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Pathogenesis of malaria

Pathogenesis of malaria
Danny A Milner, Jr, MD
Section Editor
Johanna Daily, MD, MSc
Deputy Editor
Elinor L Baron, MD, DTMH
All topics are updated as new evidence becomes available and our peer review process is
Literature review current through: Oct 2012. | This topic last updated: Sep 24, 2012.
INTRODUCTION Understanding the pathogenesis of malaria requires investigation of
mechanisms for parasite invasion and host defense. The parasite life cycle illustrates the
interplay of parasite and host interactions (figure 1). Pathogenesis of P. falciparum is the area of
greatest study, since this species causes the most severe clinical disease (other species include P.
ovale, P. vivax, P. malariae and P. knowlesi). P. knowlesi malaria can also cause life threatening
illness [1].
Issues related to the pathogenesis of malaria will be reviewed here. Issues related to
epidemiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and treatment are discussed in detail separately.
(See related topics).
Life cycle Human malaria occurs by transmission of Plasmodium sporozoites via a bite from
an infected anopheline mosquito (figure 1). The sporozoites travel from the salivary glands of the
mosquito through the bloodstream of the host to the liver, where they invade hepatocytes. These
cells divide many 1000-fold until mature tissue schizonts are formed, each containing thousands
of daughter merozoites. This exoerythrocytic stage is asymptomatic.
The liver schizonts rupture after 6 to 16 days in P. falciparum (and there is typically a longer
liver phase in other species) and release thousands of merozoites into the bloodstream, where
they invade red blood cells of various ages (the erythrocytic stage). The merozoites mature
successively from ring forms to trophozoites to mature red cell schizonts (asexual forms) over 24
hours (P. knowlesi), 48 hours (P. vivax, P. ovale, P. falciparum) or 72 hours (P. malariae).
Within red blood cells the parasites digest red cell proteins, primarily hemoglobin. As
hemoglobin is digested, the breakdown products are toxic to the parasite and, thus, hemozoin (a
polarizable crystal) is formed in the food vacuole.
The intracellular parasites modify the erythrocyte in several ways. They derive energy from
anaerobic glycolysis of glucose to lactic acid, which may contribute to clinical manifestations of
hypoglycemia and lactic acidosis [2]. They also make the red cell membrane less deformable,

resulting in hemolysis and accelerated splenic clearance, which ultimately contribute to anemia.
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