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Engleski je najrasprostranjeniji jezik na svetu. Njime

se ne govori samo u Engleskoj, nego i u Americi, Australiji,
Indiji, i u engleskim kolonijama. To je najpoznatiji jezik na
Dalekom Istoku, jezik moreplovaca, i najzad jezik
mnogih radio stanica i filmova. Nee vam, prema tome, biti
potrebno da putujete ak do Londona ili Amerike da
izvuete koristi od vaeg budueg znanja engleskog. Moi
ete to uiniti jo sutra, kod kue ili u ulici do vae,
sluajui Ketrin Hepbern ili arla aplina.
A nije engleski samo koristan jezik, nego je i lak. Sva
njegova tekoa je u pravopisu i izgovoru. Za Engleze
kau da piu rosbif, a da itaju biftek, i da onaj koji
eli da izgovara engleski pravilno, treba satima da se
krevelji pred ogledalom, bulji oi, i prevre jezik. Sve to
nije istina. Ima i za engleski pravopis pravila, samo su ona
malo vie zamrena. Zatim, danas kada na radiju,
gramofonu, ili u bioskopu, mo ete svakodnevno uti
roene Engleze kako izgovaraju engleski, moete i vi nauiti
da sasvim pristojno izgovarate engleski, samo ako paljivo
proitate objanjenje engleskih glasova u ovim lekcijama.
Istina, moda to nee biti ba onako kako izgovaraju roeni
Englezi, ali tu se moete odmah uteiti. Ne izgovaraju
kao roeni Englezi ni stranci koji su proveli dvadeset ili
trideset godina u Engleskoj, pa nikome nita.
Ali ako u pisanju i izgovoru jo ima tekoa, u gramatici
nema nikakvih. Engleska gramatika naj prostija je na
svetu. Tako prosta da se moe rei i da ne postoji. Evo,
da se sami uverite.
I speak English izgovara se:
Aj spi:k ingli, a znai
Ja govorim engleski.
Dve stvari u drugom redu odmah su vam pale u oi.
Iza slova i u rei spi:k ima dve take, a prvo i u
ingli tampano je masno. One dve take znae da
glas i treba da izgovorite dugo, kao u vino ili
pivo a ne kratko kao u nitne ili sila. A masno
slovo znai da tu pada naglasak. Da treba izgovoriti INGlis, a
ne ingLI. Na isti nain bie oznaeni i ubudue dugi
glasovi i naglasak.
Hajdemo dalje. I read English izgovara se:
Aj ri:d ingli, a znai Ja
itam engleski.
Sad da vidite kako je prosta gramatika.
Vi govorite engleski, kae se:

You speak English, a izgovara se

Ju: spi:k ingli.
A: vi itate engleski, kae se:
You read English, a izgovara se
Ju: ri:d ingli.
ta ste zapazili? Da kod Engleza u prvom licu
jednine i u drugom mnoine nema nastavka kao kod
nas: ita-M, ita-TE, govori-M, govori-TE, nego da
glagol uvek ostaje isti. Samo se pred glagolom promeni
zamenica. Recite, zar to nije vanredno prosto?
Znate li da ste uzgred nauili jo dva gramatika pravila?
Prvo da se pridevi od osobenih imenica piu velikim
slovom. Na primer: French fren francuski. Drugo,
da se re ja I isto tako pie velikim slovom.
Englezima su izneli da tako piu zato to su sebini.
Meutim, to nije istina. Ova se re
poela pisati velikiim slovom jo u najstarije vreme, zato
to je malo i bilo tako neugledno da se esto stvarala
zabuna. Razlog je, dakle, bio isto praktian.
Da nauimo jo nekoliko stvari.
I read a book
Aj ri:d e buk
Ja itam knjigu.
Ustvari Englez je rekao ja itam jednu knjigu, jer
ona reca a, koja se kod nas ne prevodi, znai jednu. Ta
reca zove se lan. O njenoj upotrebi docnije.
itam veliku knjigu, kae se:
I read a big book, a izgovara
Aj ri:d e big buk. Ako je knjiga mala,
rei ete: I read a little book Aj ri:d e
litl buk itam malu knjigu.
U reima big i little naili smo na kratko englesko
i, koje se malo razlikuje od naeg, i zato treba objasniti.
Nae i je jasno, englesko je malo muklije.
Njega je sasvim lako nauiti. Izgovorite nae i. Usta
ste dosta otvorili, usne ste povukli malo unazad, jezik ste
prineli nepcima. Sad izgovorite opet i, ali tako da usta
to manje otvorite, i da jezik ostavite poloen na dnu
usta. Izgovoiili ste englesko kratko i. Je l te da je
razlika sasvim mala? I zato, ako bi u reima gde ima
kratko englesko i, vi umesto njega izgovorili obino
nae kratko i, niko vam do roenog Engleza nee
zameriti. A ni on nee, zato to je ovek vaspitan i
utiv.Znate li da ste puno nauili? Devet rei, tri gramatika
pravila, i izgovor jednog glasa. A jeste li primetili da ste

neto nauili? Niste. Vidite kako je sve to prosto. I zato u

vam rei good-bye gud-baj zbogom. I to vam je
deseta re.
Na kraju prvog asa nauilii ste da se imam malu
knjigu kae I have a little book, a imam veliku knjigu
I have a big book. Izgovor rece a oznaili srno tada
kao e. To je bilo priblino, ali ne sasvim tano. Da vam
sada taj glas tanije objasnimo.
On lei izmeu a i e. Evo kako ete ga nauiti.
Izgovorite prvo nae a. Usta ste sasvim otvorili, a jezik
vam je ostao poloen na dnu, Sad izgovorite nae e.
Usta ste malice zatvorili, a jezik primakli nepcima. A se
zato zove otvoren, a e poluzatvoren glas. Otvorite sada
usta kao da ete izgovoriti a. Ali nemojte izgovoriti
a, nego izgovorite e. Ako pri tom pazite da ostavite
jezik poloen na dnu, i da ga to manje izdignete ka
nepcima, izgovoriete jedno vrlo otvoreno e.
Ako varn se to isprva uini teko, nemojte se
obeshrabriti. Ima ak i u Engleskoj itavih krajeva
gde se ovaj glas izgovara ili kao isto a ili kao isto
e. Pa kad mogu Englezi, moete i vi. Samo, ako ve
birate, bolje je da izberete e. A ako pritom dobro otvorite
usta, tako da vam e bude to otvorenije, neete biti
daleko. Nai Vojvoani, na primer, izgovaraju vrlo
otvoreno e.
Da bismo vas to bolje potsetili na ovaj glas, obeleavaemo
ga u budue znakom a.
Sad, poto ste nauili glas a, da se vratimo na knjigu
koju ste itali na prvom asu. Ako tu knjigu ita neko
drugi, rei ete:
He reads a big book.
Hi: ri:dz a big buk
On ita veliku knjigu.
A ako je u pitanju dama, a knjiga mala, rei ete,
She reads a little book
i: ri:dz a litl buk
Ona ita malu knjigu.
Time ste nauili jo jedno gramatiko pravilo. Tree
lice jednine u sadanjem vremenu ima nastavak s.
To je jedimo lice koje u sadanjem vremenu ima
naistavak. Prema tome:
On govori engleski, bie
He speaks English.

A: ona govori francuski She

speaks French.
Kod glagola have hav imati, moraete da
zapamtite jedan izuzetak. Prvo lice jednine i drugo mnoine
su pravilni. I zato, ako vam je knjiga zelena moete rei:
I have a green book
Aj hav a gri:n buk
Imam zelenu knjigu.
A ako je crvena:
I have a red book
Aj hav a red buk
Imam crvenu knjigu.
Slino: You have a green book. You have a red
book. Tree lice jednine meutim ne glasi haves, nego has,
a izgovara se haz. I prema tome bie: She has a green
book. He has a red book,
A ako dama nema knjigu, nego pisaljku, onda:
She has a red pencil
i: haz a red pensil.
Ona ima crvenu pisaljku.
Ali kako su crvene pisaljke retke, to emo za
gospodina rei:
He has a black pencil
Hi: haz a blak penisil
On ima crnu pisaljku.
Ako je pisaljka rava, kazaemo:
He has a bad pencil
Hi: haz a bad pensil
On ima ravu pisaljku.
I tako ste uzgred, i ne znajui, nauili jo jedno pravilo. A
to je da se engleski pridevi uopte ne menjaju.
I muki i enski rod, i jednina i mnoina, i zelen, i zelena, i
zelenim, i zelene, uvek je i samo green na engleskom. I
tako smo sa jednim jadinim pravilom potpuno raskrstili sa
engleskim pridevima. Samo jo nismo raskrstili s damom,
jer nismo pomenuli da je njen eir plav. To jest:
She has a blue hat
i: haz a blu: hat
Ona ima plav eir.
Znate li da ste dosad puno nauili? Ako ne verujete,
pokuajte prevesti na engleski ove reenice:
Govorim engleski. itam, engleski. Govorite francuski.
itate francuski. On govori engleski. Ona ita francuski.
Imam malu knjigu. Imam veliku knjigu. Imam malu
pisaljku. Imam crnu pisaljku. Ona ima crven eir. Ona

ima mali eir. On ima zelenu knjigu. Ona ima francusku

knjigu. Vi imate plavu pisaljku.
Ispiite prevod, pa ga uporedite s reenjem zadatka
na kraju idue lekcije. A dotle good-night gud najt
dobru no ili kako bismo mi rekli: laku no.
Englezi su utiv svet. Red je zato da vas pretstavimo
dami sa plavim eirom: She is Miss Brown i: iz mis
Braun. Ona je gica Braun.
Da je kojim sluajem udata, bila bi Mrs. Brown,
(misis gospoa).
A onaj gospodin sa velikom knjigom i crnom pisaljkom:
He is Mr. Miller
Hi: iz Miste Mile
On je g. Miller.
Englezi r ili er,na kraju rei ne izgovaraju. A
ta izgovaraju sad emo vam objasniti. Izgovorite ma
koji od naih suglasmika: b, t, v, 1, m, ili izgovorike re
ra ili rav. Zatim izgovorite, kako to izgovaraju vojinici
skraeno gospodine kapetane umesto gospodine kapetane. Vi,
ustvari, niste izgovorili samo b, t, v, 1, m, nego ste iza svakog
od ovih suglasnika
izgovorili jedan sasvim kratak mukao glas za koji u
naoj azbuci nemamo slova. Isto tako pred r u ra i rav
izgovorili ste opet isti taj veoma kratki mukli glas. I najzad
izmeu p i t u kapetane opet ste ga izgovorili.
Recimo sada da elimo da objasnimo nekom strancu
izgovor tih naih rei. Bie potrebno da u tom sluaju
iza.b, t, v, 1, m, ispred r u ra i rav i izmeu p i t u
kapetane stavimo neki znak. Svejedno kakav e to znak
biti, ako on zna kako se izgovara. Recimo da, isto iz
tamparskih razloga, usvojimo zmak e.. U tom sluaju
obeleiemo izgovor gornjih slova i rei: be, te, ve, le, me,
era, erav, kapetane.
Engleski glas r ili er na kraju rei veoma jako
lii na taj na mukli glas iza b, v, t, 1, m, ispred ra, rav,
i usred kapetane. I morajui da usvojimo neki znak, usvojili
smo e. Mogli smo, isto tako, da usvojimo zvezdicu, ili ".
Zato, kada vidite taj znak, nikako ne zaboravite da to ne
znai da obeleeni glas lii na nae e, nego da je to
isto tamparski znak, a da sam glas lii na veoma
kratki mukli glas koji smo vam gore objasnili.
Ako biste imali tekoe u izgovoru ovog glasa, bolje
je da izgovorite isto r, jer se isto r i dalje izgovara u
kotskoj i severnoj Engleskoj, nego da izgovarate nae

e. Prvo zato to je nae e otvoreno, a glas e je

mukao i zatvoren. Drugo to je nae e esto
naglaeno i moe da bude dugo dok je e uvek
nenaglaeno, i tako kratko da se vie guta nego to se
U poetku rei r se izgovara kao nae r.
Miss Brown is rich (ri bogat, bogata). Ali
Mr. Miller is poor (pu:e siromah).
Ovo r zato to dolazi iza dugog samoglasnika,
znatno je krae nego er u Mr. i Miller.
Sasvim je drugaije r u sredini rei ispred suglasnika.
Ono se, ustvari, izgubilo, i namesto njega
ostalo je samo produenje samoglasnika koji prethodi. I
prema tome dobro jutro Good morning nee biti
gud morning nego gud mo:ning. Tako u Engleskoj,
ali u kotskoj i najsevernijoj Engleskoj i ovo r sa
Da je g. Millerova pisaljka kratka, rekli bismo:
He has a short pencil
Hi: haz a o:t pensil
On ima kratku pisaljku.
A za njegov eir;
He has a hard hat
Hi haz a ha:d hat On ima tvrd eir.
Jednu napomenu. Englesko dugo a nije otvoreno
kao nae, nego poluzatvoreno. I njega je lako nauiti.
Izgovorite nae dugo a. Usta ste otvorili iroko.
Izgovorili ste, dakle, otvoren glas. Sad izgovorite nae o.
Usta ste skupili. Drugim reima, izgovorili ste zatvoren
glas. Ako hoete da izgovorite dugo englesko a
pravilno, sve to treba da uinite to je da ne otvorite usta
koliko za nae a, nego malo manje. Samo malo, dosta je.
Sluajte sami paljivo. Primetiete da je glas malo tamniji. I
Maari imaju zatvoreno a, ali je ono mnogo
zatvorenije od engleskog.
Neka vas ne plai to smo se u ovoj lekciji malo vie
pozabavili izgovorom. Znajte, da ste ovim, iako je ovo
tek trei as, preli ve polovinu glasova koje je
potrebno da nauite.
Da se vratimo na gicu Braun i g. Millera.
Miss Brown is a lady (lejdi dama).
Mr. Miller is a gentleman (dentlman
dentlmen, gospodin).
She is a little lady. He is a tall (to:l visok)

Bilo bi dobro kada biste nove rei zapisivali u jednu

sveicu, i svaki dan ih proitali. Bolje ete ih zapamtiti.
Prevedite sada na engleski: Dobro jutro. Gospoica
Braun ita engleski. Gospodin Miller govori francuski. Ja itam
engleski. Vi govorite francuski. Imam crvenu knjigu. Ona
ima kratku pisaljku. Ona ima zelen eir. Vi imate tvrdu
pisaljku. On je visok. On je siromah. On je gospodin.
Ona je mala. Ona je bogata. Ona je dama.
Sada uporedite reenje zadatka na kraju prole lekcije
sa svojim prevodom: I speak English. I read English. You
speak French. You read French. He speaks English. She
reads French. I have a little book. I have a big book. I
have a little pencil. I have a black pencil. She has a red
hat. She has a little hat, He has a green book. She has a
French book. You have a blue pencil.
Jeste li nainili koju greku? Niste? E, onda je to
very good (veri gud; vrlo dobro). Ili, poto ve uimo
engleski, mogli bismo rei i All right (o:l rajt
doslovno: sve u redu, sve dobro).
Ne moe se g. Miller veno zabavljati svojom
pisaljkom, ni gica Braun svojom knjigom. Prirodno je
zato da stupe u razgovor. Oni to, da su u Engleskoj, kao
nepoznati ne bi mogli uiniti. Ali mi im ovde tu slobodu
moemo dopustiti.
Good morning. I am Mr. Miller.
Aj am ja sam.
Good morning. I am Miss Brown.
G. Miller to, kao inteligentan ovek, odmah shvaa, i
kae: You are Miss Brown.
ju: a: vi ste.
Da ne bi bilo daljeg nesporazuma, Miss Brown to
potvruje: Yes, I am. (Yes jes jeste, da).
Po ovom Yes, I am, odmah ste mogli utvrdti da je
Miss Brown Engleskinja. Jer Englezi, kada odgovaraju na
pitanje, retko kau samo yes, nego obino ponove i glagol
kojim je pitanje postavljeno.
Da Miss Brown nije bila Miss Brown, ona bi
rekla: No, I am not Nou. Aj am-not. Ne. Ja nisam.
Ovde moramo da prekinemo njihov razgovor, da vam
objasnimo izgovor engleskog dugog i kratkog o.
Englesko dugo o prelazi na kraju u kratko u. Englez,
ustvari, kada izgovara dugo o izgovara dvoglasnik, u
kome jo prvi glas dugo o, a drugi kratko u. Mi emo
ga zato obeleavati sa ou.

Englesko kratko o malo je tee. Razlika izmeu

naeg i engleskog kratkog o je u tome to je nae
o zatvoreno, a englesko kratko o otvoreno. Izgo vorite
nae o. Usta ste zatvorili a usne skupili: izgovorili ste
zatvoren glas. Sad otvorite usta skoro kao da ete da
izgovorite a, pa izgovorite o. To novo o bie
otvoreno. Radi kontrole pazite kada se vebate da vam
se usne dok izgovarate ne poinju skupljati: jer im se
usne poinju skupljati, glas postaje zatvoren. I drugi
narodi imaju sline glasove. Rusko o, na primer, u
nekim reima je otvoreno kao a, a maarsko a u
nekim reima zatvoreno je skoro kao o. Kod
Amerikanaca ovo o je sasvim otvoreno, tako da lii
na a. Ako vam nije stalo do tanog izgovora, onda
kaite prosto o, jer ga tako izgovara i puno stranaca u
Dok smo vam objasnili kratko o, g. Millera je
poela podilaziti sumnja. I on zato pita za sigurnost.
Are you Miss Brown?
Jeste li vi Miss Brown?
to ona, budui sasvim sigurna, potvruje:
Yes, I am.
Videi da je oma odluna dama, te da se od nje moe
mnogo emu nauiti, g. Miiller preiava i druge
sumnje u svojoj glavi, i pita:
Am I tall? Jesam li ja visok?
A Miss Brown odgovara: Yes, You are tall.
Zapamtite ove upitne oblike:
Am I? Jesam li?
Are you? Jeste li?
Ovo je mnogo obradovalo g. Millera, te on veli:
I am glad. Glad glad znai radostan. A izraz
I am glad odgovara naem: Milo mi je.
Da je dama rekla: No, you are not. You are fat
(fat debeo).
G. Miller bi sigurno kazao. I am sorry. Sorry
sori alostan. A izraz I am sorry ao mi je.
Zadovoljan ishodom dosadanjeg razgovora, g. Miller
se uputa dalje. Pokazujui dami jedne novine, on veli:
I have an English paper
an pejpe
jedne novine,
Nije rekao a English zato to re English poinje
samoglasnikom, a pred samoglasnikom se upotrebljava dui
oblik lana: an. Novine su na engleskom a paper, tj.

jednina, a ne kao kod nas mnoina.

Miss Brown mu na to saoptava:
I read and write French.
and rajt i piem
Posle ega se oni oprataju.
Good-bye, Mr. Miller.
Good-bye, Miss Brown.
Prevedite i napiite: Ja sam visok. Vi ste debeli. Ja
sam bogata. Vi ste siroti. Jesam li ja dobar? Da, vi ste
dobri. Ne, vi niste dobri. Vi ste ravi. Milo mi je. ao mi
je. Ja piem engleski. Ja itam engleski i francuski. Ja imam
engleske navine. Vi imate veliki esir. On ima tvrdu
pisaljku. Ona ima zelenu hartiju (paper pejpe).
Reenje prolog zadatka. Good morning. Miss Brown
reads English. Mr. Miller speaks French. I read
English. You speak French. I have a red book. She has a
short pencil. She has a green hat. You have a hard
pencil. He is tall. He is poor. He is a gentlemen. She is
little. She is rich. She is a lady.

Good morning, Miss Brown. How are you?

Hau a: ju:
Kako ste (vi)?
I am all right, thank you. And how are you?
thank ju: hvala (vam).
Odmah ste ih poznali. To su nai prijatelji, Miss Brown i
g. Miller. Danas su ve malo srdaniji. On ju je pozdravio
uobiajenim pozdravom How are you? iako je mogao
rei i How do you do? Hau du ju: du:?
Jer i to znai kako ste? ili tanije ta radite? Ali on
se nije hteo posluiti tim izrazom, zato to je
on za poetnike malo komplikovaniji.
Ali je Miss Brown rekla thank you, prvo zato to su
Englezi utivi ljudi, i za svata kau hvala, a drugo to je
htela da nauite glas th, To je glas koji strancima
zadaje najvie muke. Oni koji su bili u Engleskoj
izgovaraju ga t, a oni koji nisu f ili s. Vi,
meutim, izgovaraete ga sasvim pravilno th, jer je to
sasvim prosto ako paljivo proitate objanjenje i ako se
malo vebate.
Izgovorite nae s. Zubi vam se dodiruju, a jezik lako
pritiskuje zube. Sad stavite jezik izmeu zuba. ta se
ustruavate? Isplazite ga dobro. Neka vam viri bar
santimetar dva. E, sad probajte izgovoriti s. Ali
nikako da niste uvukli jezik! Ne moete. Ali ste namesto

s izgovorili nekakav sasvim nov glas, koji

nikad dosad niste uli sem ako znate grki, i umete da
izgovorite Atina kako je izgovaraju Grci. Taj novi
glas je englesko th.
Jeste li uli ljude koje vrskaju? E, Englezi ne
vrskaju nego vrthkaju. I vi, samo ako se drite pravila
jezik me zube, a nikako jezik za zube, izgovoriete
savreno englesko th. A, ako ni posle ovog objanjenja
ne umete da ga izgovarate, najbolje je da kaete t,
jer ga tako izgovaraju mnogi stranci koji su i godine
proveli u Engleskoj. Docnije, kada se naviknete, neete
morati toliko plaziti jezik. Dovoljno e biti da ga stavite
malo meu zube, da vam se zubi ne bi dodirivali. Jer ako
se zubi dodirnu, izgovoriete s.
Poto je uvukao jezik, g. Miller nastavlja:
Look! Here is a house.
Luk hi: iz a haus.
Gledajte! Evo je jedna kua.
Da se g. Miller rodio kao Jugosloven, on bi moramo da
se opredeli, i da kae gledaj ili gledajte. Kao Englezu
njemu je slobodno da kae samo look, jer je look
zapovedni nain za drugo lice i jednine i mnoine. Isto
tako read znai i itaj i itajte, a speak govori i govorite.
Isto tako, g. Miller verovatno ne bi rekao evo je
jedna kua, nego evo jedne kue. Zato vi zapamtite
ovu razliku izmeu naeg i engleskog jezika.
Miss Brown nastavlja konverzaciju:
Yes, I see. And there is a street.
Jes, aj si: and dher iz a stri:t.
Da, vidim. A eno je jedna ulica.
ta je sad ovo dh upitaete. Opet neto za izgovor?
Za vas vie nije, zato to ste vi nauili th. Ovo dh je
rodeni brat njegov. Izgovorite nae z. Sad stavite jezik
meu zube, i pokuajte ga opet izgovo
riti. Kao ranije th, sad ste izgovorili dh. Zar nije
Englezi i th i dh piu na isti nain: th. Mi emo
ih u obeleavanju izgovora razlikovati na taj nain to
emo prvo beleiti. th, a drugo dh.
Sigurno vam je palo u oi da je izgovor rei
there obeleen kao dher a ne dhe:e. To je zato to
iza r sleduje samoglasnik u rei is. Pravilo je kada s
krajnje r, koje se moe pisati r, er ili re, nae
izmeu dva samoglasnika, ono se izgovara isto kao nae

Zapamtite jo da here za sebe znai ovde, a there

tamo. Zajedno sa is: here is znai evo, a there is eno
Dok smo mi ovo objanjavali g. Milleru je
sevnula ideja:
Is your house in this street?
Iz ju:e haus in dhis stri :t?
Je li vaa kua u ovoj ulici?
Ali e gica Brown:
No, my house is in that street.
Nou, maj haus iz in dhat stri:t. Ne,
moja kua je u onoj ulici.
Prevedite: Kako ste? ta radite? Evo pisaljke. Eno
knjige. Evo jedne velike kue. Eno jedne male ulice. Moja
kua je visoka. Vaa kua je zelena. Je li moja kua
dobra? Ne, vaa kua je rava. Ova ulica je kratka. Ona
dama je debela.
Reenje zadatka iz prole lekcije. I am tall. You are
fat. I am rich. You are poor. Am I good? Yes, you are
good. No, you are not good. You are bad. I am glad. I am
sorry. I write English. I read English and French. I have an
English paper. You have a big hat. He has a hard pencil.
She has a green paper.
Ovoga asa, radujte se, nema izgovora, zato to smo
skoro sve to je vanije nauili. Moi emo, zato, da se
udubimo u gramatiku. Sluajte g. Millera:
Look, there is a park (pa:k park).
Let us go into the park.
Let as gou intu dhe pa:k.
Hajdemo (da idemo) u park.
Let samo za sebe znai pustiti, a us znai nas. Ali
zajedno let us isto je to nae hajdemo, i upotrebljava se
za zapovedni nain u prvom licu mnoine.
Prema tome let us read, let us speak, let us write
(rajt) znai hajdemo da itamo, hajdemo da govorimo,
hajdemo da piemo, ili prostije; itajmo, govo rimo,
Zapazili ste da se nae u na engleskom kae i in i
into. In se upotrebljava za mirovanje. Vi se nalazite in a
house, in a park, u kui, u parku, ali ulazite into a
house, into a park, u kui, u parku. Into se, dakle,
upotrebljava za pravac kretanja.
Isto ste tako zapazili pred reju park recu the
koju nismo preveli. Ta reca zove se odreeni lan za
razliku od a (ili an) koje je neodraeni lan, Vreme

je sada da vam objasnimo ta su lanovi i kada se

upotrebljava jedan a kad drugi.

U engleskom stvarne imenice imenice koje

oznaavaju predmete nikada ne stoje same, nego
imaju uza se lan. Ako se govori o nekom odreenom,
poznatom predmetu, upotrebljava se odreeni
lan. Inae se upotrebljava neodreeni lan.
Kako mi u naem jeziku nemamo lana, zapamtite ovo
pomono uputstvo, koje e vam omoguiti da uvek bez
greke pogodite lan. Ako pred imenicu moete (ali ne
morate) da stavite re jedan, neki, ili ma koji, onda
upotrebite neodreeni lan a. Ako ne moete, onda
upotrebite odredeni lan the. Na pri mer, kada kaete
imam kuu ili vidim knjigu, kaite
I have a house ili I see a book, zato to moete rei
imam jednu kuu i vidim jednu knjigu.
Let us sit down, kae g. Miller.
Let as sit daun
Hajdemo (da) sednemo.
Yes, let us! pristaje Miss Brown i nastavlja:
The park is beautiful (bjutiful 1ep).
Nato e g. Miller sasvim bez veze:
The street is short, and the hat is blue.
G. Miller, kao to ste sigurno ve primetili, ima tako
obiaj da kae neto bez veze. Ali ako nema smisla, ima
gramatike. Jeste li zapazili, kako je tano rekao: the street i
the hat? Zatim, kako su mu ve povrvele misli, nastavlja:
There is a seat in the park
Dher iz a si:t in dhe pa:k
Eno mesta u parku.
Miss Brown kao inteligentna devojka, ispravlja ga:
There are two seats
Dher a: tu: si:ts
Ima dva mesta.
Ovde moramo zastati, jer imamo mnogo to da
objasnimo. Prvo da engleski izraz here are, there are,

odgovara naem ima u smislu evo ima, eno ima.

Razlikujte zato I have imam, posedujem od here
are, there are, evo, eno, evo ima, eno ima, to sve
odgovara smislu postoji. Drugo da re seat upravo znai
sedite, tj. da je opti pojam, a da, naravno postoje i
zasebne rei za stolicu: chair (e:e), i za klupu: bench
Tree, da se mnoina engleskih imenica gradi nastavkom
s. Ovo se s obino ita z, sem kada doe iza slova p,

f, k, t, kada je to nemogue, te se mora izgovoriti s.

Dakle: pencils, mornings, houses sa z ali books,
streets, parks, nights sa s.
Prevedite: itaj, pii, govori! itajte, piite, govorite!
itajmo, piimo, govorimo! Ulica je duga (long lng).
Park je lep. Klupa je tvrda. Kua je visoka. Novine su
velike. Pismo (the letter lete) je kratko. Dete (the
child ajld) je dobro. Vidim bogatu kuu. Imam
crvenu knjigu. Imam malo dete. Eno jedne dame. Eno
jednog gospodina.
Reenje prolog zadatka. How are you. How do you
do? Here is a pencil. There is a book. Here is a big
house. There is a little street. My house is tall. Your
house is green. Is my hause good? No your house is
bad. This street is short. That Iady is fat.
Tek to su seli, a Miss Brown e:
Here are Mr. and Mrs. Green. They are my friends.
Dhej a: maj frendz.
Oni su moji prljatelji.
Zapamtite uzgred da kad pred imenicom stoji
zamenica, onda nema lana. Dakle: my friends. They
have a very nice dog
najs dg lepo pseto.
Dok je ona to rekla, g. i ga Green su ve pristupili i
otpoeli razgovor.
Good morning, Miss Brown, How are you?
Na to e ona: Very well, thank you. And how are
you? (Well wel dobro).
S tim njenim well, Miss Brown je izgovorila poslednji
vaniji glas koji treba da nauite; w. Ni on nije teak.
Izgovorite nae v. Donju usnu ste pritisli uz gornje zube.
Sad izgovorite u. Usne ste zaokruili u obliku prstena, i
isturili ih. Usne sada nimalo ne dodiruju zube. Sada
namestite usne kao da ete izgovoriti u, pa izgovorite
v. To novo v je vrlo meko. Ono je ustvari englesko
w. Sva razlika, dakle, izemeu naeg v i engleskog
w je da se kod naeg glasa usne i zubi dodiruju, a kod
engleskog se ne dodiruju. Mi emo u izgovoru ovaj glas
obeleavati sa w.
Ovde upada g. Miller, koga pas g. i ge Green mnogo
zanima: Have you a very nice dog?
Hav ju: imate li?
Na to e Greenovi jednoglasno:
Yes, we have a very nice dog. (We wi mi).

G. Miller, ija udnja za znanjem nije utoljena, ne

Have you a cat also?
kat olsou
maku takoe.
G. i gda Green, koji su sloan brani par, slono
Yes, we have a cat also. Na to g. Miller promrmlja
kroz zube: I like cats and dogs. (I like aj lajk
volim). I onda seda ponovo na klupu i pada u tmurno
utanje. To njegovo utanje mi emo iskoristiti da

sistematski ponovimo sadanje vreme. U sadanjem

vremenu engleski glagol uvek ostaje isti, i samo se pred
njim menja zamenica. Izuzetak ini tree lice jednine
koje ima nastavak s. Ovo se s kao kod mnoine
imenica ita z, sem iza p, f, k, t,.kada se ita s.
I like, you like, we like, they like ali he likes, she
likes. Volim, volite, volimo, vole. On voli, ona voli.
I read, you read, we read, they read, ali he
reads, she reads. itam, itate, itamo, itaju. On ita, ona
Drugo lice jednine ti, kod Engleza ne postoji vie
u upotrebi. Ono se moe nai samo u Bibliji, u poeziji, i u
starim knjigama.
Sada se izmeu naih poznanika razvija veoma iv
razgovor koji emo mi prislukivati. Razgovor poinje
Miss Brown svojom primedbom:
Mr. and Mrs. Green live in this street.
liv (kratko i) ive
They have a nice house.
G. Miller, koji ne moe tako lako da kapira nove ideje,
i koji voli da ono to zna utvrdi, okree se na ovo g. i gi
Have you a nice house?
Na to e oni slono:
Yes, we have a nice house.
Posle ovog se produuje razgovor u tri glasa, prvo
Miss Brown, zatim g. Miller, i najzad g. i ga Green.
They have a beautiful garden also.
(garden ga:rden vrt)
Have you a beautiful garden also?
Yes, we have a beautiful garden also.
They have five rooms.
fajv ru:mz (Jednina room).
pet soba

Have you five rooms? Yes,

we have five rooms.
Ovde ga Green produuje solo: No, we have six
(siks est) rooms. There is a little room also.
Ovo je ona rekla i kao domaica koja se ponosi
svojom kuom, i da vam obrati panju da se re also esto
stavlja na kraju.
Prevedite: Imam lepog psa. Imamo debelu maku. Imate
bogatog prijatelja. Imaju zelenu kuu. On ima crvenu
stolicu. Ona ima veliku klupu. Imam veliki vrt. Imamo crnu
knjigu. Imate lep park. Imaju ravog psa. Ona ima malu
hartiju. Ona ima plav eir takoe.
Reenje prolog zadatka. Read, write, speak! Read,
write, speak! Let us read, let us write, let us speak! The
street is long. The park is beautiful. The bench is hard.
The house is tall. The paper is big. The letter is short.
The child is good. I see a rich house. I have a red book.
I have a little child. There is a lady. There is a
Sigurno ste dosad zapazili kako prosto Englezi prave
pitanja. Samo obrnu red rei?
I have a hat. Have I a hat Imam li eir?
You have a house. Have you a house? Imate li
kuu? She has two hands, (hand ruka). Has she two
hands? Ima li ona dve ruke?
Isto tako: I am tall. Am I tall?
You are small (smo:l mali). Are you small?
She is beautiful. Is she beautiful?
Ovo se odnosilo na pomone glagole. Jo prostije se
pravi pitanje s obinim glagolima. Samo se ispred glagola
stavi reca do.
I speak English Do I speak English? Govorim
li engleski?
You read French? Do you read French?
itate li francuski?
S ovim znanjem lako ete slediti uzbudljivi razgovor
trougla BrownMillerGreen. G. Miller koga vie
zanimaju ivotinje nego kua, ne da se odvratiti od svog
Do you like cats and dogs? Volite li make i
Yes, we do.
G. i ga Green odgovaraju kao pravi Englezi. Umesto
da kau we like cats and dogs, oni kau samo we do.

Odgovarajui na pitanje, Englez nikada ne kae samo da

ili ne, yes ili no nego obino ponovi glagol kojim je
pitanje postavljeno. Tako e na pitanje: Is she beautiful?
odgovor i t i s a Yes, she is. A na Am I tall: sa Yes, you
are. A kada se pitanje postavlja recom do, on e umesto
glagola ponoviti samo do. Nee, dakle, rei Yes, I like
cats and dogs, nego prosto Yes, I do. Inae, doslovno
znaenje rece do je raditi, initi. Otud: How do you do?
Do you drink tea and coffee?
drink ti: kfi
piti aj kafa.
Yes, we do.
Kada naglasak pada na otvoreno o, to emo zato
to je ono sitno, radi upadljivosti tampati ceo slog
G. Miller, koji je sada sasvim oiveo, nastavlja kao
Does your cat drink milk (milk mleko).
Tree lice jednine glagola "do" pie se "does", a izgovara
Yes, she does.
And does your dog eat meat?
i:t mi:t
jede meso?
Yes, he does.
Do you read French? No, we don't (dount),
Don't je odreni oblik od "do". To je upravo "do not"
saeto u jednu re: "dont". Prema tome no, we don't znai
no, we do not read French, ne, mi ne itamo francuski.
Do you speak French?
No, we don't.
Ova upotreba rei do i don't pokazuje vam jednu vrlo
vanu stvar. A to je da treba da se to vie odviknete od
doslovnog prevoenja kada uite strani jezik. Nauite
fraze, i nauite njihov smisao.
Da se vebamo jo malo:
Miss Brown reads French. Does she read
French? Yes, she does,
Mr. Miller likes coffee. Does he like coffee? Yes,
he does.
Mr. and Mrs. Green don't like (ne vole) coffee. Do
they write French? No, they don't.
Mr. and Mrs. Green don't write (ne piu) French. Do
they write French? No, they don't.
Uzgred ste nauili da se ne vole kae don't like. Ne

piu don't write. Isto tako: I don't like ne volim. You

don't like ne volite. They don't like ne vole. He
does not like on ne voli, She does not like ona ne voli.
Ovde se Miss Brown, koju je, izgleda, ovo malo
zamorilo, die.
I am tired (tajed umoran, umorna).
Are you tired? kae g. Miller.
Yes, I am. Let us go home (houm kui).
Yes, let us. We are tired also, slau se Greenovi.
Good-bye Good bye.
Sad, poto je park ostao prazan, da ponovimo
sistematski sadanje vreme glagola biti:
I am, he is, she is, we are, you are, they are ja
sam, on je, ona je, mi smo, vi ste, oni su.
Prevedite: Jesam li ja mala? Ne, vi ste visoki. Jesmo li
mi siroti? Ne, vi ste bogati. Jedete li meso? Ne jedem. Piju li
oni mleko? Ne piju. Voli li ona make? Ne voli. Piete li
engleski? Piem. itate li francuski? Ne itam. Oni ne
govore engleski. Oni ne vole knjige. Oni ne piu pisma.
Vole li oni knjige? Ne vole. Piu li oni pisma? Ne piu.
Reenje zadatka. I have a nice dog. We have a fat
cat. You have a rich friend. They have a green house. He
has a red chair. She has a big bench. I have a big garden. We
have a black book. You have a beautiful park. They have a
bad dog. She has a little paper. She has a blue hat also.
Taman Miller da poe za ostalima, koji su ve izali
iz parka, kada uje glas:
Hallo (halou halo, hej), Miller. How are you?
Miller se okree, i koga e da vidi nego svog starog
prijatelja Sandy Macpherson-a, ije se ime u kotskoj,
poto je on kotlananin, izgovara Sandi
Makfersen. Kako se izgovara u Engleskoj videemo docnije.
Da je stari prijatelj mogli ste pogoditii po tome to ga
nije oslovio sa Mr. Miller, nego prosto sa Miller. Ti
mu nije mogao rei, jer ti u engleskom ne postoji. Ali
da ga poznaje jo bolje, mogao mu je rei Hallo,
John, jer se Miller, kao to ste ve pogodili, zove John
Very well, thank you, And how are you?
Na ovo Macpherson ne odgovara, jer je njegovo oko
polo za Millerovim, i opazilo Miss Brown na izlasku iz
parka. On naravno pita:
Who is that? (Who hu: ko) Ko je to?
That is Miss Brown.

And who is she?

Miller na ovo odgovara jako informativno:
She is a lady.
Is she beautiful?
Yes, she is. She is very beautiful.
Is she rich?
Yes, she is rich also.
Has she a house in this street?
No, she has not.
Does she like books?
Yes, she does.
Does she like green hats?
No, she does not. She likes blue hats.
Do you like green hats?
No, I don't.
Dok su oni ovako menjali informacije, ni vi niste ostali
besposleni, nego ste zapazili da pred books i pred green
hats nema lana, i zapitali ste se zato? Razlog je prost. Da
je pitanje u jednini, ono bi glasilo: Do you like a green
hat? A poto a znai ustvari jedan, to kao jedan ne
moe imati mnoinu.
Iz toga izlazi pravilo da ispred stvarnih imenica gde
bi neodredeni lan trebalo staviti u mnoinu neodredeni
lan otpada. U toliko lake, zar ne?
I zato ete rei: I like big parks. I write long
letters. I read French letters. I like small dogs.
Macpherson, ije je interesovanje za Miss Brown ovim
iscrpljeno, vadi iz depa jedno pero. Look, I have a pen.
It is a new pen. pen. It iz a nju pen. pero. Ono je
novo pero.
Nauili ste da he znai on, she ona. Sada nauite da it
znai ono.
Posle ovoga Macpherson pada u lirsko raspoloenje:
It is very nice. It is cheap. And it is strong
i:p strng.
Vrlo je lepo. Jevtino je. I jako je.
Kada bi gornje reenice preveli doslovno, one bi
glasile: Ono je vrlo lepo. Ono je jevtino. I ono je jako.
Ali niko to tako kod nas ne kae. Nego kae:
vrlo jo lepo, jevtino je, i jako je. Zapamtite ovu razliku
izmeu naeg i engleskog jezika dobro, pa kad budete
govorili engleski a govoriete ga jednog dana sigurno
da ne kaete: nice is, cheap is, strong is, nego, lepo, ba

kao da ste Englez ili Engleskinja It is nice. It is

cheap. It is strong. Pratito sad paljivo kako to lepo kau

Miller i Macpherson.
Is it good? Je li dobro, pita Miller, kome je
kvalitet vaniji od jevtinoe.
Yes, it is. It writes very well. Pie vrlo dobro.
Da nije dobro on bi rekao;
No, it is not. It does not write very well.
Oh (ou o), yes, zavrava Macpherson ubedljivo. It
is a fine (fajn fin) pen.
Miller, koga pero naroito ne zanima, okree
razgovor na vreme.
It is fine today (tudej danas). Danas je fino, ili,
kako bismo mi rekli: danas je lepo.
It is really (ri:eli zaista, stvarno) beautiful.
Zaista je lepo.
Prevedite. Je li ona debela? Nije, ona je mrava (thin
thin). Je li pero jako? Jeste. Nije, ono je slabo (weak
wi:k). Volite li aj? Volim. Pijete li mleko? Ne pijem.
Imate li pet prijatelja? Imam est. Danas je lepo. Dete je
dobro. Jako je, i lepo je. Nije slabo i nije mravo.
Reenje prolog zadatka. Am I small? No, you are
tall. Are we poor? No, you are rich. Do you eat meat?
No, I don't. Do they drink milk? No, they don't. Does
she like cats? No, she does not. Do you write English?
Yes, I do. Do you read French? No, I don't. They don't
speak English. They don't like books. They don't write
letters. Do they like books? No, they don't. Do they
write letters? No, they don't.
G. Miller, koji je oevidno dobro raspoloen, i kome
sve izgleda lepo, nastavlja razgovor.
It is a fine park. And this is a strong bench. Na
to e Maepherson, poto je pogledao klupu: Yes, it
is strong.
Nije kazao: Yes, she is strong. A znate zato? Zato
to Englezi kao praktini ljudi nemaju rodove za
imenice. Oni ne vide razloga zato bi, na prirner, telefon,
koji celog dana govori, bio mukog roda, a hartija koja
uti i sve trpi, enskog. Kod njih su zato sve imenice bez
razlike srednjeg roda. Izuzetak su samo ljudi i ivotinje
mujaci koji su mukog roda, i ene i ivotinje enke
koje su enskog roda. Ali i kod ivotinja, kada se ne
istie pol, kae se it. It is a nice cat. It is a good dog.
Uzgred da vam objasnirno podrobnije znaenje rei
nice, koja u engleskom irna mnogo ire znaenje nego nae
lepo. Nice je opti povoljan pridev. Tako ete za nekog

dobrog, prijatnog oveka rei: He is a nice man (man

ovek). Zato, kada prevodite nice upotrebite jednu od rei:
dobar, lep, prijatan, zgodan, simpatian. Tako je Miss
Brown za g. Millera b i l a a very nice lady.
Yes, she is very nice. And she likes cats and dogs.
Vidite, kako je to zgodno. Da su, na primer, Miller
i Macpherson govorili naim jezikom, mogao bi ovek
pomisliti da klupa voli make i pse. Ovako, na
engleskom, to se, jasno, moe odnositi samo na Miss
Ovde emo, g. Millera i g. Macphersona, poto su
ve poeli da govore bez veze, zamoliti da malo priekaju,
dok mi ponovimo i utvrdimo malo upitne i odrene

Treba razlikovarti pomone glagole I have i I am od

obinih glagola.
Kod pomonih glagola pitanje se pravi promenom reda
rei. I am tall. Am I tall? They are small. Are they
small? She is thin. Is she thin? I have a letter. Have I a
letter? He has a dog. Has he a dog?
Kod obinih glagola, stavlja se napred reca "do".
Do you drink coffee? Do you like gardens? Do they eat
meat? Does she speak French?
Ako odgovarate na pitanje u kome ima pomoan glagol, vi
ete ga ponoviti. Have you a house? Yes, I have. Is she
weak? Yes, she is. Is he strong? Yes, he is. Are you
tired. Yes, I am. Are you good? Yes, I am.
A ako odgovarate na pitanje postavljeno recom "do", vi
ete nju ponoviti. Do you write French? Yes, I do. Does she
speak English? Yes, she does. Do you drink milk? Yes,
I do.
Ako u odrenoj reenici imate pomoan glagol,
staviete iza njega "not". He is not fired. She is not
strong. I have not. She has not. They are not thin.
A ako u odrenoj reenici imate obian glagol, staviete
pred njega "don't". I don't write French. I don't like cats.
She does not speak English. They don't drink tea.
Ovo ste, je l' te ve sve znali? Ali nita ne mari da
se malo utvrdi, mnogo se bolje pamti. A sad da pustimo
Millera i Macphersona da opet oni malo brbljaju,
Do you like London (landn London)? pita Miller.
No, I don't, odgovara Macpherson. I like Edinburgh
(edinbro a zato ba edinbro a ne edinburg, to pitajte

It is a fine town (taun grad, varo). It has nice broad

(bro:d iroke) streets. And it is clean (kli:n
Are there (ima li) many (meni mnogo) parks
in Edinburgh?
Yes, there are.
Are there many trees (tri: drvo) in the parks
of Edinburgh?
Yes, there are.
Look at the trees in this park, veli Miller. A znate
zato je to kazao. Da vas naui da se na engleskom
kae: look at. Look at the book pogledaj knjigu.
Look at the lady pogledaj damu. Look at the town
pogledaj grad.
At at samo za sebe prevodi se as sa u a
as sa na. Kada je koje objasniemo docnije.
Prevedite. Je li ona visoka? Nije, ona je mala. Imam
li ja pismo? Nemate. Vole li oni iste ulice? Vole. Voli li
on visoko drvee? Voli. Ovo nije ist grad. Ovo nije
moja kua. Ona ne ita novine. On ne pije mleko. Ova
ulica nije iroka. Ova drveta nisu visoka. Oni nisu
Reenje zadatka. Is she fat? No, she is thin. Is the pen
strong? Yes, it is. No, it is weak. Do you like tea? Yes, I
do. Do you drink milk? No, I don't. Have you five
friends? I have six. It is fine today. The child is good. It
is strong, and it is beautiful. It is not weak, and it is not
Dosada ste imali rei strong, morning i long,
koje se zavravaju na ng. Njihov smo izgovor privremeno
zabeleili kao: strng, mo:ning, lng. Vreme je
da ih sada nauimo pravilno. Izgovorite nae g.
Zategli ste jezik, i nainili ustima malu eksploziju. G
se zato zove eksplozivan glas. U engleskom, u vezi ng,
ono nije eksplozivno.
Evo kako ete nauiti da izgovarate ne-eksplozivno
g. Izgovorite prvo strn bez g. Sad se spremite da
izgovorite g. Zategnite jezik, ali nemojte nainiti
eksploziju. Nego, taman da izgovorite g, a vi prekinite.
Time to ste prekinuli glas pre . oksplozije vi ste izgovorili
englesko g u ng.
Evo i drugog naina da nauite isti glas. Izgovorite
ime kineskog grada Hong-Kong, ali ne kao dve rei, nego
kao jednu: honkong. Kontroliite sebe. Jeste li izgovorili

gk? Niste. Samo ste se spremili da izgovorite g, a

ustvari ga niste izgovorili, nego ste izgovorili samo k.
Hajde, jo jednom, i pazite. Videete kako ste zaista
pripremili u ustima da izgovorite g, iako ga niste
izgovorili. To tako pripremljeno, a ne izgovoreno g, je
glas koji elite da nauite. Mi emo ga obeleavat:
Dosadilo se Macphersonu da slua ovo objanjenje, te
I am standing and waiting.
standing wejting.
Od rei do rei on je rekao ja sam stojei i
ekajui, jer tako kau Englezi umesto: ja stojim i ekam.
I am sitting and reading, ja sam sedei i itajui, ili
lepe prevedeno, ja sedim i itam, odgovara Miller.
You are not sitting, and you are not reading, buni se
Na to e Miller hladnokrvno: No, but (bat ali)
Miss Brown is writing a letter.
Na ovo se Macpherson sveti: Miss Brown is going
home. (I go gou idem).
A Miller e tuno: I am going home also. Are you
going home?
Yes, I am, ,potvruje Macpherson, i time nam daje
priliku da spomenemo da kad se pred nastavkom ing
nalazi samo jedan suglasnik, a pred ovim kratak
samoglasnik suglasnik se u pisanju udvaja. Ali to
nema nikakvog uticaja na izgovor. Sit je sit, a sitting je
Taman da pou, a Macpherson zaustavlja Millera.
Wait a moment (moument trenutak). Your pencil
is lying on the seat. (lajing n lei na).
Thank you, kae Miller i uzima pisaljku pod
miku. I taman opet da :poe, a Macpherson ga ponovo
Listen! A telephone is ringing.
Lisn telefoun ringing
Sluaj zvoni (I ring zvonim).
What telephone? (wt kakav) pita Miller.
The telehpone in the telephone-box, kae Macpherson.
(Box bks kutija; telephone-box javna
Where is the telephone box? (where we:e
The telephone-box is behind the tree (bihajnd

iza) odgovara Macphereon, koji kao kotlananin ima otro

oko za sve. Go in and listen ui i sluaj, predlae mu
Miller ulazi, i tako, dok je on unutra, taman
emo moi da objasnimo nekoliko stvari.
Prvo, da re what znai i ta i kakav. What is
this? What are you reading? What are you writing?
ta jo to? ta itate? Sta piete? Ali What book is
this? What man is that? Kakva je ovo knjiga? Kakav je
ono ovek?
Drugo, da se wh izgovara kao obino w. Samo
pedainti ga izgovaraju hw ne wh!
Tree, da box u prenosnom smislu znai i druge
kutije. Tako box u pozoritu znai loa.
etvrto, da go in ii unutra, upravo znai
ui Englezi na taj nain stavljajui glagole i predloge
zajedno, esto grade nove glagole. Tako out (aut) znai
napolje, a go out izai.
G. Miller je digao slualicu, i kae Hallo. Onog s
druge strane ne ujemo, ak ni u ovim lekcijama. Ali
zato ujemo Millera kako kae: Yes, Miller speaking.
Ovo speaking odgovara naem na telefonu.
Dok on tako govori, vi bre bolje prevedite:
Sedim i ekam. itam knjigu. Dama stoji i pije
mleko. Idem kui. Telefon zvoni. Gospodin sedi i jede meso.
Dama pie pismo. Gde je moj prijate'j? Gde je vaa
soba? ta je ovo? Kakav je ovo pas? ta pi' jete? Pijem
kafu. Kakav je ovo grad? Ovo je London.
Reenje zadatka. Is she tall? No, she is small. Have
I a letter? No, you have not. Do they like clean streets?
Yes, they do. Does she like tall trees? Yes, he does. (ili
samo: he does). This is not a clean town. This is not my
house. He does not drink milk. This street is not broad.
These trees are not tall. They are not tired.
Sigurno ste se pitali zato Miller nije rekao I
speak nego speaking. Da vam objasnimo. Engleski glagoli
imaju dva oblika: jedan dui i jedan krai. I am
reading i I read. I am writing i I write. I am
drinking i I drink. Kada se upotreblja jedan, a kada
drugi ?
Dui oblik I am writing, reading, drinking, upotrebljava
se kada se govori o neemu to se dogaa u
trenutku kada o tome govorimo.
Krai oblik, I write, read, drink, upotrebljava se

kada se govori o nekoj radnji koja se ne zbiva u ovom

trenutku. Drugim reima, kada se govori o navici, o
sposobnosti, ili o neem to se ne zbiva istovremeno sa
trenutkom u kome govorimo.
Tako I am drinking coffee, znai: pijem kafu dok s
vama govorim. A I drink coffee znai: pijem kafu kao
naviku, svakog jutra, ili esto, all ne ba u ovom trenutku.
Meutim, Miller kae speaking, jer ba u tom trenutku
govori. Da je hteo rei: govorim francuski, rekao bi: I
speak French, jer to oznaava aposobnost, neto to je
stalno, a ne pripada iskljuivo ovom trenutku.
Dok smo mi ovo objanjavali, Miller je odgovarao u
telephone box-u.
Yes. Yes. Oh, yes. Really?, I am glad. I am very
glad. Where? Where is that? In which street? u
kojoj ulici (Which wi koji).
Miller nastavlja Thank you very much (ma
mnogo). That is very kind of you. (Kind kajnd
ljubazno of v od). I am here with (widh sa).
Mr. Macpherson.
Najzad Miller izlazi, i Mac sad ga ve moemo zvati
skraeno Mac, jer ga dobro poznajemo pita radoznalo:
Who is calling (call kol zove)?
Mr. Green.
Where is Mr. Green?
Mr. Green is with Mrs. Green and Miss Brown
in the tea shop (p radnja; tea-shop ajdinica).
They are drinking tea.
Where is the tea-shop?
The tea-shop is in the main (mejn glavni)
street. I am going to drink tea with them. (To tu
da; them dhem njima). Idem da pijem aj s
njima. Come with me (mi mnom). Hajde sa mnom,
Mac kao obazriv kotlananin rauna da bi to moglo
biti skupo, i veli. No, thank you. I am going home.
Ali Miller je u galantnom raspoloenju:
Come as my guest
kam az gest
Hajde doi kao moj gost.
Mac se na ovo razvedrava, i nalazi da ba ne mora
da ide kui. All right. I am coming with you.
Gore se u tekstu pojavila reca to, koju smo
preveli sa da. Tom recom se u engleskom pravi
neodreeni nain, i prema tome to write znai pisati to
come doi, to speak govorif, to live iveti, to

wait ekati, to drink piti, to go ii

Dok smo mi ovo objanjavali,. Miller i Mac skoro su
izali iz parka. Taman da izau, a Mac e:
Look, Miller, there are two dogs sitting on a seat.
They sit there every (evri svaki) morning,
odgovara Miller.
Jeste videli kako su oni upotrebili dui i krai oblik?
Mac je rekao za pse da su sitting na klupi, jer su
sedeli ba u trenutku dok su Mac i Miller pro lazili.
Radnja je bila istovremena. A Miller je rekao da oni sit
svako jutro, to znai da je to kod njih navika, neto to
se zbiva esto, i ne samo toga trenutka.
Zapamtite kao pomono pravilo ovo: ako na kraju
neke reenice moete da dodate dok mi govorimo, onda
je na engleskom dui oblik na-ing. Ako ne moete, onda
je krai oblik.
I sada da ponovimo sistematski sve due oblike
sadanjeg vremena:
I am calling, he is calling, she is calling, we are
calling, you are calling, they are calling. Zovem, on
zove, ona zove, mi zovemo, vi zovete, oni zovu.
Prevedite. Pijete li mleko? Pijem ga svako jutro.
Jedete li meso? Ne jedem. Sluate li? Oni idu kui. Ko
govori? Ko eka? Gde je ulica? Gde je dama? Telefon
zvoni. Govorite li engleski? Da, govorim engleski sa vama.
Volim da sedim u vrtu. Volim da imam mnogo (many)
prijatelja. Ne volim da stojim, nego (but) volim da
Reenje prolog zadatka. I am sitting and wait ing. I
am reading a book. The lady is standing and drinking
milk. I am going home. The telephone is ringing. The
gentleman is sitting and eating meat. The lady is
writing a letter. Where is my friend? Where is your
room? What is this? What dog is this? What are you
drinking? I am drinking coffee. What town is this? This
is London.
Mr. Miller is going into town. Macpherson is
going with him (him njim). He is his (hiz njegov)
guest. They are going to drink tea with Mr. and Mrs.
Green and Miss Brown. Mr. Miller sees a bird (boe:d
ptica) on a tree, and says (to say tu sej rei).
Ovde ete se morati malo strpiti pre nego to saznate
ta je Miller rekao, jer bismo hteli da vam objasnimo
izgovor rei bird. Engleski glas oe neto je imalo

zatvoreniji nego e, ali ne koliko nemako o ili

francusko eu. Ono je, upravo, jedno e koje se izgovara
muklije, i vie iz grla nego obino e.
Tano, ono lei izmeu e i e. Evo, kako ete ga
izgovoriti. Namestite usta malo zatvorenije nego za nae
e, pa izgovorite nae e to muklije moete iz grla
umesto napred u ustima. Tako izgovoren glas lii na jedno
dosta mutno e.
Ovde ste nauili tri vrste engleskog e. Vrlo
otvoreno, kada otvarate usta kao da ete da izgovorite
a, i pazite da vam se jezik ne digne ka nepcima: cat, bad,
hat, black. Obino e, slino naem, koje je uvek kratko:
red, pen, French. I sada, poluzatvoreno, muklo, grleno
e: bird. Ovom prilikom vas poslednji put opominjemo,
da sa glasom e ne brkate mali mukli glas, koji smo
obeleili malim visokim e isto iz tamparskih razloga,
a koji, ustvari lii na onaj mukli glas to ga ujete iza
naih suglasnika b, t, v, m, 1, k kada ih izgovorite
zasebno, ili ispred r kada kaete ra, rav.
Ovim ste nauili i poslednji engleski glas priblino
tano. To to ih ne znate sasvim tano ne treba da vas
buni. Engleski glasovi nisu istovetni s naim, te kada
bismo pokuali da vam objanjavamo ba svaku niansu
engleskih glasova, sigurno je, prvo, da bismo umesto
dvanaest asova ispunili trideset, a drugo, da bismo vas
verovatno toliko zbunili da ne biste smeli usta da
otvorite. Ovako, kad god vam se ukae prilika sluajte
engleski na radiju, gramofonu ili u bioskopu, pa onda,
kada ste uli glasove, proitajte ponovo objanjenje, i,
verujte mi, neete tako ravo izgovarati. U svakom
sluaju neka vas tei to da i oni koji su uili engleski
samo na uho retko izgovaraju engleski sasvim tano. I
oni, mahom, izgovaraju samo priblino.
Za dokaz da vam ispriam jednu malu istinitu priu.
Jedan na diplomata koji je proveo u Engleskoj nekih 20
godina, izgovarao je englesku re such (takav)
uvek so. Najzad e mu primetiti jedan prijatelj:
Zato vi re such uvek izgovarate so ume-.
sto sa?
Ama nemoj, ovee, zar ja ivim dvadeset
godina u Engleskoj, pa da ne znam kako se izgovara,
naao se diplomata skoro uvreen. Izgovara se so.
Opklade se njih dvojica da prvom Englezu kog
sretnu na ulici poture ceduljicu sa reju such i da ga
zapitaju kako se izgovara.

