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1. Getting started
1.1 Launching Gsimple.
1.2 Define the project
1.3 Select coordinates
1.4 Define the block
1.5 Define the part
1.6 Attaching tools
1.7 Make Options
1.8 Saving the project on the hard disk
1.9 Compilation
1.10 Check the G-Code produced
1.11 Report printing
1.12 G-Code downloading
2. GSIMPLE Command List
3. GSIMPLE files
4. G-Codes used by G-Simple




Generally, you have to follow 12 steps in order to build a GSIMPLE project. Depending on the
project, some of them may be ommited
Step 1: Launch GSIMPLE by double clicking on its icon
Step 2: Define the project details through the Setup/Project menu selection.
Step 3: Select coordinate system (G54,G55 etc)
Step 4: Define the block dimensions, block material and tool-zeroing level.
Step 5: Define your part using Shape, Milling, Modify and Engrave menu selections.
Step 6: Select the tools you will use from the tools library and attach them on the toolholder
Step 7: Select fininshing quality, finishing quality parameters etc
Step 8: Save your project
Step 9: Compile your project
Step 10: Check the G-Code produced by inspecting it and running it on the screen
Step 11: Print out a report with information and instructions for the machinist who will actually
produce the part
Step 12: Download the g-code and run it on your milling machine

1.1 Launching Gsimple

Launch Gsimple by double clicking on its icon. Gsimple will NOT automatically create a shortcut on
the desktop at installation time, and it will NOT add itself in the Start-Up menu, so you will need to
open the folder where it has been isntalled (for example c:\Project Files\gsimple) to find it.
You can also launch gsimple be double clicking on any .gsi file (.gsi is the filexetension used for
gsimple project files) but only if you have associated .gsi files with gsimple.

1.2 Defining the project

In order to be able to make a usable G-Code GSIMPLE will have to know

The filename of the file that will contain the g-code

The G-Code program number

Open the General Project Data dialog through the Setup/Project menu.

In order to facilitate the users we have included some additional usefull informations in the Project
Dialog. You may leave them blank if you wish. Fields left blank will not appear in the Report (look at

If you ommit this step and do not define G-Code filename and program number, Gsimple will use the
default values.

Default values are defined in the Configuration File (gsimple.cfg) accesible through the Setup/
Configuration menu selection.

In order to change the defaults edit the following lines in gsimple.cfg:

# Default output file (the file where the G-Code program will be stored)
GCFILE noname.cnc
# Default program number

1.3 Selecting coordinates

Open the Coordinated dialog through the Setup/Coordinates dialog

X,Y settings will affect only the image on the screen and not the g-code produced. Default values are
set in the configuration file OR the milling machine configuration files.

In order to change the defaults edit the following lines in gsimple.cfg:

# Default coordinates. You can also move these lines in the milling machine
# definition file(s)
# COORDINATES G<54,55...> X Y Z [UNITS] (Z is always 0)
# UNITS are either mm or inch. Default is mm

COORDINATE G54 -350 -300 0 mm

1.4 Defining the block

Use the block dialog, accesible through the Setup/Block menu, to define the block dimensions and
materal and the block z-axis position in accordance to the tool-zero-referance level


The tool-zero-referance-level is the surface which you will use in order to zero your tools.
In many applications it is a common practice to zero the tools on the top face of the block. In this case
you will have to set Top at 0 (the default value).

Sometimes, you will zero the tools on the table. If the block is fixed directly on the table, top will have
to be set at the same value as Height(Z) (50 in our example).

If you select another object for tool-zeroing (the vice for example) you will have to calculate (or
measure) the distance between the block top face and the face selected for tool-zeroing and set Top

Block Material

Select the block material from the material data base. The material data base is stored in a simple text
(ascii) file (material.dat) which may be edited with Windows Notepad or any other text editor.

A typical line in material.dat looks like the following:

Ck45 1.3

In this case, CK45 is the material name and 1.3 the material-group and subgroup to which CK45
Gsimple will use this information -the block material group and subgroup- at compilation in order to
select the proper speed and feed rates from the tool data base. You can edit the material.dat file in
order to delete unused materials, use different names etc. Do not delete ST37-2 from the data base!

Default block material is defined in the configuration file (gsimple.cfg) with the configuration command
Example: the following line in the configuration file (gsimple.cfg) will make CK45 the default block


If you do not select a default material in the configuration file, gsimple will use ST37-2

1.5 Defining the part

Object Types

There are 5 predifinet object-types in GSIMPLE


A Bulge has a positive volume. It may have any (producable) shape. In order to facilitate the user
GSIMPLE includes dialogs for three common bulge types -rectangular, cylindrical and polygonal. Use
the Shape/Odd-Shapped Bulge menu selection to defined an arbitrary shaped bulge.

A Pocket has a negative volume. It may have any (producable) shape. In order to facilitate the user
GSIMPLE includes dialogs for three common pocket types -rectangular (with rounded edges),
cylindrical and longholes. Use the Shape/Odd-Shapped Pocket menu selection to defined an arbitrary
shaped pocket.

