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March 31, 1975/


"I NOW PRONOUNCE YOU MAN AND WIFE IN THE LORD" sounds so beautiful to us here in

Mexico after having to battle so many years with the problems provoked by marriages where

only one of the partners was Christian, What a joy it is that our second generation

Christians are now able to find a Christian life-companion, something very hard to do
25 years ago when we first moved to Saltillo, Mexico,


which was
held on Mountain View Ranch Dec. 21st. The main meat dish was served in a chile sauce

that had several spices and even some Mexican chocolate ground with it, prepared by the
bride's mother. Esteban and Bertha's Christian wedding proved to be a real benefit to
all of the relatives and especially for Esteban's parents who weren't. Christians, His

mother, accepted Christ and" was baptiaed the next day. The day after that Mark Northrup
baptized Esteban's father, Cipriano who is 6? and the father of twenty. His first wife
died and ho remarrj.ed.

Esteban is among the older of the second family.

There is


son five yeai^ old. A while back we told about Lazaro, 2^, who happens to be a younger
brother of Esteban. He plays the bass guitar and used to play for dances all night long,
before he became a Christian. Now he is really using his talent for the lord. Lazaro

couldn't arrive in time for the wedding but when he did arrive he played and sang for his
parents and the rest of us for about 30 minutes. Cipriano and Dolores, his parents
were so thrilled that right then they started talking about the possibility of Cipriano

getting a bass guitar and playing hymns for his wife to sing with him and do evangelis
tic work.

He had originally taught Lazaro how to play.

After his baptism, Cipriano's

comment was, "Notj Esteben and Lazaro are my Christian brothersl"

If Cipriano can bontinuo to evangelize among his own family in Tecolote, "The Owl"
about UiO miles from Saltillo, he'll have a good sized congregation.
Ebteben had been one of our students at Saltillo Christian School a number of

years ago. He has continued working and studying in Monterrey, He Is also now the
youth minister of the Key Street congregation here in Saltillo, In this congregation
the men take turns preaching on a voluntary basis without pay.

Esteben has been a

frequent preacher in this program.

March 15, 1975 Jose Angel Romero and Maria Eva Mancilla were married and had their

wedding reception at Mountain View Ranch.

Jose Angel was instrumental in getting "Dulce

Mementos" - the radio program of the Churches of Christ - on the radio in Saltillo, and
now he and his bride take care of the correspondence course and raising the funds for the

TO ROAST THE WEINERS, at the Area Youth Meeting held on Mountain View Ranch, the
young people had prepared weiner roast wires because we don't have any sticks.


bought hOO weiners to give each one of the 200 they expected 2 welners apiece.


rented buses arrived and the young people started filling the benches in the big circle.
It loftked like we were going to have a pow wow. They came from U states and we had 2
lady visitors from Oregon.

One singing group even set up a

better since we have electricity.)
bonfire, 2 other fires were set and
between 260 and 270 so the Saltillo
could have 2 hot dogs apiece. This

mike with loud speakers. (Things like that work

After a Bible study and lots of singing around one
the weiner fixings were brought out. The count was
youth waited to eat supper at home so the guest
happened Feb. l^th, 197?.

and Hodney took turns preaching. Rodney shared with about 45 yovng people and
adults ten hours of his course on the Christian Pamily. Maysel enjoyed very muoh
sharing with the woman helping them to revitalize their program and huild^g up
their attendance.

She also played for the services and special musio. Three were

bapized in the river Thursday during the picnic.


saltillo Christian mission


ANEOINISTRY has been made possible to us by the gift of a 16mm sound projector
from the Brownsville, Texas congregation. Now that most of the Mexican Villages have el
ectricity we can take in films on the Life of Christ and be sure that everyone in the

village will be at the service.. .of course, you don't show the last part of the film unni you have pfeacnea to tneml The Moody Soiree FJlm^in Spanish cost $170 to purchase

while Cathedral Films on the Life of Christ are $300 each. Brownsville also gave a gift
of $300 to buy the first film. Who else wants to share in the "Ministry of Films" to 2
used in Youth Meetings, Camps, Revivals, Retreats, VBS, etc.?

