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Physics 221A

Fall 2011
Notes 16
Central Force Motion

1. Introduction
In these Notes we provide an introduction to central force motion, including the examples of
the free particle, the rigid rotor and diatomic molecules. In a later set of notes we will take up the
hydrogen atom.
2. The Radial Schr
odinger Equation
Initially we imagine a force center at the origin of a system of coordinates creating a force field
described by a potential V (r). The potential is a function only of the radius r and is invariant under
rotations. A particle moves in this force field.

Fig. 1. If the object creating a central force field is very massive, we may treat the motion of a particle in the field as
a one-body problem.

The force is presumably created by some particle or physical object. We assume that its mass
is infinite (or much larger than that of the particle in orbit) so that the frame attached to it is an
inertial frame. Sometimes this is not a bad approximation, for example, in atoms where the nucleus
is much heavier than the electrons. If this is the case, then we obtain a one-body problem for the
motion of the particle, which is described by the Hamiltonian

+ V (r).


We assume the particle is spinless, or that spin effects can be neglected. Thus the Hilbert space
for the particle is the space of wave functions (x). In Notes 15 we developed the theory of the

Notes 16: Central Force Motion

rotation operators U (R) and angular momentum operators L that act on this space. We also found
the standard angular momentum basis, which consists of radial wave functions times Ym s.
The Hamiltonian (1) possesses rotational symmetry, that is, it commutes with all rotation
operators U (R), whose action on wave functions is given by Eq. (15.13). Without going into details,
this is obvious from the fact that the kinetic energy is proportional to p2 = p p, the dot product

of two vectors, while the potential energy is a function of r = r2 , where r2 = x x, another dot
product of two vectors. Since the dot product of classical (c-number) vectors is invariant under
classical rotations, we expect the same for vectors of quantum operators. We will explore this
question in more detail later in the course, but for now the basic line of reasoning should be clear.
If there is any doubt, one can explicitly verify the commutators
[L, H] = 0,


[U (R), H] = 0


which show that

since U (R) is a function of L. Conversely, if an operator commutes with all rotations U (R), then it
commutes in particular with infinitesimal rotations, and therefore with the three components of L.
As a result, H commutes with the commuting operators L2 and Lz , so the three operators
(H, L2 , Lz ) possess a simultaneous eigenbasis. From Notes 15 we already know the general form of
a simultaneous eigenfunction of L2 and Lz ; it is
(r, , ) = R(r)Ym (, ),


where R(r) is an arbitrary radial wave function. See Eq. (15.42). By demanding that this wave
function also be an eigenfunction of H, we can determine the radial wave function R(r).
To do this we substitute Eq. (4) into the Schrodinger equation for the Hamiltonian (1),
h p2
+ V (r) = E.


h2 2

h2 1  2 
2m r r


Working on the kinetic energy first and using Eq. (15.30), we have

But if has the form (4), then L2 acting on the Ym part brings out ( + 1)h2 , and all terms have
a common factor of Ym . This also applies to the potential energy and total energy terms in the
Schrodinger equation, so the common factor of Ym can be cancelled. We obtain an equation for the
radial function R(r) alone,

2 1 d  2 dR 
+ U (r)R(r) = ER(r),
2m r2 dr


Notes 16: Central Force Motion

where U (r) is the effective potential,

U (r) =

( + 1)h2
+ V (r).


The effective potential is the sum of the centrifugal potential (the first term) and the true potential,
V (r). The centrifugal potential is physically the angular part of the kinetic energy, what could be
written classically as
m 2 2
(r + r2 sin2 2 ) =
Mathematically, however, it looks like a potential and it is usually treated that way. The first term
of Eq. (7) is the radial part of the kinetic energy, what could be written classically as (m/2)r 2 .
Equation (7) is called the radial Schr
odinger equation, or, as we shall call it, version one of the
radial Schrodinger equation.
Version two of the radial Schrodinger equation is created by making the substitution
f (r) = rR(r),


which after a little algebra results in

2 d2 f (r)
+ U (r)f (r) = Ef (r).
2m dr2


This version is easy to remember because it is almost the same as the one-dimensional Schrodinger
equation (usually written in terms of some variable x with < x < +). The only differences
are the presence of the centrifugal potential in the radial Schrodinger equation and the fact that r
lies in the range 0 r < .

It is reasonable to define the normalization of the radial wave function R(r) by the integral,
r2 dr |R(r)|2 ,

because that is the radial part of the three-dimensional normalization integral

d x |(x)| =
r dr d |(r, , )|2


when has the form (4). Notice that this implies the normalization of the version two radial function
f (r),
dr |f (r)|2 ,

which is the usual one for the one-dimensional Schrodinger equation apart from the range of integration.