Drills and Threads are just that -common drills and threads.
Engravings include lines, arcs, circles and text. The font used for text engravings is selected with the
FONT configuration-command in gsimple configuration (gsimple.cfg) file.
Object Attachment

A part is defined through the attachment of objects of predifined object-types. You can attach objects

directly on the block. For example, if you want to drill a hole (please look at the first example at http:// on a metal plate, you just attach a drill on the block.
If you use bulges you must attach the lower bulge on the block -otherwise GSIMPLE will not know
where you have placed it.
Bulges may be attached on the block or on any other bulge.
Pockets, Drills, Threads and Engravings may be attached on the block, a bulge or a pocket (but not
on pockets defined as a Longhole which is a special kind of pocket). Current GSIMPLE version will not
accept the attachment of a bulge on a pocket (an island).

A level is a group of one or more bulges attached on the same level. The first level (level 0) is the block
remaing top face. Bulges belonging to the same level have always the same height.

You will have to split your object in levels manualy in order to produce more complicated objects.

1.6 Attaching tools

Use the Setup/Toolholder menu selection to define the tools you are going to use (attach them on the
During compilation GSIMPLE will (if not otherwise commanded) automatically select the proper tool for
each job it has to perform, from the attached tools. If none is found, the compilation will be terminated
with an error message.

In order to be able to attach a tool in the toolholder the tool must have been properly defined in the
Tool Data Base.
Tools are devided in 11 tool-types:
A. Center Drills
B. Drills
C. Taps
D. Thread mills
E. Rough end mills
F. Fine end mills
G. Rough face mills
H. Fine face mills

I. Countersinks (chamfering tools)

J. Engraving tools
K. Special tools

For every tool the data base stores two sets of data:
1. Geometry data (diameter, length, number of flutes, pitch (taps anjd thread cuts, etc)
2. Milling data (tools speeds, vertical and horizontall feed rates, cutting depth etc). Since these data are
material dependend, the data base is able to store a set of milling data for every material group/

The above screenshot shows the speed, horizontal milling (fxy) and Vertical milling (plunging, fz) feed
rates for tool named EM14R2 (a rough end mill) for Material group 1, subgroup 3 (*)
If no tool-milling-data have been defined for the block-material-group, you will get a UNSUITABLE
TOOL message in the toolholder dialog.

Unsuitable tools will be ignored by the automatic tool selection compilation procces. If you select an
unsuitable tool manualy for a specific job, compilation will be terminated with an error message such us

(*) Material Groups and Subgroups are defined in amg.dat file. This is a plain text (ascii) file editable
with any text editor such as Notepad. The original file (the one you have downloaded) follows the
common division made by the most tool manufacturers. Our suggestion is to leave it as it is.

1.7 Make Options

Select G-Code/Make Options from the main menu to access this dialog

Option are divided in 5 sections. Only the non obvious options are discussed below.
1. General.

Fast block approch height is used in drilling and taping and is the equivalent of the R-Plane
in G-Code. For example, if Fast block approach heigth is 3 the drilling outup command will
G81 R3.000 Z-25.000 F85.000
Go X,Y at tool change will be used with large object to avoid a colision between the tool and
the object during toolchange. Gsimple will fisrt move to the ordered x,y position and then change
2. Shape and pocket milling.
Horizontal overlap will affect the distance between sunsequent milling lines. 0% means a
distance equal to tool diameter. 50% a distance equal to half the tool diameter etc.(*)
Filter-out out-of-block paths is a powerfull filter which will eliminate from the G-Code slow
running G01 paths, which are placed out of the block. This is very usefull if you just want to
mashine just one part of an object (for example round the left edge of a long plate)

No filtering

Same object with filtering

Version 1.09 has a new filter which will also eliminate most of the slow running arcs which are placed
entirely outside the block. To use the old filter, add the following line in the configuration file (Gsimple.
3. Drilling
Drill Cleaning will retract the drill, turn it CCW at high speed (for example 200% of the defined)
for the time defined by duration and repeat it repeat times
4. Finishing
Rough filinsh horizontal faces means fininshing the face with the rough milling tool, turning
normally faster and running at a lower feed rate. Please note that you can select the finishing
quality individually for every bulge and pocket with the Edit dialog.
5. Finishing parameters
All entries are obvious

1.8 Save your project

Select File/Save or File/Save As from the main menu to open a standart file-save dialog.

Gsimple projects have the .gsi extension. The .gsi files are plain text files, ie you can open them with
any text editor such as notepad.

A typical .gsi file looks something like that

$64 65918042
$66 1.09
$50 AUTO
$11 1 CD3.15 0 0.00000 0.00000
$11 4 DHSS08 0 0.00000 0.00000
$11 6 EM05R2 0 0.00000 0.00000
$11 7 EM08FS4 0 0.00000 0.00000
$11 10 FM25R4 0 0.00000 0.00000
$3 1 145.00000 60.00000 20.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0 0 -1
$4 ST37-2
$28 0.00000 0

Do not edit!

1.9 Compile your project

Select G-Code/Make G-Code from the main menu and Gsimple will compile your project -that is
produce the G-Code. The G-Code will be stored in a file with the name selected in step 2 (Look at 1.2
Defining your project).
In case of errors (for example a missing tool) the compilation will be aborted and Gsimple will inform
you about the problem with an error message, for example

If everything goes ok Gsimple will give you a report indicating the tools that have actually been used
and the estimated milling time

1.10 Check the G-Code produced

G-Code/View G-Code from the main menu to view the G-Code produced (colored) using your Web
Browser, or
G-Code/Edit G-Code to open the file with your text editor (for example Notepad), or
G-Code/Annimation to run it on the screen.

