Nano-200 Final Exam

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Stevens Institute of Technology

Department of Mechanical Engineering

NANO 200 Introduction to Nanotechnology

Take Home Quiz (Final)

Start: May 5th, 2pm
Due: 2pm, May 7th, 2014 (Submit a hardcopy to Burchard 512 or email the scanned
version to and )

Name: (PRINT)_

__ _ __

Case Study 1 (20 pts):

Semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) have tunable fluorescence properties
that have proved useful in a wide range of applications from multiplexed
analysis such as DNA detection and cell sorting and tracking to diagnostics.
You are a research scientist tasked with imaging a tumor site in a mouse.
You have narrowed down your search of quantum dots to InP with the
following characteristics:
~ lv-e.





EII (eV) 2.


- -,+----.

2 .0





~. lg

o. 'g

2 7 .'l..

Radius (nm)


Before you inject your mouse with the QD solution, you give the above data
to your boss who specifically states that there should be two injections, one
with QDs fluorescing blue and the other red. Which range of QD sizes
would you use?
Someone in the chemistry department has functionalized your chosen QDs
with tumor-specific molecules and you are ready to make your injections.
The blue QDs are injected so as to travel at constant velocity through a
continuous arteriole of diameter 2mm, and the red QDs travel at constant
velocity through various channels averaging 0.50 um in diameter. Which
type of flow do the QDs feel? Assuming you have taken into account effects
from the presence of red blood cells (on the order of 6-8 um), and other,
smaller, molecules, and assuming the distance between the site of injection
and the tumor is 5 cm, how long before you can start taking images of the
tumor site? Blood viscosity and density are 3.5x10-3 Pa* s and 1060 kg/m3 ,
respectively. Blood pressure gradient is assumed constant at 1.6x 109 Palm.

Case Study 2:
Part 1 (15 pts)
A 100 kg man stands on the end of a diving board and causes a vertical
oscillation which is observed to have a period of 0.5 seconds. The mass of
the board is 22 kg. What is the static deflection at the end of the board?
What is the natural frequency in Hz if no one is standing on the board? If the
person on the end of the board had a mass m = 60 kg? What are the static
deflections for these situations? If the mass of the board was completely
neglected, what would be the impact on the calculated frequencies above?
Part 2 (15 pts)
Moving to the nanoscale, the diving board is now a carbon nanotube (CNT)
with a spring constant of 0.0016 N/m. The mass of the CNT is 2.4 x 10-21 kg.
By how much does the natural frequency of the system change if an atom of
silver is attached to the end of the CNT? The density of silver is 10,490
kg/m3 and atomic radius is 145 pm.

Case Study 3 (20 pts):

The quantum confinement effect can be observed once the diameter of the
nanoparticle is of the same magnitude as the wavelength of the electron
wave function. You are tasked with fabricating silver nanoparticles using a
combination of electron beam evaporation and thermal treatment which
breaks silver thin films down into nanoparticles. Initially, you wish to
confine a single electron with a ground state energy equivalent to the Fermi
energy of 5.5 eV. Estimate the minimum diameter of a silver particle, then,
in which free electrons can move at a speed of 1.88 x 106 m/s.
You now wish to achieve quantum confinement over the following
temperatures: 30, 35, 40C. These nanoparticles should be able to confine
electrons within a specific range of energy states above the Fermi energy,
which indicates that the particle size should be much larger than the electron
wavelength. Determine the number of atoms the nanoparticles will contain
for each temperature value. What will be the largest nanoparticle diameter
you should fabricate? Silver has the following electronic configuration
[Kr]4d105s1 with a density of 10,490 kg/m3 and atomic mass of 107.9 g/mol.

4) The thermal conductivity of liquid water at room temperature is 0.5605

W/mk with molecules moving at a speed of 590 m/s suffering collisions
every 300 ps. How much heat is required to raise the temperature of water
filling half a pot (diameter 7 inches, height 5 inches) to boiling? (10 pts)
5) Name three crystalline forms of carbon. (5 pts)
6) Alpha Centauri has a surface temperature of 1500K. What wavelength is
emitted by our 2nd nearest star neighbor? (10 pts)
7) Electrons can behave as __________ and ____________. (5 pts)

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