Notes 16: Central Force Motion

3. Separation of Variables
The usual way of deriving the radial Schrodinger equation in introductory courses is to separate
the three-dimensional Schrodinger equation in spherical coordinates. The results are the same as
in Sec. 2. The method of separation of variables, when it works, is a powerful one for solving
multidimensional partial differential equations that sometimes leads to exact solutions that would be
difficult to find otherwise. Most wave equations are not separable in any coordinate system, however.
Fortunately, many common model problems are separable in at least one coordinate system, while
many others are close to a separable system and can be treated by perturbation theory. If this
is not so, then usually numerical techniques will be required to find solutions. Some systems are
separable in more than one coordinate system, for example, the Schrodinger equation for all central
force problems in three dimensions is separable in spherical coordinates, while the free particle is also
separable in rectangular coordinates and the hydrogen atom is also separable in confocal parabolic
In all cases, separability is related to the existence of constants of the motion, that is, operators
that commute with the Hamiltonian that are related to some symmetry of the system. If the
Schrodinger equation for some multidimensional system is not separable in any coordinate system,
it probably means that the system does not possess any continuous symmetries at all. It may
possess discrete symmetries, such as parity and time reversal, but these do not lead to separability
of the wave equation in any coordinates. If the Schrodinger equation is separable in more than one
coordinate system, it means that the system respects a larger symmetry group than that needed
to ensure the solvability of the problem at all. For example, all central force problems in quantum
mechanics are separable in spherical coordinates, which corresponds to the SO(3) symmetry of the
system under rotations. But the free particle is also invariant under translations, so the free particle
Schrodinger equation is also separable in rectangular coordinates, while the hydrogen atom, which
possesses an SO(4) symmetry group, is separable also in confocal parabolic coordinates.
Thus, the success of the method of separation of variables is due to some symmetry of the
system, although this is usually not obvious when we apply the method. In this course we are
emphasizing the symmetries and their impact on our understanding of the quantum mechanics, so
we have approached the solution of several problems by studying the symmetry operators first and
then studying the Hamiltonian. For example, in solving the problem of the charged particle in a
uniform magnetic field, we diagonalized the operators that commute with the Hamiltonian first,
whereupon the Hamiltonian was easy to diagonalize. Also, in central force motion, we diagonalized
the operators L2 and Lz first, which led to the standard angular momentum basis, and then we
turned our attention to the Hamiltonian (as in this set of notes). This approach leads to the
solution of some problems or at least useful results even when the system is not separable. For
example, in Sec. 14.6 we were able to understand some important general features of systems with
rotational invariance, including very complicated ones, with no need to talk about separating the
wave equation (indeed, in some cases we do not even know what the wave equation is, only the

Notes 16: Central Force Motion

symmetries it possesses). We will accumulate several examples of this type before the course is over.
In all cases, it turns out to be a good strategy to diagonalize the symmetry operators first, and then
to turn our attention to the Hamiltonian.
4. Quantum Numbers and Degeneracies
The radial Schrodinger equation is parameterized by , with = 0, 1, 2, . . ., because the centrifugal potential depends on . Thus we might say that there is a different radial Schrodinger equation
for each value of . The energy eigenvalues for a given value of may be either discrete or continuous.
As for the discrete eigenvalues, let us label them En , where n just sequences the levels for a given
value of , using some scheme. Thus, the energy depends on two quantum numbers, n and , but not
on m. Similarly, the radial wave functions R(r) or f (r) depend on the same two quantum numbers,
so we shall write Rn (r) or fn (r) to emphasize this. The total wave function is
nm (r, , ) = Rn (r)Ym (, ).


The radial Schrodinger equation shares some features with the usual one-dimensional Schrodinger equation, for example, if f (r) vanishes anywhere on the interval 0 r < then the eigenfunctions
are nondegenerate. See Sec. 6.2. But for realistic potentials f (r) goes as r+1 as r 0 (see Sec. 5),

so f (0) = 0 and the radial eigenfunctions are nondegenerate, in both the bound and unbound cases.
Of course the bound eigenfunctions also go to zero as r . We see that the discrete eigenvalues
En are distinct for a given value of . The nondegeneracy we are referring to here concerns the
eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the radial Schrodinger equation for a given value of , regarded as

a one-dimensional wave equation.

When we consider the three-dimensional Schrodinger equation, however, and include the angular
quantum numbers, then degeneracies appear. That is, the energies En are at least (2 + 1)-fold
degenerate because they do not depend on m. Physically this is due to the fact that the energy of
the system does not depend on the orientation. The quantum number m indicates the projection of
the angular momentum L onto the z-axis. But if we rotate our system (or the axes), this projection
changes. Therefore the energy eigenvalues cannnot depend on m.
There could be further degeneracies, however. It is possible that some En could be equal for
different values of , in which case the degeneracy would be higher than (2 + 1). For a randomly
chosen potential V (r), this is not very likely, since the different radial wave equations for different
values of have spectra that are effectively independent of each other. Generically, the degeneracies
are just 2 + 1 for each En , no more than what is predicted by rotational invariance alone.
For some potentials, however, there are systematic degeneracies among different En for different
values of n and . This applies to the Coulomb potential V (r) = k/r and the harmonic oscillator

potential V (r) = kr2 . The harmonic oscillator we are referring to is the three-dimensional, isotropic
harmonic oscillator. There are no other examples in three-dimensional central force motion. In
both cases, the extra degeneracy is due to some extra symmetry that goes beyond ordinary SO(3)

