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the idea that the pulse and blood pressure could be used to detect deception was probably first

suggested by
Lombroso (1887-1911) in the later part of the nineteenth century in what is now considered to be milestone
treatise on the criminals mind. the first specific paper on the topic seem to have been written by Marston(1917).
He reported that a persons blood pressure suddenly increased when telling a lie. In recent years, the classic
measure of heart, pulse, and respiration rates, and Galvanic Skin Response(GSR), a change in the conductivity
of the skin associated with differential perspiration rates, have become the standard ensemble of tools used by
polygraphists in their efforts to detect deception.

The polygraph is used a wide variety of contexts especially in the United States Department of Defense and
intelligences agencies. It has also been used to screen prospective employees for new jobs and to test current
employees in many business and in many government agencies. It is currently also used by many investigator in
the belief that it will permit them to uncover criminal activity and discriminate between guilty and innocent.
Regardless of the technological sophistication of the hardware or the theory of the relevance of the
physiological measurements, the assumptions underlying the use of polygraphs remain the same. The basic
assumption is that the measure physiological indicators will vary from base level as a function of whether or not
the examinee is telling the truth. Specifically, the simples psycho physiological explanation offered by
polygraph enthusiasts goes as follow: because the emotional reaction to telling a lie, the GSR will decreased as
a person begins to sweat, and the persons pulse, blood pressure, and respiration rate will increase from the base
Lie-detection techniques were supplanted by technological advances during early part of the twenties century.
The work of psycho physiologist, who investigated the physiological changes associated with emotions, was put
to use by the Italian criminologist Lombros. He and his colleges used changes in pulse rate and in the blood
pressure of person limbs to interpret the truthfulness of answers given by suspected criminals during
One of the first polygraph was constructed by Larson, a Berkeley medical student working with the police
department. This devices measure blood pressure, pulse rate, and respiration.
A lie reaction is ordinary indicated in the tracing by a suppression or distortion in respiration, or by a change in
blood pressure-pulse, immediately after the subject has answered the question asked by the examiner. In small
percentages of cases it also may be indicated in the other tracing, but primary reliance is placed upon the tracing
in respiration and blood pressure-pulse.

the polygraph has been widely used in various fields, especially in the United States Department of Defense and
intelligences agencies. in the field of investigation, this method have been used by investigator to identify those
who were guilty and innocent. during early part of the twenties century, Lombroso (1887-1911) who is psycho
physiologist, have been investigated the physiological changes related to emotions. He and his colleges has used
the idea that the pulse and blood pressure can be used to detect a lie. He reported that a persons blood pressure
suddenly increased when telling a lie. In recent years, the classic measure of heart, pulse, and respiration rates,
and Galvanic Skin Response(GSR), a change in the conductivity of the skin associated with differential
perspiration rates, have become the standard ensemble of tools used by polygraphists in their efforts to detect
deception. The basic assumption is that measures physiological indicators will vary from the basic base as a
function of whether the examinee is truthful. In particular, the simples psycho physiological explanation offered
by the polygraph enthusiasts went as follows: as an emotional response to lie, testament GSR decrease as people
start sweating, and pulse the person, blood pressure, and breathing rate will increase from the base rate.

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