Important Note

Gsimple will not look at the back side of the tool when generating a path. This means that it will

damage your part if, for example you place two bulges one next to the other, in a distance smaller than
the tool diameter.
You can see this problem, during run-time (animation) as a path intersection. In this case you will
have to select a smaller tool and assign it to this job manualy.

1.11 Report printing

Select File/Print Report to print out a report for the machine operator. The report will contain valuable
informations, such as the G-Code filename, the G-Code program number, the block (stock)
diamensions and material, the coordinates used, the tool-zeroing method, the tools used etc.
You can change the report header (for example insert your company name and logo) through the
configuration file (gsimple.cfg) accesible through the Setup/Configuration menu.
# G-Simple Ver 1.07 Configuration file #
# #
# Sample file #

# Author: S.Kontogiannis #
# Last Modified: 6/4/2007 #
# #
# Configuration file is parsed only on program start up #
# Changes will not be effective until program restart #
# #
# Lines starting with # are comments #

# Company Name and User. Change these settings with your company and name
USER S.Kontogiannis
COMPANY Polaris Engineering SA

# You may add your logo and a logo-image, to be used on the printed report
COMPANY_IMG c:\My Documenets\logo.jpg

1.12 Download G-Code file

Select G-Code/Transfer G-Code to copy the G-Code file on diskette a: (default setting) or invoke your
downloading software (defined through the configuration file gsimple.cfg).
For exapmle if your downloading software is called MyDownLoad.exe and it is in the folder
c:\Program Files\CNC you will have to add the following line in the configuration file:
TRANSFER "c:\Program Files\CNC\MyDownLoad.exe
Gsimple will call it with argument the G-Code filename.








Clears current project (if changes have not been saved it will
ask for confirmation) and opens a blank machine table


Clears current project (if changes have not been saved it will
ask for confirmation) and opens a new, selected through a
standart file selection dialog


Save the current project on disk. Standart file extension for

GSIMPLE files is .gsi.
.gsi files are text files. Do not edit!


Save As

Saves current project under a new name.

Print report

Prints a report of the project, ready for use by the machine

operator. Report is in HTML format. Gsimple will invoke your
browser for printing.

Open Drawing

Opens the related CAD drawing. You can assign a drawing

filename to the project using the Setup/Project command.

Import DXF

Imports a drawing from a .dxf file. Import only the nessesary

parts of the drawing. Gsimple will not handle more than 4096
lines, arcs or circles


Exits GSIMPLE (if changes have not been saved it will ask
for confirmation).


Stores project specific information: G-Code filename, G-Code

program number, Part Number, Drawing File, Customer etc


Define block dimensions, material and position in accordance

to the tool zero reference level. Block is initaly placed at X0,
Y0 but may be moved



Select coordinates (G54, G55, G56 etc), define position in

accordance to machine zero. Check box to align block at X0,


Define user coordinates. Very usefull for drawing part placed

in middle of block. You can use the right-click menu to set the
user coordinates on a specific point.

Tool holder

Attach tools to be used, selectable from tool data base.


Draw fixture. Used only for actual setup visiulasation. No

colision control made by GSimple


Opens the configuration file gsimple.cfg for editing using

Notepad or any other text editor. Restart gsimple to activate

Top View

Objects may be selected and deselected only in this viewmode. Current view-mode remains active until another is

Isometric SW

Isometric view mode. Objects may not be selected/

deselected in this mode. Left mouse button is inactive. Right
mouse activates View menu. Current view-mode remains
active until another is selected. Object viewed from the lowerleft corner (South West).

Isometric SE

Isometric view mode. Objects may not be selected/

deselected in this mode. Left mouse button is inactive. Right
mouse activates View menu. Current view-mode remains
active until another is selected. Object viewed from the lowerright corner (South East).


Axonometric view mode. Objects may not be selected/

deselected in this mode. Left mouse button is inactive. Right
mouse activates View menu. Current view-mode remains
active until another is selectec. Object viewed from the lowerleft corner (South West).

View Options

Select whether the machine table, the machine originn, the

block, the fixtures, the machine limits etc will be visible or not.



Draw Line

Draws a simple line. Values entered are in User Coordinates.

You can record the start and endpoints through the right-click

Draw Arc

Draws an arc. Values entered are in User Coordinates. You

can record the start and endpoints through the right-click

Draw Circle

Draws a circle. Values entered are in User Coordinates. You

can record the center point through the right-click menu


Draws a rectangle (4 lines). Values entered are in User

Coordinates. You can record the start and endpoints through
the right-click menu

Draw Text

Writes a text. Start point values entered are in User

Coordinates. You can record the startpoints through the rightclick menu

Snap Settings

Free drawing and object snap selection. Selected points

(endpoints, centers, middpoints and intersection points) set
for the selected objects only. Points may be cleared through
the right-mouse-button menu


Groups selected drawing elements (lines, arcs, circles)

together. Delete, move, rotate, copy and mirror will handle
them as a group


Resolves a group. Drawing elements impored from dxf file

will be grouped according to their layer (as defined in


Used to determine how much the topface will be milled down.

