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What is SQL*Plus? Explain its features

Explain how to use the SQL*Plus utility.
What are the basic SQL*Plus commands?
Difference between ? and HELP.
Explain how to enable the SQL*Plus HELP facility.
Difference between @ and @@.
Difference between & and &&.
Difference between ! and HOST
How can one prevent SQL*Plus connection warning messages?

Oracle database tables

What is a Database Table?
How many types of tables supported by Oracle? Explain them.
Can you explain how to create a aew table in your schema?
Explain with an example how to create a new table by selecting rows from another table.
Depict a sample script for renaming an existing table.
Sample script to drop an existing table.
How to Add a new column to an existing table?.

Oracle constraints
Oracle constraints - overview. What are the types of constraints avaialable in oracle
Explain Oracle "Check" constraint.
Explain Not Null constraint.
Explain primary key constraint.
Explain oracle foreign key constraint.
Explain unique Constraint.
Explain with an example how to alter oracle table constraint..
Define subquery. Explain with an example
What is correlated query? Explain its uses.
What are Set Operators? Explain union and union all with an example for each....

PL/SQL collections
What is a Collection?
Nested Tables vs. Associative Arrays
Nested Tables vs. Varrays
Explain the methods exist for collections.

PL/SQL record data type

What is a PL/SQL Record data type?
Define and declare Records
Different Types of Records - Table-based, Cursor-based, Programmer-defined
Benefits of using Records
Guidelines for using Records

PL/SQL cursors

What are Cursors?

Define cursor attributes: %FOUND, %NOTFOUND, %ROWCOUNT, and %ISOPEN
What are cursor variables? Explain with an example
Significance of SELECT FOR UPDATE clause. Write syntax
Significance of WHERE CURRENT OF clause. Write synta

PL/SQL error handling

Overview of PL/SQL Error Handling
Advantages of PL/SQL Exceptions
Explain some of the commonly used Predefined PL/SQL Exceptions.
What is user-defined exception? Explain it with an example.
Explain how PL/SQL exceptions are raise.

PL/SQL subprograms
What are PL/SQL Subprograms?
Advantages of PL/SQL Subprograms.
PL/SQL has two types of subprograms called procedures and functions. Explain them.
How does subprogram pass information? What are actual and formal subprogram parameters? Explain with an
Define three parameter modes, IN (the default), OUT, and IN OUT that can be used with any subprogram............

PL/SQL packages
What is a PL/SQL package?
Advantages of PL/SQL Packages
What are the types and layers of Packages? Explain them
PL/SQL Packages features
Guidelines for writing packages........

PL/SQL triggers
What is a Trigger? Syntax of Triggers
Types of PL/SQL Triggers
How to obtain information about any trigger?
What is CYCLIC CASCADING in a TRIGGER?............
Explain the difference between trigger and stored procedure.
Explain Row level and statement level trigger.
Write a PL/SQL program for a trigger.
Advantage of a stored procedure over a database trigger.
What are cascading triggers?

PL/SQL sequences
Define PL/SQL sequences and write syntax for a sequence
How do we set the LASTVALUE value in an Oracle Sequence?
What does cache and no cache options mean while creating a sequence?.........

Oracle/PLSQL indexes
What is an Index? Explain how to create an Index.
What is Function-Based Index? Create a Function-Based Index........

Users in oracle
Types of users - a local user, an external user, or a global user
Explain how to create users through Sql Plus.
How to delete an Oracle applications user?...........

Oracle database performance tuning

Explain the purpose of tuning oracle database.
Could you explain the areas where tuning of database is required?
What are the tools provided by oracle to assist performace tuning? Explain them in brief
What is cost based optimization? When is it triggered?
Explain the factor that can cause the execution plan of a query to change
What is index monitoring feature in oracle? Explain how to use it for index optimization...........

Oracle export and import utilities

What is import/export? Explain its usage.
Explain how to use the import/export utilities.
Can we export a subset of a table? Explain how
Can we monitor how fast a table is imported? How?
Explain how to import tables to a different tablespace?
Explain how to improve Import/Export performance?
Describe the common Import/Export problems...........
There's lot more faq's on PLSQL N FORMS N REPORTS

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