A Helpful Friend Louisa Opened Her Eyes.

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A Helpful Friend

Louisa opened her eyes. It seemed, at first, as if all that had happened since the days
when these objects were familiar to her were the shadows of a dream. But gradually, as the
objects became more real to her sight, the events became more real to her mind.
She could scarely move her head due to the pain and heaviness. Her eyes were strained
and sore, and she was very weak. The presence of her little sister in the room did not attract
her notice for some time. Even when their eyes had met, and her sister had approached the
bed, Louisa laid for minutes looking at her in silence.
"When was I brought to this room?"
"Last night, Louisa."
"Who brought me here?"
"Sissy, I believe."
"Why do you believe so?"
"Because I found her here this morning. She didn't come to my bedside to wake me, as
she always does; and I went to look for her. She was not in her own room either; and I went
looking for her all over the house, until I found her here taking care of you and cooling your
"The last thing I remembered was cycling down the road to the doctor," said Louisa as
Jane bent down to kiss her sister.
"You were too weak and you fainted while cycling. Luckily, Sissy was on the other
side of the road and she quickly called the doctor. The doctor came and attended to you, he
gave you an injection and then drove Sissy and you home."
Lousia was glad she was safely sleeping in her bed now. She was too feeble and
needed more rest. She turned upon her pillow, and heard no more.

1. Why couldn't Louisa move her head?


2. What would Sissy do on most of the mornings when she woke up?

3. Who was in the room with Louisa when she awoke?


4. What had happened to Louisa the day before?


5. Why do you think Sissy was cooling Louisa's head?


Respect Your Name

"Now, what I want is facts. Teach these boys and girls nothing but facts. Facts alone
are wanted in life. Plant nothing else and root out everything else. You can only form the
minds of reasoning animals upon facts. Nothing else will ever be of any service to them. This
is the principle on which I bring up these children. Stick to facts."
The speaker was Mr Thomas. The place was a typical school classroom. Mr Thomas'
tone of voice was inflexible and dictatorial. At the back of the classroom was the school
headmaster, who had come to watch how Mr Thomas conducted his classes.
"Girl number twenty. I'm afraid I do not know you. Could you please introduce
yourself," said Mr Thomas.
"Sissy Jupe, sir," replied number twenty as she stood up, blushed and curtseyed.
"Sissy is not a name," said Mr Thomas. "Don't call yourself Sissy. Cecilia is the name."
As he spoke, the class started imagining Mr Thomas as a cannon loaded with facts, ready to
blast at them anytime.
"It's my friends who always call me Sissy, sir," replied the little dark-haired girl in a
trembling voice. Her large brown eyes fixed upon Mr Thomas, barely daring to blink.
"Then do tell them that you should not be called Sissy anymore."
"Yes, sir. I shall do that."
"Children, you must all understand that we are each given a name. This name must be
respected and no one should make fun of this name of yours. We must address each other
politely and changing someone's name is definitely not the right thing to do. I want you to
bear this in mind. Understood?"
"Yes, sir. Understood, sir." replied the class in unison.

6. Why did Mr Thomas believe that facts is most important?


7. Which phrase showed that Mr Thomas meant every word he said.


8. Why did number twenty called herself "Sissy"? What was her real name?

9. Who was the other adult in the classroom and why was he there?

10. What is the meaning of the word "unison"?


Dogs were domesticated from wolves over 10,000 years ago in the Middle East as
people started to realize dogs' great potential in guarding and hunting. This is evident from
ancient cave paintings which often depict dogs assisting men during hunting. Today there are
over 200 million dogs being kept as pets with North America having the largest share.
The dog is not a pure carnivore. It eats fruits, vegetables as well as meat and should be
considered an omnivore. Its internal organs are similar to those of humans although
externally both species look very different. The body of a dog basically provides strength and
speed. The paws have pads which act as shock absorbers when they run or leap.
Dogs have excellent sense of smell because their noses have long smelling membranes.
Their sense of hearing is also much better than human beings. They are able to swivel their
ears so as to focus on the source of the sound. However, they do not see things in colour but
in black, white and shades of grey.
The average life span of a dog is tweleve years. The first year is equal to fifteen human
years, the second is nine and thereafter, each dog year is four human years. This means dogs
age much faster and live the equivalent of about sixty-four human years.