Dialog will select milldown method, surface quality and tools


A Bulge is the opposite of a pocket. You must select a

parent object, on which the bulge will be attached before
defining a bulge.




The block or another bulge may be selected as parent for a

bulge. Several bulges may be attached on the same parent
but they will have the same height.


Left click on the block or on a bulge to selected as parent.

Alternatively use the right-click menu.

Odd shaped

Use this dialog to define an odd (arbitrary) shaped bulge.

Alternatively compose it from a drawing with the compose


Select a parent object on which the pocket will be attached

before defining a pocket. Suitable parent objects for pockets
are pockets, bulges and the block.


Cylindrical pockets may be milled using face mills in a

continuus, spiral down way.

Odd shaped

Use this dialog to define an odd (arbitrary) shaped pocket.

Alternatively compose it from a drawing with the compose


Define a simple drill, chamfer and tool to be used. If tool

needs predrilling (defined in data base) Gsimple will look for a
suitable tool and predrill it!


Define a thread, chamfer and tool to be used (tap or thread

mill). Predrilling will be performed automatically (a suitable
tool must be attached)


Defines a simple long hole


Deletes selected objects exept the block, which cannot be



Moves selected objects in the x,y plane. Values entered are

shift values. WARNING: moving an object above another will
not attach it on it!


Copy selected objects in the x,y plane. Multiple copies (array)

may be selected. See above warning!


Turn selected objects around a center point. Use the rightclick menu to preselect center point. Bulges and pockets will
be exploded


Mirror selected objects horizontally or vertically. Use the rightclick menu to preselect axis.Texts cannot be mirrored


Attach an object on another. Bulges cannot be attached on a

pocket (Gsimple Version 1.xx cannot mill an island)


Open respective dialog to change the data of the preselected

object. Multiple selected objects may not be edited, even if
they are identical


Select milling parameters for the selected object (Pocket,

Bulge, Drill, Thread). Parameters may be set only if tools
have already been manualy preselected.


Declare a rectangular, polygonal or cylindrical bulge oddshapped; declare a rectangular o cylibdrical pocket oddshaped in order to be able to edit them with the odd-shaped
NOTE: Turning or mirroring a non odd-shapped bulge or
pocket will automatically make them odd-shapped



Convert a drawing into a bulge. Parent must be preselected.

Select lines and arcs to be converted into a bulge by clicking
on them with the Shift Key presed in a Counterclockwise
Alternatively you can use the right-mouse-button menu. Click
on the parent and select Select as Parent. Click on the first
line or arc and select Select. Click on the next line or arc (in
a counterclockwise order) and select Auto Select. The
parent will be colored in red. The selected lines and arcs in
Auto select will stop if it bumbs on a crossroad (and
intersection of 3 or more lines/arcs) or at the end. Open
shapes cannot be converted into a bulge.
WARNING: Gsimple will not check whether your bulge is
producable. In order to be producable a bulge is not allowed
to contain any non sharp corners -that is lines intesecting at
an angle greater than 180 deg.
WARNING: Be carefull not to attach a bigger bulge on a
smaller one. Gsimple will not check it! Running the code will
produce a tool crash!


Convert a drawing into a pocket. Parent must be preselected.

Select lines and arcs to be converted into a pocket by clicking
on them with the Shift Key presed in a Counterclockwise
Alternatively you can use the right-mouse-button menu. Click
on the parent and select Select as Parent. Click on the first
line or arc and select Select. Click on the next line or arc (in
a counterclockwise order) and select Auto Select. The
parent will be colored in red. The selected lines and arcs in
Auto select will stop if it bumbs on a crossroad (and
intersection of 3 or more lines/arcs) or at the end. Open
shapes cannot be converted into a pocket.
WARNING: Gsimple will not check whether your pocket is
producable. In order to be producable a pocket is not allowed
to contain any sharp corners -that is lines intesecting at an
angle smaller than 180 deg.
WARNING: Be carefull not to attach a bigger pocket in a
smaller one. Gsimple will not check it! Running the code will
produce a tool crash!



Comppse Drill

Convert selected circles into drills. Parent must be



Convert selected circles into threads. Parent must be



Convert selected lines, arcs and circles into an engraving.

Parent must be preselected


Convert an object into drawing. Objects with attacments

(other objects attached on them) cannot be decomposed.


Engrave a line. Values entered are in User Coordinates. You

can record the start and endpoints through the right-click


Engrave an arc. Values entered are in User Coordinates. You

can record the start and endpoints through the right-click


Engrave a circle. Values entered are in User Coordinates.

You can record the start and endpoints through the right-click


Text engraving.

Center Drills

Add, delete, modify center drill geometry data (diameter,

length) and material-group dependend data (speed, feed and
feed rates)


Add, delete, modify drill geometry data (diameter, length, min.

predrilling diameter) and material-group dependend data
(speed, feed and feed rates)


Used for taps and thread mills

End Mills

Used for rough and fine end mills

Face Mills

Used for rough and fine face mills



Used for countersinks (chamfering mills) and engraving tools


Used for special tools


Material list. You can change this list by editing (for example
with Notepad) the material.dat file


Compile drawing into G-Code file


View G-Code

View G-Code (colored) using your browser

Edit G-Code

View/Edit G-Code using Notepad (or any other text editor, as

defined in the configuration file)

Transfer GCode

Copy G-Code file to diskette a: (or any other drive, as defined

in gsimple.cfg). To download the file directly to ypur machine
you will need a special program.

