Anatomy Is The Study of The Structure of The Human Body:: Introduction To Anatomy: Anatomical Terminology

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Introduction to Anatomy: Anatomical Terminology

Anatomy is the study of the structure of the human body:

(a) Gross anatomy (macroscopic) structures seen under naked eye
Regional anatomy build up of body by registering relationships between adjacent parts & elements
Systemic anatomy systems of the body
Surface anatomy
(b) Microscopic anatomy (histology) minuscule
structures of cells, tissues & organs in relation to
their function
Gross Anatomy:
Cervical refers to the neck
Thoracic (chest)
Lumbar (lower back)
Sacral region superior to the buttocks
Abdominal (stomach)
Regional anatomy:

Surface anatomy:


Basic Structural Levels:

Cells simplest structural level

Tissues groups of similar cells joined together to carry out specific functions
Epithelium outer protective layer of the body, lines of various body cavities, ducts, vessels and
covers of the body surface
Muscle capable of contraction
Organs two or more tissues combined to perform complex tasks
Example: stomach walls are muscular, lined with epithelial cells, held with connective tissues
and innervated (supplied with nerves) by nervous tissue
Systems certain organs working together, with each organ performing a specific part of the
human body system
Nervous system consists of the brain, spinal cord, nerves & sense organs

Surface Anatomy is directly palpated on the body surface (underlying bone or muscle):

Anatomical Position:
All anatomical descriptions are in
reference to the anatomical position:

Standing erect
Arms by the sides
Palms of hands facing forward

In this position, directions are given:

Superior/Cranial above or near head
Inferior/Caudal below or toward feet
Anterior/Ventral closer to front side of body
Posterior/Dorsal closer to back side of body
(a) Median/Midsagittal Plane divides body into r. &
l. parts
(b) Medial closer to midline
(c) Lateral further away from midline
(d) Superficial or Deep their closeness to the body
Prone body horizontal, face down
Supine body horizontal, face up

Terms of Orientation:
In anatomy, it is necessary to visualize the body being sectioned in planes of reference.

Coronal/Frontal plane vertically divides body into front and back parts
Sagittal plane any plane parallel to median plane
Median plane/Midsagittal vertically separates body into r. & l. parts

Transverse/Horizontal plane divides body into superior (upper) and inferior (lower) parts

Directional Terminology Paired terms:

Superior/Cranial above and closer to head

Inferior/Caudal below and closer to feet
Anterior/Ventral towards the front
Posterior/Dorsal towards the back
Medial near or toward midline
Lateral away from the midline
Proximal closest part near trunk/head
Distal farthest end from trunk/head
Palmar palm side of the hand
Plantar sole of the foot

Anatomical Relations:
All organs are anatomically related to one another. It is important to note that you must use, from now
on, anatomical terminologies i.e. the left atrium of the heart is anterior to the esophagus and
descending portion of the aorta. It would no longer be appropriate to say the left atrium is in the front
of the esophagus and part of the aorta.

The right kidney is lateral to the aorta.

The aorta is medial to the right kidney

Body Divisions and Body Cavities:

The body can be divided into two divisions:

Axial skeleton head, neck & trunk

Appendicular skeleton shoulder, arms,
hips & legs

Axial skeleton

Body Cavities:
Viscera lie in the axial portion of the body in the
body cavities. Body cavities are divided into anterior
and posterior cavities:
Anterior cavity thoracic cavity & abdominal
pelvic cavity
Posterior cavity cranial cavity & spinal
Terms of Movement:
Flexion bending movement that decreases
the angle between the body parts
Extension straightening movement that
increases the angle between the body parts
Abduction draw away from the medial plane
Adduction draw toward the medial plane
Rotation a bone revolving around its
longitudinal axis toward (medial rotation) or
away (lateral) from midline
Circumduction movement of the distal end
of a body part in a circle (sequence of flexion,
adbudction, extension and adduction)
Opposition brings similar surfaces to touch
each other, such as the tip of the thumb to the
tip of the little finger
Plantar flexion increases the angle between foot and leg
Dorsiflexion (extension) decreases the angle between superior surface of foot and leg.


Defining anatomy
Understand the ways in which anatomy can be studied
List the systems of the body
Understand the basic structural elements in the body
Understand the various planes of orientation of the body
Understand the terms used in movements of the body
Understand the terminology used in discussing the relationship between various organs within
the body
Define the anatomical position

Basic structural elements of the body:

Various planes of orientation of the body:
Terminology used in discussing the relationship between various organs
within the body:

Anatomical position is

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