Env Q&A

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1. On this day in 1972, the Stockholm Conference on Human Environment was held in Sweden.
Since then the World Environment Day is celebrated on this day. State the date
March 8
June 5
May 22
October 8
2. The states and citizens responsibilities for environmental protection is enshrined in the
Constitution of India in the following two articles:
38G and 58A
55B and 51D
48A and 51G
59B and 12D
3. This species of bird native to North America was considered to have been one of the most
numerous birds on earth. Intensive shooting and the destruction of the birdsnatural breeding
ground brought about a sudden fall in their numbers. The last of this species on earth died in a zoo
in Circinnati in 1914. Name this bird.
The passenger pigeon
The Bald eagle
The Egret
The Falcon
4. Which is the first state to implement the path-breaking proposal that environment should be
included as a separate subject in schools?
Tamil Nadu
5. Name the gas released from landfills, decaying organic matter under shallow water in marshes
and bogs, flooded paddy fields, by ruminant animals & termites, and by the burning of biomass. A
molecule of this gas has 21 times more global warming potential than a molecule of CO2.
Sulphur dioxide
Nitrous Oxide
6. In the worlds worst nuclear accident in 1986, 31 people died, 129 others suffered acute
radiation and many thousands are expected to die prematurely as a result of exposure to radiation
released from the stricken plant. Name the site of this mishap.

Three Mile Island, USA

Chernobyl, erstwhile Soviet Union
Bhopal, India
Windscale, UK
7. Name the metal contained in broken fluorescent bulbs, tube lights and dead batteries which gets
transported with common municipal solid waste and can be easily swallowed, inhaled or absorbed
through the skin and can cause damage to the kidneys and nervous system.
8. The Geysers, a large steam reservoir north of San Francisco, USA, is the world's largest source
Geothermal power
Natural gas
9. The Wildlife Week is celebrated from
2-8 October
1-7 June
16-22 April
14-20 January
10. Cataract blinds at least 120 million people globally every year. What is its main cause?
Ultraviolet radiation
Unbalanced diet
Gasoline fumes
11. Why is it important to obey traffic lights?
it is the law
it is important to relax during a journey
it prevents accidents
both a and c
Air Pollution
1. The following pollutant is not contained in the vehicular exhaust emissions:

Carbon monoxide
Particulate matter
2. Diesel exhaust is the main source of three highly toxic pollutants that have a widespread impact
on the urban air quality and human health. Name them
SPM,Sulphur dioxide and Nitrogen oxides (NOx)
Suspended particulate matter(SPM), benzene
Sulphur dioxide,Ammonia,Benzene
Lead, NOx,CO2
3. Bhopal gas tragedy struck in the year 1984 due to the leakage of the following gas:
nitrous oxide
carbon monoxide
4. SPM stands for
Suspended Particulate Matter
Standard Particles Material
Suspended Particles Material
None of the above
5. What is carpooling?
an interesting computer game
intensive washing of your fathers car
you and your friends sharing a ride to a movie
none of the above
6. Health problems related to air pollution include:
all of these
7. A device is fitted to motor vehicles to chemically reduce some gases produced by internal
combustion engines like NOx, CO, and HC into less harmful products. Name this device.
Catalytic converter
2-stroke engines
Tail pipe

Water Pollution

1. Water pollution has become a major problem in the world today. It has an adverse affect on
both the environment and health. What are the main sources of water pollution in India?
Municipal sewage
Industrial discharge
Both a and c
2. The GAP (Ganga Action Plan) a project to clean up the polluted waters of the Ganga - plans to
intercept and divert municipal sewage falling into the river from 25 large urban conglomerates in
thee states. Name them.
UP, Haryana and Punjab
UP, Bihar and West Bengal
Himachal Pradesh, UP, and Haryana
Orissa , Bihar and West Bengal
3. Of the following indications of the health of a water body, which is the most widely accepted
means of measuring how polluting an effuent is?
COD (chemical oxygen demand)
BOD (biological oxygen demand)
Chloroform content
4. Water harvesting has emerged as a sensible method of meeting the water shortfall in a costeffective manner and is now being applied in most cities to raise the groundwater levels. Water
harvesting is the
Collection of water from river
Collection of rainwater in storage tanks or putting back into the soil to recharge groundwater
Harvesting of water from tubewells
5. Which sector is the single-largest consumer of fresh water in India?
6. Materials of biological origin which are commonly used to maintain and improve soil fertility
green manure
both a and b
7. Following is the most widely discussed impact of climate change:

