Vježbe Past Tenses

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1) What (do) when I (call) you last night?..

2) I (sit) in a cafe when you (call)...

3) When you (arrive) at the party, who (be) there?..
4) Susie (watch) a film when she (hear) the noise...
5) Yesterday I (go) to the library, next I (have) a swim, later I (meet) Julie for coffee....
6) We (play) tennis when John (hurt) his ankle...
7) What (they/do) at 10pm last night - it was really noisy?.
8) He (take) a shower when the telephone (ring)...
9) He (be) in the shower when the telephone (ring)...
10) When I (walk) into the room, everyone (work)...
11) It (be) a day last September. The sun (shine)and the birds (sing) . I (walk) along the street
when I (meet) an old friend......
12) He (live) in Russia when the Revolution (start)...
13) When her train (get) to the station, we (wait)on the platform...
14) He (be) so annoying! He (always leave) his things everywhere...
15) On holiday we (visit) Rome, (see) the Vatican, and (spend) a few days at the beach....
16) Why (stand) on a chair when I (come) into the room?..
17) They (lived) in Germany when they (be)young...
18) At 7pm yesterday, we (listen) to music..
19) When I (leave) the house, it (snow)...
20) He (work) in a bank when he (meet) his wife..

Choose Past
Simple or
Continuous 2
Make the past simple or 1) He (sleep) when the doorbell (ring)...
past continuous tense
2) We (eat) dinner at 8pm last night (we started eating at 7:30)..
3) Yesterday I (go) to the Post Office, (buy) some fruit at the
supermarket and (read) a book in the park in the afternoon....
4) We (watch) TV when we (hear) a loud noise...
5) Julie (be) in the garden when Laurence (arrive)...

6) A: What (do) at 3pm yesterday? B: I (clean)my house...

7) Last year I (visit) Paris and Rome..
8) They (have) dinner when the police (come) to the door...
9) He (work) in the garden when he (find) the money...
10) Laura (study) at 11pm last night..
11) I (walk) along the road when I (meet) an old friend...
12) It (be) a day in December. Snow (fall) , children (sing) carols and
people (do) their Christmas shopping.....
13) My ex-boyfriend (be) so annoying! He (always miss) the bus and
arriving late...
14) When I (call) Julie, she (work)...
15) Why (cry) when I (arrive)?..
16) When he (get) home we started to eat dinner..
17) At 10 am yesterday, I (sit) on a bus..
18) I (enjoy) my book so much that I (not/notice)that the train had
19) David (not/sleep) when I (arrive) , he (study)....

1. A: What (you, do) when the accident occurred?

B: I (try) to change a light bulb that had burnt out.

2. After I (find) the wallet full of money, I (go, immediately) to the police and (turn) it in.

3. The doctor (say) that Tom (be) too sick to go to work and that he (need) to stay at home for a couple of

4. Sebastian (arrive) at Susan's house a little before 9:00 PM, but she (be, not) there. She (study, at the
library) for her final examination in French.

5. Sandy is in the living room watching television. At this time yesterday, she (watch, also) television. That's all
she ever does!

6. A: I (call) you last night after dinner, but you (be, not) there. Where were you?
B: I (work) out at the fitness center.

7. When I (walk) into the busy office, the secretary (talk) on the phone with a customer, several clerks (work,
busily) at their desks, and two managers (discuss, quietly) methods to improve customer service.

8. I (watch) a mystery movie on TV when the electricity went out. Now I am never going to find out how the
movie ends.

9. Sharon (be) in the room when John told me what happened, but she didn't hear anything because she (listen,
not) .

10. It's strange that you (call) because I (think, just) about you.

11. The Titanic (cross) the Atlantic when it (strike) an iceberg.

12. When I entered the bazaar, a couple of merchants (bargain, busily) and (try) to sell their goods to naive
tourists who (hunt) for souvenirs. Some young boys (lead) their donkeys through the narrow streets on their way
home. A couple of men (argue) over the price of a leather belt. I (walk) over to a man who (sell) fruit and
(buy) a banana.

13. The firemen (rescue) the old woman who (be) trapped on the third floor of the burning building.

14. She was so annoying! She (leave, always) her dirty dishes in the sink. I think she (expect, actually) me to do
them for her.

15. Samantha (live) in Berlin for more than two years. In fact, she (live) there when the Berlin Wall came down.


Past Perfect - Positive

and Negative
Make the positive or negative past perfect

1) When I arrived at the cinema, the film (start)..

2) She (live) in China before she went to
3) After they (eat) the shellfish, they began to feel
4) If you (listen) to me, you would have got the
5) Julie didnt arrive until after I (leave)..
6) When we (finish) dinner, we went out..
7) The garden was dead because it (be) dry all
8) He (meet) her somewhere before..
9) We were late for the plane because
we (forget) our passports..
10) She told me she (study) a lot before the exam..
11) The grass was yellow because it (not/rain) all
12) The lights went off because we (not/pay) the
electricity bill..
13) The children (not/do) their homework, so they
were in trouble..
14) They (not/eat) so we went to a restaurant..
15) We couldnt go into the concert because
we (not/bring) our tickets..
16) She said that she (not/visit) the UK before..
17) Julie and Anne (not/meet) before the party..
18) I (not/have) breakfast when he arrived..
19) He (not/use) email before, so I showed him

how to use it..

20) You (not/study) for the test, so you were very

2. Past Simple vs. Past Perfect

1) After Fred (to spend) his holiday in Italy he (to want) to learn Italian.
2) Jill (to phone) Dad at work before she (to leave) for her trip.
3) Susan (to turn on) the radio after she (to wash) the dishes.
4) When she (to arrive) the match already (to start).
5) After the man (to come) home he (to feed) the cat.
6) Before he (to sing) a song he (to play) the guitar.
7) She (to watch) a video after the children (to go) to bed.
8) After Eric (to make) breakfast he (to phone) his friend.
9) I (to be) very tired because I (to study) too much.
10) They (to ride) their bikes before they (to meet) their friends.


1. He (work) in a supermarket before he (work) as a postman.

2. She (feed) the dog as soon as she (do) her homework.
3. My sister (live) in England before she (move) to Belgium.
4. After he (eat) all the sandwiches he (drink) some orange juice.
5. We (be) tired because we (work) all day.
6. As I (miss) the bus I (walk) home again.
7. After they (install) the file they (can) go on working.
8. He (just start) to watch TV when the telephone (ring).
9. Before she (go) to bed she (listen) to her favourite CD.
10. After he (lose) all his money he (be) poor as a church mouse.
11. She (have) a cup of coffee before she (write) the letter.
12. My sister (eat) all the jam before our parents (come) home.
13. Tom (be) very angry because Ann (shout) at him.
14. She (go) home again as soon as she (do) her shopping.

15. They (go) to a sightseeing tour after the bus (arrive).

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