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My names: Nong Thi Tuyet Mai

Class: T4
Finance and Banking Department.
Questions 1: Why is KFC a well-known restaurants? Consider, for example, service,
image, quality, value furniture.
KFC is the acronym of Kentucky Fried Chicken is one of the brands owned by
Yumbrandsinc Group, America specializes in products KFC fried chicken and grilled dishes
accompanied by the kind of sandwiches made from fresh chicken.
KFC Fried Chicken brand pioneered by Mr. Halandsanders has grown to become one of
the systems serving fast food worlds largest with more than a billion KFC dinners are served
annually in more than 109 different countries all over the world.

In 1896, his father died. Haland with her mother struggled to earn a living and to do more
work in the kitchen a year after he was fluent in several local meal.
In 1930s, he began his career by serving fried chicken processing passengers stopping at
the gas station he is working in Corbin Kentucky because he did not have the restaurant there.
Therefore, guests had to eat on the table located in the gas station then he created a dish called
dish at home meal replacement for sale for the busy famly says dinner on Sunday, seven days
a week. After a decade he has been successful with a secret recipe of 11 herbs and flavors along
with basic cooking technique still applies today.
In 1955, confident quality he developed and established franchise businesses in 1964 he
sold part of its $2 million profit in the company to a group of investors including the JR
JonBrown later became governor of Kentucky.
Management below the mark of the new collective ownership Kentucky expended the
company to execute its share of the public in 1966 and was rebought by PepsiCo. From 1986 to
1997, PepsiCo moved the restaurant chain fast brands including KFC, to a firm of independent
restaurants, today known as Tricon Global Restaurant. The restaurant company (now known as

Yum brands Corporation) is the worlds largest corporations the number of stores, with nearly
35000 stores across 110 countries.

Coming to Vietnam market KFC processed foods serving some meals taste of Vietnamese
people like Bign Juicy Chicken, Crispy Boneless Chicken, KFC chicken rice, cabbage mixture
etc. A some new items have also been found development and market introduction in Vietnam
contributed to increase the diversity of the menu lists trigger shrimp Butter, Lipton, Cake Egg

In 1997, KFC opened its first restaurant in Ho Chi Minh city to present the KFC
restaurant chain with more than 140 developers restaurents available 19/63 provines and cities in
30 using workers.
With unique style and friendly service for customers wholeheartedly and warmly
atmosphere is key to the success of KFC in Vietnam as well as internationally in Vietnam. KFC
creat a culinary culture new and contributed greatly to the fast food industry in Vietnam.
Menu in Vietnam is very diverse, including: the kinds of traditional fried chicken comes
with a drink with a very reasonable price from 50,000 to 10,000VND above one person.
Brooch equation of KFC in Vietnam: Believing in people, the desire to serve, creating
outstanding results and build background knownledge, promote teamwork, recognizing.
KFC Vietnam At always actively participated in the activities of state agencies and
levels of government organizations act as months of food hygiene and safety and Ho Chi Minh
city Earth Hour, the 1000 years anniversary Hanoi.

Questions 2: Aside from other fast food restaurants, there are a limited number of KFC
restaurants in Vietnam year. What will you do if you are responsible for expanding the KFC
brand in Vietnam?
System KFC restaurants in Vietnam are more certain limitations because of KFC foods
are largely incompatible with the taste of the Vietnam mainly suitable for the Europeans, the Asia
America specially, Vietnamese is not so irrelevant KFC dishes in Vietnam, so they should be
processed in accordance with Vietnam.
Althought the food of KFC is very diverse and rich, restaurant system is quite developed
in the world, but in Vietnam is necessary to expand the system of special restaurant at urban
areas, industrial zones, the densely populated area. Now this new KFC restaurants are mainly
concentrated in large urban areas such as Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh city, Da Nang and other urband
areas. Other particularly the small scale urban or Medium are no restaurants or have also very
Vietnam is the country is in the process of industrialization and modernization, process
increasingly urbanized lifestyle industrial development of Vietnam are being formed. With the
population of over 90 million, fast food of future industry will develop quickly so KFC should
focus on expanding the restaurant where the process of industrialization and urbanization going
on strong.
Though Brand fastfood is the cheapest in the KFC brand in Vietnam but still need some
adjustment in price because Vietnam has a low level of income in kind, a poor country prices as
current far from 50000 to 100000VND/1 current rate is still quite high compared to the social
life. The Vietnamese also habitually used mainly fast food in favor of traditional products.

To develop KFC systems in Vietnam with a population of over 90 million people should
promote marketing stages, advertise to bring products closer to consumers because most
consumers are now in Vietnam this product is not known.

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