Increase in average sea level

Soil erosion
None of the above
8. Sea level is expected to rise because of warmer climate due to the following:
Oceans expand as they get warmer
Glaciers and ice-sheets melt
Both the above
9. Over the last 100 years global sea level has risen by about
20 - 25 cm
10 12.5 cm
Both the above
None of these
10. Which sector is the largest emitter of greenhouse gases in India?
Electric power generation
11. Which landmark global conference was the FIRST major step towards a global agreement on
greenhouse gas emissions reduction and the first to recognize the atmosphere as a natural
The Vienna Convention in 1985
The Montreal Protocol in 1987
The 'Earth Summit' in Rio in 1992
12. CFCs (chloro-fluoro-carbons) are greenhouse gases that have caused a rise of 0.3 C in the
global temperatures in the past century. Name the CFC that is used in refrigerators.
Carbon dioxide
13. The massive hole in the ozone layer over the Antarctica was first discovered in
14. India would phase out the production and consumption of the controlled ODS (ozone-depleting
substances) within the time frame and limits specified in the

Vienna Convention
Basel Convention
Montreal Protocol
Agenda 21
15. By 2100 AD, global temperature is expected to rise by about 2 C and consequently, the sea
level by about 50 cm from the present level. How is a rise in temperature expected to increase the
level of the sea?
By expanding ocean water
By melting mountain glaciers
By causing ice sheets of Antarctica and Greenland to melt and slide into the oceans
All of the above

Renewable energy
1. Which among the following is most energy efficient?
Incandescent bulb
Fluorescent tube light
Compact fluorescent lamp
2. In India and elsewhere, biomass can be obtained from
Groundnut shells
Sugarcane bagasse
Rice husk
All of the above
3. Solar cells are simple photovoltaic devices that convert solar energy directly into electricity and
are manufactured from the second-most abundant element in the earths crust. Name it.
4. In rural areas, this gas can be generated and used for cooking and lighting .
None of these
5. Hydro power, which is derived from water is one of the earliest sources of energy in the country.
The first mini hydel plant was set up in 1897 at the following place.
Dehra Doon

6. Wind energy is one of the fastest-growing renewable energy source with worldwide wind power
installed capacity reaching about 14 000 MW. At the end of March 2000, India had 1080-MW
capacity wind farms. Name the state that leads in this sector.
Andhra Pradesh

Solid Waste
1. Proper disposal of hazardous toxic waste is essential as exposure to it can cause serious
problems to the health. Which is potentially the safest means of disposing of the most toxic wastes:
organic solvents, chlorinated hydrocarbons, and oil-base compounds (including PCBs and
Municipal incineration
Industrial high temperature incineration
None of the above
2. India generates about 4.3 million tonnes of hazardous wastes every year. Direct exposure to two
chemicals in hazardous waste can cause death. Name them.
Mercury and arsenic
Cyanide and sulphur
Sulphur and arsenic
Mercury and cyanide
3. The municipal solid waste generated in India is about 40% organic matter. Composting is the
best method of disposal of organic solid waste. Where was the countrys first aerobic composting
plant set up in 1992?
4. Garbage can be put under four categories: organic, toxic, soiled, and recyclable. Of the organic
waste, this forms an important part.
Plastic bags
Vegetable peels

5. Hazardous waste is generated mainly by the industrial sector. It not only causes harm to the
environment but also leads to health problems. A small percentage of the hazardous waste is also
generated in the house. One of the following is a hazardous waste that is generated in the house.
Leftover foodstuff
Old batteries
Plastic bags
6. Municipal waste is disposed in the open dumps, landfills, sanitary landfills, and is also burnt in
large furnaces. This method is known as
Blast furnace
Waste furnace
None of the a
7. Landfills are the sites for the disposal of solid waste. While building a landfill it is very essential
to take one of the following factors into consideration.
Below the groundwater level
Above the groundwater level
In a groundwater source
None of the above
8. People all over the world have thought of innovative ideas for use of waste. One man in India,
Nek Chand, has developed an exquisite artwork from garbage, a rock garden in this city.

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