Such (sa), rekao je Englez.

Eto vidi, okrenuo se diplomata pobedonosno
prijatelju, i ovaj, Englez izgovara so!
Ima ak i u suglasnicima neke razlike izmeu naih
i engleskih. Tako na primer englesko t je vie nepano
nego nae. Mi kad izgovaramo t dodirujemo jezikom
samo zube, dok Englezi toliko diu jezik da dodiruju malo i
nepce. Zato Englezi kada izgovore re tree daju utisak
kao da taru jezik o nepce. Ali sve su to sitnice, na koje
vi ne treba da se obzirete, ako ne elite da svoj izgovor
toliko komplikujete, da posle ve ne znate ni kako se
najprostije stvari izgovaraju. Pravila koja ste dosad
nauili potpuno su dovoljna za jedan pristojan izgovor.
U meuvremenu su Miller i Mac izlazei iz parka
produili konverzaciju.
Listen! A bird is singing.
Yes. It sings here every day. I see (to see tu si:
videti) it here every morning.
Macphersonovo budno oko zapaa i druge dogaaje:
Look! There are two boys (boj deak).
What are they doing? pita Miller.
They are running (to run ran trati).
They run here every morning. Miller oevidno
zna sve to se deava u parku.
And there are three girls (goe:l devojka) in the
street. They are standing and talking (to talk
to:k razgovarati).
Girls like to talk, primeuje Miller. Dakle, ne samo
u ovom trenutku, nego uvek. Vidite kako je ova razlika u
engleskom sadanjem vremenu korisna.
Are they talking with the boys?
No, they are not talking with the boys.
Ovde ste sigurno primetili kako smo nauili pitanje sa
are they, a ne sa do. Razlog vam se sam kae. Zato to se
dui oblik pravi sa pomonim glagolom are, a kada se
pitanje pravi od pomonog glagola onda se ne
upotrebljava do.
Prevedite. Govorim s vama. ta radite? Sedim na klupi.
Piem pismo. Piete li mnoga (many) pisma. Piem pisma
svaki dan. Sluam. Ptica peva. Ova ptica peva svako jutro.
ta rade devojke? One govore sa deacima. One govore sa
deacima. svako jutro. On stoji na (in) ulici. On stoji
ovde svaki dan.
Reenje. Do you drink milk? I drink it every morning.
Do you eat meat? No, I don't. Are you listening? They are

going home. Who is speaking? Who is waiting? Where is

the street? Where is the lady? The telephone is ringing. Do
you speak English. Yes, I speak English with you. I like to
sit in the garden. I like to have many friends. I don't like to
stand, but I like to sit.
Here is the tea-shop. Let us go into the tea-shop. Mr.
and Mrs. Green and Miss Brown are in the tea-shop.
They are sitting and drinking tea. The tea-shop is a nice,
big room. It is a beautiful room.
G. Green, kao utiv ovek, odmah pozdravlja
Millera.Good afternoon, Mr. Miller.
After a:fte je posle; noon nu:n je podne.
Od toga: Afternoon a:ftenu:n po podne.
Kod Engleza pozdrav dobar dan, nije uobiajen.
Do podne se kae good morning. Posle ruka good
afternoon, a uvee good evening (ivningvee).
Good afternoon, odgovara Miller, i pretstavlja
Macphersona. This is my friend, Mr. Macpherson. Pritom
izgovorio je njegovo ime makfoe:sn, prvo to on, prirodno,
ne izgovara kotski nego engleski, a drugo, to ste vi u
meuvremenu nauili glas oe.
Green se rukuje i veli: How do you do, sir? (Sir
soe: gospodin). Englezi nikad jedan drugog ne oslovljavaju
sa mister nego ili Mr. Miller, Mr. Green tj. Mr. i
prezime; ali, ako ne kau ime, samo sa sir.
Slino, gospou e osloviti sa Mrs. Green, ili ako
je dama nepoznata sa madam (madam).
Take a seat, please. (To take tejk uzeti;
please pli:z molim, izvolte). Englezi nemaju zasebne
rei za molim i izvolte, to im ipak ne smeta da budu
utivi.Doslovno, sedite bi valjalo rei: sit down. Ali sit
down se vie upotrebljava kao neka zapovest. Uitelj, na
primer, kae acimai: sit down. Zato je mnogo utivije rei:
uzmite mesto take a seat. Jo utivije, kada se ve
bavimo engleskom utivou, je fraza:
Won't you sit down? Neete li sesti? Won't
wount neete li, malo je sloeniji glagolski oblik, te
emo ga mi objasniti docnije. Za sada samo zapamtite
frazu.Ga Green, (kao prava domaica, brine se da joj gosti
budu uslueni:
Will you have a cup of tea?
wil kap v
Hoete li----------olju aja
Ga Green kao da je znala da treba da nauimo

promenu engleskih imenica. Engleske imenice, kao to

nemaju roda, nemaju ni nastavaka za padee. Dok mi
posle predloga uvek moramo da stavimo neki drugi pade:
na kui, u kui, iza kue, engleska imenica uvek ostaje
idealno ista: on the house, in the house, behind the
U engleskom ima svega dva padea koji se razlikuju
od prvog. Ti padei odgovaraju naem drugom i
treem. Drugi pade gradi se kad se pred imenicu
stavi reca of (v), a trei kad se pred imenicu stavi
to (tu). Prema tome:
the house kua
of the house kue
to the house kui
Svim ostalim naim padeima odgovara osnovni oblik
the house. To je kuu the house, sa kuom with
the house, itd. Za mnoinu, kao to znamo, imamo
nastavak - s
the houses (hauzez) kue
of the houses kua
to the houses kuama.
Sad zapamtite jo dva pravila, pa da potpuno
raskrstimo s imenicama. Ako je imenica vetastvena, tj.
pretstavlja neku materiju kao to je kamen, drvo, mleko,
hleb, onda se pred nju ne stavlja lan. Isto tako lan
se ne stavlja ni pred osobene imenice.
To e vam odmah sada pokazati ga Green:
Will you have a cup of tea?
Yes, please.
Will you have a piece of bread and butter?
pi:s bred bate
komad hleb maslo.
No, thank you.
Won't you have a piece of cake (kejk kola)?
Englez, kada prima ponudu kae yes, please, a kad
odbija no, thank you. Zapamtite, pa da vam se ne desi
da vam zbog nesporazuma uklone tajnir dok ste jo
Do you like your tea strong, Mr. Miller, pita
No, thank you, odgovara on. I like it weak.
And you, Mr. Macpherson?
I like it strong.
Ga Green broji koliko olja ima da napuni: One
two three four five

wan tu: thri: fo: fajv

jedan dva tri etiri pet.
Da je nastavila da broji, rekla bi:
Six seven eight nine ten
siks sevn ejt najn ten
est sedam osam devet deset
Prevedite. Komad hleba. olja aja. eir g. Gree-na. Kua
gdice Brown. Ulice Londona. Gost g. Millera. Gosti g.
Greena. Hoete li komad kolaa? Molim. Hoete li
komad mesa? Hvala, neu. Deset olja aja.
Reenje. I am speaking with you. What are you
doing? I am sitting on a bench. I am writing a letter. Do
you write many letters? I write letters every day. I am
listening. A bird is singing. This brid sings every morning.
What are the girls doing? They are talking with the boys.
They talk with the boys every morning. He is standing in
the street. He stands here every day.
Mr. and Mrs. Green, Miss Brown, Mr. Miller and
Mac are having tea. Zapamtite da se kod Engleza ne
mora rei piju aj, nego da se moe rei i imaju aj.
Slino je i sa ostalim obedima.
I am having breakfast (brekfest doruak). She is
having lunch (lan ruak). They are having
dinner (dine veera).
Dinner stvarno znai glavni obed, ali kako Englezi
najee imaju glavni obed uvee, to se mahom pod
dinner misli na veeru. Ako meutim imate glavni obed u
podne, onda laku veeru zovete supper
Sem ovoga moete rei i: I am breakfasting
Dorukujem. She is lunching - Ona rua. They are
dining (to dine dajn). Veeraju. We are supping
(to sup sap). Imamo laku veeru.
Prema tome breakfast, znai doruak, a to
breakfast dorukovati. Lunch ruak, a to lunch
ruati. Dinner veera, a to dine veerati. Supper
laka veera, a to sup , jesti laku veeru.
Pred ove obede se obino ne stavlja lan.
Sad da vidimo ta rade nai prijatelji. Mrs. Green is
drinking a cup of tea. Miss Brown is having a glass
(gla:s aa) of milk. Mr. Green is eating a piece of
bread and butter, and Macpherson is having a big piece
of cake. Mr. Miller is not eating. He is talking.
Razlikuje to speak govoriti, od to talk

govoriti, razgovarati, i od to say rei, kazati, I

speak French. I am talking with you. And I am
saying: no, thank you.
G. Miller osea dunou da zabavlja goste, te ih
informie o raznim interesantnostima iz privatnog i
javnog ivota.
The door (do: vrata) of the shop is strong.
The windows ,(windou prozor) of the room are
The father (fadhe otac) of Miss Brown is rich.
The mother (madhe majka) of my friend is
poor.Za (trenutak Miller nema vie ideja, to nam daje
prilike da analiemo gornje primere. Ispred Miss
Brown i ispred my friend nema lana, zato to je
jedno osobena imenica, a drugo prisvojna zamenica. Pravilo
da pred zamenicama nema lana protee se u engleskom
i na rei kao this, that, koje se u engleskom zovu
pokazne zamenice. Na primer. The window of that
shop. The door of this house.
Umesto The father of Mis Brown, Miller je mogao
rei i Miss Brown's father. To s na kraju rei, sa
apostrofom (') izmeu njega i rei kojoj pripada, odgovara
naem prisvojnom obliku na ov ili na in.
The man's guest ovekov gost.
Green's friend Grinov prijatelj.
The woman's hat (wuman ena) enin
Ovde re preuzima ga Green, koja smatra da treba
da uvebamo i trei pade.
Pass (pa:s pruiti, dodati) this cup to Miss
Brown. A zatim odmah daje svoj eir muu i veli:
Give (to give giv dati) this hat to the waitress
(wejtres kelnerica), please. Kelnerici meutim ona daje i
pismo. Will you give this letter to the postman (post
poust pota; postman potar).
Yes, madam, odgovara the waitress.
U tom e Macpherson, koji je gledao kroz prozor, i
video neto to nalazi za vredno da i drugima saopti:
There are five men and three women in the street.
to je zgodno, jer nam daje prilike da nauimo dva
izuzetka. Da je mnoina od man men (men), a od
woman women, to se sasvim neoekivano izgovara
Ovaj primer, wuman wimin, pokree pitanje zato)
se u engleskom izgovor toliko razlikuje od pisanja? Glavni

razlog je ovaj. Englezi su nekad izgovarali kao to sada

piu, ali se u toku vremena izgovor mnogih glasova ili
grupa rei izmenio. Pisanje je meutim uvek ostalo isto, ma
kako se glas izgovarao. Jednom, u sedamnaestom veku,
injen je jedan pokuaj da se bar izuzeci izjednae, pa je
taj pokuaj nainio jo veu zbrku. I otada su Englezi
ostavili stari nain pisanja, mada se izgovor i danas jo
menja. A menja se zato to engleski samoglasnici nisu po
prirodi isti kao nai, nego su esto mukli, poluotvoreni,
polunaglaeni, itd., pa ih je nemogue precizirati u
izgovoru toliko da ne bi dalje ostali podloni promeni.
Opaziete meutim da se, sa malim izuzecima, sline
grupacije glasova na slian nain itaju. To e vam, kada
budete vie odmakli u jeziku, veoma esto omoguiti da
bez ikakvih pravila, tano pogodite izgovor novih rei.
Prevedite. Ulice grada su "iste. eir g. Greena je
jevtin. G. Greenov eir je jevtin. Pas moga prija telja je
jak. Sobe one kue su male. Daj deku kutiju. Dodaj stolicu
kelnerici. Daj Donu pismo. Daj pare kolaa potaru.
Deakova majka je ovde. Devojin otac je visok.
Kelnerice, molim au vode. (au vode, kelnerice, molim.
Water wote voda).
Reenje. A piece of bread. A cup of tea. The hat of
Mr. Green. The house of Miss Brown. The streets of
London. The guest of Mr. Miller. The guests of Mr.
Green. Will you have a piece of cake? (Won't you have
a piece of cake?) Yes, please. Will you (won't you)
have a piece of meat? No, thank you. Ten cups of tea.
Zagrejani ajem, nai prijatelji prelaze na intimnije
porodine detalje.
Where does your father live, Mr. Macpherson,
asks Mrs. Green.
My father lives in Scotland (sktland).
His father has a house in Edinburgh, dopunjava
g. Miller, koji voli da bude taan. A zatim, i nepitan, ini
dalja saootenja:
Miss Brown has a mother. Her mother likes nice
gardens. (Her hoe: njen).
Our parents are not young, says Mrs. Green.
(Our aue na; parents parents roditelji; young
jang mlad).
Milleru je mnogo stalo do toga da Macpherson ovo
utuvi, te mu ponavlja:
Thier parents are old. (Their dheje njihov), old

ould star).
Ovim su nai prijatelji izreali ne samo svoje roditelje,
nego i prisvojne zamenice: my moj; his njegov; her
njen; our na; your va; their njihov).
Engleske zamenice imaju istu zgodnu osobinu kao i
engleski pridevi, tj. imaju samo jedan jedini oblik kako
za jedninu tako za mnoinu. Tako my znai i moj, i moja, i
moji, i moje.
Meutim, prisvojne zamenice u engleskom imaju jednu
drugu osobinu koje nae zamenice nemaju. Imaju jedan
krai i jedan dui oblik. Ti su oblici:
my mine your yours
her hers their theirs
our ours
Za his oba su oblika ista, tj. his.
Krai, nenaglaeni oblici, upotrebljavaju se kada
zamenica stoji pred imenicom, a dui, naglaeni, kada stoji
Prema tome, rei ete: This is my friend, ali This
garden is mine. That is your book, ali That house is
yours. This is her pencil, ali That hat is hers. This is their
child, ali That boy is theirs.
Nai prijatelji, koji su vrlo usluni ljudi, pokazae kako
se ti oblici upotrebljavaju.
We have little trees in our garden, says Miss
Ours are big, zadovoljno primeuje ga Green.
My house is small, says Macpherson.
Mine is small also, skromno dopunjuje Miller. But
theirs is a beautiful house, informie on zatim Macphersona,
mislei na Greenovu kuu. Zatim, posmatrajui bolno
Greenov eir, dodaje:
My hat is old, yours is new.
Dok su mukarci preli na muke teme, dame su
zapodele drugi razgovor.
Does your father write to you? pita ga Green, koja se
kao dobra domaica interesuje za zdrave porodine
odnose. (To you vama).
Yes, he writes to me every week. (To me meni;
week wi:k nedelja, sedmica).
And your mother? How is she?
I write to her (njoj) also, and she writes to me.
I don't write to my father and mother, says Mrs.
Green. My parents live in London. We see them often.
(Them dhem njih; often fn esto).

Iz ovog enskog razgovora, vi ste i sami pogodili

kako se menjaju pokazne zamenice. Ipak, radi boljeg
pregleda, ponoviemo ih u tabelarnoj formi.
Prevedite Moja ptica je mala. Njegov gost je
umoran. Njena ruka je lepa. Nae stolice su jake. Nai
roditelji piju aj. Njihove kutije su velike. Moj eir je
veliki, a va je mali. Nai roditelji su stari, a njihovi su
mladi. Njegov gost je ljubazan (kind), a njen je lep. Piem
pismo svome ocu. Kua njene majke. Daj ovo pismo
njima (ovaj red rei). To je lepo od vas (nice).
Reenje. The streets of the town are clean. The hat
of Mr. Green is cheap. Mr. Green's hat is cheap. The dog
of my friend (my friend's dog) is strong. The rooms of that
house are small. Give the box to the boy. Pass the chair
to the waitress. Give the letter to John. Give a piece of
cake to the postman. The boy's mother (The mother of the
boy) is here. The girl's father (The father of the girl) is
tall. A glass of water, waitress, please.
Our friends are still (stil jo, jo uvek) drinking
tea. The English (Englezi) like tea. They drink tea
every morning for (fo: za) breakfast, and in the
afternoon about (abaut oko, okolo, otprilike) five
o'clock (klk sati).
Nauite: The English Englezi; the French
Francuzi; the Germans (doe:mans) Nemci.
In the morning ujutru; in the afternoon po
podne; in the evening uvee.
Tek to smo rekli five o' clock, a Miss Brown se
What time is it? (Time tajm vreme). Od
rei do rei: kakvo je vreme. Ali Miss Brown nije
rekla to, nego: koliko je sati? Da je mislila na ono
drugo, atmosfersko vreme, ona bi rekla weather
wedhe. Na primer, The weather is fine today. The
weather is bad.
G. Miller usluno vadi sat, i saoptava: It is six
Ali i g. Green, je izvadio asovnik? Your watch is
slow. (Watch w asovnik; slow slou spor). It
is quarter past six. (Quarter kwo:te etvrt; past
pa:st prolo).
Dok oni porede asovnike, mi emo bre bolje da
analiemo ta su rekli. G. Green je doslovno rekao: va
asovnik je spor. To odgovara naem: va sat zaostaje.

Slino, kada bi sat iao napred, on bi rekao: Your watch is

fast (fa:at brz).
(Ne zaboravite da ove fraze upiete u svoju
Naravno, vi ste pogodili da, poto se est i etvrt kae
quarter past six, to se est i po moe rei samo half past
six, (Half ha:f pola). I sve bi bilo lepo, da i Mac
nije izvadio svoj sat.
I am sorry, veli on. It is quarter to six, etvrt do
est. To oevidno u ovoj vezi znai do.
But, buni se Green, it is ten minutes past six on
your watch. (Minute minit minut).
Yes, I know (to know tu nou znati) slae se Mac
sasvim hladnokrvno. This is my grandfather's watch.
(Grandfather grnadfadhe deda).
This watch is ten minutes slow in the morning.
It is right (taan, ispravan) at noon (u podne). And it is
ten minutes fast in the afternoon
What time is it now (nau sad)? oajno e
Miss Brown.
It is ten past six, veli Miller. est i deset.
It is twenty past six, popravlja g. Green. (Twenty
twenti dvadeset), est i dvadeset.
It is twenty to seven, pobedniki zakljuuje Mac.
Dvadeset do sedam. Mine is a very good watch.
Potpuno ubeena da je dockan, ma koji sat bio u
pravu, Miss Brown se die.
It is late (lejt dockan), veli ona. I must (mast
moram) go.
Zapamtite zasad da se posle must ne stavlja to.
Dakle: I must write. He must wait. She must listen.
Docnije emo nauiti zato must nema ni "s" za tree
lice jednine.
Must you go? ipita ga Green.
Don't go, please, moli g. Miller.
Ali Miss Brown je odluila. I must. Father and
mother are waiting for me at home (kod kue!).
Sigurno se pitate zato pred father i mother nema
lana? Razlog je u tome to father i mother ovde stoje
kao da su osobene imenice. Slino i braa, sestre, ujke i
tetke, i sva ostala svojta mogu da stoje bez lana.
We have supper at half past seven.
When do you breakfast? asks Mrs. Green.
At quarter past eight. And we lunch at quarter
to one.

Zapamtite: at two o' clock u dva sata; at half

past three u tri i po; at quarter past five u pet
i etvrt.
We breakfast at ten to eight, lunch at ten past
one, and sup at twenty past seven, ga Green nalazi
kao obavezu da saopti.
Zadatak. Koliko je sati? etiri. Tri i etvrt. etvrt do
est. Pet i po. Deset do osami. Devet i dvadeset. Moram
da piem svome ocu. Moram da idem kui. Mi
dorukujemo u sedam. Oni ruaju u jedan i dvadeset. Va
sat zaostaje deset minuta. Moj grabi dvadeset minuti.
Dockan je.
Reenje. My bird is small. His guest is tired. Her hand is
beautiful. Our chairs are strong. Our parents drink tea.
Their boxes are big. My hat is big, and yours is small.
Our parents are old, and theirs are young. His guest is kind,
and hers is beautiful. I am writing a letter to my father. The
house of her mother (Her mother's house). Give this letter to
them. That is nice of you.
I must really go now, says Miss Brown. I must pack
(pak pakovati) tonight (tunajt veeras). I am going to
Dover tomorrow. (Dover douve; tomorrow tumorou
sutra).Uporedite: today, danas, tonight, veeras, i tomorrow
sutra. A isto tako zapamtite da kada idete nekuda
upotrebite za pravac recu to: I am going to London. She is
going to Dover.
Ali ikako, bunite se vi, moe Miss Brown, da kae I
am going tomorrow, kada je to dui oblik glagola to go,
i prema tome oznaava radnju koja se deava u isto
vreme dok ona govori? To ne moe da bude!
Potpuno ste u pravu. Ali je u pravu i Miss Brown. A
poto je ona Engleskinja, verovatno da je ona vie
u pravu nego vi. Stvar je u tome to se izrazom I am
going to pravi u engleskom budue vreme.
Prema tome, kada Miss Brown kae I am going to
Dover tomorrow, ona je ustvari rekla: sutra u otii u
Dover. Setite se da i u naem jeziku moete rei: sutra
odlazim u Dover, iako je odlazim sadanje, a ne budue
Are your parents going also? interesuje se Greenovica.
Yes, father and mother are going also, potvruje
Miss Brown. We are going to stay there ten days. (Stay
stej ostati, probaviti).
What are you going to do at Dover, ta ete raditi u

Doveru, pita Greenovica dalje?

Father and mother are going to read and to walk
(wo:k etati se), and I am going to bathe (bejdh
kupati se).
Zapamtite da to walk i to bathe nisu u engleskom
povratni glagoli kao kod nas, i nemaju se uza se. I
docnije ete nai da mnogi glagoli koji su kod nas povratni
u engleskom nisu i obratno. Potrebno je zato da svaki od
njih paljivo zaibeleite u svoj renik.
Uzgred zapamtite da se na engleskom po pravilu za
velike gradove kae in a za manje at. Englezi se tog
pravila ne dre striktno. Tako, dok ete uti in
London, in Paris (Paris), in Berlin (Boe:lin), uete i in
Dover, i at Dover, in Belgrade i at Belgrade.
I shall write to you, pisau vam, obeava Miss
Brown gi Green.
Time nam je Miss Brown pretsatvila i drugo
englesko budue vreme. U engleskom, naime, ima dva
budua vremena. Prvo, koje smo maloas nauili, koje
moemo da nazovemo nezvanino blisko budue vreme
i koje je veoma esto u obinom govoru. I drugo, zvanino,
ili gramatiko budue vreme, koje svi pisci
unose u gramatike. I ovo drugo vreme se gradi veoma
prosto. Stavi se, naime, ispred glagola za prvo lice
jednine ili mnoine reca shall (al), a za ostala lica reca
will (wil), a glagol ostaje skroz isti. Inae shall za sebe
znai treba ili mora, a will hou. Dakle:
I shall write pisau
He will write pisae (on)
She will write pisae (ona)
We shall write pisaemo
You will write pisaete
They will write pisae (oni)
Ostaje da raspravimo kada se upotrebljava jedno a
kada drugo budue vreme? Nekada se oblik I am going to
upotrebljavao da se izrazi namera, i danas, ako naroito
elite da podvuete nameru, treba da upotrebite taj oblik.
Ali inae razlika se u obinom govoru izmeu ova dva
oblika skoro potpuno izgubila. I zato je sasvim svejedno
koji ete oblik upotrebiti.
I shall write to all (o:l sav, svi) my friends,
obeava Miss Brown.
Will you write to me also? brine se Miller.
I don't know. I shall see. Miss Brown postaje

I shall write to you, if (if ako) you write to me,

pokuava da je odobrovolji Miller.
We shall all write to you, spaava Greenovica
I must go, jo jednom veli Miss Brown. Good-bye.
Miss Brown says good-bye and walks out of the
shop. (Walk out izai. Out of iz).
Zadatak. Sutra u da napiem jedno pismo. (Tomorrow
na kraju reenice). Prekosutra putujem (odlazim) u
London. Ona namerava da proita (read) ovu
knjigu sutra. Sutra u dorukovati u devet sati. On e vam
napisati pismo (vam na kraju reenice). Ona e ekati.
Oni e trati ceo (all) dan. Ona e se sutra kupati. Sutra
emo svi otii u Pariz. Ruau u jedan. Veerau u osam i
Reenje. What time is it? It is four o'clock. It is
quarter past three. It is quarter to six. It is half past five.
It is ten to eight. It is twenty past nine. I must write to
my father. I must go home. We breakfast at seven
(o'clock). They lunch at twenty past one. Your watch is
ten minutes slow. Mine is twenty minutes fast. It is
Miss Brown is going home now. She must pack
tonight. She is going to Dover tomorrow. She will
get up at half past seven in the morning.
(Up ap gore, nagore; get up get ap
She will breakfast with her parents, and with
her grandmother. Majka znate da je mother, a znate i
da je deda grandfather. Sad, ik pogodite ta je
Then (dhen onda, zatim) she will go to the
station in a taxi.
Station stejn je stanica. Ali ta je taxi
taksi neu da vam kaem. Vi ste sad ve toliki Englezi
da pogodite ne samo to, nego i football (futbol), i omnibus
(mnibas), i hotel (hotel), i jo puno drugih rei.
Miss Brown's parents will not leave with her. (Leave
li:v otii, poi, otputovati, napustiti. Razlikujte izgovor
leave dugo i od live iveti kratko i). They are
old. They will leave about half past one in the
afternoon. Mr. Brown likes to read his morning paper
after breakfast.

Morning nauili smo da znai jutro. Sada nauite da

moe da, znai i jutarnji. Kod Engleza ima puno imenica
koje se mogu upotrebiti ovako kao pridevi. Na primer, He
reads his evening paper before (bifo:
pre, ispred) dinner. Here is a garden chair batenska
stolica. He is waiting in the guest room.
Ovo nije tako esto kao u nemakom
At the station Miss Brown will take the train (trejn
voz) for Dover. The train leaves at ten twenty, and
arrives at Dover at noon. (To arrive arajv stii).
From the station Miss Brown will go to the hotel.
From frm oznaava pravac kretanja od
nekuda, i prema tome odgovara as naem od as
naem sa a as naem iz. Na primer. From home
od kue. From the hotel iz hotela. From the
station sa satnice. From London iz Londona.
She will lunch at (u) the hotel. And after lunch she
will go back to the station.
(back bak natrag; to go back vratite se; the
back lea).
Kao to smo imali from za pravac kretanja od
nekud, iako imamo to za kretanje u nekom pravcu. He is
going to the hotel. They are going to London. I ovo je kod
Engleza prostije nego kod nas, jer mi idemo na stanicu, u
hotel, u London, itd.
There she will find (fajnd nai) her parents. They
will arrive at three o'clock. From the station they will
all go to the hotel. At the hotel they will have tea about
five o'clock, and after tea Miss Brown will go to bathe.
But her parents will not bathe. They will take a walk.
(To walk ii peke; walk etnja; to take a
walk etati se).
At seven twenty they will all have dinner, and
then they will go to the cinema (sinema). Ovo znam da
ete pogoditi ta znai.
The day after tomorrow (prekosutra) they will
write letters.
Kao to ima tomorrow i the day after tomorrow,
tako ima i yesterday jestedej jue, i the day before
yesterday prekjue.
Nauite jo: otputovati u leave for, i ekati na
wait for, pa prevedite:
Sutra u otputovati u Pariz. U Parizu u ostati deset
dana. Iz Pariza u otii u London. U Londonu u
govoriti engleski. Hoete li me saekati (ekati na mene)?

Hoemo. ekaemo u hotelu. Sutra u itati engleske

novine (sutra na kraju). Stii emo u London u dva sata.
One e sluati. On e nas zvati (zvati nas). Kuda (where)
e ona otii? Otii e da vidi svoje roditelje.
Reenje. I shall (I am going to) write a letter
tomorrow. I shall leave for (I am going to) London the
day after tomorrow. She is going to read this book
tomorrow. We shall (we are going to) breakfast at nine o'
clock tomorrow. He will (is going to) write a letter to
you. She will (is going to) wait. They will (are going to)
run all day. She will (is going to) bathe tomorrow. We shall
all go to Paris tomorrow (We are all going). I shall (I am
going to) lunch at one o' clock. I shall (I am going to)
dine at half past eight.
Miss Brown is at Dover, but Mr. Miller and Mr.
Macphersori are not. They are still in London. They
are walking in the park and talking.
Dover is a nice town, veli Miller. But it is not a
large town. (Large la:d veliki, prostran). London
is much larger than Dover.
Dover znate ta je. A ono er na kraju rei large to
je nastavak kojim se prvai prvi stepen poreenja kod
engleskog prideva. Naravno, ako se pridev zavruje na e
onda se dodaje samo r. Tako imamo; nicer lepi,
larger vei, stronger jai, weaker slabiji.
Kod nekih prideva koji se svravaju jednim suglasnikom,
ovaj se suglasnik u pisanju udvaja. Na primer: bigger.
Kod kojih, to emo nauiti docnije.
Yes, I know, kae Macpherson. London is the
largest town in England.
Tim est napravio je Macpherson i drugi stepen
poreenja. Tako shortest najkrai, hardest najtvri.
Cleanest najistiji. Kindest najljubazniji.
London, licitira Miller u patriotskom oduevljenju, is
the biggest town in Europe (ju.:rop).
Yes, it is, priznaje i Macpherson, but Edinburgh is
much nicer. Edinburgh is the nicest town in Great
(grejt veliki) Britain (britn).
Big i large znae manje vie isto. Isto tako i
small i little. Great se upotrebljava i u prenosnom
smislu veliki ovek.
Let us sit down, predlae Miller, koji se zamorio
uporeujui gradove. There are many chairs in the
park.Zato, pitaete, nije rekao much? Evo zato. Za stvari

koje se mogu brojati, upotrebljava se many. Na pr.

There are many parks in Paris. There are many houses
in this street. I shall have many guests. Kada se re
mnogo ne odnosi na neto to se broji, onda se
upotrebljava much. I like it very much. This is much nicer.
Please, don't give me much milk. I don't like much
Usled toga razlikuje se prirodno i how many koliko?
(po broju), i how much koliko (po koliini). How many
are there koliko ih ima? pita Mac. Will you count?
(kaunt brojati).
Yes, I will, says Miller, i odmah poinje: One, two,
three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Pa nastavlja:
eleven ilevn jedanaest
twelve twelv dvanaest
thirteen thoe:ti:n trinaest
fourteen fo:ti:n etrnaest
fifteen fifti:n petnaest
sixteen siksti:n esnaest
seyenteen sevnti:n sedamnaest
eighteen ejti:n osamnaest
nineteen najnti:n devetnaest
twenty twenti dvadeset
Poste trinaest Miller je imao da dodaje samo
teen. Od dvadeset njemu ide jo lake:
thirty trideset. tha:rti
A od trideset dodaje samo ty. Jedino to etrdeset pie
malo drukije.
forty etrdeset
one hundred wan handred sto.
Brojao bi Miller i do one thousand thausend

hiljade, da ga Macphersan nije prekinuo.

I don't want (wnt hteti) to count the chairs.
There are more (mo: vie) than (dhan nego)
two hundred.
There are three hundred and fifty six chairs, zakljuuje
Miller, koji je istrajao, pobedonosno.
Do you know how many benches there are in the
park? pita dalje Mac.
Yes, I do. There are one hundred and thirty two
benches in this park. That, with the chairs, makes
(mejk initi, napraviti) four hundred and eighty eight
seats.How do you know? Kako (otkud) zna? Macpher-son
ne veruje.
There is a book about the park. And in the book
it say's: there are fifteen houses, twenty-two telephone
boxes, and three thousand six hundred and eighty
seven birds in the park.
Pred ovolikim i neoekivanim znanjem morao je i
Macpherson da zanemi. I mi stoga zakljuujemo lekciju.
Ali ne pre no to smo vam doanuli jo jedno pravilo u vezi
s poreenjem prideva. A to je da pridevi koji su dui od
dva sloga, umesto nastavkom er i est prave poreenje na
taj nain to se ispred njih stavlja more i most (moust
Beautiful. More beautiful lepi. The most
beautiful najlepi.
Prevodite. Pas je vei od make. Deaci su jai od
devojica. Ona je bogatija nego on (he). On je
siromaniji nego ona (she). Ova kua je lepa nego
ona (that). Ova kua je najipea u ovoj ulici. Ovaj
prozor je dui nego onaj. Moje pismo je due nego vae.
Njegovo je pismo najdue. Njihova soba je istija od
moje. On je najvii ovek u gradu. Ona je najlepa dama u
Reenje. I shall leave for Paris tomorrow. I shall stay
in Paris ten days. From Paris I shall go to London. In
London I shall speak English. Will you wait for me?
We shall. (We will). We shall wait at the hotel. I shall
read English papers tomorrow. We shall arrive in London
at two o'clock. She will listen. He will call us. Where will
she go? She will go to see her parents.
We are now at Dover. It is a very fine day, and
the sun is hot.
(the sun san sunce; hot ht vrue).

It is about eleven o' clock in the morning. There

are many men and women in the streets walking and
talking. On the right is the sea (si: more).
Desno se moe rei i right i on the right. Isto tako i
levo: left (left) i on the left.
Outside the hotel there is a gentleman looking at
it. (Outside autsajd spolja, napolju).
He looks at the porter (po:te portir; i nosa)
and asks: (ne zaboravite da ask znai i pitati i moliti).
Is this the King George Hotel?
King king kralj, George do:d.
Zapamtite dve stvari. Prvo, da Englezi za firme nikad
ne kau kod, nego prosto ime. Drugo, da u naslovima, bilo
to ustanova, knjiga, lanaka, kao i kod titula, uvek piu
svaku re velikim poetnim slovom.
Yes, sir, it is, says the porter.
Can I see the manager (manide direktor).
Ni posle can kao ni posle must nema to. I tree lice
jednine je he can, she can, he must, she must, bez s.
Yes, sir.
Where is he?
He is in the office (fis kancelarija).
And where is the office?
The office is on the right.
Thank you very much.
The gentleman walks into the hotel, and goes into the
Posle go in i go out, i walk out pogodiete i walk
in. Uzgred zapamtite i look in pogledati unutra i look
out pogledati napolje. Look out upotrebljava se sem
toga kao uzvik: pazi!
Good morning. Are you the manager?
Yes, sir. I am. What can I do for you. Doslovno: ta
mogu ja uiniti za vas. Ovu frazu vredi da nauite napamet,
jer e vas njome osloviti u prvoj engleskoj radnji u koju
uete.Will you tell me, please: are Mr. Brown, Mrs.
Brown and Miss Brown staying at this hotel?
(Tell tel rei, izvestiti, dati poruku).
Yes, sir. They are.
When did they arrive? (When wen kada).
(Arrive arajv stii).
Did (did) je prolo vreme od do. I kao to za
sadanje vreme pravite pitanje sa do, tako za prolo vreme
pravite pitanja sa did.
Do you write? Piete, li?

Did you write? Jeste li pisali?

Glagol, kao to primeujete, ostaje isti, tj. u sadanjem
Jo nekoliko primera. Do you drink milk? Did you
drink milk? Do you live in London? Did you
Did you ring? Jeste li zvonili?
When did you come? Kada ste doli?
Did you ask him? Jeste li ga pitali?
Manager, kome se due ne eka, ovde kae:
They arrived on Saturday (satedej subota).
Imena dana, meseca, praznika, isto se tako piu
velikim slovima.
Prolo vreme u engleskom jo je prostije od budueg.
Ono se gradi nastavkom -ed, ili samo -d ako se glagol
svrava na e. Englesko prolo moe se prevoditi naim
preanjim, naim aoristom, i naim prolim vremenom. Na
I arrived stigoh, ili stigao sam
he arrived on stie, ili stigao je
she arrived ona stie, ili stigla je
we arrived stigosmo, ili stigli smo
you arrived stigoste, ili stigli ste
they arrived stigoe, ili stigli su.
Ne zaboravite da se u subotu kae on Saturday.
They arrived here on Saturday, you say?
Yes, sir. They arrived in the afternoon, and dined
at the hotel.
Is Miss Brown in the hotel now?
I don't know. I will ring and ask the maid.
(Maid mejd devojka, u znaenju sluavka,
Thank you very much.
Do you want to see them? pita manager.
Yes, I do.
Pazite da ne pobrkate want wnt hteli, i
won't wount ne hteti.
Prevedite. Jeste li pisali svojoj majci? Jeste li
pogledali kroz (out of) prozor? Jeste li pozvali (call)
direktora? Jeste li pitali devojku? Jesam. Jesu li videli
The maid went back, and the gentleman walked out
of the hotel. He walked slowly.
(Slow slou je lagan, spor. A slowly slouli
je lagano, sporo. Ly je nastavak kojim se u engle
skom pravi veliki broj priloga. Tako imamo: gladly
radosno,. beautifully lepo, krasno, nicely lepo,

dobro. The gentleman walked down to the sea. He looked right

and he looked left, and then he saw (so: vide
prolo vreme od to see) a lady.
Good morning, he said to her. Very pleased to meet
Very pleased je skraeno od I am very pleased, a
to meet mi:t je sresti. Izraz Pleased to meet you,
bukvalno: milo mi je to sam vas sreo, fraza je kojom se
Englezi pozdravljaju kada se upoznaju ili sretnu. Nauite
je, trebae vam.
Oh, Mr. Miller, said the lady. What a surprise! (Kakvo
iznenaenje! Surprise seprajz iznenaenje). When
did you come to Dover?
I have just arrived. (Just dast tek, taman,
upravo). Tek to sam stigao.
Ovde moramo zastati da vam objasnimo ta je to I have
just arrived. To je isto kao i I arrived prosto vreme.
Englezi naime imaju dva prola vremena: presto prolo
i sadanje prolo. Prosto prolo smo imali. Ono se gradi
nastavkom ed. A sadanje prolo gradi se kada se
ispred .prostog prolog stavi sadanje vreme od glagola
have. Na primer:
I have arrived stigao sam
he has arrived on je stigao
she has arrived ona je stigla
we have arrived stigli smo
you have arrived stigli ste
they have arrived stigli su
Ovoga asa samo nauite ove oblike, a kada se
upotrebljava jedno, a kada drugo prolo vreme, objasni
-emo vam u iduem asu.
Pre nego to prevedete zadatak zapamtite da po pravilu
vremenski prilozi dolaze posle glagola; i usled toga esto
na kraju reenice.
Zadatak. (Upotreba prostog prolog). Stigao sam u
London u subotu, ekao sam kod kue (at home). Pitao
sam deka: poto je ova knjiga. Moj gost je stigao jue.
Otili smo u hotel da pitamo direktora. Direktor je govorio
(talk) s nama. etali smo (walk) celo (all) posle podne.
Dama je stigla na stanicu pre dvanaest sati. Video sam
portira. Otila je dole na more. iveo sam u toj kui.
Prevod. Did you write to your mother? Did you look
out of the window? Did you call the manager? Did you
ask the maid (the girl)? I did. Did they see the town?
They did. Did she ring? She did. We arrived yesterday

afternoon. We asked the porter: where is the hotel? We

dined at quarter past eight. She packed her box yesterday.
We lunched at half past two the day before yesterday. A
moe i, ako elite naroito da istaknete re prekjue: The
day before yesterday we lunched at half past two.
Pre nego to preemo na izuavanje kada se upo
trebljava koje prolo vreme u engleskom, bilo bi dobro
da nauite i prolo vreme od I am. Ono je:
I was wz bio sam ili bejah
He was bio si bejae
She was bila je bejae
We were woe: bili smo bejasmo
You were bili ste bejaste
They were bili su bejahu
I isto tako da nauite, ili ako ih ne moete odmah nauiti,
bar da ih imate pred sobom, sve prole oblike nepravilnih
glagola koje smo dosad imali. Uzgred zapamtite i da se
prosto prolo vreme zove na engleskom past (pa:st) a
sadanje prolo perfect (poe:fekt).
Sadanje Prosto prolo Sadanje prolo
I go I went I have gone gou-went-gn
Idem iao sam, iao sam
I give I gave I have given giv-gejv-givn
Dajem dao sam, dadoh dao sam
I write I wrote I have written rajt-rout-ritn
Piem pisao sam, pisah pisao sam
I eat I ate I have eaten i:t-et-i:tn
Jedem jeo sam, jeah jeo sam
I speak I spoke I have spoken spi:k-spoukGovorim govorio sam, govorah govorio sam [spoukn
Idua tri idu po istom obrascu:
I ring I rang I have rung ring-raeng-rang
I drink I drank I have drunk drink-draenkpijem
I run I ran I have run ran-ran-ran
Kod sledeih oba su prola vremena jednaka:
I sit I sat I have sat sit-sat-sat
I stand I stood I have stood stand-studstojim
I find I found I have found fajnd-faundnalazim

I tell I told I have told tel-tould-tould

I meet I met I have met mi:t-met-met
I leave I left I have left li:v-left-left
ostavim, otputujem
Skoro je pravilan, samo to na kraju ima t umesto d:
I learn I learnt I have learnt loe:n-loe:ntuim
Potpuno pravilan u izgovoru, ali ne u pisanju je:
I say I said I have said sej-sed-sed
I onda jo poslednja tri:
I come I came I have come kam-kejmdoem,
dolazim k am
I see I saw I have seen si:-so:-si:n
I read I read I have read ri:d-red:red
Moda se neko od vas malo prepao i kazao: jao ala
ima pumo nepravilnih glagola! Ali to nije trebalo da ini.
Bolje bi bilo da je kazao: gle," pa mi smo ve skoro sve
nepravilne glagole nauili.
Sa ovim znanjem, ili bar sa ovim tabelama pred oima,
moemo da preemo na izuavanje prolih vremena. Prola
vremena su oblici u kojima stranci najee gree. To je
zato to u upotrebi prolih vremena u engleskom ima
puno finesa. Ali vama finese nisu
potrebne. Nauite vi ono to je osnovno. A to moete da
nauite sa svega tri pravila. Njih ako dobro utuvite, neete
pogreiti u devedeset od sto sluajeva.
Prvo je pravilo da se prosto prolo upotrebljava za
obino prianje. Naroito zapamtite re prianje.
Na primer, kada kaete u bajkama: bio jednom jedan
kralj, rei ete: There was once (wans jednom) a
king. Ili kad priate ta ste radili jue ili prekjue, ili pre
godinu dana. I lunched with a friend. I arrived the
day before yesterday. She wrote a letter to her
Isto tako, kada smo priali ta su radili Brownovi i
Miller, upotrebljavali smo skroz prosto prolo.
Miss Brown and her parents arrived at Dover on
Saturday. They came by train (baj trejn vozom).
Mr. Miller came this morning. Then he went to the
hotel and asked about (raspitao se o) Miss Brown.

The manager rang the bell (bel zvono) and asked

the maid.
A Miss Brown, priajui ta je uradila, rekla bi: I
arrived before my parents. I met them at the station. I
wrote three letters in the evening. In the morning I
breakfasted at nine o'clock, and went out soon (su:n
uskoro) after breakfast.
Posle ovoga, mislim, da vam upotreba prostog
prolog ne treba da zadaje nikakve tekoe.
Zadatak. Brown je otiao u park. Tu srete jednog
prijatelja. Taj prijatelj bio je Macpherson. Macpherson popi
au vode i ree: Jutros sam uio francuski. Onda sam
doao u park i video vas. Moj gost stigao je dockan
(late) prekjue,
Reenje prolog zadatka. I arrived in London on
Saturday. I waited at home. I asked the boy: how much
is this book? My guest arrived yesterday. We went to the
hotel to ask the manager. The manager
talked with us. We walked all the afternoon. The lady
arrived at the station before twelve o'clock (noon). I
saw the porter. She went down to the sea. I lived in that
Upotreba sadanjeg prolog je malo tea. Glavno je
pravilo ovo:
Kada se ne pria, nego samo konstatuje da se neka
radnja odigrala u skoranjoj prolosti i da je sada zavrena
(sada prola) upotrebljava se sadanje prolo. Njime
se, dakle, ne opisuje radnja ili dogaaj, nego se istie
vremenski odnos prema sadanjici. Zato se i zove sadanje
Ovo ete razumeti bolje ako vam pokaemo jedan
primer u naem jeziku. Pisao sam jue nekoliko
pisama, i napisao sam tri pisma. U prvom sluaju (pisao
sam) vi priate, tj. opisujete radnju. U drugom (napisao
sam) vi samo konstatujete da je radnja zavrena. Slino
e Miss Brown, priajui ta je jue radila, Rei I wrote
three letters yesterday jue sam pisala tri pisma. A
kada ih je zavrila, konstatovae I have written all my
letters napisala sam sva svoja pisma.
Samo pazite na jedno: sadanje prolo, rekli smo,
konstatuje da se radnja odigrala u skoranjoj prolosti.
Ali im precizirate vreme, na primer sa jue ili jutros
onda ve ne smete da upotrebite sadanje prolo. Da
uzmemo nekoliko primera. Mr. Miller came to the hotel

and aksed the manager: has Miss Brown gone out?

Prvo priamo ta je Miller uradio, tj. opisujemo dogaaj, i
upotrebljavamo prosto prolo. Ali kad Miller pita: Has
Miss Brown gone out? on nita ne pria. On samo eli
da konstatuje da li je Miss Brown izala, tj. da li vie
nije u hotelu. Iz istog razloga devojka mu odgovara: Yes,
she has gone out. Njeno izlaenje predstavlja radnju
zavrenu u skoranjoj prolosti.
Drugi primer. Manager pita devojku, recimo u
ponedeljak: Have you cleaned (oistili) the rooms? On
samo eli da konstatuje da su sobe iste. Ona odgovara:
Yes, I have. I cleaned them on Saturday. Prvo ona
konstatuje injenicu. Sadanje prolo. Zatim ona opisuje i
samu radnju, i precizira vreme. Dakle, prosto prolo.
Pustimo sada Miss Brown i g. Miller a da oni, kao
pravi Englezi, upotrebe ova dva oblika nekoliko puta, jer
se na primerima najbolje ui.
I have just arrived, rekao je Miller. Have you
lunched? pita Miss Brown. No I have not. It is
early (oe:li rano). Have you seen Mr.
Yes, I have. I went on Monday (mande ponedeljak)
to the park, and I met him there. Then we
walked one hour (aue sat, as), and talked. On
Tuesday (tju:zde) we met again (egen ponovo). U
prvoj reenici Miller je samo konstatovao injenicu da ga
je video. Posle toga on pria, i, naravno, upotrebljava
prosto prolo.
On Wednesday (wenzde sreda) Macpherson
found a shilling (iling engleski iling vredi oko devet
dinara) lying (lajing) on the grass (gra:s trava). He
said to me: Look I have found a shilling. Macpherson ne
pria nego konstatuje injenicu. I am glad. I shall come
on Thursday (thoe:zde etvrtak) again, and perhaps
(poe:haps moda). I shall find another (anadhe drugi,
u smislu jo jedan). Then I shall have two.
I did not see Macpherson on Friday (frajde
petak), and on Saturday I packed my box and come to
I went out early this morning, pria sada Miss
Brown, naravno u prostom prolom. I walked along (alng
du) the road (roud put, drum). And I saw a French
boat (bout laa).
Have you seen the biggest boat in England? The
Queen Mary? (kwi:n kraljica; ma:ri), pita Miller elei

samo da konstatuje injenicu.

No, I have not, answered (to answer anse
odgovoriti) Miss Brown.
Zabeleite da se na engleskom kae: I answered him,
I answered her odgovorio sam ga, odgovorio sam je, a
ne mu i joj.
Zadatak. Napustio sam kuu rano (my house). Onda
sam otiao u grad, i naao sam radnju oko deset sati.
Kada sam naao radnju, zvonio sam (na engleskom: zvonio
sam zvono) da dozovem (call) devojku. Kada je dola,
upitao sam je: je li moj prijatelj stigao? Ona mi
odgovori: Nije.
Jeste li nauili ovu lekciju (lesson lesn)? Jeste li
videli Pariz? Jeste li zvonili? Jesam. Nisam. Dao sam
mu (gave him) knjigu u nedelju (Sunday sande).
Reenje. Brown went to (into) the park. There he
met a friend. That friend was Macpherson. Macpherson
drank a glass of water and said: 1 learned French this
morning. Then I came to the park and saw you. My guest
arrived late the day before yersterday.
Sada smo preli najvanije stvari u gramatici. Ostali
su samo neki manje vani i neki sloeniji oblici, kao i
izuzetci. Njih nam, uostalom, nije ni bio cilj da
vam damo ranije. Vama zasada nije potrebno potpuno
gramatiko znanje, nego da na to vie ivih primera
nauite kako se prave lake engleske fraze. Jedino se tako
ui iv jezik. Sada, kada smo s tim zavrili, prei emo na
sistematsku obradu gramatike, ponavljajui ono to smo
ve nauili, i dopunjujui svoje znanje. Poeemo slovima.
(Letter lete slovo).
There are twenty six letters in English. They are:
A b c d e f g h i j k l m
ej bi: si: di: i: ef di: ej aj dej kej el em
n o p q r s t u v w x y z
en ou pi: kju: a: es t i : ju: vi: dabl-ju eks waj zed.
Sva se dupla slova izgovaraju isto kao i prosta.
Prema tome ss izgovara se kao s, a tt kao t, itd.
Velika slova (capitals kapitls) upotrebljava se
Osobene imenice Brown, Miller, England, Belgrade.
Imena dana, meseca, praznika: Monday, Sunday,
November (nouvembe). Christmas (krismes boi).
Easter (i:ste).

