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Jake Anthony

(C) ‘IQ Inc’. 1990. 2009.

Jake Anthony

The driving force behind this series

of publications was born in England,
just one year into World War Two.
People dying not in combat
but from health problems relating to
lifestyle, including his own parents,
was the life-amending catalyst which
launched Jake Anthony’s lifelong
interest in health, fitness and life
extension - and a search for answers.
A wish to become a professional actor and writer was ful-
filled through hard work and dedication against the odds, and Jake
Anthony obtained a degree of ‘celebrity’ over the years. His work
as a character actor can still be seen on TV from time to time.
Jake also became one of the most published writers who
nobody knows about! This was due to his work going mainly
uncredited as an internationally published journalist in advertising
and PR; under pseudonyms as author, with many ‘to-kill-for’ re-
views; and as editor and/or ghost writer for others. Jake had a
couple of small ‘best sellers’ in the East and the West, and is the
man behind a handful of ‘cult’ novels which change hands for
large sums via on-line booksellers.
Another life-amending incident occurred when his extremely
fit and healthy actor and stunt man son, died from an interaction
between prescribed drugs. Like ‘Lord Jim’ - Joseph Conrad’s char-
acter in the book and movie - Jake left his homeland and wan-
dered the Orient for 20 plus years trying to make sense of it all.
This was interrupted by a series of health disasters at the
hands of the allopathic medical system in the West which would
have killed most people. Ironically, they were initiated by prescribed
drugs that were supposed to cure, not kill. This was added to by
the Western system of treating the symptom rather than fully iden-
tifying the cause.
Jake’s series of the potential lifestyle based killers included
cancer, crisis level hypertension, borderline type-2 diabetes, acute
and chronic pancreatitis, and gallstones. As prescribed drugs had
initiated his series of interlinked health disasters - and time after
time exacerbated them - Jake turned his back on the Western
medical system and from then on utilised nutritional, holistic and
alternative therapies known about for thousands of years in the
Orient and the East. His host of ailments regressed or were con-
trolled, and extra decades of life were obtained. Some joint prob-
lems came later, but you would not believe it when you see the
author pumping iron and skipping (jump rope) like an in-shape boxer.
The author’s ‘beating the odds’ experience and use of ho-
listic and alternative therapies, almost certainly played a part in his
survival. The ‘How To’ and ‘Why’ are detailed in this series of
books. Jake’s fit and youthful appearance belies the fact that he is
technically a senior citizen, well over the age of retirement.
Knowledge is power. Your choice.

Packaged by IQ Inc.
(C) 1990. 2009.
International licencing enquiries:

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be re-

printed or reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or trans-
mitted in any form or by any means, mechanical, electronic,
photocopying, recording or otherwise, except for brief ex-
tracts for the purpose of review, without prior permission in
writing from the publisher.

ISBN: 974-88459-1-5

First Pressing: E-Book 2009.





The Role of Vitamins

Big Pharma & Their Big Vitamin Scam
Why Synthetic Vitamins Don’t Work
How Vitamins and Minerals Work
Big Pharma & The Destruction Of Your Health.
But it Gets Worse With GMO Frankenfood
How To Beat Codex Alimentarius
Vitamins & Minerals: The Natural Alternatives
The EarthBox
How To Grow Fantastic Vegan Food Indoors
Vitamins - An Instant Guide
The Role of Minerals
Minerals - An Instant Guide
The Role of Amino Acids
Essential Amino Acids - An Instant Guide
Non-Essential Amino Acids - An Instant Guide
Amino Acids Breathrough For Athletes and Body-Builders
The Role of Enzymes
Enzymes and Digestion
Enzymes and Ageing
Detoxify with Enzyme Rich Foods
Amino Acids & Protein
Good Sources Of Protein

Fruit, Vegetables and Health

Fruit - An Instant Nutritional Guide
Plant Sources of Vitamin C - An Instant Guide
Vegetables - An Instant Nutritional Guide
Lycopene & Health
Lycopene Sources - An Instant Guide
Your Nuts
Nuts - An Instant Nutritional Guide
Dairy, Grains & Animal Protein - An Instant Guide
Fish: Nutritional Content
Fish: Vitamin Content - An Instant Guide
Fish: Mineral Content - An Instant Guide
The Vitamin and Mineral Content of Culinary Herbs & Spices
- An Instant Guide


Smart Nutrients.
What is a Portion?
Superfoods - An Instant Guide.



Why organic is Best - The Proof

Yes, Organic Truly is Best
The Case For Sea Salt
Concentrated Fruit Juices Are Not The Real Thing
How Hydrogenated Fats & Oils Can Kill You
How Microwaved Cooking Is Killing You
Ten Reasons For Throwing Out Your Microwave Oven
A Fast & Healthier Alternative To Microwave Cooking



Dr. Robert J. Woodward B.Pharm., Ph.D., M.Royal
Pharm. Soc., C. Chem., F.R.S.C.

• The knowledge, experience and assistance

provided by the above, was invaluable in
the compilation of this publication.

Cover Design: Bird and Jake Anthony.


• Thanks are offered to the many scientists, nutritionists,

naturopaths, social scientists, psychologists,
educational psychologists and professionals in a wide range
of disciplines throughout the world, whose work has been
utilised as reference material in the
‘Holistic Health’ series of publications.

NB. The content of this publication is for information

purposes only. It should not be used as a substitute for
the advice of a physician, naturopath or other certified
health care practitioner. The products and holistic
procedures discussed herein are not intended to
diagnose, cure, prevent or treat any disease.