Make Options

Define several milling parameters (global finishing quality,

center drilling, peck drilling, tool retract distance etc). Datas
are project specific.

Make Report

View compilation report


Star animation. You can start the G-Code execution from

any point, go fast or slow, pause, restart etc. Visualasation in
2 dimensions.


Get Help


View Gsimple version and related information





Binary, executable

CAD-CAM executable file

Usage: gsimple [filename.gsi]


Binary, executable

Simple copy to drive utility

Usage: CopyTo <driveletter> <filename>


Ascii (simple text)

Material group and subgroup definition file


Ascii (simple text)

Threads definition file


Ascii (simple text)

File connecting material names to material groups

and subgroups as defined in amg.dat file


Ascii (simple text)

Tool definition file. Geometry data only.


Ascii (simple text)

Material group/subgroup dependend tool data

(Speed, cuting depth and feed rates)


Ascii (simple text)

Gsimple configuration file.


Ascii (simple text)

Font configuration file


Ascii (simple text)

Machine definition file for Haas VF0 Mill


Ascii (simple text)

Machine definition file for Haas VF4 Mill

Archive (zip)

Compressed full istallation file. Containes

Files used for installation

gsimple.ex~, gsinstal.exe, agree.txt

Archive (zip)

Compressed update file. Containes



Archive (not zip)

Gsinstal.exe extracts all files from this



Installation program


Ascii (simple text)

Legal agreement text


Gsimple follows the "standart" G-Code. For a referance look

GSimple is using just a subset of the G-codes, that is:


Rapid move


Linear move


Circular move(***)


Circular move(***)


Dwell (delay)


Select inch


Select mm


Rapid move to origin


Tool length offset(**)

G54 G59

Select coordinates system


Left hand tapping (*)


Cancel canned cycle


Simple drilling


Peck drilling


Right hand tapping


Absolute distance mode

(*) Note on G74

Not standart, used by many machine manufacturers

(**) Note on G43/G44

If you are using G44 instead of G43 add the following line in your machine-definition (OR configuration file)

To return to G43 substitute the keyword ON with OFF


Some machines require a G00 command before G43/G44. You can turn this feature ON with the configuration


To disable this option turn it off:


The default setting for both USE G44 and USE G00_BEFORE_TOOL_COMP is OFF

Starting with version 1.09 Gsimple is using the G02/G03 X Y Z I J F syntax for arcs and circles. Older versions
used G02/G03 X Y Z I J F only for a full circle and G02/G03 X Y Z R F for arcs. You can use the old syntax with the

USE R_IN_G02_G03 ON command

GSimple is using just a subset of the M-codes, that is:


Program pause


Turn spindle clockwise


Turn spindle counterclockwise


Stop spindle


Start cooland


Stop cooland


Program stop and reset


Start through the spindle coolant (*)


Stop through the spindle coolant (*)

(*) Note on M88/M89

Not standart, used by Haas.


Free Download





1: A simple drill
2: Use of bulges
3: An odd-shaped pocket
4: Mill down block
5: Using DXF files
6: Multiple threads
7: Defining a new tool
8: Engraving
Examples for downloading
G-Simple is distributed free of any charge


Free Download


Example 1: Drill a simple 10 mm dia hole

Job description
Block dimensions (LxWxH): 100 mm x 100 mm x 10 mm
Drill (Dia x Depth): 10 mm x 10 mm (through) at the center
Program: O100
G-Code file:
Customer: Gsimple Tutorial
Part Number: Ex1
CNC Machine: Haas VF0
Open GSimple by double clicking on its icon



Select Setup/Block and define the block

Tools will be zeroed on the block so "Block topface distance above tool zero referance level" will be 0

The block is drawn in green. The gray line represents the travel limit. The red lines the G54 coodrinates
Turn the mouse wheel to zoom or press it down and move the mouse to pan

Select the block for attaching the drill by left-clicking anywhere on it.
Its color will change from green to red, indicationg that it is selected as "parent"
Alternatively you can use the right-button and the menu opened

Select Milling/Drill to define the drill dimension and position.

The depth is set to 15mm in order to make sure that the hole will be clear drilled
We will not use any chamfering tool to finish the drill, so leave Chamfer at 0
Leave "Drilling Tool" to "AUTO SELECT"

Now the drill is visible in the center of the block

Select Setup/Tool holder to define the tools

We will attach a center drill at T1 and a 10 mm dia drill at T1

Click on T1, then press the Attach button

Choose Center Drill and select any Center Drill from the list

Now repeat the above step to attach a 10 mm dia drill

Select Setup/Project to enter the specified general project datra

Save your project as ex1.gsi by selecting File/Save.

