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November 15
3:00 - 8:00 pm
Sala Covarrubias
Teatro Nacional de Cuba

Ideas worth spreading


November 15
Organized by
Andrs Levin
CuCu Diamantes
Jorge Perugorra
Presented by
Amaury Prez

A ti y a m nos importa
Enrique Nez
Claudia Castillo y Orlando Incln
El kamasutra de la alimentacin
Miguel Salcines
T decides
Heydi Fernndez
LGBT: Entre el idilio y la realidad
Manuel Vzquez
Peruchn y Vocal Antinoo
Pensando en pelculas
Richard Pea
Cunto cuesta este almendrn
Yudivin Almeida
Fronteras sin fronteras
Herman J. P. Portocarero
La ltima carcajada
Eugene Jarecki
George Cspedes y Los hijos del director
Tomasita y Luis Paz
Hacer la suerte y compartirla
Esterio Segura
Arte en construccin
X Alfonso
El amor a la tierra
Natalia Bolvar
Yoruba Andabo

Speakers & Performers


X Alfonso
Aside from being an accomplished musician,
he is the founder and director of FAC (Fbrica
de Arte Cubano), a cultural center focused
on the combination of music, film, art, design,
architecture, theater and fashion frequented
by thousands of young people in Havana

Enrique Nez
Culinary entrepreneur
Creator of the memorable restaurant La Guarida
where the movie Fresa y Chocolate (Strawberry
and Chocolate) was filmed. His work has
contributed to the development of gastronomy
in Cuba. He is currently developing the
community project Estado de nimo to restore
the historic building that houses the restaurant.

George Cspedes
Dancer and choreographer
George joined the dance company Danza
Contempornea de Cuba at age 19 where
he was principal dancer and choreographer.
In 2014 he founded his own group, Los Hijos
del Director, which will make its debut at

Natalia Bolvar
Anthropologist and writer
Natalia is one of Cubas leading ethnologists.
She has written over 30 books including the
renowned Los Orishas en Cuba. She has
presented her work at Harvard and Columbia,
among other prestigious universities, and was
recently recognized by UNESCO.

Esterio Segura
Visual artist
His works have been displayed in the most
important galleries in Cuba; he has also
exhibited his work in the United States,
Germany, Spain, England, Argentina, Brazil,
among other countries. Recently, his focus
on community and education has come to life
through the social project Esterio Estudio.

Miguel Salcines
Creator and president of the largest vegetable
garden in Havana, Miguel Salcines has been
carrying out a nearly impossible project for
close to twenty years: in one of the most
populated districts of the city, 10 hectares
(24.7 acres) of crops offer 100% organic,
fresh vegetables.

Claudia Castillo y Orlando Incln

Graduates of architecture from the University
of Havana, they have been immersed in the
rescue and the reinvention of the city. They
are co-founders of the groups Habana Regeneracin and ERG-arquitectura.

Herman J. P. Portocarero
Writer and diplomat
Herman is a writer, composer and diplomat.
He has published both fiction and essays
in English, Dutch and French. Currently he
resides in Cuba, where he serves as an
ambassador to the European Union.

Heydi Hernndez
Social worker
Heydi is a graduate in Social Communication.
She heads a campaign that raises awareness
among teenagers in Havana on the risks of
alcohol consumption, and has plans to expand
her reach throughout the island.

Eugene Jarecki
Documentary filmmaker
Acclaimed filmmaker, two-time winner of
the Grand Jury Prize at the Sundance Film
Festival, for Why we fight and The house
I live in. His filmography includes Reagan
(2011, winner of an Emmy Award), The Trials
of Henry Kissinger (2002) and Freakonomics

Yudivin Almeida
Computer Scientist - Cybernetics
A graduate of the University of Havana in
Computer Science, he holds PhDs in both
Mathematical Sciences and Technologies for
the Information Society. He currently heads
the research group of artificial intelligence at
the University of Havana.

Richard Pea
Professor of film studies
Richard studied at Harvard University and holds
a Masters degree from the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology (MIT). For over twenty
years he was the Director of the New York Film
Festival. He is Professor of Film Studies at
Columbia University.

Jos Luis Cortes

Jos Luis Corts is one of the most prolific
and influential Cuban musicians. Founder of
timba powerhouse NG la Banda leader and
part of the original lineups of historic bands
like Los Van Van and Irakere.

Repentista - Musical Improvisation
Tomasita began with improvisation when
she unexpectedly participated in a sung
controversy. She is considered the queen
of Cuban repentismo (improvised sung oral

Peruchn y Vocal Antinoo

Musical group
This vocal group, directed by Peruchn, is
made up of male voices from the choral group
Ars Longa.

Amaury Prez
Amaury is singer-songwriter, television presenter
and journalist. He is considered to be one of the
founders of the Nueva Trova movement.

Luis Paz
Repentista - Musical Improvisation
Luis Paz holds a doctorate in veterinary medicine and has introduced repentismo, one of
the most local traditions of the Cuban culture,
to much of Latin American.

Manuel Vzquez
Manuel is a graduate of law and holds a masters
degree in criminology from the University
of Havana. He is currently the legal advisor
at the National Center for Sex Education of
Cuba (CENESEX) and is an activist for gender

TEDxHabana was possible through the support of

French American Charitable Trust, Fermn Rojas,

Debbie Ohanien, The Luz Foundation

Appreciate the collaboration of

THANKS for coming to TEDxHabana

See you in 2015!

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