Sve rei u naslovima, natpisima, firmama (obino se

izuzimaju kratke rei kao and, of, to): English
Lessons. French Institute (institjut).
Pridevi od osobenih imenica: English, French, Yugoslav
Englezi, zato to ne piu fonetiki kao mi, imaju
jednu re koju mi nemamo. Ta re je to spell (spel)
pisati slovo po slovo, itati slovo po slovo.
Excuse me (ekskju:z izviniti), says Mr. Miller.
How do you spell your name (nejm ime)?
I spell my name: B..r..o..w..n, kae Miss Brown,
izgovarajui: bi, a:, ou, dabl-ju, en. And how do you spell
I spell mine: M..i..ll..e..r em, aj, dabl el jer
double znai duplo-----i: a:, informie je on.
And Macpherson spells his: M..a..c..p..h..e..r..s
..o..n em, ej, si:, pi:, ej, i:, a:, es, ou, en!
Thank you, Mr. Miller. That is very kind of you.
Now I know. Shall we go for a walk before lunch?
(zabeleite i: go for a walk otii u etnju).
Yes, please.
I am tired of spelling, zavrava Miss Brown.
Nauite frazu: I am tired of, doslovno, umoran sam
od. Ta se fraza upotrebljava gde bismo mi rekli: ne eta
mi se vie. Slino imamo: I am tired of writing ne pie
mi se vie. I am tired of walking ne eta mi se vie.
Do you like to walk? pita Miller.
Yes, I do. I walk every day in January (danjueri),
February (februeri), March (ma:), April (ejpril), May
(mej), June (du:n), July (dulaj), August (ogest),
September (septembe), October (oktoube), November
(novembe) and December (disembe).
Reenje zadatka: I left my (the) house early. Then I
went into town (ili the town), and found the shop about
ten o' clock. When I found the shop, I rang the bell to call
the maid. When she came, I asked her: Has my friend
arrived? She answered me: No, he has not.
Have you learnt this lesson? Have you seen Paris?
Have you rung (the bell)? I have. I have not. I gave him
the book (ili a book) on Sunday.

(Consonant knsonent suglasnik).

Glavna pravila za itanje suglasnika su ova.
Slova b, d, f, h, k, 1, m, n, p, t, v, izgovaraju se isto

kao u naem jeziku. Ukoliko ima razlike ona je mala.

c pred a, o, u i suglasnicima ita se k cake, cat,
come, cup, clean, coffee, clock.
c pred e, i ita se s cinema prince (prins),
since (sins otkad, od).
ch ita se chair, such, much, cheap.
ck ravno je k black, back, clock.
dg ita se d englesko d malo je meke od
naeg bridge (brid most).
gh mahom se ne ita eight, right, daughter
(do:te ki).
Inae za g nema utvrenog pravila. as je d, a as
g. Zavisi da li je re francuskog ili germanskog porekla.
kn ravno je n knife (najf no), knee (ni:
mb ravno je m lamb (la:m jagnje),
thumb (tham palac).
qu ita se kw_ queen, quarter.
r ita se r u poetku rei, ili izmeu dva samoglasnika
right, read, really, very, answering.
r na kraju rei ili sloga uje se kao produenje
samoglasnika garden, poor. U kotskoj i na severu
Engleske ovo r se uje kao r, te zato, ako imate tekoa u
izgovoru ovoga slova, moete ga i vi izgovarati r.
s u poetku rei je s sit, stand, stay, slow.
s izmeu dva samoglasnika, ili na kraju rei je z
thousand, surprise, houses, friends, kings, runs,
was. Ipak je s i na kraju rei iza p, f. k. t. iz prostog
razloga to se z u takvom poloaju ne moe izgovoriti
books, backs, sits,, helps, (help pomagati).
sc ravno je s scene (si:n scena).
sh ita se shall, she, short.
tch ita se catch (ka uhvatiti), match (mac
ibica; me).
t i posle njega ion ita se n. Imenice na tion su
mahom mislene. Nation nejn narod. Conversation.
wh ravno je w where, when, what.
tu obino se slije u nature neje
priroda, future fjue budunost.
Ovo su glavna pravila. Ali zapamtite da ni ona nisu
stoprocentna, i da ima dosta izuzetaka. Na pr.: listen
lisn answer anse, write rajt. Mi emo zato i
dalje svuda davati izgovor a na izuzetke emo vam
naroito obratiti panju.
CONVERSATION (konvesejn razgovor).

Dok,se etaju, Miss Brown i g. Miller naravno

nastavljaju svoj razgovor. Tako e Miss Brown:
What do you do in London?
I am a bank clerk, kae Miller. (Bank bank
banka; clerk kla:k pisar, inovnik). I work (woe:k
raditi) at the Bank of England (engleska narodna
How long do you work every day?
Kao to je how much koliko za koliinu, a how
many koliko za broj, tako je how long koliko za vreme.
I work at my office from nine to four every day.
(Zapazite ovo,
Don't you stop for lunch? Zar ne prekidate
(zastajete) za ruak? (To stop stp stati).
Yes, we do. We have an hour for lunch.
(lan an zato to se h u hour ne ita).
Where do you lunch?
I lunch at a little restaurant (restoran) near (ni:e
blizu) the bank.
What do you eat for lunch?
First (foe:st prvo), I have some (sam malo,
neto, nekoliko) soup (su:p). Then some meat and
vegetables (vedetebl zelen, povre). And after that I
have some pudding (puding).
Re some iziskuje objanjenje. Kad Englezi upotrebljavaju
vetastvene imenice, a ove imenice obuhvataju
svu hranu i sv pie, oni tamo gde bismo mi rekli malo
supe ili malo mesa, ili prosto upotrebili drugi pade, supe,
mesa kau some. Ovo some, dakle, oznauje neodreenu
koliinu, kao nae malo. im je koliina odreena, kao a
cup of tea ili a plate (plejt tanjir) of meat, onda
naravno some otpada.
Don't you drink anything (enithing ita) with
your meal (mi:l obed)? Zar ne pijete nita s
vaim obedom?
Yes, I do. I drink a cup of tea, or (o: ili) a glass of
Zadatak. Ja ivim u Zagrebu i uim engleski. Danas
smo uili engleska slova. Otiao sam u park, seo na
klupu, i tamo sam uio celo jutro. Jeste li nauili
lekciju? Jesam. U podne sam otiao kui. Tamo sam naao
oca i majku. Onda sam s njima ruao. Posle ruka moj
otac je otiao u banku, a moja majka je otila da vidi jednu
prijateljicu. A ja sedoh i napisah etiri pisma. (Pazite! Ovde
napisah oznaava radnju).


(Vowel vauel samoglasnik).

Pravila za itanje samoglasnika u engleskom
mnogo su nepouzdanija nego ona za itanje sugla snika.
Mi emo se zato ograniiti da vam damo osnovna
pravila ne kao vodi pri itanju, nego kao pomo za
pamenje rei iji ste izgovor nauili. Pri tom morate
imati na umu da ova pravila vae samo za otprilike 75
80% samoglasnika.
Svaki od est pisanih engleskih samoglasnika, a, e, i,
o, u, y, ima dva osnovna izgovora: kratak i dugaak.
Kratak izgovor nalazi se u zatvorenim slogovima.
Zatvoren slog je onaj kome sleduju dva suglasnika u
sredini, ili samo jedan na kraju rei. Na primer: shilling,
Christmas, letter, hat, dog, not. Pet kratkih izgovora
a ae hat, cat, am, fat, had,
e e pen, let, red, get, bed (postelja),
i i is, miss, thin, sit, six, him,
o o hot, dog, not, box,
u i cup, up, us, but, run, just,
y i nema primera za kratke rei.
Ako posle suglasnika sleduje slovo e, tj. ako je
kombinacija ovakva: samoglasnik suglasnik e, onda
je samoglasnik dug. Tih pet dugih izgovora su:
a ej cake, name, take, make.
e i: obino u jednoslonim reima kao he, she,
f aj five, nice, fine, mine.
o ou home, bone (kost) i u jednoslonim reima:
go, so, (tako, zato). Ovde naroito ima dosta izuzetaka
(come kam, gone gn).
u ju tune (melodija), duke (vojvoda:). . Posle r
i posle 1 uvek se u ita u: rule (pravilo), blue, flu
(influenca), dakle: ru:l, blu:, flu:.
Za y vai isto pravilo kao za i.
Za engleske dvoglasnike uopte nema utvrenih
pravila. Kod njih samo postoji zakon verovatnoe. I
prema tome oni se najee itaju ovako:
ai ej rain (kia), waitress, train,
ay ej day, May, pay (platiti.), say.
ey ej they.
ea i: speak, read, tea. Za ea specialno ima puno
izuzetaka, na pr. bread (bred), read (red; prolo vreme od

ee i: street, see, meet.
ie i: piece.
au, aw o fault (greka), straw (slama).
ao ou road, boat, coat (kout) kaput; ali
broad (sa o).
oo u room, too, noon. I ovde ima dosta
izuzetaka: door (o), foot (kratko u noga) blood (a
ou, ow ee ou slow, know, ali vrlo esto i
au house, out, how, count. A ima i samo o: four.
Ovo je najnepouzdaniji glas u engleskom, i zato svaku re
valja uiti za sebe.
ew ju few (malo, mali broj), ali posle r ili 1
onda u: Andrew (andru), flew (flu:) leteo je.
That is enough (inaf dosta) for today. There
are many rules (pravilo) in English, but we do not
want to learn them all. They are difficult (difikelt
teak) and we do not want to learn difficult rules. We
want to learn English easily (easy i:zi lak; easily
i:zili lako). So (tako), please forget (fo:get) all
about the rules for reading (ri:ding itanje).
Tomorrow we shall begin (bigin poeti) to learn
grammar (grama gramatika).
Reading je glagolska imenica od read. Slino se
nastavkom ing prave i druge glagolske imenice. Na pr.
drinking pijenje; eating jedenje; running tranje;
walking etanje, itd.'Da li je ta re koja se zavrava na
ing glagolski oblik kao u I am drinking, ili je glagolska
imenica, kao u The drinking of water is healthy (helthi
zdravo), lako se daje pogoditi iz teksta.
Reenje prolog zadatka. I live at Zagreb and study
English. Today we learnt the English letters. (We learnt
the English letters today). I went into the park, sat on a
seat, and learnt there all the morning. Have you learnt
your lesson? I have. At noon I went home. There I found
my father and my mother. Then I lunched with them.
After lunch my father went to the bank, and my mother
went to see a friend. And I sat down and wrote four

(The article a:tikl lan).

1. Svaka engleska stvarna imenica ima pred sobom
lan, i to ili odreeni lan the, ili neodreeni a ili an.

2. Odreeni lan uoptrebljava se kada se misli na

neki odreeni predmet. The shop in this street is large.
The train to London is fast (fa:st brz). The manager
of the hotel is rich.
3. Neodreeni lan stavlja se pred imenicu kada
se ne misli na neki odreeni predmet, nego na ma koji
predmet, ili na stvar uopte. Ako u naem jeziku
moete da stavite pred imenicu re jedan, ili neki, ili
ma koji, onda ete u engleskom upotrebiti lan a. Can
you see a porter at the station? I have a friend who
writes to me every Christmas. I have seen a boat
which (wi koji) is larger than this hotel.
4. Ako imenica poinje samoglasnikom, onda se
umesto a stavlja an. I have an office in London.
There is an omnibus from my house to the office.
5. lan se ne stavlja pred osobene imenice. Lon
don is the capital of England. Has John come home?
6. Ovo isto vai i za imenice koje oznaavaju rod
binsku vezu, a koje stoje upravo umesto osobenih
imenica. Father is a good man. Have you seen mother?
7. Kao osobene u ovom smislu smatraju se i
imenice koje oznaavaju neku naroitu ustanovu, kao
dom, crkva, kola. Will you come home? He has gone
to church (oe: crkva). The boys are going to
school (sku:l kola).
.8. lan se ne stavlja ni pred imenice koje oznauju
materiju. I like water better (bete bolje) than wine
(wajn vino). Will you have a cup of tea? Yes, please,
and a piece of bread.
9. Niti se stavlja pred imenice ako ovima prethodi
zamenica, bila ona prisvojna ili pokazna. My father
found a watch in the garden. Do you like this house?
I run an hour every morning. (An a ne a hour, zato
to u izgovoru re hour poinje samoglasnikom).
10. Kako re jedan nema mnoine, to ni neodreeni
lan nema mnoine. Tamo gde se on stavlja u jednini, u
mnoini se izosatvlja. Nice houses are dear. There are
trains for London every hour. I don't like hard
Ako pogledate ova pravila, videete da smo ih sva, sem
sedmog, ve ranije nauili. Prema tome ona za vas ne
pretstavljaju nikakvu tekou, nego samo sistematski
pregled onoga to ste ranije znali.

This is enough grammar for today. Let us now

go back (vratiti se) to Dover and see what our friends

are doing. They have been walking along the cliffs
(klif stena) of Dover for two hours.
Nai prijatelji, eto, nee da miruju, nego nam opet
predstavljaju jedan nov oblik prolog vremena: They have
been walking. Been bi:n prolo je vreme od I am.
Prema tome I have been znai: bio sam. Za sada samo
privremeno notirajte u glavi da u engleksom svako vreme
ima kako svoj krai tako
svoj dui oblik. Tako kao to imamo I walk i I am
walking idem, etam se, isto imamo I walked i I was
walking, i povrh toga I have walked i I have been
walking. Ovi se oblici zovu trajni, i prevode se svi naim
prolim vremenom. Dakle i I walked, i I was walking, i I
have walked, i I have been walking, prevode se sa: iao
sam, etao sam. Kako se oni upotrebljavaju nauiemo
docnije. Sada samo nauite toliko da ih umete prevesti
ako se pojave.
Dakle, they have been walking along the white
(wajt beo) cliffs of Dover for two hours. The weather
is beautiful, and Miss Brown is beautiful. The sky (skaj
nebo) is blue, and Mr. Miller is young. The situation
(siuejn situacija, poloaj) is full (ful pun) of
drama (dra:ma). What, do you think, is going to
happen (hapn desiti se) ?
I know that you want to know. But you must
have patience (pejns strpljenje) and wait until
(antil do za vreme) the next lesson (nekst
idui, lesn as).
Zadatak, (lan). Prozor je veliki. Gost je stigao.
Naimo jednu klupu. On radi u kancelariji. Dover je grad
u Engleskoj. Daj mi au vode. Hoete li pare kolaa?
Moja baba ita novine svako jutro posle doruka. Molim
vas dajte mi (malo) mleka. Ima puno sedita u ovom
parku (ovaj red rei). Hoe li ii u crkvu? Neu, ali u
ii u kolu. Jesi li video mog oca? On ima lepog psa. Pas
ume (can) da tri brzo (fast).

(Nouns naunz imenice).

11. U engleskom su sve imenice srednjeg roda.
Mukog roda su samo muka lica i mujaci me ivotinjama,
a enskog su enska lica, i enke me ivotinjama.
12. Mnoina imenica pravi se nastavkom s, koji
se ita z, sem posle p, f, t, k, kada se ita s.

13. Kod imenica koje se svravaju na s, z, sh,

ch, x, o, mnoina se gradi nastavkom es, koji se
ita ez. Na pr. glass glasses, bench-benches, brushbrushes
(bra etka), potato potatoes (ptejto
krompir), box boxes.
14. Imenice na f ili fe imaju u mnoina ves. Na pr.
knife knives, life lives (ivot), leaf leaves
(li:f list).
15. Imenice na y piu mnoinu sa ies, u izgo
voru nema promene , na pr. lady ladies, sky
skies. Ovo ne vai za imenice koje pred y imaju
samoglasnik: boy boys.
16. Mnoina sloenih imenica gradi se kao i pro
stih, man men, postman postmen, Frenchman
17. Nepravilnu mnoinu imaju: man men, wo
man women, child-children (ildren), foot-feet (fut
fi:t, noga), tooth-teeth (tu:th-ti:th, zub).
18. Slobodno moete odmah zaboraviti da fish
riba, i sheep (i:p) ovca imaju isti oblik i za jedninu
i za mnoinu.
19. Engleske imenice imaju svega etiri padea.
Prvi i etvrti su isti. Drugi se gradi kada se pred
imenicu stavi reca of, a trei kada se stavi to.
the book knjiga
of the book knjige
to the book knjizi
the book knjigu.
the books knjige
of the books knjiga
to the books knjigama
the books knjige.
20. Takozvani prisvojni pade, koji se upotrebljava
samo za iva lica, pravi se nastavkom s pred koji se
stavlja visoka zapeta (apostrof). The boy's father. John's
sister (siste sestra). U mnoini samo se stavi apostrof
iza imenice. The boy's father.
Kao to vidite, ni kod imenica niste imali mnogo vie
da nauite, sem nekoliko pravila koja se odnose na
pisanje. Uporedite ovo sa naom gramatikom koja ima pet
vrsta sa etrnaest padea, pa ete priznati da je
engleska gramatika zaista prosta.

(To flatter flate. laskati).

What has happened outside Dover since last (la:st

poslednji, proli.) lesson? We left our friends on the
white cliffs outside the town. They were walking and
talking. We said that the weather was fine, Miss Brown
beautiful, and Mr. Miller young. Mr. Miller was very
happy (hapi srean) and pleased (pli:zd zadovoljan)
with life.
When they came to the sea, they stopped and looked
at it.
Look at the sea, Mr. Miller said Isn't it beautiful?
Nije li lepo? Zar nije lepo?
(N't je skraenica od not, i izgovara se zajedno s
prethodnom reju: iznt).
Yes, it is, sloila se Miss Brown.
The sea is beautiful, nastavlja oduevljeni Miller.
The sky is beautiful. And you are beautiful. You are more
beautiful than the sea and the sky.
Oh, Mr. Miller, answered Miss Brown, you
flatter me!
(Zapiite da se na engleskom kae flatter me a
kod nas laskati meni).
No, Miss Brown, I do not flatter you. It is true
(tru: istina). I have wanted to tell you that for a
long time (odavno). But I had not the courage (karid
Had (had) je prolo vreme od have. Dakle: ni sam
imao hrabrosti.
And why (waj zato) had you not the
Well (wel dobro. S ovim well Englezi poinju
reenice kada se snebivaju ta da kau). I cannot (can not
esto se pie zajedno) tell you that now. I will tell you
that in the next lesson.
Zadatak. (Imenice). Koliko kua ima va otac? Gde
su etke? Devojka je oistila noeve u subotu. (Oistiti to
clean). Imali smo krompir (u engleskom mnoina) za ruak.
Gospoe su izale. U ovom gradu ima 5800 ljudi i 6200
ena. Donova majka otila je u
Pariz. Hou da kupim nekoliko (some) aa, kutija i
etaka. Francuzi su utivi (polite plajt). Gde su deca?
Deca su otila da igraju (to play plej).
Reenje. The window is large. The guest has arrived.
Let us find a bench. He works at an office. Dover is a
town in England. Give me a glass of water. Will you have a
piece of cake? My grandmother reads the papers every

morning after breakfast. Give me some milk, please.

There are many seats in this park. Will you go to church?
No, I shall not, but I shall go to shool. Have you seen my
father? He has a nice dog. The dog can run fast.

(adektiv pridev).
21. Pridevi u engleskom imaju samo jedan jedini
oblik, i nemaju ni roda, ni broja, ni padea. The green
house. Of the green house. The green houses.
22. Prvi stepen poredenja kod prideva gradi se
nastavkom er. Long longer, small smaller.
23. Ako se pridev zavrava na e, onda se u pi
sanju dodaje samo r. Nice nicer, fine finer.
24. Ako se zavrava na y onda se prvi stepen
poreenja pie ier. Happy happier, merry mer
rier. (Merry meri radostan).
25. Ako se pridev zavrava suglasnikom, a ovome
prethodi kratak samoglasnik, suglasnik se udvaja. Big
bigger, fat fatter.
(Ovo pravilo proizlazi samo po sebi iz pravila o
itanju. Jer, kada bi se pisalo biger i fater, vi bi u
otvorenom slogu itali i kao aj, a kao ej: baige, i fejte. Iz
ovoga logino proizlazi da kada je samglasnik
dug, kao na primer u weak, onda nije potrebno udvajati
26. Drugi stepen poreenja gradi se nastavkom
est, i za njega vrede ista pravila kao za prvi stepen.
Dakle, longest, smallest, nicest, finest, happiest, merri
est, biggest, fattest, weakest.
27. Nepravilno se porede:
good better best gud bete best dobar
bolji najbolji,
bad worse worst bad woe:s woe:st
rav gori najgori,
little less least litl les li:st mali
manji najmanji,
far farther farthest fa: fa:dhe fa:dhest
dalek dalji najdalji.
Uzgred nauite i poreenja priloga much: much
more most ma mo: moust mnogo
vie najvie.
28. Pridevi koji imaju vie od dva sloga ne grade
poreenje na ovaj nain, nego se kod njih za prvi
stepen stavi pred pridev more a za drugi most. Beau

tiful more beautiful most beautiful.

29. Re nego u poreenju prevodi se sa than
(dhan). January is longer than February. London is
farther than Paris. He is taller than she.
Kod prideva, kao to vidite, nismo mogli da isteramo ni
deset pravila iako smo rei than dali itav paragraf.

(declare dikle:e izjaviti, objaviti; love lav

ljubav; to love ljubiti, voleti).
You wanted to tell me something (samthing
neto), Mr. Miller, at the end (end kraj) of last
Yes, I did.
What did you want to tell me?
(Zabeleite: I say to you, ali I tell you bez to).
I wanted to tell you that I love you.
Oh, Mr. Miller, veli Miss Brown zastieno, that is
so unexpected (to expect ekspekt oekivati;
unexpected anekspected neoekivano).
It is not unexpected, brani se Miller. I have
loved you since the first (foerst prvi) lesson.
I ovim nam je Miller dao priliku da vam objasnimo
tree pravilo o upotrebi sadanjeg prolog vremena rekli
smo da ima tri pravila! Kada je neka
radnja zapoela u prolosti, ali jo neprekidno traje, onda se
upotrebljava sadanje prolo. Ideja je da poto ta radnja
traje i sada, ona u stvari pripada i sadanjosti i prolosti.
(Sadanje prolo!) Miller se zaljubio jo u drugom asu, ali
njegova ljubav jo traje. Tako i vi moete rei: I have
been learning English since April uim engleski od
aprila, jer tu se oevidno podrazumeya.: i jo ga uim. U
ovom sluaju englesko sadanje prolo prevodi se kod nas
Excuse me, Mr. Miller, ispravlja ga dama, we did
not meet until the third (thoe:d trei) lesson.
I am sorry, izvinjava se Miller. We met in the
second (seknd drugi) lesson, but we did not talk until
the third.
Da su licitirali dalje, rekli bi fourth (fo:th), fifth
(fifth), sixth (siksth), etvrti, peti,, esti, i tako dalje,
dodajui svakom broju th na kraju.
Zadatak. (Pridevi). Kua je vea nego kote
(cottage ktid). Moj tanjir je manji nego va.
Engleski je laki nego francuski. Ova supa je bolja nego
onaj puding. Vreme je mnogo gore danas (ovaj-red rei).

On je mnogo veseliji nego ona. Ja sam sreniji danas

nego jue. Dalje je do stanice, nego do banke. Dajte mi
manje mleka i vie kafe. Ona je najlepa devojka u gradu.
Reenje. How many houses has your father? Where
are the brushes? The girl cleaned the knives on Saturday. We
had potatoes for lunch. The ladies have gone out. In this town
there are five thousand eight hundred men and six thousand
two hundred women. John's mother went to Paris. (A moe i
John's mother has gone to Paris, prema tome da li opisujete
radnju, ili samo konstaiujete da je otila). I want to buy some
glasses, some boxes, and some brushes. The French are polite.
(Moe i Frenchmen are polite). The children have gone to
(advoe:b prilog)
30. U engleskom mnogi se prilozi grade od prideva
nastavkom ly Glad gladly (radosno). Kind kindly
31. Ako je poslednje slovo l, ono se naravno
udvostruuje, beautiful beautifully.
32. Ako se pridev zavrava na y, ono se kod pri
loga pie sa i: merry merrily, healthy healthily.
33. Zapamtite da se svi prilozi ne grade na ovaj
nain, i da prema tome svakom pridevu ne odgovara
prilog na ly. Zato je dobro kada naiete na prilog
da ga zapiete. Svakako treba, da nauite prilog well
(wel dobro).
34. Neki pridevi kada postanu prilozi, unekoliko
menjaju svoje znaenje. Na pr. He is poor on je
siromah. Ali He is poorly osea se slabo. Ovakve
priloge objasniemo vam kada na njih naiemo.
35. Engleska upotreba priloga ne podudara se
sasvim sa naom. Tako, na pr. posle it is, that is
Englez e bez malo uvek staviti pridev, zato to smatra
da prethodna zamenica that, it zahteva pridev koji
se ima s njom sloiti. To je dobro, kae se It is good,
ili that is good. Dalje, mnogi prilozi u engleskom
imaju isti oblik kao pridevi. Na pr. He is running fast
on tri brzo i The watch is fast asovnik je
brz (tj. ide napred).
36. Poreenje priloga gradi se sa more i most.
Kindly more kindly most kindly.
(njumerals brojevi)

37. Prosti brojevi izraeni su u dvadesetom asu,

te ih mi ovde neemo ponavljati. Samo nauite:
a million (a miljin) u sluaju da vam zatreba.
38.Redni brojevi posle first (foe:st prvi), se
cond (seknd drugi) i third (thoe:d trei), prave se
nastavkom th: fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth,
ninth, tenth, eleventh, itd. U pisanju se, naravno,
krajnje y menja u ie twentieth, thirtieth, itd. sve
do hundredth i thousandth.
39. Radi potpunosti nauite i once (wans jed
nom) i twice (twajs dva put). Posle toga ide redom:
three times (tajmz puta), four times, five times, itd.
40. Razlomci su half (ha:f polovina), third
thoe:d treina), quarter, fifth, sixth, seventh, itd.
Kada se half stavi posle broja, red rei je redovan.
Two and a half. Three and a half cakes. Ali ako half
stoji samo za sebe, ono se stavlja pred lan. Half a
cake, half a cup, half an hour.

(To answer odgovoriti; the answer odgovor).

Siromah Miller jo eka od prole lekcije.
I love you, Miss Brown. Do you love me also?
I zamislite ta dama odgovara:
I don't know. Mr. Miller. I must think about it.
(Think thought thought think tho:t
tho:t misliti. Zabeleite da se kae to think of ili to
think about misliti o neemu).
Ali Milleru se ne misli, i on zato predlae dalje: Will
you marry me. (To marry mari oeniti se, udati se.
Kod Engleza nema zasebne rei za ova dva pojma).
I shall see odgovara dama obazrivo. I must
think first whether (wedhe da li) I love you too
(tu: takoe). And then (zatim) have you thought
(jeste li mislili), Mr. Miller: this is only (ounli samo) the
thirty first lesson. If I marry you in the thirty second
lesson, what shall we do in the next sixty eight lessons
from the thirty third to the hundredth?
Well, snebiva se Miller, we need not (ne moramo)
marry in the next lesson. I zatim, sevne mu zgodna
ideja. We can go and buy (baj kupiti) me a new tie
(taj mana) in the thirty second lesson, and then
marry in the thirty third. In the thirty fourth we can
find a flat (flat stan), and in the thirty fifth buy
furniture (foe:nie nametaj). There are many things
(thing stvar) which we can do.

(To need ni:d stvarno znai imati potrebu za

neim. I need a new tie treba mi nova mana. Od
toga se need prenosno uoptrebljava za mora u smislu
treba, postoji obaveza).
(Zabeleite i buy me kupim sebi, a ne to me).
That is true, slae se dama, a uzgred slae i
true sa that i prema tome upotrebljava pridev.
When will you give me your answer? navaljuje
plahi Miller.
In a few days za nekoliko dana. Zabeleite.
Zadatak. Nauio sam svoj zadatak dobro. Zaista je
lepo ovde (pridev, zato to se slae sa it is). ekao sam
(radnja) dva i po sata. ekau pola sata due. Nauio
sam (konstatacija) sve asove od petnaestog do trideset
prvog. To je dobro. Ovo nije dobro. Hajdemo da pevamo
P. S. Kada je u zadacima dat red rei koji nije
prirodan u naem jeziku, to je uinjeno zato da vam se
pokae engleski red rei i time olaka prevoenje.
Reenje. The house is bigger than the cottage. My
plate is smaller than yours. English is easier than French.
This soup is better than that pudding. The weather is
much worse today. He is much merrier than she. I am
happier today than yesterday. It is further to the station
than to the bank. Give me less milk and more coffee.
She is the most beautiful girl in the town.

(prounaun zamenica)
41. Line zamenice su I he, she, it, we, you i
they. Tabelu kako se menjaju nai ete u esnaestom
42. Pokazane zamenice su:
this dhis ovaj; mnoina these dhi:z
that dhat onaj; mnoina those dhouz.
I ove se zamenice menjaju po optem obrascu, tj. of
this, to this, of these, to these, itd.
43. Prisvojne zamenice koje stoje za sebe su:
mine, his, hers, its, ours, yours i theirs, A prisvojne
zamenice koje stoje samo pred imenicom su: my, his,
her, its, our, your, their moj, njegov, njen, njegovo,
na, va, njihov.
44. Upitne i relativne zamenice su who hu:
ko?, koji, i which w: koje?
45. Who se menja po optem obrascu:

who, of whom (hu:m), to whom, whom. Mnoina

glasi isto: who, of whom, to whom, whom.
Who se upotrebljava samo za lica. Who is this
man? Who are those girls? This is the man whom I
saw yesterday. Those are the girls who came to the
restaurant. Whom have you seen? To whom did you
give my book?
46. Which se upotrebljava za stvari. Menja se
po optem obrascu,i ima isti oblik za jedninu i za mno
inu. Which chair do you want? Of which house are
you speaking. O kojoj kui govorite?
47. Which se moe upotrebiti i za lica, u smislu:
koji od nekoliko. Which of these two men is your
friend? Koji od ova dva oveka je va prijatelj?
Which boy is your brother? Which girl is your sister,
(bradhe brat; siste sestra).
48. Relativno se mogu upotrebiti i that i what.
The man that (koji) spoke to me is my brother. This
is what (ta) I told him. Ovo je to sam mu rekao.
49. U engleskom se relaitvna zamenica vrlo esto
izostavlja. The man I saw znai The man whom i saw.
The pen you gave me znai The pen which you gave
me. The breakfast I had this morning umesto The
breakfast which I had this morning.
50. Sem ovih, postoji i prisvojno-upitna, ili prisvojnorelativna zamenica whose hu:z iji, koja
je upravo prisvojni oblik od who, i zato se upotreb
ljava samo za lica. I want to find out (pronai) whose
shoes (u: cipela) these are. Whose dog is this?

(the visit vizit poseta; to visit posetiti).

Excuse me, Miss Brown, predlae Miller, since
(sins poto, kako, budui da) you cannot give me an
answer today, will you come with me and help me to
buy a tie?.
Certainly (soe:tnly sigurno, izvesno, dabome) I
will, vidi enska da je ovek skroman, pa zato da ne,
with great pleasure (plee zadovoljstvo).
(Ovde se s i u, tj. u izgovoru z i ju saeli u .
Slino imate u rei nature neje priroda, gde se t
i u, tj. t i ju saimaju u . Ovakvo saimanje u
kombinacijama su i tu skoro je redovno).
Where shall we go?
There is a little shop in the main street, where
they have very nice ties. Shall we go there?

What kind (kajnd vrsta), of tie would you

like (would wud biste)?
(What kind of tie doslovno kakvu vrstu mane, ili
krae kakvu manu. Slino imate: what kind of man
kakav ovek, tj: kakav po prirodi, po karakteru. What
kind of house kakva kua, tj. po kvalitetu).
I like grey (grej siv) ties with blue spots (spt
pega, taka).
Five minutes later.
Here is the shop. The first street on the right. Let
us go in.
After you, Miss Brown.
Thank you, Mr. Miller.
They enter. (ente ui), and will stay in the shop until
the next lesson.
Zadatak. Ovo je moj eir. Ovaj eir je moj. ija je
ova radnja? Koja je ona devojka u onom taksiju? aa
vina (koju) sam popio (drank). Koja od ove dve devojke
je njegova sestra? Deak iji je otac moj prijatelj. ta je
ovo? ta traite (hoete)? Iz (from) koga grada ste vi?
Koga elite da vidite? Kome treba (shall) da govorim?
ija je ovo kua? ija je ono sestra? (ija je sestra
Reenje. I have learnt my lesson well. It is really nice
here. I waited two and a half hours. I shall wait half an hour
longer. I have learnt all the lessons from the fifteenth to the
thirty first. That is good. (It is good). This is not good. Let
us sing merrily.

(continue kntinju nastaviti; continued

51. Povratne zamenice. Naa "povratna zamenica se
gradi se na engleskom kada se na kraju prisvojnih zamenica
stavi self (self sebe): Ovako:
To wash w prati.
I wash myself ili I am washing myself umivam
He washes himself He is washing himself
umiva se.
She washes herself She is washing herself
umiva se.
We wash ourselves We are washing ourselves
umivamo se.
You wash yourselves You are washing yourselves

umivate se.
They wash themselves They are washing themselves
umivate se.
Glas f postao je u mnoini ve, isto kao kod imenica
knife knives.
52. Obratite panju na to da ako je neki glagol
povratan u naem jeziku, to ne znai da je povratan i
u engleskom. Isto tako ima u engleskom glagola koji
su kod njih povratni, a kod nas nisu. Preporuuje vam
se zato da povratne glagole paljivo ispisujete.
Na primer, poznajemo se, kae se na engleskom: we
know each other (i: adhe jedan drugog; inae each za
sebe znai svaki pojedini, to know znati). Na slian
nain prevodi se nae se i kod drugih glagola gde se u
stvari ne znai sebe samog nego, kako to Englezi
tanije kau, jedan drugog ili uzajamno. We met each
other in the street. Sreli smo se na ulici. We saw each
other in a restaurant. Videli smo se u jednoj kavani.
53. Nauite i ove zamenice: some sam
neto, nekoliko; no nou nijedan; any eni iko.
54. Ove zamenice se esto zdruuju sa reima
body bdi telo, lice, i thing thing stvar,
kao i sa one wan jedan, neko, u nove zamenice.
Otud: somebody sambodi neko; something
samthing neto; some one neko. Nothing nathing
nita; nobody noubdi niko, i no one niko.
Anything enithing ita; anybody enibdi iko, i
any one iko. Mi emo docnije imati specijalnu lekciju da
uvebamo ove zamenice. Zasad samo nauite njihovo
55. Nae bezlino se u frazi: ne moe se znati, ne
moe ovek znati, prevodi se na engleski sa one. One
cannot know. One cannot say. Ne moe se rei. One
cannot see anything from here. Ne moe se nita videti

Miss Brown and Mr. Miller have entered the little shop
in the main street.
(Zabeleite: enter the shop, enter the room, bez
u kao kod nas).
The main street in a town is called High Street, (high
haj visok. U Engleskoj svaki grad ima svoju High
Street. Drukije je u SAD. Tamo se glavna ulica zove Main
The salesman smiled at them and said:

(sale sejl prodaja; salesman sejlzman ovek

koji prodaje, tj. trgovaki pomonik, prodava; to smile
smajl smeiti se).
Zabeleite jo: to look at, to smile at gledati u,
smeiti se na, nekog).
Good morning. What can I do for you?
I should like (should je pogodbeni oblik od shall, i
izgovara se ud; I should like voleo bih) a tie for myself.
Oblici myself, yourself itd. upotrebljavaju se namesto
me, you itd., kada je potrebno da se ovi naglase ili
istaknu. Dakle: voleo bih jednu manu za sebe.
What kind of tie would you like? We have some
very nice green ties? Would You like a green one?
Zapazite ovu konstrukciju a green one. Mi bismo ovde
rekli: zelenu manu, ili samo zelenu. Meutim Englezi,
kada se imenica ponavlja, umesto da je kau drugi put,
kau: one. Na primer, I have a blue pencil, and a red
one. Imam jednu plavu i jednu crvenu pisaljku. I have a
big hat, and you have a little one. Ja imam veliki, a
vi imate mali eir.
No, thank you, veli Miller. I don't want a
green tie. I would like a grey one with blue spots.
Good! (Eto, mi bismo ovde rekli dobro, a Englez
upotrebljava pridev, zato to u glavi zamilja that is
good). We have some very nice new grey ties just come
from London.
Vidite ga kako on, kao pravi Englez ne kae
which have just come from London, nego po pravilu 49
izostavlja ono which.
Zadatak. Oblaim se (to dress oneself dres wanself
oblaiti se) svako jutro u osam sati. On se sada
oblai. Videli smo se jue u kui moga prijatelja. Laa
(koju) sam video jue bila je najvea u Engleskoj. Gospoa
(koju) smo posetili ima vrlo lepu kuicu (cottage) blizu
mora. Umivam se hladnom (cold kould) vodom.
Poznajete li se? (know). Za (for) koga je ova supa? Od
(from) koga je ovo pismo?
Reenje. This is my hat. This hat is mine. Whose shop
is this? Who is that (the) girl in that taxi? The glass of
wine I drank. Which of these two girls is his sister? The
boy whose father is my friend. What is this? What do you
want? From which town are you? Whom do you want
to see? To whom shall I speak? Whose house is this?
Whose sister is that?


56. Sadanje vreme od to be, bi: biti je:

I am, he is, she is, it is, we are, you are, they are
jesam, on je, ona je, ono je, mi smo, vi ste, oni su.
57. Prosto prolo:
I was, he was, she was, it was, we were, you
were, they were bio sam, bio je, bila je, bilo je, bili
smo, bili ste, bili su, ili bejah, bejae, bejasmo, bejaste,
58. Sadanje prolo:

I have been, he has been, she has been, it has been, we have been, you
have been, they have been
bio sam, bio je, bila je, bilo je, bili smo, bili ste,
bili su.
59. Budue:
I shall be, he will be, she will be, it will be, we shall
be, you will be, they will be biu, on e biti, ona e biti,
ono e biti, biemo, biete, bie.
U govornom engleskom will se esto upotrebljava za
prvo lice umesto shall, uete zato isto tako esto: I will, I
will be, kao i I shall, I shall be. We will, we will be kao
We shall, we shall be.
60. Glagol I have menja se sasvim pravilno kao
svaki glagol. Jedino to u treem licu jednine ima has.
Sadanje: I have, he has, she has, it has, we have, you
have, they have imam, ima, itd.
Prolo prosto: I had (had), he had, she had, it had,
we had, you had, they had imao sam ili imah itd.
Sadanje prolo: I have had, he has had, she has had,
it has had, we have had, you have had, they have had
imao sam, itd.
Budue: I shall have, he will have, she will have, it
will have, we shall have, you will have, they will have
imau, imae, Ltd.

(buy bought bought baj bo:t bo:t

While the salesman unpacked the ties, he said:
(pack pakovati, a unpack anpak raspakovati.
Predmetak un esto se upotrebljava za suprotnu radnju. Na
primer, bind bajnd vezati, unbind
anbajnd odreiti).
Very nice weather today. In England every salesman,
when you enter his shop and buy something from him,
says either (ajdhe

ili) Very nice weather today, or (o: ili) Bad

weather today.
(Zabeleite izraz: either or ili ili. Tome
odgovara neither nor najdhe no: niti niti).
Yes, very nice, answered Mr. Miller.
The shopkeeper (pki:pe trgovac, duandija, od
shop radnja, i keeper ki:pe uvar) took out a
tie and showed it to Mr. Miller.
(take took taken tejk tuk tejkn uzeti,
take out izvaditi; to show ou pokazati).
How do you like this tie? I think it is very nice. How
do you like it, madam? Don't you think it is very nice?
Yes, I do, said Miss Brown, It is a beautiful tie.
I agree (agri: sloiti se).
Very well, then, I shall take this one, said Mr.
Miller. How much is it?
Let me see, said the shopkeeper. That will be three
and six.
Three and six je skraeno za three shillings and six
pence. Engleski novac je pound paund funta, koja se
pie skraeno , i vredi preko 180 din. u naem novcu.
Pound ima 20 shillings, koji se piu skraeno, s, i vrede 9
dinara. Shilling ima 12 penija, koji se piu 6kraeno d, a
zovu u jedinini penny peni, a u mnoini pence
pens. Prema tome 156 s. 3 d. znai 15 funti, est
ilinga i tri penia.
Anything else (els) I ta drugo? ili to bismo mi
rekli: jo neto?, please? A pair of socks? (Pair pe:e par;
sock sk arapa). Some handkerchiefs (hankeif
depna maramica).
(Mnoina od handkerchief je handkerchiefs, vie za
inat nego iz nekog razloga).
No, thank you. This is all for today. Good-bye.
Zadatak. Imao sam jednog lepog psa kada sam bio
u Londonu. Biu u (at) kavani u devet sati. Izai u u
podne. Izvadio sam svoju maramu. Kako vam se svia ovaj
vrt? Kupiu ili manu ili par arapa. Ni on ni ona nee
doi (na engleskom: ni on, ni ona doi e). Hoete li da
kupite nekoliko marama? Neu, hvala, kupio sam
nekoliko jue (radnja).
Reenje. I dress myself every morning at eight
o'clock. He is dressing himself now. We saw each
other yesterday in the house of my friend. The boat I
saw yesterday was the biggest in England. The lady we
visited has a very nice cottage near the sea. I wash myself

with cold water. Do you know each other? From whom

is this soup? From whom is this letter?

61. Pomoni glagoli shall i will upotrebljavaju se

za graenje budueg vremena, i to shall za prvo lice
jednine i mnoine, a will za ostala lica: I shall write.
We shall buy. You will come. She will speak.
62. Shall i will nemaju s u treem licu jednine
sadanjeg vremena, nego glase: he shall, she shall, he
will, she will.
63. Kada stoje sami za sebe shall znai treba,
mora, a will hou ili hoe. Ovo se znaenje u
gradnji budueg vremena izgubilo.
64. Shall se moe upotrebiti u svom prvobitnom
znaenju obaveze, ako se stavi uz drugo ili tree lice
jednine ili mnoine. U tom sluaju se u izgovoru na
glasi, a prevodi se sa treba ili mora. He SHALL
come Mora da doe. He shall not go to the cinema
Ne sme da ide u bioskop.
65. Isto tako will se moe staviti uz prvo lice da
izrazi elju, i u tom sluaju mora se naglasiti. Ali
ovo se sve vie gubi, zato to se will u obinom go
voru sve vie uvodi za prvo Ijce. I WILL go and see it.
Ba hou da idem da vidim. Zato ova dva pravila
nisu ni tako vana.
66. Prolo vreme od shall i will glase should
(ud) i would (wud), i upotrebljavaju se za gradnju
pogodbenog naina, i to should uz prvo lice jednine
i mnoine, a would uz drugo i tree lice. I should like
to read voleo bih da itam. He would like to buy a
tie on bi voleo da kupi manu.
67. Sem sadanjeg i prolog shall i will nemaju
druga vremena ni oblike. Zato se zovu nepotpuni

(Introduce :ntrodju:s pretsatviti).

While Miss Brown and Mr. Miller were buying a
tie (dok su oni kupovali manu; while wajl dok, za
vreme dok), Mr. and Mrs. Brown were sitting on the
terrace (teres terasa) outside their hotel at Dover.
Evo ga opet kako se javlja ovo novo prolo vreme:
were buying, were sitting. Zapazite kako se upotrebljava:
dok su ovi kupovali, oni su sedeli. Dakle, za trajnu
radnju. Zasad samo toliko. Ovo e vam olakati

razumevanje vremena kada do njega doemo.

Suddenly (sadnli iznenada), Mrs. Brown turned
(to turn toe:n okrenuti, okrenuti se) to her
husband (hazbend suprug, mu), and said:
(Evo ga primer gde glagol nije povratan u engleskom,
a kod nas jeste. He turned to me on se okrete meni).
Look, Henry, there is Mary coming with a gentleman
Where? I can't see her.
Ovo can't je saeto od cannot, a naravno da
znai ne mogu. Samo se cannot izgovara kanot, a
can't ka:nt).
Here she is! Evo je! They are coming up
the steps.
(up ap gore; come up kam ap peti se,
penjati se; step step korak; ali u mnoini steps znai
i stepenice. Dakle: evo ih gde dolaze uz stepenice).
Who is the gentleman? Do you know him?
raspituje se tata Brown.
No, I don't know him. I have never (neve
nikad) seen him before, Nikad ga ranije nisam videla.
Zapazite kako Englezi imaju samo jednu odrenu re
never gde mi imamo dve nikada nisam.
But he looks a very nice gentleman, umiruje ga
mama Brown.
To look sem gledati, znai i izgledati.
He has a nice grey tie with blue spots. I think
he bought it in the little shop in Hight Street. You
know, the one we saw yesterday. Zna, onu to smo
videli jue. Eto kako je ga Brown umesto da ponovi
shop rekla one.
I don't remember.
Don't you? (Ovo je za don't you remember. zar
se ne sea). The one near the church. Ovde je ga
Brown mislila na crkvu kao zgradu, a ne kao ustanovu,
pa je zato stavila lan the pred nju.
Oh, yes, I remember it now.
Zadatak. Ja u zazvoniti, a on e izii. Treba li da
mu kaem? ta e g. Miller rei g. Brownu?
Voleo bih da vidim tu kuu. Ona bi volela da ode (go)
do svoje majke. Da li biste voleli da doete sa mnom?
Volela bih da ostanem (stay) ovde. Hoete li ii da ga
vidite? Neu. Otii u u London vozom.
Reenje. I had a nice dog when I was in London. I
shall be at the restaurant at nine o'clock. I shall go out at

noon. I have taken out my handkerchief. How do you like

this garden? I shall buy either a tie or a pair of socks.
Neither he nor she will come. Will you buy some
handkerchiefs? No, I will not, I bought some yesterday.

Pre nego to preemo na promenu glagola, bilo bi

dobro da raistimo sa nekoliko glagola koji se razlikuju
od naih. To su takozvani nepotpuni glagoli can, may,
must, ought i need.
68. Can kan znai mogu, umem. Ono, dakle,
oznaava sposobnost, za razliku od may mej
mogu, smem. I can speak English umem da govorim
engleski. I can open the door mogu da otvorim
vrata. Ali May I come in? mogu li tj.
smem li ui? May I ask you a question (kwen
pitanje) smem li da vas pitam?
69. Can nema s za tree lice jednine, a menja se
I can, he can, she can, it can, we can, you can, they
Can pored sadanjeg ima jo samo prolo vreme: I
could, (kud) he could, she could, we could itd. Ovo se
could isto kao i should i would upotrebljava za gradnju
pogodbenih reenica. I could go to see him mogao bih da
idem da ga vidim. Could I come to lunch tomorrow?
mogu li da doem sutra na ruak? Tj. da li bih mogao
da doem sutra na ruak?
70. Da bi se izbegao nesporazum Englezi umesto
can esto upotrebljavaju izraz I am able to ejbl
bukvalno; ja sam u stanju da. I was able to swim
across the river (ekros preko; rive reka). Mogao
sam, uspeo sam da preplivam reku. I was able to hear
him on the telephone. Mogao sam, uspeo sam da ga
ujem na telefonu. (To hear hie uti).
71. May isto tako nema s u treem licu jednine,
I may, he may, she may, we may, itd. Drugi oblik od
may je prolo vreme might (majt) I might, he
might, we might, itd., koje se isto kao should, would,
i could upotrebljava i za pogodbeni .nain. I might come
moda bih doao, tj. moda u doi. May ili might
se esto prevodi sa moda. It may be so moda
je tako. It may be true moda je istina.
72. Must mast mora, ima samo sadanje
vreme i nema s u treem licu I must, he must, she
must, it must. He must sell (sel prodati) this house.

Mora da proda ovu kuu. He must come mora da

73. Poto must nema prolo vreme, to se za pro
lost upotrebljava izraz had to imao sam, imao je.
I had to run to catch the train. Morao sam trati
da uhvatim voz. I had to write a letter to my friend.
Morao sam prijatelju napisati pismo.
74. Ought o:t treba da, takoe ima samo
sadanje vreme, i nema s za tree lice jednine. I ought,
he ought, she ought, itd. I ought to go to the station.
Treba da idem na stanicu. The train ought to arrive
before ten o' clock. Voz treba da stigne pre deset sati.
75. Need ni:d, isto ima samo sadanje vreme.
Need ima dva znaenja. Jedno je imati potrebu za
neim. I need money (mani novac). Treba mi
novaca. He needs a rest (rest odmor). Njemu je
potreban odmor. He needs work (rad, posao).
Drugo znaenje, srodno ovom je: morati, treba da.
I need not write this letter today. Ne moram da
napiem ovo pismo danas. Need I write this letter?
Moram li, treba li, da napiem ovo pismo?
U ovom drugom znaenju need nema s u treem licu
jednine. He need not come. Nije potrebno da doe.
Ne mora da doe.
Ako je u ovom asu bilo dosta novog, i malo teeg
materijala, nije potrebno da sve to odmah nauite. Ove
rei su skupljene u jedan as poglavito zato_ da biste ih
mogli lake nai kada vam budu zatrebale.

Good morning, father, said Miss Brown when

she came up the stairs (ste:e stepenica). May I introduce
you to Mr. Miller?
(introduce introdju:s pretstaviti. Vana re u
engleskom, jer Englezi svakoga svakom pretstavljaju).
How do you do, sir? Pleased to meet you.
The pleasure is mine.
And this is my mother. Mr. Miller. My mother.
How do you do?
Mr. Miller is an old friend of mine, nastavlja
Miss Brown.
Zabeleite izraz He is a friend of mine on je
moj prijatelj. Slino imate She is a friend of hers. He
is a friend of theirs.
I told you about him, mother.
Oh, yes, I remember. He is the gentleman you

met in the park. (Umesto the gentleman whom you

met). That's right. (Skraeno od that is right).
Zadatak. Umete li da pravite (make) kafu? Umem.
Mogu li da idem u Pariz? Majka kae da moe. Ova
crkva mora da je vrlo stara. Treba da vas predstavim
svome ocu. Nije potrebno (ne trebate). Umeo sam da
govorim francuski kada sam bio (was) mali. Bilo bi dobro
kada biste mogli doi. On mora da mi kae ta je radio
(did) jue. Je li potrebno da doem? Vi ga morate
Reenje. I shall ring, and he will come out.
Should I tell him? What will Mr. Miller say to Mr.
Brown? I should like to see that house. She would like
to go to her mother. Would you like to come with me?
I should like to stay here. Will you go to see him? I
will not (I shall not). I shall go to London by train.
THE PRESENT (prezent
sadanje vreme)
76. Prosto sadanje vreme gradi se na taj nain to
se ispred glagola stavi lina zamenica. Samo tree lice
jednine ima nastavak s. I listen, he listens, she listens, it
listens, we listen, you listen, they listen.
77. Glagoli koji se svravaju na ch, sh, s, ss, x, z,
imaju es: he teaches (ti: uiti, prouavati), she
washes, it mixes, he passes.
78. Nastavak es imaju i glagoli do i go: he goes,
he does. Ovo se izgovara: gouz i daz.
79. Glagoli koji imaju na kraju y piu tree lice
sa ies: fly flies (flaj leteti). Ovo pravilo ne vai
ako je pred y samoglasnik: play plays (plej
igrati). To je zato to u tom sluaju samoglasnik i
glas y u stvari prave dvoglasnik.
80. Sadanje trajno ili sadanje nesvreno vreme
gradi se kada se pred prilog vremena sadanjeg koji
se svrava na ing stavi sadanje vreme glagola to be:
I am listening, he is listening, she is listening, it is
listening, we are listening, you are listening, they are
81. Ako se glagol svrava na e, ono ispada pred
ing: write writing, smile smiling.
82. Glagoli koji se svravaju na jedan suglasnik
kome prethodi samo jedan (dakle kratak, jer je u
zatvorenom slogu) samoglasnik, udvajaju suglasnik:
sit sitting, cut cutting (kat ei).

