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Colegio de Kidapawan

Quezon Blvd. Kidapawan City

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INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Choose only one answer
for each item by ticking the letter of your choice on the box provided before each choices. STRICTLY NO
Test I. Multiple Choices
1. In handwriting examination, what is that act of intermittently forcing the pen against the paper surface with
increased pressure?
[]a. Pen Emphasis
[]b. Pen hold
[]c. Pen pressure
[]d. Pen position
2. What term is used for any repeated element of detail which may serve to individualize writing?
[]a. style
[]b. peculiarities
[]c. habits
[]d. Changes
3. When the writer hides identity and attempts deliberately to alter his usual writing habits, it is
[]a. Secret writing
[]b. Hiding writing
[]c. Closed writing
[]d. disguised writing
4. What kind of examination is where the document is viewed with the source of illumination behind it and the
lights passing through the paper?
[]a. Ultra violet light
[]b. Oblique light
[]c. Sunlight
[]d. transmitted light
5. There is freehand invitation and is considered as the most skillful of forgery.
[]a. simulated
[]b. blind
[]c. traced
[]d. simple
6. Condensed and compact set of authentic specimen which is adequate and proper should contain a cross section
of the material from known sources.
[]a. Standard document
[]b. disguised document
[]c. Requested document
[]d. questioned document
7. Specimens of hand writing or of type script which is of known origin.
[]a. exemplars
[]b. samples
[]c. letters
[]d. documents
8. A document which is being questioned because of origin, its contents ort the circumstances or the stories of
its production.
[]a. Standard document
[]b. disguised document
[]c. Requested document
[]d. questioned document
9. The art of beautiful writing.
[]a. calligraphy
[]b. iconography
[]c. ideography
[]d. budbudgraphy
10. Any written instrument by which a right or obligation is established.
[]a. Certification
[]b. love letter
[]c. Document
[]d. questioned document
11. The following are characteristics of forgery except one.
[]a. presence of natural variation []b. Multiple pen lifts
[]c. patchwork appearance
[]d. bad quality of ink lines
12. Standards which are prepared upon the request of the investigator and for the purpose of comparison with the
questioned document.
[]a. relative standards
[]b. requested standards
[]c. extended standards
[]d. collected standards
13. Any stroke which goes back over another writing stroke.
[]a. shading
[]b. natural variation
[]c. retracing
[]d. rhythm
14. The name of a person written by him/her in a document as a sign of acknowledgement.
[]a. Opinion
[]b. thumbmark
[]c. Document
[]d. Signature
15. An n instruction that can be legally used in comparison with a questioned document, its origin is known and
can be proven.
[]a. simulated
[]b. compared
[]c. forged
[]d. standard