Then select G-Code/Make to compile your project
G-Simple will provide you with a "make report" indicating the calculated milling time

Select G-Code/View G-Code to see the code using your browser, or G-Code/Edit G-Code to View/Edit it using Notepad

You have made your first object with GSimple
You can download the file on your milling machine and execute it!
G-Simple is freeware


Free Download




Example 2: Use of bulges

Definition: A BULGE is a "positive" pocket
Job description
Base Cylinder: 72 mm DIA x
10 mm height
Hexagon: 30 mm radius x 10
mm height
Block dimensions (LxWxH):
75 mm x 75 mm x 30 mm
G-Code file:
G-Code program: O101
Customer: Gsimple Tutorial
Part Number: EX2
CNC Machine: Haas VF0
Project file: ex2.gsi

Open GSimple
Define your project using Setup/Project
Define the block using Setup/Block. Tools will be zeroed on block top face, so leave "Top" at 0
Save your project using File/Save as "ex2.gsi"

Select Setup/User Coordinates and set them at the center of the block (X=37.5, Y=37.5)

Attach a cylindrical "bulge"

Select the block as parent (left click or use the right-click menu). The block will be colored red
Select Shape/Cylindrical Bulge

The center (as all X,Y settings) are in user coordinates, so we set it at X=0, Y=0
Leave, for the moment, all other settings (tools, surface quality, chamfer etc) at their default values
Attach a polygonal bulge
Select the cylindrical bulge you have just drawn as parent (left click it or use the right-click menu)
The cylinder will now be colored red

Select Shape/Polygonal Bulge

Check your drawing!

Now we have finished drawing our object!
Click on the polygon and take a look at the "Z" on the footer line

Z is 0 indicating that the top face of the polygon is at Z=0

Click on the cylinder. Z should become -10
Click on the block. This is now what will have been left over from the block, so Z will be -20
Now click out of the block, on the machine table (it is not visible now). Z should become -30
If you want to see the table make it visible using the View/View Options dialog. As a last check, go to View/Isometric

and get a 3D view of the object

Select your tools!

We will use a 25mm Dia Facemill for rough milling and a 10mm Dia fine end mill for finishing
Open the Setup/Toolholder Dialog and attach these tools at T1 and T2 as we did in Example 1

Select G-Code/Make

Now we are ready to view the code, run it on the screen and download it on our machine for production!

Print report
The last step is to print a report for the shop floor. Gsimple will produce it in HTML format and invoke your browser for
viewing and printing
Select File/Print Report

A final note
Is our object realy ready? The answer is no! We have milled it to shape but it is still "stuck" on the remaining part of
the block. The next step would be to turn it up-side down and mill it down. You can do this very easily with GSIMPLE just look at the Example 4.
Polaris Engineering SA

G-Simple is distributed free of any charge


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Example 3: An odd-shaped pocket

Definition: Odd shaped means arbitrary shaped -not a rectangle, cylinder, polygon etc
Job description
Mill a pocket according to drawing. Pocket depth is 10 mm

Block dimensions (LxWxH): 130 mm x 60 mm x 15 mm

G-Code file:
G-Code program: O103
Customer: Gsimple Tutorial
Part Number: EX3
CNC Machine: Haas VF0
Project file: ex3.gsi
Open GSimple
Define your project using Setup/Project
Define the block using Setup/Block. Tools will be zeroed on block top face, so leave "Top" at 0
Save your project using File/Saveas "ex3.gsi"
Select Setup/User Coordinates and set X=20.0, Y=17.5
Now your screen will look something like this


G54 is drawn in red

User Coord. in dark yellow
The block in green
Machine limits (not visinle in the picture) in grey
Draw the pocket
We will not use the Odd-spaped-pocket dialog -it is difficult to use for a new pocket, (but very usefull for editing an already
existing one).
Instead, we will a) draw the pocket-shape using lines and arcs and b) convert the drawing into a real pocket, using the
COMPOSE command.
We will start with the horizontal bottom line.
It's starting point is at X=0, Y=-12.5 and it's ending point at X=80 and Y=-12.5
Select Draw/Draw Line

Now we will draw the 25 mm radius arc. GSIMPLE will not handle arcs greater that 180 deg, so we will have to split it into two
parts. One starting at X=80, Y=-12.5 and ending at X=80, Y=-12.5+25+25=37.5 and
a second starting at X=80, Y=37.5 and ending at X=55, Y=12.5
Now Select Draw/Draw Arc to draw the first part.

You don't have to retype the starting point -GSIMPLE has set it automatically for you (indicated with a red dot on the screen)

Now enter the correct values for the endpoint, the radious and the direction
Go on to draw the second part, that is
a CCW arc to X=55, Y=12.5, R=25
a line to X=0, Y=12.5
a CCW arc to X=0, Y=-12.5, R=12.5
The final drawing should look like this:

Turn drawing into a pocket

You have to follow three simple steps in order to turn a free drawing into a pocket:
1. Left click on the object to be milled (the block in our case) to select it as "parent". It will be colored red.
Alternatively, you can right click an it and select "Parent" from the popup menu

2. Select one after the other all the lines and arcs of the drawing, by left clicking on them with the SHIFT key pressed in a
Counter Clockwise Way. Alternatively, you can right click on them and select them through the popup menu. They will be
collored blue

3. Select Modify/Compose/Pocket from the menu

The drawing has been now converted into a pocket 10 mm deep

Inspect in 3D view
Select View/Isometric from the main menu

Choose tools and compile

We will use a 10 mm dia rough end mill for the pocket, a 10 mm dia drill for predrilling an insertion hole, a center drill and a 12
mm dia fine mill for finishing

Now we are ready for compilation

Select G-Code/Make from the menu...