83. Sadanje prosto upotrebljava se da se izrazi

neto to se stalno radi, dakle radnja koja nije vezana
samo za jedan trenutak. I go to school every morning.
I speak English quite (kwajt sasvim) well. I like to
wash myself with cold water.
84. Sadanjim prostim izraavaju se i obine i
njenice: I believe you (bili:v verovati). I do not
85. Sadanje nesvreno ili trajno upotrebljava se
da se iskae radnja koja se odigrava u istom trenutku
dok o njoj govorimo. He is sitting in the room. We are
breakfasting. He is playing the piano (pia:no). (To play
znai i igrati i svirati).
Razlikujte prema tome. He plays the piano
svira u klavir, tj. ume da svira u klavir, i He is playing the
piano on svira u ovom trenutku. He writes pie, tj.
(knjievnik je, i He is writing pie u ovom trenutku.
(knvesejn konverzacija, razgovor; hotel je ovde
pridev: hotelski).
Where do you live, Mr. Miller? raspituje se
stari Brown. Here, at Dover?
No, I live in London.
Are you staying (odsesti) at our hotel?
No, I am staying in a private (prajvet privatan)
U prvom sluaju Miller je upotrebio prosto sadanje,
jer satlno ivi u Londonu. U drugom, sadanje nesvreno,
jer pria o stanu u kome je u vreme kada se o njemu
What do you do in London?
I work.
Where do you work?
I work at the Bank of England.
Do you like your work?
Yes, I do.
Look, mother, Miss Brown prekida razgovor, a
boat is coming from France.
Where is it?
It is just (dast taman, ba) entering the harbour
(ha:be pristanite, luka).
Oh, I must not forget (fo:get zaboraviti),
prisea se Miss Brown, I have something important
to tell you, father (impo:tnt vaan, vano).
(I must not forget ne moram da zaboravim, tj.

moram da ne zaboravim, ili kako bismo mi rekli: ne

smem da zaboravim).
What is that?
Mr. Miller wants to marry me.
Which Mr. Miller?
This Mr. Miller.
Zadatak. On svira (u) klavir dobro. Kada svira? Svira
svaki dan. Svira li sada? Svira u velikoj sobi. Umete li da
jarte (ride rajd)? Umem. Jaite li esto (often ofn)?
Jaim. Jaim svake nedelje. Gde je ona? Ona sada
mea puding za veeru (sada na kraju). A gde je on?
On kupuje tanjire u radnji. ta hoe g. Miller? On hoe
da se oeni gdicom Brown.
Reenje. Can you make coffee? I can. May I go to
Paris? Mother says you may. This church must be very
old. I ought to introduce you to my father. You need not.
I could speak French when I was small. It would be
good if you could come. He must tell me what he did
yesterday. Need I come? You must know him.

(fjue budunost, budue vreme)

86. Budue vreme gradi se kada se pred glagol
stavi za prvo lice jednine i mnoine shall a za ostala
I shall listen, he will listen, she will listen, it will
listen, we shall listen, you will listen, they will listen.
87. U obinom govoru, usled opte tenje za sai
manjem slogova koja postoji u engleskom vrlo esto
se umesto punog oblika I shall kae I'll (ajl), a umesto
he will he'll hi:l, umesto she will she'll
i:l itd. Prema tome Imamo: I'll, he'll, she'll, we'll, you'll,
88. Sem prostog budueg postoji i trajno budue:
I shall be listening, he will be listening, she will be
listening, we shall be listening, you will be listening,
they will be listening. Ovi se oblici upotrebljavaju kada
se eli naroito istai da e izvesna radnja trajati due
vremena u budunosti. I shall be writing all day to
morrow. Pisau sutra ceo dan. I shall be travelling
(travl putovati) all next week. Putovau celu iduu
Ovo je vreme dosta retko u upotrebi, i stoga je
dovoljno da ga razumete, a ne i da ga upotrebljavate.
89. Mnogo ee, a naroito kada se istie namera,

izraava se budunost frazom I am going to.

I am going to play the violin (vajolin) this evening.
I am going to smoke (smouk puiti) a cigarette

(trouble trati nevolja, muka, briga; to

trouble uznemiriti, zabrinuti; troubled. uznemiren,
Mary, said Mr. Miller when he left (od leave)
the hotel that evening, may I call you Mary?
You may.
I am very troubled.
Your father does not like me. What shall I do?
It's all right, John. Everything (evrithing sve,
svata, bukvalno: svaka stvar) will be all right. I shall
talk to mother.
When will you talk to her?
I am going to talk to her tonight.
I shall be very troubled until I hear from you.
You need not be troubled.
What will your mother say?
She will help me if I ask her.
Your mother must be (mora da je) a kind
Yes, she is.
What shall I do now?
You may go back to you rooms (Sobe ovako u
mnoini obino znai: nametene sobe).
When shall I see you again (egen ponova)?
You will see me tomorrow.
When may I come?
You may come after ten o'clock. I am not going
to get up (ustati) early tomorrow morning.
Very well. I shall come after ten. "Good-bye,
Good-bye, John.
Zadatak. On e kupiti renik (dictionary
dikeneri). Ja u vam platiti (bez to!) za ova dva noa. Idem
da se kupam (bez se). On e jesti malo mesa i povra. To
e se desiti (happen hapen) sutra uvee. To e biti
vrlo lepo. Hoete li ii u kino? Hou, posle veere. Mary
e govoriti sa svojom majkom. John e kupiti prsten
(ring). Ja u vas predstaviti svojim prijateljima.
Reenje. He plays the piano well. When does he

play? He plays every day. Is he playing now. He is

playing in the big room. Can you ride? I can. Do you ride
often? Yes, I do. I ride every Sunday. Where is she? She
is mixing a pudding for supper now (moe i the
pudding). And where is he? He is buying plates in the
shop. What does Mr. Miller want? He wants to marry Miss

90. Prosto prolo gradi se nastavkom ed. Wait

waited. Listen listened.
91. Ako se glagol svrava na e dodaje se samo d.
Smille smiled. Agree agreed.
92. Ako se glagol svrava na y kome prethodi
suglasnik, nastavak se pie ied. Marry married.
Try tried (traj pokuati).
93. Ako ovom ed prethodi glas kao k, p, s, sh, f,
gde se d ne moe izgovoriti, onda se krajnje d izgo
vara t. Ask asked (a:skt). Help helped (helpt).
Pass passed (past) Wash washed (wt).
U engleskom postoji tendencija da se nenaglaeni
slogovi skrate, pa ak i gutaju. Otud smo i imali izgovore
kao listen lisn, every evri, important impo:tnt.
Mi emo ovom posvetiti zasebnu lekciju. Zasad
zapamtite samo da je ovo e u prolom vremenu uvek
nenaglaeno, i da se zato gde god je to mogue, guta. Otud
asked a:skt, helped helpt, passed pa:st, itd.
94. Prosto prolo upotrebljava se za prianje dogaaja
koji su se odigrali u prolosti. Ono se zato prevodi ili naim
preanjim ili prolim vremenom. Last night I went to see a
friend. We spoke about business. (biznes poslovi). He
said he wanted to buy a house. He asked me for advice
(advajs savet).
95. Prosto prolo ma i svoj odgovarajui trajni oblik. I
walked i I was walking iao sam, etao sam. I learnt i
I was learning. Ovaj se oblik upotrebljava isto tako za
prianje, ali samo ako naroito eli da istakne da je neka
radnja trajala due vremena. I was learning English all
day yesterday. Ceo dan sam jue uio engleski.
96. Trajno prosto prolo mi emo ga nazvati
tako jer ete na taj nain najlake zapamtiti njegovu
funkciju upotrebljava se mahom da se opie neka
radnja koja se deavala istovremeno sa nekom drugom.
Tada su te dve radnje obino vezane recom when
kada. I was breakfasting when my friend came. She

was just going out when her mother arrived. Ona je

taman izlazila kada je stigla njena majka. I was
waiting for a train when the porter came with a

(difikelt teak; prenosno difficult znai i nezgodan).

While Mr. and Mrs. Brown were dressing for
dinner, Mr. Brown turned to his wife (wajf ena,
(Razlikujte woman ena uopte od wife supruga).
Did you hear what Mary said?
Yes, I did.
She said Mr. Miller wanted to marry her.
Mi bismo ovde rekli: da je uzme za enu, a Englezi
upotrebljavaju prolo vreme. Kada Englezi upotrebljavaju
prolo namesto naeg sadanjeg objasniemo-docnije.
Yes, that is what she said.
Ali ovo ne zadovoljava g. Browna. On trai definitivnije
What did you think of that?
I don't know. He seems (si:m izgledati) quite a
nice man.
You said that before. But you heard what he
said he was. Ali ti si ula ta je rekao da je (u engleskom:
da je bio).
Yes, I did. He said he was a bank clerk.
Sad ve nagaate da se posle said upotrebljava.
prolo vreme. Pogodili ste.
Mabel, I am surprised at you, (Ti me iznenauje.
Bukvalno: ja sam iznenaen na tebe. Mabel mejbl je
oevidno ime ge Brown) uzrujava se Brown. Do you
think we can let (dopustiti) our daughter (do:te ki)
marry a bank clerk?
Why not, if Mary wants him?
I cannot undersand (andestasnd razumeti) you.
It is she (ona je ta) who will be married (koja e biti
udata), not you or I. And you know this modern (mdoen
moderan) generation (denerejn generacija,
Yes, I do. They are awful (o:ful straan). We
were much better. We obeyed (obej sluati, u smislu biti
posluan) our parents. I always (olwejz uvek) obeyed my
father and mother. I was a good boy, zavrava g. Brown
zadovoljan svojom vrlom prolou.
Zadatak. ta je ga Brown rekla svome muu?

Rekla je: ti si bio dobar deak kada si bio mali. Popio sam
au mleka za doruak. Uio sam englesku gramatiku
(grammar grame) kada je ona stigla kui. Ja sam brojao
stolice, kada me je moj otac prekinuo (interrupt
interapt). Naao sam svoj eir ispod (under ande)
stola (table tejbl). Govorio je engleski sasvim dobro.
Rekao je da ui (was learning) engleski.
Reenje. He will buy a dictionary. I shall pay you for
these two knives. I am going to bathe. He will eat a little
meat and vegetables. That will happen tomorrow evening.
That will be very nice. Will you go
to the cinema? I shall, after supper. Mary is going to (will)
speak with her mother. John will (is going to) buy a ring.
I shall (am going to) introduce you to my friends.

97. Sem prostog prolog u engleskom postoji i

sadanje prolo vreme koje mi nemamo. Ono se gradi
na ovaj nain: I have listened, he has listened, she has
listened, we have listened, you have listened, they have
98. Sadanje prolo ne upotrebljava se za pri
anje, nego samo za konstataciju da se neka radnja
odigrala i zavrila u prolosti. Zapamtite da se sada
njim prolim ne oznaava taan trenutak kada se
radnja odigrala. Ako oznaite tano vreme nekom
reju kao yesterday, at five o'clock, last night itd
morate upotrebiti prosto prolo. I have finished (fini
svriti) my work. I have come to ask you something.
Doao sam da vas neto pitam. She has seen her
mother. Videla je svoju majku.
99. Nae prolo vreme prevodi se as jednim as
drugim engleskim prolim. Koje e se upotrebiti zavisi
esto i od shvatanja. Tako: video sam ga; moe biti i
I saw him i I have seen him. Ako mislite na radnju, tj.
priate, vi ete upotrebiti I saw him. Ako elite samo
da konstatujete da ste ga videli bez obzira ta se do
godilo u isto vreme, rei ete I have seen him.
100. Sadanje prolo moe da se upotrebi jo u
jednom sluaju: to je kada radnja zapoeta u prolosti
jo traje. I have learnt English for two months. Uim
engleski ve dva meseca. I have been here since five
o'clock. Evo me tu jo od pet sati. U ovom sluaju,
englesko sadanje prolo prevodi se naim sadanjim.
101. Trajno sadanje prolo ree je u upotrebi.

Njime se Englezi slue ako naroito ele da istaknu da

je neka radnja zapoeta u prolosti neprekidno trajala, i
da jo traje. I have been learning English since April.
Uim engleski od aprila! Ovde se podrazumeva: i jo uim.
They have been walking outside Dover for two hours.
Evo ve itava dva sata kako se etaju izvan Dovera.
Podrazumeva se: i jo se etaju. I ovo se vreme, prevodi ili
naim sadanjim, ili prolim.
Oblici trajnog sadanjeg prolog su: I have been
listening, he has been listening, we have been listening,
you have been listening, they have been listening.
Za vas je najvanije da nauite prosto prolo i
sadanje prolo. I da zapamtite da u prianju upotrebljavate
prosto prolo, a za obine konstatacije da se
neto dogodilo u prolosti da upotrebite sadanje
prolo. Ostale oblike dovoljno je da razumete. Izbegavajte
da ih upotrebljavate, da se ne biste izgubili u
nepotrebnim finesama i komplikacijama.

(diskas diskutovati, pretresti).

I don't like this Miller, zakljuuje g. Brown, i
onda se reava da detektivski ispita itavo njegovo
kretanje. When did he come down?
(Down je dole, a ovde znai iz Londona. Ako
idete u London, vi idete up gore, nagore).
I think he came yesterday.
Ga Brown za obian dogaaj upotrebljava
obino prolo vreme. Ali podozrivi g. Brown kae:
I don't believe it. I think he has been here since
Thursday or Friday, i time sadanjim prostim iskazuje
da Millerova zloinaka radnja, zapoeta u etvrtak ili
petak, jo traje. Pa ni to g. Brownu nije dosta. On vidi
jo dalje smerove Millerove. I think he has been
waiting all the time (celo vreme) for Mary.
I don't think he has been waiting here since
Thursday, brani ga ga Brown: Mary told me that
he came down on Saturday after us.
No, no, I don't believe it, brani se Brown. I
don't like Miller. And I WILL NOT have him for my
(Son san sin; law l:o zakon; son-in-law
sin po zakonu, tj. zet. Slino postoji daughter-in-law
snaja, father-in-law tast ili svekar, mother-in-law
tata ili svekrva).
(Time to je g. Brown naglasio ono will not on je

hteo da kae da ne upotrebljava prosto budue vreme:

neu imati, nego da naglaava reenost: ja neu njega
za zeta).
But, Henry, veli ga Brown pomirljivo, you
cannot prevent (privent spreiti) it, if Mary wants
to marry him.
No, no, Brown je reen. He is poor, and I don't
want a poor bank clerk for my son-in-law.
Why not, if he is nice? And I think Mr. Brown
is quite nice.
That is enough (inaf dosta), Mabel, Brown je
besan. I see that my whole family (houl ceo famili
porodica) is against me. But i have decided (disajd
odluiti, reiti): I will not allow it! (alau
Zadatak. Tek to sam stigao. Jeste li videli mog oca?
Nisam. Doneo sam vam jednu knigu. Gde ste je nali?
Naao sam je u jednoj knjiari (bookshop)
blizu kole. Je li moj prijatelj doao? Nije. Obeao sam
da u sluati svoje roditelje. Jaim jo od doruka. Sluam
radio (ve) celo jutro (radio rejdio). Radim na ovoj
knjizi od prole godine.
Reenje. What did Mrs. Brown say to her husband?
She said: you were a good boy when you were small. I drank
a glass of milk for breakfast. I was learning English
grammar when she arrived home. I was counting (the)
chairs, when my father interrupted me. I found my hat under the
table. He spoke English quite well. He said he was learning

.102. Neodreeni nain gradi se kada se pred

glagol stavi reca to. To buy kupiti, to wash prati.
103. Posle glagola can, could, shall, should, will,
would, may, might, must do i let ovo to se izostavlja.
I can go. Let him come. He must pay. She may write.
104. Prilog vremena sadanjeg gradi se nastav
kom ing. Speaking govorei, answering odgova
rajui, buying kupujui.
105. Ako se glagol svrava na e ono se u pisanju
izostavlja: come coming, write writing, smile
106. Ako se glagol svrava na suglasnik kome
prethodi kratak samoglasnik, suglasnik se udvaja: sit
sitting, run running, ali keep keeping.

107. Zapovedni nain za drugo lice jednine i mno

ine isti je kao i glagol: go! idi ili idite! come!
doi ili doite.
108. Zapovedni nain za prvo i tree lice jednine
ili mnoine gradi se kada se pred glagol stavi reca
let. Let him come neka doe, let us come dodimo,
let them come neka dou. Let him read
neka ita, let them read neka itaju, let us read
109. Glagolska imenica istovetna je po obliku sa
prilogom vremena sadanjeg. Reading itanje.
Standnig stajanje. Buying kupovanje.
110. Oba glagolska prideva grade se nastavkom
ed. Pravila u vezi sa pisanjem ovog oblika data su
pod brojevima 91 do 93.
Prema tome excused znai i izvinio i izvinjen,
damaged (damidd) i otetio i oteen, prevented
spreio i spreen.
Oba znaenja naravno imaju i pridevi nepravilnih
glagola. Tako je bought i kupio, i kupljen, seen- i
video i vien, given i dao i dat.

(get dobiti, primiti).

Let us go back to London now. And let us find
the Continental Hotel. (kntinentl kontinentalan tj. iz
Evrope). Two ladies have just entered (konstatacija
skoranje radnje). One of the ladies is older, and the
other is younger (adhe drugi). They have just
approached the clerk at the desk.
(Approach aprou prii, pribliiti se. Zabeleite
da je u engleskom approach somebody nekoga, a ne
nekome kao kod nas. The desk desk pisai sto).
Good morning, said the older lady.
Good morning, madam.
We have reserved (rizoe:v rezervisati, zadrati) a
room at your hotel.
May I have your names, please?
(Englezi vole da stave please na kraju).
Mrs. and Miss Fisher.
Gospoa ovo Mrs. izgovara misis, jer misis je
poasna titula: gospoa. Kada bi kazala mistress mistres
to bi podrazumevalo neto drugo. School mistress je
uiteljica. Za devojku mistress je gospodarica, a za
mukarca je metresa, ljubaznica.
Oh, yes, your letter came yesterday. You want

a room with two beds and a bathroom.

(Bath ba:th kupatilo, kada, bath-room
kupatilo, odeljenje).
That's right.
Here (ovamo), boy! Will you show the ladies
room number (nambe broj) sixty-three on the second
floor (flo: sprat. Inae floor znai i pod, patos).
Yes, sir.
Excuse me, madam, one moment (moument
trenutak). There is a letter for you. It arrived last
Thank you, said Miss Fisher and took the letter.
Thank you. Ovo drugo thank you kae hotel
clerk. Englezi su toliko utivi da i onaj koji vam uini
neto kae thank you.
Poto su se upisale u knjigu, the ladies followed (flou
sledevati, ii za nekim) the boy up (uz) the stairs. The
boy was leading, carrying (kari nositi) the bags.
(Lead led led li:d led led voditi.
Leading, carrying, istie se trajna radnja. The bag bag
torba. Zapazite: follow nekoga, ne nekome).
Zadatak. Hou da jaim od jutra do mraka (from
till evening). Ona mi mora rei koliko staje (cost
kst) stan (flat). Moete ii za mnom. Hajdemo da
vidimo ko je doao. Moete li mi rei ko je gospodin, sa
crnim eirom? Ne moete uzeti ovog psa. Ono je
kupljeno. Neka proita ovo pismo, pa (and) neka mi
kae ta misli.
Reenje. I have just arrived. Have you seen my father?
No, I have not. I have brought you a book. Where did you
find it? I found it at a bookshop near the school. Has my
friend come? No, he has not. I have promised to obey
my parents. I have been reading since breakfast. I have
been listening to the radio all the morning (the whole
morning). I have been working on this book since last

1 11. Pogodbem nain gradi se ovako:

I should learn uio bih ,
He would learn on bi uio
She would learn ona bi uila
We should learn uili bismo
You would learn uili biste
They would learn oni bi uili

Kao i u buduem vremenu shall i will, tako i ovde

will se esto upotrebljava u obinom govoru ne samo za
drugo i tree, nego i za prvo lice. Zasad samo nauite
oblike, a docnije emo imati nekoliko zasebnih lekcija o
112. Prolo vreme pogodbenog naina pravi se
I should have listened trebalo je da sluam,
ili bio bi sluao,
He would have listened trebalo je da slua,
ili bio bi sluao,
She would have listened trebalo je da slua,
ili bila bi sluala
We should have listened trebalo je da sluamo,
ili bili bismo sluali
You would have listened trebalo je da sluate,
ili bili biste sluali
They would have listened trebalo je da sluaju,
ili bili bi sluali.
Ovo je redak oblik, i ne morate se mnogo muiti da
ga nauite. Glavno je da ga razumete ako na njega naiete.
113. Trpno stanje gradi se u engleskom isto kao
i u naem jeziku, tj. upotrebom glagolskog prideva i
oblika glagola to be biti. Tako imamo:
I am surprised iznenaen sam
I was surprised bio sam iznenaen
I shall be surprised biu iznenaen.
U engleskom je trpno stanje mnogo prostije nego u
nemakom ili francuskom jeziku, gde se ono gradi nekad
upotrebom glagola biti a nekad imati.
114. Sigurno ste dosad zapazili kako mnogi en
gleski glagoli uzimaju etvrti pade tamo gde nai
uzimaju trei. Imali smo na primer: I paid him
platio sam mu. I told him rekao sam mu. He flattered
her laskao joj je. They are following him
idu za njim.
Ovi glagoli, poto imaju za sobom etvrti pade, tj.
prelazni su, mogu da imaju trpno stanje u engleskom. I
am told reeno mi je. I am paid isplaen sam. She is
flattered to joj laska. He is followed by somebody za
njim ide neko. Mi, oevidno, ne moemo ove oblike da
prevedemo trpnim stanjem, nego moramo da se
spomognemo slobodnim prevodom.
Trpno stanje je u engleskom veoma vano, jer se
upotrebljava mnogo ee nego kod nas, naroito u

novinarstvu. Zato je od najvee vanosti da dobro

nauite ovo pravilo, jer bez njega neete moi mai u

This is the room, said the boy, and opened

(oupn stvoriti) the windows. It has a beautiful
view (vju: pogled). It looks on the Thames (Temz
sa lanom, jer pred rekama ima lana). And here, the
boy opened another (anadhe jo jedan) door, is the
After the boy had gone (poto je deak otiao),
Miss Fisher sat on the sofa (soufa divan, kanabe),
and began to read the letter.
From whom is the letter, Daisy? asked her
It is from Mary Brown. Oh, mother, it is such
an exciting letter, exclaimed Miss Fisher.
Zapamtite da se kae such a, quite a i half a, a
ne kao kod ostalih prideva a good, a beautiful, itd.
Exciting eksajting uzbudljiv. Exclaim eksklejm
What does she say?
Let us look over (ouve iznad, preko) Miss
Fisher's shoulder (oulde rame) and read the letter with
The King George Hotel
High Street
Dover August
28th, 1951
Kod Engleza je obiaj da se na svakom pismu pa
ma to bilo starim prijateljima koji se znaju ispie adresa u
desnom gornjem uglu. Datum se moe staviti dvojako: ili
August 28th ili 28th August. Godina se ita nineteen
fifty one. Tako se, u godini 1815 kae in eighteen
fifteen. Re godinu nije potrebno kazati.
My dear Daisy,
Iz ovoga odmah vidimo da su Mary i Dejzi velike
prijateljice. Kod Engleza je etiketa u pismima do krajnosti
razvijena, i svaki, odnos obeleen je tano nainom na koji
se pismo poinje i zavrava. Kod njih fraza potovani
gospodine ili tovana gospoo ne postoji. Sasvim
nepoznato lice oslovie se u pismu sa Dear Sir, ili Dear
Madam. Meutim ako ste lice ma i jednom sreli i s njime
izmenjali dve rei, osloviete ga sa Dear Mr. Brown, Dear
Mrs. Green, ili Dear Miss Fisher (fie). Ako lice poznajete

sasvim intimno, onda mukarcu moete izostaviti ono Mr., i

napisati samo Dear Brown. Ako su vam odnosi
drugarski, tj. ako biste dotinom licu kod nas rekli ti, onda
moete poeti i, sa Dear John, Dear Mary.
Zadatak. Potovani g. Jones (douns). Vratio sam se
kui prekjue. elim (to wish wi) da vam se zahvalim na
(for) vrlo prijatnom (agreeable egriebl) vremenu koje
sam imao sa vama i vaom porodicom. Ja nisam vrlo
vet (clever at kleve at) pisanju
engleskih pisama, ali se nadam da ete me razumeti
(understand). Pisau vam opet kada naem (find)
vremena, jer (for) meni je potrebno dugo vremena da
napiem jedno englesko pismo. Ali se nadam (hope
houp nadati se) da u uskoro (soon sun) umeti
(be able) da piem bre (quick kwik).
Reenje. I want to ride from morning till evening. She
must tell me how much the flat costs. You may follow
me. Let us go to see who has come. Can you tell me who
is the gentleman with the black hat? You cannot take that
dog. It is bought. Let him read this letter, and (let him)
tell me what he thinks.

(knklu:d zavriti)
115. Davno prolo vreme glasi:
I had listened bejah sluao
He had listened on bejae sluao
She had listened ona bejae sluala
We had listened mi bejasmo sluali
You had listened vi bejaste sluali
They had listened oni bejahu sluati
116. Prilog vremena prolog gradi se od priloga
vremena sadanjeg glagola have i glagolskog prideva.
Having listened sluavi, poto je sluao, kada je
sasluao. Having found naavi, poto je naao,
kada je naao. Having read proitavi, poto je
proitao, kada je proitao.
117. Upitni oblici kod pomonih glagola prave se
kada se izmenja red rei. Pomoni glagoli su: have, be,
shall, will, can, must, may, need, ought.
Am I tall? Can you speak? Must you go? Was
I good? Were they at home?
Ovo pravilo, naravno, vai i za sve oblike koji se prave
pomonim glagolima.
Shall I come? Will they believe? Will he ring?

Have I come? Has he rung?

Had they listened? Had she come?
118. Upitni oblici kod ostalih glagola, i kod vre
mena koja se ne grade pomonim glagolima, prave
se kada se pred glagol stavi reca do, a za prolost
Do you smoke? Do you drink? Do you believe? Did
you smoke? Did you drink? Did you believe?
119. Odreni oblici pomonih glagola, i vremen
skih oblika koji se grade pomonim glagolima, prave
se kada se iza pomonog glagola stavi not.
I have not seen it. They will not believe. She has not
come. They could not speak. He must not tell.
120. Odreni oblici ostalih glagola prave se kada
se pred glagol stavi reca don't, a za prolost did not.
I don't smoke. He does not believe. They don't ride.
I did not smoke. He did not believe. They did not
121. Razlikujte kada se za odricanje upotrebljava
no a kada not. Not ide uz glagole. I have not seen.
A no ide ispred imenica. I have no book. She has no
father. Thy have no house.
Ovim smo zavrili u devetnaest lekcija celu gramatiku.
Posle ovoga ostaje nam samo da ove oblike utvrdimo i da
ih dopunimo izvesnim detaljima.

My dear Daisy,
Time to je pred Dear Daisy stavila jo i my
Miss Brown dala je pismu jo srdaniji oblik.
I have great news to tell you.
(News nju:z novost, novosti. Re news iako
ima oblik mnoine, zavravajui se na s, upotrebljava
se kao jednina. Zato se kae: What is the news?
ta ima novo?)
I have met a certain (soe:tn izvesatn). Mr.
Miller. Konstatacija injenice koja vai i za sadanjost.
We met first in a park, and we talked to each
other (uzajamno, vidi pravilo 52). Mary sada prelazi na
prianje, pa zato i na prosto prolo.
Then we met again at a tea party with the Greens.
Party pa:ti je drutvo, skup; tea-party ajanka;
slino moete imati dinner-party, supper-party,
itd. Greens u mnoini, tj. Greenovi, odgovara naoj
mnoini Jovanovievi, Petrovievi.
I thought him a nice man, though not very clever.

I thought him smatrala sam ga, mislila sam da je on.

Though dhou iako, mada. Clever u engleskom kao i
nice ima opte, ire znaenje. Kao to je nice opti
povoljan pridev za fizike i moralne osobine, tako je
clever opti povoljan pridev za umne osobine. Clever se
moe prevesti sa vet, pametan, dovitljiv, bistar, darovit,
inteligentan, a znai upravo po malo od svega toga.
Zadatak. Je li on dobar ovek? Je li videla ona na novi
stan? Jesu li bili kod kue kada si doao? Je li potrebno
(need) da mu kaete ta se desilo? Puite li mnogo
(many!) cigareta dnevno? (a day). Ne puim vie od
petnaest. Jeste li puili vie prole (last) godine? Jesam,
puio sam tada (then) dvadeset do dvadeset i pet.
Morate li da naete (find) novog uvara? (keeper).
Sme li on da doe?
Reenje: Dear Mr. Jones. I returned home the day
before yesterday. I wish to thank you for the very
agreeable time (which) I had with you and your
family. I am not very clever at writing English letters, but
I hope that you will understand me. I shall write to you
again when I find time, for I need a long time to write an
English letter. But I hope that I shall soon be able to
write more quickly.

I must tell you what he looks like.

(Like lajk kao; look like izgledati, ali i liiti;
what he looks like kako izgleda).
He is rather (ra:dhe dosta, prilino) tall, and
has a nice little, black moustache (musta: brkovi.
Naoj rei koja je u mnoini: brkovi, odgovara engleska u
jednini: moustache).
I would not call him beautiful, but he is quite goodloking.
(Good looking dobar na oko, lep na oko, kao
to je bad looking ruan na oko).
I know you have guessed what has happened.
(Guess ges pogoditi. Ovde emo, jel'te,
izgovoriti gest. Opet konstatacija neeg u skoranjoj
prolosti, jer Daisy je pogodila ta se desilo odmah im
je proitala reenicu).
But let me tell you everything slowly (prilog od
slow). I quite liked Mr. Miller (sasvim mi se dopao),
but I did not think of him any more (eni mo:e vie
ovu kombinaciju objasniemo docnije) at the time (u
to vreme).

A few days ago Mr. Miller appeared again at

Dover. (Ago egou ipre, ranije. Englezi kau: Two days
ago pre dva dana. A few days ago pre nekoliko
dana. Ago se stavlja na kraju. Few fju:
malo, nekoliko, isto to i some; samo to se few,
ili a few, upotrebljava samo za stvari koje se broje.
Appear api:e pojaviti se).
I must mention (menn pomenuti, spomenuti)
that I have come here with father and mother to spend
our holiday.
(I have come sadanje prolo, jer su Miss
Brown i njeni roditelji jo u Doveru pravilo 100.
Father i mother bez lana pravilo 6. Spend
spent spent spend spent spent potroiti,
ali i prenosno: potroiti vreme, tj. provesti. Holiday
hlidej praznik, raspust, letnji odmor).
I met him when I was walking along the street,
and then we walked together (tugedhe zajedno)
and talked about many things. Suddenly Mr. Miller
proposed to me.
(Propose propouz predloiti, prenosno: zaprositi).
Imagine how astonished I was!
Imagine amadin zamisli. Astonish astni
iznenaditi. Astonished ete naravno izgo voriti
astnit. Red rei u ovoj reenici je izvrnut. To je zato to
je ovo uzvik; zamisli kako sam bila iznenaena! Slino ete
rei posle how: He told me how beautiful I was. Rekao
mi je kako sam lepa. Ovde, posle told, kao i ranije posle
said, imamo prolo vreme gde bismo u naem jeziku
upotrebili sadanje).
Now, I know my dear Daisy, you wonder (wande
uditi se, pitati se kod nas povratno, kod En
gleza ne) what I am going to answer him (ga, nje: mu!)
I have not decided yet (jet jo, vremenski, ne za
koliinu. Za koliinu je more).
Father is very angry (angri ljut). He will not
hear of Mr. Miller.
(Hear of, think of, talk of uti o, misliti o,
govoriti o. A moe i hear about, think about, talk
He says Mr. Miller is a bank clerk and poor, and
he does not want a poor man for a son-in-law. You
know father is rich and very proud (praud ponosit).
I suppose (sepouz pretpostaviti) he would like a rich
banker (banke bankar) or a lord (lo:d lord). Mother

is on my side (sajd strana), of course (vko:s

naravno, dabome).
I told you had not decided (opet prolo posle
told). But I may decide (ali u se moda odluiti) in
favour (in fejve u korist) of Mr. Miller, just because
(biko:z zato to, just because ba zato to)
father is against him.
I have no more time and so (sou tako) I must
finish now. (No pred imenicom pravilo 121). But I
shall write and let you know as soon as I have
Let you know izvestiu te, let somebody know
izvestiti nekoga. As soon as az-su:n-az im.
Zadatak. Primio sam (receive risi:v) vae
pismo pre dva dana. Nisam imao vremena da odgovorim
ranije (sooner). Milo mi je da ste dobro. G. Jones rekao mi
je da niste (pazite na vreme!) dobro. ujem (I
understand) da e Miss Brown da se uda, ali ne znam
da li (whether wedhe) je istina. Pisau opet, im ujem
ta se dogodilo.
Reenje. Is he a good man? Has she seen our new
flat? (Moe i did she see). Were they at home when you
came? Need you tell him what (has) happened?
Do you smoke many cigarettes a day? I don't
smoke more than fiften. Did you smoke more last year?
Yes, I did, then I smoked twenty to twenty five. Must you
find a new keeper? May he come?

With much love

Vi se naravno ne biste potpisali sa with much love.
To tako piu devojke jedna drugoj, ili deca roditeljima. Va
potpis zavisie od toga kako ste poeli pismo. Ako ste
poeli sa Dear Sir ili Dear Madam potpisaete se Yours
truly (tru:li zaista, istinski) ili sa Yours faithfuly
(fejthfuli verno, lojalno). To je zvanina ili poslovna
formula. Ako ste pisali prijateljsko pismo i poeli ga sa
Dear Mr. Jones, ili Dear Mrs. Green, potpisaete
prijateljskom formulom Yours sincerely (sinsi:li
iskreno, od sincere iskren). Ako to prijateljstvo elite
naroito da podvuete, moete potpisati i sa Yours very
sincerely, ili sa Yours affectionately (affection afekn
naklonost, ljubav, simpatija; affectionately afekenatli
sa simpatijom, s naklonou, prijateljski). Postoji jo i

za veoma intimno prijateljstvo, ali se retko upotrebljava:

always yours o:lwejz uvek va, i yours ever eve
Na dnu pisma Mary Brown je stavila P. S. My
kind regards to your mother. Regards riga:dz
znai obzir, potovanje. Englezi nikada ne upotrebljavaju
nau frazu s potovanjem nego kau my kind regards
bukvalno: s ljubaznim obzirima. To greet gri:t je
pozdraviti, ali se Englez tom reju u pismu nee nikad
posluiti, nego rei Please remember me to your
father molim vas spomenite me vaem ocu.
Ostaje jo da vidimo kako je Miss Brown napisala
adresu. Ona je napisala:
Miss Daisy Fisher
Continental Hotel
Buckingham Street
Prvo dakle ulicu i broj ako je potreban pa
tek onda ime grada, to je obrnuto od naeg obiaja.
Ako piete mukom licu staviete na adresu:
John Brown Esq.
a ne Mr. John Brown. Mr. upotrebljavaju Amerikanci, dok
Englezi stavljaju Esq. to je skraenica od esquire
eskwaje. To esquire bilo je ranije najnia titula plemstva,
a danas se stavlja u znak potovanja i licima koja sa
plemstvom nikada nikakve veze nisu imali.
When Miss Daisy had finished her letter, she
turned to her mother, and aksed her:
What do you think of this?
I don't know what to think. You know Mary
better. Parhaps she will not marry Mr. Miller after all.
(After all bukvalno: posle svega znai i
I don't know, mother, but I think she will marry him,
just because her father is against him.
We shall see.
Yes, we shall see. I am going to write to Marry
today, because I want to hear the whole story (sto:ri
pria) from her.
Zadatak. Molim vas piite im imate vremena. S
potovanjem. Javi mi se (let me know) im stigne. Tvoj.
Molim vas pozdravite svoju babu.
ta je Miss Brown pisala svojoj prijateljici? (did!)
Pisala joj je da ju je g. Miller zaprosio (pazite na
pade!) ta je Daisy mislila o pismu svoje prijateljice? Hoe

li da misli o ovome? Hou. Mislio sam o tome ceo dan

Reenje. I received your letter two days ago. I
had no time to answer it sooner. I am glad that you are
well. Mr. Jones told me that you were not well. I
understand that Miss Brown is going to marry, but I
don't know whether it is true. I shall write again, as soon
as I hear what has happened.
Pre nego to idemo dalje, potrebno je da pretresemo
nekoliko vanih stvari u vezi s izgovorom i naglaskom.
Sigurno vam je palo u oi kako izgovor mnogih
samoglasnika odstupa od optih pravila iznesenih u
dvadeset sedmom asu. To je zato to su se ta pravila
odnosila samo na jednoslone i dvoslone rei i na
naglaene slogove. U engleskom meutim veoma vanu
ulogu igra injenica da li je slog naglaen ili ne.
Engleski naglasak je mnogo odseniji od naeg. On
je, ustvari, toliko otsean, da zbog njegove jaine
nenaglaeni slogovi gube i od svoje duine i od svoje
jasnoe. Engleski naglaeni slog je kao neki debeli
gospodin u tramvaju koji je zauzeo mesto i to, tako da je
njegovom sapuntiku, nenaglaenom slogu, ostalo samo pola
mesta, da se na njemu zbije kako zna i ume.
Mnogo zavisi od toga da li se re izgovara u recitaciji i
paljivom govoru, ili u brzom, svakodnevnom govoru. U
prvom sluaju, svaki slog putuje prvom klasom, i debeli
gospodin naglaeni slog, nee pritisnuti nikoga. Ali u
obinom, svakodnevnom govoru, postoji jako izraena
tendencija za gutanjem nenaglaenih
slogova. Nenaglaeni samoglasnik ili se skrati i
postane mukao, ili se sasvim izgubi.
Da pokaemo ovo na nekoliko primera. Rei break
i fast, koje zasebno glase brejk (slomiti), i fa:st (post), kada
se sjedine u novu re breakfast, izgovaraju se ne
brejkfa:st, nego brekfest. Slino re man, koja se za
sebe izgovara man, u sloenicama postaje men: gentlemen
dentlmen; postman poustmen, salesman
sejlzmen. Slino land (land) zemlja postae u Scotland
Ovaj princip, naravno, ne vai samo za sloenice nego
za sve rei. Pravilo je da svi nenaglaeni samoglasnici
imaju tendenciju da se pretvore u muklo e.
Tako e postati muklo e i a u woman wumen, ili u
about ebaut, i e u hundred handred, ili u parent

parent, i io u dictionary dikeneri. to u rei

dictionary i glasovi a i y nisu postali e moe se
objasnili iz onog naeg poreenja o gospodinu u tramvaju.
Najvie e se zbiti onaj koji sedi do njega, a onim drugim
ve je lake.
Glasovno, ovo se moe objasniti ovako. Englez je u
izgovoru naglaenog samoglasnika morao da-digne jezik
malo vie. I on se zato odmara u iduem slogu. Umesto da
digne jezik dovoljno koliko mu treba da izgovori a, e,
o, a ili koji bilo glas, on ga samo digne upola, i
proguna na dnu usta i jezika neki priblian mukli glas.
Tana boja tog muklog glasa zavisie u mnogom od brzine
kojom se govori. Matematike preciznosti tu nema. Glavno
je da shvatite princip, a to je: da svi samoglasnici koji se
nalaze u nenaglaenim slogovima imaju tendenciju da
izgube od svoje jasnoe i duine, i prema tome da postanu
muklo e.
Iz ovoga razloga svaka engleska re moe se
izgovoriti dvojako: paljivo, sa svakim glasom isto; i
brzo, sa svima nenaglaenim samoglasnicima muklo.
I prema tome, i izgovor skoro svake rei moe se beleiti
dvojako: za paljiv, i za brzi govor. Tako method moe biti i
methd i methed; nonsense nonsens i nonsens; generous
deners i deneres, dok e again i against postati egen i
Nekada ovo zadaje ne male tekoe u beleenju
izgovora. Glasovi e i i, na primer, tako su bliski jedan
drugom, da kada postanu mukli, skoro je nemogue
razlikovati muklo e od muklog i. Njihovi se mukli
glasovi, ustvari sreu na pola puta. I zato bi se, na pr.
re begin mogla beleiti i begin i bigin, a receive i resiv i
risiv. To je isto kao 3.30 na satu, koje niti je 3 niti 4.
Meutim u beleenju glasova mora se rei ili 3 ili 4, sem
ako se ne usvoji jedna veoma detaljna i komplikovana
fonetika, tako detaljna da nema praktinog znaaja.
Vama, meutim, nije potrebno da sebi zadajete
glavobolje oko toga.. Ostavite glavobolju onima koji belee
izgovor: Vi samo shvatite princip. Jer onda ete lako
razume ti zato se izgovor rei pencil, garden, madam, koji
smo dali kao pensil; ga:dem, madam, to je bilo tano za
lagani izgovor, moe dati i kao pensl, ga:dn, madm,
opet sasvim tano, ali naravno, za brzi govor.
Stavljeni u mnogo sluajeva pred izbor da u ovom
udbeniku reimo izmeu dva izgovora, mi smo uglavnom
usvojili brzi, jer je lake sa brzog prei na lagani, nego sa

laganog na brzi. Pritom se ipak nismo kruto drali pravila,

nego smo u nekim sluajevima otstupili. Sluajevi u
kojima smo otstupili, i dali lagani izgovor bili su poglavito
oni za koje smo opitima utvrdili da usled glasovne
strukture naeg jezika, i usled toga to aci iz ove knjige
ue izgovor sami, bez uitelja, mogu acima zadati i
suvie velike tekoe. U svakom sluaju mi smo u ovom
asu sakupili i dali
krai izgovor za sve one rei za koje ih iz raznih
obzira nismo dali ranije.
Kao praktino uputstvo moe vam se dati ovo. Ako
nalazite da vam je teko da izgovorite mukli glas, izgovorite
prosto onaj glas od koga je mukli postao. Tj. umesto
methed, dikeneri, egen, e: izgovorite methd, dikoneri,
agen, e:r. To, iako nije sasvim tano, nee biti ni
mnogo pogreno.

While Miss Daisy was reading her letter, Mr.

Brown was walking up and down his room at the King
George Hotel at Dover.
(Was reading jer se ovde naroito istie trajnost
radnje, koja je istovremena sa etanjem g. Browna po sobi.
Ovo po kae se na engleskom up and down gore-dole).
He was angry, because he could not find his
morning papers (Ovde papers stoji umesto newspapers
njuz,pejpez, jer Englezi ne vole da skrauju samo
glasove nego i rei. Otud bus za omnibus, phone za
telephone, itd.).
What have you two (vas dve) done with my
(Do did done du: did dan).
With what paper, father? The Times (tajmz) or
the Daily Express (dejli ekspres dnevni ekspres)?
Both .(bouth oba).
The Times was here a minute ago. And mother
had the Express.
I never saw nikada nisam videla : the
Express brani se ga Brown. U engleskom kao to
smo ve jednom ranije videli upotrebljava se samo
jedna jedina odrena re, gde kod nas stoje dve.
Yes, you did, mother. You read us (opet etvrti
pade, a ne trei) all about the woman in Canada
(kaneda) who has five children.
So I did. You are right.

(Frazu so I did koja bukvalno znai: tako sam

uinila, treba prevesti slobodno; zaista, istina, ili sasvim
slobodno: tako je).
What did you do with the paper when you
finished with it?
I cannot remember.
Posle velike tranje, uzviknue Miss Brown.
Here it is! Mother is sitting on it.
Having found his paper (gramatika 116). Mr.
Brown put (put staviti) it under his arm (a:m
ruka), went out on the terrace, and began to read it.
(Arm je cela ruka, za razliku od hand hand
ruka, aka. Begin began begun bigin
bigan bigan poeti).
Pre nego to ponete da itate novine sa g.
Brownom, proitajte jo jednom trpno stanje, jer e se
ono neprestno ponavljati (vidi pravila 113 i 114).

(mi:ting miting, sednica; kabinet ministarski sa

It is announced (anauns) that a Cabinet Meeting
will be held today.
(Ovo trpno stanje it is announced javljeno je
kod nas se bolje prevodi radnim stanjem: javlja
se. Hold held held hould held held
drati).The Premier (premi:e pretsednik ministarskog
saveta). Mr. Attlee, is reported (ripo:t objaviti) to
have returned to London last night.
(Evo primera gde se englesko trpno stanje uopte ne
moe kod nas prevesti. Mi ne moemo rei G. Atli je
javljen, nego opisno: za g. Atlia javlja se).
Mr. Morrison will arrive tomorrow morning,
just in time (taman na vreme) for the meeting. The
meeting, it Is said (kae se), will discuss the situation
poloaj, situacija) in the Far East (fa:r-i:st Daleki
Istok, r se uje jer je izmeu dva samoglasnika).
The news from the Far East is considered (knside smatrati) very serious (siries ozbiljan). The
Chinese (ajni:z) are reported to have occupied
(kjupaj zauzeti) the city of Seoul, the capital of
South Korea (siti grad, kapitl glavni grad, sauth
karia Juna Koreja).
(To have occupied oevidno prolo vreme
trpnog stanja da su zauzeli).

It is expected (ekspekt oekivati) that the

British (britis) delegate (deligejt delegat) at the
United Nations (junajted nejnz Ujedinjene nacije),
Mr. Gladwin Jebb (Gledwin Deb) will receive (risi:v
primiti) new instructions (instrakns instrukcije).
Kao to vidite, iz ovog iseka, engleske novine nije
teko itati ako dobro znate trpno stanje. Veliki broj
rei daje se pogoditi jer je u meunarodnoj upotrebi.
Zadatak (prilog vremena prolog i trpno stanje).
Kada sam svrio (svoj) doruak, popuio sam dve cigarete.
Kada sam uao (u) sobu, videh tri tanjira na stolu. Poto
su kupili nametaj (furniture), oni e sada kupiti noeve,
viljuke (fork fo:k) i tanjire. Poto je proitao
knjigu, on je ostavi na stolu. Reeno mi je da je on
izaao. Javljaju (trpno!) da je francuski
poslanik stigao u London. Kau da e ostati (stay) u Londonu
do (until) idue srede. Isto tako (also) kau da e on
diskutovati zatitu evropskih (European juropien) interesa
na Dalekom Istoku.
Reenje. Please write as soon as you have time. Yours
truly ili yours sincerely, Let me know as soon as you arrive.
Yours sincerely ili yours very sincerely. Remember me to
your grandmother, please. What did Miss Brown write to
her friend? She wrote her that Mr. Miller had proposed to
her. What did Daisy think of (about) the letter of her friend?
(her friend's letter). Will you think of (about) this? Yes,
I will. I thought about it all day yesterday.

Mrs. Brown and Mary having gone to buy some

things at the shops, Mr. Brown sat down on the terrace
to finish his paper. Let us read the paper with him.

(Record reked rekord, zabeleka; non-stop

nonstop bez zaustavljanja, u ovom sluaju bez
sputanja; flight flajt let. Ovo ght, koje ete
nai na kraju mnogih, a naroito mislenih imenica,
ita se samo kao t. Na pr. right rajt pravo;.
height hajt visina; fight fajt borba.
Pred record nema lana jer se lan u novinar skim naslovima esto izostavlja.
Jet det mlaz; plane (plejn avion; jetplane
avion s pogonom na mlaz; across ekrs
preko; Atlantic atlantik Atlantski Okean).
The plane, a British Canberra bomber (bombe

bombarder), took off (tejk of uzleteti) from the

Aldegrove airbase (e:ebejz aerodrom, vazduhoplovna
baza) in Northern Ireland (no:then ajeland Severna
Irska) this afternoon in an attempt (atempt, atempt
pokuaj) to fly straight (strejt pravo) without
(widhaut bez) a stop (stp zastoj, prekid, stanica)
from Great Britain ( (grejt britn Velika Britanija) to
America (amerika, a brzo i emerika).
Rei attempt i stop vredi zapaziti. Ako pred njih
stavimo lan one postaju imenice : the attempt pokuaj,
the stop zastoj, prekid stanica. Ako pred njih
stavimo recu to, one postaju glagoli : to attempt
pokuati, to stop zastati, stati, i zaustaviti. Na
slian nain veliki se broj engleskih rei moe pretvo
riti po volji u imenice ili glagole. Na pr. to approach
prii, prilaziti the approach prilaz; to drink
piti, the drink pie. Evo jedan spisak rei koje mo
ete odmah pogoditi:
look gledati, pogledati pogled
seat posaditi sedite
hand pruiti ruka
call zvati, pozvati poziv
answer odgovoriti odgovor
excuse izviniti izvinjenje
bridge premostiti most
damage otetiti teta
love voleti ljubav
help pomoi pomo
smile smeiiti se osmeh
dress obui (se) odelo
visit posetiti poseta
return vratiti (se) povratak
talk razgovarati razgovor
water politi, polivati voda
butter namazati maslom maslo
surprise iznenaditi iznenaenje
tune timovati melodija
rule upravljati pravilo
step koraknuti, koraati korak
smoke puiti, (dimiti se) dim
fight boriti se borba
attack napasti napad
shop kupovati po radnjama radnja
address napisati adresu adresa
The plane took of at 12,43 p. m. GMT (Greenwich

Meam Time grini mi:n tajm po grinikom vremenu)

on Wednesday and arrived at Gander Airport (e:eport
aerodrom, vazduno pristanite) in Newfoundland
(Njufaundland Nova Zemlja) at 4,56 p. m. GMT or 1,26
p. m. local time (loukl tajm mesno vreme). It covered
(cave pokriti, u ovom sluaju prei) the distance
almost (olmoust skoro) as fast as (as fast as isto
toliko brzo kao) the sun (san sunce), in fact (fakt
injenica; in fakt ustvari) only. 43 minutes behind it.
(Slova p. m. itajte pi,em iza brojeva latinskog
su porekla i stavljaju se u engleskom da naznae po podne.
Prema tome u razgovoru moete rei four o'clock in the
afternoon, ili jo prostije four p. m. Slino se za jutro
kae a. m. ej, em. Dakle five a. m. isto je to i five
o'clock in the morning).
Preparations (preperejn priprema) are being
made (ine se trajni trpni oblik) in America for the
aviators (eviejte avijatiar) reception (risepn
doek, prijem).
(Nastavak tion, ition, ation, koji se ita n, in ili
ejn oznaava mislene imenice. Oni koji znaju francuski
mogu na taj nain da pogode znaenje nekih
2500 engleskih rei, iako valja napomenuti da znaenje tih
rei nije uvek sasvim podudarno).
Zadatak (ponavljanje raznih fraza i oblika). Nalazite
li teko da itate engleske novine? Ne nalazim. Tek to
sam stigao. ime vas mogu usluiti? Moj sat zaostaje
deset minuta. Jesi li ruao? Jesam. On je vii od nje.
Kakav je ovek on? Treba da svrite knjigu sutra.
Uim engleski svako jutro od deset do dvanaest. Rekli ste
da je on bolestan (ill il). Ne, rekao sam da nije
Reenje. Having finished my breakfast. I smoked two
cigarettes. Having entered the room, I saw three plates on
the table. Having bought the furniture, they will now buy
knives, forks and plates. Having read the book, he left
it on the table. I am told that he has gone out. It is
reported that the French Minister has arrived in London.
It is said that he will stay in London until next
Wednesday. It is also said that he will discuss the
protection of European interests in the Far East.

Shall we finish the paper with him? Yes, let us.

Mr. Brown has just turned the last pages (pejd

strana) to read the sporting news.

(Sport spo:t sport; sporting sportski).

(bigining poetak; football futbo:l; season

si:zn sezona).
With the return of autumn (o:tem jesen), the
football season has begun in earnest.
(Earnest oe:nest ozbiljan; in earnest
ozbiljno. Nauite uzgred i spring spring prolee,
summer same leto, winter winte zima).
Some clubs (klab) have bought new players (pleje
igra), while others (drugi) have tried to discover
(diskve pronai) new talent (talent).
Imali smo ranije re play igrati. Nastavkom er
dobili smo novu re. Na isti nain .moemo od ve
poznatih rei da izgradimo puno novih, i da time na lak
nain obogatimo svoj renik. Er se naravno uvek
izgovara e.
writer pisac
speaker govornik
helper pomaga
lover ljubavnik
thinker mislilac
rider jaha
smoker pua
attacker napada
reporter izvestilac, reporter
teacher uitelj
ruler . vladar, ali i lenjir
flatterer laskavac
chooser probira
buyer kupac
flyer avijatiar
caller onaj koji zove, posetilac
runner trka
discoverer pronalaza
It is expected therefore (dhe:fo: zato) that the
season will be a very interesting one (za gramatiku
videti 33 lekciju). The London clubs are reported to
be much stronger this season than they were last year.
Their managers have been busy trying (traj pokuati;
bizi zaposlen) to secure (sikju:e osigurati,
nabaviti) good new players, and it is expected that their
teams (ti:m) will win many matches (ma utakmica,
me) at home and abroad (ebro:d bukvalno u

inostranstvu, ovde: na tuem terenu).

(Win won won win wan wan
pobediti, dobiti u igra, na lutriji, dok je dobiti, primiti
get ili receive. Match sem me znai i ibica).
The best of the London clubs, the Arsenal (a:snel) Has
begun the season well, winning two matches.
Having finished the sporting news, Mr. Brown read
some of the advertisements (advoe:tisment oglas).

Beautiful house to let in the best part (pa:t deo, kraj)

of London. Five bedrooms (bedru :m spavaa soba) two
reception rooms (soba za primanje), bathroom, kitchen
(kin kujna), garage (gara, ali se uje i nepravilno
garid). Use (jus upotreba) of garden. Central heating
(centrel hi:ting centralno grejanje). Rent (rent kirija)
200 P. A.
(Ovo P. A. skraeno je za per annum poer anam
Reenje. Do you find it difficult to read English papers?
No, I don't find it difficult. I have just arrived. What can I do for
you? My watch is ten minutes slow. Have you lunched? Yes, I
have. He is taller than she. What kind of a man is he? You
ought to finish the book tomorrow. I learn Egnlish every
morning from ten to twelve (noon). You said that he was
ill. No, I said that he was not ill.
You have been learning (gramatika 101) English now
for fifty lessons (lesn as), and you have finished half
the course (ko:s teaj). You know between
(bitwi:n izmeu) five and six hundred words
(woe:d re). You know all the grammar you need.
And you can make simple (simpl) phrases (frejz
fraza). It is time, therefore, for us to change (ejnd
menjati, promeniti) our method.
From this lesson we shall begin to read more and
more English, and less and less Serbo-Croatian
(kroejn). It is by reading and speaking (by baj
pomou; by reading and speaking itanjem i govorom)
that you learn a foreign (frin stran) language
(langwid jezik) best. We shall begin with a
somewhat(samwt neto, poneto) changed (and
promeniti, izmeniti) story by (od, hrvatski: po) Oscar
Wilde (ske wajld) called The Selfish Giant. Oscar
Wilde writes very good and clear (kli:e jasan) prose
(prouz proza). The story is taken from a book called

The Happy Prince.

