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Communication means interaction of two or more people with each other. There are
many ways of communication. Main three types are mentioned under:
1. Verbal communication
2. Non-verbal communication
3. Written communication

Communication styles of different organization depend upon their culture, structure and
also on the nature of the jobs given to the employees. Mostly verbal and written
communications are highlighted in the organization or any workplace without regarding
to the importance of non-verbal communication that is much more important and that is
always present in the environment.

Nonverbal is the term commonly used to refer to all communication that occurs by the
means other than spoken and written words. Such communication takes place along many
dimensions that can be grouped under three main headings:
1. Body (appearance and actions)
2. The voice
3. Environment
Nonverbal communication involves those nonverbal stimuli in a communication setting
that are generated by both the source [speaker] and his or her use of the environment and
that have potential message value for the source or receiver [listener]. Basically it is
sending and receiving messages in a variety of ways without the use of verbal codes
(words). It is both intentional and unintentional. Most speakers / listeners are not
conscious of this. It includes — but is not limited to:
• Touch
• Glance
• Eye contact (gaze)
• Volume
• Vocal nuance
• Proximity
• Gestures
• Facial expression? Pause (silence)
• Intonation
• Dress
• Posture
• Smell
• Word choice and syntax
• Sounds (paralanguage)

Broadly speaking, there are two basic categories of non-verbal language:

1. Nonverbal messages produced by the body;
2. Nonverbal messages produced by the broad setting (time, space, silence)


The body The voice Environment
(the appearance & actions)
Posture Volume Space and territory
Height Pitch Time
Dress Rate Building and room design
Gestures Tone Interior décor
Facial expressions Non-fluencies Lightning, noise
Touch Seating arrangement


Basically, it is one of the key aspects of communication (and especially important in a
high-context culture). It has multiple functions:

• Used to repeat the verbal message (e.g. point in a direction while stating
• Often used to accent a verbal message. (e.g. verbal tone indicates the actual
meaning of the specific words).
• Often complement the verbal message but also may contradict. E.g.: a nod
reinforces a positive message (among Americans); a “wink” may contradict a
stated positive message.
• Regulate interactions (non-verbal cues covey when the other person should speak
or not speak).
• May substitute for the verbal message (especially if it is blocked by noise,
interruption, etc) — i.e. gestures (finger to lips to indicate need for quiet), facial
expressions (i.e. a nod instead of a yes).
Note the implications of the proverb: “Actions speak louder than words.” In essence, this
underscores the importance of non-verbal communication. Non-verbal communication is
especially significant in intercultural situations. Probably non-verbal differences account
for typical difficulties in communicating.


1. General Appearance and Dress
All cultures are concerned for how they look and make judgments based on looks and
dress. Americans, for instance, appear almost obsessed with dress and personal
attractiveness. Consider differing cultural standards on what is attractive in dress and on
what constitutes modesty.

2. Body Movement
We send information on attitude toward person (facing or leaning towards another),
emotional statue (tapping fingers, jiggling coins), and desire to control the environment
(moving towards or away from a person).
More than 700,000 possible motions we can make, so impossible to categorize them all!
But just need to be aware the body movement and position is a key ingredient in sending

3. Posture
Consider the following actions and note cultural differences:
• Bowing (not done, criticized, or affected in US; shows rank in Japan)
• Slouching (rude in most Northern European areas)
• Hands in pocket (disrespectful in Turkey)
• Sitting with legs crossed (offensive in Ghana, Turkey)
• Showing soles of feet. (Offensive in Thailand, Saudi Arabia)
• Even in US, there is a gender difference on acceptable posture?

4. Gestures
Impossible to catalog them all. But need to recognize:
1) Incredible possibility and variety and 2) That an acceptable in one’s own culture may
be offensive in another. In addition, amount of gesturing varies from culture to culture.
Some cultures are animated; other restrained. Restrained cultures often feel animated
cultures lack manners and overall restraint. Animated cultures often feel restrained
cultures lack emotion or interest.
Even simple things like using hands to point and count differ.
Pointing : US with index finger; Germany with little finger; Japanese with entire hand (in
fact most Asians consider pointing with index finger to be rude)
Counting: Thumb = 1 in Germany, 5 in Japan, middle finger for 1 in Indonesia.