HE*S GOT MUSIC IN HIS FINGERS but he just needs an instrument to bring it out for

the Lord! Several of the Christian young people have learned to play the guitar and they
are such a blessing when I can take them to the villages with me to play hymns and to

sing specials. We need at least 3 guitars which cost about $25 each...anyone for setting
Mexican fingers dancing for the Lord?


We thank the Lord that after nearly 2 years of no rain the one

well is still giving enough water to supply the houses.

We also thank the Lord that many

of you gave to the well drilling fund that now stands at $4,100...What is the problem?
We can't find anyone to drill the well! So after much prayer, we have decided to buy a
used drilling rig in the U.S.A., drill the wells needed on Mountain View Ranch, and then
sell the rig to Christians to start a new business. The rig will cost us less than it
would cost to have a well drilled.. .if we could find someone to do the work. Pray with
us about this matter.

, RODNEY will be in Faith Promise, Revivals, and just visiting meetings in Oregon and
Washington during April and May. If you would like to see him or make contact for open
dates, write: %Arden Hall, 2326 Oakway Terrace, Eugene, Oregon 97401, or phone 344-0693.
Mon. April 7
TueS: April 8
Wed. April 9
Mon, April 14
Tues. Apr. 15
Wed. Apr. 16
Thur. Apr. 17
Fri. Apr. 18
Sat. Apr.


Myrtle Point, Oregon

Westside Chr., Roseburg
Bethel, Eugene, Oregon

Mon. Apr.
Tues. Apr. 29
Wed. Apr.
Thur. May



Norkenzie, Eugene, Ore.

University St., Eugene
Jefferson, Oregon
Thurston Chr., Springfield




Church on the Hill, Toledo

First Chr., Mill City, Ore.



2-4 - Lake Sawyer, Kent, Washington

May 5 - Normandy Chr., Seattle, Wash.
, May 6 May 7 May

8 -

First Chr., Madras, Oregon

12-24 - Visiting my Dad and family

Apt. Ill, 356 Oak, Colville, WN.

99114, Phone 509/MU 4-6397.
Available for speaking in the

Spokane, Washington area.

Sun. May 25 - Westside, Eugene, Oregon
26-29 - Open for speaking in Eastern
Oregon. Phone me at 475-3221,
Madras, Oregon.
Fri. May 30 - Sylvia Northrup's Graduation
from Madras High School

THE MEN CAME FROM EVERY DIRECTION to the first "Kiamichi type" National Mexican Men's
Meeting February-21, 22 ,^23^-29-7-5^ on Mowitain View-Ranch^Tbere-were-yood-messages, good
fellowship, good food (thanks to Maysel), and the men voted to come back next year at the
same time. Delbert Wilson said, "You even went further than the Kiamichis where they
don't let the men shave.. .you don't even let them bathe!" Yes, i t is true we borrowed

$1,000 to reroof the dorm and to-put in 2 bathrooms...we got the roof on but didn't get
the bathrooms finished. One is now finished and hopefully the other one will be ready by
Camp time in July. The 67 men in attendance represented 20 Mexican congregations from 7
of the 31 states of Mexico. The meeting became international by having Mexican men and
missionaries from 5 congregations in Texas and from the new Bible College in El Paso,
Texas and Colegio Biblico. Fellows also came from the new preacher training school in
San Luis Potosi, Mexico.

FOR THE 8th time THE CHRISTIAN MISSIONARIES IN MEXICO came together for an annual

reunion. This year* s was held in Saltillo, Mexico March 3L9-21. Delbert Wilson and
Mark Norbhrup were co-chairmen, Alice Wilson the treasurer, Maysel Morthrup was the

Secretary, it has been our custom to inTrlte a speaker from the United States who flies q .
in to share 5 messages or teaching sessions with us. This year tv, R-rant IfijOody
shared about hO missionaries while Maysel and her helpers took care of their




Apartado Postal 306

Saitiiio, Coahuiia, Mexico

s i : p ri:M i u : h





How that fall activities are in full swing, it's time to reflect hack on the past
weeks and months since we last wrote to you. If you were "blaming the postal ser

vice for not hearing from us, don't. .we've enjoyed over 225 guests on Moimtaia
View Ranch this summer and correspondence suffered. We still lose a letter
and then from the United States. Sowhere shall we hegin? The Lord has hera.

