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Torticollis and Plagiocephaly

What is torticollis?

Torticollis happens when a muscle in the neck

(sterno-cleido mastoid muscle) is shorter
or weaker. This muscle is used to:
Bend the neck (bringing the ear toward the
Turn the head toward the other shoulder
A baby with torticollis may:
Have a tight neck muscle on one side
Have a weak neck muscle on the opposite side
Prefer to move or look to one side

What is plagiocephaly?

This is a flattening across the back and side of a

babys head. This may cause:
Changes to the face on the flat side of the head
One ear to shift forward
Head shapes: Looking down on a babys head

Normal head shape


Illustration used with the permission of

The Royal Childrens Hospital, Melbourne, Australia

What causes torticollis and


Torticollis and plagiocephaly are fairly common.

There are many possible causes, like:
Not enough time spent on the tummy
Position in the uterus before birth
Events during birth
Baby staying in one place or position for too long

What if physiotherapy doesnt


Physiotherapy is almost always all that is needed to

fix torticollis and plagiocephaly. But if the problems
cant be solved with physiotherapy, your child may
A neck brace
A special helmet to prevent further head changes
Surgery (this is quite rare)

Babies may have other problems that can make it

easier for torticollis and plagiocephaly to happen, like:
Hip problems
Eye problems
Hearing problems
Delays with physical development
Bone problems
Other medical problems

After assessing your baby, our physiotherapists will teach you ways to stretch and strengthen your babys
neck muscles so your babys neck moves correctly. When started early enough, this physiotherapy works
very well to improve plagiocephaly and torticollis. We will share ways to:
Use toys to get your baby to look and turn toward the difficult side
Play with your baby
Carry your baby
Give your baby tummy time
Stretch and strengthen neck muscles
Massage your baby

What should we do if we think

our baby has plagiocephaly or
Talk with your doctor right away. The earlier
treatment begins, the better.

401 Smyth Road, Ottawa K1H 8L1


How can we get to see a


To see a physiotherapist at CHEO, youll need a

referral from your family doctor or pediatrician.
Your doctor can mail the referral letter to:
Childrens Hospital of Eastern Ontario
401 Smyth Rd.
Ottawa, ON
K1H 8L1


The referral can also be faxed to us at:


CHEO Physiotherapy
613-737-7600 extension 2500

Your babys neck muscles

and head shape

Torticollis and
401 Smyth Rd., Ottawa K1H 8L1 613-737-7600
Form # P5560E May 2010

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