written form.
2. The cancellation is possible free of charge for the Customer until
30 days before the start of travel. Thereafter, the Organiser will be
entitled to charge the flat sum incurred for the non-arrival.
3. Requests for changing the booking or cancellations may be directed to us in writing. If it is possible to meet the Customers request,
the Customer will receive a separate confirmation thereof. Otherwise, the request will be declined. A fee of 5.00 will be charged by
us for the change of the booking or cancellation and will be charged
on the contract that is affected by the change of booking.
4. Should the original contract have to be cancelled in full or in part

General Agency Terms | HILDESHEIM HOLIDAY GUIDE 2015

due to a change of booking, the Organiser will be entitled to charge a

lump sum for damage incurred through the cancellation or non-arrival. This lump sum will be charged in addition to the fee for changing the booking.

relevant for the Customer in the enforcement of his or her claims.

(2) We are likewise not obligated to advise the Customer regarding
his or her claims against the Organiser or to inform him or her of
the observation of deadlines.

5 Supplementing provisions for agency services for events

with event services consisting of guest tours
(1) The visitor tours are dependent on a minimum number of participants. We are required to take this into consideration in the scope
of our agency service activities. In this respect as well, we act merely as agents arranging the contract to be concluded between the
tour guide as the Organiser and the Customer for the respective tour
guide service. The contract to be arranged may therefore only be
accepted when the required participant number is reached. These
tours are hereinafter referred to as Closed Tours.
(2) Excepted thereof are the city tours regularly offered by
Hildesheimer Stadtfhrer-Gilde e.V., which are separately referred
to in the agency service or in the context of the
service description. In this case, we are also only agents. The contract
for the respective tour guide service will then be concluded between
the Customer and the gild, which assigns its members to conduct
the tours. These tours are hereinafter referred to as Open Tours.
(3) Non-participation, withdrawal (cancellation)
1. The Customer may declare its withdrawal (cancellation) to us
at any time. Notice may be given exclusively in the written form.
Closed Tours may be cancelled free of charge during the opening
hours of tourist-information only until one day before the start of
the event. Thereafter, or in case
the Customer does not appear, the Customer will be obligated to
pay the agreed tour guide fee in the full amount. Expenses already
paid in advance (e.g. admission fees) or any fees already paid to us
that are intended for the Organiser will be refunded to the Customer in the case of a timely cancellation.
2. The fee to be paid to the tour guide for his or her services will become due upon the conclusion of the arranged contract. Admission
fees shall be paid insofar as these are not expressly assumed otherwise in exceptions by the Customer on site and these fees are
not included in the event price.
3. We are authorised in the name and on account of the tour guide
arranged by us or the gild to receive the fee from the Customer that
was agreed with the Customer. The Customer will receive a written confirmation of receipt for the fee for verification of the payment to the tour guide. The tour guide may only perform his or her
services after Customer has presented the confirmation of receipt.
4. Conducting the event is not a highly personal obligation of the
tour guide even in the case of the Closed Tours. He or she is entitled
without prior information to be substituted by another guest guide.
All tour guides arranged by us have to fulfil the service according to
the quality requirements agreed with them. The tour guide is obligated to designate persons as his or her substitute, who have been
accepted by us for the agency service.

7 Liability, liability limitation

(1) We are not liable for claims based on the contractual relationships arranged by us. This also applies with regard to any defects
of the arranged service and property damages and personal injuries, which have been caused to the Customer in connection with
the arranged event, unless we have expressly declared our obligation for such.
(2) The liability based on the agency contract concluded between
us and the Customer remains unaffected thereof. Damages in consequence of slight negligence by us or one of our legal representative or vicarious agents, shall be limited to the damage typical and
predictable for the contract, and in amount to three times the event
price. Liability for damages based on a violation of essential contractual duties shall be limited to damages based on intent and gross
negligence. Liability for personal injury as a result of the agency
contract remains unaffected thereof.

6 Complaints
(1) Complaints or other claims arising from the contracts brokered
by us shall be made exclusively against the contract party to the
arranged contract. A notification to us is specifically not sufficient
for compliance with possible deadlines and we are neither entitled
to accept notifications to the Organiser in this regard nor obligated
to forward documents to the Organiser. We are only obligated on
the basis of the agency contract concluded with the Customer to
provide the Customer with all information and documents that are

8 Limitation / Preclusion periods

(1) Claims of the Customer based on the agency contract concluded
with us shall be asserted against us within one month (preclusion
period). The preclusion period will start upon the Customers notice
of the circumstances giving rise to the claim, at the earliest however upon the end of the contract term of the contract arranged by us.
(2) This shall not apply if the Customer is not responsible for having missed the deadline.
(3) The assertion of claims against the Organiser does not serve for
the observation of the deadline.
(4) All claims of the Customer against us will become time-barred
within one year (shortened limitation period). Excepted thereof are
claims due to prohibited acts.
9 Data protection
The data transmitted to us by the Customer will be recorded, stored
and processed electronically and also by way of automated procedure We are authorised to use the data in the scope of our agency contract and to pass it on to the Organisers, insofar as this is required for the fulfilment of the purpose of the contract.
10 Place of fulfilment, applicable law, place of jurisdiction
1) All legal relationships between us and the Customer are solely
governed by German law.
(2) Hildesheim or if applicable, the court competent for the City of
Hildesheim is the exclusive place of jurisdiction for any and all disputes arising from the legal relationships between us and the Customer, provided the Customers are businesses, legal entities of private or public law, or persons who have their place of residence or
habitual abode abroad, or however whose place or residence or habitual abode is unknown at the time when an action is filed. For the
rest, the place of jurisdiction is determined by the legal regulations.
11 Severability clause
Should individual provisions in these General Terms and Conditions
be or become fully or partly invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. Insofar as a provision has not become part of the contract or to the extent as a provision is invalid,
the legal regulations shall apply.



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