11. Why did Man domesticate dogs?


12. Why is the dog not a pure carnivore?


13. Dogs are often used by police to sniff for drugs. What makes dogs so special in
this area?

14. Would you describe a dog's vision as excellent? If not, why?


15. When we say that 1 dog year is equal to several human years,
what are we actually referring to?

16. This is an excellent science magazine, you should ________ to it.

(1) order (3) subscribe
(2) purchase (4) charge ( )

17. You need a doctor's ________ to buy this medicine.

(1) certificate (3) prescription
(2) letter (4) order ( )

18. In yesterday's football match, our defenders made a ________

which resulted in an own goal.
(1) melee (3) joke
(2) success (4) blunder ( )
19. He has ________ many mistakes in his life but we must forgive him.
(1) made (3) done
(2) performed (4) dictated ( )

20. Sulin is ________ some cheese onto her plate of sphagetti.

(1) sprinkling (3) throwing
(2) dropping (4) showering ( )

21. We need a ________ engineer, otherwise we wouldn't be able to do a proper job.

(1) educated (3) degree
(2) loyal (4) qualified ( )

22. After living three years in Singapore, John is now a ________ resident.
(1) qualified (3) permanent
(2) good (4) respected ( )

23. Mr Lim was feeling ________ at the party because he was a thorn among the roses.
(1) good (3) awkward
(2) happy (4) strange ( )

24. To prevent the snake's poison from spreading to other parts of the body,
the doctor needs to ________ his leg.
(1) chopped (3) save
(2) amputate (4) saw ( )

25. James is asthmatic, you can hear him ________.

(1) breathing (3) panting
(2) coughing (4) wheezing ( )
26. The reservoir is in close ________ to Yilan's house.
(1) by (3) proximity
(2) encounter (4) neighbour
27. The road was flooded and not passable to vehicles. We had to make a ________.
(1) tour (3) detour
(2) reverse (4) journey ( )

28. When I arrived at my hostel, I realised my room had been ________

as things were scattered everywhere.
(1) opened (3) treaded
(2) stolen (4) ransacked ( )

29. I cannot sleep well in the night, I must be suffering from ________.
(1) amnesia (3) insomia
(2) nostalgia (4) tiredness ( )

30. The play did not receive the reviews it deserved from the ________.
(1) writers (3) people
(2) critics (4) newsagent ( )

31. The king refused to give in to the demands of the invaders

because they were ________.
(1) unreasonable (3) untrue
(2) unsuitable (4) unfriendly ( )

32. My teacher was away yesterday and she had to ________ our class to next week.
(1) delay (3) alter
(2) postpone (4) change ( )

33. The huge turnout at our school carnival was beyond our ________.
(1) dreams (3) expectations
(2) ability (4) curiosity ( )

34. The populations in many European countries are on the ________

because of their low birthrate.
(1) increase (3) decrease
(2) change (4) move ( )

35. Drug trafficking is ________ by law.

(1) encouraged (3) punishable
(2) treated (4) condone ( )
36. Ali is ________ of the twins.
(1) as old (3) the older
(2) the oldest (4) oldest ( )

37. Science ________ my favourite subject all along.

(1) has been (3) are
(2) is being (4) is ( )

38. Are you aware that ________ in enclosed buildings is prohibited?

(1) smoke (3) smoking
(2) smoked (4) smokes ( )

39. Mr Lim ________ such a busy man that he has to work all day.
(1) is (3) was
(2) was (4) were ( )

40. You needn't do it alone. Let ________ help.

(1) I (3) you
(2) my (4) me ( )