The G-Code is ready! Now we are ready to view the code, run it on the screen and download it on our machine for production!

Some final notes

Take a look at the code

Center drilling and predrilling for end mill insertion have been done automatically by GSimple!
What would happen if we did not attach a 10 mm drill?
The answer is, we would get an error message at compilation

Try out detaching the fine end mill. You will get following message

And if we do not want any finishing? Well GSimple lets you choose the finishing quality and much else. We will discuss these in
the next examples
Polaris Engineering SA

G-Simple is distributed free of any charge


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Example 4: Mill down block

Job description
Block dimensions (LxWxH): 75 mm x 75 mm x 30
Mill down to (LxWxH): 75 mm x 75 mm x 20 mm
G-Code file:
G-Code program: O104
Customer: Gsimple Tutorial
Part Number: EX4
CNC Machine: Haas VF0
Project file: ex4.gsi

Open GSimple
Define your project using Setup/Project
Define the block using Setup/Block. Tools will be zeroed on block top face, so leave "Top" at 0
Save your project using File/Saveas "ex4.gsi"
Now your screen will look something like this

G54 is drawn in red

User Coord. in dark yellow

The block in green

Machine limits (not visible in the picture) in grey
Mill down
Select Shape/Top Face from the memu...

Now let us select the finishing quality

Definition:Rough Finishing means finishing using the rough milling tool
You can select the rough-finishing parmeters (finishing depth, tool speed and feed rate) through the G-Code/Make Options
Since we want a good finish we will select fine finishing
Leave Rough Milling Tool and Fine Finishing Tool at "AUTO SELECT" and milling and finishing direction options as they are.
Select tools and compile
We will use a 10 mm dia fine end mill for the finishing and a 63mm dia Face Mill for milling.

Now we are ready for compilation

Select G-Code/Make from the menu...

The G-Code is ready! Now we are ready to view the code, run it on the screen and download it on our machine for production.
Polaris Engineering SA

G-Simple is distributed free of any charge


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Example 5: Using DXF files

Job description
A smooth edged triangle shaped object, according to
End object will be 10 mm high.
Block dimensions (LxWxH): 100 mm x 100 mm x 20 mm
G-Code file:
G-Code program: O105
Customer: Gsimple Tutorial
Part Number: EX5
CNC Machine: Haas VF0
Project file: ex5.gsi

Open GSimple
Define your project using Setup/Project
Define the block using Setup/Block. Tools will be zeroed on block top face, so leave "Top" at 0
Save your project using File/Saveas "ex5.gsi"
Import drawing
Draw the object using your CAD using 1 drawing point as 1 mm and Save/Export the drawing as "ex5.dxf"
Use File/Import DXF to import the drawing
Select the file and press open

In most cases the reference point (x=0, y=0) in the dxf drawing will not be known, so we will leave the entry point coordinates
at 0,0 and move the drawing to the right position afterwards.
The scale factor drawing unit/mm will be left to 1 (its default value)
Now your screen will look something like this

G54 is drawn in red

User Coord. in dark yellow
The block in green
The drawing is yellow
Machine limits (not visible in the picture) in grey
Move drawing in block
Select the drawing by clicking an any line or arc. The selected line or arc will be colored in blue and the remaining lines and
arcs in dark grey. GSimple will "group" together any lines and arcs belonging to the same CAD "layer". A selected group may
be deleted, copied, moved, turned or mirrored as if it were one single object. You can resolve a group through the Draw/
Ungroup command. You can turn a selected set of lines and arcs into a group through the Draw/Group command.
Now select Modify/Move

and move "group 1" by 15,15 mm

Compose a bulge
Reminder: a bulge is the oposite of a pocket
Select the block as parent by clicking on it. Its color will change from green to red. Alternatively you can use the mouse right
button menu "Parent" selection.
Select the lines and arcs which will be turned into a bulge one by one in a counterclockwise order by clicking on them with the
shift key pressed down. Alternatively you can use the mouse right button menu to select them. They will be colored blue.
Select Modify/Compose/Bulge from the main menu

and set height at 10 mm. Leave all other settings at their default values.
Now your drawing has been converted into an object (a bulge in this case) and colored white.
Select finishing quality, tools and compile
In this example we do not need any finishing. Go to GCode/Make Options and deselect all three finishing check boxes (Fine
finish vertical surfaces, Rough finish horizontal surfaces and Fine finish horizontal surfaces).
We will use a 25 mm dia Face Mill
Select Setup/Toolholder and attach a 25mm dia face mill at position T1

Now we are ready for compilation

Select G-Code/Make from the menu...