16. The process of making out what is illegible or what has been effaced.
[]a. decipherment
[]b. Collation
[]c. obliteration
[]d. Comparison
17. A document which contain some either as an addition or deletion.
[]a. added document
[]b. inserted document
[]c. deleted document
[]d. altered document
18 It is the periodic increase in pressure, characterizes by widening of the ink stroke.
[]a. Pen Emphasis
[]b. Pen hold
[]c. Pen pressure
[]d. Pen position
19. A kind of erasure by using a rubber eraser, sharp, knife, razor blade or picking instrument.
[]a. electrical
[]b. chemical
[]c. mechanical
[]d. Magnetic
20. It is a kind of handwriting that is characterized by being connected in which one letter is joined to the next.
[]a. block
[]b. script
[]c. cursive
[]d. vigorous
21. The place where the writer grasps the barrel of the pen and the angle at which he holds it is called:
[]a. Pen Emphasis
[]b. Pen hold
[]c. Pen pressure
[]d. Pen position
22. The element of the writing movement which is marked by regular or periodic recurrences. It may be classed as
smooth, intermittent, or jerky in its quality.
[]a. simplification
[]b. slope/slant
[]c. shading
[]d. rhythm
23. What do we call the series of lines or curves written in a single letter; one of the lines of an alphabet or series
of lines or curves within a single letter; the path traced by the pen on the paper?
[]a. slope
[]b. delta
[]c. Stroke
[]d. Pen lift
24. One is not a type of handwriting "Standards"
[]a. collected
[]b. post litem motam
[]c. requested
[]d. none of these
25. The act/process of making the content/s of a document not the intended content.
[]a. counterfeiting
[]b. erasure
[]c. falsification
[]d. forgery
26. One of these is an example of a handgun:
[]a. Revolvers and Rifles
[]b. pistols and rifles
[]c. pistol and revolver
[]d. rifles and shotguns
27. The study of handwriting to determine one's personality traits is called
[]a. dactyloscopy
[]b. graphology
[]c. questioned document examination
[]d. grapology
28. The term used to refer to any document that is completely written and sign by one person is[]a. spurious
[]b. simulated
[]c. test
[]d. holograph
29. The overall character of the ink line from the beginning to the ending of a letter is referred to as
[]a. alignment
[]b. line quality
[]c. rhythm
[]d. skill
30. Contemporary handwriting standards means that the age of the standards should be within[]a. 15 year prior to the date of the question document
[]b. 8 years prior to the date of the question document
[]c. 10 years prior to the date of the question document
[]d. 5 years prior to the date of the question document
31. The series of lines or curves with the letter of the alphabet are known as[]a. stroke structure
[]b. slope
[]c. alignment
[]d. slant
32. A kind of handwriting movement wherein the writing is executed by the action of the whole hand with the
wrist as a pivot or center of action is referred to as
[]a. finger movement
[]b. forearm movement
[]c. hand movement
[]d. whole arm movement
33. Among the following, what kind of examination which is maid to aid the examiner discover or perceived some
minutes physical details of a material which would not be possible by merely using his naked eye?
[]a. transmitted light exam
[]b. ultra violet exam
[]c. infrared light exam
[]d. microscopic exam
34. Which of the following includes both the circumstances under which the writing was prepared and the factors,
which influence the writer`s ability to write at the time of the execution?
[]a. writing movement
[]b. writing conditions
[]c. writing quality
[]d. system of writing
35. In forgery, the forged signature made without an effort to make a resemblance of a genuine signature done in
a natural or disguise writing of the forger, otherwise known as spurious signature is called[]a. traced
[]c. copied

[]b. simulated
[]d. simple

36. A genuine signature which has been used to prepare an imitated or traced forgery is considered[]a. a standard signature
[]b. an exemplars
[]c. a model signature
[]d. a formal signature
37. Those standard of writing which can be obtain from files of document executed in the course of a person`s day
to day business, official, social or personal activities are known as[]a. collected standard
[]b. exemplars
[]c. requested standard
[]d. post litem motam standard
38. The term used when referring to the additional between line, paragraph, or even addition of the whole page in
a document is[]a. Addition
[]b. substitution
[]c. interlineations or intercalation []d. superimposition
39. What is known as the element of writing movement, which is marked by regular or periodic recurrences of
[]a. skill
[]b. pen pressure
[]c. writing condition
[]d. rhythm
40. A term used by some document examiners and attorneys to characterized known material.
[]a. basis
[]b. reproduce
[]c. Xerox copies
[]d. Exemplar
41. It is the result of a very complicated series of facts, being used as a whole, combination of certain forms of
visible mental and muscular habits acquired by long. Continued painstaking effort. Some defined it as visible
[]a. typewriting
[]b. handwriting
[]c. money bills
[]d. all of these
42. In document examination, what is the relation of parts of the whole of writing or line of individual letters in
words to the baseline?
[]a. lining
[]b. alignment
[]c. proportion
[]d. letter forms
43. Any property or marks which distinguishes and in document examination commonly called to as the identifying
details is called
[]a. characteristics
[]b. standard
[]c. attributes
[]d. form
44. The act of setting two or more items side by side to weight their identifying qualities: It refers not only a visual
but also the mental act in which the element of one item are related to the counterparts of the other.
[]a. Comparison
[]b. comparisone
[]c. Collation
[]d. coalition
45. In the study of handwriting, the movement of the pen toward the writer is called
[]a. back stroke
[]b. side stroke
[]c. free stroke
[]d. down stroke
46. It is a signature, signed at a particular time and place. Under particular conditions, while the signer was at
particular age, in a particular physical and mental condition, using particular implements, and with a particular
reason and purpose for recording his name.
[]a. freehand forge signature
[]b. evidential signature
[]c. fraudulent signature
[]d. guided signature
47. It is the crime of making ,circulating or uttering false coins and bank notes .Literally, it means to make a copy
of: or imitate: to make a spurious semblance of, as money or stamps, with the intent to deceive or defraud.
[]a. forgery
[]b. fake money bills
[]c. falsification
[]d. counterfeiting
48. What is the rounded outside of the top of the bend stroke in small letters m, n and h?
[]a. arc
[]b. shoulder
[]c. hump
[]d. arch
49. Which of the following refers to any major long downward stroke of a letter like the long downward stroke of
the letter b, g?
[]a. shank
[]b. Stem
[]c. descender
[]d. Staff
50. The imitation of the style of writing by another person becomes difficult because the other person
Cannot by mere will power reproduce in himself all the muscular combination from habit of the first writer
[]a. Has entirely different psychological condition
[]b. Learned an entirely different fundamentals of writing
[]c. Has different experience in work, school and other environmental factors
[]d. Cannot be mere power will reproduce in himself all the muscular combination from habit of the first
[]e. all of these
51. Which of these refers to the relationship between the heights of the short letters with the tall letters?
[]a. slant
[]b. slope
[]c. position
[]d. ratio

