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Microsoft Services Premier Support

TAM Newsletter December 2011

Microsoft news and product information from and product team blogs
How Microsoft does IT
Consolidating and Sharing Business Intelligence Reports for Finance The proliferation of data demands
solutions to collect, store, and analyze data. Business Intelligence solutions for organizing and distributing
reports across the enterprise built on Microsoft products support the rhythm of business, allow real-time
access to key data sets, and help streamline data-driven decision-making.
How Microsoft IT Deployed Internet Explorer 9 at Microsoft Microsoft Information Technology (Microsoft IT)
worked closely with the Internet Explorer product team to test Windows Internet Explorer 9, and has now
deployed it across the enterprise. With Internet Explorer 9, Microsoft IT is seeing benefits in increased
performance, security and application compatibility.
Managing Client Data Backup, Storage and Management at Microsoft Client data backup, storage and
management at Microsoft refers to the methods, services and processes involved in managing both
corporate and personal data for client machines. It can also refer to the sharing of data between employees,
teams or groups. Microsoft IT is working on validating a number of scenarios and solutions that over the
next three years, will lead to a comprehensive end user data management strategy for the company. Today,
we offer IntelliMirror Folder Redirection (User State Virtualization), System Center Data Protection Manager
(DPM) for Client data backup, and Virtual File Storage (VFS) service.
Time to Get Back to the Security Basics: Id like to share some simple ways for you to remove those easy
bulls-eyes from your PC by revisiting the basics, reviewing the current situation, and ultimately sharing how to
easily secure your enterprise PCs using capabilities that are available in Windows as well as other products
from Microsoft.

Security Practices and the Consumerization of IT: One very interesting aspect of the Ernst & Young's 14th
Annual Global Information Security Survey is related to the use of mobile computing platforms. The report
states, our survey shows that the adoption of tablets and smartphones ranked second-highest on the list of
technology challenges perceived as most significant, with more than half of respondents listing it as a difficult
or very difficult challenge.

Forefront Protection Server Management Console FAQs and Best Practices: The Microsoft Forefront
Protection Server Management Console (FPSMC) is a management tool that provides information technology
(IT) administrators with a way to centrally manage Forefront Protection 2010 for Exchange Server and
Forefront Protection 2010 for SharePoint deployments within your enterprise. Using a browser-based user
interface, the management console provides centralized management.

How to Create a Social Engineering Incident Response Plan? Most of IT professionals and even end users
when thinking about Security are primarily concerned with the technical aspects, for instance: strong
passwords' policies, 3 Authentication Factors, a lot of Firewalls, Anti-Phishing, AntiMalwares, and so on. Of
course, those are really important and can make a difference in terms of relative protection. What about the
Human Factor?
Microsoft Cloud Services
Office 365 adds 22 Additional Markets, New Features and Continues Record Growth Rate: In addition to
expanding our geographic reach, weve added more than 30 new updates to Office 365, many of them a
direct response to customer feedback.

SkyDrive - designing personal cloud storage for billions of people: SkyDrive has grown tremendously since
we launched in 2007, and recently, we've made a number of updates to SkyDrive. But we know we have a
ways to go. As we look to the future and designing a personal cloud storage service for billions of people,
it's important to reflect both on what's going on in the industry and the problems people are having with
todays approaches to the cloud.

Perspectives on Cloud Security: Its always useful to have anothers perspective, so you may want to check
out Nick Hoovers/InformationWeek recent writing on cloud security. Over the last few weeks Nick has
sought the opinions of a number of security industry leaders. In a story from this past Monday, Cloud
Security: Better Than We Think?, Nick tied his recent work together.
Cloud on Your Terms - 30 Days about the Cloud: A 30-part blog series addressing various questions about
the Cloud.

IT Service Management
MOF Service Mapping: This guidean extension of the Business/IT Alignment Service Management
Function (SMF)is intended to introduce the content, structure, development, usage, and benefits of service
maps. Service maps are graphical representations of a technology service that illustrate the various
components that rely on the successful delivery of that service.