The G-Code is ready! Now we are ready to view the code, run it on the screen and download it on our machine for production.
Polaris Engineering SA

G-Simple is distributed free of any charge


Free Download


Example 7: Defining a new tool

Job description
Add a 12.7 mm (1/2 inch) Dia Drill to the tool library
Tool Data

Diameter: 12.7 mm
Drilling length: 50 mm
Predrilling: not needed
Type: Harvey Tools, 15332-C1

Open the data base

Open GSimple
Select Tools/Drills from the main menu

and press the New button



Name and geometry

Each tool must have a unique name in GSimple. You can choose any name you like. Blanks are allowed in the name. Do not
use underscores, since they will be converted into blanks! (Actually blanks are internally converted into underscores and
converted back into spaces at view time). Names are restricted to 39 characters.
Try to use meaningfull names, otherwise you will get lost.
We will name our drill DHSS1/2" (Acronym for Drill HSS 1/2 inch)

Fill in the requested data (diameter 12.7 mm, legth 50 mm, predriling diameter 0 mm) and press Enter.
Milling parameters
Milling parameters (tool speed, cuting depth and feed rates) are material dependent. The tool manufacturers supply data,
formulas and software tools to calculate them.
Materials are normally grouped together in Groups and Subgroups. Generally a tool is suitable for some of these materialgroups and unsuitable for others.
The tool-data-base is able to store a set of milling parameters for every material group and subgroup. GSimple will look for the
appropriate set (the block material is defined with the Setup/Block menu selection) whenever you attach a new tool on the tool
holder. If no milling parameters set is found in the data base for the block material the tool will be market as UNSUITABLE.
There are only two milling parameters assosiated with a drill: speed and feed rate.
For material group 1.3(Plain carbon steel) our driil needs 540 RPM and a feed rate of 160 mm/min.
Select the new drill from the list and press the Mat.Data button.
Press the Add button

Select 1.3 Plain Carbon Steel, supply our data

and Press the OK button.

Now we are ready to use our new tool with materials such as CK45 belonging to the 1.3 Group.
You can follow the same procedure to add milling parameters for other material groups or/and define other tools.
Polaris Engineering SA

G-Simple is distributed free of any charge


Free Download



Example 8: Engraving
Job description
Make an old fashioned GSIMPLE name-plate

Block dimensions (LxWxH): 300 mm x 100 mm x 10 mm

G-Code file:
G-Code program: O800
Customer: GSIMPLE
Part Number: Name plate
CNC Machine: Haas VF0
Project file: ex8.gsi

Open GSimple
Define your project using Setup/Project
Define the block using Setup/Block. Tools will be zeroed on block top face, so leave "Top" at 0
Save your project using File/Saveas "ex8.gsi"
Now your screen will look something like this


G54 is drawn in red

The block in green
Machine limits (not visible in the picture) in grey
NOTE: Background color has been switched to white (Setup/Configuration)

Draw engraving text

Select the block for attacing the engraving by clicking anywhere on it. Its color will change to red
Open the text-engraving dialog through the Engraving/Text menu selection...

and insert the text, the requested letter height, the engraving width and depth and the starting point (left,down corner).

Draw lines and arcs to be engraved

Select Engraving/Line from the menu..

and define the bottom line.

Select Engraving/Arc from the menu..

and define one of the arcs.

Now you can either go-on in the same way or use the copy/mirror icons (or menu selections) to define the remaining parts.

Our part is now complete.

Select engraving tool

GSimple will accept either a "special engraving tool" or an appropriate rough end mill. Appropriate means having the same diameter with
the engraving width and beeing suitable from plunging.
Since we have selected a 2 mm width we will attach a small, 2 mm dia rough end mill on the toolholder

Now we are ready for compilation (G-Code/Make), code inspection, (G-Code/View) code testing,

code downloading (on the milling machine) and part production.

G-Simple is freeware


Free Download




Examples for downloading

To download: click on the title, using the right mouse button, select "Save destination As..." from the menu

Example 9

Example 10


Example 11

Example 12

Example 13
Back to the examples main page
G-Simple is distributed free of any charge


Free Download




Example 6: Multiple threads

Job description
A 100 x 100 x 20 mm metal plate with 5 M8
threads according to drawing
G-Code file:
G-Code program: O106
Customer: Gsimple Tutorial
Part Number: EX6
CNC Machine: Haas VF0
Project file: ex6.gsi

Open GSimple
Define your project using Setup/Project
Define the block using Setup/Block. Tools will be zeroed on block top face, so leave "Top" at 0
Save your project using File/Save as "ex6.gsi"
Define first thread
Select the block "as parent" (left click on it or use the right-mouse-button menu). It will be colored in red
Open Milling/Thread and define the first thread at x=10 and y=10

Now the thread will be visible on the screen

Select the thread by left clicking on it. Alternatively you can use the right-mouse-button menu
G54 is drawn in red
The block in green (or red if it is still selected as parent)
The thread is grey
Machine limits (not visible in the picture) in grey

Copy thread
Open Modify/Copy

and make 4 copies of the selected thread, placing each 20 mm in the X axis away from the other
Your screen should look now something like this

View 3D object drawing

Select View/Isometric from the main menu

or View/Axonometric to view the object from a "higher" position. You can do almost everything in 3D (including animation).
The only exception is object selection and point setting (GSimple cannot know the position of your cursor in 3D).
Select tools
We will select a Center Drill (any will do), a 6.8mm Dia drill and a M8 tap

Make the G-Code

Now we are ready for compilation
Select G-Code/Make from the menu...

The G-Code is ready! Now we are ready to view the code, run it on the screen, and download it on our machine for production.

Polaris Engineering SA

G-Simple is distributed free of any charge

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