If you don't undersatnd a phrase, don't worry
(wari briga, brinuti se). You will understand it
later, when you come back.
We shall also keep (zadrati) our friends, the
Browns, the Greens, the Fishers, Mr. Miller and Mr.
Macpherson. They will speak in simple phrases, and
repeat (ripi:t ponoviti, ponavljati) them many
times. They will also help us with the grammar.
And now, let us begin the story.

(selfish selfi sebian; giant dajent din,

Every afternoom as they were coming (dolazei,
kada su odlazili) from school, the children used to go
(odlazili su) and play in the Giant's garden.
(Za used to videti gramatiko objanjenje na kraju
It was a lovely (lavli ljubak, divan, krasan) garden,
with soft (sft mek) green grass. Here and there (ovde
onde) over the grass stood beautiful flowers (flaue
cvet) like stars (sta: zvezda), and there were twelve
peach-trees (peach pi: breskva, plod, voe;
peach-tree breskva, drvo). In the spring they broke
out (izbie) into delicate (deliket
delikatan, tanan) blossoms (blsem, blsm cvet)
of pink (pink ruiast) and pearl (poe:l biser,
biserast) and in the autumn bore (nosili su) rich fruit
(fru:t voe).
(Break broke broken brejk brouk
broukn slomiti; break out izbiti, ali ne u smislu
istui, nego kao to cvet, bolest ili znoj izbije.
Bear bore borne be:e bo: bo:n
nositi, ali bear bore born sa istim izgovorom
raditi, raati).
The birds sat on the trees and sang so sweetly
(swi:t sladak, swi:tli slatko) that the children
used to stop (da su deca zastajala, zaustavljala) their
games (gejm igra) in order to (in o:de da bi)
listen to them.
How happy we are here! (kako smo sreni
ovde) they cried to each other.
(Cry kraj prolo vreme naravno cried, gramatika
92 uzviknuti, ali i plakati).

(gramatikl nouts gramatike zabeleke)

122. I used to aj ju:st tu bukvalno imao
sam obiaj da veoma je vana fraza u engleskom.
Englezi nemaju specijalne trajno povratne glagole kao mi.
Iao sam, na primer, znai iao sam jednom. Odlazio sam
meutim znai ne samo jednom nego nekoliko puta.
Englezi se u takvom sluaju spomau
trajnim oblikom: I was going, ali ni taj oblik, iako
je trajan, ne znai da je radnja povratna, tj. da se
ponavlja. I zato su Englezi izmislili frazu I used to koja
iskazuje trajno-povratnu radnju. Dakle: the children
used to go to play deca su odlazila da igraju
every afternoon svako po podne. The children used
to stop their games deca su zaustavljala ne
jednom, nego puno puta, esto svoju igru.
Razlikujte izgovor I used to (ju:st tu) od used
(ju:zd) upotrebljen.
123. In order to bukvalno: sa namerom da,
druga je vana fraza. Ovu frazu treba prevoditi naim: da
bih, da bismo, da biste. Idem da vidim I am going to
see. Ali idem da bih video je I am going in order to
see. I am learning English in order to speak.
Zadatak. (I used to; in order to). Deca su odlazila u
kolu svaki dan. Ptice su dolazile svako jutro da trae
(ask for) hleb. Poseivao me je svake nedelje u deset sati
pre podne. Kada sam bio dete verovao sam u prie. Pevali
su svako vee posle veere. (Ovde moemo rei i: imali su
obiaj da pevaju). Uim engleski da bih otiao u London.
Zvonim da bih dozvao (call) devojku. Doao sam da vas
vidim. Gledam u (at) drvo da bih video ptice

One day the Giant came back. He had been (gramatika
115) to visit a friend, and had stayed with him
for seven years (ji:e godina). After the seven years
were over (behu prole) he had said all that he had
to say (sve to je imalo da kae), for (jer) his conversation
was limited (limit ograniiti; gramatika 110) and he
determined (ditoe:min odluiti, reiti) to return to
his own (oun svoj) castle (ka:sl zamak). When he
arrived, he saw the children playing (kako se igraju)
in the garden.
What are you doing here? he cried in a very
gruff (graf grub, osoran) voice (vojs glas), and

the children ran away (away ewej dalje; run

away otrati, pobei).
My own (moj) garden is my own garden, said
the Giant. Any one (svako, gramatika 54) can understand
that, and I will allow nobody (nikom neu da
dopustim) to play in it but (sem, izuzev) myself
(lino). So (te tako) he built (nazida) a high wall all
round (raund okrugao, okolo; all round svud
unaokolo) and put up (put ap podii, namestiti) a noticeboard
(noutis-bo:d tablica s natpisom).
Trespassers will be prosecuted.
(Build built built bild bilt bilt
zidati, nazidati).
(Put put staviti. Odatle: put up podii, put
down spustiti).
Trespasser je re koju mi nemamo. To trespass
(trespas znai ii bespravno na tue zemljite. Trespasser
je lice koje ide bespravno na tue zemljite. Prosecute
(prsekju:t sudski goniti. Trespassers will be
prosecuted prema tome odgovara naem: zabranjen

124. Own oun znai lian, i upotrebljava se da

se istakne svojina. My own maj oun moj lino,
his own, her own, our own, your own, their own.
124. Engleski prilog vremena sadanjeg prevodi se
kod nas esto opisnom frazom: gde ili kako. He saw them
playing, vide ih kako se igraju, gde se igraju. I saw
him waiting video sam ga kako eka. He found
them lunching naao ih je gde ruaju.
125. Kada oblici myself, yourself, himself, herself,
ourselves, yourselves, themselves stoje za sebe, oni se
prevode naim: glavom ili lino, i upotrebljavaju se za

Next morning somebody knocked (nk kucati,

zakucati) on Mr. Brown's door at the hotel.
Come in! dakle ulazite, a ne slobodno kao
kod nas.
A gentleman entered. It was Mr. Miller. Good
morning, he said. How are you? I hope you are
Thanks sem thank you postoji i bezlini
izraz thanks. I am all right. Won't you sit down?
Thank you, sir.
May I ask what you want of me? Brown odmah

prelazi na stvar, a uzgred i zato da bismo jednom

preistili sa razlikom izmeu want i won't. Want
wnt je hteti. Won't wount koje je postalo
slivanjem I will not znai obrnuto: ne hteti.
I should like to speak to you about a very important
matter (mate stvar), sir. Miller je jako
utiv, pa zato neprestano i ponavlja ono sir.
Very well. I am listening.
Perhaps your daughter has mentioned to you
that I have proposed to her. Sve je to skoranja
prolost, i jo kako ima veze sa sadanjicom!
Yes, she has.
Oh veli Miller sav obradovan, I am glad.
But I am not (tj. glad) poliva ga Brown odmah
hladnom vodom.
I am sorry to hear that, veli siromah Miller.
Yes. And you will be even (ivn ak) more
sorry when you hear the rest (rest ostatak).
Zadatak. Video sam ga. kako jai. Videli su nas kako
dorukujemo u hotelu. Nali su ih gde rade u vrtu.
Naao sam ih kako igraju tenis (tennis tenis). ija je
ona kua? Moja. Vaa lino? Da, moja lino. Ja lino
smatram (consider) da je to vrlo vano. ta mislite o tom,
vi lino?
Reenje. The children used to go to school every day.
The birds used to come every morning to ask for
bread. He used to visit me every Sunday at ten a. m.
When I was a child I used to believe in stories. They used
to sing every evening after supper. I am learning English
in order to go to London. I am ringing in order to call
the maid. I have come to see you (ili in order to see
you). I am looking at the tree in order to see the birds.

He was a very selfish giant.
The poor children had nowhere (nouwe:e nigde) to
go. They tried to play on the road (roud put, drum),
but the road was very dusty (dasti pranjiv, od dust
praina; to dust istiti prainu), and full (ful
pun) of hard stones (stoun kamen), and they did not
like it. They used to wander (wnde ii ovamo,
onamo, peaiti) round the high walls when their
lessons were over (svrene), and talk about the beautiful
garden inside. How happy we were there they said to

each other.
Then the Spring came, and all over the country
(kantri zemlja, ali i selo u izrazu na selu; all over the
country svuda po zemlji) there were little blossoms
and little birds. Only in the garden of the Selfish Giant it
was still (stil jo, neprestano) winter. The birds did not
care (nisu marili) to sing in it as there were no children
(poto nije bilo dece), and the trees forgot to blossom
(Care ke:e briga; to care brinuti se,
mariti. Odatle: I don't care, ne marim; sve mi je jedno, ba
me briga, ne tie me se. Ako vam je teko da izgovorite
muklo e posle e, onda izgovorite k:er).
(As az koje smo imali nekoliko puta znai isto
to i since u pogodbenom smislu: poto, budui da. Since
naravno znai i od, za vreme. Inae as znai kao, kako;
a nekad i dok. Na pr. as I was standing dok sam
stojao. Zapamtite ovaj obrt. Trebae vam).
Once a beautiful flower put its head out (promoli,
stavi, put out) from the grass, but when it saw the
notice-board it was so sorry for the children that it
slipped (povui se) into the ground (graund Zemlja,
tlo) and went off to sleep (zaspa).
(Put out staviti ima prenosno mnogo znaenja.
Tako put out the light ugasiti svetlost lajt).
(Slip slip skliznuti se u engleskom bez se; ovde
prenosno slip back povui se).
(Go off f otii, jer off znai od, dalje. Sleep
sli:p san, spavanje).
The only people (jedini koji) were pleased were the
Snow (snou sneg) and the Frost (frst mraz).
(People pi:pl znai ljudi, ali se upotrebljava tamo
gde mi kaemo svet. Na pr. many people puno
sveta. Ova re se esto upotrebljava u engleskom i mora
se slobodno prevoditi. Tako The English people, Englezi;
the military (militeri vojni) people vojni krugovi;
kind people dobri ljudi, dobar svet, itd.).
(Snow, Frost i Spring imaju ovde velika slova jer
je ovo bajka, i oni se javljaju kao lica).
Spring has forgotten this garden, they cried, so
we will live here all year round (celu godinu).

(rifju:z odbiti, ne usvojiti).

You say you want to marry my daughter g.
Brown hoe da izvede stvar naisto.

Yes, sir, I do.

And have you asked her?.
Yes, I have?.
Ovo je bila konstatacija, ali g. Brown kopka ta je
tano Mary rekla, pa zato okree na prosto prolo.
And what did she say?
She did not want to say anything. She said you were
against it.
That is quite correct (krekt tano).
May I ask why?
Yes, you may. First of all (pre svega) I don't
know who you are.
Well, my name is Miller, and I am a bankclerk.
That is not what I want to know. I want to
know if you can support (sapo:t izdravati) a wife?
Well, sir, brani se Miller, I cannot buy motorcars
(moute ka:) and houses, but I can buy
enough bread and butter and tea to feed (fi:d hraniti,
ishraniti) us two.
Do you think my daughter will be satisfied
(satisfajd zadovoljan) to eat just (samo) bread and
Yes, sir, I do. If she loves me, veli hrabro
Then she will have to love you a lot (lt
mnogo, puno). Because I shall not give her a penny if
she marries you.

127. She will have to love you a lot imae da vas

mnogo voli, tj. morae da vas mnogo voli. Kako must
nema budue vreme, Englezi upotrebljavaju I have
to, he has to imam, ima da iskau obavezu,
moranje, naroito ako se ova odnosii na budunost.
Zadatak. Ja ne marim (for) decu. Jovan je ugasio
svetlost. Kada leete da spavate? Oni ive celu godinu na
selu. Moram da idem kui. Zato? Zato to u sutra
morati da ustanem rano (early). Morau da piem
direktoru. Morae da popravim (correct) svoj zadatak
(home lesson).
Reenje. I saw him riding. They saw us breakfasting
at the hotel. They found them working in the garden. I
found them playing tennis. Whose house is that? Mine
(It is mine)? Your own? Yes, my own. I myself
consider it very important. What do you think of it


The snow covered up (kaver-ap isto to i cover
pokriti: r se uje jer je izmeu dva samoglasnika)
the grass with her great white cloak (klouk ogrta),
and the Frost painted (pejnt slikati, malati;
painter slikar; painting umetnika slika) all the
trees silver (silve srebro). Then they invited (invajt
pozvati, invitation invitejm poziv) the North Wind
to stay with them and he came. He was wrapped (rap
zaviti) in furs (foe: krzno, bunda) and he roared
(ro:e urlati) all day about (po) the garden, and blew
all the chimney-pots down.
(Blow blew blown blou blu: bloun duvati;
blew down obori duvanjem. Chimney imni
dimnjak, pot pt lonac, chimney-pot
petao na dimnjaku).
This is a delightful (delight dilajt uivanje,
zadovoljstvo, full pun, delightful zgodan, prijatan)
spot (spt mrlja, pega; mestance) he said, we mast
ask the Hail (hejl grad) on a visit.
So (te tako) the Hail came. Every day for three
hours he rattled (ratl tandrkati) on the roof (ru:f
krov) of the castle till he broke most (najvei deo) of
the slates (slejt crep), and then he ran roundand
round the garden as fast as he could go (to je bre
mogao) and his breath (breth - dah) was like ice (ajs
Grammatical Note. 128. Svaki jezik ima svojih
specijalnih izraza i obrta koji su samo njemu svojstveni.
Ti takvi obrti zovu se idiomi (idiom idiem). Veina
idioma ne moe se bukvalno prevesti. Zato njih treba
samo shvatiti, i onda nauiti napamet. Idiomi su veoma
vaan sastav svakog jezika, i ine upravo njegovu so,
zain njegov. Nauite idiom: as fast as he could to je
bre mogao tj. ii. As well as I can to bolje mogu. As
kind as you can to ljubaznije moete, itd. po istom

On Sunday morning Mr. Miller went to the hotel, but

the porter said to him Mr. Brown and the ladies have
gone back to London.
So Mr. Miller returned to his rooms and asked the
landlady (landlejdi gazdarica stana) for his bill (bil

Yes, sir, said the landlady, here it is. Five days at
(po) ten shillings make two pounds ten shillings
U raunima se kae three times four make
(bukvalno: ine).
Having paid his bill, Mr. Miller took a taxi and went
sadly to the station. Life seemed (si:m initi se, izgledati)
black and empty (empti prazan) to him.
Predlozi (preposition prepozin) upotrebljavaju se
drugaije u svakom jeziku. Mi emo zato poeti da uimo
jedan po jedan. Ponimo sa najlakim predlogom to.
129. To se upotrebljava za trei pade. I said to
him. He gave it to me. He wrote to John.
130. To dalje odgovara naem u ili na za
pravac. He went to London. He took a taxi to the
station. He is going to England. Mi za pravac nekada
kaemo i do. U engleskom ostaje to.
Sem sa to pravac moete izraziti i sa for tamo
gde bismo mi rekli. za. I am leaving for Paris. Po- ,
lazim za Pariz.
131. Vana je upotreba predloga to u idiomu in
order to: da bi, da bismo. I am learning English in
order to speak. I have sat down in order to write. I buy
newspapers In order to read the news.
132. Zapamtite i idiomatsku upotrebu to u frazama
po ovim obrascima. To go to bed lei spavati.
To go to work ii na posao. From ten to
fifteen od deset do petnaest. From Belgrade to
Zagreb od Beograda do Zagreba.
Zadatak. Uim to vie (as much) mogu. Budi
(be) to ljubazniji prema (to) njemu. Rekao sam mu:
otii do radnje i kupi (jednu) gramatiku. On ide u
London da vidi izlobu (exhibiton ekzibin). Ja u
vas ekati (wait for) od devet do deset, ali posle toga
moram da legnem. Dao sam novac uitelju. Idem u
restoran da jedem. Otiao sam do pristanita
(harbour) da vidim da li (whether) je laa stigla (pretprolo
Reenje. I don't care, for children. John has put
out the light. When do you go to sleep? They live in
the country the whole year (all the year) round. I must
go home. Why? Because I shall have to get up early
tomorrow morning (tomorrow morning early) I shall
have to write to the manager. He will have to correct
his home lesson.



I cannot understand why the spring is so late in

coming (bukvalno: tako pozno u dolaenju: prevedite:
dolazi tako dockan), said the Selfish Giant, as he sat
(sedei, dok je sedeo) at the window and looked out at
his cold, white garden. I hope there will be a change
(promena) in the weather.
But the spring never came, nor (ni) the summer.
The Autumn gave golden (gouldn zlatan, od gold
zlato) fruit to every garden, but to the Giant's garden
she (jesen kao lice, zato she) gave none (nan nijedan,
nikakav). He is too (tu: suvie) selfish, she said. So
it was always Winter there, and the North Wind and
the Hail, and Frost and the Snow danced about
(dance da:ns igrati, plesati; igra, ples; about
unaokolo) through (thru: kroz) the trees.
(Too znai i takoe. He will come too. I on e
One morning the Giant was lying (leao je) awake
(ewejk budan) in bed, when he heard some lovely
music (mju:zik). It sounded (saund zvuati; zvuk) so
sweet to his ear that he thought it must be the
King's musicians (mjuzin svira, muziar) passing by
(prolaziti; da je pomislio da sigurno prolaze kraljevi
(Lie lay lain laj lej lejn leati.
Zapazite pisanje sadanjeg vremena: I am lying
GRAMMATICAL NOTE. 133 Ni ni kae se na
engleskom neither nor najdhe no:. He neither
came nor wrote. Niti je doao niti je pisao. It is neither
white nor black. Nit je belo nit je crno.
134. Ali ako pre toga imate neku odrenu re, onda
ete, po pravilu da Englezi nikada ne upotrebljavaju dve
odrene rei u istoj reenici, rei either or ajdhe
o: ili ili. I cannot tell you either yes or no.
Ne mogu da vam kaem ni da ni ne. She will not
write either today or tomorrow. Ona nee da pie ni
danas ni sutra.
Inae za sebe either or znai ili ili. It is either
black or white. Ili je belo ili crno.

(Predlog by)
Mr. Miller returned to London by train (vozom).
His train passed by (proe kraj, pored) many little

towns. At the station Mr. Miller bought a book to

read in the train. The book was written by (od, hrvatski
:po) Bernard Shaw (o:). He also bought a newspaper. In
the paper there was a wire (waje ica, prenosno:
telegram) that Seoul was bombarded (bombad) by
American artillery (artileri). There was also an article
(a:tikl lanak) about a house which had been robbed
(rb poharati, pokrasti) by thieves (thief thi:f
Iz gornjih primera moemo jasno ustanoviti upotrebu
predloga by.
135. By se upotrebljava uz trpni oblik gde mi
kaemo od. The house was robbed by thieves. Kua
je bila poharana od lopova. The town was bombarded
by the Americans. Grad je bio bombardovan od Ame
rikanaca. The book was written by Bernard Shaw.
Knjiga je bila napisana od Bernarda oa.
136. Drugo znaenje, by je kraj, pored, blizu. The
house is by the church. Kua je kraj crkve. He passed
by many small towns. Proe kraj puno malih gradova.
137. Tree znaenje by je vremensko: do, naj
dalje do.
Mr. Miller looked at his watch and said: I shall
arrive home by eight o'clock, and then I shall read in
bed till (til do) twelve, because I want to finish this
book by Monday.
138. Zapamtite i ove dve idiomatske upotrebe
predloga by. By train vozom. By boat laom.
By air vazduhom, tj. avionom. By means of pomou
(means koje je jednina iako se svrava na s, kao i news,
znai sredstvo). We heat (hi:t grejati) by means of
electricity (ilektrisiti). Loimo elektricitetom. I shall let
him know by wire. Izvestiu ga telegramom.
Zapamtite pravilo pomou (by means of) ove
reenice. Mr. Miller took a bus (bas omnibus) which
passed by the bank, arrived home by eight o'clock,
and finished the book by Shaw.
Zadatak. Idem u London laom. Doao sam vozom.
Pismo je bilo potpisano (sign sajn) od direktora. Stii
u do deset sati. Biu u Londonu najdalje do utornika.
Kua je kraj hotela. Proao sam kraj stanice. Bio sam
prekinut (interrupt) od njega. Pismo je bilo napisano od
njega. Nauite pravilo (rule) pomou ove fraze.
Reenje. I am learning (I learn) as much as I can. Be
as kind with him as you can. I said to him: go to the

shop and buy a grammar. He is going to London to see

the exhibition. I shall wait for you from nine to ten, but
after that I must go to sleep (go to bed). I gave the money
to the teacher. I am going to the restaurant to eat. I went
to the harbour to see whether the boat had arrived.

It was really only a little bird singing outside his

window, but it was so long since (tako davno otkad) he
had heard a bird sing in his garden that it seemed to
him the most beautiful music in the world (woe:ld
svet, zemljina kugla). Then the Hail stopped dancing
(prestade da igra) over his head, and the North Wind
ceased (si:s prestati) roaring, and a delicious (dilies
vanredno prijatan) perfume (poe:fjum miris, par
fem) came to him through the open window. I believe
the Spring has come at last (najzad), said the Giant,
and he jumped (damp skoiti) out of bed and
looked out.
139. Nauite idiom: he stopped dancing prestade
da igra; he ceased roaring prestade da urla; he
began writing poe da pie; he finished speaking
prestade da govori.
He saw a most wonderful sight. (Wonder wande
udo, wonderful pun uda, udesan; to wonder
uditi se, diviti se. Sight sajt pogled, prizor;
vid, ulo vida).
Through a hole (houl rupa) in the wall the
children had crept in (uvukla se) and they were sitting
in the branches (bra:n grana; filijala) of the trees.
In every tree he could see there was a little child.
(Creep crept crept kri:p krept
krept puziti, gamizati, ii etvoronoke; prenosno: ii
na prstima. Creep in uunjati se, uvui se).
And the trees were so glad to have the children
back again (to opet imaju decu) that they had covered
themselves with blossoms, and were waving
(wejv mahati) their arms gently (gentle dentl
tih, mio), above (ebav iznad, nad) the children's
heads (hed glava).

(disapi:e nestati, od appear pojaviti se).

(Predlozi: In, on, at).
There is great excitement (eksajtment uzbuenje)
at the Browns (kod Braunovih). In the morning the maid

did not find Miss Mary in her room. Instead

(insted umesto, namesto toga), she found on the table
a little note addressed to Mr. and Mrs. Brown. In the
note it said:
Dear Father and Mother,
I have decided to marry John, and since Father
is against him, I have decided also to leave the house.
Don't try to find me. You will not find me until after
my marriage (marid udaja, venanje, enidba) to
John. Please, forgive me (fogiv oprostili), but there
was no other way (wej put, nain).
Much love
(Forgive forgave forgiven fogiv fo-gejv
fogivn oprostiti. Prvi slog fo: skraen je u fo zato
to je drugi naglaen. Oblici forgave i forgiven daju nam
novo vano pravilo).
140. Sloeni glagoli menjaju se isto kao prosti.
Give gave given. Forgive forgave for
given. Stand stood stood. Understand understood
understood. Come came come. Become
became become postati.
Mr. Brown was very angry and began to look for
(look for traiti) Mary everywhere (evriwe:e
svuda). But he could not find her anywhere (eniwe:e
igde). She was not in the house, in the park, or in the
street. Neither was she in the cinema, nor in the
141. In se upotrebljava za mesto kada se pred
met nalazi unutra ili s unutranje strane: u kui, u
parku, u kinu. Englez smatra da ovek i u ulici,
moe biti zato to su i kue u Engleskoj vie.
Zadatak. Kada me je video, prestao je da peva. Poeo
je da pie u deset sati. Kod Grinovih. Kod kue. U kui.
Video je decu gde sede ispod (under) drveta.
On je sad u svojoj sobi. Oni su u Londonu, ali ne znam gde.
Sreli smo se u pozoritu (theatre thiete). Nai e novac
u kutiji. A gde je kutija? Ona je u pisaem stolu (desk).
Reenje. I am going to London by boat. I came by
train. The letter was signed by the manager. I shall arrive by
ten o'clock. I shall be in London by Tuesday. The house is
by the hotel. I passed by the station. I was interrupted by
him. The letter was written by him. Learn the rule by
means of this phrase.


The birds were flying about and twittering (twite

cvrkutati) with delight, and the flowers were, looking
up through the green grass and laughing (la:f smejati
se; laughter la:fte smeh).
It was a lovely scene (si:n scena, prizor), only in
one corner (ko:ne ugao) it was still winter. It was the
farthest (gramatika 27) corner in the garden, and in it
was standnig a little boy.
142. Still znai jo esto u vremenskom smislu, kao
to since znai od samo vremenski, i kao to je" by
do (opet samo za vreme). He is still there. He has been
waiting since this morning. He will be here by noon.
Ovim ste nauili upotrebu jo tri predloga.
He was so small that he could not reach up(ri:
dostii, reach up dostii u visinu, nagore, kao to
je reach down dostizati nadole) to the branches of the
tree, and he was wandering all round and crying bitterly
(od bitter bite gorak).
The poor tree was still covered with frost and
snow, and the North Wind was blowing and roaring
above it. Climb up, little boy (klajm peti se, uspeti
se), said the Tree, and it bent (presavi) its branches down
as low (lou nizak) as it could. But the boy was too
(Bend bent bent bend bant bent
saviti, presaviti).
And the Giant's heart melted (melt topiti, istopiti
se) as he looked out (dok je gledao napolje). How selfish I
have been! he said now I know why the Spring would
not come here. I will put that poor little boy on the top
(tp vrh) of the tree, and then I will knock down (sruiti,
oboriti) the wall, and my garden shall be the children's
playground. for ever and ever.
(Ground graund zemljite; odatle playground
igralite. Ever eve ikad. For ever and ever
za uvek, za navek).

143. On se upotrebljava prosto kao na, gore,

Mr. Brown looked also on the roof, and on the
bridge, but could not find Mary.
So he began to phone (telefonirati) to everybody he
knew. He phoned her aunt (a:nt tetka) but she was not
at her aunt's (podrazumeva se house, otud prisvojni

pade). Neither was she at the station, nor at the

144. Kada se ne naznauje da se predmet nalazi
striktno unutra ili s gornje strane, onda se upotreb
ljava opti predlog za mesto at. Otud izraz at home.
At tada esto odgovara naem kod. Let us meet at
the bridge kod mosta.
145. Iz istog razloga esto se za isto mesto moe
upotrebiti i at i in, At u tom sluaju oznaava mesto
uopte, dok in precizira unutranjost. Let us meet at
the hotel, ili at the theatre kod hotela, kod pozorita.
Ali let us meet in the hotel, in the theatre, znai
unutra, u samoj unutranjosti hotela pozorita.
146. Slino se at, on i in upotrebljavaju za vreme.
At precizira tani trenutak. Mr. Brown returned home
at five o'clock. At six he phoned the police (poli:s
policija). On precizira vreme ali ne trenutak. Come on
Tuesday. We went to the theatre on Monday. In se
upotrebljava za dui vremenski period. In the spring.
In May.
Nauite frazu: Come at five o'clock, on Sunday, in
May. 147. In isto tako odgovara naem kroz ili za
u vezi sa vremenom. He will come in half an hour.
Doi e za pola sata.
1481 I on se moe upotrebiti za vreme, ali ree.
Nauite da razumete, ali nije potrebno i da upotrebljavate.
On coming home, Mr. Brown sat down to write a
telegram (telegram) to his sister, who lives in the
country. Doavi kui, kada je doao kui, g. Brown sede da
napie telegram svojoj sestri, koja ivi na selu.
149. Sem ovih ima puno idioma sa in i at. Zabeleite
ih kada na njih naiete. To je bolje nego da vam damo
tabelu, koju biste odmah zaboravili. Nauite zasad
nekoliko najeih:
To fall in love zaljubiti se (Fall fell fallen
fo:l fel fo:ln pasti). How do you say in
English: sto? Kako kaete na engleskom: sto?
At least bar, najmanje, at first isprva.
At stoji esto uz glagole da oznai pravac radnje. He
is looking at me. He laughs at her.
On condition pod uslovom. On foot peke.
Zadatak. Video sam ga u bioskopu. Sreli smo se u
devet sati. Njegova sestra e doi za deset minuti. im je
video njegovu sestru, on se zaljubio u nju. Oni su u
restoranu. Pitao sam u hotelu, ali su mi rekli

(told) da je nisu videli (pretprolo vreme) ni na ulici, ni u

parku. Otiao sam od (from) kue u podne. Kako se kae
ptica na engleskom? Mislite la da se smejao na mene?
Nije se smejao vama jer (because) je gledao u jednog
drugog (another) gospodina.
Reenje. When he saw me, he stopped singing. He
began writing at ten o'clock. At the Green's. At home. In
the house. He saw the children sitting under the tree. He
is now in his room. They are in London, but I do not
know where. We met at the theatre. You will find the
money in the box. And where is the box? It is in the desk.

He was really sorry for what he had done. So

he crept downstairs (na donji sprat) and opened the
front (frant prednji) door quite softly (tiho), and
went out into the garden. But when the children saw
him they were so frightened (frajtn uplaiti) that,
they all ran away (pobei), and the garden became
winter again.
(Down dole, stairs, stepenice, odatle downstairs
na donjem apratu, i upstairs na gornjem spratu.
Slino postoji hill hil brdo, brdace, i downhill
nizbrdo, uphill uzbrdo).
Only the little boy did not run, for (jer) his eyes
(a:j oko) were so full of tears (ti:e suza) that he
could not see the Giant coming.
Razlikujte tear suza, koja se izgovara ti:e od tear
cepati, koje se pie isto, ali izgovara te: e. Tear
tore torn te:e to: to:n.
And the Giant stole up (prikrade se) behind him
and took him gently in his hand, put him up (podie
ga) into the tree.
(Steal-stole-stolen sti:l stoul stouln
ukrasti. Steal up prikrasti se).
And the tree broke at once (odmah, najednom; eto
vam idioma koji moete zabeleiti) into blossom, and
the birds came and sang on it, and the little boy
stretched out (isprui, od stretch stre pruit) his
arms and flung (baci), them round the Giant's neck
(nek vrat) and kissed him (kis poljubiti; poljubac).
(Fling flung flung fling flang flang
(act akt delo, in; delati, preduzeti akciju).

When Mr. Brown came back from the police, he

was very upset (apset prevrnuti, oboriti; od toga:
uznemiren, nervozan, izbaen iz koloseka). He had
hardly (ha:dly jedva) opened the door, when he
began shouting (aut vikati).
Mabel! Where are you, Mabel? Upstairs or
Here I am, dear, answered Mrs. Brown, in the
bedroom (spavaa soba).
Come down, will you?
Just (samo) one minute. I must put away (skloniti)
the linen (linen rublje) in the cupboard
(kabed orman).
Come quickly, please, Mr. Brown seemed impatient
(impejnt nestrpljiv).
What is it, dear? asked Mrs. Brown when she
came down.
I have just come from the police. Scotland Yard
(londonska policija; yard ja:d dvorite; arin) has
sent (poslao,) all its best detectives (ditektiv), but nobody
can find Mary. She is nowhere under the sun (san
(Send sent sent send sent sent
Have you been to Mr. Miller's house?
No. It would be (bilo bi) beneath (bini:th ispod)
my dignity (digniti dostojanstvo) to go to his
150. From, imali smo ve, oznaava pravac kre
tanja od nekud. From the station sa stanice. From
the hotel iz hotela. From morning till night. Od
jutra do mraka.
151. Under (ande) je pod, a beneath binith
ispod. Kao i u naem jeziku, ova dva predloga se,
esto upotrebljavaju naizmenino. Ali za cenu je samo
under. I cannot give you this under five shillings.
Don't be upset, dear, said Mrs. Brown. Eyerything
will be all right in the end. We shall find Mary
all right. There is plenty (plenti puno) of time.
There are forty three lessons yet (jet jo) and Mary
is sure (ju:e sigurna) to come back before the
hundredth lesson.
You are very calm (ka:m tih, miran, spokojan),
Mabel. Mr. Brown seemed surprised. But if you
can wait, I cannot. I have decided to act. Mr. Brown

was very determined.

What are you going to do?
Wait until next lesson, and you will see.
Zadatak. Ii u sa stanice pravo (straight) u hotel.
Hotel je ispod (jednog) velikog brda. Traio sam svog psa
od jutra do mraka. Najzad sam ga naao gde spava
ispod mog gornjeg kaputa (overcoat) ouvekou:t).
Koliko (how far) ima od kole do tvoje kue? Nema
nieg novog pod nebom (pod suncem). Ne mogu da vam
dam ovaj eir ispod jedne funte. Dobio sam jedno
pismo iz Amerike. Od koga? Od moje tetke.
Reenje. I saw him in (at) the cinema. We met at
nine o'clock. His sister will come in ten minutes. As
soon as he saw his sister, he fell in love with her. They
are in (at) the restaurant. I asked at the police, but they
told me that they had not seen her either in the street, or
in the park. I went from home at noon. How do you say
bird in English? Do you think he was laughing at me? No,
he was not laughing at you, because he was looking at
another gentleman.

When the other children saw that the Giant was

not wicked (wiked zao, nevaljao) any longer (da nije
vie, engleski due, bio zao), they came running back,
and with them came the Spring. It is your garden
now, little, children, said the Giant, and he took a
great axe (aks sekira) and knocked down the wall.
And when the people were going to market
(ma:ket trite, pijaca) at twelve o'clock, they found
the Giant playing with the children in the most beautiful
garden they had ever seen.
All day they played, and in the evening they came
to the Giant to say good-bye.
But where is your little friend? he said the
boy I put into the tree? The Giant loved him the best
because he had kissed him.
(The boy I put the boy whom I put).
We don't know, answered the children. He has
gone away (otii).
You must tell him to be sure and come tomorrow
, said the Giant. But the children said that they
did not know where he lived and had never seen him
before; and the Giant felt very sad.
(Feel felt felt fi:l felt felt oseati,

oseati se).
152. Zapamtite idiom. To be sure to nasigurno
Mary is sure to come back Mary e se sigurno
vratiti. Be sure to come tomorrow. Doite sutra
sigurno: He is sure to know. On sigurno zna.
Every afternoon, when school was over (svrena),
the children came and played with the Giant, but the
little boy whom the Giant loved was never seen again.
(Primer trpne reenice, gde bismo mi radije upotrebili

Henry, said Mrs. Brown, What are you going

to do? You look very pale (pejl bled). I hope you are
not going to do anything desperate (desperet oajan,
You see, Mabel, I must decide between two
things. Either I must work hard to find Mary, or we
shall lose her.
Nauite idiom: to work hard, raditi naporno,
svom silom.
153. Between (bitwi:n) je izmeu dva lica ili
predmeta, za razliku od among (amang) koje je iz
meu veeg broja lica ili predmeta. Between you
and me. Izmeu vas i mene. She is one person (poe:sen
lice) among a crowd (kraud gomila). Ona je
jedno lice u gomili.
How will you begin?
I am now going to see the Selfish Giant. It is
all his fault.
Nauite idiom: it is my fault krivica je do
mene. It is his fault krivica je do njega.
I don't understand. How?
It is like this (ovako je, tj. stvar je u ovome). The
Selfish Giant is very selfish. He has taken too much
room (sem soba, room znai i prostor). He always takes
half a lesson. And how can I, then, find enough time to
find my daughter in half a lesson? I must see him and
settle (setl urediti, izravnati) the matter with him.
With these words Mr. Brown walked out of the
154. "Iz" kae se u engleskom out of. He took it
out of a box. He walked out of the room. He is reading
out of a big book.
When Mr. Brown arrived at the house of the
Selfish Giant, he hesitated (hezitejt oklevati) a little.

Then he knocked bravely (hrabro, od brave hrabar)

at the door.
There was no answer for a long time. Then a slow
voice said:
Come in!
Mr. Brown's heart (ha:t srce) beat fast when
he opened the door.
(Beat beat beaten bi:t bi:t bi:tn
tui, kucati).
Zadatak. Ba sam izaao iz pozorita. Hoete li da
izaberete (choose) izmeu mene i njega? (izmeu njega i
mene, kae utivi Englez). Lako je izabrati izmeu, dve
stvari, ali je teko izabrati izmeu puno (many). On e vam
sigurno vratiti knjigu najdalje do srede. Izmeu ova dva
brda ima grad. Gde je grad? Ispod brda ili na brdu? Ni
ispod, ni na brdu, nego kraj reke (river rive). to je tano
(correct) u ovom trenutku.
Reenje. I shall go from the station straight to the
hotel. The hotel is under a high hill. I looked for my dog
from morning to night. At last (in the end) I found him
sleeping beneath (under) my overcoat. How far is it from
the school to your house? There is nothing new under the
sun. I cannot give you this hat under one pound. I
received a letter from America. From whom? From my

The Giant was very kind to all children, yet (ali

ipak) he longed (lng udeti, eznuti) for his first little
friend and often spoke of him. How I would love to
see him! he used to say.
Years went by (prooe) and the Giant grew very
old and feeble (fi:bl slab).
(Grow grew grown grou gru: groun
rasti. Grow old ostareti. Grow feeble oslabiti.
Grow young podmladiti se. Grow strong ojaaiti.
Grow bald bold elav oelaviti. Grow red
He could not play any more (vie nije mogao
igrati) so he sat in a large arm-chair (naslonjaa) and
watched (w posmatrati, uvati, motriti) the children at
their games and admired (admaje diviti se) his garden
(etvrti pade posle admire!). I have many beautiful
flowers, he said, but the children are the most beautiful
flowers of all.

One morning he looked out of his window as he was

dressing (oblaei se, dok se oblaio). He did not hate (hejt
mrziti) the Winter now, for he knew that it was only
Spring asleep (asli:p zaspao, u snu; he is asleep on
spava), and that the flowers were resting (odmarati se).
Suddenly he rubbed (rub rab trljati) his eyes
in wonder and looked and looked. It certainly was a
wonderful sight. In the farthest corner of the garden was a
tree quite covered with lovely blossoms. Its branches
were golden, and silver fruit hung down from them.
And under them stood the little boy he loved (tj. whom
he loved).
(Hang hung hung hang hang hang
visiti, obesiti).

Come in, said the Giant.

Mr. Brown opened the door slowly. Mr. Brown had
been brave when he left his home. Yet (ali, meutim), when
he opened the Giant's door, his courage (karid hrabrost)
left him. Mr. Brown had never before spoken to a Giant.
155. Before upotrebljava se i za prostor i za vreme.
Before the house. Before noon. Sem before za mesto se
moe upotrebiti i in front of ispred. The garden, is in
front of the house.
Mr Brown was a business-man (poslovan ovek),
and giants do not engage in business. For a moment
Mr. Brown did not know how to begin. At last he said:
Good morning, sir.
The Giant said nothing. He only nodded his head
(nd klimnuti glavom). Then he said:
Take a seat, please.
Mr. Brown felt a little uncomfortable.
(Comfortable kamfetebl com je toliko naglaeno da
je progutalo oba sloga iza njega ugodan;
uncomfortable ankamfetebl neugodan).
Mr. Brown asked himself (sebe samog): How
does one talk to a Giant?
156. Nae bezlino se u frazi: kako se kae, kako se
radi, prevodi se na engleski na dva naina. Jedan je
upotrebom rei one (vidi pravilo 55). How does one
talk to a Giant? Kako se govori sa divom? How does
one say in English. Kako se kae na engleskom? Drugi
je upotrebom rei you. How do you say in English? How
do you spell: comfortable? Drugi je nain ei.
Excuse me, sir, he said at last. May I introduce

myself? I am Henry Brown.

Pleased to meet you, said the Giant. How do
you do?
I am very well, thank you.
What can I do for you?
I wish to speak to you on a very important
matter (po jednoj veoma vanoj stvari. Zabeleite ovo
I am listening.
You see, sir, began Mr. Brown, I am in a very
difficult position (pozin poloaj). I don't known
what to do about my daughter.
I am sorry, said the Giant. But I cannot marry
your daughter. I am too old.
I did not ask you to marry my daughter, Mr.
Brown was angry. First of all, I don't know you.
Oh, yes, you do. I am the Selfish Giant. Mr.
Oscar Wilde wrote a story about me.
Excuse me, sir, Mr. Brown was firm (foe:m
vrst). I have come to talk to you about another matter.
157. Nauite razliku izmeu other, another i second.
Other je drugi u najirem smislu I like the other hat
better. Onaj drugi eir mi se bolje dopada. Another znai
jo jedan. Give me another plate of soup, please. Molim,
dajte mi jo jedan tanjir supe. Another isto tako znai
drugi u smislu jedan drugi, razliit. I don't want this
book. I want another one. Neu ovu knjigu. Hou jednu
drugu. Second oznaava samo redni broj. Twenty second
I want to ask you for a little service (soe:vis
usluga). I want to talk to you as one gentleman to
another (kao jedan dentlmen drugom).
Excuse me, Mr. Brown, said the Giant. But
you are no gentleman.
Sir! Mr. Brown jumped up. That is an insult
(insalt uvreda).
Zadatak. Prevedite ceo razgovor izmeu Browna i
diva na na jezik, pa onda natrag na engleski. To je odlian
nain da kontroliete svoje znanje.
Reenje. I have just come out of the theatre. Will you
choose between him and me? It is easy to choose between
two things, but it is difficult to choose among many. He is
sure to return the book to you by Wednesday. Between
these two hills there is a town. Where is the town? Under
the hill or on the hill? Neither under nor on the hill, but

by the (a) river. That is correct at this moment.


Downstairs ran the Giant in great joy (doj

radost) and out into the garden. He ran across
(ekrs preko, unakrst) the grass, and came near the
child. And when he came quite near, his face grew red
with anger, and he said:
Who has dared (de:e usuditi se) to beat (beat,
beat, beaten bi:t, bi:t, bi:tn tui, istui, pobediti)
For the child was crying (cry kraj plakati,
Who has dared to beat you? (Dare nije povratno!)
cried the Giant; tell me, that I may take a
big sword (so:d ma) and kill him (kil ubiti)?
Nobody has beaten me, answered the child.
I have lost my dog. It came here with me and now
it disappeared (disapi:e ieznuti).
The Giant cried out as loudly (laud glasan;
laudli glasno) as he could: Servants! Servants!
Come quickly, please. (soe:vent sluga, posluitelj).
(To be continued).

How dare (de:e usuditi se) you say that I am no

Sit down, please said the Giant. I have a weak
heart. I don't like excitement. I shall prove (pru:v
dokazati) you what I said. In the forty seventh lesson
you were not polite to your wife when she lost the
paper. Is that true or not?
Yes, it is, agreed Mr. Brown a little ashamed
(aejimd postien; chame ejm stid).
Then, when you came home in the fifty-seventh
lesson, what did you say to your wife?
I said: Come quickly, please.
Exactly (egzsaktli od exact taan). But a
real English gentleman does not order (o:de narediti,
zapovedati, sa etvrtim padeom) his wife to come to him.
He goes to his wife? Isn't that so?
158. Zar nije tako? Pravilno bi trebalo Is that not
so? Ali se u obinom govoru u upitno-odrenim reenicama
izvre red rei, i not skrauje u n't. Isn't iznt; aren't
Yes, it is. You are right. (Zabeleite to: a ne

You have right!)

Very well, then. Now tell me what you want?
This is what I want. You know I am a father
who has lost his daughter. I need much time and space
(spejs prostor) to find her. But how can I find her
when you always take half the lesson, and leave me
only the other half? I am desperate. You cannot
understand that, because you are not a father.
No, I am not a father. But I understand you,
because I am a gentleman. I was a Selfish Giant, it is
true. But I am not selfish any more (vie). I have
become good, and I am a perfect (poe:fekt savren)
English gentleman now. And I shall prove it. I shall
give you my half of the lesson.
Really Mr. Brown was very happy (hapi
Yes, sir. I shall. Then you can have plenty of
room to look for your daughter.

When the servants came, the Giant told them:
Go out and look for (luk for traiti) the child's
dog. Do not come (zapovedni nain: ne dolazite!)
without (widhaut bez) it.
The servants left and presently they came back
with a nice small dog. Is this the one (je li ovo taj)?
they asked.
The child sprang up (spring, sprang, sprung
spring sprang, sprang skoiti, skakati) with joy: Yes,
it is. Oh, how glad I am, how grateful (gratful
zahvalan). Thanks to all of you. Especially to you, Giant.
With these words he kissed him again and again.
The Giant said: Not at all (nauite ovu frazu: nt at
o:l nema zato), my dear. I am glad you have come
back. Now, I may rejoice (ridois veseliti se, radovati
se). Only, please, come here whenever you can.
And indeed, from then on the child came to the
Giant's Garden every day to play (plej igrali) with
other children.
The End
Zadatak. Prevedite i ovaj razgovor na na jezik, pa
natrag na engleski. Nemojte propustiti da to uinite. U
ovim razgovorima su namerno ponovljene sve obine fraze
koje Englezi upotrebljavaju u prijateljskom susretu, a
sem njih ima nekoliko teih fraza, i takav prevod e

vam mnogo koristiti. Preporuujemo vam da to isto

uinite i sa nekoliko iduih lekcija, u kojima zato
namerno nije dat nikakav zadatak, i u kojima se ne uvode
nikakva nova gramatika pravila.
We have read a story. Now let us read a play
(plej igra, igrati se, a od toga pozorini komad). The
reading (gramatika 109) of plays is an excellent (ekselent
odlian) way to learn a foreign language. In plays
you have only conversation. And when you learn a
foreign language you want to read as much
conversation as you can (pravilo 128). It helps you
to learn the simple phrases which you use every day.
The play which we have chosen (izabrali) is called
The Camberley Triangle (trajangl trougao) by A.
A. Milne. Milne is a very pleasant (plezent prijatan)
modern writer, and I am sure that you will like his
comedy (kmedi aljiva igra) very much. To make
the play easier for you, it is a little simplified
(simplifajd uproten) and abridged (abridd
Choose chose chosen u:z ouz ouzm
A Comedy in One Act
(akt in). by A.
A. Milne.
(karakte karakter, lice u pozorinom komadu).
Cyril Norwood (siril no:wud), her lover. Dennis
Camberley (denis), her husband (hasbend
mu, suprug).
It is an evening of 1919 in Kate's drawing room
(droing-ru:m sala u privatnoj kui, soba za primanje).
She is expecting him, and the curtain (koe:tn
zavesa) goes up (se die) as he is announced (sem
objaviti, announce znai i prijaviti).
(Ova je reenica zanimljiva. Mi bismo rekli: dok ga
devojka prijavljuje, upotrebili bismo, dakle, radno stanje.
Englezi, kao esto, upotrebljavaju trpno: dok je
As ima osnovno znaenje kao i kako, ali moe da
znai i kada, dok, (vidi 51 as).
MAID. Mr. Cyril Norwood. (He
comes in).

NORWOOD (because the maid listens, but you may be

sure the maid knows). Ah, good evening, Mrs. Camberley!
KATE. Good evening!
(They shake hands).
(Shake shook shaken ejk uk
ejkn tresti. Shake hands rukovati se).
(Norwood is well dressed He is good-looking
with a little moustache. Most women like him at
least so he says).
NORWOOD (as soon as they are alone (aloun - sam).
My darling! (da:ling bukvalno: mezime, ali darling
je najoptija re za tepanje na engleskom, to bismo mi
rekli: srce moje).
KATE. Cyril!
(He takes her hands, and kisses them. He wants
to kiss her face (fejs lice) but she is not quite ready
(redi gotov; spreman) for this).
(Bukvalno: ona nije sasvim spremna za to. Prevedite:
ona nije sasvim raspoloena za to). NORWOOD. You let
me yesterday (jue si mi dopustila). Why may n't I kiss
you today?
(May n't I umesto may I not. Ovakav obrnut red rei
i skraevanje uobiajeno je u upitnim reenicama u
svakodnevnom govoru. Imali smo tako is n't it umesto
is it not? (Vidi 157).
KATE. Not yet, (jo ne), dear. I want to talk to you.
Come and sit down.
(They sit on the sofa together). NORWOOD.
You aren't (evo vam ga opet skraenje:
za you are not) sorry for what you said yesterday?
KATE (looks at him one moment, and then shakes
her head). No. NORWOOD. Then
what's happened?
(Opet skraenje: what's umesto what has. Zabeleite
ova skraenja). KATE. I've just had a letter from
(Jo jedno: I've umesto I have). NORWOOD
(anxiously ankesli zabrinuto. Naravno anxious
zabrinut). From Dennis? Your husband? KATE.
Yes. NORWOOD. Where does he write from?
159. U engleskom se ponekad, a naroito u upitnim
reenicama, predlog baca na kraj reenice. Where does he
write from umesto From where does he write? Whom
are you speaking to? umesto To whom are you
speaking? What are you talking about? umesto About

what are you talking. KATE. India. NORWOOD.

Oh, well! (Ovo mu doe kao nae: e
teto, e ta onda ima, pa onda je sve u redu). KATE.
He says I may expect him home almost (olmoust
skoro) as soon as I get (get got got get gt
gt primiti) the letter. NORWOOD. Good
(heaven hevn nebo. Good heavens odgovara
naem: gospode boe). KATE. Yes...
Jel'te kako Englezi prosto govore engleski? I vi biste
tako umeli samo kad biste pokuali. Evo probajte.
Prevedite razgovor na srpski, pa sa srpskog na engleski. Ali
ne budite lenji, piite prevod!

NORWOOD (always hopeful pun nade). Perhaps he

did n't catch the boat that (koju) he expected
to catch.
KATE. I don't know What shall we do, Cyril?
NORWOOD. You know what I always wanted you to
do (ta sam uvek eleo da uini). He takes her
hands): Come away with me.
(away ewej dalje od nekog mesta. Go away
odlazi. Come away hajde, poi).
KATE (doubtfully). And let Dennis come home and
find an empty house?
(doubt daut sumnja. Dakle doubtfully
puna sumnje: i da pustim Denisa da se vrati kui i nae
praznu kuu?).
NORWOOD. You are nothing to him, and he is nothing
to you (Uili smo da Englezi imaju samo jednu
odrenu re gde mi imamo dve: ti nisi nita njemu). A
war marriage! (wo: rat) after you'd been
engaged to each other for a week!
(You'd skraeno od you had; engaged engejdd
veren). And forty eight hours later he was
sent to India (indie) and you haven't (ovo moete
ve i sami da pogodite) seen him since.
KATE. Yes. That is all true.
NORWOOD. The world may say that you're (tj.
you are) his wife and he is your husband. But what,
do you know of him? He will not be the boy you
married. He'll (tj. he will, izgovorite hi:l) be a
stranger (strejnde stranac) whom you will
hardly recognize (rekgnajz poznati, prepoznati).

And you aren't the girl he married. You are a

woman now, and you're (izgovorite ju:e) just
beginning (tek poinje) to learn what love is. Come
with me.
KATE. It's true, it's true. (Dabome da je to it is skraeno).
But he has been fighting (fajt boriti se,
tui se. Englezi ne tuku sebe pa prema tome ni
glagol nije povratan kao kod nas) for us. And to
come (i da se vrati) home again after four years of
exile (eksajl izgnanstvo) and find
NORWOOD. Exile! That is too much! He's (he has)
come through (proao) the war safely (sejfli sigurno)
and he's probably (prbebli verovatno had a
very good time (have a good time dobro se
provesti). He's probably been in love five or six times
himself since (otad). India! You should (trebalo bi)
read Kipling.
KATE. Of course, as you say (kao to kae) I don't
know him. But I feel that we should be happier (da
bismo bili sreniji) if we told him (kada bismo mu rekli)
what had happened. If he had been doing what you say
(ako je radio to to ti kae), he would understand
and perhaps be glad. (To be continued).

(save sejv spasti).

Mr. Brown was sitting at home very sad. The
giant had been kind enough (tako ljubazan) to disappear.
But he had hardly disappeared, when Mrs. Camberley
took his place (plejs mesto). And so Mr.
Brown felt (feel felt felt fi:l - felt felt
oseati) that there was little hope of finding (da e
nai) his daughter soon.
It was at this dark (da:k mraan, taman) moment
of his life that somebody knocked at his door.
Come in, said Mr. Brown.
A gentleman to see you, announced the maid,
He says it is something very important.
Let him in.
Yes, sir.
The door opened and a stranger appeared.
May I introduce myself? said the stranger, my
name is Macpherson. Sandy Macpherson.
Pleased to meet you; answered Mr. Brown.
The pleasure is mine.
Will you take a seat, Mr. Macpherson?

Thank you, I will.

Have a cigarette? (tj. will you have a cigarette).
Thanks. Certainly.
I understand, Mr. Macpherson, that you have
something very important to tell me?
Yes, I have. It is very important:
May I ask you what it is?
It is something about your daughter.
About my daughter? Mr. Brown felt very excited
(excite eksajt uzbuditi).
What is it? Tell me, please?
You don't know where your daughter is.
No, I don't.
Well, perhaps I can help you. I know where
she is.

NORWOOD (uneasily anizili nelagodno: uneasy

nelagodno). Really, darling, that is not a thing you
can talk over (talk over = discuss) calmly with a
husband, even (ivn-ak) if he
(Ova reenica, kao i nekoliko koje sleduju, nesvrena
je. Lice koje govori prekida. Ove prekinute reenice
poznaete po crtici na kraju).
We don't want any unpleasantness (anplezentnes
neprijatnost), and (Taking her hands again)
Besides, (bisajdz pored, pored toga) I want you,
Kate. It may be weeks (bukvalno: mogu biti nedelje tj.
nedelje mogu proi) before he comes back. We can't
go on like this. Kate! (go on produiti, like this
KATE. Do you love me so very much?
NORWOOD. Darling!
KATE. Well, let us wait till the end of the week
In case (kejs sluaj) he comes (tj. that he comes). I
don't want to seem to be afraid of him. (Ne elim da
izgledam da ga se bojim. I am afraid afrejd
bojim se).
NORWOOD. And then?
KATE. Then I'll (I shall) come with you.
NORWOOD (taking her in his arms). My darling!...
There (eto!) And now what are you going to do?
Ask me (ask sem pitati znai i zamoliti, pozvati) to
stay (ostati) to dinner?
KATE. Certainly not, sir. (bukvalno sigurno ne, tj.

nikako). I am going out to dinner tonight.