41. He can either take a bus to town ________ hail a taxi.

(1) or (3) and
(2) while (4) yet ( )

42. Although he is thirty-five, he looks young because he has a ________ face.

(1) boy (3) boyish
(2) boyhood (4) childlike ( )

43. Most of us ________ our headmaster and we greet him whenever we see him.
(1) respects (3) respecting
(2) respected (4) respect ( )

44. I'm sure I ________ this movie before.

(1) seen (3) was seeing
(2) have seen (4) see ( )

45. My neighbour found out that his car had lost two of ________ wheels.
(1) his (3) it's
(2) their (4) its ( )
46. The police are taking a tough stand ________ reckless drivers.
(1) on (3) against
(2) to (4) toward ( )

47. A kilogram of feather is as ________ as a kilogram of steel.

(1) heavy (3) heavier
(2) heaviest (4) lighter ( )

48. The water in the drain will flow ________ the canal.
(1) from (3) in
(2) through (4) into ( )

49. The children were singing ________ happily when I left them.
(1) about (3) over
(2) away (4) above ( )
50. The father has lost his job and now they're struggling to make ends ________.
(1) join (3) cut
(2) break (4) meet ( )

51. You must grow ________ the habit of biting your nails. It is not a good habit.
(1) up of (3) out of
(2) away from (4) up with ( )

52. Each of the men ________ a house in this estate.

(1) own (3) owns
(2) owned (4) are owing ( )

53. Where ________ we go to celebrate your success?

(1) must (3) have
(2) need (4) shall ( )

54. The teacher is very patient. She has _________ over the sum many times
because the class couldn't understand the solution.
(1) been (3) gone
(2) written (4) explained ( )

55. These chairs ________ first thing tomorrow.

(1) are removed (3) are removing
(2) will be removed (4) to be removed ( )

Rewrite each set of sentence into one sentence using the word(s) provided.

56. It was raining. They played basketball.

Although _____________________________________________

57. You were careless. You lost both your wallet and the keys.
because ______________________________________________

58. This is a pig sty. Pigs are kept in it.

where _______________________________________________

59. All the children went home. Meilin did not go home.
except _______________________________________________

60. The man could help Yuli. He did not help him.
Even though __________________________________________

61. Andrew is tall and strong. Jeremy is taller and stronger.

both _________________________________________________

62. He is a good runner. He did not win the race.

although _____________________________________________

63. This is a golf course. People play golf on it.

where _______________________________________________

64. He worked very hard. He could not finish his homework.

However hard _________________________________________

My mother went to bed. She was very sleepy and tired.

65. _____________________________________________________
so __________________________________________________
66. My family lives in England. We have been living there since 1991.

since __________________________________________________

67. You were careless. You lost many marks in the examination.

caused ________________________________________________

68. This clock is not working. That clock is not working.

Neither ________________________________________________
69. I was sleeping in the room. The telephone rang.

while __________________________________________________

70. Shufen missed the bus. She waited for the next bus.

because _______________________________________________

71. The floor was slippery. The old lady slipped and fell.

because _______________________________________________

72. I went to the library to borrow a book. Then I went to have lunch.

after _________________________________________________

73. You can go to Malaysia by plane. You can go to Malaysia by train.

either _________________________________________________

74. I was taking a stroll in the park. I met my classmates.

when __________________________________________________

75. I go to school everyday. My sister go to school everyday.

as well as ______________________________________________


1. Nigel has $145. He donated to charity. Of the remainder, he gave to his sister. How
much did he give to his sister?

2. There are 567 students in a school. are boys and the rest are girls. There are 9 times as
many girls as there are teachers. How many teachers are there?

3. Nigel and Kimberly have $820 altogether. Nigel has $60 more than Kimberly. What
fraction is Nigel's money of the total?

4. of the books in the library are softback and the rest are hardback. There are 2849 more
softback books than hardback books. What is the total number of books in the library?

