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31st Annual RPV Donald W.

Huffman Advance
December 5th - 7th Westfields Marriott Washington Dulles
Friday, December 5


10:00 a.m.

RPV State Central Executive Committee Meeting


12:00 p.m.

RPV State Central Committee Meeting

Washingtonian 1

12:00 p.m.

Registration Opens
Coat Check Room- Behind Lower Rotunda

12:00 p.m.

Vendor Tables Open

Lower Rotunda

5:00 p.m.

*Sponsors Reception with Congressman Jim Jordan*

Open to Advance Sponsors Only

7:00 p.m.

RPV Welcome Reception featuring Congressman Jim Jordan

Washingtonian 1
Open to all registration levels

8:00 p.m.

Hospitality Suites
Convention of States Action
Community Engagement Suite, co-hosted by Del. David Ramadan
Citizens United Honors Congresswoman-Elect Barbara Comstock
Senator Mark Obenshain
Delegate Rob Bell
Suite 194
Mike Church God and Man at Richmond
Suite 246
Chairman Corey Stewart
Suite 294
Bearing Drifts 10th Anniversary Party

Saturday, December 6th

7:00 a.m.

Registration Opens
Coat Check Room- Behind Lower Rotunda

7:00 a.m.

Vendor Tables Open

Lower Rotunda

8:00 a.m.

*RPVs Engagement Breakfast featuring Delegate David Ramadan, Congresswoman-Elect Barbara Comstock and Congressman Rob Wittman*
Grand Dominion

Open to Gold, Reagan, and Sponsor registration levels

9:45 a.m. 10:45 a.m.

Fighting Poverty: Solutions from the Center-Right

Jeffersonian 1 and 2
The left is clamoring to use the heavy-hand of government to level Americans incomes, even at the cost of trapping citizens in welfare programs. What are our solutions to help the most vulnerable among us improve their lives?
Moderator: Chris Braunlich, Vice President, Thomas Jefferson Institute for Public
Panelists: Michael Tanner, Senior Fellow, The Cato Institute
Lori Sanders, Outreach Director and Senior Fellow, R Street Institute
Brad Wassink, Program Manager, Domestic Policy Studies, American Enterprise Institute
Faith and Constitution: The God Our Founding Fathers Recognized
Washingtonian 1
The Republican Creed of Virginia states That faith in God, as recognized by our
Founding Fathers is essential to the moral fiber of the nation. What did our
Founding Fathers really believe about God? Are those beliefs applicable to Republicans in 2014? Learn for the first time or be reminded again of Divine Providences
Hand in the founding of this nation.
Presenter: Pastor Travis Witt

How to Maximize a Party Nominating Process

Washingtonian 2
The overwhelming success of the 10th District Congressional Canvass was due to
the knowledge, commitment and cooperation of the hundreds of volunteers. Come
learn how the organizers led the efforts; including the clean, streamlined rules, electronic voter check-in, data collection, operations & logistics tips and details on the
roles of the Station Chiefs, Security Chief and all team members. These lessons can
be applied to all party nominating processes to maximize volunteer, organizational&
grassroots efforts.
Presenters: John Whitbeck, 10th District Chairman
Cathy McNickle, 10th District Canvass Logistics Chair
Kristen Kalina, 10th District Canvass Rules Chair
Mahe Rangareddy, Red Turf Data
Fundraising for Campaigns and Local Units
Washingtonian 3
Fundraising is an unloved but necessary part of political campaigns and organization. Come to a hands-on presentation for practical advice and tips on fundraising
at every level whether it be local units with an annual dinner or candidates raising
campaign donations. There will be plenty of time for your questions.
Presenter: Delegate Rob Bell
9:45 a.m. 12:00 p.m.

Convention of States Debate

Lincoln Forum

Article V of the U.S. Constitution allows the States to bypass Congress and
enact amendment on their own via a convention of the states. Is it time for a
new Constitutional Convention? Come listen to both sides of the argument.
Moderator: Eric Herr, 1st District Chairman
Featuring: Mike Farris representing The Convention of States Project and Richard
Fry, General Counsel of the Patriot Coalition, representing the opposing viewpoint.
10:00 a.m. 10:45 a.m.

Vote Fraud: Unit Committees are the First Line of Defense

Dont just talk about Vote Fraud, do something about it. The Code of Virginia gives
local party committees specific rights and the integrity of our elections depends on
exercising those rights. Learn to empower your unit committee to get engaged with
Electoral Boards, Registrars and Officers of Election before Election Day, on Election Day and after Election Day. Protecting the franchise should be a year-round activity for the Party.
Presenters: Chris Marston, Brenda Hankins; Co-Chairs of Attorneys for Ed
College Republicans Meeting

11:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m.

General Assembly Panel: 2015 Session

Washingtonian 1
Join members of the Virginia General Assembly for a look ahead at the 2015 Legislative Session. Legislative leaders from the House and Senate will discuss the hotbutton issues expected to come up when legislators meet in Richmond next month!
Moderator: Garren Shipley, RPV Communications Director
Panelists: Senator Frank Wagner, Delegate Rich Anderson, and others.
The Red Card Solution: A No-amnesty Solution Supporting Border Control
and Legal Workers
Jeffersonian 1 and 2
Current initiatives on immigration just cant work because they lack the teeth of a
smart guest worker plan. Instead, America can stop up to 90 percent of illegal border crossings with a legal guest worker gateway to the jobs we need migrants to fill.
Moderator: Danny Vargas, Founder and President, VARCom Solutions, Inc.
Panelists: Helen Krieble, Founder and President, Vernon K. Krieble Foundation
Grover Norquist, Founder and President, Americans for Tax Reform
10th District Meeting
Washingtonian 2
8th District Meeting
Washingtonian 3

12:15 p.m.