NORWOOD (jealously delesli ljubomorno; jealous
ljubomoran: jealousy delesi ljubomora).
With whom?
KATE. You.
NORWOOD. At our little restaurant? (She nods).
Good girl! Then go and put on (stavi na sebe) a hat,
while I ring them up (ring up pozvati na telefon)
and see if they've (they have) a table.
KATE. What fun! (fan ala, veselje. Izraz what fun
slavno, estoko). I won't (will not) be a moment.
(Bukvalno: neu biti jedan trenutak. Nae: sad u
ja za tren oka). (She goes to the door). Cyril, will
you always love me?
NORWOOD. Of course. I will, darling. (She nods and
goes out. He is very well pleased with himself
(zadovoljan samim sobom) when he is left alone. He
goes to the telephone with a smile). Hallo... Yes... I
want a table for two. Tonight... Mr. Cyril Norwood.
Oh, in about (za otprilike) half an hour... Yes, for two.
Is that all right?... Thank you.
(He puts the receiver risive slualicu)
back (put back vratiti) and turns round (okrenuti
se) to see DENNIS CAMBERLEY, who has just
come in.
(to be continued)
Let us learn all the skraenice.
I'll ajl I shall
you'll ju:l you will
he'll hi:l he will
she'll :i she will
we'll wi:l we shall
they'll dhejl they will
I've ajv I have
you've ju:v you have
he's hi:z he has ali i he is!
she's i:z she has ali i she is.
we've wi:v we have
they've dhejv they have
it is n't it iznt it is not
is n't it izntit is it not?
can't ka:nt cannot kant
(zapazite razliku u izgovoru)
won't wount will not
don't dount do not

did n't didnt did not

are n't a:nt are not
shan't a:nt shall not neu, neemo
Posle ovoga e vam lako biti pogoditi must n't
may n't, might n't itd.

(soe: tranja, .traiti).

I cannot tell you exactly where Miss Brown is,
but I can take you (odvesti) to somebody who knows,
answered Mr. Macpherson.
Who is he, or who is she? asked Mr. Brown
I can't tell you that. All I knows is that her name
is Lizzy (lizi).
That sounds (sound saund zvuati, glasiti) very
mysterious (mistiries tajanstven).
So it is (tako je).
How do you know that this person knows where
my daughter is?
I know. I'll take you to this person. Mr. Macpherson
sounded very sure.
The weather in November is a little chilly (ili
zimljiv), so Mr. Brown took an overcoat and left
the house with Mr. Macpherson.
Shall we take a bus or a taxi? asked Mr. Brown.
A bus as far as (do) Kew (kju) Gardens (londonska
botanika bata) and then a taxi.
Here is a bus stop (omnibuska stanica, postaja).
Let us wait here.
In the bus, Mr. Brown said. Two sixpenny tickets
(tiket karta; sixpenny ticket tj. six penny
ticket, karta od est penia; zapamtite obrt: three fourpenny
tickets, itd).
Mr. Macpherson looked out of the window, and
let Mr. Brown pay for the tickets.
At Kew Gardens Mr. Brown called a taxi: Hi!
(haj), taxi!
Mr. Macpherson gave the driver (drajve onaj
koji tera, tj. ofer) the address. The car (ka: kola,
auto) stopped by a little house which was very far
outside London, and looked very poor.
Here Lizzy lives, said Mr. Macpherson.

NORWOOD (surprised). Hallo!

DENNIS (nodding pleasantly). Hallo!

NORWOOD (wondering who he is). You er? (Ovo er
e glas koji Englezi izgovaraju kada mucaju, tj.
ikada ne znaju ta da kau).
DENNIS. I just came in, Mr. Norwood.
NORWOOD. You know my name?
DENNIS. Oh yes, I've heard much about you Mr. Cyril
NORWOOD. (stiffly stifli kruto, od stiff krut).
I'dont think I've had the pleasure of er
DENNIS (pleasantly). Oh, but I'm sure you must have
heard a good deal (a good deal di:l isto to i
much) about me.
NORWOOD. Good God (gd Bog), you don't mean
(niste valjda hteli rei)
DENNIS. I do, indeed (indi:d zaista). (With a bow
bau poklon, to bow pokloniti se). Dennis Camberley,
the missing (mis biti otsutan, nedostajati) husband.
(Pleadingly pli:dingli pledirajui, moleivo). You
have heard about me, have n't you?
NORWOOD. I er Mr. Camberley, yes, of course.
So, you're back.
DENNIS. Yes, I'm back. Sometimes (samtajmz ponekad)
they don't come back Mr. Norwood, and
sometimes they do ... Even after four years...
But you did talk about me sometimes?
160. Dosada smo imali re do samo u upitnim i
odrenim reenicama, i u reenicama kojima se na njih
odgovara. Do i did imaju jo jednu upotrebu, a to je da
se neka konstatacija njima jako podvue. You did talk
about me sometimes. Vi ste dabome govorili ponekad o
meni. Did you see him? Yes, I did. Are you sure? I am
sure I did see him. Potpuno sam siguran da sam ga
NORWOOD. How did you know my name'?
DENNIS. A little bird told me about you.
NORWOOD (turning away okrenuti se in anger
ange ljutina). Pooh!
DENNIS. One of those little Eastern (iste:n istonjaki)
birds, which sit on the backs of crocodiles
(krkodajl krokodil; ove ptiice, ako niste znali,
biu krokodile) searching for well, let us say
breakfast. He said to me one morning: Talking of
parasites, (kada ve razgovaramo o parazitima
naravno parezajts) he said, do you know Mr. Cyril

Norwood? he said, because I could tell you an

interesting story about him, he said .
NORWOOD (turning round angrily). Look here, sir,
(bukvalno: pogledajte; ali odgovara naem: sluajte!)
we had better talk (bolje je da govorimo) quite
plainly (plejnli otvoreno, bez okolienja, od plain
prost, ravan, bez okolienja). I don't want to be
insulted. I admit (admit priznati) that an
unfortunate (anfo:unet nesrean, fortune
fo:un srea, fortunate srean) situation has
arisen (arise arose arisen arajz arouz arizn
dii se, podii se, pojaviti se; ovde prevedite: da se
izrodila neprijatna situacija). But we must look facts
in the face. You may be Mrs. Camberley's husband,
but she has not seen you for four
years, and well, she and I Iove each other. There
you have it. (Evo vam). What are you going to do?

It was a house which certainly looked (izgledala!)

very mysterious.
Mr. Macpherson knocked at the door.
Come in! said a woman's voice.
Mr. Macpherson opened the door, and he and
Mr. Brown entered. It was a small room and very dark.
The curtains were drawn (navuene, od draw drew
drawn dro: dru: dro:n vui). At the
back of the room was sitting an old dark (ovde crnomanjasta,
kao to je fair fe:e plava) woman. It was
Lizzy, the gipsy (dipsi ciganin, ciganka).
Sit down, gentlemen, said Lizzy. What do you
want of me? Do you want me to read your fortune?
(srea, u prenosnom smislu sudbina).
No said Mr. Macpherson, we don't want you to
read our fortune. We want your help. Mr. Brown has
a daughter, and she has disappeared (kao to je appear
pojaviti se, tako je disappear disapie nestati). We want
you to help us find her.
That is difficult, said Lizzy. I can't do that
myself. I must call a spirit (spirit duh) to help me.
What kind of spirit do you want? I have little ones,
at five shillings each (at ovde znai po). The big
spirits cost (kst stati, kotati, oblici su svi cost cost
cost) ten shillings each (i: svaki posebno).
Which are better? asked Mr. Brown.
Oh, the large spirits, of course, said Lizzy. They

are much better. And I have an extra (ekstra naroito,

izuzetno) large spirit. He is the best of all. But
he is fifteen shillings.
Could n't (zar ne bi mogli, vidi 158) we have him
for twelve?? asked Mr. Macpherson.
Impossible, said Lizzy. He costs me twelve shillings.

If you think he is very good began Mr. Brown.

Oh, very good. Very good indeed, said Lizzy.
Then, let us have the extra large one (strana 92).

DENNIS (anxiously). You don't think that I have neglected

(neglekt zanemariti) her, Mr. Norwood?
You see. I could n't come home for week-ends,
NORWOOD. What are you going to do?
DENNIS (pleasantly). Well, what do you suggest?
sadest predloiti).
NORWOOD. What are you going I er ?
DENNIS. You see. I've been leading (lead led
led Ii:d led voditi; idiom: lead a life provoditi
ivot) such an uncivilized (ansivilajzd necivilizovan)
life for the last four years. I really hardly know what
is what is being done ,(ta se radi). Now YOU (vi
meutim) have been mixing in Society (ssajeti
drutvo)... making munitions (mjunin municija) ...
NORWOOD (stiffly). I have been engaged (bio sam zauzet)
on important work for the Government (gavenment
vlada) of a confidential (kinfidenl
poverljiv) nature
DENNIS. You, as I was saying, (kao to rekoh) have
been mixing in Society, engaged on important Work
for the Government of a confidential nature
NORWOOD. I was very sorry that I had no opportunity
(opotjuniti prilika) of becoming (da postanem) a
soldier (soulde vojnik)
DENNIS. With no opportunity of becoming a soldier,
as I was about to say (kao to sam nameravao rei)
but with many opportunities of making love (da se
udvarate, make love udvarati se) to my wife.
(Learn the idiom: I am about to write a letter
taman nameravam da napiem pismo. I was about to go
out taman sam nameravao da izaem).
NORWOOD. Now, look here (sluajte;), Mr. Camberley.

I've already (olredi ve) told you.

DENNIS (soothing him su: dh umirivati). But, my
dear Mr. Norwood, I am only doing what you
said. I'm looking facts in the face. (Surprised) You
are n't ashamed of having made love to my wife,
are you?
NORWOOD (impatiently impejntli nestrpljivo;
patient pejnt strpljiv, impatient nestrpljiv).
What are you going to do? That is all that matters
(to jedino ima znaaja) between you and me. What are
you going to do?
DENNIS. Well, that was what I was going to ask you.
What is being done (ta se radi) in Society now? You
must have heard much about it. All your friends who
were also engaged on important work of a
confidential nature, with no opportunity of becoming
soldiers don't they,tell you their own experiences
(ekspiriens iskustvo? Zar vam oni ne priaju o svojim
iskustvima?) What have the husbands been doing
lately when they came back from the front (frant
front; pa ta su radili muevi, u poslednje vreme kada su
se vraali s fronta?)
NORWOOD (angrily). Now, that is enough, sir!
(Kate comes in, with a hat in each hand, calling to
Norwood as she comes). KATE. Oh, Cyril which
of these two hats (she
sees her husband) Dennis!

Very well, said Lizzy, we'll have the extra

large one. He is really excellent. May I have the fifteen
shillings? You pay in advance (adva:ns unapred).
After Mr. Brown paid the fifteen shillings, Lizzy
pulled down the blinds (blajnd slep, ali i roletna)
and made the room quite dark. Then she made
a fire in the fire-place (fire faje vatra, od toga fireplace
Now, she said, please take each other's hands.
Mr. Brown and Mr. Macpherson took each other
by the hand.
Lizzy then began to say a lot of mysterious words
over the fire.
Suddenly they heard a noise (nojz larma) in
the next room.
Listen, said Lizzy, and lifted (lift lift podii)
her hand. The ghost (goust duh) has arrived.

Mr. Brown's heart was beating fast.

Come in, oh spirit, cried Lizzy, and help us.
At that moment the door opened, and the spirit
walked in.
It was a very large spirit indeed.
Hallo, he said quite pleasantly, as he entered,
whom do I see? Fancy (fansi zamisli! pomisli!),
my old friend Mr. Brown!
Mr. Brown had jumped up from his chair. For a
moment he could not say a single (singl jedini) word.
But, he said, but I know the ghost.
Of course you do, said the spirit. I am the
Selfish Giant.
But, what are you doing here? Mr. Brown felt
very surprised.
What am I doing here? I am working for my
living (nauite izraz: to work for one's living zaraivati).
Lizzy will pay me for this visit nine shillings.
Twelve, said Lizzy.
Very well, twelve, said the Selfish Giant. But
you know, Lizzy, you don't really pay me twelve. You
pay me nine and keep the rest (keep kept kept
ki:p kept drati, zadrati).

DENNIS (looking straight at her). How are you, Kate?

KATE (stammering stame mucati). You've
come back? (She puts the hats down). DENNIS I've
come back. As I was telling (kao to sam
rekao) Mr. Norwood.
KATE (looking from one to the other). You ?
DENNIS (smiling). Oh we're (we are) quite old friends
NORWOOD (going to her). I've told him, Kate.
(He takes her hands, and tries (od try) to look
defiantly difajentli izazivaki at Dennis, but he is
not feeling very sure).
KATE (looking anxiously at Dennis). What are you
going to do?
(She can hardly understand him. He is different
from the husband who left her four years ago).
DENNIS. Well, that is what Cyril is asking me. (To
Norwood) You don't mind (majnd mariti; zameriti
vi mi ne zamerate) my calling you Cyril? (to vas
zovem Siril? Zvati oveka po krtenom imenu to, je od
prilike kao kada ga kod nas oslovljavate sa ti). Such

an old friend of my wife

KATE (cannot understand him). Dennis! (She is frightened).
NORWOOD (soothingly). It's all right, dear.
DENNIS. Let us sit down and talk it over (da pretresemo)
in a friendly (prijateljski) way.
KATE (going to him). Dennis, can you ever forgive me?
We never ought to have married. (Mi uopte
bukvalno: nikada nije trebalo da se uzmemo). We
knew each other so little. You had to go away so
soon. I I was going to write and tell you oh,
I wish (vidi 127).
DENNIS. That's all right, Kate. (He does not let her
come near to him. He steps back and looks at her
from head to feet). You've changed.
KATE. That's just it, Dennis (bukvalno: to je ba ono, tj.
u tome je ba i stvar) I'm not the girl who
DENNIS. You've grown four years younger (postala
mlaa), and four years more beautiful.
KATE (dropping drp spustiti, ispustiti, oboriti
her eyes). Have I?
DENNIS. Yes... You ,do your hair (nameta kosu) in a
new way.
KATE (surprised). Do you like it?
DENNIS. I love it.
NORWOOD (coughing kf kaljati). Yes, well
perhaps we'd better (moda bi bolje bilo da )
DENNIS (starts start trgne se). I beg you pardon
(pa:dn izvinite), Cyril. I was forgetting you for the
moment. Well, now, please sit down. (Norwood and
Kate sit down together on the,sofa, but Dennis
remains rimejn ostati standing). That's
KATE. Well?
DENNIS (to Kate). You want to marry him, eh?

(explain eksplejn objasniti)

Excuse me, sir said Mr. Brown to the Giant,
but I cannot understand. You are a spirit?
Yes, of course, I am. Don't you remember (zar se
ne seate) that you came to me, and I promised you to
disappear. Did n't I? And so now I am dead and a
Yes, I understand that, continued Mr. Brown.
But if you are a spirit why do you want money? I
thought spirits did not need money.

161. Glagol u sporednim reenicama. Ranije ste imali

da posle said i told glagol koji sleduje stoji u prolom
vremenu. Sada da nauimo opte pravilo. Reenica koja
sleduje jednom od glagoli koji izraavaju miljenje ili
oseanje a takva su glagoli said, told, thought, felt,
hoped, wished mora biti u prolom vremenu ako je
ovaj glagol u prolom vremenu.
I thought spirits did not need money. Mislio sam
da duhovima nije potreban novac. I hoped he would
come Nadao sam se da e doi. I wished you could have
come eleo sam da ste mogli doi. I felt that was not
good. Oseao sam da to nije dobro.
Kao to vidite, u engleskom se posle ovih glagola
upotrebljava prolo vreme, makoje vreme bilo u naem
I beg your pardon, Mr. Brown said the Giant
politely, but don't you remember that there were a lot
of children playing in my garden? Now that I am a
good Giant I am sending them all to school, and buying
their school-books. So you see, I must work for my
Please, gentlemen, said Lizzy, let us get on
(produiti, nastaviti) with our work. Mr. Brown has
not come here to discuss your children and their
No, that's right. I beg your pardon, Lizzy, said
the Giant. May I ask what Mr. Brown wants?
Will you tell him, Mr. Brown? said Lizzy.
Yes, certainly. You know, Mr. Giant, that my
daughter is lost.
Yes, I do.
Well, I want to find her, and Mr. Macpherson
told me that if I came to Lizzy, she could help me.
(Evo ga primer zavisne reenice posle told).
Of course she can. So could I have helped you if
you had asked me where your daughter was when you
visited me.
(Isto sam vam i ja mogao pomoi da ste me pitali
gde vam je erka kada ste me ,posetili).
162. Isto pravilo da glagol mora biti u prolom
vremenu vai i posle rei ,if kada ona ima pogodbeno
znaenje da. Kada if znai ako ovo pravilo
naravno ne vai. If I come tomorrow we shall
play ako doem sutra, igraemo se. U tom sluaju
posle if dolazi vreme koje sam smisao zahteva. But, if

you knew, why did you not tell me? My dear Mr.
Brown, you never asked me! And do you know now
where she is? Of course I do.
P. S. Prevodite li vi ove razgovore na na jezik, pa
natrag na engleski? Ako ne prevodite, greite. Naterati
vas ne mogu, ali vas jo jednom savetujem da to inite.

NORWOOD. We have already told you the circumstances

(soe:kamstans okolnost), Mr. Camberley. I
need hardly say (nije potrebno ni da kaem) how
regrettable (rigret aliti; aljenje, regrettable
rigretebl za aljenje) it is that er but at the
same (sejm isti) time these er things will
happen, and since it er happened (Nije ni
potrebno da vam kaem koliko je za
aljenje to to ovaj) ali u isto vreme ovaj
takve stvari hoe da se dese, i poto se ovaj
desile ).
Ovo will je primer gde se will ne upotrebljava samo
za budue vreme, nego da se podvue njegovo prvanje
znaenje. Drugi primer: He will talk and nothing can
stop him. Hoe da govori (na silu) i nita ne moe da ga
KATE. I feel I hardly know you, Dennis. Did I l o v e
you when I married you? I don't know. It was
so sudden. We had no time to find out (pronai,
ispitati) anything about each other. And now you
come back a stranger
DENNIS (points point ukazati at Norwood).
And he is not a stranger, eh?
KATE (dropping her eyes). N-no.
DENNIS. You feel you know all about him?
KATE. I we (She is unhappy anhapi
NORWOOD. We have discovered that we love each
other: (Taking her hands) My darling, this is making
you unhappy. Let me
DENNIS (sharply otro, otseno, sharp a:p
otar). It would not make her unhappy,, if you left
her in peace (pi:s mir, in peace na miru).
Why the devil (devl avo; why the devil zato do
avola), can't you sit on a chair by yourself (sami)?
(Evo primera pogodbene reenice posle sa would
ne bi je nainilo nesrenom i sa if kada biste je

ostavili na miru).
NORWOOD (indignantly indignentli s indignacijom,
ozlojeeno). Really!
KATE freeing herself (fri: slobodan, osloboditi,
free oneself osloboditi se) from him, and moving
(mu:v kretati, pokrenuti, premestiti, preseliti to
the other end of the sofa). What are you going to
DENNIS (looking at them) thoughtfully, his chin on
his hand).
(thought tho:t je prolo vreme od think, a znai i
misao. Full ful znai pun. Sa ovim full grade se
mnogi pridevi. Tako thoughtful zamiljen, careful
paljiv, oprezan, hopeful pun nade, itd. Zapamtite da se u
ovim sloenicama ful pie sa jednim 1). (chin in
brada, deo glave; brada, dlaka, je beard bi:ed).
I dont know... It is difficult. I don't want to do
anything melodramatic (melodramatik melodramatski).
I meant (hou da kaem) it would not really
help matters if I did shoot him, would it?
(Mean meant meant mi:n ment
ment znaiti. This meant that he will come to
znai da e doi. Ali means znai i nameravati he
means to read on namerava da ita. Najzad, I
mean, kao u gornjem sluaju znai: hou da kaem, hteo
sam rei).
(It would not really help matters doslovno:
ne bi zaista pomoglo stvari prevedite: ne bi zaista
niemu sluilo).
(Shoot shot shot u:t t t pucati,
i od toga: ubiti iz puke ili iz revolvera. Zapazite ovo did
ispred shoot. Rekli smo da did u ovakvom sluaju samo
slui da pojaa, da naglasi glagol. Zato ete if I did shoot
him prevesti ne sa: kada bih ga ubio, nego sa: ba i da ga

163. Glagolske imenice. Odavno nismo imali nikakve

gramatike, te malo nee da kodi, ba iako G. Braun
mora malo da prieka. Imali smo da se: ja piem kae
I am writing. Ali ovaj oblik na ing moe da bude i
glagolska imenica. My writing is legible ledibl
moje pisanje je itko.
Glagolska imenica se u engleskom mnogo vie
upotrebljava nego kod nas i stoga ueniku moe zadati
ponekad tekoe. I cannot read your writing ne

mogu da itam va rukopis je prosto. Ali I am surprised

at your writing such good English iznenauje me
kako dobro piete engleski, je tee. Bukvalno
prevodei bez obzira na nau gramatiku gornja
reenica je: ja sam iznenaen na vae pisanje takav dobar
Ovu tekou ete savladati ako, kadgod naiete na
reenicu u kojoj ima neka engleska glagolska imenica
na ing, ovu imenicu prevedete naim glagolom.
Dakle: at your writing na vae pisanje, prevedite: to
piete. Uporedite many opportunities of making love
puno prilika da se udvarate.
Nekoliko primera: I don't like his coming home so
late. Ne svia mi se to se tako dockan vraa kui. I am
pleased at his learning so well. Milo mi je to tako
dobro ui. I hear of your building a new house
ujem da zidate novu kuu. You don't mind my calling
you Cyril? Nemate nita protiv to vas nazivam
krtenim imenom?
Nauite samo da razumete ovaj idiomatski obrt. Ni
u kom sluaju nemojte pokuati da i sami pravite reenice
na ovaj nain.

(Kate looks at him without saying anything, trying

to understand this new man who has come into her
life. Norwood swallows (swlou gutati) and tries
very hard to say something.
(Very hard idiom: s velikom mukom. Naravno
sem toga very hard moe da znai i vrlo tvrdo, vrlo
teko. This lesson is very hard).
DENNIS (turning to him). You don't think so, do you?
DENNIS. No, I am quite sure (uveren) you're right.
It is difficult, isn't it? You see (to Kate) you love
him ( he waits a moment for her to say it if she
will, but she only looks at him) and he says he
loves you, but at the same time I am your husband...
(He walks up and down thoughtfully, and then says
suddenly to Norwood). I'll tell you what I'll fight
you for her.
(fight somebody ne kao kod nas tui se s nekim.
Zabeleite). NORWOOD (trying to be firm). I think
we'd better leave this eighteenth-century (seneri

vek, stolee) nonsense (nnsens . glupost, budalatina)

out of it.
(leave out izostati. Dakle: mislim da bi bilo
bolje da izostavimo tu osamnaesto-vekovnu glupost).
DENNIS (pleasantly). They fight (tj. ljudi se bore) in
the twentieth century too, Mr. Norwood. Perhaps
you had n't heard what we've been doing these last
four years? Oh, quite a lot.. Well?
NORWOOD. You don't wish me to believe that you are
DENNIS. Perfectly. Swords (so:d ma), pistols
(pistl), fists (fist pesnica) what would you like?
NORWOOD. I do not propose (ovde: nemam namenu) to
make a fool of myself (fu:l budala; doslovno da od
sebe nainim budalu, tj. da izigravam budalu) for the
er lady of my heart. DENNIS. You don't like
fighting, eh? All right, then. I'll toss (ts baciti
novac u vis) you for her.
(Kada dva Engleza ne mogu,da odlue kome treba
neto da pripadne, oni esto bace paru u vis. Jedan kae
heads ili tails (tejl rep. tj. slika na poleini novca), i
ako pogodi stranu koja padne nagore, dobija stvar. Ovo se
ini u sportu, pri opkladama, i za sitnice).
NORWOOD. You are vulgar (valge vulgaran, prostaki)
now. (To Kate) My dear
KATE, (holds him back with her hand dri ga od
sebe tj. odbija ga , but does not take her eyes
off (take off skinuti) Dennis)
DENNIS. Really, Mr. Norwood, you're a little hard to
please (muka je vama ovek da ugodi). If you don't like
my suggestions (saden sugestija, predlog),
perhaps you will make one of your own (doslovno:
moda ete nainiti jedan svoj, tj. moda ete sami sa
svoje strane neto predloiti).
NORWOOD. This is obviously (obvies oigledan) a
matter in which the lady should choose.
DENNIS. You think, Mrs. Camberley should choose,
between us?
NORWOOD. Certainly.
DENNIS. What do you say, Kate?

Please, dear Mr.. Selfish Giant, tell me where

my daughter is, said Mr. Brown.
Well, said the Giant, she is not in London. She
is at this moment abroad. In a foreign country.

In what country?
In a country called Yugoslavia.
Oh, I know, said Mr. Brown. That is the country
where Prague is.
I am sorry, Mr. Brown, but there you are wrong.
You are obviously a true (pravi, istinski) Englishman,
and don't know geography. (deogirafi). Prague is in
Czechoslovakia (ekoslova:kia) This is Yugoslavia.
And where is Yugoslavia? continued Mr. Brown.
It is round Dalmatia (dalmeja).
And how do we get there?
(get imali smo da znai dobiti; ali ova re se
upotrebljava u stotinu znaenja u engleskom. Ovde je:
kako emo tamo dospeti?)
Well, said the Giant. I think the best way is
to take an aeroplane (e:eroplejn). That is the quickest
All right, then let us take an aeroplane, agreed
Mr. Brown. Well, then good-bye, Lizzy, said the
Giant. We are off (Odosmo idiom).
Having said good-bye to Lizzy, our three friends
took a taxi and got (dospee) within (widhin u roku
od) half an hour to the aerodrome (e:erodroum).

KATE. You are very generous (deneres plemenit),

DENNIS (after a pause po:z pauza). Very well,
you shall choose.
NORWOOD (satisfied). Ah!
DENNIS. Walt a moment, Mr. Norwood. (To Kate).
When did you first meet him?
KATE. A year ago.
DENNIS. And he's been making love to you for a
year? (Kate bends her head). He's been making
love to you for a year?
NORWOOD. I think, sir, that the sooner the lady makes
her choice (ojs izbor) the better. After all,
(najzad) is it fair (fe:e fer, pravo) to her to?
DENNIS. Are you fair to me? You've been making
love to her for a year. I made love to her for a
fortnight (fo:tnajt dve nedelje, etrnaest dana)
four years ago. And now you want her to choose
(elite da ona izabere) between us. Is that fair?
NORWOOD. You hardly expect (vi valjda ne oekujete)

us to wait a year before she is allowed (trpni oblik!

pre nego to joj bude doputeno) to make up her
mind? (Mind majnd razum, pamet; glava u prenosnom
smislu. To make up one's mind reiti se).
DENNIS. I waited four years for her during (djuring
za vreme) the war... Still (ipak) I won't ask you
to wait a year. I'll ask you to wait for five minutes.
KATE. What is it you want us to do, Dennis?
DENNIS. I want you to listen to both (bouth oboje)
of us, for five minutes each (svaki ponaosob); that's
all. After all we're your suitors (sjute prosilac) are
n't we? You're going to choose between us. "Very
well, then, you must hear what we have to say. Mr.
Norwood shall have five minutes alone with you in
which (u kojima, t. j. za koje vreme) to present (prizent
pokloniti, izloiti), his case (kejs
stvar, gledite, ali i sluaj). Five minutes in which
to tell you how beautiful you are... and how rich
he is... and how happy you'll be together. And I
shall have my five minutes.
NORWOOD (sneering sni:e potsmevati se). Five
minutes in which to tell her lies (laj la) about
me, eh?
DENNIS. Damn it (dam proklet. Izraz damn it
neka je prokleto, koje odgovara naem do avola" je
svakidanja uostalom sasvim utiva engleska
psovka), you've had a whole year in which to tell
her lies about yourself (vidi 126), you ought to give
me five minutes. (To Kate) Well?
KATE. I agree, Dennis.

Mr. Brown paid the taxi driver, and then

turned to the Giant and Mr. Macpherson.
Excuse me, gentlemen, may I ask you one question?

Yes, please, said the Giant. If we can help

It is this. Will you come with me to Czechoslovakia?

Yugoslavia, corrected (krekt ispraviti, popraviti)

the Giant. Yugoslavia, I mean.
Mr. Macpherson looked hesitant (hezitentt oklevajui,
I am going to pay your, fare (fe:e podvoz, cena
podvoza) and all expenses (ekspensez trokovi). Oh

yes, certainly. I'll come with you, agreed Mr.

And you, Mr. Giant? I am willing (wiling
voljan). Very well, then. Let us buy the tickets!
Where is the booking office? (buking-fis
biletarnica). Here it is. On the left.
Mr. Brown knocked at the window of the booking
office. The clerk opened the window.
Can you give us direct tickets for Yugoslavia?
asked Mr. Brown.
I can. For which town do you want them?
Where are we going, Mr. Giant? To
Dubrovnik. For Dubrovnik.
Single or return? (singl, ritoe:n proste, povratne).
Return, please.
That will be forty-four, three and seven return
per (poee: od) ticket.
(Ovo 44, 3 i 7 znai: 44 funte, 3 ilinga, 7 penia). The
ticket includes (inklud podrazumeva) an allowance
(alauens doslovno: doputenje, prenosno znai ono
to se doputa, to se daje. Ovde: pravo na besplatan
prevoz prtljaga. Isto tako: novac, koji roditelj daje sinu ili
erci meseno monthly allowance) for sixty-six
pounds of luggage (lagid prtljag).
(Pound paund je mera za teinu, 453 grama, jedan
paund ima 16 unca ounce auns. Za duinu mera
je yard ja:d arin, 91 santimetar, koji ima 3 feet,
stopa, svaki foot ima 12 inch in palac od 2.5
santimetra. Tena je mera pint pajht, dobrih pola
litra i quart kwo:t tj. dva pints).
We have no luggage.

DENNIS. Good. (He throws (throw threw thrown

throu thru: thrown baciti) a coin (koin
iskovan novac) into the air, and puts it on the back of
his hand. To Norwood) Call!
NORWOOD. What does this mean? Tails. .
DENNIS (uncovers ankave otkriti the coin).
Heads. You shoot first (u:t sem pucati znai i utirati).
NORWOOD (confused). What do you want? I don't
DENNIS. You. have five minutes in which to lay your
case before Mrs. Camberley. (lay laid laid
lej lejd poloiti, lay your case da izloite

svoju stvar). Five minutes (he looks at his watch)

and then I shall come back... Is there a fire in the
dining room (dajning-ru:m trpezarija), Kate?
Notirajte razliku izmeu:
Lie lay lain laj lej lejn leati, i
Lay laid laid lej lejd lejd poloiti;
sneti (jaje) i
Lie lied lied laj lajd lajd lagati.
I had just lain down, when he came and said the
hen bad laid an egg. But it was not true. He lied.
KATE (smiling in spite in spajt uprkos of herself).
A gas-fire (gas gas, plin); it is n't lit (light lit
lit lajt lit lit upaliti, light svetlost; ovde
DENNIS. Then I shall light it. (To Norwood) That
will make the room nice and warm (wo:m topao)
for you by the time you've finished (taman dok budete
svrili). (He goes to the, door and says again) Five
(There is an awkward okwe:d nelagodan,
nespretan silence sajlens tiina after he is
gone. Kate waits for Norwood to say something, but
Norwood does not know what is expected of him (ta
se oekuje od njega).
NORWOOD (looking anxiously at the door). What is
his game? (gejm igra. Idiom za: na to on to cilja?
Kakav to plan ima on?)
KATE. Game?
NORWOOD. Yes. I don't like it. Why the devil did he
choose today to come back? If h'ed (he had) wait ed
another week (wi:k sedmica, nedelja dana), we would
have been safely away together (to be away ne biti
kod kue tj. bili bi sigurni i zajedno na nekom drugom
mestu). What's his game, I wonder? (sem udi me,
znai prenosno: pitam se?). (He walks up and down,
KATE. I don't think he's playing a game. He's (he is)
just giving me my chance (on mi prosto daje
NORWOOD. What chance? (a:ns ansa, pritoka).
KATE. A chance to decide between you.

(To do business bukvalno initi posao svriti

posao, obavljati posao).
How many tickets do you want?

Three tickets, please.

Wait a minute, Mr. Macpherson interrupted,
only two tickets, please.
How is that? (Kako to?)
You see, this gentleman, Mr. Macpherson pointed
at the Giant, does not pay for his ticket. He is
a spirit.
Excuse me, said the clerk. We have never had
spirits as passengers (pasende putnik) before. You
must see the manager.
Very well. I'll see the manager.
The clerk lifted the receiver.
Hallo. A gentleman to see you (tj. a gentleman
wants to see you) about reduction (ridakn popust)
on tickets for spirits.
Will you, please, walk in? the clerk turned to
Mr. Macpherson walked into the manager's office.
Take a seat, please, said the manager. What
can I do for you?
I have come to complain (kmplejn aliti se).
I am sorry about that.
The case is as follows. (Sluaj je u ovome, doslovno:
sluaj je sledei). We have a spirit in our company
(kampeni drutvo). And your clerk wants
to charge (a:d naplatiti) us a full ticket (celu
kartu) for him.
I am afraid (efrejd bojim se. Ovo je veoma
uobiajena fraza kada Englez eli da kae neto neprijatno,
ili da odbije nekoga), sir, said the manager, we have no
rule about any reduction on tickets for spirits. Only
children pay half-price (ha:f-prajs upola cene). All
passengers pay a full ticket.
Excuse me, said Macpherson, but it would be
against the law (lo: zakon) to charge for a spirit.
A spirit is not a person.
While Mr. Macpherson was talking to the manager,
the Giant and Mr. Brown were walking up and
down before the booking office.
I wonder, said Mr. Brown, what success (sekses
uspeh) Macpherson has had with the manager.
Oh, he is all right, said the Giant. He has just
got (dobio) a free (fri: slobodan, besplatan) ticket
for me, and now he is getting a hundred guineas (gini
gvineja, engleski novac) for himself.

(Guinea, 21 iling ne postoji kao stvaran novac,

nego samo kao raunska jedinica. Ona je veoma uobiajena
u veim trgovinama).
A hundred guineas for himself? How is that? He
has just sold the manager the advertisement rights
(advoe:tisment rajts, reklamno pravo) of being the first
company to have a spirit as a passenger (gramatika
163). Oh yes, the Giant shook his head, Mr.
Macpherson is a good business man.

NORWOOD. You've decided that, Kate. You've had a

year to think about it, and you've decided. We love
each other. You're coming away with me. that's all
settled. Only... what the devil is his game?
KATE (sitting down and talking to herself). Your'e
quite right about my not knowing him. (Ima potpuno
pravo da ga ja ne poznajem, gramatika 163). How
one married easily in those early days of the war
(kako se svet enio lako onih ranih tj. prvih
dana rata), knowing nothing about each other. And
then they come back, and even the little one thought
one did know is different (pa ak i ono malo to se
mislilo da se zna drugaije je)...
I suppose (sepouz pretpostaviti) he feels the same
about me.
NORWOOD (to himself). Damn him! (slobodno prevedeno:
neka ga nosi vrag).
KATE (after a pause). Well, Cyril?
NORWOOD (looking sharply at her). Well?
KATE. We have n't got very long.
(Get, kao to smo rekli, upotrebljava se u engleskom
u hiljadu znaenja. Ovde, na primer, sasvim
je izlino. We have not very long nemamo dugo,
znai sasvim isto).
NORWOOD (looking at his watch). He really means
to come back in five minutes?
KATE. You heard him say so.
NORWOOD (goes to her and speaks eagerly i:geli
ivo, vatreno, eljno). Why should we not go now? (zato
ne bismo otili sada). You've got a hat here. We can
go away quietly (kwajetli tiho, mirno, bez buke).
He will not hear us. He'll come back and find that we
have gone. Well, what can he do? Probably he'll walk
about (po) the house a little time, and then go to his

club (klab klub). We'll have our dinner at the

restaurant; ring up your maid; tell her to meet you
with some things (sa neto stvari), and leave London by
the night train. Scotland anywhere (kuda bilo) you
like. We don't want any melodrama and nonsense.
KATE. Do you want to go out now, and not wait for
him to have his five minutes?

To get nije (knjievna re, ali se mnogo upotrebljava

u obinom govoru, i to u veoma razliitim znaenjima.
Pokuaemo dati sistematski pregled najglavnijih
164. Osnovno znaenje od to get je dobiti. You
got a letter. She got a present.
165. Od ovoga izrodilo se srodno znaenje imati,
koje stoji pored have, i u stvari je sasvim izlino.
Have you got a cigarette? Have you got time?
166. Tree vano znaenje je postati. Uporedi
ovo znaenje sa grow. To get old ostareti. To get
bald oelaviti. To get young podmladiti se. To
get well ozdraviti. To get ill razboleti se.
167. etvrto znaenje obuhvata kretanje. I have
got here stigao sam. I got to London in the morning
stigao sam u London ujutru. S ovim u vezi imate iz
raze: to get in ui, to get out izai, get up
ustati. It is nice to get out into the country lepo
je izai u polje. He got into the same tram as I
uao je u isti tramvaj (tram) kao i ja. I got up at
six o'clock ustao sam u est sati.
168. Poslednje znaenje koje treba zapamtiti je
morati. I have got to go moram da idem. You
have got to learn this lesson morate nauiti ovaj
zadatak. Poredi ovo sa drugim znaenjem. I ovde got
stoji pored have i nepotrebno je.
Iz ovih primera moi ete zakljuiti i druga, manje
vana znaenja od to get, kada naiete na njih. Na
primer: Have you got ready? Jesi li gotov? Jesi li se
spremio? (Tj. Jesi li postao spreman?) He got a cold
yesterday Jue je nazebao (tj. dobio je jue nazeb).
Home-lesson (domai zadatak). (To get).
Ustani i izai. Ako nazebe., mora da legne u
krevet. Spremi se i ui u prvi tramvaj. Zar moram da
idem ? (Moram li). Da, mora. Imamo vrlo dobrog psa.
Ostareo je iznenada (suddenly). Razboleo sam se u
ponedeljak, ali sam ozdravio posle tri dana. Jeste li primili

moj poklon (present). Jesam, primio sam ga jutros (ovo

jutro). Stigao sam kui tano (exactly) u podne.

NORWOOD (impatiently). What does he want with

five minutes? What's the good of it to him? (Idiom:
kakve koristi moe da ima od toga? Nauite: what's the
good of it? Kakva korist od toga? emu to?) Just to
say, goodbye to you, and pretend (pritend pretvarati
se) that you've ruined (ruin upropastiti) his life? In
fact (ustvari) he will be secretly (u tajnosti, secret
sikret tajna) laughing at having got free (to se
oslobodio) of you so easily. I know these young men. He
is probably thinking of some major's (mejde major)
wife in India. Or he may think of blackmail (blakmejl
ucena). You don't want to be mixed up (umeana, tj.
dovedena u vezu) with any scandal of that sort (sort
vrsta, sorta). No, the best thing we can do I am
speaking for your sake (sejk radi, for your sake
tebe radi, for my sake mene radi itd.), Kate
is to go away quietly, while we've got the chance.
(Evo ga Jedno nepotrebno got). We can write and
explain all that we want to explain.
KATE (looking wonderingly udei se at him;
Norwood is now another drukiji man whom
she does n't know). Is that quite fair to Dennis?
NORWOOD. Good God! This isn't a game! Camberley
may think it is a game with his tossing a coin. But
you and I are n't children. Everything is fair in a
case like this (u ovakvom sluaju). Put your hat on
quickly (he takes her hat) here you are
(evo ti)
KATE (standing up). I am not sure, Cyril.
HORWOOD. What do you mean? KATE. He
expects me to wait for him.
NORWOOD. If it comes to that (ako doe do toga), he
expected you to wait for him four years ago.
KATE. Yes... (Quietly). Thank you for reminding (rimajnd
potsetiti, za gramatiku 163) me. (Dakle: to
si me potsetio).
NORWOOD. Kate, don't be stupid (stjupid glupa,
luda). What's (what has) happened to you? Of course,
I know all this has upset you. But isn't it better
(zar nije bolje) to finish with all this? You've got a
chance now of getting out (izvui se, iskobeljati se,

osloboditi se, izai) of it, and (He looks at his

KATE. Is the, five minutes over? (proli).
NORWOOD. Quick, quick! (He puts his fingers (finge
prst) to his lips (Up usnica). Quietly. He
walks quietly to the door).
KATE. Cyril!
NORWOOD. H'sh (he pst, mir!). KATE (sitting
down again). No, Cyril. I must wait for
(The door opens, and Norwood starts sta:t
trgnuti se as Dennis comes in).

(domestik domai, kuni, porodini).

Mrs. Green was laying the table (lay the table ili
set the table postaviti sto) when little Tom came
into the room.
Mamma, when is father coming home from the
office? I am getting hungry. (Opet jedno znaenje
rei get. U ovom sluaju ogladneti).
Why? What time is it? Oh, dear, (Englezi kau
oh dear tamo gde bismo mi jao! It is half past six,
and I have n't laid the table yet. He should be back any
minute now. (Treba da se vrati sad svakog asa).
Come, and help me lay the table.
Laying the table isn't boys' work (posao za deake).
I shall call Jean (Di:n). Jean! Come and help
mamma lay the table.
What do you want, mamma, said Jean as she
entered the room (ulazei, dok je ulazila).
Run into the kitchen (kin kuhinja) and bring
three little spoons (spu:n kaika), and the saltcellar
(salt solt so, cellar sele podrum,.
ali salt-cellar, slanik).
Do you need any knives or forks? (fo:k viljuka).

No. The forks are all here. But you might (mogla
bi) bring two more (jo dva) napkins (napkin
salveta). Who is that at the door? Oh, it's.daddy (dadi
tatica). How are you, daddy? Feeling tired? (tj. are
you feeling tired).
Just a little. How is everybody in the house?
Robert isn't very well. I have sent him to bed.
What is the matter with the child? (ta je to sa

I think he has caught a cold (catch a cold

Ought we to call the doctor?
No, I don't think so. It is nothing serious (siries
ozbiljan. Ovde: ozbiljno. Primer prideva uz it is,
gde bismo mi upotrebili prilog). Just a little cold in
the head (kijavica!)
He will have to be careful this winter. (Morae
da se pazi primer gde he will znai pojaavanje
glagola, a ne samo budue vreme). The air is so damp
(damp vlaan) at this time of the year.
It is no use (ne vredi zabeleite ovaj veoma est
idiomatini izraz) talking to the child. He is so
careless (ke:eles) nebriljiv). He always catches
He ought to wear (we:e nositi odelo, za razliku
od carry kari nositi stvar) a heavier (hevi
teak) overcoat.
Translation (translejn prevod) of Home-lesson.
Get up and get out. If you get a cold you must get to
bed. Get ready and get into the first tram. Have I got
to go. Yes, you've got to. I have got a good dog. He has
got old suddenly. I got ill on Monday, but I got well
three days later (after three days). Did you get my
present? Yes, I got it this morning. I got home
exactly at noon.

DENNIS (looking at his, watch). Your five minutes are

over. The dining-room is nicely warm now, and I've
left you an evening paper. NORWOOD (going to
Kate). Look here, Mr. Camberley,
Kate and I DENNIS. Mrs. Camberley, no
doubt (bez sumnje), will
tell me.
(He holds the door open and waits politely for
Norwood to go).
NORWOOD. I don't know what your game is
DENNIS. You've never been in Mesopotamia, Mr. Norwood?
DENNIS. But I have. People who have been in Mesopotamia
easily lose (lose lost lost lu:z lst
izgubiti) their temper (tempe raspoloenje,
strpljenje. Zabeleite: He is in a bad temper
ravo je raspoloen, good temper dobro raspoloen.

I've lost my temper izgubio sam strpljenje).

I am waiting for you. NORWOOD (undecided
andisajded neodluan).
Well I (He goes slowly to the door) Well, I
shall come back for Kate in five minutes. DENNIS.
Mrs. Camberley and I will be ready for you.
You know your way. (Norwood goes out). (Dennis
shuts the door. He comes into the room
and stands looking at Kate).
KATE (uncomfortably). Well?
(un an je odreni predmetak. Comfortable
ugodan, prijatan, a uncomfortable neugodan, neprijatan.
Slino smo imali decided odluan i undecided;
fortunate i unfortunate, happy i unhappy.
Zapamtite ovo pa ete moi pogoditi puno novih engleskih
rei). DENNIS. No, don't move. I just want to look at
I've seen you like that (tako) for four years. Don't
move... I've been in some very unhappy places, but
you've been with me most of the time (najee,
mahom). Just let's have a last look, (pusti samo da
se poslednji put pogledamo). KATE. A last
look? DENNIS. Yes. KATE. You're saying
good-bye to me?

Is dinner ready?
No, not yet. Cook (kuk kuvarica) 's been (has
been) out this afternoon. Monday is her free day.
So it is! I forgot about that.
Dinner will be ready in half an hour. You can
sit down and read your evening-paper.
No, I've read my paper in the bus. I'll go out
into the garden and do a little work. The grass is
getting too long. I must cut it. Or perhaps, I will trim
(trim potkresati) the hedge (hed ograda) a little.
Where are the scissors (sizez makaze)?
I think you'll find them in the shed (ed upa).
They are on the shelf (elf polica), together with
your gardening-gloves (glav rukavica, dakle: batenskim
Mr. Green went out into the garden and found his
gloves, scissors, and a watering can (kan kanta,
watering-can kanta za polivanje) in the shed. He
then worked for half an hour, when he heard Mrs.
Green calling him.

Come along! (hajde) Dinner is ready.
Coming! (Evo me!)
When Mr. Green came into the dining-room, all
the family was sitting at table (za stolom). Only Robert
was upstairs in bed with his cold.
Now, children, said Mr. Green as he sat down,
have you all been good? Or have you been naughty?
(no:ti nevaljao, nestaan, neposluan).
They have all been good, said Mrs. Green,
except (eksept izuzev, sem) Tom.
Why, what's (has) he done?
He's (has) torn his trousers (trauzez pamtalone).
It was not I who tore them. A boy at school tore
Yes, again.
Tom, that is very naughty of you.
I am sorry, daddy, but it was n't my fault.

DENNIS. I don't know whether it's to you, Kate. To

the girl, who has been with me these last four years.
Was, that you?
KATE (dropping her eyes). I don't know, Dennis.
DENNIS. I wish I.wasn't (was not) your husband. (e-,
leo bih da nisam pogodbeno. Otuda was a ne is.
Englez, dakle kae: elim da ne bejah. Sleduje
specijalna lekcija o pogodbenom nainu).
KATE. What would you do if you were not my husband?
(Posle if pogodbeno, i opet, zapazite, prolo
vreme gramatika 162).
DENNIS. I would make love to you (udvarao bih ti se).
KATE. Can't you do that now?
DENNIS. Being (budui da sam) your husband handicaps
me (handikap handikapira, tj. stavlja me u
nepovoljni poloaj). I never really had a chance
against the other man.
KATE: You said, I was to choose between you (was
posle said, glagol u zavisnoj reenici slae se sa
onim u glavnoj! Rekao si da u imati da biram).
You think that I have already (olredi ve) made
up my mind? (Zapiite idiom make up one's mind

odluili se.)
DENNIS (smilingly). I think so.
KATE. And chosen him?
DENNIS (shaking his head). Oh, no!
KATE (surprised) You think I have chosen you?
DENNIS (nodding). M'm.
KATE (indignantly). Really, Dennis! Considering (uzimajui
u obzir ) that I had almost arranged to
run away (pobei) with him twenty minutes ago!
You must think me (smatrati me) very fickle (fikl
prevrtljiva, nestalna).
DENNIS. Not fickle. Imaginative (imadinetiv puna
KATE. What do you mean? And why are you so certain
that I am going to choose you? And why in
that case (u tom sluaju) did you talk about taking a
last look at me? (da me jo jednom poslednji put
pogleda) And what ?
DENNIS Of course we've only got five minutes, but I
think if you asked (preanje vreme zavisno od
think u glavnoj reenici. Kod nas: ali mislim kada bi
me pitala) your questions one at a time (jednu po
KATE (smiling). Well, you needn't (need not) answer
them all together.
(Worried zabrinut)
That reminds me, Daddy, Jean needs a new dress
and I need a new hat.
Couldn't (could not) Jean make her dress last
(la:st trajati, ietrajali) a little longer?
No, she can't. The child is growing very fast. Her
last year's dress has had to be lengthened twice already.
(Had to be morala je biti!; to lengthen-
lengthn ako ne moete izgovoriti, onda lengthen
What about your hat then?
Impossible (impsibl nemogue; possible
mogue). It is quite out of fashion (fan moda;
doslovno van mode, tj. nije u modi). I can't walk in
the streets like a scarecrow (crow vrana; scarecrow
ske:ekrou strailo).
There is always something. Always new hats, new
shoes, new dresses. I'm not a millionaire! (miljene:e).
Robert: I have just remembered. There is a letter for

you from the taxation-office (taksejn-fis poreska

uprava; tax taks poreza). And the electricity (ilektrisiti)
and water bills (bil raun) have also arrived today.
Damn it! said Mr. Green, and threw down his
My dear, you mustn't (must not) swear (swe:e
psovati) in front of (pred) the children just because the
bills have come.
It wasn't (was not) that. It was the soup. I burnt
(burn burnt burnt boe:n boe:nt goreti,
izgoreti) my mouth (mauth usta).

DENNIS. All right, then, one at a time. Why am I

certain that you will choose me? Because for the first
time in your life you have just been alone with Mr.
Cyril Norwood. That's what I meant by
saying (kada sam rekao), you were imaginative.
The Norwood you've been thinking yourself in love
with (onaj Norwud u koga si mislila da si zaljubljena)
doesn't exist. I'm (am) certain that you've seen him
for the first time in these last few minutes. Why,
even the best of men would have made a hash (ha
iseckano meso; doslovno nainio bi fairane
nicle; a prenosno to je idiom za nainio bi
konfuziju, zbunio bi se, pobrkao bi) of five minutes
like that. It would have been impossible for him to
say the right thing to you. Norwood? Good God, he
didn't have a chance. You were judging (dad
suditi, ocenjivati; judge sudija) him all the time.
Weren't (were not) you? (zar nisi?).
KATE (thoughtfully). You're very clever, Dennis.
DENNIS (cheerfully i:eful veseo, raspoloen).
Four years' study of the Turkish (toe:ki) character
KATE. But how do you know I'm not judging YOU all
the time?
DENNIS. Of course you are. But there's (there is) all
the difference (diferens razlika; sva je razlika) the
world between judging a stranger like me, and
judging the man you thought you were in love with
(tj. the man with whom you thought you were in
love. Primer gde je predlog baen na kraj reenice).
KATE. You are (ovako naglaeno ti si zaista) a
stranger to me.

DENNIS. I know. That's why I said good bye to the

girl who had been with me these last four years,
the girl I had married. Well, I've said good-bye to
her. You're not my wife any longer (ti vie nisi
moja ena), Kate; but if you don't mind (ako ti ne
smeta, ako ti je svejedno) pretending that I am not
your husband, and just give me a chance of making
love to you, well, that's all I want.
(Englesko pretend nema uvek smisao pretvarati
se, praviti se. Ono je kao nae deje: ja u k'o bajagi
da budem kralj I'll pretend to be king. Ovde:
kao bajagi da ja nisam tvoj mu).
KATE. You're very generous, Dennis.
DENNIS. No, I'm not. I am very much in love. But as
a man in love I am not the usual silly ass (sili
as ludo magare. Usual juual uobiajen).
(Englez ne kae: Magare jedan, nego you silly
ass. On dakle pravi razliku izmeu obinog i jogunastog
ili ludog magareta!)
Why should you love me? You fell in love with my
uniform (junifo:m) at the beginning of the war. I was
ordered to the front (dobio sam naredbu za front),
and you fell in love with the departing (di pa:t
otii, odlaziti, otputovati) hero (hi:ro heroj). After
that? Well, I had four years alone in which to
think aboat you, and you had four years with
other men in which to forget me. Is it any wonder
that (je li udo to ) (Norwood comes in).
NORWOOD (roughly rafli grubo) Well?
DENNIS. You arrived just in time, Mr. Norwood. I was
talking too much. (To Kate) Mrs. Camberley, we
are both at your disposal (dispouzl raspoloenje, u
smislu: stojimo vam na raspoloenju!). Will you
choose between us, which one is to have the happiness
(hapines srea) of serving you?
NORWOOD (holding out ispruiti his hand to
her, and speaking in the voice of a proprietor (proprajete
posednik, vlasnik). .) Kate!
KATE (goes slowly to Norwood holding out her hand).
(To be concluded).