IT Service Mapping (SMAP) is designed to help IT and business unit groups model IT services end to end for
their organization. Service Mapping helps customers ensure that all dependencies and cross-functional areas
are captured and accountability identified. Specifically, Service Mapping assists with the following:
o Establish and improve communication and service agreements with IT and the business units
o Encourage alignment between supporting IT services
o Understand dependencies and thereby operate as an optimized service
Business Alignment of IT Services: In the day-to-day activities of IT operations, there are many opportunities
for IT service delivery to miss the mark. Many studies indicate the main causes of substandard service
delivery are both people and process-related issues not technology. In fact, 80 percent of unplanned
downtime can be directly attributed to people and processes, and 7075 percent of IT budgets are spent on
long-term IT operations not on the up-front acquisition cost of new technology. Join this webcast to get expert
guidance on how to go beyond just thinking about supporting individual applications to thinking about and
delivering IT services aligned to the needs of your business. Discover how Microsoft can help you map out
your IT services and align them to your business needs, ensuring your business gets the most out of your IT

Windows Desktop and Server 7 / 2008 / Vista / 2003 / XP

Default Print Device Selection Behavior in Windows Our theme today is printing, specifically Default Printer
selection behavior. We regularly get asked the question on what causes the default printer to change on a
Windows host. Understanding the reasons why this change occurs can alleviate a lot of the frustration end
users experience when it happens, as well as provide helpdesk staff an easy-to-share solution to the problem.
Directory Services: Removing DFSR Filters DFSR administrators usually know about its built-in filtering
mechanism. You can configure each filter based on file name and extension; by default, files named like
*.bak, *.tmp, ~* are filtered, as they are unlikely to be permanent or useful between servers. You can also
filter out folders; this is less common, as you cannot provide a full path - only a name. Sometimes though, it is
useful for a specific working folder used by applications.
Managing the Windows 7 Program Compatibility Assistant (PCA) I wanted to document a bit of detail about
managing the Program Compatibility Assistant, a bit of technology we added for Windows Vista and have
been enhancing since that time I figured it was probably time that we came out with an update for Windows
Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2012 Beta 2 Now Available The Solution Accelerators team is pleased to
announce Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT) 2012 Beta 2 is available for download on Connect now. New
features and enhancements make large-scale desktop and server deployments smoother than ever! For
System Center Configuration Manager customers, MDT 2012 Beta 2 provides an improved, extensible wizard
and designer for customizing deployment questions.
Help! Finding Remote Desktop Services Information Online Wed like to ensure you can find the information
you need to use Remote Desktop Services, so heres a quick roundup of the available resources and when
theyre appropriate.
Building Windows 8: Enabling large disks and large sectors in Windows 8 In Windows 7 we improved things
substantially in terms of reliability, management, and robustness (for example, automating completely the
antiquated notion of "defrag"). In Windows 8 we build on this work by focusing on scale and capacity.

Building a power-smart general-purpose Windows Battery life and power consumption continue to be some of
the most important topics in the computing industry. We wanted to give you a look at how we think about
power management for Windows 8, and how we measure power consumption on a daily basis. We consider
power management a core OS capability that is critical on any chip architecture and any PC form factor.
Virtualization Technologies
Windows Server 8: Introducing Hyper-V Extensible Switch Hyper-V users have asked for a number of new
networking capabilities and weve heard them. In codename Windows Server 8 we are adding many new
features to the Hyper-V virtual switch for virtual machine protection, traffic isolation, traffic prioritization, usage
metering, and the troubleshooting. We are also introducing rich new management capabilities that support
both WMI and PowerShell. Its an exciting set of functionality! But we didnt stop there.

APP-V: How to sequence the Dynamics AX 2012 client with App-V 4.6 SP1 on Windows 7/2008 R2 Since the
release of the Dynamics AX 2012 client, we have received a couple of issues when customers try to virtualize
this new client using Microsoft Application Virtualization 4.6 Service Pack 1. Earlier versions of the AX client
did sequence properly.

How to create a sample App-V HTTP reporting service This article steps you through the process of creating
a simple and scalable system for gathering App-V usage information. This solution will work with any of the
supported application publishing methods supported by App-V, including App-V Management Server,
Configuration Manager, or even manual deployment via MSIs (Windows Installer).

Overcoming WMI Deployment Conflicts in Microsoft Server App-V In this post, we will see how to identify
WMI conflicts and methods for overcoming these conflicts without re-sequencing.
MED-V: GPO Settings That Could Potentially Cause Issues with MED-V Features MED-V V2 leverages
underlying VPC and RDP\RemoteApp technologies to facilitate support for URL, Print, and document
redirection. In addition, a special BHO is used by the host browser to redirect URLs configured for legacy
guest browsing to the guest browser. There are certain group policies that could impact MED-Vs functionality
and/or performance if they are configured.

