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Facultad de Educacion

Annotated Bibliography

William B. Bradshaw. ( 2013,Dec,19) Whay grammar is important (dentifying and Fixing the Ten






The author comments about the importance of grammar in language and some typical mistakes by the wrong
use of grammar among speakers.

Grammar is the base of every language by the time of communicating a

message. As better be the use of grammar, the message will be clearer and more appropriate it its way of

Rogelyn A. (2012) Traditional grammar, Retrieved from

Rogelyn argues that traditional grammar is a method used since many centuries ago to teach the traditional
language. Now on day, English is taught by this method for being a language that has the same structure as
traditional languages such as Greek and Latin. This article is addressed to students interested in educational
scope and also, for teachers. The aim of this source is to show how traditional grammar interacts on second
language acquisition, and reflect why could be positive now on day


Muhammad I. Muhammad A. (2008) Limitations of traditional grammar, retrieved from

As we know, grammar is taught in many schools as a structure, which could result in a restricted method for
the acquisition of a second language. Now on day, linguistics disagree with this method for being a very
restricted teaching method. Muhammad Focuses his investigation on grammar scope as a general term, and
allow educators to be aware about limitations could traditional grammar be for learners by the time of second
language acquisition. The aim of this source is just to inform about traditional grammar methods limitations.

Amos. T, Al Samihah A. (2013) Grammar in isolation vs Grammar in context, retrieved from

The way as Amor T. carries out his investigation is comparing both teaching approach; traditional and
functional grammar. Educators are mainly encouraged to investigate and inform about both teaching method.
from this source. This source is written in a comparative way in order to contrast both teaching methods by the
time of teaching the target language, presenting as advantages as also the disadvantages.

Rolando Contreras

Facultad de Educacion


Tugrutl, Cagri (2013, January).Teaching grammar in context: Why and How. Retrieved from

Tugruy Cagri, a prestigious academic addressed his investigation in the scope on grammar instructions
within a context, how this method can be taught and why this teaching approach is very important to
teach to learners. According to what the author says, grammar rules are made easier if they are given in a
context and teaching grammar in context provides accuracy in the target language in the second
language acquisition process. The style of this source is functional due to the great majorities of
examples of how this method operate in a illustrative way

Searles, Jhon R.( 1965) Structural and Traditional Grammar: Some Uses and Limitations. Retrieved

This source is written as a brief comment in the scope grammar teaching within a classroom, explaining
briefly some, as the tittle says, uses and limitations of traditional grammar, clarifying that traditional
grammar is not an inappropriate teaching method if it is taught in the precise moment correctly, and in
harmony with grammar in context method.


Mizne, Ann C.( 1993-2002) Sociolinguistic Competence in the ESL Classroom, Retrieved from

The ability to express oneself in a foreign or second language is a vital skill. For a speaker to be able to
be considered a bilingual speaker, he or she has the capability to talk about any subject in any situation.
According to what Ann Mizne argues in this investigation, the importance of communicating in a society in
a second language is very important, as consequence, this source is addressed teaching sociolinguistic
skill in the classroom, how educators could foster students to communicate in real situations.









Rolando Contreras








Facultad de Educacion

Robert Juppe argues that high school students come into university with fairly high levels of
grammatical competence, but often, with a low level on their sociolinguistic competences in terms of
foreign languages. This source is written in a illustrative way due to some samples of how to teach
critically sociolinguistic competences in course activities, and also, and in instructional terms, it defines
some sociolinguistic competences principal components.


Kenkel, J. and Yates R.( 2003). A developmental perspective on the relationship between grammar
and text. Retrieved from

Both authors focused their investigation in the scope grammar in the writing process, according to their
experience in the education field, they realized that the relationship between grammar and text are firmly linked
each other. The linguistic critique emphasized that descriptions of English offered by traditional grammar have
significant shortcomings: its terminology is confusing. The style of this source is completely informative,
providing all the essential steps and implications that traditional grammar has within the writing process.

10. Krashen, S. (1997) Second language acquisition; theory, aplications, and some conjectures.
Retrieved from

Krashen argues that SLA process ,we need two different way of developing the abilities; acquiring and
learning, two different processes, but completely related. The scope of this source is entirely cognitive,


we learn a language and how the second language affects our new thinking during the acquisition process. this
source provides all the implications of our cognitive process during our SLA process.

Rolando Contreras

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