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SDMIMD Mail - Details for the second and final group assignment

Himanshu KUMAR SINGH <>

Details for the second and final group assignment

1 message
Rangan Mohan <>

Tue, Nov 25, 2014 at 6:21 PM

Dear Friends

Here are the details for the second and final group assignment as a part of the Internet Marketing course. I
would like the groups to start thinking and discussing about this assignment early enough, so that you are
able to do full justice to the assignment. I believe this assignment would enable you come up with a complete
business plan for running an attractive Internet business. The assignment carries a total weightage of 20%
which would be distributed between the presentation as well as the assignment submission that the group
would make.


The assignment is to be submitted before the end of the day on Saturday December 13th, 2014.

2. The assignment needs to be submitted by the group as a soft copy by email to
3. The submission should include a presentation that the group would be required to make in class as well
as a word document explaining the assignment. Any spreadsheet analysis needs to be also submitted.
4. The presentations would be on December 11th, 12th and 13th. The distribution of groups across the
three days would be announced by me on December 6th.
5. Each presentation would be for a period of 20 minutes followed by questions and analysis. I will have
four groups present on each of the three days.
6. Each group needs to think of one product group or service line that can be the basis for an Internet
7. As a group then imagine you are preparing a business plan for seeking investments into the business
from potential investors. Feel free to study programs like the Young Turks or other programs in channels
such as CNBC TV 18.

For the chosen product or service, highlight some of the following issues.
a. Who is your market? Which segments do you plan to target and how will you position
yourself to the selected segments?

What are the macro and micro environment variables that could impact the business?

c. What would be your three year business plans covering areas such as revenues,
expenses, funding required etc.

What would be the steps you would take to make the business a reality?


How would you use the 4Ps of marketing to best leverage the business?


What steps would you take to popularise your Internet presence?


How would you build a loyal customer following?


What are possible risks and how would you mitigate them?



SDMIMD Mail - Details for the second and final group assignment



What is your justification to encourage investors to put money in your venture?

Please feel free to use any modification to the above format that you deem fit.

With warm regards.


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