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Job satisfaction and engagement

Survey shows clear majority (55.4%) of somewhat satisfied persons with their jobs. Second
highest (24.3%) showed a Neutral behavior for their jobs. Remaining 18.4% and 1.4 are very
satisfied and unsatisfied with their jobs respectively. 27% are Very satisfied regarding the value
of their participation. 47.3% are somewhat satisfied while other 23% are Neutral and the
remaining 2.7% are somewhat dissatisfied. 27% feel very satisfied with the freedom adequacy
provided to them during job. 47.3% are somewhat satisfied and 23% are neutrals. 2.7% are
dissatisfied ones.
Employee attitudes towards managers
Overall, attitudes towards line managers remain positive, with 18.9% and 52.7% of employees
strongly satisfied and somewhat satisfied respectively upon their relationship with their line
manager. 43.2% employees are satisfied with their leaders as their role models. 39.2% are
somewhat satisfied. 14.9% are Neutral about their leaders while remaining 2.7% are somewhat
dissatisfied. 18.9% of the employees are very satisfied with the information provided by their
supervisors regarding bank operations. 24.3% are Neutral. 2.7% are somewhat dissatisfied as
well as 1.4% are very dissatisfied. 59.5% are very satisfied with professional level of their
colleagues and 33.8% are somewhat satisfied while 5.4% are neutrals. Other 1.4% are
dissatisfied ones.
Performance management
Overall more employees reported that they believe their organizations performance management
process is fair rather than unfair. These indications were based upon the information collected
from questions like working environment provided to the employees, job security, working
methods and the supervision tools. Employees are somewhat satisfied with their supervisors and
colleagues. They believe in mutual harmony and mutual benefit of themselves as well as
organization. 47.3% are very satisfied with the compensations provided to them against their
responsibilities. 43.2% the leading majority is somewhat satisfied while 9.5% are neutral. No one
is dissatisfied with the compensations provided. Somewhat Satisfied upon the facilities provided
to employees are are dominating for this question with a percentage of 52.7 which is more than a
half of total respondents. 16.2% feel very satisfied and a 27% are those who showed neutral
behavior for this question. 1.4% are the dissatisfied ones.

Pressure at work
Employees most often feel work pressure caused due to unfit environment. They feel themselves
unsecured and try to handle the pressure. 17.6% are very satisfied that their work give them a
feel of personal accomplishment. 55.4% feel somewhat satisfied with this notion. Other 24.3%
feel neutral on it and remaining 1.4% feel dissatisfied with this notion
Worklife balance
Employees satisfaction with their worklife balance has remained at the relatively high level of
44.6% in this survey. Remaining 13.5% as well as 1.4% are neutral and somewhat dissatisfied

Employee attitudes to the current economic context

45.9% are very satisfied with their job security. 14.9% are somewhat satisfied while the 14.9%
respondents are neutral. Remaining 1.4% are missing from the system or couldnt respond to this
question. Most of the employees (43.2%) feel satisfied with their job environment. Other
majority of the employees (39.2%) feel somewhat satisfied with their jobs environment. 14.9%
are Neutrals and a relatively low in number are dissatisfied ones say 2.7%.
73% are not seeking to switch their jobs while remaining 27% are trying to switch their jobs.
12.2% of the respondents are very satisfied ones upon their recognition for their contributions
during job. 29.7% are somewhat satisfied while 12.2% are neutrals. Other 6.8% are dissatisfied.

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