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Transfer inovci 25/2013



Ing. Lenka Kolesrov
Ing. Zuzana Jankov
TnUAD v Trenne, FT
Pri Parku 19, 911 06 Trenn
The aim of my research is to verify the
influence of nitriding on properties of gun parts.
Article has theoretical character and explains the
basic terms that are necessary to know before
experiment, because the research is based on them.
It is chemical-heat treatment, nitriding process,
especially plasma nitriding, gun breech and
corrosion. The conclusion summarizes the purpose
of contribution and evaluations of the new obtained
surface properties of material after the application
of plasma nitriding.
Key words: Plasma nitriding, breech mechanism,
The essence for a successful experiment is
the knowledge of basic terms and events on which
the research is based. Before the experiment, it is
also necessary to set the targets and suppositions
that a given experiment either confirm or deny.
Therefore the theoretical part is essential for of the
The weapon consists of a number of
components, but during the shot especially the
barrel and breech mechanism are the most stressed.
Influence of nitriding on gun barrel was
investigated and therefore I decided, that I will use
for my experiment breech mechanism. The main
target will be to find out the influence of plasma
nitriding on properties of gun breech material.
Attention will be focused on corrosion resistance of
this material.
In this article attention is focused on
current knowledge of this problem.
Lifetime of parts associated with properties
of surface layers, which are exposed to effects of
intensive wear, creation and diffusion of fatigue
crack and corrosive effects [1].
Possibilities of additional quality growth of
surface layers, besides to classic method of heat
treatment, lead up to the methods of chemical
heat treatment [1].


Chemical - heat treatment is generally the

process, by which we achieve desired mechanical
or physical properties, by change the chemical
composition of the surface of metals and alloys.
This change of chemistry we provide by
chemical action of surrounding environment at
elevated temperature [1].
So it is a process, which takes place at
elevated temperature aiming to achieve different
mechanical or physical chemical properties of
surface and core of part [2].
Chemistry change of surface layer is
achieving by heating in active atmosphere, while
the surface is saturated by carbon (armorizing), by
nitrogen (nitriding), by sulphur (sulfidation) or
combination of these elements (nitrocarburizing,
sulfonitriding). Additional element penetrates into
the subsurface layer by diffusion [3].
Nitriding is a process of heat treatment. It
is a ferritic thermochemical method of diffusing
nascent nitrogen into the surface of steel and cast
The diffusion process is based on the
solubility of nitrogen in iron. The solubility limit of
nitrogen in iron is temperature dependent.
The secret of the nitriding process is that it
does not require a phase change from ferrite to
austenite, nor does it require a further change from
austenite to martensite. This means that the
configuration of molecular structure does not
change from body centred cubic lattice to face
centred cubic lattice. Change from austenite to
martensite does not occur, because of free cooling
take place.
We can achieve the increase of working
life of constructional parts and tools by nitriding.
By nitriding we can improve many properties, as
for example wear resistance (abrasive, adhesive,
erosive and cavitation wear resistance), seizing and
fatigue resistance [2, 4].
Principal aim of the nitriding is to obtain
a high hardness of surface and tough core [4].
Properties, which can be reached by
nitriding, are:

high surface hardness, according to content

of alloying element on steel,

high wear mechanical resistance,

enhanced endurance strength (steels)

enhanced corrosion resistance,

enhanced refractoriness [5].

Transfer inovci 25/2013

Nitriding process is carried out in various



in liquid medium,

in solid medium,
in gas medium or

Between new technologies of nitriding

belongs a two-stage procedure of nitriding. In first
stage of nitriding the surface of steel is saturated by
nitrogen at the high partial pressure of ammonia. In
second stage, diffusion growth of layer occurs at
the zero partial pressure of ammonia.

in plasma [4, 5].


During the nitriding, thin layer is created
on the surface of workpiece. This layer is white.
The white layer is harder and has higher abrasive
wear and corrosion resistance than basic surface of
The highest hardness of surface layer is
obtained at the temperature of nitriding between
480 520C. The rate of diffusion of nitrogen is
low at this temperature and it is necessary to
achieving of the sufficient deep layer
To achieve a case hardening dept of 1 mm,
the nitriding process requires 90 h. But core
hardness is not significantly affected

Plasma nitriding is a one of the method of

nitriding. It is method of diffusing nascent nitrogen
into the surface of steel too.
Compared to other or more conventional
methods of nitriding, nitrogen medium is in
a different state. Nitrogen is in a gas phase of
ionized atoms and it is not gas state or consistency,
but this is plasma (ionized gas).

Fig. 2 Activity of equipment for plasma nitriding


Fig. 1 Schematic of a typical nitrided case

The thin layers, obtained by shorter period
of nitriding at the same temperature, are harder than
the layers obtained by longer nitriding.
Workpieces, which are destined for
nitriding, must be heat treated before nitriding
and then must be worked, that the decarburizing
layer will remove. Decarburizing layer is created by
prior heat treatment.
Depleted layer from carbon is brittle. After
the nitriding, the workpiece is only grinded. During
this surface finishing, surface of workpiece will
Before nitriding, surface of material must
be metallic clean and without contaminations [6].
After nitriding, the material is covered
with a thin gray, relatively soft case that protects
the steel from corrosion. [7, 8].