5. In a country, of the population are Chinese. of the remainder are Malays and the rest
are Indians. If there are 60,000 Indians, how many Chinese are there

A. Express each of the following as a fraction in its simplest form.

6. 5% 8. 16%

7. 42% 9. 78%

B. Express each of the following as a decimal.

9% 12. 31%

69% 13. 97%

C. Express each of the following as a percentage.

2 16.15
5 25

0.72 17.1.33
D. Solve the problems below.

18. 38% of a pole is painted red, 26% is painted yellow and the rest is painted black. If the
pole is 2.6 m long, what length of the pole is painted black?

19. Ali spent $150 to make 250 sticks of satay. He sold 80% of the satays and made a
profit of 50% on each stick of satay sold. What was Ali's total profit?

20. Mrs Wong has 8 m of cloth. One table cloth uses 1.25 m of cloth. If she made 4 table
cloths, what percentage of cloth is she left with?

21. The cost of a hi-fi set was $525. It was sold for $630. Express the profit as a percentage
of the cost price?

22. A club has 480 members. 60% of the members are men and the rest are women. If the
number of male members is increased by 25%, what is the new percentage of female

23. In a test there were 80 questions. Limin answered 92.5% of the questions and she got
75% correct on all the questions she answered. What is her marks in percentage?

24. Nigel paid $26 for a pen when it was sold at a discount of 20%. Kimberly bought the
smae type of pen at $26.65. What percentage discount did Kimberly get?

25. 70% of a cake is flour, 20% is eggs and the remaining portion is milk. If the eggs used
weigh 320 g, what is the weight of flour used?

26. The construction of the first 45% of a road costed $250 000. The remaining part of the
road costed 20% more to build. What was the total cost of the road?

27. Ali spent $600 to make 7500 sticks of satay. He sold each of the satay at $0.22. If Ali
wants to increase his profit by another 25%, what price must he sell each stick of
28. Mr Tan's salary is 10% less than his wife's salary. His wife earns $45600 a year. What
is his monthly salary?

29. A hi-fi set was sold for $3550. If the profit was 25%, what was the cost price?

30. A school has 2400 students. There are 8% more girls than boys. If the principal wants
to have only 3% more girls than boys but maintain the school enrolment, how many
girls must be replaced by boys?

31. In a test there were 120 questions. Limin answered 85% of the questions and obtained
a score of 80%. How many of those questions she answered were incorrect?

32. In a box there were 16% more green buttons than red buttons. If there were 84 red
buttons, how many buttons were there altogether?

33. There are 60 000 people in a town. 70% of the population are adults. If 2000 babies
were born and 2000 adults died, what is the new percentage of adults in the town?

34. A bag of balloons was shared among Jack, Louis and Nick in the ratio 3:5:6.
(a) Express Jack's share as a fraction of Louis' share.
(b) What is Nick's share as a fraction of the total?

35. The ratio of boys to girls in a school is 4:5. If there are 276 boys, find the total number
of students in the school?

36. The ratio of men to women in a food court is 4:3. The ratio of women to children is
5:2. If there are 24 children, how many men are there?
37. The ratio of Nigel's savings to Kimberly's is 9:11. If Kimberly has $132, how much do
they have altogether?

38. The ratio of the sides of a triangle is 2:4:7. If the perimeter of the triangle is 66.3cm,
what is the length of the longest side?

39. A packet of instant coffee contains coffee powder, sugar and creamer in the ratio 1:2:4.
If the packet weighs 21.7g, how much sugar is there?

40. The ratio of boys to girls in a class is 5:6 and there are 3 more girls than boys. If
another 5 boys and 4 girls join the class, what is the new ratio of boys to girls?

41. The area of a rectangle is 54 cm square. The ratio of the sides is 2:3. Find the perimeter
of the rectangle.

42. Limin has as many beads as Shufen. If Limin gives of her beads to Shufen, what
will be the ratio of Limin's beads to Shufen's?

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