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1. It was long before the declaration of Merdeka, and even longer than
that historical moments, drugs had already established its deadly effects on
mankind. One unforgettable effect of drug was when traditional drug were
widely used in the Opium War in China. Far from that no one would expect
drugs could developed itself parallel with the development of mankind and
the world. Sometime in the 60’s came marijuana with wide range of
addicts, then morphine and heroin came in hand in the 70’s, which began
the emergence of young rascals. Our neighbourhood was never safe and
secure anymore, the localities were beginning to live in worries, attractive
and accountable belongings can never be left unattended or unwatched,
even on the front of our doorstep. Now with the new family of drugs, and
with the new effects on the addicts, and with the new trend of distribution,
many innocent youngsters were lured into consuming drugs. Many had
failed in their attempt to fight drugs, many had lost in the physychological
war to kick this deadly habits and not to forget many had also lost their
lives in making drugs as a way to earn a living. And thus ,us as the most
prominent law enforcement department, we have more that everything to
do, to keep this beautiful region, free from drugs.

2. Ever since the designated slogan “ DADAH MUSUH UTAMA NEGARA “

was introduced AND launched, we never failed to deliberately encounter
drugs addiction and drug smuggling, and one thing we can be sure off ,
that these deadly illegal drugs had become a deadly devastating nuisance
to the country had became a common enemy of the region and thus
converging us together into finding ways and means to combat drugs and


3. In the implementations of building up cooperation towards a drug

free region among us, we cant do it alone and we cant work alone, we have
to come to one mission and one vision. We have to converge all our
capabilities and responsibilities, diversified our techniques and tactics,
apply our aggressiveness and stern actions, but one thing we should not
neglect is, to spill our advices and deepest love onto our younger
generation who are leaders of tomorrow to stay away, far far away from
drugs. And above all we need STRENGTH AND OPPORTUNITIES to combat
drugs till its grass root. Yes we have no other alternative and choice, we
have nobody else to depend on but us, who have been entrusted by our
nation, by our department and of course by our most cooperative people.
In all aspect of actions to combat drugs usage and trafficking, we certainly
need strength and opportunities.

4. STRENGTH. In carrying out our duties and tasks towards a drug free
region, we need a concrete and continuous strength, and to build up that
concrete and continuous strength, we need knowledge, support and
intelligence information, we have to gather all these from all possible
resources namely and reliably from :

a. International Links :
1. Interpol.
2. Neighbouring Countries
b. Custom and Excise Department.
c. Immigration Department.
d. Health Department.
e. Neighbouring States and Departments.
f. Intelligence Networking from local resources and foreign
g. Specialist and Expertise in assessing the past and present
modes of trafficking.
h. Developing Close Liason with Heads Of Communities.
i. Knowledge in characteristics of addicts and pushers.
j. The Responsible and Cooperative public.

5. OPPORTUNITIES AND COMMUNICATIONS. With the activation of Rakan

Cop and the latest crime prevention medium, a volunteer organization
Inisiatif Bandar Selamat ( IBS ), it has offerred us opportunities to receive
quick time information which requires quick and fast action from the

6. And with the intense development of information and communication

technology, it is most possible for us to gather information from all reliable
sources within seconds, and as such we are able to narrow down our search
and destroy activities in combating drugs abuse and trafficking.

7. Despite building up our strength and create opportunities, in

Fostering Cooperation Towards A Drug Free Region, we should look back
behind us, what has gone wrong and assessed why in some instances and
situations when all information, intelligence and plans and coordinates
were set, but we still failed to accomplish our mission, why. That’s our
weaknesses, and to mention some of the weaknesses that could have
contributed to our failure in fostering a drug free region are as follows :

a. Lack of manpower and well trained anti drugs personnel..

b. Lack of trainings and exercises.
c. Lack of Knowledge and exposure.
d. No Continuous pursue on reports and information.
e. Poor assessment of the situation and surroundings
f. Poor Communications and Inter relations with the public and
g. Obsolete weapons and equipments use to track down
traffickers and addicts.
h. And there are times when we do not explore a vague
intelligence or information.