Notes 16: Central Force Motion

(rotational) invariance. For the Coulomb potential, the symmetry group is SO(4), while for the threedimensional, isotropic harmonic oscillator, it is SU (3). In the case of hydrogen, the extra degeneracy
applies only in the electrostatic, spinless, nonrelativistic model, in which the energy levels En are
proportional to 1/2n2, where n is the principal quantum numbers. The extra degeneracy appears
in the fact that these levels are independent of . As we add extra physical effects, coming closer to
a realistic description of hydrogen, we will see the extra degeneracy gradually disappear. When all
physical effects are included, hydrogen, too, has only the (2j + 1)-fold degeneracy expected on the
basis of rotational invariance.
5. Behavior of the Radial Eigenfunctions Near r = 0
The behavior of the radial wave function for small r is often important in applications. Let us
assume the potential is either well behaved at the origin or that if it diverges it does so no faster
than 1/r. This covers the important case of the Coulomb potential. Let us also assume that the
wave function R(r) goes as rk for some power k near r = 0, something we will write as R(r) rk .

This means that R(r) = ark for some constant a 6= 0 plus other terms that go to zero more rapidly
than rk as r 0, or, equivalently,
= 1.
r0 ark
Then for small r we have
h2 1 d  2 dR(r) 


k(k + 1)rk2 ,
2m r2 dr

2 ( + 1)
( + 1)rk2 .
As for the term V (r)R(r), it behaves at worst as rk1 as r 0, so it is negligible compared to the
terms (17) and (18) as r 0. The same is true for the term ER(r), which behaves as rk as r 0.

The dominant terms in the radial Schrodinger equation at small r come from the kinetic energy
alone (including the centrifugal potential). Since these terms have to cancel, we have
k(k + 1) = ( + 1).


This has two solutions,



k = 1.


The solution k = 1 is not acceptable when 1, because then |R(r)|2 would have a nonintegrable singularity at r = 0, that is, the wave function would not be normalizable and there would
be an infinite amount of probability in a small neighborhood of r = 0. As for the case = 0, this
would result in (r) = a/r near r = 0, which would not satisfy the Schrodinger equation at r = 0


= 4(x).


Notes 16: Central Force Motion





Fig. 2. The radial wave function R(r) behaves as r near r = 0. It lies down ever more flat against the r-axis as
increases. This is only the leading behavior of R(r) for small r; as r increases, correction terms become important.

Thus, the only possible solution of Eq. (19) is k = , and we see that the radial wave function
has the behavior
R(r) r


near r = 0. The leading behavior depends only on the angular momentum quantum number . This
is a simple rule that is often important in practice. It means that the radial wave function R(r) lies
down more and more flat near r = 0 as increases (see Fig. 2), and that the probability of finding
the particle in some small neighborhood of r = 0 goes to zero exponentially as increases. This
applies, for example, to the probability of finding an atomic electron inside the nucleus.
6. Free Particle
Let us now take the case of the free particle, V (r) = 0. In this case there is no question of the
mass of the object that creates the force field, since there is no force. The free particle Hamiltonian
is symmetric under both translations and rotations, so a complete set of commuting observables can
be chosen in more than one way. If we choose (px , py , pz ) as the complete set, then the simultaneous
eigenstate is
(x) = eikx ,


a plane wave with p = h

k. The energy is given in terms of the momentum eigenvalues by



The spectrum is continuous with E 0.

If we choose (H, L2 , Lz ) as the complete set, then we must solve the radial Schrodinger equation

with V = 0. This is easier in version one, Eq. (7). Expressing the energy in terms of a wave number

Notes 16: Central Force Motion

k by

2 k2


and writing = kr for a dimensionless radial variable, the radial Schrodinger equation becomes
( + 1) i
1 d  2 dR  h


R = 0.
2 d


This is the standard differential equation for the spherical Bessel functions. These come in two
types, denoted j () and y () (see Abramowitz and Stegun, Chapter 10).
j ()

y ()


y0 ()


y1 ()

j0 ()

y2 ()
y3 ()


j1 ()
j2 ()


j3 ()







Fig. 3. Spherical Bessel functions j () for different values

of .



Fig. 4. Spherical Bessel functions y () for different values of .

The functions j (r) are regular at the origin and so are physically acceptable solutions for the
free particle. Some examples are plotted in Fig. 3, which clearly shows the behavior R(r) r near

r = 0. The functions y () diverge at the origin and so are not acceptable free particle solutions if
the particle is able to reach the origin. They are plotted in Fig. 4. On the other hand, the y-type
spherical Bessel functions are useful in scattering theory where at large distances from the origin the
particle becomes free, and it is desired to represent an arbitrary solution of the Schrodinger equation
in that region. Since there is no attempt to extend those solutions all the way down to r = 0, the
y-type solutions are acceptable (and necessary) in that case.