Ramifications of Switching between NAT (Shared Networking) Mode and Bridged Mode with MED-V V2.
Often I get the question, What if I want to change the networking mode? Can I do this after the MED-V
workspace has been deployed? Or will I have to re-deploy the workspace?
SQL Server
SQL Server 2012 Release Candidate is now Available! SQL Server 2012 RC is the first release which is
feature complete and represents an exciting milestone for customers and partners looking to experience the
full value of SQL Server 2012.

Cumulative Update #7 for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 2: Keep your system up to date with the most
recent cumulative update package for SQL Server 2008 SP2. This package contains all of the SQL Server
2008 hotfixes that have been released since the initial release of SQL Server 2008 SP2.

Cumulative Update #2 for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 3: The Microsoft SQL Server Sustained
Engineering team is proud to announce the release of SQL Server 2008 SP3 Cumulative Update 2.
Cumulative Update 2 contains a roll-up of hotfixes released since the initial release of SQL Server 2008 SP3.
PowerPivot: Whats New in Power View? This post summarizes much of the new functionality in Power View
with SQL Server 2012 RC0.

Whats New in SharePoint Online: November 2011 Update Our first update to SharePoint Online (SPO) since
the launch of Office 365 (O365) became generally available on June 28, 2011 is now complete worldwide. We
thought it would be a good time to share information about the new features and fixes available as part of this
service update.

How to save an Excel macro-enabled workbook (.xslm) template in a SharePoint library: In a SharePoint
library, you can set a default file template. When someone creates a new file, the default file template opens
in the appropriate program. For example in a document library, you can set an Office Word template (.docx or
.dotx) that contains a marketing campaign proposal or an Office Excel template (.xlsx or .xltx) that contains a
quarterly budget. Default file templates help ensure consistency and standardization.

Support continual SharePoint learning and innovation by building a SharePoint training environment, Part I: In
the spirit of giving back a little of what I have received from others in the SharePoint community, and to help
you and your organization spread the SharePoint learning goodness, this is the first in a series of posts on
creating and implementing a SharePoint training environment.

SharePoint Variations The Complete Guide: This new article series will discuss all aspects of the
SharePoint Variations feature and provide insights into the underlying architecture and will also provide
details about customization.

How To Do SharePoint Governance in the absence of Proper Governance: This is the first of a series of
articles that will be mainly focused on operational procedures for Microsoft SharePoint admins in the absence
of governance. It is not meant to help build a governance process, rather to help my typical customers
understand some dos and donts. If you are a developer, business analyst, architect or customer, it will give
you an insight on SharePoint operations and help you understand the challenges and reasons behind some
decisions. If you are a farm admin, I hope these articles will help you in your day to day work.
Business-critical processes with SharePoint and SQL With SharePoint and SQL, once the relevant business
data is surfaced in an enterprise-wide collaboration platform, several benefits can be gained; first and

foremost, access to the data that underlines core business processes can now be viewed, analyzed and
acted on by any employee in the organization (based on business priorities and permissions granted).
Exchange Server
Capacity Planning Yes Transaction Log Space is Critical to Keeping your Databases Healthy and Mounted:
The other day I was chatting with one of our Supportability Program Managers, Nino Bilic, and he mentioned
something that was rather alarming - the number one reason why our Premier customers open Exchange
2010 critical situations is because Mailbox databases dismount due to running out of disk space on the
transaction log LUN.

Time to revisit recommendations around Windows networking enhancements usually called Microsoft
Scalable Networking Pack: Over the years, there has been a lot of debate around features in Windows which
are usually referred to as Microsoft Scalable Networking Pack (individual features are known as Receive Side
Scaling (RSS) and Chimney/TCP Connection Offload/TOE), and the effect of having them enabled or
disabled on our servers.

