Nov 27 Column

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With the first winter storm past but more will come soon. Are you ready with your winter
tires, snow brush and scrapper and shovel in your car? I wasnt and when I returned
from a trip to Vancouver had to clear snow and ice with my gloves and credit card! Now
Im set. Remember winter overnight parking restrictions are in effect so when 7 cm or
more snow is forecast (not actually yet falling) a snow advisory is made and parking on
the street from 1 to 7 am is forbidden so that snow clearing can occur. Cars left on the
street in Kanata North can be ticketed or towed and your street will not be well served.
The ban may last several days depending on the severity and timing of the snowfall.
Avoid tickets by signing up at for a free e-mail or twitter alert and youll be
notified when a restriction starts and when its over.
During the winter slow down and take extra care to maintain control of your vehicle and
avoid collisions. Be particularly vigilant near pedestrians and cyclists. When walking
watch out for icy areas. If there is no sidewalk walk facing the traffic, particularly after
dark when you are almost invisible if wearing dark clothing - consider a jacket with light
stripes or reflective tape for more safety.

Its hard to understand why so many residents break laws when driving speeding,
failing to stop at stop signs, not yielding the way to vehicles in a traffic circle, and even
passing school buses when their lights are flashing. The few seconds you save may
cause someone to have a serious accident so slow down, watch for children walking to
school, stop (not just slow down) at a stop sign and keep our community safe.
Adding traffic calming measures do help but they are costly. Signage helps a bit as do
the stakes along the centre of the road. Each year some areas are studied, the most
recent being Knudson Drive where the final recommendation has now been approved
by City staff and is awaiting budget funding (hopefully in 2015 but that depends on
priorities and funding provided. The recommendation is to provide a series of speed
cushions (like low speed bumps but with breaks for the tires from buses and fire
engines) along the entire length. This will make the school crossing to the path to
Stephen Leacock safer as well as helping to keep vehicles travelling at the 40 kph limit.
It is possible that Councillors will have some funding for local traffic calming in the 2015
budget and if so I will hold consultations to determine the best use of those funds.


The Christmas season is a time when the majority of food is donated to Food Banks.
The Kanata Food Cupboard serves those in need in the area covered by the former City
of Kanata and they support hundreds of families every month. One major source of

food and funds is from the OC Transpo annual event held at the two Loblaws stores,
where food is put into OC Transpo buses and Your Independent Grocery store. This
year it is on December 6th. At 6 pm the loaded buses drive to the Kanata Food
Cupboard warehouse (provided by the Kanata Research Park behind Mitel) where
volunteers unload the buses.
Every family in need is provided with a special delivery at Christmas which includes
everything for a Christmas Dinner, additional food and gifts for everyone in the family.
These are provided by companies and groups from schools, churches, clubs and
individuals who adopt a family. Each sponsor receives a list on what to provide for the
dinner and suitable gifts and encouraged to provide extra food for coming weeks and
deliver it to the warehouse where other volunteers deliver them to the families. More
sponsors are needed. Information on how to Adopt a Family is at


Youre invited to join Mayor Watson at City Hall on December 6 th from 2-6 pm ofor a
party skating on the Rink of Dreams, horse-drawn wagon rides, hot chocolate and
marshmallow roasting, crafts and entertainment. Entrance is food donation to the Food

November 29, Portraits of Christmas, Kanata Choral Societys concert, 7:30 pm, St.
Pauls, 20 Young Road. A Musicological Journey, sing along and silent auction
December 1st, 2014-2018 Council swearing in ceremony
December 9, Wildlife Speaking Series Winter is for the Birds, Ben Franklin Place, 6
pm pre-show Expo, 7 pm, presentation

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