*RPV Commonwealth Awards Luncheon featuring Majority Leader Kirk Cox

and Senator Mark Obenshain*
Grand Dominion
Open to Silver, Gold, Reagan, and Sponsor registration levels

2:45 p.m. 3:45 p.m.

Community Engagement through Service

Washingtonian 2
Unfortunately, there is a misconception among many Virginians that Republicans do
not care about the local community or people in need. Democrats often promote
this erroneous narrative, such as during the Medicaid Expansion debate, for example.
Local GOP unit community service activities allow Republicans to demonstrate their
compassion for people, promote private sector solutions to societal problems, and
provide a way to engage nontraditional GOP constituencies. At this workshop,
Prince William County Republican leaders will share the strategies, objectives and
benefits of their 2014 Community Service Initiative.
Presenters: Darrell DJ Jordan, Vice Chairman, Prince William County Republican
Pete Candland, Prince William County Board of Supervisors, Gainesville District
Bill Card, Chairman, Prince William County Republican Committee
Social Media 201: Making the tools work for you
Washingtonian 3
You know what the tools are. Now how do you make sure theyre working best for
you? Learn how to effectively employ a communication strategy online that helps
keep you known and growing. Topics include using online tools for fundraising and
event planning, blogger outreach, how to read the metrics that matter the most, online advertising and more.
Presenter: Jason Kenney
2:45 p.m. 5:00 p.m.

Faith and Constitution

Washingtonian 1
Part 1 1859: When the Pendulum Shifted
What is so important about 1859? How did one event change American legal
thought, education, government, history, and religious traditions? What other events
during the 19th and early 20th Century added to the pendulum shifting to a mindset
that our founding Fathers would not recognize? Our political battle today is better
understood by examining Americas cultural shift between 1859 and FDR.
Part 2 Repair takes longer than one election
When the Beatles released their song Revolution in 1968, the rebellion was underway. What has happened to American political thought and culture since 1960? How
revised is American history? With a firm reliance on Divine Providence, are we
willing to mutually pledge our Lives, our Fortunes, and our Sacred Honor for our
children and grandchildren? Lets get to work.
Presenter: Pastor Travis Witt
*Strategic Planning Meeting*
Lincoln Forum
Invitation Only- Unit Chairs

3:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m.

Opposition Research
Not every campaign can afford opposition research, but every campaign needs it!
This workshop will teach attendees how to perform and use basic opposition research, with an emphasis on local races. This workshop is also useful for activists
who want to be more effective government watchdogs. Darren is president and

founder of Malleus Political Strategies, a Raleigh, NC-based opposition research consulting firm.
Presenter: Darren Eustance, President- Malleus Political Strategies.
3:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m.

EPAs War on Cheap Electricity & Virginias Energy Future

What are the scientific facts on Climate Change, the issues and hurdles facing Virginia as we struggle to meet new EPA requirements, the road to off-shore drilling,
the pending battle for new natural gas pipelines through VA, and what new technologies are available to the energy industry to save money and meet EPAs new standards?
Moderator: Michael Thompson, President, Thomas Jefferson Institute for Public
Panelists: Dr. David Schnare, Director of Energy & Environment, Thomas Jefferson Institute
Honorable Greg Walcher, Former Secretary of Natural Resources in Colorado
Michael Whatley, Vice President, Consumer Energy Alliance
Bruce C. McKay, Managing Director, Federal Affairs for Dominion Resources
Rob Hartwell, Chairman/President, Hartwell Capital Consulting

4:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m.

Politics and the Law: Recent Cases, presented by the Republican National
Lawyers Association
Washingtonian 2
The panel will discuss important recent cases, including Page v. SBE, the challenge to
the 3rd Congressional District; King v. Burwell, the latest challenge to Obamacare on
premium subsidies in Federal exchanges; Ferguson v RPV and Russell v RPV, in
which individuals have contested the State Central Committees resolution of contests and appeals. The panel will also discuss the Attorney Generals duty to defend
the Constitution and statutes of Virginia.
Moderator: Chris Marston, Chair, Virginia Chapter, Republican National Lawyers
Presenters: The Honorable Rob Bell, House of Delegates
Cortland Putbrese, Partner, DunlapWeaver.
Social Media 201: Making the tools work for you
Washingtonian 3
You know what the tools are. Now how do you make sure theyre working best for
you? Learn how to effectively employ a communication strategy online that helps
keep you known and growing. Topics include using online tools for fundraising and
event planning, blogger outreach, how to read the metrics that matter the most, online advertising and more.
Presenter: Jason Kenney

5:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m.

Young Republicans Meeting


6:30 p.m.

*RPV Advance Gala VIP Reception with Former RNC, RPV Chairman Ed
Gillespie and Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal*
West Lobby
Requires VIP Gala ticket

7:00 p.m.

*RPV Advance Gala General Reception*

Open to all Gala ticket holders

7:30 p.m.

*RPV Annual Advance Gala featuring Former RNC, RPV Chairman Ed Gillespie and Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal*
Open to all Gala ticket holders

Sunday, December 7th

7:30 a.m.

Church Service with Pastor Travis Witt and Jack Morgan

Lincoln Forum

7:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m.

Vendor Tables Open

Lower Rotunda

8:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m.

RPVs Breakfast Suite and Toys for Toys Drive


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