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1.Recreation is an activity of leisure, leisure being discretionary time.

[1] The "need to do something

for recreation" is an essential element of human biology and psychology.

Recreational activities are often done for enjoymentRecreation is an essential part of human life
and finds many different forms which are shaped naturally by individual interests but also by the
surrounding social construction.[2]Recreational activities can be communal or solitary, active or
passive, outdoors or indoors, healthy or harmful, and useful for society or detrimental. A list of typical
activities could be almost endless including most human activities, a few examples being reading,
playing or listening to music, watching movies or TV, gardening, hunting, hobbies, sports, studies,
and travel. Not all recreational activities can be considered wise, healthy, or socially acceptable or
usefulexamples are gambling, drinking, or delinquent activities.Recreational drugs are being used
to enhance the recreational experience, a wide-ranging and controversial subject as some drugs are
accepted or tolerated by society within limits, others not and declared illegal., amusement,
or pleasure and are considered to be "fun".
Recreation refers to the time spent in an activity one loves to engage in, with an intent to feel
refreshed. It is a break from monotony and a diversion from the daily routine. It is a positive change
from the stereotypical lifestyle and involves an active participation in entertaining activities that one is
interested in. Recreational activities give enjoyment because, while recreating one engages in
something he likes. They are a source of joy and they provide relaxation to one's mind and body.

2.List of Recreational Activities ~ Which One's Your Favorite?

Sporting to Recreate
Sports such as baseball, volleyball, cricket, basketball and such different games can serve as very
good recreational activities. Sport-enthusiasts love spending time in sports activities which help them
exert physically and also enjoy playing. Outdoor sports like the ones mentioned, also provide us with
the means to exercise and hence happen to be one of the best forms of recreation.
Recreation through Adventure
Those with a brave heart take interest in activities like mountain biking, skiing, mountaineering,
bungee jumping and similar other activities. Brave, I say, because such sports actually require one to
have love for adventure and not everyone has it. Some of these activities fall under the category of
extreme sports. These activities create thrill and excitement. They involve a certain amount of risk but
surely serve as a source of recreation for those enjoying it.
Diversion through Entertainment
Recreational activities like singing, reading, listening to music, watching movies, dancing, aerobics or
pursuit of hobbies, serve as the best means to recreate. Our hobbies are activities giving us real
happiness. Our hobbies are activities we truly like engaging in, and engaging in something that we
love doing is surely recreation.
Recreation for Amusement
Video games, computer games and surfing the Internet are some other examples of recreational
activities most of us like to engage in. Tourism, partying, shopping, visiting parks, museums and
places of historical importance are the means of recreation for many.

Club to Recreate!
Outdoor recreational activities can range from nature walks to river rafting. Organized recreational
activities are often planned by private clubs or government organizations. Government and nongovernment organizations make arrangements for group activities that can serve as the means of
recreation for many. Sports, cultural activities and social gatherings are some of the organized ones.
Clubs and recreation centers offer a variety of recreational programs for people of different ages and
varied interests. Check one in your locality today!
Recreation is of two types. Passive recreation involves activities like strolling on the beach or taking a
walk on the riverside while active recreation is about engaging in adventure sports or outdoor games.
Recreational activities can also be classified as indoor and outdoor ones. The former typically includes
indoor games and pursuit of hobbies and activities that one engages in, for entertainment. Outdoor
activities include sports, adventure, traveling and activities one engages in, for amusement.
Recreation can be done in two ways; one can recreate in a group or recreate alone. Group recreational
activities include team games, group travel and sports. To recreate alone, one can engage in one's
own hobby, turn to sources of entertainment (playing video games, web browsing, reading, watching
movies) or travel solo.
Here we have enlisted some recreational activities in random order, categorized into two groups
namely, indoor and outdoor activities. There are many more which could be added to the lists but
these are the first things that come to mind when one thinks of recreating outdoors or indoors.

Outdoor Activities

Indoor Activities

River Rafting
Bungee Jumping
Scuba Diving
Lawn Tennis
Team Games
Nature Walk
Horse Riding
Pet Training
Beach Games

Watching Movies
Video Games
Internet Browsing
Art Activities
Indoor Gardening
Table Tennis
Craft Making
Watching TV
Playing Cards
Skincare Regime

Museum Visit
Amusement Park
and more...

Daydreaming (yes!)
and more...