MRS. GREEN. What's the matter (ta je to) with

you, Jean? You look upset.
JEAN. I don't like the soup. It's burnt (boe:nt zagorela).
MRS. GREEN (tastes tejst okusiti the soup

herself). Rubbish! (rabi doslovno: ubre. U

obinom govoru: budalatine! gluposti!) It isn't.
MR. GREEN. I am afraid, mamma, it is. (Vidite kako
se g. Green, kao pravi Englez slui s I am afraid,
kad ima neto neprijatno da kae).
TOM. You know, mamma always burns the soup
when cook is out.
MRS. GREEN. These children! They always have
some ideas! (ajdie) (Idiom: imaju bube, lutke). I think we
ought to send them to a boarding-school (bo:ding-sku:l
internat; slino boarding-house pansion). There
they'll have to eat what they are given (opet trpno
stanje umesto naeg aktivnog: ta im se da), and not
have ideas!
JEAN. I don't want to go to a boarding-school.
MRS. GREEN. Now, come along (hajde!), and clear
away the dishes (raspremi posue dish di
inija, sud).
JEAN. Yes, mamma, but I don't want to go to a
MR. GREEN. Nobody said you would. (Ovo vam je
poslednja opomena da u sporednoj reenici koja . je
zavisna od glavne, a to je obino posle say, think, wish,
glagola koji oznaavaju elju, misao, itd., glagol se mora
sloili i biti u istom vremenu kao u glavnoj. Vidi
gramatiku 163. Dakle ne: nobody said that you will,
kako bi to bilo kada bi se prevodilo s naeg jezika, nego
nobody said you would). JEAN. You did.
MR. GREEN. I did not say that we would send you,
but that we ought to.
JEAN. What's the difference (diferens razlika)? MR.
GREEN. Well, you see, ought means that we
ought. But it does not mean that we'll actually
akueli stvarno) send you.
(Mr. Green, kao to vadite, kao pravi Englez nije vet
u objanjavanju. Ought znai treba u moralnom smislu.
Must je mora bez obzira na moral. Tako: I must
write this letter znai, moram da napiem ovo pismo. A
I ought to write this letter trebalo bi da ga napiem.
Umesto ought esto se moe rei: have to, ili got to. I
have to go. I've got to go).

KATE (shaking Norwood's hand). Good-bye, Mr. Norwood.

NORWOOD (astonished astni zauditi se).

Kate! (To Dennis) You devil! DENNIS. And two

minutes ago I was comparing you
with the best of men. NORWOOD (sneeringly to Kete).
So you're going to
be a loving wife to him after all? DENNIS (tapping
tap kucati him kindly on
the shoulder). You remember what I said about
Mesopotamia? NORWOOD (pulling himself together
hastily urno
se pribravi; pull pul vui; pull oneself
together pribrati se; haste hejst urba;
hasty uran) Good-bye, Mrs. Camberley. I can
only hope that you will be happy. (He
goes out with dignity).
DENNIS (closing the door). Well, there we agree.
(He comes back to her).
KATE. What a stupid little fool I have been. (She
holds out her arms to him) Dennis!
DENNIS (pretends to retreat ritri:t povui se,
povlaiti se - in alarm eIa:m uzbuna). Oh, no,
you don't (nee). (He shakes a finger at her) We're
not going to be too much in a hurry (hari
urba) THIS time.
KATE (reproaching riprou: prebaciti). Dennis!
DENNIS. I think you should call me (trebalo bi da
me zove) Mr. Camberley.
KATE (with a smile). Mr. Camberley.
DENNIS. That's better. Now our courtship (ko:tip
udvaranje) begins. (Bowing low) Madam, will you do
me the great honour (ne ast pazite h se ovde
ne izgovara) of dining with me this evening?
KATE (bowing). I shall be charmed (a:md anantiran
DENNIS. Then let us hasten (hejsn uriti se). The
carriage (karid kola) waits.
KATE (holding up the two hats). Which of these two
do you prefer (prifoe: pretpostavljati), Mr. Camberley?
DENNIS. Might I prefer the black one with the pink
KATE. It is very elegant (elegent), is it not? (She puts it
DENNIS. It suits (sju:t priliiti) you excellently... I
might mention that I am staying at the club. Is
your ladyship (lejdiip your ladyship odgovara
naem: milostiva) doing anything tomorrow?

KATE. Nothing of any great importance (impo:tns

vanost). (He offers ofe ponuditi his arm and
she takes it).
DENNIS (as they go to the door). Then perhaps I
may be allowed (bie mi doputeno) to visit you tomorrow
morning about eleven, and ask about
your ladyship's health? (helth zdravlje). KATE. It
would be very nice of you, sir. (They go out
together). The End

MRS. GREEN. Bring the roast-beef (ro:st bi:f

to bismo mi rekli rozbif) with the potatoes and
greens (zeleno povre).
TOM. What else (els drugo) is there?
MRS. GREEN. There is also some rice pudding (rice
rajs pirina. Ali rice pudding, naalost, nije koh
od pirina nego prost sutlija. Ovo kao opomena da ne
nastradate ako odete u Englesku).
MR. GREEN. Did I hear somebody knock at the door?
MRS. GREEN. It's half past seven. It must be the postman.
(U pogodbenim reenicama, posle if preanje vreme
162). Tom goes out into the passage (pasid
hodnik) and comes back with a letter.
MR. GREEN (looks at the letter). It has a foreign
stamp (stamp marka). Where is it from? Dubrovnik?
Is n't that the town where Mr. Brown
went? But no! The letter is addressed to you. (Hands
pruiti the letter to his wife). Mr. Brown
would not write to you!
Let me congratulate you! (kngraulejt estitati).
You have now finished not only an English
story but also an English play (not only but also
ne samo nego i). And the play was not easy.
People in it spoke just (ba) like people in London,
not thinking of poor pupils (pjupl uenik) who
are learning English. Perhaps some of you did not
understand every phrase. That does not matter. The
important thing is that those who could understand
the play, and who have learnt all the idioms, can now
read any (makoju) English book with a dictionary.
Having congratulated you, I must now scold those
(skould izgrditi) who did not translate the Brown-GiantGreen conversations from English into Serbo-Croatian
and back. Some of you have n't done it? Is n't that

right? From next lesson we shall have homelessons

again, and then nema vie vrdanja. (Ovo biste, da znate
engleski dobro, rekli hanky-panky hanki-panki. Ali
poto ne znate, nije potrebno ni da kaete, ni da nauite).
With this lesson we begin the fourth part of the
course. In it we shall learn some more difficult points
(point taka) of grammar, and consolidate (knslidejt) what we already know. We shall also read a
new story called The Judgement of Paris (dadment
presuda) by Leonard Merrick (lened merik). Leo
nard Merrick is a well-known (poznati) modern writer
who has written many very good short stories,
and I am sure you will find this one (vidi as 33) very
amusing (amjuzing zabavan). The story takes place
(deava se) in Paris, and the names of the people are
therefore French. To make it easier for you, we have
simplified it in several (sevrel nekoliko, vie njih)

In the summer of the memorable (memorabl koji

vredi zapamtiti, od memory memori pamenje) year
, but the date (dejt datum) doesn't matter,
Robichon and Quinquart (French names, koja se
izgovaraju robion i kenkar), both paid court (ko:t
dvor; pay court udvarati se) to Mademoiselle
Brouette. She was a charming (a:ming armantan,
privlaan), actress (aktres. glumica); Robichon and
Quinquart were the most comic (kmik smean) of
comedians (kmidien komiar); and all three were
members (membe lan) of the same theatre.
Robichon was such an idol (ajdel idol) of the
public (pablik) that they used to (pravilo 122) laugh
before he said the first word of his role (roul uloga);
and Quinquart was so popular that his silence threw
(baci) the audience (o:diens gledaoci, sluaoci) into
convulsions (knvaln gr).
(Throw threw thrown throu thru:
throun baciti).
Professional (prfenel . profesionalan) rivalry
(rajvlri rivalstvo) apart (epa:t na stranu), the two
were good friends, although (oldhou ma da, iako)
they were suitors (sjute prosilac, udvaralac) of the
same lady, and this was doubtless (bez sumnje) due to
(dju tu usled; to se bez sumnje imalo pripisati)

the fact (fakt) that the lady favoured (fejve

pretpostavljati) the robust (rbast snaan). Robichon
no more (nita vie) than the skinny (skini jako mrav,
od skin koa) Quinquart. She flirted (filoe:t flertovati,
aikovati) with them equally (podjednako od equal i:kwel
isti, podjednak) and at last, when each of them had
insisted (insist insistirati) beyond (bi:jnd s one
strane) endurance (endjurens izdrljivost; beyond
endurance vie no to se moglo izdrati), she promised
(prmis obeati) in a pet (pet mala ljutina, trenutna
ljutina) that she would marry the one that was the
better actor.
But not a player on the stage (stejd pozornica),
not a critic (kritik kritiar) on the Press (press
tampa) could quite make up his mind (make up one's
mind odluiti se; idiom koji treba da nauite jer je
est) which the better actor was.

169. Read, first rule number 54, and then let us practise
(praktis vebati se, uvebati) a few things which you
don't know well.
If you go into an empty room, you say: there is
nobody (niko) in the room. But if you find a person, you
say: there is somebody (neko); When you ask, you say:
is there anybody (iko)?
You can answer either there is nobody or there is
n't anybody. You can also say: there is nothing or
there isn't anything.
U engleskoj reenici, kao to smo uili, ne mogu da
budu dve odrene rei. I zato, ako se u reenici nalazi
neka odrena re kao not, never, neither, onda njoj moe
sledovati samo jedan od oblika anybody, anythnig,
Prema tome: There is something on the chair. Is
there anything on the table? There is nothing.
There isn't anything. Nobody knows anything. I can
go nowhere. I cannot go anywhere. Anywhere
enive:e zasebno znai igde, ma gde. I have nothing to
say. I haven't anything to say.
Zadatak. Prevedite po mogustvu na oba naina, ako
u zagradi iza reenice stoji (2). Jeste li nauili ita?
Neto smo nauili. Nismo nauili nita (2). Videli smo
nekog, ali nismo znali ko je (pravilo 161). Nismo videli
nikoga (2). Ko je to? Nije niko (2). Kuda (where) ste ili
ovoga leta? Nismo ili nikuda (2). Znate li ita o toj

(about) stvari (matter)? Ne znam nita (2).


Only Suzanne (francuski sizan, engleski su:zn)

Brouette could have said something so impossible.
But how shall we decide the point, Suzanne?
stammered Robichon helplessly (helplesli bespomono).
Whose judgement will you accept (aksept
How can the question be settled? asked Quinquart
worried. Who shall be the judge?
Paris shall judge, affirmed (afoe:m potvrditi)
Suzanne. We are the servants (soe:vent sluga) of the
public. I will take the public's word!
Of course she was pretty (priti lepukast) as a
picture (pike slika), or (inae) she couldn't have said
these things.
Then poor Quinquart withdrew (widhdro: povui
se) in reverie (reveri sanjarije). So did (isto tako)
Robichon. Quinquart reflected (riflekt premiljati,
razmiljati) that she had been talking foolishly (fu:lili
ludo). The public lauded (lo:d hvaliti)
them both, and was no less generous to one than to
the other. To wait for the judgement of Paris appeared
(izgledalo je) the same as postponing (postpoun
odloiti) the matter sine die (latinski: beskonano). No
way presented (prizent pretstaviti se) itself to Quinquart.
None occurred to Robichon.
(Occur koe:e desiti se. Ali idiom: it occurred to
me setio sam se, pomislio sam na neto).

One nice day in December nineteen hundred and

fifty one (za nain iskazivanja godine vidi pismo u 42
asu) a car stopped outside the Dubrovnik hotel
Majestic (madestik).
(Dubrovnik je upotrebljen kao pridev).
Out of the car stepped three gentlemen. One of
them was much bigger than the other two. He was so
large that the boys in the street gathered (gadhe
skupiti se, u engleskom nije povratno) round the car to
look at him.
They entered the hotel, and one of them went
straight to the porter.
Can you tell me, please, he said whether a
Miss Brown is staying at the hotel?

(Pazite na ovo a Miss Brown ne prosto Miss

Brown. U ovoj vezi a znai: neka Miss Braun).
The porter turned to his assistant (asistent ili
asistnt pomonik).
Odi molim te, Ivo, ti zna engleski. Gospoda su
Will you, please, register (rediste registrirati,
upisati, upisati se) first, said the assistant-porter.
Yes, certainly, said the three gentlemen.
What is your name (nejm ime), please? The
young porter addressed (osloviti) the large gentleman,
because he thought that he must be the leader of the
party (parti partija, grupa). Charles (a:rls)
White, said the gentleman.
How old are you? (Dakle: koliko ste stari, a ne
koliko imate godina).
About three hundred and seventy one year. I was
born in fifteen hundred and, eighty.
Where were you born?
In London.
What is the name of your father?
I don't remember any longer. (Razlikujte any
more vie za koliinu, od any longer vie za
vreme). It was so long ago (davno). But if it is of
any use to you (ako vam je od ikakve koristi, est idiom)
put down (stavite dole tj. zabeleite) that he had a
long white beard, that he was a very nice gentleman,
that he liked to shave (ejv brijati se) himself twice
a week, and that he always went to the same barber
(ba:be berberin).
What is your occupation (okupejn zanima
nje) ?
Oh, I am just a ghost.
(Zabeleite idiom: twice a week, dva put nedeljno.
Five shillings a day pet ilinga dnevno. Three times a
month manth mesec tri puta meseno).
Reenje. Have you learnt anything? We have lernt
something. We have learnt nothing. We haven't
learnt anything. We saw somebody, but we did not
know who it was. We saw nobody. We didn't see anybody,
Who is that? It is nobody. It isn't anybody. Where
did you go this summer? We went nowhere. We did
not go anywhere. Do you know anything about this
matter? I know nothing. I don't know anything.


Come, said the latter (late ovaj drugi, to treba

da razlikujete od later lejte docniji), as they sat on
the terrace of their favourite (fejverit omiljeni) cafe
(kafe kavana) a day or two before the annual (anjuel
godinji) vacation (vekejn letnji odmor). Let us
discuss this amicably (amikebli prijateljski, od
amicable). Have a cigarette! You are an actor,
therefore you consider yourself more talented (talented
talentiran) than I. I too, am an actor, therefore I regard
you as less gifted (gift poklon, dar, a gifted obdaren)
than myself. So much (toliko) for our artistic (a:tistik
umetniki) standpoints (standpoint gledite). But we
are also men of the world (svetski ljudi), and it must be
obvious to, both of us that we might go on (da moemo i
dalje) being funny (fani smean) until we reached our
death-beds (deth smrt; deathbed samrtna postelja)
without demonstrating (demnstrejt pokazati, dokazati)
the supremacy (sjupremesi prvenstvo, preimustvo) of
either (tj. jednog od nas). I think, our hope lies in
versatility (voe:setiliti raznovrsnost sposobnosti).
The conqueror (knkere pobedilac) must
distinguish (distingwi odlikovati se) himself in a
solemn (slem ozbiljan) part (uloga). He viewed
(posmatrati) the other with complacence (kmplejsns
samodopadanje), for Quinquart looked funny by na
ture (od prirode).
Right! said Quinquart. He contemplated (kn
templejt posmatrati, razmiljali), for it was impossible
to imagine the fat Robichon in tragedy (tradedi).
I see only one difficulty (difikelti tekoa),
continued Robichon. The management (manidement
uprava) will never consent (knsent pristati)
to give us a chance. It is always so in the theatre. One
succeeds (seksi:d uspeti) in a certain line (lajn
linija, pravac) and one must be resigned (rizajn
dati ostavku, ali be resigned pomiriti se sa sudbi
nom) to play that line as long as one lives (dok ovek
ivi, celog veka). If my earliest success (da je moj prvi
uspeh) had been made as a villain (vilen nevaljalac)
of melodrama, it would be believed that I could act
nothing but (sem) villains of melodrama. It happened
(desilo se) that I made a hit (hit udarac, prenosno:
veliki uspeh) as a comedian. Now nobody will credit
(kredit kreditirati; prenosno: pokloniti veru) that I

am capable (kejpebl sposoban) of anything but

being comic (da nisam sposoban ni za ta sem da
budem komian).
Same here! agreed Quinquart. Well, then, what
do you propose?
After he had registered the three gentlemen, the
young porter took (odvesti) them upstairs, and showed
them their rooms. He was just leaving Mr. White's
room, when Mr. White addressed him.
Wait a minute, young man.
Yes, sir, said the porter.
What's your name?
You speak very good English, Ivan. Have you
ever been to England?
No, sir. Never.
Where did you learn your English then?
I learnt it from the lessons in the Politika. That
is a newspaper here.
Yes, I know. I read the Politika myself.
Do you, sir? The porter seemed surprised.
Then, you speak naki?
Well, I used to (jesam nekada), when I visited
Dalmatia before. But that was two hundred years
ago, and two centuries is a long time. I have rather
(radhe prilino) forgotten it. But I try to keep it up
(odravati) by reading (itanjem) when I have time. If
you cannot speak a language, the best thing is to
read as much as possible.
Yes, sir.
Tell me, now. Your pronunciation (pronansiejn
izgovor) is also good. How did you learn to pronounce
(pronauns izgovoriti) so well?.
I have a friend who has a radio. I often go to
his house and listen. And that has helped me very
much. I also listen at the cinema, although that is
more difficult, because it is not so clear.
I am glad you have learnt English so well, Ivan.
Yes, sir. May I ask you a question?
Yes, do! (Do ovako za sebe, znai izvolite samo.
Ono je upravo umesto Yes, ask me a question).
Why do you say sometimes: I shall write him a
letter, and sometimes: I shall write a letter to him?
There is no to in the first sentence (sentens reenica).

I have also heard (hear heard heard hi:e

hoe:d hoe:d uti): I promised him a present, and: I
promised a present to him.
Both are correct. When you put the pronoun
before the object (bdekt predmet) you leave out
(izostaviti) the word to. You can, therefore say: I
returned him the money, and: I returned the money to
him. In the second case (sluaju) it is more naglaeno.
Thank you, sir.
Zadatak (prevedite na oba naina). Dao sam mu
pismo. Prodao sam joj psa (prodao sold). Dodao (to
pass) sam mu slanik. Ostavio sam im sat. Proitao sam
joj knjigu. Sazidao (to build) sam mu (for him) kuu.
Vratio sam mu dug (debt det).

Robichon mused (mju:z premiljati). Since we shall

not be allowed (trpno! za nae: poto nam se nee
dopustiti) to do ourselves justice (dastis pravda; do
oneself justice idiom: da pokaemo ta umemo) on the
stage, we must find an opportunity (ptjuniti prilika) off
(of) it (van nje).
(Off je protivno od on i mora se prevesti obratno reju:
dalje, van, sa, dole, prema smislu).
A private performance (pefomens predstava)? Good!
(Eto prideva, gde bismo mi rekli: dobro! jer Englez misli
na: it is good). Yet, if it is a private performance, how is
Paris to be the judge?
Ah, murmured (moe:me mrmljati) Robichon, that
is certainly a difficulty (difikelti tekoa).
They sipped (sip pijuckati) their wine moodily (od
moody neraspoloen, udljiv). Many heads were turned
towards the little table where they sat. There
are Quinquart and Robichon; how amusing they always
are! said passers-by (pa:se-baj prolaznik) little
guessing (ges pogoditi) the anxiety (angza:eti
briga) at the heart of the comediens.
What's to be done? (ta se ima uiniti t j . ta
da se radi) sighed (saj uzdisati) Quinquart at last.
Robichon shrugged (rag slegnuti), his fat
shoulders with a frown (fraun namrtiti se, nabrati
obrve, mrk pogled).
Both were too absorbed (abzo:b zaneti) to
notice that, after a glance (gla:ns pogled) of recognition
(rekgnin prepoznavanje) one of the

pedestrians (pedestrian peak) had paused (zastati),

and was still regarding (rega:d posmatrati) them
irresolutely (od irresolute iresljut, neodluan). He was
a tall man, dressed in black, and the next moment, as if
finding courage, he stepped forward and spoke:

Mr. White was just shaving the next morning,

when somebody knocked at his door.
Come in, said he.
The door opened a little, and Ivan, the porter,
put his head in.
May I come in, sir?
Yes, do!
Have you got five or ten minutes free, sir?
Half an hour for you, my dear Ivan.
That is very kind of you, sir. Ivan came in.
May I ask you one or two more grammatical (gramatikl
ili grematikl gramatiki) questions?
Five, if you like, Mr. White was in a good
When do you say some, when any and when
a few? And what is several?
If you want to say nekoliko for things you can
count, you say either some or a few. There are
some chairs in the other room. There are a few flowers
in this vase. But, for things you cannot count, you use
some. May I have some cheese (i:z sir),. please?
May I have some milk, please? And What about:
Any is used in questions and in negative phrases.
Are there any chairs in that room? No, there are n't any
nema nijedne.
It is the same rule as for nobody and nothing, said
Ivan. Exactly. And several means nekoliko, vie njih.
There are some chairs or there are several chairs is the
same. But several can also mean nekoliko razliitih.
There are several kinds (kajnd vrsta) of chairs.
And you might also remember that after not you
say: any more, any longer, any better. I will not wait any
longer. He cannot do it any better. I don't want any
Zadatak. U Londonu ima mnogo parkova. U ovoj ai
ima malo mleka. Molim vas dajte mi mnogo kafe, ali
malo mleka. U engleskom nema mnogo gramatikih
pravila. Ima nekoliko aka koji ne piu zadatke. Ali ima

nekoliko koji piu. Hoete li mi dati malo vode. Ima li neke

nove rei u ovoj reenici? Nema. Ima li novih rei u ovoj
lekciji? Ima nekoliko. Ja ne volim nikakva gramatika
Reenje. I gave him a letter. I gave a letter to him.
I sold her a dog. I sold a dog to her. I passed him the
salt-cellar. I passed the salt-cellar to him. I left them my
watch. I left my watch to them. I read her a book. I
read a book to her. I built him a house. I built a house
for him. I returned him my debt. I returned my debt to

Getlemen, I ask pardon for the liberty (libeti

sloboda) I take. I must ask you for your professional
advice (advajs savet). I am in a position (pzin
poloaj) to pay a moderate (mderet umeren) fee (fi:
honorar). Will you permit (poe:mit dopustiti) me to
explain myself?
Sir, returned Robichon, we are considering
(razmatrati) our latest parts (uloge). We shall be pleased
to give you our attention (atenn panja) at some
other time.
Alas (ela:s avaj) insisted the newcomer (njukame
pridolica), with me time presses (pres pritiskivati,
presovati, time presses vreme je kratko). I too am
considering my latest part and it will be the, only
speaking part I have ever played, though (dhou isto kao
although iako, mada) I have been 'appearing' for
twenty years.
What? You have been a super (sjupe statista) for
twenty years? said Quinquart, grimacing (grimejs
razvui lice).
No, sir, replied (riplaj odgovoriti) the stranger
grimly (od grim grim mrgodan). I have been the
public executioner (eksekjuene delat); and I am
going to lecture (leke drati predavanje) on the
horrors (hre uas) of the post (poloaj I have
reisgned (rizajn dati ostavku).
(Zapazite upotrebu sadanjeg prolog: ja sam bio
delat za prolost koja se protee sve do sada).
The two comedians stared (ste:e gledati ukoeno,
buljiti) at him aghast (ega:st zaprepaeno). Across
(ekrs preko, popreko) the sunlit (sanlit suncem
osvetljen: sun sunce i lit upaljen) terrace seemed to

have fallen the black shadow (adou senka) of the

guillotine (giloti:n).

May I ask one more question? said Ivan.

Why do you say sometimes (samtajmz nekad) in
questions: Is it not beautiful? and sometimes Isn't it
beautiful? Is there any rule?
Yes, there is. You make a question by reversing
(rivoe:s obrnuti) the order of words: It is nice. Is it
nice? It was nice. Was it nice? It will be nice. Will it be
nice? The same rule applies (aplaj odnositi se) to
negative sentences. You write:
It is not good. Is it not good?
It was not quick. Was it not quick?
It will not be soon. Will it not be soon?
But in ordinary conversation, the order is changed,
and you say: Isn't it good? Wasn't it quick? Won'it be
At this moment somebody knocked, and opened the
door without waiting (ne ekajui) for an answer. It
was Mr. Brown.
Excuse me, Mr. White, he said, but this is not
fair. We have come here in order to find my daughter,
and not for you to give English lessons to the porter.
Well, you have Mr. Macpherson. What is he
He is collecting advertisements from the hotel
directors, and making money (make money ne znai
praviti novac, nego mlatiti novac, tj. zaraivati
puno). And I am left alone to find Mary.
Where have you been?
I have been to all the hotels in the town, except (eksept
izuzev, sem) two: The Grand (grand) and The Adriatic
You should have started (sta:t poi, poeti,
trebalo je da ponete) with the Grand.
Because your daughter is at The Grand.
How do you know?
I have known it all the time.
You have known it all the time?
Of course.
All this week while I have been going round
(obilazio) the hotels?

Yes. I knew it before we started from London.

And you never told me (i nikako mi niste kazali)
And why not? Mr. Brown was quite excited.
Quite simple. Because you did not ask me!
Reenje. There are many parks in London (In
London there are many parks). There is some milk in
this glass. Give me much coffee but little milk, please.
There are not many grammatical rules in English (In
English there are...) There are several (some) pupils
who do not write their exercises. But there are some
(several) who do. Will you give me some water (a
little water)? Are there any new words in this sentence?
There are not (any). Are there any new words
in this lesson? There are some (several). I don't like
any grammatical rules.
Zadatak, (prevedite na oba naina). Niste li mu dali
moj poklon (gift)? Zar nije bilo tako (so)? Zar nije bila
visoka? Zar ga niste videli? Zar nije bilo bolje dati mu
malo novaca? Zar nije 1ake sedeti nego peaiti (walk)?
Zar nije on dobar ovek?

I am Jacques Roux (French name, pronounced:

ak ru:), the man went on (produiti). I ought to
speak at Appeville sur Bois (French town, pronounced:
apvij-sir-boa), and I have what you gentlemen
call stage fright (frajt strah; strah od pojave na
pozornici). I who never knew what nervousness
(noevesnes nervoza) meant before. Is it not queer
(kwi:e udno)? Whenever (weneve kadgod, svaki
put kad) I rehearse (rihoe:s drati probu) walking on
to (penjui se na) the platform (platfo:m
platforma), I feel myself to be all arms and legs
(teg noga; kao da sam sav od nogu i ruku). I
don't know what to do with them. Formerly (fo:meli
ranije), I hardly remembered my arms and legs,
but, of course, my attention (atenn panja) used
to be engaged (pravilo 122) by the other man's head.
Well, I thought that you might (da biste vi mogli)
consent (knsent pristati) to give me a few hints
(hint napomena) in deportment (dipo:tment
ponaanje). Probably one lesson would be enough.
Sit down, said Robichon. Why did you leave

your official (fil zvanian) position?

Because I awakened (ewejkn probuditi se) to
the truth (tru:th istina), Roux answered. I don't
agree any longer (evo any zbog don't) with capital
punisment (paniment kazna; capital punishment
smrtna kazna). It is a crime (krajm zloin) that
should be abolished (ebli ukinuti).
You have scruples (skru:pl gria) of conscience
(knsens savest)?
That is it.
Fine! said Robichon. What dramatic (dramatik
dramski) lines such a lecture might contain (kntejn
sadrati)! And of what will it consist (knsist
sastojati se; a iz ega e se sastojati)?
It will consist of the history of my life my
youth (ju:th mladost), my poverty (pveti siromatvo),
and my experiences (ekspi:riens iskustvo) as
executioner, and my remorse (rimo:s gria savesti).

I wonder (pitam se!), said Mrs. Green, looking

at the letter, from whom this letter could be?
She turned the letter from back to front, and
from front to back, looked at the stamp, and concluded
(sem zavriti znai i zakljuiti).
No, I simply cannot think from whom the letter
could be.
Would n't it be (zar ne bi bilo) simpler to open
the letter? asked Mr. Green.
Yes, dear, you are quite right. Let us open the
Mrs. Green had hardly opened (tek to je otvorila)
the letter, when she exclaimed:
This is great news (news jednina!).
What is great news?
The letter is from Mary Brown.
What does she say?
Dear Mrs. Green.
You will be surprised when you get this letter.
And you will be even more surprised (jo vie iznenaeni)
when you see where I am. This is a lovely
old town, and the weather is beautiful. The sun shines
warmly although it is January. There is no mist
(mist obina magla) or fog (fg gusta, londonska
magla) as in London in the winter. We are having a

lovely time (nauite ovaj idiom kada hoete da kaete

fino se provodimo). I said we, but, of course, you
don't know who the other person is. And you will
be surprised to hear it. It is my husband.
Yes, my dear Mrs. Green, my husband. I am married.
And do you know to whom? Guess? Do you remember
meeting me in the park with a certain (s
jednim izvesnim) Mr. Miller? A tall, young, gentleman,
with a little moustache, who used to ask grammatica!
questions? Well, it is to him that I am married,
(udata ne za nekoga nego to somebody).
We met again at Dover, and he proposed to me.
I couldn't make up my mind then. But, I have found
out (find out pronai) since then that he has a very
good heart. And so I decided.
We are now very happy spending (potroiti,
utroiti, spend spent spent spend spent) our
honeymoon (honey hani med; moon mu:n
mesec. E sad ik pogodite ta znai honeymoon!).
Reenje. Have you not (haven't you) given him
my gift? Was it not so? Wasn't it so? Was she not
tall? Wasn't she tall? Have you not (haven't you)
seen him? Was it not (wasn't it) better to give him
some (a little) money? Is it not (isn't it) easier to sit
than to walk? Is he not (isn't he) a good man?

Magnificent! (magnifisnt vanredno, slavno), said

Robichon. The spectre (spekte senka, pojava, duh) of
your victims (viktim rtva) pursues (poe:sju
goniti) you even to the platform. Your voice fails
(fejl izdati, izneveriti) you, your eyes stand out
from your head in terror. You gasp (ga:sp boriti
se za dah) for mercy (moe:si milost) and imagi
nation (imadinejn imaginacija, uobrazilja) bathes
your hands with blood (blad krv). The audience is
excited, women swoon (swu:n pasti u nesvest),
strong men are breathless (breth:les bez daha) with
emotion (imoun emocija, uzbuenje).
Suddenly he hit the table with his big fist, and
little Quinquart nearly fell off (spade) his chair, for
he guessed the inspiration (inspirejn inspiracija,
nadahnue) of his rival (rajvl rival, suparnik).
Listen! cried Robichon, are you known (poznat) at

My name is known, yes.

Bah (ba! pih). I mean are you known personally,
have you acquaintances (akwejntens ili akwejntns
poznanik) there?
Oh no. But why?
There will be nobody to recognise (rekgnajz
prepoznati) you?
It is very unlikely (anlajkli neverovatno) in such
a place.
What do you estimate (estimejt ceniti, oceniti)
that your profits (prfit) will be?
It is only a small hall (ho:l dvorana) and the
prices are cheap. Perhaps two hundred and fifty
And you are nervous, you would like to postpone
your date?
I should not be sorry, I admit (admit priznati).
But again, why?
I will tell you why. I offer you five hundred
francs to let me take your place!
Do you agree?

(condition kndin uslov; conditional

kndinel pogodbeni nain).
We have learnt the conditional in lesson 42, rules
111 and 112.
I should learn uio bih
He would learn on bi uio
She would learn ona bi uila
We should learn uili bismo
You would learn uili biste
They would learn oni bi uili
Instead of (insted v umesto) I should learn you
can also say: I would learn.
I would like to speak English. He would like to
go to England. Mr. Brown would like to find his
We have also learnt that if may meanako
or kada. Posle if koje znai ako dolazi vreme koje
zahteva sam smisao. If he comes, tell him to wait
ako doe, reci mu da eka. If you write today, you
will get (receive) an answer in five days ako pie
danas, dobie odgovor za pet dana.
We shall go to London if he will come with us.

Ali kada if znai kada ili da u pogodbenom

smislu, posle njega dolazi prolo vreme ili davno prolo.
If I knew English I should go to England da
znam (kada bih znao) engleski, iao bih u Englesku.
If I learnt English every day, I could speak very
soon kada bih uio engleski svaki dan, mogao bih
uskoro da govorim.
If you knew everything in these lessons, you could
write without a mistake kada biste znali (da znate)
sve u ovim asovima, mogli biste da piete bez greke
(mistejk greka).
Yes, IF you knew!
Kako se pravi proli pogodbeni nain? Vrlo prosto.
Kako je sadanje prolo vreme od I learn? I have learnt.
E dobro, onda je proli pogodbeni nain I should
have learnt. (Pravilo 111).
Mr. Brown would have found his daughter if he
had gone to the Grand. G. Braun bio bi naao svoju ki,
da je otiao u Grand hotel.
Mr. Macpherson would not have come to Dubrovnik,
if Mr. Brown had not paid his fare g. Makferson
ne bi bio doao u Dubrovnik, da mu g. Braun nije
platio podvoz.

Mr. Brown came into Mr. White's room without

knocking. He looked very pale and tired. As soon as he
came in, he sat down.
What is the matter with you (ta je to vama)?
exclamed Mr. White. You don't look well.
No, I don't feel well, said Mr. Brown. I feel faint (to
faint fejnt onesvestiti se; to feel faint
oseati se slabo, imati vrtoglavicu). A glass of
water, please.
A glass of water, Ivan, quick! (pazite: ne quickly, kao
to bismo mi rekli. Upotreba prideva umesto priloga).
Ivan took a glass and put it under the tap (tap
slavina), and then gave it to Mr. Brown.
What is the matter? repeated Mr. White.
I have found my daughter, sad Mr. Brown.
Zadatak. Iao bih u Englesku da imam novaca. Voleo
bih da uim francuski. Ako nauim ovu lekciju, znau
pogodbeni nain. Kada bih nauio ovu lekciju, znao bih
pogodbeni nain. Kada bih otiao u Englesku, ostao bih
tamo dva meseca. Moja majka bi dola da je vreme lepo
(fine). Da znam engleski ja bih napisao pismo na

engleskom. Da nisam bio doao (pretprolo) on bi kupio


I do not understand!
I have a whim (wim lutka, buba) to play a solemn
part. You can explain next day that you missed (mis
propustiti, ne pogoditi) your train, or that you were ill. There
are a dozen (dazn tuce) explanations (eksplenejn
objanjenje) that can be
made. You will not be suposed to know (pretpostavIjae se
da vi niste znali; bukvalno: vi neete biti pretpostavljeni da
znate; primer upotrebe trpnog stanja za jedan est idiom) that
I played your part. The responsibility (respnsibiliti
odgovornost) for that is mine. What do you say?
It is worth (woe:th vredeti) double (dabl duplo)
the money, hesitated the man.
Not in the least! All the Press will shout (razvikali)
the story of my joke (douk ala). Paris will be astonished
that I, Robichon, lectured as Jacques Roux and curdled
(koe:dl usiriti, ovde prenosno: od uzbuenja) an
audience's blood. Millions will speak of your intended
(intend nameravati, vidi 109) lecture tour (tu:e tura, put)
who otherwise (adhewajz inae) would never have
heard of it. I am giving you the greatest advertisemnt,
and paying you for it besides (bisajdz pored toga).
And I will also throw in (ubaciti) a deportment lesson!
Agreed? (tj. are you agreed?)

If you have found your daughter, you should be glad,

said Mr. White.
(Ovde if znai ako i naravno ima vreme po smislu
tj. sadanje).
Imali smo ranije da should i would imaju osnovno
znaenje trebalo bi, sem toga to grade pogodbeni nain.
You should read a little English every day
trebalo bi da itate malo engleski svakog dana.
You should know the conditional after this lesson
trebalo bi da znate pogodbeni nain posle ovog
Yes, I should be glad. But something terrible has
happened (teribl straan, strano).
What is that?
My daughter is married!
I know that, said Mr. White.
You know that? Mr. Brown nearly (umalo, zamalo)

jumped off (sa) his chair.

Of course, said Mr. White quietly I knew it all
the time.
You knew it all the time?
Yes, I knew it before we started from London.
And you did not tell me anything about it!
Of course I did not.
Because you did not ask me, said Mr. White, and
lit his pipe (pajp lula).
If I had known this, exclaimed Mr. Brown, I
would not have come to this town.
Kao to vidite, posle if moe da doe i davno
prolo vreme.
And also, if I had known this, I would not have
brought (bring sem nositi znai i dovesti) you with me.

Pogodbeni nain moe se praviti jo na jedan nain od

pomonih glagola bez if. Pomoni se glagol u tom sluaju
stavlja na poetku reenice, a podmet mu sleduje, tj. red
rei je obrnut.
Were I a rich man, I should give plenty of money away
Da sam bogat ovek, dao bih (raspoklanjao bih) puno
novaca. Had I known what to do, I should have saved
much time. Da sam znao ta da radim, utedeo bih puno
vremena. Should he come before noon, tell him to wait.
Ako bi doao pre podne, reci mu da eka.
Reenje. I would go to England if I had money. I
should like to learn French. If I learn this lesson,
I shall know the conditional. If I learnt this lesson, I
should know the conditional. If I went to England, I
should stay there two months. My mother would
come if the weather were fine. If I knew English I
should write a letter in English. If I had not come, he
would have bought the (a) house
Zadatak. Kada bih iveo dugo (sa if). Kada biste
sluali, mogli biste uti kiu (rain rejn; opet sa if).
Da ste sluali, vi biste imali novaca (prevedite na oba
naina). Da su znali, mogli su otii (prolo pogodbeno) u
pozorite (na oba naina). Da mi niste kazali, ja bih
otiao (prolo pogodbeno; na oba naina). Da je doao dao
bih mu (prolo pogodbeno) lep poklon (na oba naina).

Oh, the fear (fi:e strah) of Quinquart! Who

could beat Robichon if his acting (gluma) of the part

equalled (biti ravan) his conception (knsep.n) of it? At
the theatre that evening Quinquart followed Suzanne
about the wings (wing krilo, kulise) pathetically
(pethetikeli patetino). He was dressed like a clown (klaun
klovn), but he felt like a Romeo. The public that
applauded (aplo:d pljeskati) his wit (wit duh, ala)
was far from suspecting (sespekt podozrevati) the
romantic (ro:mantik) longings (longing udnja) under
his scarlet (ska:let skerletni) wig (wig vlasulja).
For the first time in his life he was thankful (zahvalan)
that the author (o:the autor) hadn't given him more
to do.And oh, the excitement of Robichon! He was
going to put his powers (paue snaga, mo) to a
tremendous (trimendes ogroman) test (test
proba), and if he made the effect (ifekt efekat)
that he expected, he had no fear of Quinquart doing
better. Quinquart also promised to be there. Suzanne,
to whom he whispered (wispe apnuti, aputati)
his plan (plan plan) proudly, announced her
intention (intenn namera) of being present to
see him act. Quinquart also promised to be there.
Robichon sat up (presedeti) all night preparnig (pripe:e
spremati) his lecture.
If you wish to know whether Suzanne was glad
at the prospect (prspekt izgled) of his winning
her, history (history) is not definite (definit odluan,
izrazit) on the point. But some people say that at
this time she was more than usually kind to Quinquart,
who had developed (divelp razviti) a hump
(hamp grba) as big as the Pantheon (uvena zgrada u
And they all went to Appeville-sous-Bois.

This is terrible, said Mr. Brown, I will never

consent to my daughther marrying a bank-clerk.
But would it not be better (zar ne bi bilo bolje), if
you made peace (make peace pomiriti se) with the
young people (sa mladima)? Mr. White tried to calm
(umiriti) Mr. Brown.
No, I will never make peace with them.
But, if the young people like each other why
should n't you consent?
Impossible! Impossible! My daughter cannot love
a bank-clerk!

But she does n't love a bank-clerk, said Mr.

White: taking his pipe out of his mouth. She loves
Mr. Miller.
But Mr. Miller is a bank clerk!
Yes, so he is. But she does not love him be cause
he is a bank-clerk, but because he is Mr. Miller.
I don't care. I will not consent.
Now, tell me. Would it not be nice to have your
daughter with you
Yes, it would. But not with that gangster
(gangste) Miller!
He is not a gangster!
Yes, he is. He has stolen my daughter.
No, he has not. Your daughter has stolen his
Now, listen, Mr. Brown. Would there not be
some conditions (zar ne bi bilo izvesnih uslova) under
which you would consent?
I would not consent for anything. Not for a
million pounds.
A million pounds is a lot of money. Would you
not make peace, if your daughter came and asked
No, I would not.
And if Mr. Miller asked you?
Not if he stood on his head! (ni kada bi dubio na
Well, that is not so difficult for Mr. Miller. He is
a very good athlete (athli:t), and he can stand on his
head. In fact (ustvari), he stands on his head quite often.
That is why he is a little stupid.
I told you, I would not consent under any condition.

But I know one condition, under which you would

Impossible! What is that?
If you became a grandfather.
Then, you could put your grandchildren on your
knee and let them ride.
But, I am not going to be a grandfather to Mr.
Miller's children.
Oh, yes, you will!
How do you know?

I know everything. You will be a grandfather of

twins (twinz blizanci) next July.
Reenje. If I lived long. If you listened, you could hear
the rain. If you had listened, you would have had
money (Had you listened...). If they had known (Had
they known), they could have gone to the theatre. If you
had not told me (Had you not told me) I would have gone.
Had he come (If he had come) I would have given him a
nice gift.
Zadatak. Ako je vreme lepo, moj brat e doi (if). Bilo
bi lepo, kada bih znao pogodbeni nain (would, if).
Njemu bi bilo milo, kada biste doli (would, if). Ja bih
mu dao psa, kada bi mi obeao (promise) da e ga
zadrati (keep); On bi napisao ovo pismo (prolo
pagodbeno), da je znao (pretprolo) da ete mu platiti.
Bilo bi lako, da nije teko.

Though no one in the town was likely (lajkli

verovatan) to know the features (fie crta lica) of the
executioner, it was to be remembered (trebalo je imati na
umu) that people there might know the actor's, and
Robichon had made up (za glumca: obui se, naminkati
se) to resemble (rizembl liiti) Roux as closely
(klousli blisko) as possible. Arriving at the humble
(hambl skroman, pokoran) hall, he was greeted by the
manager. He heard that a good house (pozorino: puna
kua) was expected, and smoked a cigarette in the
retiring (ritaje povui se) room (soba za odmor) while
the audience assembled (asembl skupiti, skupljati se).
At eight o'clock the manager appeared.
All is ready, Monsieur Roux, he said.
Robichon rose.
He saw Suzanne and Quinquart in the third row
(rou red), and was tempted (tempt pokuati) to
wink (wink namignuti) at them.
Ladies and gentlemen
All eyes were fixed on him as he began; even the
voice of the executioner exercised (eksesajz vriti) a
fascination (fasinejn fascinacija, ar, maija) over
the crowd. The men nudged (nad gurnuti laktom)
their neighbours (nejbe sused) with appreciation
(aprisiejn cenjenje, razumevanje, dopadanje). Women
gazed, (gejz zverati, buljiti, piljiti) at him half
horrified (hrifaj zastraiti), half charmed (a:m

The opening of his address (govor) was quiet
enough (enough sleduje pridevu!) there was even a
humorous (hjumeres komian, humoristian)
element (element) in it as he told imaginary (imadineri
zamiljen, izmiljen) experiences (eksipi:riens iskustvo) of
his boyhood (bojhud deatvo). People tittered (tite
kikotati), and then glanced (gla:ns
baciti pogled) at one another with an apologetic (apoledetik
izvinjavajui se) air (izraz) as if shocked (k
okirati) at such a monster's (mnste udovite)
daring to amuse them. Suzanne whispered to Quinquart:
Too cheerful (ie:ful veseo), he has not struck (strike
struck struck strajk strak strak udariti, ovde
prenosno; pogoditi) the right note (nout nota)!
Quinquart whispered back gloomily (glu:mi mraan,
turoban) What; he may be playing for the contrast
(kontraost kontrast)!

Ako je glagol glavne reenice u prolom vremenu, onda

glagol sporedno zavisne reenice, mora takoe biti u
prolom ili u pretprolom vremenu, ili moe biti u
pogodbenom nainu.
I thanked him for the kindness (kajndnes ljubaznost)
which he had shown me Zahvalio sam mu na
ljubaznosti koju mi je ukazao.
I told him that he had come late Rekao sam
mu da je doao dockan.
I asked him if he would come with us Pitao
sam ga hoe li da poe s nama.
Obine zavisne reenice poznaju se lako po tome to
sleduju glagolima koji izraavaju miljenje, oseanje,
govorenje, (vidi 116): think, feel, tell, say, wish, hope,
expect, itd.
I thought he would come early Mislio sam da e
doi rano.
I knew he had not learnt his lesson Znao sam da
nije nauio zadatak.
I hoped that he would go to London Nadao
sam se da e otii u London.
Ali ako glagol glavne reenice nije u prolom
vremenu, nego u sadanjem, prolom sadanjem, ili
u buduem, vreme sporedne reenice upotrebljava se po
I hear that he will come ujem da e doi.

I have heard that he will come uo sam da e

Ali I heard that he would come uo sam da e
doi; kao to je gore objanjeno.
Posle pogodbenog naina, uvek sleduje prolo,
pretprolo, ili prolo pogodbeno.
She would come if the weather were nice. Dola
bi da je vreme lepo.
He could have come, had he not been engaged
(engejd angairan, zauzet) Mogao je doi da nije
bio zauzet.
Poto ste sada preli ovo u detalju, nauite sledee
pravilo, koje obuhvata sve:
Engleska glagolska vremena dele se na dve grupe.
Prvoj grupi pripadaju: sadanje, sadanje prolo i
budue vreme. Ovim oblicima sleduje glagolsko vreme u
sporednoj reenici po smislu.
Drugoj grupi pripadaju: prosto prolo, pretprolo i
pogodbeni nain. Ovim oblicima moe sledovati samo oblik
iz iste grupe, tj. prolo, pretprolo, ili nain pogodbeni.
Reenje. If the weather is fine, my brother will
come. It would be nice if I knew the conditional. He
would be glad if you came. I would give him the (a)
dog, if he promised me to keep it. He would have
written this letter, had he known that you would pay
him. It would be easy, were it not difficult.
Zadatak. Hvala vam na pismu koje ste mi napisali.
Neu verovati da je rekao la (lie). Ii u da vidim da li
(whether) je nainio (do) ikakvu tetu. Napisao sam mu
pismo i rekao mu. Rekao sam mu da ne treba (should)
da obea nita. Verovao bih mu,
da ga znam bolje. Zamolio sam ga da baci (throw)
pismo u sandue. Mislio sam (pretprolo) da je nemogue
(impossible). Oseao sam da neu moi da stignem na
vreme (in time).

And Quinquart's assumption (asampn pretpostavka)

was correct. Gradually (graduali postepeno)
the cheerfulness (iefulnes veselje, dobro
raspoloenje) faded (fejd izbledeti, prenosno: nestati)
from the speaker's voice. The humorous incidents
(insident incident, dogaaj) were past. Necks were (nek
vrat) craned (krejn izdii, izduiti), and white
faces twitched (twi upati, trzati) in suspense (sespens

neizvesnost, oekivanje). He dwelt (dwel stanovati,

prenosno: zadrati se) on the agonies (ageni agonija) of
the condemned (kndem osuditi, the condemned
osuenik), he recited (risajt
recitovati) crimes in detail (ditejl, detalj), he mir
rored (mire ogledalo, prikazati kao u ogledalu) the last
moments before the blade (blejd otrica) fell. He
shrieked (ri:k urlati) his remorse. I am a mur
derer (moe:dere ubica, od to murder ubiti, ubistvo),
he sobbed (sb grcati) and in the hall one
might have, heard a pin (pin ioda) drop.
There was no applause when he finished that
set (staviti) the seal (si:l peat) on his success. He
withdrew amid (emid usred, posred) tense (tens
napet) silence. Still none moved in the hall un
til, with a rush (ra juri), the representative (reprezentetiv
predstavnik) of the Press sped forth
(speed sped sped spi:d sped sped
pouriti, uriti; sped forth fo:th dalje otra)
to proclaim (prklejm objaviti) Jaques Roux an
unparalleled (anpareled bez paralele, od parallel
paralela) sensation (sensejn).
The triumph (trajemf triumf) of Robichon! How
generous were the congratulations (kngraulejn
esitka) of Quinquart, and how sweet the admiring
tributes (tribjut priznanje) of Suzanne! And there was
another compliment (kmpliment) to come nothing less
than a card (ka:d karta, pasetnica) from the Marquis
(ma:kwis) de Thevenin (French: tevnen), requesting (rikwest
moliti, molba) an interview (intevju) at his home.
Ah! exclaimed Robichon greatly pleased, an
invitation from a noble (noubl plemi)! That proves
the effect I made. Doesn't it?
Who may he be? asked Quinquart. I never
heard of the Marquis de Thevenin.
(iregjule nepravilan).
In the last few lessons you have learnt the most
difficult things in the English language. The conditional and
the sequence (si:kwens sledovanje, slaganje) of tenses
(tens glagolsko vreme). I recommend you seriously to
read these lessons again and again, and very carefully.
It remains now only to go once more through the
irregular verbs systematically (sistematikeli sistematski)
and after that you can pack your things and go to

Let us first have some verbs, most of which you
already know. They rhyme (rajm stihovati, slagati se u
stihove) very nicely: blow blew blown blou
blu: bloun)
draw drew drawn (dro: dru: dro:n) crtati,
fly flew flown (flaj flu: floun) leteti grow
grew grown (grou gru: groun) rasti throw
threw thrown (tbrou thru: throun) baciti
Another group which rhymes just as nicely (isto
taiko lepo) is:
bring brought brought (bring bro:t) doneti
buy bought bought (baj bo:t) kupiti catch
caught caught (ka ko:t) uhvatiti fight fought
fought (fajt fo:t) boriti se, tui se seek sought
sought (si:k sot) traiti teach taught taught
(ti: to:t) pouavati think thought thought
(think tho:t) misliti.
A third group is:
swear swore sworn (swe:e swo: swo:n) zakleti
se, (se) psovati tear tore torn (te:e to:
to:n) pocepati
wear wore worn (wee wo: wo:n) nositi
bear bore borne (bee bo: bo:n) nositi
bear bore born (bee bo: bo:n) roditi
And, one more group, because it is very easy:
set set set (set) postaviti, staviti
upset upset upset (apset) prevrnuti, uznemiriti
shut shut shut (at) zatvoriti
burst burst burst (boe:st) pui
cost cost cost (kst) kotati, stati
cut cut cut (kat) sei
hit hit hit (hit) udariti
hurt hurt hurt (hoe:t) povrediti
let let let (let) pustiti, izdati stan
put put put (put) metnuti, staviti.
Reenje zadatka. Thank you for the letter which
you wrote me. I shall not believe that he told a lie. I
shall go to see whether he has done any damage.
I wrote him a letter and told him. I told him that he
should promise nothing. I would believe him, if I knew him
better. I asked him to throw the (a) letter into the box

(letter-box). I had thought it was impossible. I felt that I

could not arrive in time.
Zadatak. Vetar je duvao jue ceo dan. Nacrtao sam
sliku grada. Ptica je odletela. Vojnici su se borili hrabro. Je
li uhvatio loptu? Mislio sam da je otiao. Uio nas je ceo
mesec dana (month). Ovo drvo je mnogo poraslo. Jeste li
doneli svoju knjigu? Kupio sam nov kaput. Zakleo sam se
da u nauiti sve nepravilne glagole (u would!) Nosio
sam ovo odelo (suit sjut) celu godinu. Kotalo me je
dve funte.

It is immaterial (imeti:riel nevano) whether you

have heard of him, replied Robichon. He is a marquis
and he desires (dizaje eleti) to speak with me! It is an
honour (ne ast) that one must appreciate. I shall
certainly go.
And, being a bit (bit malo) of a snob (snb
snob), he took a carriage (karid kola) in high spirits.
The drive (drajv vonja) was short and when the
cab stopped he was distinctly (distinktli od distinct
jasan) surprised to notice the simple look of the
nobleman's house. It was indeed (indi:d zaista) nothing
better than a lodging (lding stan). A peasant (peznt
seljak, seljaki admitted (admit pustiti unutra) him, and
the room into which he was shown (uveden) boasted
(boust pohvaliti se) no warmer hospitality (hspitaliti
gostoprimstvo; nije se mogla pohvaliti toplijim
gostoprimstvom) than a couple (kapl) of candles (kandl
svea) and a decanter
(dikante bokal) of wine. However (haueve
meutim), the sconces (skns svetnjak) were massive
silver (masiv masivan, silve srebro). Robichon was
informed (inform obavestiti) that the marquis had
suddenly been compelled (kmpel primorati) to call his
doctor (dokte) and begged that Monsieur Roux would
allow him a few minutes grace (grejs milost; bukvalno:
da mu dopusti nekoliko trenutaka milost, tj. da ga izvini za
nekoliko trenutaka).
Robichon admired the candlestick (kandlstik
sveitnjak), but began to think he might have supped more
pleasantly with Suzanne.
It was a long time before the door opened.

