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Township of Chatsworth

Public Meeting
Wednesday July 23, 2014
7:30 pm

Mayor Pringle called the public meeting to hear comments regarding a

Septage By-law to order at 7:30 p.m.
Mayor Pringle gave a brief history of the Digester.
Henry Feenstra
Mentioned that the tax notice talked about the Biodigester and made it
sound pretty good. Then he heard it was deceiving because the fields
being used had to be approved and not just farm lands. He also heard
that the biodigester had some major problems and he thought that it
was supposed to have revenue.
He said is costing residents $300,000 a year. He objects to the flyer. He
feels that the biodigester needs an engineering study and why not have
the study completed before passing a by-law forcing people to use it.
Why are we subsidizing Georgian Bluffs. If we are going to give
information give a full picture. It is up to Council to tell us what the
problems are. What is the status of the engineering study? Are you
going to communicate the results to the public?
Russ Seabrook
Asked what are the tipping fees?
What are the hydro rates? $0.16
Henry Feenstra
Farmers are getting $0.802 that is a long ways from $0.16

Tony Clarke
What is the total they gain going to cost me in a year? Based on the
numbers it is going to cost $1,600.00 in 10 years. Was there even a
cost benefit analysis done at all?
Russ Seabrook
How much are the tipping fees:
Gord Edwards
Said he doesnt understand the rational for what is being said. The
biodigester is built. Why not make it work? There is no question that it
was the right decision for the public in general. Council made the
decision for the right reasons.
Henry Feenstra
Will everyone be forced to clean out their septics every 3 years?
Bob Pringle stated that the Ministry of the Environment are pushing
mandatory clean out and maintenance of septic systems. However,
Council doesnt want to do that.
Craig Curran
Has anybody had their septage taken to the biodigester?
Haulers have some issues with the biodigester.
There is a point when you have to revisit the issue.
He is totally in favour of the biodigester. There has been a knee jerk
reaction. Finish the feasibility study and keep the running.
You cant force the septage to the biodigester.
You need more communication. You should be embarrassed that you
sent the flyer out. You need to be more open and transparent. We
need to spend the money on a study. If we dont spend money now, it
will cost the taxpayers even more.
Gord Edwards

He asked about the Public Officer of Health. Didnt she give a strong
opinion on whether you should spread or not? This isnt horse and
buggy. The Ministry of Environment cant impose a rule banning
spreading if there are not enough facilities. That doesnt make sense at
Stan Charlton
What is the capacity of the Biodigester now?
Russ Seabrook
The residue, is there a demand for it, is it marketable?
Bob Pringle
We have to follow a NASM plan. The farmer is paying the contractor to
take it to them.
Tony Clarke
Efficiency is measured over a period of time.
Bob Pringle
Was referring to the hydro.
Tony Clarke
Was there a mention to the public that there isnt enough capacity to
take it all?
Terry MKay
One of the Councillors to bring a By-Law forward. He agrees with the
public before going ahead with the study and management plan.
Bob DeJong
Germany has the most experience with Biodigesters.
Bob Pringle

The person that built the Biodigester was from Germany.

Scott Mackey
Thanked everyone for their feedback. He doesnt want to move
forward with a mandatory by-law until a study is done. Has to be
within a cost range everyone can handle.
Lots of families cant afford it.
He apologized about information going out, it doesnt show it all.
He will be presenting a motion of Council tonight.
He wants all the information so that Council can make the right

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