Windows Disk Timeouts and Exchange Server 2010: A few months Bruce Langworthy wrote an excellent
article regarding some new recommendations for setting the Windows Disk Timeout value. This post got me
thinking about Exchange and how we deal with I/O problems. If you haven't read Bruces article, it explains
that the default disk timeout of 60 seconds means that Windows will not report the hung I/O for 60 seconds
and wont retry the I/O for 8 minutes. 8 minutes is far too long to wait before retrying a hung IO, so Microsoft is
releasing new guidance recommending changing the Windows Disk Timeout setting to a value that aligns with
your storage architecture.
Handling Email Storms in Exchange 2007: I was recently involved in an issue with a customer in helping them
remove millions of messages related to an Email storm after getting relayed into their Exchange 2007
infrastructure. The mail storm related messages were being relayed into Exchange from a source of trusted
systems which misbehaved and before the customer could react (as this was a weekend) Exchange 2007
Transport Infrastructure was flooded with these messages.

System Center
System Center 2012 Release Candidate Software: System Center 2012 pre-release products help your
organization achieve IT as a Service by enabling productive infrastructure, predictable applications, and cloud
computing on your terms with a common management experience.
New System Center Virtual Labs Available: TechNet Virtual Labs enable you to quickly evaluate and test
Microsoft's newest products and technologies through a series of guided, hands-on labs that you can
complete in 90 minutes or less. There is no complex setup or installation required, and you can use TechNet
Virtual Labs online immediately, free.
CM: Using Configuration Manager to Manage Clients in a Workgroup or Untrusted Domain: This document
covers the processes and considerations for managing clients in another un-trusted domain, as if they were in
a workgroup, and/or to manage actual Workgroup Clients. In this documentation, Workgroup Clients is the
term that is used, however, be aware that through these same processes and procedures, clients in an untrusted domain can be managed in the same way, and with the same limitations as actual Workgroup Clients.
ConfigMgr 2012: Package Conversion Manager (PCM) & Readiness State: In todays post, I wanted to take a
little bit of time to build a bit deeper on the underlying principles of the Readiness state for Package
Conversion Manager (PCM) as it is the fundamental to understand.
VMM: Automating Update Server Synchronization in VMM 2012 Part 2: In the Update Management feature
for VMM 2012 synchronization of the Update Server with WU/MU catalog is handled on-demand. In more
detail, to initiate an Update Server Synchronization a VMM administrator invokes the Synchronize Update
Server action.
OM: Application Performance Monitoring with Operations Manager 2012: For many years Operations
Manager has delivered infrastructure monitoring, providing a strong foundation on which we can build to
deliver application performance monitoring. A key value that Operations Manager 2012 delivers is a solution
that uses the same tools to monitor with visibility across infrastructure AND applications.

Infrastructure and Network Monitoring with Operations Manager 2012: One of the important changes we
made with Operations Manager 2012 is that we have simplified the architecture by removing the RMS (Root
Management Server) role. To do this, we have created resource pools that will distribute the workload that the
RMS performed in the past. This will help decrease bottlenecks, help increase performance, and help provide
higher availability of your Operations Manager environment.

Orchestrator: Orchestrator 2012 Quick Start Deployment Guide: System Center Orchestrator 2012 is
extremely easy to setup and deploy. There are only a handful of prerequisites, and most can be handled by
the setup installer routine.

