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Market Report December 12, 2008

Higher Yields Coupled With A Decrease In Demand Will Keep Corn Prices Lower
And Improve Operating Performance Of Ethanol Producers For 2009
‰ New seed and planting innovations will boost corn yield per acre, driving corn prices
lower, in our opinion. Companies such as Monsanto and DuPont have new, innovative
seeds and technologies in their research and development pipelines. On the horizon are seed
technologies which will resist drought, disease and insect destruction. The hybrids that the
agricultural segments of these corporations are working on will save farmers in excess of $10
billion dollars world-wide and increase yields on average 2% annually, by our estimates. We
have seen a wave of biotechnology released from the R&D pipelines in 2007 and 2008, and
expect further innovations for the 2009 season
‰ Corn exports for 2009 are expected to decline, adding to supply in our view. The USDA
projects corn exports at 2 billion bushels for the 2009 crop year, nearly 18% below the 2008
crop year. Corn will face heavier competition with wheat and coarse grain production in the
upcoming year, according to early USDA forecasts. The European Union (EU) is expected to
produce more wheat in crop year 2009 versus crop year 2008, which translates to less EU
corn imports and a higher supply of corn in the world market.
‰ Hedge funds and commodity sell-offs have recently put downward pressure on the
price of corn and other commodities, and we expect this trend to continue through
2H:09. Speculation is one reason for the mid-summer price spike of corn. The price of corn
reached an all time record of $7.99 per bushel in July, but has since retreated over 60% in less
than four months. Hedge fund managers must share responsibility, as they invest in
commodities to offset other losses. Currently, with the strong downward movement of
commodity prices, we expect hedge fund managers and other speculators to sit on the
sidelines for the foreseeable future, which will continue to keep many commodities, including
corn, at current or lower levels for the next 9 months, in our opinion.

‰ The Fed’s recent Wall Street bailout package could strengthen the US dollar,
maintaining downward pricing pressure on the price of corn, in our opinion. The rise of
the greenback is taking place largely because the rest of the world is looking at slower
economic growth or, in some cases, even recession. The US economy is expected to rebound
quicker than Europe, which also is reflected in the strengthening dollar. Exports of US goods
including corn, which have been strong, will run into head winds if the dollar keeps rising.