good to us and lots of things have been happening this summer. Here's a resumei
Rodney spent April and May in Oregon and Washington in Evangelistic Paith
Promise Meetings. Between meetings he was able to visit special friends of our
Mexico work, A special reoo^iition to Arden and Vera Hall for loaning their Ford
so that Rodney could get where he was supposed to be. A special extra was a visit

with some of the Northrup clan and Rodney's dad, R. H, Northrup, 81.
SILVIA JANE HOETHRUP graduated from Madras Senior Hi^ School May 30th, cele
brated her I8th birthday June 14th and enrolled in DALLAS CHRISTIAN COLLEGE as
a Freshman, Her list of coursesi Life and Teachings of Jesus the Christ, Ancient

Semitic History, Introduction to Oral Persuasion, Principles of Teaching and Learn

ing, General Psychology. Here is Sylvia's new school address for 1975-1976.
Sylvia Northrup
P. 0. Box 34238

Dallas telephone niimber at Girls' Dormitory at

Dallas Christian College
(214) 243-9171

Dallas, Texas 75^34

ANITA Northrup MAITESON spent her "vacation" working on the mission field.
Anita was married June 10, 1972 to Jack Hatteson. They have been living in Madras,

Oregon. Last school year they invited Sylvia to live with them and attend Senior
year of
School. Many thanks to them, Sylvia enjoyed a special year and many

wonderful Madras friends. JACK MAITESON was youth minister in Madras and also was
President of the Madras Volunteer Fire Dept. While helping on the Ambulance Service
he became more and more interested in training to become a doctor. Anita was the

Director of Madras Day Care Center which became outstanding in Oregon. Many of the

approximately 4OO different children oared for there during the time Anita was the
director perked up in spirits when she was able to communicate with them in Spanish.
Jack and Anita are graduates of Northwest Christian College. Cki June 1st, they
moved to Portland, Oregon. After a short vacation together Jack entered Portland

University for premed studies and Anita flew to Mexico to help on the mission field
for several weeks.

She is back in Portland after helping in two Mexico summer yeuth

camps, one National Youth Convention (her brother, Mark, was president), and one

Northrup weddingj

(Her brother, Mark, was the groom.)

For your address booki Jack and Anita Matteson
Tel. (5^3) 2885173*
126 N. E. Alberta

Portland, Oregon 97211

Need a speaker? Check with

Jack and Anita.


The College Age Christian Camp in Spanish was held

August 1, 2, 3 1975, The ranch is green again. The rains came this summer after
two years of drought. With around 225 guests so far, hospitality is a major
summer activity. Several groups from the U, S. visited, Saaron Faxon, Toledo, Ore.
returned home talking Spanish after several weeks in Mexico. Rodney's newest
special project is the class with young Christian couples on Tuesday ni^ts. The

GMC green van Rodney drives 24O miles round trip on amdays is four years old and

is in surgery for transmission problems.

^lla^clafcna ^Havc<j.v



Mr# and Mrs# Mark L# Korthrup

Apartado Postal 306

Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico

Mark and Magdalena have the inside

of their little adobe house polished

up and they're waiting for you to

come and visit them on Moimtain View

Ranch, which will be their home base

for their missionary activities to

start out#

Now to get you up to date on MARK NORTHRUP# He had his 26th birthday August 17.
Mark was married to Magdalena Laborico August 15th, 1975
^ beautiful ceremony
held in the huge Lion's Club auditorium in Nueva Rosita, Coahuila, Mexico.
This was the site of the XII Convencion Nacional Juvenil Cristiana, August 11,

12, 13, 14 of which Mark Northrup was president and Magdalena was national sec
retary. It's hard to talk about the wedding without talking about the convention.
Around 1,000 different people attended the convention sessions. Special effort
by some groups to come in rented buses swelled the attendance. Throu^ music,
message and drama the convention theme challenged all who attended to use their
time, talents, money for the Lord and His work. Mark previously served as the
convention president in 1973 when it was held in Saltillo.

Mark's bride, Magdalena, was bom in Mexico to Christian parents,

February 22, 1947# Her father, Lazaro laborioo Dominguez, was a very respected
church elder who died on the operating table during surgery several years ago.

Magdalena's mother, Maria Leonor Lopez de Laborioo, is a Bible reading woman of

prayer# Magdalena is the youngest child of the family# She has one brother and
seven sisters.