7. Limiting Forms of the Spherical Bessel Functions

Many problems involving special functions can be solved knowing only the limiting forms for
large and small values of the arguments. In the case of the spherical Bessel functions, the limiting

Notes 16: Central Force Motion

forms at small are

j ()

1 3 5 . . . (2 + 1)

y ()

1 3 5 . . . (2 1)


See Abramowitz and Stegun, Eqs. (10.1.2) and (10.1.3). As for j (), we see the small r rule (22),
to within a constant (which we couldnt have guessed anyway because it is conventional). As for
y (), we see the solution k = 1 of Eq. (19) that we rejected earlier as nonphysical.
The limiting forms at large (actually, ) are
j () cos ( + 1) ,

y () sin ( + 1) .


See Abramowitz and Stegun, Eqs. (10.1.1), (9.2.1) and (9.2.2). These are useful in scattering theory.
8. WKB Theory and Spherical Bessel Functions
The limiting forms at large can be obtained by treating the radial Schrodinger equation (in
version two) by one-dimensional WKB theory, apart from normalization. We discuss this briefly
without going into details because WKB theory provides an easy way to understand all the qualitative features of the functions j () and y (), as seen in Figs. 3 and 4.
It turns out that the accuracy of the WKB approximation for radial wave equations is improved
if the quantity ( + 1) is replaced by ( + 21 )2 . This is called the Langer modification, and it has
to do with the singularity in the centrifugal potential at r = 0. That is, for the purposes of WKB
theory, we work with the effective radial potential,
U (r) =

2 ( + 12 )2
+ V (r).


The centrifugal potential cannot be turned off and is present even for a free particle (except when
= 0). Thus the effective potential depends on , and we have different turning points etc depending
on . In the case of the free particle (V = 0) the turning point r0 is the solution of

2 ( + 12 )2
2 k2
= U (r0 ) =


kr0 = 0 = + 12 .


The turning point moves out as increases, something that can also be seen from Fig. 5.
It might seem strange that a free particle should have a turning point at all. The only reason it
does is the centrifugal potential, which, as mentioned, is really a part of the kinetic energy. Figure 6,


Notes 16: Central Force Motion

which shows a classical orbit of a free particle of some energy E = p2 /2m and angular momentum L,
helps explain the situation. The orbit is a straight line which must pass at some minimum distance
from the origin. In the figure, the orbit lies in the x-y plane. The minimum distance is rmin = L/p.
The family of all possible classical orbits of the given E and L is a set of straight lines tangent to
the sphere r = rmin . In quantum mechanics, the minimum radius becomes the radial turning point
h/p = ( + 21 )/k.
r0 = ( + 21 )
U (r)
1 2 3


Fig. 5. The radial turning point for a free particle moves

out as increases.

Fig. 6. The minimum distance of approach to the origin

of a classical free particle of momentum p and angular
momentum L is rmin = L/p.

For > 0 the exact spherical Bessel functions j (), which are 0 at = 0, rise up to a first
maximum somewhat after the point = + 12 , and then oscillate beyond that. From the standpoint
of WKB theory, we have a classically forbidden region to the left of the turning point = + 21 ,
an Airy-function type of behavior in the neighborhood of the turning point (see Fig. 7.8), and a
classically allowed region to the right, exactly as we would expect on the basis of Fig. 5. The case
= 0 is an exception, since in that case the centrifugal potential vanishes and there is no turning
The functions y () can also be understood from the standpoint of WKB theory; these are the
functions that diverge exponentially as we move into the classically forbidden region (that is, as we
move to the left of the turning point at = + 12 ), and have the behavior of the Bi function in the
neighborhood of the turning point (see Fig. 7.9).
It will be left as an exercise to work out the details of the WKB approximations to the spherical
Bessel functions. The WKB solutions turn out to be more accurate than Eqs. (29) and (30) when
is not too much larger than + 12 , but go over to them in the limit + 12 .
9. Two-Body Central Force Motion
We return to the discussion of Sec. 2. If the source of the force field is not infinitely massive,

Notes 16: Central Force Motion


then a coordinate system attached to it is not an inertial frame and we must take into account
the dynamics of the force center itself. That is, we must deal with a two-body problem, which we
describe in an arbitrary (lab) inertial frame. We let x1 and x2 be the coordinates of the two
particles with respect to this frame, with masses m1 and m2 , respectively. We assume the force is
described by a potential
V = V (|x1 x2 |),


which depends only on the distance between the particles. The Hamiltonian is the sum of the kinetic
and potential energies,

+ 2 + V (|x1 x2 |),


where p1 and p2 are the momenta of the two particles.

We assume the particles are spinless or else we ignore spin. We write (x1 , x2 ) for the configuration space wave function, upon which the operators pk act as differential operators,
pk = i

= ihk ,

k = 1, 2.