‰ We contend that lower corn prices will help improve operating margins for well-
managed ethanol producers, all other things being equal, and that growth in demand for
ethanol will lead to improved profitability for these producers. The initiative for alternative
fuels has poised the ethanol market to where it is today, 8 billion barrels forecasted for 2008.
We expect ethanol to be the largest demand catalyst for corn through 2009, and anticipate that
this higher demand will be offset by lower demand for corn in non-US markets and through
improvements in yield. We anticipate improved margins for ethanol producers’ in 4Q:08 and
through 2Q:09.
Introduction Now with the price of corn hovering around
$3.25 per bushel, farmers’ margins are
The price and supply of corn is dynamic and squeezed given the rising cost of fertilizer,
influenced by a variety of factors, including diesel and rents. As of November 23, roughly
hedge funds, global economies, the strength of 11% of the corn crop has yet to be harvested,
the US dollar, exports and competition with versus 1% at this time in 2007. Farmers’
other grains. The decline in the price of corn wishful thinking of $7 per bushel corn is one
and other commodities since July has been reason for a delayed harvest, but late
astounding; oil is down nearly 70%, hovering in maturation and wet conditions in October are
the mid $40’s, while corn and ethanol are down also responsible for the harvest set back.
over 60% to $3.09 and 53% to $1.40,
respectively. The pullbacks have been However, the corn must be harvested soon to
exacerbated by a widening global economic prepare the soil for the 2009 planting season.
slowdown that has lowered the demand for We expect that farmers will store some of their
commodities such as corn. grain and wait for favorable pricing, but we do
not expect farmers to leave their corn in the
ECM’s mission in this Market Report is to field or store their corn too long, as the cost of
examine the variables that affect corn supply storage and risk of damage will erode profits.
and demand and to explore corn’s relationship
with these variables. In particular, we want to A stronger US dollar and lower exports are
assess the catalysts that will help maintain the result of the Fed’s Wall Street bailout
lower corn prices and the impact of lower corn plan. The action has begun to prop up the
prices to an ethanol producer’s bottom line, dollar, which will help lower corn prices, as
and come to a conclusion regarding the future countries that have imported US corn will
direction of corn prices and yields. realize favorable economics by importing corn
or alternative grains from other nations.
Catalysts Lowering Corn Prices However, if the $700 billion package reignites
inflation and selling in the dollar, corn may
Hedge funds and corn speculation have quickly regain its price loss. We think it is likely
been a catalyst for corn price increases and that the US dollar will continue to strengthen
pullbacks. Hedge funds and other speculators relative to other currencies through 2009. We
jumped into corn future markets during the contend that the US will recover from the
summer on news that bad weather and global recession quicker than Europe and other
flooding would threaten crop yield, and the nations, also giving the dollar a boost.
investment in corn more than offset losses in
other investments. The exuberance fueled Foreign competition with other grains will
corn prices to a record high of $7.99 per bushel fuel corn supply build up. The USDA
by mid-July. projects US corn exports at 2 billion bushels for
crop year 2009, or nearly 18% below exports of
Inexperience is partially to blame for the burst the 2008 crop year, which ended August 31.
in the commodities bubble. For the first time, Wheat and coarse grain production outside the
many hedge fund managers were exposed to a US are expected to be record large in crop
commodities boom and were not prepared for year 2009. Feedstock consumption of wheat
the volatility associated with commodities, like outside the US is projected at 3.8 billion
corn. Hedge funds and other big institutional bushels, nearly an 18% increase year over
investors plowed money into commodities as year.
prices sourced in 1H:08. According to Alaron
Trading Corp., the speculation drove a wedge Foreign wheat production is forecasted at 20.1
between the commodities trading price and the billion bushels, roughly 9% larger than the
intrinsic value of the asset as reflected by 2008 crops. According to Darrel Good,
actual supply and demand. University of Illinois marketing specialist, most
of the increase is expected in the European
Union, which translates to a decline in EU corn
imports of 354 million bushels. Mr. Good went About 70% of HFCS is used in soft drink
on to say, “Although the US exports virtually no beverages; most of the HFCS decline is
corn to the EU, the decline in import demand attributed to reductions in demand for these
makes more corn from other sources available beverages. We have not seen a downward
to the world market.” trend in the sweeteners used by food
manufacturers, indicating a greater likelihood
A weakened global economy will continue that sugar has been replacing some of the
to put downward pressure on corn prices. HFCS.
As the standard of living increases, people
change their diets. They shift away from a diet Other grains are used more widely than
consisting largely of staple food crops (such as corn kernels for livestock feed. Nearly half
rice and wheat) into a diet that includes more or 95.8 million bushels of barley grown in the
fish, meat, dairy products, and eggs. A US is used to feed livestock. Some of the
broader economic slowdown has the potential nation’s wheat is planted to a limited extent as
to temper the increase in world meat demand a crop for livestock; also the straw is used for
for the short term, and therefore the rate of livestock feed. Soybean husks and soy meal
increase in corn feeding. are used primarily as animal feed. And lastly, a
large part of the diet for horses, cattle and
A protein-based diet requires the feeding of chicken is comprised of oats.
livestock. Livestock is fed grass, grain and
protein meal. More grazing land and an Planted Area for US Corn, Sorghum, Barley, and Oats
increased production of feed grains will be 120
Acres (millions)

required to meet the escalating demand for the 100

higher-income diet, in the long-term. 80
US exports of all grain for livestock will retreat 20
Corn Sorghum Barley Oats