An intelligent approach to vitamin and mineral therapy can play an
important part in the search for good health in its widest sense. It
has also been proven to increase the IQ of young children.
In the modern world nothing can be taken for granted, as
far too many corporations supplying our food place profit before
business integrity. The lowdown on what Big Pharma and Big
Food have been doing to devastate your health with their ‘dead’
food and ‘synthetic’ vitamins, will blow your mind.
When it comes to the nutritional quality of your diet, you will
not wish to take any chances. A comprehensive and easy to un-
derstand guide to vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes and the
foods that contain them, is therefore essential.
The author of this series of books has followed most of the
information and recommendations contained within for most of his
life. When you see him pumping iron and skipping (jump rope) like
an in-shape boxer, you would say that the anecdotal evidence re-
garding the content of this book, really works.
Knowledge is power. Your choice.

Vitamins, Minerals,
Amino Acids


An obese person dies on average nine years earlier than some-

body of normal weight. A very obese person’s life is cut short
by an average of 13 years. They are also more prone to suffer
from type 2 diabetes, heart disease, cancer and stroke - which
are associated with excess weight.
You are what you eat, and ensuring that you obtain an ad-
equate intake of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes of
the right type, is one of the major keys to good health and longev-
ity. Vitamins are organic food substances found only in living things
- plants and animals. Small amounts are required for the regulation
of all bodily processes, such as cell repair, forming bone and tissue,
metabolism, converting fat and carbohydrate into energy, assisting
the immune system, transport of oxygen in the blood, and much
more. Any deficiency in vitamins, minerals, amino acids and en-
zymes will inevitably lead to certain diseases, ailments or abnormal
conditions. Without micronutrients we would die.
When we sicken and die prematurely, it is predominately
because the body’s natural repair mechanisms are below par and
the processes of decay are in overdrive. In a great many cases,
this is due to multiple micronutrient depletion.
With few exceptions - such as vitamin D, which can be
obtained from exposure to sunlight - the body cannot manufacture
vitamins. They must be supplied in the diet.
There are two types of vitamins - fat soluble and water
Fat soluble vitamins are needed every day but can be stored
by the body, so foods containing them do not need to be eaten on a
daily basis. However, taking more than you need of fat soluble
vitamins can be harmful. Everything in moderation.
Water soluble vitamins are not stored in the body, so have to
be taken on a daily basis in foods containing them. Water soluble
vitamins can be destroyed by heat, exposure to the air, and in cooking.
Boiling food loses a lot of its vitamin content. Grilling or steaming is
more conducive to retaining vitamin content. Convection cookers
retain more of the vitamin, mineral, amino acids and enzyme con-
tent of foods. Portable versions are available at low cost..
A balanced diet of fresh, preferably ‘organic’ food, is clearly
the most favoured and natural method of obtaining a good daily
intake of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes. Raw fruits,
vegetables and nuts are a particularly good source, as most of the
enzymes in them are retained. Culinary herbs and spices are also
a surprisingly good source in highly bioavailable form.
In a Netherlands six years study, the risk of contracting
Alzheimer’s’s was reduced by 19% for those taking Vitamin E
supplements; 18% for those taking Vitamin C; and 19% for those
who consumed a high daily intake of vegetables [1].
It has been shown over a long period of time in many coun-
tries, that the substances which mop up free radicals in the body -
antioxidants such as vitamin A, C, E, zinc and selenium - help
prevent cancer and other immune deficiency related illnesses. Folic
acid and the B vitamins help prevent heart disease and stroke [2]
However, other studies including one from the Harvard Medi-
cal School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, reported
in November 2008, found that men taking vitamin C and E antioxi-
dants in supplement form were no more or less likely to develop
cancer than those taking a placebo. Dr. Sesso who oversaw the
study, previously reported that vitamin supplements were unable to
prevent cardiovascular disease. What is important however, is that
those studies used ‘synthetic’ lab-derived vitamins. Not good.
Laboratory simulated vitamins - which are usually manu-
factured by Big Pharma - are continuously shown to have little or
no positive effect on health, and some vitamins chemically derived
in the laboratory have actually been shown to ‘increase’ the risk of
contracting disease.
The key to the enigma is to obtain your vitamins and miner-
als from natural food sources - which rules out convenience foods
and junk food restaurant fare. And don’t be fooled by labels stating
that a food has been ‘reinforced’ with vitamins, as they are almost
certainly lab-derived from Big Pharma - many of which have been
proven not to work and some can cause harm.
Vitamins and minerals, and also enzymes and amino acids,
work closely together as co-factors for each other’s efficacy. If
one part is missing, or in the wrong form or wrong amount, entire
chains of metabolic processes will not proceed normally, leading to
a downward health spiral over a period of time. Synthetic vitamins
concocted in the lab, do not contain the complete vitamin complex.
An example is ascorbic acid - generally regarded by the
medical and scientific community as being vitamin C. Wrong.
Ascorbic acid is a very important component of vitamin C, but
does not become active vitamin C able to prevent scurvy and other
diseases, unless all the other co-factors which exist in natural vita-
min C - as found in food such as limes and potatoes - are included.
This is why huge dosages of ascorbic acid are unable to cure
scurvy, whereas less than 20 mgs of natural vitamin C in a potato,
Dr. Szent-Georgi (Nobel Prize winner, who discovered vi-
tamin C in 1937), came to understand that ascorbic acid, rutin, and
the other factors, were synergists - co-factors which together

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