Translation operators T (a) act on the wave function according to

T (a) (x1 , x2 ) = (x1 a, x2 a),


P = p1 + p2 .


a two-particle, three dimensional generalization of Eq. (4.23). The generator of translations is the
total momentum,

The Hamiltonian commutes with all translations because the distance between the particles is not
changed when both particles are displaced by the same amount. Therefore H also commutes with
the total momentum,
[H, P] = 0.


The Hamiltonian is also invariant under rotations. Rotation operators act upon according to

U (R) (x1 , x2 ) = (R1 x1 , R1 x2 ),


L = L1 + L2 ,


as explained in Sec. 15.9. The angular momentum of the system (the generator of rotations) is

Lk = xk pk ,

k = 1, 2,


that is, it is the sum of the angular momenta of the two particles. The Hamiltonian (35) commutes
with all rotations and hence with the total angular momentum L,
[H, L] = 0.



Notes 16: Central Force Motion

To solve the Schrodinger equation H = E for Hamiltonian (35) we introduce a change of


m1 x1 + m2 x2

r = x2 x1 ,


M = m1 + m2


is the total mass of the system, so that R is the position of the center of mass and r is the relative
position vector between the particles. We write (R, r) = (x1 , x2 ) for the wave function transformed to the new coordinates. We also define momenta conjugate to R and r as the differential

P = ih
p = ih ,
when acting on wave functions (R, r). By the chain rule, we can express the momenta p1 and p2
of the particles in the lab frame in terms of P and p,

= ih
= i

p1 = i
x1 R x1 r
M R r


p2 = i
= ih
= i

x2 R x2 r
M R r



P p,
P + p.
p2 =
p1 =


Solving these for P and p, we find

P = p1 + p2 ,

m 1 p2 m 2 p1


and we see that P defined by Eq. (47) is the total linear momentum of the system (the generator
of translations), as in Eq. (38). The transformation (x1 , p1 ; x2 , p2 ) (R, P; r, p) specified by
Eqs. (44), (45), (52) and (53) is an example of a canonical transformation, that is, one which
preserves the canonical commutation relations. That is, we have
[Ri , Pj ] = [ri , pj ] = i
h ij ,

[Ri , rj ] = [Ri , pj ] = [Pi , rj ] = [Pi , pj ] = 0,


where ri and Ri refer to the components of r and R, respectively. We see that any function of
(R, P) commutes with any function of (r, p).
Transforming the Hamiltonian (35) to the new coordinates is straightforward. As for the potential, it becomes V (|x1 x2 |) = V (|r|) = V (r), where r = |r| is the distance between the two

Notes 16: Central Force Motion


particles. Also transforming the kinetic energy, we find the Hamiltonian as a sum of a center-of-mass
term and a relative term,
H = HCM + Hrel ,



+ V (r).


Hrel =


Here is the reduced mass, defined by




The reduced mass is the harmonic mean of the masses m1 and m2 . If one of the two particles
is much more massive than the other (for example, in hydrogen where the proton is roughly 2000
times more massive than the electron), then the reduced mass is closer to the mass of the lighter of
the two particles (for example, the electron, in the case of hydrogen). At the other extreme, if the
two masses are equal, m1 = m2 = m, then = m/2.
The Hamiltonian HCM is a free particle Hamiltonian, containing physically the kinetic energy
of the center of mass, while Hrel is physically the kinetic energy about the center of mass plus the
potential energy. The two Hamiltonians HCM and Hrel commute with each other,
[HCM , Hrel ] = 0,


because they are functions of different degrees of freedom, and they also commute with the total
Hamiltonian H. Thus, HCM and Hrel possess a simultaneous eigenbasis, which is also an eigenbasis
of the total Hamiltonian H.
This simultaneous eigenbasis consists of functions of the form,
(R, r) = (R)(r),


a product of a center-of-mass wave function times a relative wave function . Each of these are
eigenfunctions of their respective Hamiltonians,


Hrel = Erel ,


where the eigenvalue E of the total Hamiltonian H is given by

E = ECM + Erel .


The center-of-mass equation (61) is easy to solve since HCM is just a free particle Hamiltonian.
For example, if we choose the three components of P as a complete set of commuting observables
for the center-of-mass motion, we have eigenfunctions
(R) = eiPR/h ,



Notes 16: Central Force Motion

that is, plane wave with momentum P (being somewhat sloppy about the distinction between the
operator P and its eigenvalues). Of course we may also solve this free particle equation in spherical
The relative wave equation (62) has the form of a pseudo-one-body problem of the kind considered earlier in these Notes, but with a reinterpretation of the variables. Now r is the relative position
vector between the two particles, and p is defined by Eq. (53). Also, the mass m used earlier in these
Notes must be identified with the reduced mass . In the limit m1 while holding m2 fixed,
we recover the earlier results in which we had an infinitely massive force center. It is worthwhile
keeping in mind, however, that in real problems the position and momentum operators for relative
motion in a two-body problem such as hydrogen are really functions of the positions and momenta
of both particles.
As a final remark, we transform the total angular momentum of the system L, expressed in
terms of the coordinates of the two particles in Eqs. (41) and (42), over to the new coordinates. We
L = LCM + Lrel ,



Lrel = rp.