for the short-term, if a global recession 0

continues, in our view. In the likelihood of a














global recession, the trend will change and




importing nations will shift to starch based diets
that are native to the respective countries Corn for livestock feed use in the US is
versus importing grain and livestock. relatively static as a demand driver because of
the growing availability of distillers grains as an
Competition for sweeteners and livestock alternative feedstock. This translates to lower
feed will lower demand for corn, in our corn prices on softer demand.
view. According to the USDA, the US is the
largest consumer of sweeteners, including high
fructose corn syrup (HFCS), and one of the
Catalysts Increasing Corn Supply
largest importers of sugar, making the US
sweetener market the largest and most diverse Biotech will increase corn yields
in the world. Recent increases in sugar
demand have been offset by decreases in New seed and planting development will
demand for high fructose corn syrup. add to an increase in the supply of corn in
crop years 2009 and 2010. Companies such
HFCS, sugar for industrial uses, and
direct consum ption im ports as Monsanto Co. (NYSE: MON) and EI DuPont
de Nemours & Co (DuPont) (NYSE: DD)
15000 develop agricultural seeds that are modified to
10000 4228 4660 4723 4961 enhance yield. In the pipeline of both
7272 7218 7017 6807 organizations are advancements in
2004/ 05 2005/ 06 2006/ 07 2007/ 08
biotechnology that will address the following:
Source: USDA HFCS Ref ined Sugar
1) Drought tolerant corn. Drought characteristics and enhance protein
causes world wide losses in excess of content in feed co-products. We expect
$8 billion. Reducing the need for commercialization of this hybrid in 3-5
irrigation will save growers time and years, as it is in stage II of development.
money and increase yield. The product
is in stage III of development at New technologies and planting methods
Monsanto; we expect a launch in about will also increase crop yields. New
2 years. technology will improve performance
predictability, reduce yield variability and
2) Corn that will combat rootworms, accelerate the pace of yield enhancement.
corn borers and other leaf or ear Gene sequencing and shuffling, laser and
feeding insects. Globally, these marker assisted seed selection and seed
insects combined are responsible for development technology all have the capability
losses over $4 billion. A prelaunch is to boost yields.
scheduled for 2009 and full
commercialization is intended for 2010. Farmers are using technologies like GPS,
onboard computerized yield monitors and
3) The most common disease found in
satellite imagery to ensure the most efficient
corn fields worldwide is stalk rot,
use of fertilizers and chemicals. Also, today’s
which is creating estimated yield losses
tractors and combines use state-of-the-art
of more than 263 million bushels in
propulsion systems that more efficiently use
North and South America alone.
diesel fuel.
DuPont expects the launch of the new
disease-resistant seed for the 2009
growing season. In the past 10 years, annual per acre yield
production has grown more than in the
4) According to Dupont, US growers previous 50 years. Biotechnology is
apply an average of 138 pounds of responsible for an increase in yields from 1.5%
nitrogen per acre of corn, which per year for 1944-1994 to 2% per year since
translates to a cost of nearly $90 per 1996, which translates to a 15 billion bushel
acre. DuPont envisions a hybrid that corn crop by 2020.
will require less nitrogen, lowering the
grower’s input costs. The reduced For 2008, the USDA estimates a yield of 154
nitrogen corn is still in the first stage of bushels per acre grown on 86.9 million acres,
development at DuPont; we do not compared to the 2007 harvest year of 151.1
expect commercialization before 2015. bushels per acre grown on 93.6 million acres.