Recreational activities give you an opportunity to spend time with yourself. Yes, they give you a time
when you can meetyou! Family excursions give you some family time. Group activities and team
games give you an opportunity to meet new people, make new friends and socialize. Some help you in
developing leadership qualities and interpersonal skills. Although excessive amount of recreation is not
advisable, a little amount of recreation daily, is the need of a busy life. While being a part of the rat
race of today, when you struggle to stay in competition, it is also necessary to give some time to
yourself and your loved ones. Recreational activities serve this purpose.

1.Essay writing has always been a challenge that many students of all level and
degrees face every once in a while. It is a part of their academic life, a test to determine
their literacy, fluency and analytical skills. For some who likes writing a lot, essay writing
can be a friend they enjoy to be with. But for those who are having difficulty with it even
in just constructing a simple decent paragraph, it is indeed a foe a very cruel one that
would cause them a red mark or a flat 5 in their report cards. Often times, these
students are those who have no idea what they are doing. They would write an essay
because their instructor required them to. They write without a purpose. They start with
their essays without knowing why they are writing in the first place.
What is a Purpose?
A purpose is the sole reason why you are writing an essay or article. It is your definite
aim; how you would want your paper to communicate with the readers. Discovering this
is one of the many basic challenges you will encounter when writing an essay or article.
A purpose of an essay can either be one or more of the following: to inform; to
persuade; to call readers to action; to change attitudes; to analyze; to argue; to theorize;
to summarize; to evaluate; to recommend; to request; to propose; to provoke thought; to
express feelings; to entertain; or to give aesthetic pleasure.
To know the purpose of your paper is tricky. Fortunately, instructors often specify firsthand what type of paper they expect from their students. However, when your instructor
gives you the freedom to write any type of essay, you might have problems identifying
or choosing a purpose. The following tips below will guide you and help you with this
Many students fall prey to misjudgment and misconception when trying to determine the
purpose or purposes of their essays. The reason for this is because they often overlook
the instructions their professors gave them, or they lack the vision for identifying
purposes. Fortunately, the difficulty of identifying the purpose of an essay can be
lessened by asking these simple basic questions: who; what; when; where; how; and
First, ask yourself: who are my readers? Your readers can be anyone from fellow
students, professors to community citizens. For instance, when your teacher asks you
to write an essay about ethnic discrimination in school, it is fitting enough to assume
that your readers would be your fellow students, specifically those who belong in the
ethnic minority group. By having an idea who your audiences are, you will have more
opportunity and confidence developing a purpose for your essay as you can easily
determine what you want to communicate or to share with them.
Next, you should ask yourself: what do I want to communicate with my readers? Do
you want to share with them the prevalence of ethnic discrimination within your
campus? Or do you want to talk about the causes and effects of ethnic discrimination?
Basically its up to you to decide, but always remember to take your readers into
consideration what they want to know or what they find interesting.

Then there is the question when. Basically, when refers to the time a certain event
took place, is taking place or will take place. In other words, you have to know which
specific timeline your essay will focus into. For example, are you going to focus on
previous discrimination cases that took place within the campus years ago? Are you
going to investigate for current cases? Or are you going to predict or analyze ethnic
discrimination within the campus in the next five years? Your decision here will basically
affect how you would come up with your purpose.
The next important thing to determine is the setting. In other words, ask
yourself whereyour information will be obtained, and where your audiences are
located. Are you going to focus inside or outside the campus? By knowing or deciding a
specific setting, you will be able to help yourself develop a purpose that is limited only
within that location.
After determining where, you should now determine how you will write your paper.
Reflect deep in your thoughts and ask yourself how you can obtain the information you
are planning to share or discuss, how you are going to reach and relate with your
readers using that information, and how you are going to approach your paper. Are you
going to investigate through survey or are you going to rely on previous literatures?
Knowing these things will basically help you decide a purpose for your study.
Finally, after asking yourself and answering the questions, who, what, when, where and
how,its time for you to answer the most important question why? Think deeply and
ask why do you plan to reach a group of readers, why you want to share with them
specific information, and why do you want to search for literatures or to survey for
opinions. Do you want to inform them? Do you want to persuade them? Is your
information sufficient enough to build an argument? It is basically your call to decide the
purpose of your essay but always remember that before asking the question why, you
should first ask and answer who, what, when, where and how.
Final words
A purpose is one of the few important factors to consider when assessing the writing
situation. Identifying a purpose for your chosen subject is like giving it a straight path
that leads directly to the thoughts and hearts of the readers. By knowing your purpose,
your readers will easily understand what you are trying to convey and why you are
trying to reach or communicate with them. Remember, when identifying your purpose,
analyze and ask the questions who, what, when, where, how, and why.