The Hamiltonian HCM commutes with LCM , and Hrel commutes with Lrel . In other language, the
total Hamiltonian H commutes not only with overall rotations of the system, but with rotations of
the center of mass and with rotations about the center of mass separately.
10. The Rigid Rotor
As an example of central force motion we consider the rigid rotor. We have already considered
the rigid rotor in a plane (see Sec. 7.12), but now we consider it in three dimensions. The rotor
consists of two masses m1 and m2 connected by a massless, rigid rod of length r0 , as in Fig. 7. This
is an example of central force motion because the constraint r = r0 can be thought of as due to a
sharply confining potential V (r) centered on r = r0 .


Fig. 7. A rigid rotor in which the two masses m1 and m2 are separated by a fixed distance r0 . The center of mass is
closer to the more massive end.

Notes 16: Central Force Motion


First we look at the classical mechanics. The moment of inertia about the center of mass is
I = r02 .


The energy is



It is the same as the centrifugal potential, which is logical since the centrifugal potential is really
the angular part of the kinetic energy, which is all there is for a rigid rotor.
The classical configuration, apart from the center-of-mass degrees of freedom, is just the orientation of the rotor, specified by angles (, ). This suggests that the wave function in quantum
mechanics should be (, ) (with no r-dependence). As for the quantum Hamiltonian, we guess
that it should be

the obvious operator corresponding to the classical energy (68).


This makes it easy to solve the Schrodinger equation, H = E. The energy eigenvalues are
E =

( + 1)h2
( + 1)h2


and the eigenfunctions are

m (, ) = Ym (, ).


The energies do not depend on the magnetic quantum number m, and are (2 + 1)-fold degenerate.
11. Diatomic Molecules
Rigid rotors are an idealization that does not exist in nature, but diatomic molecules exist and
have many similar features. Consider, for example, carbon monoxide (CO). The atomic masses are
mC 12 mH , mO 16 mH , where mH is the mass of the hydrogen atom, with mH 1800 m,
where m is the mass of the electron. We denote the reduced mass of the carbon-oxygen system by
M (rather than as above, since we wish to contrast the large mass M with the small electron mass
m). Numerically,
M = reduced mass 7 mH 104 m,


very roughly. This leads to some small parameters that we will see in the analysis of the molecule,
 m 1/4
101 ,
104 ,
102 ,
where very rough values are given. These values apply very roughly to most common diatomic
A diatomic molecule can be regarded as a central force problem involving two bodies (the
atoms), each treated as a particle. Of course the particles in question are composite, made up of


Notes 16: Central Force Motion

nuclei and electrons, but in a certain approximation they may be treated as independent units,
that is, particles in their own right. The more elaborate theory that justifies this is called the
Born-Oppenheimer approximation.
V (r)


Fig. 8. Typical potential in a diatomic molecule. The equilibrium radius is r0 , the well depth is V0 .

The potential of interaction of two atoms in a diatomic molecule is sketched in Fig. 8. The
potential is strongly repulsive at short distances, because as the two atoms are brought together
their electron clouds overlap and by the Pauli principle the electrons are forced into higher energy
states. It is the same principle at work as when a degenerate electron gas is compressed; the short
range repulsion of two atoms can be thought of as due to the pressure of a degenerate electron gas. At
large distances the force is mostly electrostatic, and is attractive. Each atom causes the other atom
to polarize, creating an attractive dipole-dipole interaction. In between these two effects compete
with one another, creating a potential well. The potential is characterized by two parameters,
the well depth V0 and the equilibrium radius r0 (that is, r0 is the distance to the minimum of
the potential, which classically would be an equilibrium radius). For CO the actual values are
V0 = 11 eV, r0 = 1.1
There is no simple analytical form for V (r), so we will rely on order-of-magnitude estimates
that follow from dimensional analysis. The basic fact we rely on is that the force between the atoms
is determined by the dynamics of the electron clouds. There are only three fundamental constants
that enter into the electron dynamics: m, e and h. The speed of light c is not on the list because the
interaction is electrostatic and the electron motion is nonrelativistic. It is important to note that
the nuclear masses do not enter into the potential. One might wonder whether some dimensionless
parameters are important, such as the number of electrons in the atom, or, equivalently, the nuclear
charges (6 for C and 8 for O). The answer is that these numbers are not as important as one might
expect, because the atomic interactions, at the distances we are interested in, are mediated mostly by
the valence electrons. Inside the typical radius of the valence electrons is the atomic core, consisting
of electrons that shield and nearly neutralize the positive charge from the nucleus.
From e, m and h it is possible to construct a unique distance, energy, time, etc. These are

Notes 16: Central Force Motion


displayed in Table 1. These are the same values of distance, energy, etc, that appear in the hydrogen
atom, and for the same reason: the only physical constants we have to work with are e, m and h
For example, a0 is the Bohr radius and K0 is twice the ionization potential of hydrogen (2 13.6 eV).