Orchestrator 2012 Deployment & Configuration Step-by-Step Part 1 Overview and Architecture: In this post
series I will go through Microsoft System Center Orchestrator 2012 Deployment and Configuration in Step by
Step format with screenshots, and will go into details of the product to help you better understand how you
can get benefits from this powerful product.
Microsoft Office System
November 2011 Office Update Release The November Public Update release for Office is now live and
available for download. This release contains multiple non-security updates.
Access: Display real-time information with the ControlTip Property The ControlTipText property is usually
associated with providing static information, usually a helpful tip for the user - for example, a control called
ContactStatus might have a ControlTipText text of "Select status from dropdown." The property can also be
used in a dynamic way, allowing you to display real-time info to the user in a wide range of scenarios.
PowerPoint: Clip, crop, wow: 7 tips on using photos in PowerPoint We put together a series of free, short,
training videos to help you. Lesson 1 deals almost exclusively with adding and manipulating photos in
PowerPoint. You'll learn the basics--how to insert, crop, and align them; then you'll move on to the fancier
stuff--how to add styles and effects, and my favorite--how to reduce the overall size (as in megabytes) of your
photographs so you can sidestep the inbox bouncer when you send off your presentation.
Excel: Excel as a project management tool It goes without saying that Microsoft Project is THE program to
use if you need to manage large projects. But what if you manage smaller projects? Can you do that in Excel?
Sure, but life will be easier if you start with a template that is specifically designed to facilitate project
Word: Do revision marks have you seeing red? Tracked changes can turn a Word document into a
maddening, frightful mess even though you know the editor's only trying to help. With all those revision marks,
you might have trouble envisioning the final document, right? Actually, Word makes it handy to review a
document in its original and final forms without having to save multiple versions or even leave the document.
OneNote: Update for OneNote 2010 makes SkyDrive sync even better SkyDrive is also a platform for apps
like Microsoft OneNote 2010 to build on. The ubiquity of SkyDrive means that if youre using OneNote 2010
with SkyDrive, your notebooks will be available from wherever you are and will be accessible via, your Windows Phone, your PC with OneNote 2010, and even your iPhone.
Outlook: Noisy Outlook Inbox? Turn down the sound with a couple of tweaks Conversations in Outlook are
simply email threadsthe complete chain of messages from the first message through all the responses. In
Outlook 2010 you can view all your messages in any folder in Conversation view.
Lync and Lync Server: Assigning Telephone Numbers to Lync Enterprise Voice Users When rolling out
Enterprise Voice in your organization, use the following best practice recommendations to define your
numbering plan and to assign telephone numbers to Enterprise Voice users. Defining the correct numbering
plan is a crucial factor in the success of your Enterprise Voice deployment.
Mac Users: Download Lync for Mac 2011 Today Lync for Mac 2011 enables Mac users to see their
colleagues online presence while working in Outlook or collaborating on Office documents. Lync for Mac
enables users to quickly send an instant message, start a video chat, or schedule an Online Meeting from
within Outlook for Mac 2011.
Visio: Visio 2007 Service Pack 3 Available The Service Pack 3 (SP3) update for Visio 2007 is now available.
It includes a variety of new security, stability and performance improvements as well as all previous updates
and hotfixes released through August 2011.
Office Web Apps: New SkyDrive updates make sharing Office docs easier The SkyDrive team is announcing
some updates that are also based on your requests. Todays SkyDrive updates will make it easier than ever
to share and collaborate on Office documents using Office Web Apps on SkyDrive.
Other Information
Windows 7 themes: autumnal treats, trees, torrents, and more Our newest theme is designed to bring this
sense of seasonal warmth and nostalgia to your Windows 7 desktop, and to evoke happy memories of
cooking and enjoying special meals with family. For those of you in the United States, this theme comes just
in time for Thanksgiving, but I hope that everyone will enjoy the classic homey images in Autumn Bounty. See
also: Windows 7 themes: art and photography from the community!
10 Reasons to switch to Hotmail if you use Outlook So why is Hotmail best for Outlook users? Here are a few
of the things we hear that our customers find most useful.
Windows Phone 7: Pinworthy: Apps for planes, trains, and automobiles

Custom ringtones: A visual guide Want to create a cool ringtone for your phone? In Windows Phone 7.5, you
can, and we've (literally) sketched out the basics for you here.

Express yourself with emoji Turns out Windows Phone 7.5 has a ton of built-in emojimany of which were
totally new to me! Here are the key combinations for conjuring just a few of them.
Just Press Play: Interesting news from our Microsoft Research Connections (MSRC) team on a project with
Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). Just Press Play explores the potential to weave gameplay in to
academia and social activities.
Microsoft Developer Information
10 Laps around Silverlight 5 Series: Today we begin a new and exciting series covering the new features in
Silverlight 5. I am going to guide you step-by-step through the process of getting started with Silverlight 5 and
then we will dive into the features that are the most important to you.