There are around 35 nieces and newphews who now call Mark "Tio"

Magdalena holds her Bachelor of Sacred Literature degree from
the Bible College in Eagle Pass, Texas where she studied foiir years. During her
college years she toured at different times with Mr. and Mrs, Harland Gary, Mr#
and Mrs. Herb Watkins and Mrs. Hazel Rathbem, to churches in Texas, Oklahoma,

Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Michigan, Virginia, Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, Cal
ifornia and other states#

Besides several years experience as a Bible teacher

in her home congregation, Magdalena has been the choir director, tau^t in VBS
and has tau^t in summer Christian camps in the states of Coahuila, Chihuahua^
and Queretaro. Besides nursing experience in the hospital, she^has been work^g
nearly 3 years as a dental technician for Dr. Eulalio Leal Cantu in Nueva Rosita.
In addition to her regular church and work activities, Magdalena squeezed in

her secretarial duties and helped to host one of the largest national youth con
ventions in Mexico church history, which was held in her hometown.

This paragraph space isn't big enou^ to tell about the wedding but
here goes. The customs concerning weddings in Mexico are similar to some European

countries. The groom's family has a very active part $$ The civil ceremo^

must be first in importance before the religious to obtain the Marriage Certificate.
Since Mark was bom in Columbus, Montana, he had to get permission ftom the Mex*-

loan government to marry Magdalena. The permission came too late to get the
invitations mailed on time so consider you were invited. The invitation was ^

Kaysei took her Baldwin Organ the 4 ho^ trip to play at the adding.
The color scheme was white and powder blue. The official audge had the ci^i
ceremony and sibling of the registry. Eodney Northrup had the ring oer^ony.
Gil Contreras preached the wedding sermon which was very outstanding, ^e choir
of bridesmaids in hiuo sang for the wedding. To receive their pests, Mark

Magdalena went to the reception at the Medical building where their table tos
decorated with a wedding cake built around a small pt fappating


lighted water fountain. The reception tables were deputed with a tppioal ^tif
of pineapples, grapes and delicious red apples harvested p Hex^o. Ground 5^
attended the wedding supper. Maysel served Mexican tostadas. For Mar^ his real
special guests were his Aunt EUTH Northrup Bay, Uncle Harvm, ooppf

and Eichard who drove the over 2,000 miles from the state

the wedding. (They helped so much polishing apples and setting up the ^optip.;
It was also special to have Mark's sisters, Anita and Sylvia among the bridesmaide.

Apartado Postal 306
Saitlilo, Coahuila, Mexico




19 75

3tloliiiep anil ittajsel JEortlirup

Now that you have this letter in your hands, consider it as "being very personal
with all kinds of best wishes for a happy time at this season of the year!
If you had been at our house last nig^it, Nov. I8th, you would have eaten chili
con came with "beans and then later some birthday cake and ice cream.


around the fire in the fireplace you would have joined in to "practice" some
Christmas Carols, with Maysel at her Baldwin Electric Organ. It was Tuesday and
the Young Married Couples Class meet that evening for a study led by Rodney.

On this occasion they helped cele'bcrate Maysel*s 49"th birthday. (All in Spanish!)

Since we last wrote to you we've had several funerals and two weddings. Within
two weeks we had been to the same cemetery three times. A thirteen year old
girl was a Leukemia victim. Three men who died were the fathers or grandfathers
and Qven great-grandfather of some of our church people. Close to us was the
family of Jose Juan Lopez who had "been one of our first four graduates of &iltillo
Christian School several years ago. His funeral was held November 5> 1975 Three
of his four children are active in Christian work. Mexico celebrates" the Day of
the Dead November 2nd, so the cemetery was still "beautifully decorated with fresh
flowers at most of the graves. Lots of colorful gladiolas, We'll miss this man
but his ccmoem for the Lord's work lives on in the lives of those he "brought to
Christ. He was 70 at the time of his death.

The groan for <me of the weddings lives at the base of a mountain on the eastside
of Saltillo where Rodney and the van loaded with local Christians hold a service
on Wednesday ni^ts. Cars are scarce among the Christians so Mark Northrup's red
Eadett was decorated to move the "bride and groom to and from the church building.
Abel Sanchez was the groom for the
wedding held October 25, 1975* He was
with us on Mountain View Ranch from

first grade on through secondary school.