Notice in particular v0 : it is the velocity of the electron in the ground state of hydrogen. Although
fast, it is still nonrelativisitic (v0 < 1% c). As claimed, the electrons are nonrelativistic.




a0 = h /me
K0 = e2 /a0 = me4 /h2
v0 = e2 /h
0 = me4 /h3 = K0 /h
T0 = h3 /me4 = 1/0

27 eV
c c/137
2.4 1017 sec

Table 1. Characteristic distance, time, etc for electron dynamics in an atom.

Returning to the CO potential V (r) in Fig. 8, the well depth V0 should be of the same order
of magnitude as K0 ; in fact, it is about 40%. Also, r0 should be of the same order of magnitude as
a0 ; in fact, it is a little more than twice as big. For an order-of-magnitude estimate, the agreement
is not bad.
The radial Schrodinger equation in our potential is
h2 d2 f h ( + 1)h2

f (r) = Ef (r).
2M dr2
2M r2


At first we take = 0, so we have a one-dimensional Schrodinger equation with potential V (r).

Since there is a well we expect bound states, which physically are the quantized vibrations of the
molecule. We can approximate the potential near the bottom of the well by a harmonic oscillator
potential, that is, we can write
M 2
(r r0 )2 ,
2 v
where v is the frequency of small vibrations. Figure 8 shows that as the energy is raised much
above the bottom of the well the parabolic approximation ceases to be a good one, but if there are
V (r) V0 +

many bound states then we can expect the low-lying ones to be described at least roughly by the
harmonic approximation. In a moment we will estimate the number of bound states.
We can estimate the parameter v in Eq. (75) by supposing that when r r0 r0 a0 , then
the potential is near dissociation, that is, V (r) is near zero. Dropping factors of 1/2 etc, this gives
M v2 (r r0 )2 M v2 a20 V0 K0 ,


v =

M a20

0 ,



Notes 16: Central Force Motion

where 0 is given by Table 1. As long as the harmonic approximation is valid, the vibrational energy
hv , where n = 0, 1, . . . is the vibrational quantum number.
levels are (n + 12 )
The vibrational frequency of the molecule is down by a factor of the square root of the mass ratio,
roughly 102 according to Eq. (73), in comparison to the typical frequency of the electronic motion
0 . Frequency 0 is also (as an order of magnitude) the frequency of a photon emitted or absorbed
in a transition between electronic states, while the energy difference between two neighboring levels
of the vibrational harmonic oscillator is hv , that is, the emitted or absorbed photon has frequency
v . Thus, vibrational transitions involve photons of energy roughly 100 times smaller than electronic
transitions. Electronic transitions are typically in the visible to ultraviolet range of frequencies, while
vibrational transitions are in the near to mid infrared.
We can estimate the number of bound vibrational states by taking the ratio,
Nvib =

h v



This is roughly the value for many diatomic molecules.

In the vibrational ground state the wave function is a Gaussian of width aho (where ho means
harmonic oscillator), which according to Eq. (8.12) is given by
 m 1/4
a0 0.1 a0 .
aho =
M v


In the ground state the wave function occupies roughly 10% of the bond length. The molecule does
behave like a rigid rotor at least approximately, because the interatomic separation lies in a narrow
range near r0 .
To account for the case 6= 0, we must include the centrifugal potential. But since the wave

function occupies only a small part of the r-axis near r = r0 , the centrifugal potential is nearly
constant over the extent of the wave function and we can just replace r by r0 in the centrifugal
( + 1)h2
( + 1)h2
( + 1)h2

2M r2
2M r02


where I is the moment of inertia in the equilibrium position. We see the appearance of the energies
of the rigid rotor, derived in an intuitive way in Sec. 10. The replacement (80) will become less
accurate as n increases (because the vibrational wave function is more spread out), or as increases
(because the centrifugal potential becomes more rapidly varying in r).
With the replacements (75) and (80), the radial Schrodinger equation becomes

M 2
2 d2 f h ( + 1)h2
V0 +
v (r r0 )2 f (r) = Ef (r).
2M dr


This is a harmonic oscillator with shifted origin and a constant term (V0 plus the centrifugal
potential) added. The energy eigenvalues are immediate:

( + 1)h2
En = V0 + n +
v +


Notes 16: Central Force Motion


This is only valid for small n and , but it does give an easy and roughly accurate picture of the
rotational and vibrational spectrum of the molecule. Notice that the energies have the general form
predicted for central force potential in Sec. 4.
Lets examine the spacing between rotational energy levels in order to estimate the energy of
the photon emitted or absorbed in a rotational transition. We define Erot as the spacing between
the = 0 and = 1 levels, or,
Erot =


K0 104 K0 .
M a20


This is roughly 100 times smaller than Evib = h

v , and roughly 10,000 times smaller than the
energy of an electronic transition. The photons emitted or absorbed in rotational transitions typically
lie in the far infrared to microwave range.
The molecule has three different energy scales: that of K0 , involved in electronic transitions, or
equivalently, the energy of dissociation of the molecule (breaking the bond); the vibrational energy
v , roughly the square root of the mass ratio times smaller; and the energy of rotational transitions,
roughly the square root of the mass ratio times smaller still.
Greenhouse gases absorb infrared radiation from the earth by making vibrational transitions in
molecules. These are not usually diatomic molecules, because the stretching vibrations of molecular
bonds typically have too high a frequency. In addition, the main molecular species in the atmosphere,
N2 and O2 , are homonuclear diatomics without a permanent electric dipole moment. Instead, the
greenhouse culprits are mainly CO2 and H2 O, triatomics that have bending and twisting modes of
lower frequency.