5. Facial Expressions
While some say that facial expressions are identical, meaning attached to them differs.
Majority opinion is that these do have similar meanings world-wide with respect to
smiling, crying, or showing anger, sorrow, or disgust. However, the intensity varies from
culture to culture. Note the following:
• Many Asian cultures suppress facial expression as much as possible.
• Many Mediterranean (Latino / Arabic) cultures exaggerate grief or sadness while
most American men hide grief or sorrow.
• Some see “animated” expressions as a sign of a lack of control.
• Too much smiling is viewed in as a sign of shallowness.
• Women smile more than men.
6. Eye Contact and Gaze
In USA, eye contact indicates: degree of attention or interest, influences attitude change
or persuasion, regulates interaction, communicates emotion, defines power and status,
and has a central role in managing impressions of others.
Western cultures — see direct eye to eye contact as positive (advise children to look a
person in the eyes). But within USA, African-Americans use more eye contact when
talking and less when listening with reverse true for Anglo Americans. This is a possible
cause for some sense of unease between races in US. A prolonged gaze is often seen as a
sign of sexual interest.
• Arabic cultures make prolonged eye-contact. — believe it shows interest and
helps them understand truthfulness of the other person. (A person who doesn’t
reciprocate is seen as untrustworthy)
• Japan, Africa, Latin American, Caribbean — avoid eye contact to show respect.

7. Smell
• USA — fear of offensive natural smells (billion dollar industry to mask
objectionable odors with what is perceived to be pleasant) — again connected
with “attractiveness” concept.
• Many other cultures consider natural body odors as normal (Arabic).
• Asian cultures (Filipino, Malay, Indonesian, Thai, and Indian) stress frequent
bathing — and often criticize USA of not bathing often enough!

8. Paralanguage
• Vocal characterizers (laugh, cry, yell, moan, whine, belch, yawn). These send
different messages in different cultures (Japan — giggling indicates
embarrassment; India – belch indicates satisfaction)
• Vocal qualifiers (volume, pitch, rhythm, tempo, and tone). Loudness indicates
strength in Arabic cultures and softness indicates weakness; indicates confidence
and authority to the Germans,; indicates impoliteness to the Thais; indicates loss
of control to the Japanese. (Generally, one learns not to “shout” in Asia for nearly
any reason!). Gender based as well: women tend to speak higher and more softly
than men.
• Vocal segregates (un-huh, shh, uh, ooh, mmmh, humm, eh, mah, lah). Segregates
indicate formality, acceptance, assent, uncertainty.

OGDCL is the national oil & gas company of Pakistan and the flagship of the country’s
Exploration & Production sector. The Company is the local market leader in terms of
reserves, production and acreage, and is listed on all three stock exchanges in Pakistan
and also on the London Stock Exchange since December 2006. The Company is all set to
ride the wave of E&P activity, equipped with its Vision & Mission, Business and
Strategic Plan, a debt-free and robust balance sheet and healthy cash reserves. The
Company is ready to take on the challenges of a volatile Exploration & Production


Oil and Gas Development Company Limited (OGDCL). Situated in Jinnah Avenue, Blue
Area Islamabad, Pakistan.

To be a leading, regional Pakistani Exploration & Production Company, recognized for
its people, partnerships and performance.
Our mission is to become a competitive, dynamic and growing Exploration & Production
Company, rapidly enhancing our reserves through world class workforce, best
management practices and technology and maximizing returns to all stakeholders by
capturing high value business opportunities within the country and abroad, while being a
responsible corporate citizen

• Merit
• Integrity
• Team Work
• Safety
• Dedication
• Innovation

a) Developing E & P Work Flow Models for Data Integration and connectivity.
b) Conduct geo-scientific, algorithms and systems architecture research leading to
the development of robust, interactive and user-friendly geosciences applications
software that are tightly integrated into the workflow environment
c) Detailed testing of the developed applications to achieve the highest performance.
d) Detailed testing of the developed applications to achieve the highest performance.
e) Training and systems support to the end - users.
There is a huge structure change in the organization from its starting to up till now. As at
first all the employees were from public sector and they were not as such efficient but
now its structure is being changed. New employees are appointed who are doing best for
the organization.


Oil & Gas Development Company Limited conducts its operations in accordance with
highest business ethical consideration complying with all statutory regulations and best
accepted standards of good corporate citizen. This policy applies to all Directors and
Employees of the Company. The Company’s core values are merit, Integrity, Team
Work, Safety, Dedication and Innovation. It is towards the end of fostering these core
values in the corporate culture of OGDCL that the Company has adopted this code and
Business Practices (the Code). The code implies as follows:-

1) The Directors and employees of the Company seek to protect the company’s
assets. The Company’s assets and services are used solely for legitimate business
purposes of the Company. The use of Company’s funds for political contribution
to any organization or to any candidate for public is prohibited.
2) The Directors and employees adhere in letter and spirit to of all laws and conform
to the accepted standards of good corporate governance and avoid conflict of
interest. The conflict of interest, if any must be notified to company in writing.
3) The company respects the interests of all the shake holders and enters into
transparent and fairly negotiated contracts.
4) The company is an equal opportunity employer.
5) The directors and employees reject corruption in all forms-direct, indirect, public
or private and do not directly or indirectly engage in bribery, kickbacks, payoffs,
or any other corrupt business practices.
6) Oil and Gas Development company Limited respects the privacy of data relating
to individual persons (whether employees or third parties) which it may hold or
handle as part of its information processing activities or otherwise. Employees
maintain confidentiality of the company’s and its customer’s confidential
information which is disclosed to them.
7) The directors and employees shall no place themselves in position where their
loyalty to the company becomes divided for any reason including their direct or
indirect financial interest in a competitor, supplier, consultant or customer.
8) The Directors and employees may not take advantage of the company’s
information or property, or their position with the company, to develop
inappropriate personal gains or opportunities. The may, however receive gifts of
token value or accept invitations only if such gifts or invitations have no influence
on their decision-making and are as per company policy.
9) Employees may offer tips, gratuity or hospitality of a customary amount or value
for routine services or courtesies received as per company policy.

