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Manual S-info Creation: Generic

Request: Electra/Huawei
Document Information
Prepared by: R & D Group
Author(s): Harman PS Grewal
Document creation date: 6-19-13

Revision History



Initial Draft


Document Approvals
Onur Yildirim

Telecom Technology Services Inc.



The information in this document is intended for Telecom Technology Services, Inc. No part of this document may
be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purposes, without
written permission of Telecom Technology Services, Inc.

Proprietary and Confidential Telecom Technology Services, Inc 2011

Manual S-info Creation

This document details about steps for Manual S-info creation using Opt PCS
which also requires Site Plan creation from physical information/Site Data.

1) Site Plan
First Step involved in creating S-info is Site Plan table, source file for creating Site
plan is csv or .xls file containing physical information for all the sites in the given
area. This contains all the basic information i.e. Site ID, Cell name, Latitude,
Longitude, M-tilt, E-tilt just a few to mention. Attached xls sheet below is a sample
source file for Site Plan table creation.

Fig 01: Snapshot from Site Data.

Source File for Site Plan creation:


2) Site Plan Creation

Once we have the Source file ready, next step is to create Site Plan Table using Opt
PCS. Steps involved to get Site Plan table are as follows.

Go to Home Cells Create/Merge Select Create Site plan (as

shown below)

Proprietary and Confidential Telecom Technology Services, Inc 2011

After Selecting Create Site Plan new Window shows up as shown below

Fig 02: Snapshot for creating Site Plan.

Input Source: Input file can be of any format as shown above

User has options for Creating Cellname, Sitename and Sector Symbol

Column Setup: This is the most crucial part, user needs to match the
Column names and Column # from Input Source file.User also has option
to save this sequence as Default using Save Default option. Site name,
Cell name, Latitude and Longitude , Azimuth, LAC & CI are
mandatory parameters for creating Site plan, others can be skipped(if un

With the information put in, Hit Create and Opt PCS will Start
processing, results stored in the Output Site-plan Location and loaded in
Opt PCS as shown in Fig 03 below.

Proprietary and Confidential Telecom Technology Services, Inc 2011

Fig 03: Site Plan loaded in Opt PCS

Site Plan has only Physical Parameters only i.e. Latitude, Longitude
,Azimuth, Height etc etc

Proprietary and Confidential Telecom Technology Services, Inc 2011

3) S-info
With the Site plan created the next step is to create S-info which will require the
corresponding CM- Configuration Management also known as Switch data which
contains all the important parameters all the site RNC vise for a given market.
Similar to Site plan creation, user needs to

Go to Home Cells Create/Merge Select Create SInfo UMTS as

shown below:

Fig 04: S-info Creation UMTS

Fig 05: S-info Creation UMTS

Proprietary and Confidential Telecom Technology Services, Inc 2011

After selecting create SInfo UMTS new window shows up as shown above
in Fig 05

In UMTS S-Info Import window user needs to Select

Input Source: This would be the Site Plan created in Step 1 using
Site Data

Executions: Gives users an option whether to create new S-info or

append to existing one(mostly its creating new)

Vendors: Opt PCS has the capability to create S-info for different
Vendors viz a viz Ericsson, Lucent (ALU) and Nokia for each of these
we have GSM, UMTS and LTE separately. Electra or Huwaie is closer to
Ericson, so Ericson option can be used as of now, albeit a new radio
button can be added as the need arises.

Matching Key: very Import to select the matching key either with CI
or cell name, it depends on the CM data and the site plan created.

Cell Name: Another important selection: cell name should be from

Site Plan or Switch Dump(CM File)

Switch Data: User needs to select/Upload the CM XML file here. User
can upload multiple XML files as per requirement.

Output Location: User needs to specify the Output path where S-Info
will be stored.

Once the Processing is done, Sinfo created is uploaded in Opt PCS and
result folder can be checked for set of files for the S-Info.

Proprietary and Confidential Telecom Technology Services, Inc 2011

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