1. Consider central force motion in two dimensions. The wave function is (x, y) = (, ), where
(, ) are plane polar coordinates specified by
x = cos ,

y = sin .


(a) Find the most general function (, ) that is an eigenfunction of Lz . Express it in terms of
a radial wave function R(), along the lines of what is done in the notes for the three-dimensional
case. What is the spectrum of Lz ?
(b) Consider a central force Hamiltonian in two dimensions,

+ V (),


where p = (px , py ). Show that this Hamiltonian commutes with Lz . Therefore simultaneous eigenfunctions of H and Lz exist.


Notes 16: Central Force Motion

By expressing the Laplacian in polar coordinates and using the result of part (a), find a radial
wave equation for R() that will determine energy eigenfunctions and eigenvalues.
(c) Define a modified radial wave function by
f () = a R(),


where a is a power to be determined. Determine a by requiring that the modified radial wave
equation should look like the one-dimensional Schrodinger equation, apart from the range of the
variable and the presence of the centrifugal potential.
(d) Consider the case of the free particle. Express the radial eigenfunctions R() in terms of ordinary
Bessel functions, J (x), and in terms of the energy and the quantum number of Lz . You will have
to look up the differential equation for ordinary Bessel functions.
(e) For any potential that is not too badly behaved near the origin, find the dependence of the
radial eigenfunction R() near = 0. Verify that the free particle solutions of part (d) satisfy this
2. Consider the carbon monoxide molecule (CO). The potential well is illustrated in Fig. 8, with
. Approximate the potential near the bottom of the well by Eq. (75), with
V0 = 11 eV, r0 = 1.1 A
some vibrational frequency v . By assuming that V (r) = 0 (dissociation) when r r0 = r0 , solve
Eq. (45) numerically for v . Compare to the experimental value, which is = 2.5 1013 Hz. Note
that = 2.

What is the probability that the CO molecule is in the n = 1 vibrational state at 300 Kelvins?
(You will see that CO is not a very good greenhouse gas.)
3. This problem involves some exercise with expectation values of powers of r in hydrogen-like
atoms. These expectation values are useful in perturbation theory and other places. There are
various ways to evaluate these expectation values; for example, one can use the generating function
of the Laguerre polynomials. But I think the following method is somewhat easier, once you get it
(a) Write out the radial Schrodinger equation for a hydrogen-like atom. (Hydrogen-like means
V (r) = Ze2 /r.) Show that if a = h
2 /Ze2 , then
1 i
d2 u h ( + 1)
2 2 u = 0,
ar n a


where u is the normalized radial wave function corresponding to quantum numbers n and . Now
multiply this by rk+1 (du/dr) and integrate from 0 to . Use integration by parts to show that
Z  2
2k k1
dr = 2 2 hrk i
i + ( + 1)(k 1)hrk2 i.
(k + 1)

Notes 16: Central Force Motion


In the integrations, you may assume that k > 2 1, which will cause the boundary terms to


(b) Now multiply Eq. (87) by rk u and do more integration by parts, and combine the result with
Eq. (88) to show that

k+1 k
a2 k 
(2 + 1)2 k 2 hrk2 i = 0.



This is called the Kramers relation.

(c) Use Eq. (89) to find hrk i for k = 1, k = 1, and k = 2. Notice that you cannot evaluate
h1/r2 i by this method. For that you need to face up to generating functions, or some other method.

However, given that

= 2 3
a n ( + 21 )


find h1/r3 i. The latter is needed for the fine structure perturbations and the Zeeman effect.
4. Consider the helium atom in a lab frame. The positions of the nucleus, electron 1 and electron 2
are xn , xe1 and xe2 respectively. The mass of the nucleus is M and that of the electron is m. Thus
the laboratory Hamiltonian is

|pe1 |2
|pe2 |2
|pn |2
+ V (xn , xe1 , xe2 ).


We will only be interested in the kinetic energy in this problem.

Let R be the center of mass position and let
r1 = xe1 xn ,


r2 = xe2 xn ,

so that r1 and r2 are the positions of the two electrons relative to the nucleus. Also define new
momentum operators,
P = i


p1 = ih


p2 = ih



Express the kinetic energy as a function of these new momentum operators. You will obtain a term
proportional to p1 p2 . This is called a mass polarization term.

The usual simple minded treatment of helium treats the nucleus as infinitely heavy. In this
approach there are no mass polarization terms. Explain why its a good approximation to neglect
those terms (thus, the usual approach is ok).

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