The day was beautiful. The sun was shining through

the window, and Mr. White felt in a happy mood (mu:d

raspoloenje). So he began to sing: sleep slept

slept (sli:p slept slept) spavati weep wept wept
(wi:p wept wept) plakati sweep swept swept
(swi:p swept swept) brisati, poistiti.
Then he looked at his watch under the pillow (pilou
jastuk). It was still early. So he went on (go on
produiti) singing:
keep kept kept (ki:p kept kept) drati
creep crept crept (kri:p krept krept) puiti.
Then he looked again at his watch. It was eight
o'clock. So, Mr. White threw off (zbaciti) his quilt
(kwilt jorgan), jumped into his bath, singing all the time:
mean meant meant (mi:n ment ment)
znaiti leave left left (li:v left left)
He had just finished bathing, when Ivan, the porter
put his head into the room.
Excuse me, sir, what are you doing?
I? said Mr. White. I am singing irregular verbs.
Feel felt felt (fi:l felt felt) oseati, patiti
kneel knelt knelt (ni:l nelt nelt)
That sounds very nice, sir, said Ivan.
Does n't it? (zar ne?), said Mr. White. It's just
like poetry (poetri poezija). It always rhymes.
Lend lent lent (lend lent lent) pozajmiti.
send sent sent (send sent sent)
spend spent spent (spend spent spent)
potroiti, provesti vreme.
Yes, sir. But what do you do when it does not
Oh, well, then I just say it (prosto ga kaem)
like this (ovako):
build built built (bild bilt bilt) zidati
burn burnt burnt (boe:n boe:nt boe:nt) goreti
smell smelt smelt (smel smelt smelt)
spoil spoilt spoilt (spoil spoilt spoilt)
learn learnt learnt (loe:n loe:nt
loe:nt) uiti (moe i learned) .
lose lost lost (lu:z lost lost) izgubiti. '

Reenje. The wind blew all day yesterday. I drew

(have drawn) a picture of the town. The bird flew
(has flown) away. The soldiers fought (have fought)
bravely. Did he catch the ball? (Has he caught the
ball?) I thought he had gone. He taught us a whole
month (all the month). This tree has grown much.
Have you brought your book (Did you bring)? I
bought (have bought) a new coat. I swore (have
sworn) that I would learn all the irregular verbs. I
wore this suit the whole (all the) year. It cost me
two pounds.
Zadatak. Jeste li dobro spavali? Nisam. Celu no sam
plakao. Zadrao sam jednu knjigu a vratio drugu. Oistila
je sobu pa otila (leave). Klekoh (kneel down) i opipah
pod (floor). Poslao sam mu dve jabuke (apple apl).
Pozajmio mi je dve funte, zato to sam potroio sav svoj
novac, a otac mi nije poslao nita. Sazidao sam kuu, ali
je izgorela idue godine (burn down). Dim je stano
mirisao. Izgubio sam renik.

The Marquis of Thevenin was old so old that

he seemed to be falling to pieces as he tottered( tte
gegucati, povoditi se) forward (fo:wed napred).
His skin was yellow (jelou ut) and shrivelled (rivl
zborati se, zbrkati se), his mouth fallen in (upao),
his hair (he:e kosa) sparse (spa:s redak) and
grey; and from this weird (wi:ed udan) face looked
strange eyes the eyes of a fanatic (fanatik).
Sir, I owe (ou: dugovati) you many apologies
(apldi izvinjenje) for my delay (dilej odugovlaenje,
dangubljenje), he wheezed (wi:z teko, sipljivo disati).
My unaccustomed (unekastemd nenaviknut) exercise
(eksesajz veba, kretanje) this evening made me tired
and on my return from the hall I found it necessary to
see my doctor. Your lecture
was wonderful, Monsieur Roux most interesting
(interesting zanimljiv) and instructive (instraktiv
pouan). I shall never forget it.
Robichon bowed (bau pokloniti se).
Sit down, Monsieur Roux, do not stand! Let me
offer you some wine. I am forbidden (trpno stanje!) to
touch (ta dodirnuti) it myself. I am a poor host
(houst domain), but my age (ejd starost) must be
my excuse.

To be the guest of monsieur le marquis, murmured

Robichon, is a privilege (privilid), an honour,
which .
Ah, sighed the marquis, I shall very soon be
in the Republic (ripablik) where all men are really
equals (jednak) and the only masters (ma:ste gospodar)
are the worms (woe:m crv). My reason for
asking you to come was to speak of your unfortunate
experiences of a certain unfortunate experience in
particular (in pa:tikjule naroito). You mentioned in
your lecture the execution (eksekjun pogubljenje) of
one (tj. one man) called Victor Lesueur. He died
As brave a man as I ever dispatched (dispa
otposlati; jedan od najhrabrijih ljudi koje sam poslao,
tj. na drugi svet), said Robichon, tasting (tejst
okusiti) the wine.

Sing sang sung (sing sang sang) pevati.

ring rang rung (ring rang rang) zvoniti.
spring sprang sprung (spring sprang
sprang ) skakati.
Mr. White was singing gaily while Ivan listened.
Excuse me, sir, he said in the end, are there
many irregular verbs in English?
Not very many. Just (taman) enough to spend
one morning singing. Like this:
begin began begun (bigin bigan
bigan) poeti.
Swim swam swum (swim swam
swam) plivati.
May I ask you, sir, why you sing them?
Well, there are many reasons (ri:zn razlog).
One is, I like poetry. Doesn't this sound like poetry?
Sink sank sunk (sink sank sank)
drink drank drunk (drink drank
drank) popiti.
Yes, it does.
Another reason is that it is good for the appetite
(apitajt apetit). When you spend a morning singing
irregular verbs, you can eat two beefsteaks (bi:fstejk)
for lunch.
Feed fed fed (fi:d fed fed) hraniti se (ili

flee fled fled (fli: fled fled) pobei,

You see, you can sing irregular verbs when you take
your exercise (veba, gimnastika). Instead of saying:
one two one two, you can say:
read read read (ri:d red red) itati, say
said said (sej sed sed) rei, kazati. Or if
you like, you can say: Lead led led (li:d led
led) voditi, meet met met (mi:t met
met) sresti.
Reenje. Have you slept well? (Did you sleep well?) I
have not (I did not). I wept all (the) night (the whole night).
I kept (have kept) one book, and returned the other. She
swept the room and then left. I knelt down and felt the
floor. I sent him two apples. He lent me two pounds,
because I had spent all my money, and my father had
not sent me anything. I built a house, but it burnt down
the next year. The smoke smelt terribly. I lost (have
lost) my dictionary.
Home-lesson. Ko je zvonio? Lane nisam umeo
(could) dobro da plivam. Poeo sam da tonem, i popio
sam dosta vode. Gde je ona? Pobegla je. Proitao sam
knjigu i rekao: mogli ste me voditi kuda (where) ste
hteli. Sreli smo se na uglu ulice. Skoih sa stolice, i
zazvonih (zvono). Hranio sam se celog leta jabukama
(on apples). A ta ste pili? Pio sam najee (mostly) hladnu
vodu i mleko.

Ah! Not a tremor (treme drhtavica)? He went to

the guillotine like a man?
Like a hero! said Robichon, who knew nothing
about him.
That was fine, said the marquis; that was as it
should be! You have never known a prisoner (prizne
zatvorenik) to die more bravely? (daj umreti).
There was a note (nota) of pride (prajd ponos) in his
voice that was unmistakable (anmistejkebl nepogrean, za
koji se ne moe pogreiti).
I shall always remember his courage with respect
(rispekt potovanje), declared Robichon, mystified
(mistifajd mistificiran).
Did you respect it at the time?
Pardon, monsieur le marquis?
I am asking if you respected it at the time (u ono doba,

u samo doba); did you spare (spe:e utediti) him all

the needless (ni:dles nepotreban) suffering (safering
There is no suffering, said Robichon. So swift (swift
brz) is the knife that .
The host made a gesture (dee pokret, gest) of
impatience (impejns nestrpljenje). I am thinking of
the mental (mentl duevan) suffering. Cannot you realise
(rielajz razumeti, shvatiti) the emotions of an innocent
(insnt nevin) man condemned (kondem osuditi) to a
shameful (ejmful sraman) death?
Innocent? As for that (to se tie toga), they all say
that they are innocent.
I do not doubt it. Victor, however, spoke the
truth (tru:th istina). He was my son.

Hallo, White, said Mr. Brown, looking into the

room. What are you doing?
Do did done (du: did dan) said Mr.
Are you giving lessons to Ivan?
Give gave given (giv gejv givn) dati,
forgive forgave forgiven (fo:giv fo: gejv
fo:givm) oprostiti. Mr. White sang in answer.
Will you come and take a walk with me? asked
Mr. Brown.
Yes, said Mr. White:
take took taken (tejk tuk tejkn) uzeti,
shake shook shaken (ejk uk ejkn)
I don't know what has happened to Macpherson.
Can you tell me?
Tell told told (tel tould tould) rei,
sell sold sold (sel sould sould) prodati.
No, I can't, said Mr. White.
Then will you come with me and look for him?
Come came come (kam kejm kam) doi,
become became become (bikam bikejm
bikam) postati,
Yes, I will, answered Mr. White.
I don't know where he is.
Know knew known (nou nju: noun)
znati, said Mr. White.
And that is why I want to see.
Yes, said Mr. White:

see saw seen (si: so: si:n) videti.

And we must find him...
find found found (faind faund) nai.
bind bound bound (bajnd baund), vezati,
wind wound wound (wajndwaund) naviti
...because tomorrow we ought to go back to
Go went gone (gou went gn) otii,
finished Mr. White.
Can't you forget your irregular verbs for a
moment? Mr. Brown became impatient.
Get got got (get gt got) dobiti.
forget forgot forgotten (fo:get fo:gt
fo:gten) zaboraviti.
No, I can't said Mr. White. Not for a lesson
or two.
Reenje. Who rang (has rung)? Last year I could
not swim well. I began to sink, and drank a lot of
water. Where is she? She fled (has fled ili run
away). I read the book and said: you could have led
me where you wanted. We met at the corner of the
street. I sprang from the chair and rang the bell. I
fed all the (the whole) summer on apples. And what
did you drink? I drank mostly cold water and milk.
Home-lesson. Dobio sam aj iz Engleske, ali sam
zaboravio da vam ga donesem. Postao je direktor
hotela. Dao sam mu svoj dopust (permission
poe:min) za jednu stvar, ali mu nisam oprostio drugu.
Uzeo sam stolicu i prodao je. Doao sam jutros, ali
devojka nije znala da li ste kod kue. Morala je znati.
Video sam to lino. Vezao sam slomljeno mesto kanapom
(string), ali nisam mogao nai jai kanap. Zavio sam
kanap nekoliko (several) puta, da ga nainim jaim.

Your son? Robichon was aghast (ega:st preplaen,

My only (jedini) son the only soul (soul
dua) I loved on earth (oe:th zemlja). Yes; he was
innocent, Monsieur Roux. And it was you who butchered
(bue kasaipin; ubiti kao kasapin; zaklati)
him. He died by your hands!
I I was only the instrument (instrument) of the
law (lo: zakon), stammered Robichon. I was not

responsible (rispnsibl odgovoran) for his fate (fejt

sudba), myself.
You have given a masterly (ma:steli majstorski)
lecture, Monsieur Roux, said the marquis thoughtfully
(tho:tful zamiljen). I find myself in agreement
(agri:ment saglasnost) with all that you said in it
you are his murderer. I hope the wine is to your
taste? (vamia po ukusu).
The wine? gasped (ga:sp boriti se za dah) the
actor. He jumped to his feet, trembling he understood.
It is poisoned, (pojzn otrov, otrovati) said
the old man calmly. In an hour you will be dead.
(To be concluded).

Mr. Brown and White were walking down the

streets of the town, when Mr. Brown suddenly stopped.
Please, he said, don't run so fast.
Run ran run (ran ran ran) trati,
said Mr. White.
It makes me tired. I'll fall down.
Fall fell fallen (fo:l fel fo:ln) pasti,
murmured Mr. Brown.
Would you like to sit down? Sit sat sat
(sit sat sat) sesti, asked Mr. White.
No, thanks. Just let us stand for a minute or
Stand stood stood (stand stud stud),
added Mr. White.
They had hardly stopped, when Mr. Brown said:
Listen! Can you hear something?
Hear heard heard (hi:e hoe:d hoe:d) uti.
What is it?
From a window they heard a voice, singing:
Hang hung hung (hang hang hang) obesiti.
Sting stung stung (sting stang stang) ubosti.
Do you recognize the voice? asked Mr. Brown.
Before Mr. White could answer, the voice began again:
Drive drove driven (drajv drouv
drivn) terati.
And after it there sang a chorus (ko:res):
Write wrote written (rajt rout ritn) pisati.
Ride rode ridden (rajd roud ridn)
That is Macpherson's voice! exclaimed Mr.
White. But who are the others?

Let's go and see, said Mr. Brown.

Reenje. I got some tea from England, but I forgot
to bring it to you. He has become manager of the
hotel. I gave him my permission for one thing, but I
did not forgive him the other. I took a (the) chair
and sold it. I came this morning, but the maid did
not know whether you were at home. She must have
known. I saw that myself. (I have seen it myself). I
bound the broken place with string, but I could not
find (any) stronger string. I wound the string several
times to make it stronger.
Home-lesson. Ustrao sam uz stepenice (run up)
add kada sam stigao bio sam tako umoran, da sam morao
da sednem. Stojao sam celo vreme na (in) kii. Jesi li uo
novost? John je jahao (na konju), kada jedan automobil
(car) zaokrenu (drive round) za oak, i zamalo (nearly)
da ga udari. Majka mi je rekla da ju je ujela pela (bee
bi:). Obesio sam sliku na zid, ali sam uterao (drive
in) ekser (nail) suvie. ta se desilo? Maty je pala niz

Great Heavens! cried Robichon. Already he was

conscious (knes svestan) of a strange sensation his
blood was cold, his limbs (lims udovi) were heavy,
there were shadows (adou - senka) before his eyes.
Oh! I have no fear of you, continued the other.
I am weak. I could not defend (difend braniti)
myself; but your violence (vajolens nasilje, sila)
would not help you. Fight, or faint (fejnt onesvestiti
se), as, you please you are doomed (du:m
osuditi, obino na smrt).
For some seconds they stared at each other dumbly
(damli nemo); the actor paralysed (parelajz
paralisati) by terror (tere uas), the host with
the smile of a lunatic (lunetik ludak).
And then the lunatic slowly took his plaster
(pla:ste pflaster) from his teeth, and removed (rimuv
otkloniti) features (crte lica) and lifted a wig (wig
And when the whole story was published (pabli
objaviti). Paris gave the palm (pa:m palma) to
Quinquart without one vote against (vout glas pri
glasanju). Robichon had duped (dju:p prevariti,
izigrati) an audience, but Quinquart had duped Ro

bichon himself.
Robichon bought the silver candlesticks, which
had been hired (haje uzeti pod najam), and he presented
(prizent pokloniti) them to Quinquart and
Suzanne on their wedding-day (weding-dej svadbeni
The End

They were still walking up the steps, when they

heard Macpherson's voice again:
Dig dug dug (dig dag dag) kopati.
And after him the chorus:
Stick stuck stuck (stik stak stak)
lepiti, zalepiti,
Strike struck struck (strajk strak
strak) udariti, trajkovati.
Mr. Brown knocked.
Come in, they heard Macpherson's voice.
Brown and White entered. In the room there
were about twenty people sitting on benches, and in
front of them Macpherson.
What are you doing? said Mr. Brown.
I? Nothing! Giving English lessons. Listen! Mr.
Macpherson began to sing:
Bite bit bitten (bajt bit bitn) ujesti,
And the pupils sang in answer:
Hide hid hidden (hajd hid hidn)
Listen again! Make made made (mejk
mejd mejd) nainiti.
Pay paid paid (pej pejd pejd) platiti.
sang the pupils.
That's all very nice, said Mr. Brown. But, do
you know, it is time to go back, to London. The
aeroplane is waiting for us.
I am sorry, Macpherson was firm, I cannot
go until I have finished the irregular verbs. My pupils
have paid in advance (urrapred).
How many more verbs have you got?
Only four.
All right, then. Let's have them.
Speak spoke spoken (spi:k spouk
spoukn) govoriti
Steal stole stolen (sti:l stoul stouln)

krasti, ukrasti
Break broke broken (brejk brouk
broukn) lomiti, slomiti
And: choose chose chosen (u:z ouz
ouzn) izabrati, izbirati. And that is the end!
Reenje. I ran up the stairs, but when I arrived
I was so tired, that I had to sit down. I stood the
whole (all the) time in the rain. Have you heard the
news? John was riding on a horse, when a car drove
round a corner, and nearly hit him. Mother told me
that a bee had stung her. I hung her picture on the
wall, but I drove in the nail too much. What has
.happened? Mary has fallen down (fell down) the stairs.
Home-lesson. Iskopali su veliku rupu (hole) u bati da
ubace (throw in) ubre (rubbish). Zalepio je objavu
(notice) na zid, u kojoj ie pisalo da su radnici stupili u
trajk (to strike). John tek to je zagrizao (bite into) u
jabuku, kada naie batovan. Nainio si veliku tetu.
Morae da je plati. Mislio sam da ste je vi platili
(pretprolo). Slomio sam tanjir i pocepao pantalone. Sad
moram da se iskradem (steal out) pre no to otac doe.
On se nije mogao sakriti od oca. Otac ga je naao pod
krukom (pear tree).
The last story which we shall read together is by
John Galsworthy (golswoe:dhi). Galsworthy (1867-1933)
received the Nobel prize (prajz nagrada) in 1932
(nineteen thirty two!), and is one of the most important
English writers of this century. The story we have
chosen is a little more difficult than those you had. It
is distinguished (distingwi odlikovati, odlikovati se
for its style (stajl stil) and lyric (lirik lirski)
quality (kwliti kvalitet, osobina). It is called Salta Pro
Nobis, which is Latin (latin latinski) for Dance
for us. There are many new words in this story, but
you need not learn them all. Learn those that are
most important.

The dancer, my Mother, is very sad. She sits

with her head on her hands. She looks into the emptiness
(emptines praznina). It is frightful (fright
frajt strah, frightful strano) to watch. I
have tried to make her pray, (da je nateram da se mo
la Bogu; slino, zapiite: you make me laugh; I
made him go naterao sam ga da ide; I made him

write his lesson) my Mother, but the poor girl she

does not know how (ne ume); she has no belief (bili:f
vera). She refuses even to confess (ispovediti se)
herself. She is pagan (pejgen paganin, neznaboac)
quite pagan. What could one do for her, my
Mother to cheer her (i:e razveseliti, razonoditi)
a little during (djuring za vreme) these hours? I
have tried to make her tell me of her life. She does
not answer. She sits and looks always into the empti
ness. It makes my heart sad to see her. Is there no
thing one can do to comfort (kamfot uteiti) her
before she dies? To die so young so full of life,
for her who has no faith (fejth vera)!
To be shot (shoot shot shot u:t t
pucati; ali ovde, u trpnom obliku: biti streljan)
so young, so beautiful: it is frightful, my Mother!?
When she had finished speaking thus (dhas tako)
the little elderly (eldeli ostariji) Sister (ovde sestra,
kaluerica) raised (rejz podii) her hands, and
crossed (krs prekrstiti, the cross krst) them
quietly on her grey breast (brest grudi) Her eyes,
brown and mild (majld blag), looked up, questioning
(ispitujui) the face before her, wax (waks vosak,
votan) pale under its white cap and smooth (stmu:dh
gladak, uglaan, to smooth ugladiti, uglaati) grey
hair. Straight, thin, as if she were (gle! were posle if!)
bodiless (bdi telo; bodiless bestelesan) beneath her
grey and white garb (ga:b odea), the Mother Superior
(sjupirie vii; ovde: majka opatica) stood deeply thinking.
The spy (spaj pijun) in her charge (a:d nadzor)
was a dancer with gipsy blood they said or
perhaps she was Moorish (mu:ri mavarska) who
had drawn out (izvui) secrets from her French lover, a
naval (nejvl pomorski) officer (fise), and sold them
to the Germans in Spain (spejn panija). At the trial
(tra:el suenje) they said there was no doubt. And
they had brought her to the Convent (knvemt
manastir) saying, Keep her for us till the fifteenth. She
will be better with you than in prison (prizn
zatvor) To be shot a woman! It made one shiver
(ive stresti se, drhtati)! And yet (pa ipak) it was
war! It was for France!
The aeroplane was rising slowly into the air. The
six passengers were looking down on the town.

Good-bye, Dubrovnik! they cried.

Down in the town a crowd had gathered. They
were waving (wejv mahati) their handkerchiefs.
Good-bye. A happy journey (doe:ni put, putovanje)!
They were Mr. Macpherson's pupils.
Sew sewed sewn (sou soud soun) iti,
shouted Macpherson.
Show showed shown (ou oud oun)
pokazati, shouted back (povikae natrag, povikae u
odgovor) the pupils.
The six passengers were Mr. and Mrs. Miller,
Mr. Brown, Mr. Macpherson, Mr. White, and Ivan,
the porter.
Mr. White and Ivan, the porter, were together
in front, which is natural, because Mr. White was the
largest, and nobody could sit beside (bisajd pored)
him but (sem, izuzev) Ivan. Behind them sat Mr.
Brown and Mr. Macpherson. They had their backs
turned to Mr. and Mrs. Miller, because Mr. Brown did
not want to look at Mr. Miller. Mr. and Mrs Miller
sat together on the last two seats, which is natural
for a young married couple. Nobody could see them
there, and they could coo (ku:gukati) at each other.
I am hungry. I should like to eat something,
said Ivan.
Eat ate eaten (i:t et i:tn jesti)
added Mr. White.
But Mr. White, said Ivan, you said there were
only five more irregular verbs?
Heaven forbid! Boe sauvaj! said Mr. White.
There were only five more which Macpherson wanted
to teach his pupils for the money they had paid him.
Forbid forbade forbidden (fobid fobad
fobidn) zabraniti.
How many more are there really?
Well, only two important ones.
Which are they?
They are: win won won (win wan
wan) dobiti (u igri, na kartama), and hold held
held (hould held held) drati.
And there are no more irregular verbs after
No. Only some which are quite unimportant.
Hurrah (hura!) shouted Ivan. That is nice! I
am pleased!

May I ask you some more grammatical questions?

Yes, you may, but you must hurry, because we

shall soon be in London. And after that there is not
much time until the hundredth lesson, when we have
to say goodbye to each other.
I have seen several times in English papers the
word ones? But I don't understand, how can one
have a plural?
Read, first, in lesson thirty three all about the
construction (knstrakn): a green one. I don't like
the blue hat, but I like the green one. Now, suppose,
you have more than one hat, in this connection you
can say ones. For instance (instens primer). Here is
a plate full of apples. Take the good ones, and
throw the bad ones away.
Thank you sir, that is quite clear.
Reenje. They dug a big hole in the garden to
throw in the rubbish. He stuck the notice on the wall,
in which it said (which it was written) that the workmen
had struck. John had just bitten into the apple,
when the gardener came. You have done much damage.
You will have to pay. I thought that you had paid
for it. I broke (have broken) a plate, and tore (have
torn) my trousers. I must steal out now before father
comes. He could not hide from his father. His father
found him under the (a) pear tree.

Looking down at the little Sister with her soft

brown eyes the Mother Superior answered:
One must see (ovek mora da vidi, potrebno je
videti), my daughter. Take me to her cell (sel elija)
Along the corridor (krido: hodnik) they
passed (prooe), and went in gently (dentli tiho).
The dancer was sitting on her bed, with legs crossed
under her. There was no colour (kale boja) in her
skin save (sejv osim) the darkness (da:knesmrak) of
her Eastern (isten istoni) blood. The face was oval
(ouvl ovalan, duguljast) the eyebrows (ajbrau
obrva) slanted (sla:nt ii ukoso, biti nakrivljen)
a little up (nagore); black hair (he:e kosa) formed
(fo:m obrazovati) on her forehead (fored!elo)
a V (slovo V) reversed (rivoe:s obrnuto, okrenuto

naopake); her lips sensuous (senuessensualan, u

lan) but fine, showed a gleam (gli:m zrak, blesak)
of teeth. Her arms were crossed as though (az dhou
kao da) compressing (kmpres zbiti, saeti) the
fire in her supple (sapi tanak, vitak, elastian)
body. Her eyes, colour of Malaga wine, looked
through (thru: kroz) and beyond (bijnd s one
strane, dalje) the white walls, through and beyond
her visitors, like the eyes of a leopard (leped) in a
cage (kejd kavez).
The Mother Superior spoke: What can we do for
you, my daughter? The dancer shrugged (rag
slegnuti, u smislu slegnuti ramenima) her body from
the waist (wejst
pojas, slabina); one could see (moglo se videti) It
shiver under her silk garment (ga:ment odea).
You suffer (safe patite) my daughter. They
tell me you do not pray. It is a pity.
The dancier smiled a quick passing (prolazan)
smile that had the sweetness (slast) of something tasted
(neeg to se okusilo), of a rich tune (tju:n melodija),
of a long kiss; she shook her head.
I would not say anything to trouble (uznemiriti)
you, my daughter. I feel pity for your suffering (safering
patnja). I understand. Is there a book you
would read; some wine you like; in a word (jednom
reju), anything which would distract (distrakt razonoditi)
you a little?
The dancer opened her arms, and put them be hind her neck. The movement (muvment pokret)
was beautiful, graceful (grejsful ljubak, graciozan)
all her body was beautiful; and into the Mother
Superior's waxen (waksn votan) cheek (i:k
obraz) came a faint (slab) colour.
Will you dance for us my daughter?

Look! Look! Ivan got excited. There is a big

town. Is that London?
No, not yet. That is only Paris, said Mr. Brown.
But we shall soon be in London.
I am so pleased, said Ivan. I have never been
to London before.
Tell me, quickly, he turned to Mr. White, what
else (els drugo, inae) ought I to know?
You ought to know about composite (kmpozit

sloen) verbs.
What are they?
Well, you often have in English a verb with a
preposition. For instance come is doi, came in is
ui, come down is sii, come up is popeti se, come off
skinuti se, come through proi.
That sounds simple.
Yes, it isn't very difficult. If you know the verb
and if you know the preposition you can guess (pogoditi)
most of the meanings. But it's useful to know
that such combinations exist. Then, if you can't guess
a verb you look it up (look up potraiti) in the
dictionary. You see, for instance, this word look
up. You could not have guessed that it meant potraiti?
Or, for instance, stop is stati. But you will
never guess what stop up means?
Stop kissing, will you? exclaimed Mr. Brown.
Is that an example? asked Ivan
No, it isn't, said Mr. Brown, I am not talking
to you. Mr. Brown had turned, and was looking
angrily at Mr. Miller and Mrs. Miller.
Sorry, sir, said Mr. Miller. I thought you could
not hear because of the propeller (propele propeler)..
No, Ivan, that was not an example, said Mr.
Brown. That was only a bad example!
Yes, sir.
Stop up, continued Mr. White means zapuiti,
You see, for that reason, I advise (advajz savetovati)
you that as soon as you cannot understand
a verb in a book you read, you should look up in
the dictionary that verb and all its meanings.
How do you mean? (ta ste hteli rei?)
This is what I mean. For instance, you read a
book. And you come to a sentence like this: He could
not win over his friendship. You begin to translate:
nije mogao dobiti preko, s one strane, njegovo prijateljstvo.
I don't understand, you say! This is nonsense. I know
every word, but the sentence means nothing. Now, when
you come to a sentence like that, look up the verb in the
dictionary. And you will find: win over pridobiti.
Dakle: nije mogao pridobiti njegovo prijateljstvo. You
Yes, I do.
Another thing, sir, began Ivan again. I find

it sometimes difficult to translate the word may.

Will you explain it to me?
Yes, I will. May, as you had before means
mogu in the sense of smem. May I ask you a
question? To say mogu in the sense of umem, sposoban
sam you use can. I can understand you. I can
swim. You may use the word may also to express
uncertainty (ansoe:tnti neizvesnost). I may come
tonight, but I am not sure. Moda u doi veeras,
ali nisam siguran. He may go to London, if he gets
enough money. Moda e otii u London, ako dobije dosta
novaca. You may also remember two idioms. One is
the use of may for wish: May he live long! Neka
poivi dugo. Dugo poiveo. May he never come back.
Nikad se ne vratio! The other is the use of may for
purpose (poepes svrhu). He works hard that he may
succeed. Radi naporno, da bi uspeo.

Again the smile, like the taste of a sweet wine,

came on the dancer's face, and this time did not
Yes, she said, I will dance for you willingly
(wilingli s drage volje). It will give me pleasure,
That is good. Your dresses will be brought. This
evening in the dining-room, after the meal (mi:l
obed). If you wish music one can put a piano.
Sister Mathilde is a good musician.
Yes, music some simple dances Madame,
could I smoke?
Certainly, my daughter. I will have (narediu!)
cigarettes brought to you.
The dancer stretched out her hand.
Between her own hands fragile (fradajl tanan,
loman) with thin blue veins (vejn vena), the Mother
Superior felt its supple warmth (wo:mth toplina,
toplota), and shivered. Tomorrow it would be cold
and stiff.
Good-bye, then, my daughter...
The dancer will dance for us!... This was the
word. The sisters waited, expectant (ekspektent
oekujui), as for a wonder. They put the piano in
the hall; procured (prkju:e nabaviti) music; sat
eating the evening meal whispering (wispe aputati).

It was strange! A little gay (gej veseo)

ghost of memories. A dramatic, strange event (ivent
dogaaj). Soon the meal was finished; the tables
cleared (uspremljen), removed (rimuv ukloniti)
against (prema, protiv, nasuprot) the wall, on the
long benches sixty grey figures (fige figura) with
white caps waited in the centre (sente centar) the
Mother Superior, at the piano Sister Mathilde.

Here we are! This is London, said Mr. White

looking down from the aeroplane.
Thank Heaven for that, said Mr. Brown and
looked krvniki at Mr. Miller.
All right, father, all right! said Mrs. Miller
who looked very red in the face.
Look! Look! exclaimed Macpherson. There are
a lot of people on the aerodrome. What are they
The aeroplane was slowly coming down. They
could hear voices.
Three cheers for the passengers!
(Tri uzvika i:e; u Engleskoj obino jedan vikne:
three cheers for... za koga bilo, a ostali odgovaraju sa:
Hip, hip, hurrah!).
They could now clearly see Mr. Green, who was
standing in front. He was giving the sign (sajn
Three cheers for the bride (brajd mlada) and
bridegroom (brajdgru:m mladoenja).
Hip, hip, hip, hurrah, shouted the crowd.
Three cheers for Mr. White, Mr. Brown, and
Mr. Macpherson!
Hip, hip, hip, hurrah!
And now the chorus!
Mr. Green lifted his arms like a conductor of an
orchestra (o:kestre), and the crowd began to sing:
Sing sang sung
Spring sprang sprung
We had those verbs, shouted Mr. White.
It does not matter, answered Mr. Green. It is
always useful to repeat (ripi:t ponoviti) them.
The passengers were getting out of the plane
(plejn naravno skraeno od aeroplane).
Mary Miller (formerly Brown) rushed forward to
embrace (embrejs zagrliti) her mother, who was

standing and waiting.

Who are all these people? asked Mr. Brown?
They are the pupils who have been learning English.
They have come to meet you, and then to take
their examination (egzaminejn ispit; take an examination
polagati ispit). Everything has been organised.
We are marching (ma: marirati) from here
to the biggest hotel in London, where we shall first
hold the examination, and then have a big dinner.
There is a carriage for the bride and bridegroom.
Are you ready? said Mr. Green, turning to the
Yes we are! they all answered. Only one pupil
said Yes I do.
Oh, Mr. Petrovi, how could you say yes, I
do? Mr. Green was angry. You know that when
you answer, you repeat the verb of the question.
Have you seen the house? Yes I have. Are
you going? Yes, we ARE. Do you learn English?
Yes, I DO.
I am very sorry, sir, said Mr. Petrovi.
All right, I'll forgive you, said Mr. Green. Now,
ladies and gentlemen, we start!
Mr. Green gave the sign. Two young men lifted
a banner (bane) with the inscription (inskripn) The
English Pupils of Politika, and all began marching.
Chorus! shouted Mr. Green.
The basses (bejs bas) began to sing:
Find found found.
Bind bound bound.
And the trebles (trebl visoki glasovi) answered:
Tear tore torn
Bear bore borne.
The little elderly Sister came first; then, down
(niz) the long white hall, the dancer walking slowly
over the dark oak (ouk hrast, hrastovina; hrastov)
floor. Every head was turned alone the Mother
Superior sat motionless (mounles bez pokreta, od
motion pokret), thinking: If only it does not put
notions (noun ideja) into some light (lajt lak)
The dancer wore a full skirt (skoe:t suknja), she
had silvery (silveri srebrnast) shoes (u: cipela)

and stockings (stoking arapa), round her waist was

a broad tight (tajt tesan) net (net mrea) of gold,
over her bust (bast bista) tight silvery tissue (tisju
laka tkanina), with black lace (lejs ipka); her arms
were bare (be:e nepokriveni, go obino za lice,
noge, glavu; go, za celo telo je mahom naked
nejked) a red flower was set to one side of her black
hair; she held a black and ivory (ajveri slonova
kost) fan (fan lepeza). Her lips were just (samo malo,
jedva, tek) touched (ta dodirnuti) with red, her eyes
just touched with black;
her face was like a mask (ma:sk). She stood in the very
centre (u samom centru), with eyes cast (ka:st oboriti,
baciti; irregular: cast cast cast) down. Sister
Mathilde began to play. The dancer lifted her fan. In
that dance of Spain she hardly (jedva) moved from
where she stood, swaying (swej gibati se, povijati se),
shivering, spinning (spin vrteti se u mestu kao-igra,
inae to spin znai i presti); only the eyes of her face
seemed alive (elajv pun ivota), resting (rest nasloniti
se, odmoriti se; prenosno: zastati, zadrati se) on this face
and on that of the long row (rou red) of faces, where
so many feelings (oseanje) were expressed curiosity
(kjuriositi radoznalost) and doubt, pleasure, timidity
(timiditi bojaljivost), horror (hre uas), curiosity.
Sister Mathilde ceased playing, the dancer stood still; a
little murmur (moe:me mrmor, mrmljanje) was heard
along (du) the line of nuns, and the dancer smiled. Then
Sister Mathilde began again to play, a Polish (pouli
poljski) dance; for a moment the dancer listened as if
to catch (as if kao) the rhythm (ridhm ritam) of
music strange to her; then, her feet moved, her lips
parted (rastavie se), she was sweet and gay (gej veseo,
raspoloen) like a butterfly (bateflaj leptir), without a
care; and on the lips of the watching faces smiles
came, and little murmurs of pleasure escaped (iskejp

When the procession (prosen povorka) reached

the hotel, the tenors (tene) and basses were just
Bring brought brought,
Buy bought bought.
And the trebles were answering:
Catch caught caught.

Fight fought fought.

Then the whole chorus, finished:
Teach taught taught.
Think thought thought.
Now, ladies and gentlemen, we have arrived.
Will you, please, stop?
Seek sought sought. Yes, we will, said
Mr. White.
Half an hour later they had all entered the examination
hall. There were in the hall rows and rows
of tables and chairs, and the pupils took their seats,
the ladies in front, and the gentlemen behind.
Now, ladies and gentlemen, said Mr. Green,
you will all find on the table in front of you four
papers. Those are the examination papers. The papers
are marked (ma:k obeleiti) as follows: the first
is marked za trojku, the second za etvorku, the
third za peticu, and the last specijalno teka idiomi.
In the first paper there are only simple questions,
and those of you who can translate them, will
get a trojka. In the second there are more complicated
questions of grammar, and those who can translate
them, will, get a etvorka. The third paper
contains many idioms, and phrases, and those of you
who can translate them, must know excellent English.
The last paper has a few very, very difficult idioms.
Those of you who can translate them know not only
excellent but faultless English.

Dobro jutro. Kako ste? Hvala, ja sam vrlo dobro. A

Govorite li engleski? Govorim. Imam jednu malu
knjigu. itam je svaki dan. Razumem engleski sasvim
dobro. Ali ne mogu da govorim lako. Moj prijatelj ima
automobil. On hoe da ide u Englesku. On me zove
(ask) da idem s njim. Hoete li da idete? Moda hou.
Izvol'te sedite. Evo stolice. Kada ste stigli u Englesku?
Stigao sam u ponedeljak. Kako vam se dopada
Engleska? Vrlo mnogo. Koliko (how long) ete ostati
(stay) u Engleskoj? Ostau deset dana. Gde ivite vi u
Jugoslaviji? ivim u Beogradu.
Evo ga aj. Pijete li aj? Pijem. Volite li jedno pare
ili dva pareta eera? Ja volim aj bez eera. ta radite
kod kue? Radim ceo dan. Imam radnju. ta prodajete?
Prodajem eire i mane.

Imate li sestru? Imam. Je li starija ili mlaa od vas?

Jedna je starija a druga mlaa. Govore li one engleski?
Ne govore. Ali jedna zna francuski.
Moete li da prevedete sve ove reenice? Nadam se
da mogu. One nisu teke. Sasvim su lake.

Voleo bih da govorim engleski dobro. Onda morate

da uite. Poeo sam prole godine. Moete li da me
razumete? Mogu, kada govorite polako. Svia li vam se
zeleni eir, ili plavi? Plavi mi se svia bolje.
Kada je stigao va prijatelj? Stigao je dok sam ruao.
Va sat ide napred. Kada veerate? U sedam i etvrt. Je li
moj prijatelj u hotelu? Nije, izaao je. Molim vas dajte
mi malo mleka. Koliko komada eera elite? Koliko
imam da platim?
Koja je najdua ulica? Smem li da vas zapitam
neto? Smete. Ume li on da svira u klavir? Koji od ova
dva gospodina je va prijatelj? Onaj visoki.
ta radi va otac? Umiva se. Jeste li hteli da ga
vidite? Da. Treba li da ga zovem? (call)? Nemojte, ne
mari nita.
Kupio sam ovaj eir u onoj maloj radnji izmeu
hotela i crkve. Poto sam proitao knjigu, prodao sam
Moram da idem. Naao sam iling u parku, ta ste
uinili s njim? Dao sam ga portiru.
Bilo bi mi milo (voleo bih) da vas vidim.

The Mother Superior sat without moving, her

thin fingers crossed. Images (imid slika) from
the past (prolost) kept coming out and falling back
(neprestano su dolazile i povlaile se), like figures
from some curious (kjuries udan) old musical
(mjuzikl muziki) box. A long time ago she
was remembering when her lover was killed in
the FrancoPrussian (franko pran) war, she
entered religion (rilidn vera). This graceful (grejsful
graciozan, ljubak) figure from the heathen
(hidhn bezboniki) world, the red flower in the
black hair, the white face, the sweet eyes, stirred up
(stoer apuskomeati, uzbuditi) memories sweet and
yearning (joe:n eznuti, udeti), of her own gay
pulses (pals puls), before they seemed to die, and
she brought them to the Church to bury (beri sahraniti)

them (pre no to su izgledali da su umrli i pre

no to ih je donela u crkvu da ih sahrani).
The music ceased, then began a Habanera (habane:
rapanska igra) reviving (rivajvoiveti, vaskrsnuti)
memories of the pulses after they were buried secret,
dark. The Mother Superior turned her face to left
and right. Had she been wise (wajz mudar)? So
many light heads, so many young hearts! And yet (pa
ipak), why not sweeten (swi:tn zasladiti) the last dark
hours of this poor heathen girl? She was happy, dancing.
Yes, she was happy! What power (paue snaga, sila)!
And what abandonment (ebandenmemt zanos; to
abandon napustiti). It was frightening (da se ovek
uplai). She was holding every eye the eyes even of
Sister Louise (lu:iz)! holding them as a snake (snejk
zmija) holds a rabbit's (rabit zec) eyes. The
Mother Superior nearly smiled. That
poor Sister Louise! And then, just beyond (odmah iza,
dalje, s one strane) her face, the Mother Superior saw
young Sister Marie so young just twenty her
lover dead in the war but one year dead! Sister
Marie prettiest (priti lepukast) in all the Convent!
Her hands how tightly they seemed pressed
together on her lap (lap krilo)! And yes it was
at Sister Marie the strange, sweet smile came and
went on her lips; it was for Sister Marie she
danced. In dance after dance like a bee (bi:
pela) on a favourite (fejvorit omiljen) flower the
dancer seemed to cling (kling pripiti se). And then
the Mother Superior thought: Is this the Blessed (bles
blagosloviti) Virgin's (voe:din devica) work I have
done, or the Devil's?

Poto su stigli u London, uenici su otili u hotel. Jesu

li stigli? Tek to su stigli. Kakva je ena ona? Odlazio
sam kod njega svaki dan. ekau vas do deset sati.
Putovao sam aeroplanom. Svriu ovaj as do devet sati.
Idem do njegove kue da vidim da li je kod kue. Ii u
Rekao mi je da je doao da uzajmi (borrow)
knjigu. Mislio sam da u nai stanicu. Video sam ga u
Ima li nekog kod kue? Nema nikog. Uim engleski
da bih govorio.
Uio bih engleski kada bih znao da mogu otii u

Englesku. Izaao bih da je vreme lepo.

Recite mi, koji od ove tri gospode je uitelj?
Izmeu ovih kua, najbolje mi se svia ona mala.
Volite li male vie od velikih? Da..
Nadao sam se da u napisati sve odgovore tano.
Pa jeste li ih napisali tano? Ne sasvim. Nainio
sam nekoliko greaka. Jesu li greke ozbiljne? Neke
jesu, a neke nisu.
to vie budem itao utoliko u skorije govoriti.

(Finese, naroiti idiomi, gramatike zavrzlame. Ovo

je samo za ambiciozne ake koji misle da znaju sve. Ovo
su sve fraze u kojima stranci i posle nekoliko godina gree,
ili koje pretstavljaju specijalne tekoe u prevoenju s
naeg jezika. Mnoge od ovih fraza zahtevaju slobodan
prevod, i ne mogu se doslovno prevesti).
Da sam mlad pevao bih ceo dan. Da ste to znali
nikada ne bi doli. Prestao sam da uim francuski ve
odavno. Odlazio sam kod njega svaki dan, ali sada idem
na Novu godinu i na 1 maj. Ovo je moja lina svojina
(property). Odakle pie on? Bolje je da govorimo o
neem drugom. Taman sam nameravao da izaem, kada je
stigao gost. Devojka ga je prijavila. Hoe takve stvari da
se dese. Iznenauje me kako dobro piete engleski. ta
je to s tobom? Meni kua ne treba. Da nisam ravo
raspoloen mogao bih da prevedem bar polovinu ovih
reenica. Rekli su mi da to nije istina.

Close (klous blisko, uz sam) along the line of

nuns (sasvim blisko du reda kaluerica) the dancer
was sweeping now (swi:p istiti metlom, brisati;
prolaziti kao vihor); her eyes glowed (glou sjati,
ariti), her face was proud (praud ponosit), her body
fiery (fajeri pun vatre). Sister Marie! What was
it? A look, a touch with the fan! The music ceased.
The dancer blew a kiss. It fell where?
Gracias, Senoras! Adios! (hvala, gospoe, zbogom
ovo je panski). Slowly, swaying as she had come
(kao to je dola), she walked away over the dark
floor; and the little old Sister followed.
A sighing (saj uzdisati, uzdahnuti) sound
(saund zvuk) from the long row of nuns; and yes
one sob (sb grcaj)!
Go to your rooms, my daughters! Sister Marie!

The young nun came forward; tears were in her

Sister Marie, pray that the sins (sin greh)
of that poor soul (soul dua) be (budu) forgiven.
Yes, my child, it is sad. Go to your room. Pray!
With what grace (grejs ljupkost, gracija) the
child walked! She too had beauty in her limbs (Em
udovi). The Mother Superior sighed...
Morning, cold, grey, a little snow on the ground
(graund tlo, zemljite); they came for the dancer
during Mass (mas misa). A sound of firing (pucanja)!
With trembling (trembl drhtati) the Mother
Superior prayed for the soul dancing before her God...
That evening they looked for Sister Marie, but
could not find her. After two days a letter came:
Forgive me, my Mother. I have gone back to life.
The Mother Superior sat quite still. Life in death
(deth smrt). Figures came out from that old musical
box of memory: the dancer's face, red flower
in the hair, dark, sweet eyes, touched with flying
finger (tj. dodirnuti prstima u letu), parted (rastavljene)
in a kiss! (U ovoj reenici nema glagola, ona je
samo nabrajanje uspomena).
The End

Good morning. How are you? (How do you do?)

Thank you, I am very well. And you?
Do you speak English? Yes, I do. I have a little
book. I read it every day. I understand English quite
well. But I cannot speak easily. My friend has a car.
He wants to go to England. He asks me to go with
him. Will you go? (Do you want to go?) Perhaps I
shall.Sit down, please. (Take a seat, please). Here is a
chair. When did you arrive in England? I arrived on
Monday. How do you like England? Very much. How
long will you stay in England? I shall stay (remain)
ten days. Where do you live in Yugoslavia? I live in
(at) Belgrade.
Here Is the tea. (Here is some tea). Do you drink
tea? Yes, I do. Do you like one piece or two? (Do
you like one piece or two pieces of sugar?) I like tea
without sugar. What do you do at home? I work
all day. I have a shop. What do you sell? I sell hats
and ties.

Have you a sister? Yes, I have. Is she older or

younger than you? One is older, and the other is
younger. Do they speak English? They don't. (They
do not speak English). But one knows French.
Can you translate all these sentences? I hope I
can. They are not difficult. They are quite easy.

I should like to speak English well. Then you

must learn. I began last year. Can you understand
me? I can, when you speak slowly. Do you like the
green hat, or the blue one? I like the blue one better.
When did your friend arrive? He arrived while
I was lunching. Your watch is fast. When do you dine?
At quarter past seven. Is my friend at (in) the hotel?
No, he has gone out. Give me a little milk, please
(some milk). How many pieces of sugar do you want
(would you like)? How much have I to pay?
Which is the longest street? May I ask you something?
You may. Can he play the piano? Which
of these two gentlemen is your friend? The tall one.
What is your father doing? He is washing himself.
Did you want to see him? Yes (Yes, I did). Shall (ili
should) I call him? Don't, it does not matter.
I bought this hat in that little shop between the
hotel and the church. After I had read the book (having
read the book) I sold it.
I must (have to) go. I found a shilling in the
park. What did you do with it? I gave it to the por ter. I should like to see you.

Having arrived in London (After they (had) arrived

in London), the pupils went to the hotel. Have they
arrived? (Did they arrive?) They have just arrived.
What kind of woman is she? I used to go to him
every day. I shall wait for you until ten o'clock. I
travelled by aeroplane. I shall finish this lesson by
nine o'clock. I am going to his house to see whether
he is at home. I shall go on foot.
He told me that he had come to borrow a book.
I thought that I should find the station. I saw him
at (in) the theatre.
Is there anybody (anyone) at home? There is
nobody. (There is not anybody). I am learning English
in order to speak.
I would learn English if I knew that I could go
to England. I would go out if the weather were fine.

Tell me, which of these three gentlemen is the

teacher? Among these houses, I like the small (little)
one best. Do you like (the) little ones better than
(the) big (large) ones? I do.
I hoped (I had hoped) that I should write all the
answers correctly. And have you written them correctly?
(And have you done so?) Not quite. I (have) made several
mistakes. Are the mistakes serious? (Are they serious),
Some are, and some are not.
The more I read the sooner I shall speak.

If I were young I should sing all day. Had you

known that, you would not have come. I stopped
learning French long ago (long since). I used to go to
him every day, but now i go only at Christmas and at
Easter. This is my own personal property. Where does
he write from? (From where does he write). We had
better speak of something else. I was (just) about to go
out, when the (my) guest arrived. He was announced by
the maid. (The maid announced him.) Such things will
happen. I am surprised at your (that you write) writing
such good English. What is the matter with you? I
need no house. (I don't need a house). If I were not in a
bad temper I could translate at least half of these
sentences. I am told (They told me) that that is not

When the pupils entered the dining-room, all the

tables were set. At one end of the hall there was a big
table decorated with flowers. In the middle (midl
sredina) of that table the teacher was sitting. On his
right side was the bride, and on his left the bridegroom.
Next to the bride was Mr. Brown, and then
Mrs. Green. Next to her was Macpherson. On the
other side, next to the bridegroom were Mrs. Fisher,
Mr. White and Miss Daisy Fisher. Ivan the porter was
helping the waiters. He had been given a job (db
posao, nametenje) at the hotel, and he was very
There were two more people at the high table
(sto u zaelju). One was the oldest pupil, a gentleman
of ninety five years with a long beard. The other
was the youngest lady pupil (there were no old
lady pupils).

The hall was nicely decorated (I shall leave you

to guess the pronunciation and meaning of this word),
and on all the tables there were menus (menju
in honour of all the pupils who have finished the
English Course of the Politika.
Thick Soup Clear Soup
Fish: Trout or Salmon
New Potatoes with Butter
Entree: Chicken Liver with Rice
Lamb Cutlets Roast Beef
Cauliflower and Green Peas
Apple Tart Stewed Fruit
Turkish Coffee
(trout traut pastrmke; salmon samen losos;
chicken iken pile, pilei; liver live digerica;
cutlet katlet kotlet; cauliflower kliflaue
karfiol; peas pi:z graak; stew stju kuvati;
stewed fruit kompot).
When they came to the coffee, somebody tapped
a glass with a knife. It was Mr. White.
Ladies and gentlemen, he said, I call upon
(pozivam) the teacher to address you (osloviti adresarati)
with a few words. Please, sir.
There was loud (laudglasan) applause (aplo:z). The
teacher stood up.
Ladies and Gentlemen, began the teacher. I
am very pleased indeed to see so many of you here.
It shows that many of you have had the courage and
energy to study English. I raise my glass therefore
to all the pupils and congratulate them. Three cheers
for the pupils! Hip-hip-hooray!
Hooray! shouted everybody.
I know there are several questions which interest
all of you: what to do now you have finished the
course; how to continue your studies; what books to
read, and what dictionary to use..
The first and most important thing for you is to
read, to read, and again to read. The more you read,
the more you will repeat old words and learn new
ones. Your knowledge (nilid znanje) is passive
now. You understand a lot, but you find it difficult

to speak. But when you read, a lot, you will repeat

many phrases not once or twice, but fifty times.
When you have read the same phrase fifty times, you
will find that it is easy to say that phrase.
In other words, you must become familiar (femilie
familijaran, prisan) with a phrase before you can use it.
Think, how easy it is for you to say now: Good morning.
How are you? Come in. Sit down. I speak English.
Why? Because you have read those phrases many
times. You are familiar with them. When you become
familiar with a phrase, it ceases (si:s prestati) to
be passive, and becomes active. That is the way a
child learns its own tongue: by hearing a phrase repeated
many many times.
The second question is how to read? A very
good way is to read aloud (alaud glasno). It helps you
to remember words and phrases not only with your
eye, but also with your ear. If you read aloud, you
will learn twice as fast (dva put bre).
Then, you ought to have a vocabulary, and write
in it all the new words which you don't know and
which are important. The words in the vocabulary you
should learn by heart, or at least read carefully se veral times. You need not write down every word. If
you can guess a word, don't write it down. And don't
write down rare (re:e redak) words. If you find in
one sentence three words you don't know, and can
guess the meaning (mining znaenje) of the third by
looking up two words, that is enough. Don't look up
the third. You want to read as much as you can, and
too much looking up in the dictionary makes reading
tiresome (tajesam zamorno).
The third question is what dictionary to use?
There is only one English-Serbian dictionary. It is by
Ilija M. Petrovi, published (pabli izdati) by Geza
Kon. There are also two English-Croatian dictionaries,
one by Bogadek and the other by Lochmer. And there
is a small Croatian-English dictionary by Lochmer.
Before discussing what books to read, I want to
tell you one more thing about your vocabularies. Don't
write down only words, but write phrases and idioms
as well (as well also takoe) For instance, you
find the word think, and you put down: think
misliti. Then you find: I think of you. Aha! you must
say: think of misliti o. Write that down. Then you

find think about. Write that down also. And so,

with all phrases which are different in English.
It is good to have a separate book for phrases.

The last question which interests you is what

books to read. You have learnt about 3000 words,
and, if you are clever, you should be able to guess
another thousand or so. To read WITHOUT a dictionary
you need to know about 8000 words. So, if you
read another year about one hour a day, you should
be able to read without a dictionary at the end or
the year.
Hurrah, shouted the pupils.
The easiest writer for you to read is Oscar
Wilde. You could read either his short stories The
Happy Prince and Other Tales, or, even better, some
of his plays. Lady Windermere's Fan, An Ideal
Husband, or The Importance of Being Earnest.
All these, and the other books which I shall recommend
you, you can find published in the Tauchnitz
edition. Many of them are also in the Penguin
series (si:riz serija).
After Wilde, you may try Conan Doyle and
Bernard Shaw. Conan Doyle's A Study in Scarlet
or some of the Sherlock Holmes stories are interesting
and not too difficult. Bernard Shaw is not
difficult either, and plays are always good to read,
because plays are made up of (sastavljene od) conversation
and the more you read conversation the
sooner you will speak yourself. You can read any
play of Shaw's you like, but you might try one of
his two books of plays called Plays, Pleasant and
After Wilde, Doyle and Shaw you can begin
with writers who are a little more difficult, mixing
again stories and plays. Among writers of prose, the
three whom I can recommend you most are H. G.
Wells, Hugh Walpole (hju: wolpoul) and Arnold Bennet.
All three of them have written many novels (novl
roman!) and stories, and you can read any one you
like (koga god hoete). Hugh Walpole's Jeremy and
Jeremy and Hamlet are very pleasant stories of a
boy. Of dramatists (dramatiar) you might try Somerset
Maugham (mo:am) and Galsworthy, although you may

find them, especially (espeeli naroito) Galsworthy,

more difficult, as they are full of idioms. You should,
therefore read them later. When you have read three or
four books by the writers I have mentioned, you can
then read any book you like.
A very good and easy way for a beginner is to
find a book which has been translated into Serbian
or Croatian, and read the original parallel with the
translation. It saves (sejv tedeti) you looking up
words in the dictionary, and it helps you with the
understanding of difficult and idiomatic phrases.
I think that is all I have to tell you, except to
wish you good luck (lak srea) and progress with
your English.
Good-bye! And good luck!

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