Code Analysis for All: At the recent BUILD Conference, the Visual Studio Code Analysis team presented
some great new features of Microsoft Visual Studio 11 C++ Code Analysis. We thought wed highlight a
couple of the security aspects.
Cloud Developer: Free Windows Azure Developer Camps Coming to a City Near You Sign Up Now! Were
excited to announce that a new series of free Windows Azure Developer Camps are coming to several cities
around the world. Whether youre a seasoned Windows Azure developer looking to learn about the latest
Windows Azure features, or a new Windows Azure developer looking to get up to speed, Windows Azure
Developer Camps have something for you. These camps are informal, no-fluff events for developers and by
developers where you can learn from Windows Azure experts and have hands-on time to apply what youve
Windows Azure Storage: A Highly Available Cloud Storage Service with Strong Consistency: We recently
published a paper describing the internal details of Windows Azure Storage at the 23rd ACM Symposium on
Operating Systems Principles (SOSP). The paper describes how we provision and scale out capacity within
and across data centers via storage stamps, and how the storage location service is used to manage our
stamps and storage accounts.
IE10: Evolving ECMAScript For the Web and Web applications to keep making progress, the programming
language of the Web must continue to improve. Todays JavaScript standard lacks a few basic objects and
library helpers that are vital for building rich, world-wide Web applications. Last week at the Ecma TC39
meeting at Apples campus in Cupertino, Microsoft shared reference implementations of proposals to address
gaps in Math, String, and Number functionality as well as Globalization. To ensure that others in the
community are also able to provide feedback, were releasing these reference implementations via HTML5
Typing with Speed and Accuracy in IE10 Typing quickly and accurately is a critical part of the user experience
for any piece of software. When using a device without a physical keyboard, providing a great text input
experience is even more important. Windows 8 provides several capabilities to make text input great on any
device, and spellchecking is one of them.
Windows Phone 7: WP7 Jump Start Slides, Demos and Video Tutorials: Windows Phone MVPs Rob Miles
and Andy Wigley train developers to build amazing applications and games for Windows Phone 7 in 19 selfpaced sessions.
Monthly Reminders of Good Information Sources:

Security Page Links to Key Information

Malware Protection Center The Microsoft Malware Protection Center (MMPC) provides world class antimalware
research and response capabilities that support Microsofts range of security products and services. With
laboratories in multiple locations around the globe the MMPC is able to respond quickly and effectively to new
malicious and potentially unwanted software threats wherever and whenever they arise.

HotFix & Security Bulletin Search

Microsoft Solution Accelerators are free, authoritative resources to help IT professionals proactively plan,
integrate, and operate IT systems.

Microsofts Support Lifecycle policy provides consistent and predictable guidelines for product support availability
at the time of product release.

BlogMS Monthly BlogMS consolidates a large number of highly relevant and up to date information sources
across the Microsoft product and online services portfolio. You can expect to find important announcements and
details of Microsoft news, product releases, service packs and important support issues.

Technical Rollup Premier Field Engineering information consolidated monthly for each major product/product

Microsoft Premier Online The Microsoft Premier Online (MPO) site is a secure Web site
for the exclusive use of Premier Support customers. Note some of the links below may only be available to Premier
Support customers. If you currently have Premier Support and dont have access to MPO, please let your TAM know.
Your TAM can get you access to the site.
Premier Twitter: Microsoft Premier is now on Twitter! This account will share new proactive offerings and product
information, links to important articles on TechNet or Microsoft Blogs, important lifecycle updates, and security
alerts. Start following us today by visiting here!
Support WebCasts
List of Upcoming WebCasts:
List of Previous WebCasts for on demand viewing:
See the Top Ten List of the most popular webcasts.
Recent Security Bulletins (Security Bulletin Archives)

Microsoft Security Bulletin Summary for November 2011

Microsoft Security Bulletin Summary for October 2011

Microsoft Security Bulletin Summary for September 2011

Last 5 Published or Updated Security Advisories:

Microsoft Security Advisory (2641690)
Fraudulent Digital Certificates Could Allow Spoofing
Published or Last Updated: Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Microsoft Security Advisory (2639658)
Vulnerability in TrueType Font Parsing Could Allow Elevation of Privilege
Published or Last Updated: Friday, November 11, 2011
Microsoft Security Advisory (2269637)
Insecure Library Loading Could Allow Remote Code Execution
Published or Last Updated: Tuesday, November 08, 2011
Microsoft Security Advisory (2588513)
Vulnerability in SSL/TLS Could Allow Information Disclosure
Published or Last Updated: Monday, September 26, 2011
Microsoft Security Advisory (2607712)
Fraudulent Digital Certificates Could Allow Spoofing
Published or Last Updated: Monday, September 19, 2011
For the entire list of published Security Advisories, visit the Security Advisory Archive Web site.
For the latest information and resources, see

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