5) More than 1.6 billion bushels of corn We look for the average US corn yield to grow
annually are used to produce ethanol, 2% for crop year 2009 to 157.1 bushels of corn
corn sweeteners and a variety of food per acre. We attribute the growth in yield
and industrial starch products. Some partially to breakthrough technology.
hybrids in the development pipeline
have the potential to produce more Impact of corn price on the US
starch, decreasing the aggregate ethanol industry
amount of corn needed for these
productions. These products have
Factors determining profitability
recently been commercialized.
6) An exciting hybrid in the pipeline is a The two most significant variables that drive
corn that will increase the value of the profitability of ethanol production are the
ethanol co-products. DuPont reported cost of a bushel of corn and the selling price of
that its hybrid will increase the levels of a gallon of ethanol. As long as the change in
fermentable starch, improve corn oil the cost of a bushel of corn and the change in
the price of a gallon of ethanol retain a 3 to 1 The rapid increase in the price of oil slowed
relationship, profitability remains the same, all demand and reduced consumption, which in
other costs being equal. Since 2006, turn contributed to the decrease in the price of
increased demand for corn, including demand oil. As the economic conditions continued to
for ethanol production, resulted in temporary deteriorate, both the demand for and price of
increases in price of corn; however, we think gasoline and ethanol fell.
that corn prices will continue to adjust to near
historic averages in the long run, given current Continued Importance of Ethanol
and expected corn production levels.
Ethanol is added to 70% of the total US
Increasing yield potential, along with the gasoline inventory at levels up to 85% (E85).
growth and segmentation of both new and We expect 100% of the US gasoline inventory
old corn markets, will keep the corn market to be blended with ethanol under President-
balanced. Ethanol’s presence in the corn Elect Obama. We estimate that an additional 5
market is necessary to stabilize corn price. billion gallons of ethanol would be required to
According to the Ethanol Promotion and bring E10 to areas in the US that are not using
Information Council, corn markets have not E10. The number of vehicles that can operate
seen significant growth in the past 10 years, on ethanol mixtures as high as 85% ethanol
with the exception of ethanol, and it is likely (E85) are on the rise; we expect that all new
that without the increasing market for ethanol, cars made in the US will be able to run on
corn prices would have decreased to near blends of E85 by 2013. According to the
historic lows and acres would have transitioned Energy Information Administration, the US
into other crops such as soybeans and wheat. production of 585,000 barrels of ethanol a day
Corn used for ethanol will not significantly is reducing the US oil imports by roughly
affect the price of corn, provided that ethanol 500,000 barrels per day. In the short term, with
production and corn yields increase at a global recession looming, the price of oil has
adequate rates. dropped considerably from its all time high of
over $147 a barrel to roughly $45, or nearly
70%, in 5 short months.

We cannot discount the nearly 750 million

automobiles on the road world-wide that
require fuel. We expect that the worldwide
growth in new automobiles and demand for
gasoline and ethanol will ease in reaction to a
global recession. However, when economies
There is a distinct correlation between the do recover, the demand for automobiles,
cost of corn, the price of ethanol and the price gasoline and ethanol will also strengthen.
of oil. As the price per barrel of oil peaked at Emerging nations, such as China and India,
$147, the price of ethanol spiked at $2.96, and will be the last to recover and restore demand,
the price of corn jumped to $7.99. in our opinion.

If we examine the oil and ethanol relationship, We are confident that the demand and price
we can conclude that higher oil prices helped of oil will surpass record 2008 levels when
fuel the demand for corn-based ethanol, which the global economy recovers, high levels of
is the only commercially viable alternative fuel manufacturing commence, emerging nations
for cars and trucks in the US today. Ethanol is continue to develop, and an increased number
blended with gasoline in the US to lower the of automobiles are on the road in more
price of fuel and improve environmental quality. counties. We expect, within a year, the price of
ethanol to rebound as supply of oil is limited
and ethanol fills in the supply gap.
US Ethanol Production
A decline in corn prices will reduce the cost of
Billions of gallons

15 goods sold and result in improved gross

10 margins. Although we anticipate two or three
5 quarters of earning’s pressure as the selling
0 price of ethanol is lower than the price in

3Q:08, we do expect lower corn prices to help
mitigate the impact of a decline in revenue.
We do expect pressure on ethanol
producers’ bottom-line for the short-term. We expect the price of corn to remain
The squeeze will be attributed to the selling substantially lower than mid-summer prices,
price of ethanol, in our opinion. We think that hovering in the range of $2.30-$3.50 based on
the cost of goods (primarily corn) for ethanol our estimates through 2010. Lower prices will
producers will be favorable longer than the be the result of increased supply and lower
selling price of ethanol is unfavorable, from an demand. Higher corn supply and lower price
ethanol producer’s perspective. will be attributed to:

We expect quarterly earnings for ethanol ƒ A stronger US dollar, reducing US

producers to reflect the lower corn costs, exports.
beginning with 4Q:08. ƒ Corn’s increased competition with other
grains for livestock feed.
We think that in 1Q:09, ethanol producers ƒ Emerging countries possible dietary
might feel top-line pressure as the demand for shift, substituting local starches for
oil and price of ethanol continue to retreat, but meats.
a likely upswing in oil and ethanol prices during ƒ Global recession lowering the demand
2Q:09 will improve margins as the economy for gasoline and ethanol.
begins to mend and summer travel ƒ New seed technology and farming
commences, increasing gasoline consumption. innovations that will increase yield.
ƒ Hedge fund and commodity speculator
investment easing.

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