Patterns of Development

Patterns of development help us sort out information and shape paragraphs or essays.
They can help organize an outline, or depending on the purpose they can determine the
form that a paper will take. Remember that most paper will use a combination of
methods, working together in function of each other.

Given the topic "environmental issues," these are some examples of how the methods
can help limiting the topic, developing a thesis statement, and writing an outline.
1. Narration means to tell a story: The history of the Love Canal
A narration deals with people, places, events, dates, etc.
2. Description means to tell what something is like.
Describe the damage done by pollution to a river, lake, forest, etc. A good description
will revolve around a "dominant impression."
3. Illustration with examples means that a generalization is supported by specific
Food industries do not encourage consumers to produce less litter.
4. Definition means to explain what something is.
Define "ozone layer"
5. Comparison means to identify the ways in which two "different" items are similar.
Contrast means to identify the ways in which two "similar" items are different. This
means that there is no purpose in comparing or contrasting two items that do not share
some common characteristic (apples and books).
Compare the environmental advantages of paper bags as opposed to plastic bags
6. Classification means to sort items in order to group together those with similar
characteristics and to distinguish them from those with different characteristics.
Provide examples of how we can reduce waste by reducing, reusing, recycling.
7. Causal analysis means to find the reasons that produced a certain result or to
identify the results produced by a certain phenomenon.
Effects of acid rain on vegetation
8. Argumentation means to provide enough reasons and proof to convince the reader
that a certain opinion is valid.
Industries do not receive enough incentives to reduce waste.
9. Process analysis means to explain how to do something.
How to start a compost pile.
Combining different methods: "Identifying plastic as a source of pollution"
How plastic was developed (narration/process)
Definition/description of plastic
Different kinds of plastic (classification/illustration)
Consequences of the use of plastic (effects)
Alternative solutions offered (argumentation/comparison)
More examples:
Thesis statements
Topic: food
1. Narration: Baking and sharing Christmas cookies is my favorite holiday tradition.
2. Description: The table at my grandmother's Thanksgiving dinner is covered with
delicious, great smelling, and colorful holiday dishes.
3. Exemplification: Because they cannot easily prepare their own food, many college
students who live in the dorms are on a diet of fast food, junk food, or snacks.
4. Definition: A pizza is a flat bread, which may be covered with tomato sauce, cheeses,

and a variety of toppings.

5. Comparison: Real Italian food, the kind that is eaten in Italy, is very different from
American Italian food.
6. Classification: Although traditionally pizza is an Italian dish, Greek pizza, Mexican
pizza, and Hawaiian are becoming increasingly popular.
7. Cause and effect: Italian food in Italy is very different from American Italian food
because of regional variations and because of availability of ingredients.
8. Process: Baking bread is a process which consists of three main steps: kneading,
shaping, and baking.

4. Paragraphs are the building blocks of papers. Many students define paragraphs in terms
of length: a paragraph is a group of at least five sentences, a paragraph is half a page long,
etc. In reality, though, the unity and coherence of ideas among sentences is what
constitutes a paragraph. A paragraph is defined as a group of sentences or a single
sentence that forms a unit (Lunsford and Connors 116). Length and appearance do not
determine whether a section in a paper is a paragraph. For instance, in some styles of
writing, particularly journalistic styles, a paragraph can be just one sentence long.
Ultimately, a paragraph is a sentence or group of sentences that support one main idea. In
this handout, we will refer to this as the controlling idea, because it controls what happens
in the rest of the paragraph.

is a self-contained unit of a discourse in writing dealing with a particular point or idea. A paragraph
consists of one or more sentences.[1][2] Though not required by the syntax of any language,
paragraphs are usually an expected part of formal writing, used to organize longer prose.

Paragraph structure
A paragraph has a topic sentence and supporting sentences.

Topic sentence
This is the main idea in the paragraph. It tells the reader what the paragraph is
going to be about. It is usually the first sentence.

Supporting sentences
The supporting sentences are the other sentences in the paragraph. These
sentences either:

expand on the main point

define key terms

offer explanations
give examples
give additional detail.

Look at the following example and see if you can pick the topic sentence and the
function of the other sentences. When you have decided, click on the 'Check' to

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