Fig. 3 Equipment for plasma nitriding with control

panel [9]
Principle of plasma nitriding is that the
nitriding is carried out in vacuum vessel. Into this
vessel is transported the small amount of gas, which
contains the nitrogen. Nitrided parts (bath mixture)
are electrically isolated from vessel. Direct current
voltage is impressed between bath mixture and
anodic connected vessel. Value of this impressed
voltage is in the region of 400 1000 V. Then it
occurs to ignition of anomalous smoldering
discharge in thin atmosphere, caused by electric


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voltage. Nitrogen atoms are ionized and create

luminous discharge. After the achieving of suitable
temperature, which is in the region of 400 600 C,
according to type of steel, nitrogen saturation
begins and this process usually lasts 10 35 hours.
Advantages of plasma nitriding
Large variability of process parameters,
which obtained to achieve a uniform white layers
without pores, higher speed of plasma nitriding
layers growth, higher slide and roller wear
resistance of layers, using of lower nitriding
temperature and achieving of big nitriding depth.
Disadvantages of plasma
High purchase costs and little space utilize
of device, nitriding in the hole is difficult, it is
necessary to put the melting charge carefully,
possibility of actual treatment only the component,
which have the same character.
During the shot, gun barrel and breech
mechanism are exposed to complex stresses and
chemical reactions. The more intense abrasion,
during the shot, occurs in place, where the
contraction of gun barrel is the biggest caused by
longitudinal inertial forces, during the recoil.
Gun wear has not a principle influence on
its strength, but it causes the degradation of ballistic
When this gun parts achieves limit state of
wear, gun becomes already unusable. Therefore it is
necessary to use some measures to decrease of this
gun wear. Measures, which can help to decrease
a degree of gun parts wear, are: interior ballistic
measures, designing measures, material
In my experiment I will focused on material
technology measures. One of the possibilities, how
we can increase working life of gun, is to change or
improve the properties of breech mechanism.
Gun breech (breech mechanism) is part of
gun, which closes the breech end of the gun and are
designed to withstand the huge rearward thrust of
the propellant gas pressure when the gun fires.
During the shot, breech mechanism is used
closing of gun barrel, even locked breech
lock the gun barrel,

prevention of unproportional rebound of

breech block holder and

than open and unlock gun barrel and

realize the functional cycle for given
cadence [10].

It is a process, which is closely associated
with safety of technical quality of metallic products.



Corrosion product is rust, which causes the loss of

technically important properties of product. it is
meant the chemical, physical a technological
Corrosion is unwanted phenomenon, event
leading to disturbance of material, where the effect
of chemical movement has definitive meaning. We
can define that the corrosion of metals is
devaluation of material caused by chemical or
physical chemical process of interaction of
material with atmosphere. Corrosive atmosphere
can be gaseous, liquid or sometimes solid too [11].
Corrosion result is permanent chemical
change of metal, which change his chemical,
physical and mechanical properties [12].
Kinds of corrosion
The various types of corrosion process can
be further classified according to the following
1) According to physical chemical essence
of corrosive action,
2) According to kind of corrosive
disturbance of metal,
3) According to atmosphere, which effect on
material [13].
Among the major task of anti-corossive
protection belongs the minimizing of corrosion rate.
We know many kinds of protections
including [14, 15]:

choice of material, which will be

resistant to corrosion choice of
material, which will be suitable for
a corrosive

constructive modifications and choice

sequences, which inhibit possibilities
of effect of corrosive factors,

modification of atmosphere, in which

corrosion take place in decrease of
aggressiveness is possible for
example: by decrease of air humidity,
by fixation of aggressive ions, by
inhibition addition substances,
which decelerate of corrosive action,

electrolytic protection essence rests

in, that the potential is forced upon
metal and corrosive rate decreases, i.e.
metal gets into the immune or passive
state. Potential to change the negative
values moved to a state of immune
metal cathode position, therefore it is
called cathodic protection,

surface coating the most widespread

method of protection, cases are
usually metallic and non-metallic,

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enamel, ceramic coating and layers

and plastic coating [16].
These properties of metals and alloys are
verified by observation of corrosion resistance
(velocity of corrosion propagation) by atmospheric
tests, by simulated corrosive exams in corrosive
chamber and electrochemical exams.
Among the reasons for the corrosion tests
carried out, for example, can include:
choice of suitable material for definite
finding of atmosphere, in which this
material resists,

verification of resistant material in this


Verification of equipment in term of

corrosion [13, 14].
Standardized procedures are the most
commonly based on the evaluation of dimensions
and weight changes and on visual or metallographic
Corrosion tests are performed on small
sample in condenser chambers.
The most reliable results are reached in
operating tests, but these are usually long-time [13].
The main target will be to use nitriding
aiming to improve the properties of gun breech
This article has only theoretical character
and lead up to better knowledge particular process,
which will be used for my experiment.
I will apply plasma nitriding on gun breech
aiming to improve the corrosion resistance of this
gun part.
This prediction, that plasma nitriding
improve corrosion resistance, will study during my
research. I will evaluate the metallography, than
I will investigate mechanical properties and I will
measure the surface roughness. Evaluation of
surface properties includes the study of
microhardness and comparing results with primary
properties. And at the end I will measure corrosion
















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