8. But however, in pursuing our goals in fostering cooperation towards a

drug free region, we cant avoid of being tarnished by due threats and
setbacks, which certainly will hampered our strategies and plans. In some
extent it has jeopardize the department image and integrity, some threats
arise due to global economical fluctuation, which basically do not carry
much impact on the department’s plans and strategies, but there are
threats that arise within the department itself, that is the integrity of the
department especially the subordinates. This unpredicted threat will
continue to haunt the department colors and image and of course our most
distinctive value INTEGRITY. We have encounter numbers of situations
where the drug traffickers and addicts, were not convicted due to lack of
evidences and proofs. And in some situation, exhibits and marked
confisticated items were found missing from our custody. It is very difficult
to determine every personnel integrity in the department, they are
everywhere in the department, and sometime they happened to be part of
our organization and I believe they sometime were part of our operational
plans and strategies.


9. In order to enhance a greater impact of the department roles and

duties towards a drug free region, we have to overcome our weaknesses
and most important we have to neutralize all internal threats within the
department at all cost and means available.. The prime course of actions
that could prompt our credibility in our daily encountering of drugs
problem if not totally, and if I may suggest are as follows :

a. Man power :

1) Well trained in all aspects, techniques and tactics in war

against drug.
2) Equipped with drugs knowledge and exposure on
encountering drugs trafficking and addictions
3) Equipped with latest surveillance tools and equipments to
tracks the flow drugs .
4) Build close relations among the localities and the

b. Integrity :

1) Build a strong belonging towards the department and the

2) Sincerity in applying the trust and the responsibility of
the public.
3) Sense of loyalty to the duty and the department.

c. Communications and Integrations.

1) Develop information and intelligence exchange within

2) Create close relationship with heads of communities.
3) Regular meets with localities and youngsters.
4) Be part of communities organisations.

10. Besides the statement above, I believe there are many more that we
can think of. We cant depend on books alone, we have to explore ourselves
in real life situation, we have to go deeper in finding the roots to the
problem, we have to converge our experiences and overcome our
weaknesses. And by the end of this meet, I believe and I am looking
forward for more beneficial and workable plans and ideas towards fostering
cooperation towards a drug free region, from the floor.



11. To realize the government vision in making Malaysia a drug free

nation by 2015, we should now renew our vows as new as when we first
step our feet on the department training ground. We have to activate all
our potentials and capabilities and most important of all, we have to stand
to the trust and the responsibility that have been entrusted to by the
department and the people. We can say that this accomplishment is not
our total duty and responsibility, we have other charter of duties to fulfill to
the public safety and security needs, but one must not forget that we have
an important role in drug abuse. And as a Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah
Narkotik PDRM, we are the main enforcement body to prevent and resist
any form of drugs activities no matter what it takes.

12. For almost 30 years past, the government had implemented several
stern and concrete actions to curb drugs abuse and trafficking, but sad to
say those actions and activities, and although had been going on for such
a long time , it seem that those are not enough to put an end to drug abuse
and drug trafficking in Malaysia. Drug are still smuggled into this beautiful
nation, new addicts are blooming here and there, our Pusat Serenti were
never vacated.

13. It is our main duty and sole responsibility to come together to realize
the vision of the nation to free Malaysia from drug by 2015. What
achievement is more glorious that putting to an end to drug abuse and
trafficking in Malaysia.


14. As said earlier, we cant work alone to curb drug, we need assistant,
help, cooperation and support from walk of live. We have to seek and
establish communications with all government bodies that link to the
smuggling and abusing of drug. We have to be with the people and the
communities to gather information and sometime intelligence too.

15. Drug abuse and trafficking cannot just be solved by raids and
apprehension of those involved, to effectively strengthen drug eradication,
we have to create drug prevention and awareness strategy into giving
awareness to the public of the harmful effects and impacts of illegal drugs.

16. We need one another to achieve our goal, the will power to work
hand in hand with other government departments, the societies, the
communities and the people should be embraced without end,
implemented with pure interest and, we should bear in mind that all our
deeds and doings were not for our own self interest but for the department,
the people and the nation.

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