52. The act of intermittently forcing the pen against the proper surface is known as
[]a. pen pressure
[]b. pen force
[]c. pen emphasis
[]d. shading
53. Which of the following refers to the fraudulent signature which was executed by actual following the outline of
a genuine signature with a writing instrument
[]a. simple
[]b. traced
[]c. purious
[]d. simulated
54. The gap on a continuous stroke which maybe regarded as a special form of pen lift is known as
[]a. pen stop
[]b. hiatus
[]c. pen lift
[]d. ball gaphiatus
55. The creative combination of printing and cursive writing is called
[]a. scripted
[]b. printscript
[]c. cursive
[]d. calligraphy
56. What is the frequently encountered forgery of signature
[]a. traced
[]b. simple
[]c. computer scanning
[]d. simulated
57. It is the top portion of a letter or upper loop.
[]a. arc
[]b. Ascender
[]c. Arch
[]d. loop
58. A bad writing.
[]a. Mejadography
[]b. Cartagenagraphy
[]c. Cacography
[]d. Calligraphy
59. The end stroke of a letter.
[]a. ending/terminate stroke
[]b. finish stroke
[]c. mild stoke
[]d. backstroke
60. The lower part of a letter which rest on the base line.
[]a. foot
[]b. hands
[]c. Arc
[]d. eye
61. It is a minute curve or an ankle which often occurs at the end of the terminal strokes.
[]a. foot
[]b. uppercut
[]c. hook
[]d. roundhouse kick
62. A capital letter.
[]a. Capital
[]b. Majuscule
[]c. Miniscule
[]d. letter
63. A small letter.
[]a. Capital
[]b. Majuscule
[]c. Miniscule
[]d. letter
64. A short initial or terminal stroke.
[]a. staff
[]b. stem
[]c. Spur
[]d. shank
65. The upright long downward stroke that is the trunk or stalks, normally seen in capital letters.
[]a. staff
[]b. stem/shank
[]c. Spur
[]d. Tick/Hitch
66. Any short stroke, which usually occurs at the top of the letters.
[]a. staff
[]b. stem/shank
[]c. Spur
[]d. Tick/Hitch
67. A writing weakness portrayed by irregular shaky stroke
[]a. staff
[]b. stem/shank
[]c. Tremor
[]d. Tick/Hitch
68. The study of ancient handwriting.
[]a. ideography
[]b. paleography
[]c. Iconography
[]d. geography
69. t crossing and dots of the letter i and j.
[]a. dicretic
[]b. daicritic
[]c. diacritic
[]d. diarticic
70. A Greek word petros meaning:
[]a. stone
[]b. cave
[]c. soil
[]d. papyrus
Test II. Enumeration. (2 points each.)
1-3. Types of standard documents:

4-5. Types of hand writing characteristics:

6-9. Kinds of Handwriting:

10-15. Types of Modern Copybook system

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