A"bel does a good job of preaching.



good on wedding.
the giitar.HisHebride,
sang Raquel,
in a trio
fashioned her own wedding dress which her

mother made.

Very special with lots of

hand embroidery work on it.

Maysel played

wedding music for both weddings.




^ Bible College graduate and he is very


recorded, ushered, chauffered and did

whatever needed to be done.

The above picture was taken August 15, 1975 when Mark L. Northrup and his bride,
Magdalena Laborico, were united in meLrriage. Both are chxirch leaders and they've
been "busy since their wedding. During a special meeting they held Octo"ber 5~i2,
in Estancias which is a"bout 125 miles north of Saltillo, there were 15 confessions

of faith and 4 "baptisms. The results weren't all that happy. One couple who did
attend regularly made no decision. They beard the messages, they saw the films on
the Life of Chxist,. they went to the river and watched the others being baptized.
A few days later the 20 year old husband was scalded to death in an industrial acci
dent at the steel mill. As he lay there dying he called for the preacher, Isidro,
but the message was not delivered until after his death.

^ Hark and Hagdalena Horthrup

Y Apartado Postal 306

Y Saltillo, Coahuila, MEXICO

? Sylvia
Jane Horthrup
Dallas Christian College

^ P. 0. Box 34628
X Dallas, Texas 75234
Y Girls' Dormitory Telephone

^ (214) 243-9171 (Dallas)


Jack and Anita Matteson

126 H, E. Alberta




Get ready for Sylvia's visit home

during Christmas vacation*

Wrap gift.Womens' Gift Exchange Deo* 12

Get out kettles help make tamales Deo* 11
Decorate for youth Christmas Gift
Exchange on Mountain Viev Ranch
Deo# 20
Pack suiteases for Regional Youth

Meeting in Piedras Hegras

Deo* 26,27, 28

Get Sjylvia ready and off to college

for second semester

January 4, 1976

Pack oar for Mexico City January ^l8


Y Portland, Oregon 97211

Prepare hods, menus and men for the hig

% Tel. (503) 286-5173.

Mountain View Ranch Peh* 20,21,22, 1976

National gathering of Christian men on

Mexican Missionary Reunion March 17-19

We were about 70 miles north of Mexico City the afternoon of November 9th when
we fovind ourselves in a late afternoon traffic jam three octrs deep and stretching
ahead and behind us for several miles* After a nice Sunday out of the city most
of these motorists were impatient to be baok home for the ni^t in their nest
among the 12,000,000 or more inhabitants of Mexico City* It didn't take long for
Rodney to get out his flashli^t and walk ahead* A semi-trailer had spewed its
load of tire rims all over the hi^way and now Rodney joined several volunteers
directing the traffic around the congestion* If you want to get to Imow people
under stress, direot traffic in a traffic jam! Once the wrecker arrived and the
way was cleared it was quite a sig^t to watch the traffic move on now with their
li^ts on in the dark*

In the Mexico City area we visited with several missionary families,had one
special dinner we dubbed "Thanksgiving" November 13th at Lisa and Joaquin Renz'
in Cuernavaca, got oiir official papers renewed which give us the ri^t to reside
in Mexico and started for home*

Maysel made up a couple of peanut butter sandwiches

in case we
ran into a traffic jam* Sure enou^ just north of Mexico City the
traffic was just beginning to move after a fog caused accident that set off a
chain of accidents about 3 hours earlier* Ambulances were still busy carrying

away the injured or dead*

It was one big headache that day for the mourners,

the injured, the oar owners, the insurance companies*

About 55 vehicles were

Later we ate our peanut butter sandviohes and were thankful to
arrive home safelyj

Ve must confess we're not sure where the money will come from
but that we are in need of some help to keep oiir dau^ter,
Sylvia Jane Northrup, in Bible College this next semester at
Dallas Christian College* It would be interesting to read a

resumi on bow talented Missionary Kids make it through


College* A favorite Bible verse of ours while in college was

and isi Philippians 4tl9 "And my God will supply every need
of yoia?s according to his riohes in glory in Christ Jesus*"

Twe Season's
SylviaJane Northrup

Eoinej) anU ;j$la5sel JEortljrup



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