The main purpose of our project was to study the communication in OGDCL. There are
two kinds of communications taking place in an organization. These are as follows:
1.Internal Communication
2. External Communication

1) Internal Communication:
In OGDCL, internal communication is taking place through different modes. They are
using E-mails, fax, Internal Phone System (IP system), mobile phones, video
conferencing, memos, display boards, suggestion form, curricular letter and sometimes
face to face meetings of both formal and informal nature also take place.
The manager makes it sure that the entire employees are getting the information through
the e-mails and other sources.

Within the organization there are three kinds of communication:

a. Upward Communication
b. Downward Communication
c. Horizontal Communication

a) Upward Communication:
In OGDCL, employees don’t have so much freedom to talk to their supervisors
because they have to go through different procedure or we can say regulations. They
have an open door communication system but are used in rare cases. Mostly the
communication with supervisors is formal and takes place through E-mails or fax
In the meetings with CEO or chairman, video conferencing is used depending on the
situation. Power point and Multimedia presentations are also used in such high level

b) Downward Communication:
Social gathering is often announced by the supervisor for subordinate so that he could
understand the employee’s problem and to maintain their satisfaction.
There are employee’s evaluation and other records that help the supervisor to
understand the whole scenario.

c) Horizontal Communication:
Employees working at the same level in OGDCL, communicate with each other
through communication Systems like phone, mails etc. Face to face interaction is a
common mode of communication between employees working at same level.

2) External communication:
External communication involves communication with:

• Customers
• Foreign representatives
• Media
(i). Other company’s personnel
(ii). According to the external communication policy of OGDCL;
(iii). Employees must seek any necessary permission and comply with all legal
and regulatory requirements associated with external communications to
minimize the risk to OGDCL’S reputation.
(iv). Employees are not permitted to make any public postings of confidential
or proprietary information related to any aspect of OGDCL’s business on
the Internet.


Public relation department is one of the permanent departments of OGDC. Public relation
department is more concerned with press. The main objective is to provide accurate and
an esteem information to the general public about OGDCL’s functions that what OGDCL
is doing. For the development of oil and gas sometime press conference also arranged for
this purpose. Public relation department deliberate plan and sustained efforts to
established and maintain natural understanding between an organization and its public. It
also performs the function to maintain the relation between the management and staff.
Public relation department operates various methods and procedures to inform the public.
Various types of newspapers are mostly used to inform the public. Through newspapers
they give advertisement about OGDCL.

As OGDCL is an exploratory and production so that’s why they don’t need to market
their product as they have a direct influence on the country. Their main products are:
(i). Crude Oil
(ii). GAS
(iii). Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)
(iv). Naphtha
(v). Solvent Oil
(vi). High Speed Diesel Oil


• Verbal communication:
Verbal communication: is when we communicate our message verbally to whoever is
receiving the message.
• Non-verbal communication:
Nonverbal communication: is usually understood as the process of communication
through sending and receiving wordless messages. Such messages can be communicated
through gesture; body language or posture; facial expression and eye contact; object
communication such as clothing, hairstyles or even architecture; symbols and info
graphics; prosodic features of speech such as tone, stress and other paralinguistic features
of speech such as voice quality, emotion and speaking style.

In OGDCL both verbal and non-verbal forms of communication are used for example
telephonic communication in verbal and gestures, body language etc in non-verbal.
Warning may be addressed to the employees verbally and in written through their
immediate supervisor. A written letter may be addressed to the employee describing the
contravention committed.
In the organization, Employees react to the unspoken, to how something is said as to
what are the clear meanings of the words. Misunderstandings can often be clarified if the
supervisors involved have the ability to notice and comment on the nonverbal
communications in an interaction. Employee will benefit from learning the range of
nonverbal behaviors in order to clarify the often subtle dynamics of the situations they
find themselves in. By making the nonverbal communication more clear,
misunderstandings can be resolved.


The informal communication’s networks are very strong in OGDCL. As it is a huge
corporation having also of employees working on their level. Employees on the adverse
level use informal communication. All the employees are free to communicate within
their circle in any form of informal communication as e-mail etc.
OGDCL is a developed organization that has a strong network. But one thing which we
noticed that although it is not a public sector organization but still it is having a strong
influence from public sector employee who are some how lazy and less efficient as
compare to private sector employees. Now the corporation is going to a good place where
it is having standard output through better sources of information and communication.

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